- THB WB.HI.Vn WBW'HJ ATTIIIMY.' - NOVKMBRIt , 1000; LOCAL NEWS. ' "W. S. Barton, of Glendalo, visitor fu the city. I a Will Belleu went to Panrion this morning to sncnd a few days. A Mm Kratcr. of MarHhfleld, In In the city attending business matters. C. K. HiIkks, of Coil 11 1 He City, In In the city attending business mut ters. A. J. Stearns, of Oakland, la fn the lly today looking alter busineits In terests. Hev. Starmer returned to his home at -Oakland this morning alter a brief visit In this city. W. V. Pnrdy, raldroad promolnr, went to Oakland .this morning to at tend matters of Iniportunee. II. J. Kolilnotte, superintendent of the Yoncalla schools, Is upending the duy 111 the city lslllng his family. Prank Wulto, of Sntherlln. return ed' to his home at Huttierlin this morning after a brief visit In this r-ily. Frank E Alley returned from Portland thin morning where he him been spending some time attending business matters. Thomas Hurnetto, who la manag ing the affairs of the Oregon Orchard Tract Company at Hound Prairie, In the city today. Mr. and Mrs. Klnier Craig, of Portland, returned hfeiie this morn- fiiK after a brief visit at the home of the latter h imrcuts, Mr. and Mrs. Ulchard Kttzman. Geogro Sberldnn and Jotteph Mur phy left this morning for points In Montana where they will remain In definitely. They expect to visit at Butte and other cities of interest. Mrs. Walter Leonard and child re turned to their home at Garfield, Washington, this morning after spending some time vlbillng at the home of the former's parents at Kdenbower. D. J. .Jarvls and Arthur Cloake have opened up a clothing store in the Rapp building on Bborldan street Both gentlemen aro well and favor ably known in this vicinity and they no doubt will receive a liberal pat ronage. Mrs. Edward Rlngleton, accompan led by her duughter, left for Ashland this morning in .eponno to a tele gram announcing the death of her Mister's husband which occurred last night. She will not return home until after the funeral which takes place Monday. Booster Colt of the Roschurg Com m ore I ul Club has received a letter from the M. .1. Walsh Company, of Portland, to whom the- contract for the decorativo lighting post was awarded several months ago. the substance of which Is tn the effect that the pouts will be forthcoming without further delay. As soon as they arrive they will be installed and the wires connected. A rcent arrival In thin section from Grand Haplditr Michigan, by the name of Hopkins has purchased the McWilliann furiii, situated about three- mlleH east of the lty on Deer Creek. The tract contains In the neighborhood of 11(0 acres, and is considered one of the best farms In the county. The new comer will set th entire tract out to fruit, expect ing to engage In the cultivation of commercial fruit, O, W. Jones, a local carpenler, who recently loaned the Henry DihhIoii , & Hoiih Saw Comimny, a saw which ho had In his posHeioii for forty-live years, for exhibit purponfs at the Beattle i'ulr, received a letter from tho com phi i y this morning, the con tent h of which is to the effect (hut the Dlsston Compang are sending him a new saw with his name etched on it. The old saw was also relum ed with tho tbankH of tho company attached. I! LE0NA MILLS LUHBERCOMPANY H U ... XX Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Dry Hnisb Luml er Doors and Whitlows of all Kinds. , XX VnrdB on I.ontiSr Onk Hlr&t 'Phone 1411 JCSS ELECTRICITY rK3T IN THE HOME I tm 'ftM l l' ! 1 Klwtrlclly furnishes comforts" !""! I r' heretofore imthoiiKlit of. if "JaSMs: 1 wV lne luxuili'B of yestordny are S iV'jJfia,' ,l19 necessities of toi'ay. The hst fi PWf' way" to niku our homo attSc- live 3h LOCAL NKW8. D. C. and M. K. Wiley, of Camas Valley, aro In the city toda. George Bollenhaugh, rf Canyon- ville, is a visitor in the city today, i 8. Tolladay, of Oakland, transact-, ed business matters In the city today, j L. L. and R. S. Adams, both rest-1 dentc of Elk ton, are In the city to- j day. ' Attorney O. P. Coshow is at Suth erlln today attending to business ! matters. j Nat Planer, a son-in-law of W. B. j Moore, the liveryman, Is conducting. I ho dray llns formerly owned by John ' .Mullen. Win. Vinson and wife have return- ert from their homohtoul, hituiiled hhoiit twenty-five mllen east of the oil on Oeer Creuk I), S. Adiinia and mother, of Elk ton, Hie visitors in the city Tor a day or two. This la Mm'. Adams' first visit to Hoseburg wince she located in the county. Charles H. Chnuncvy, a brother of George H. Chauncey, the Individual who hllegef! to he tlie only surviving heir of the lute Aaron Hose, fa ill ut the Harrington hr uko with a Blight iBaUark of neart trouhlf. Dr. Houck is attending tne paneui am antici pates a speedy recovery. Forfear the man might die, Attorney C. S. Jackson, r'presenting George H. Chauncey together with several at torneys representing citizens uffected by the suit, vlKitid him at his room yesterday afternoon, taking such tes 1 1 mony as they deemed necessary. J. C. Alexander, the local real es tate pian, has commenced work on his new bridge which will span the Umpqua river, connecting his hold ings on the west side of the river with the mainland on the east. The bridge will contain three spauB, one of steel and two of wood. A carload of ce ment arrived yesterday and the work of erecting the piers will he rushed as fast as possible. The owner an ticipates a completion of the struc ture early next year. The bridge vfll connect the mainland on the east side of the river at a point about 110 feet to the north of the Kendall Brothers power plant. j. A. Mcintosh, an architect with headquarters ut Medford, spent yes terday 'n the city confering with Joseph Micelll, manager of the Rose burg Brick Works, n'lifllve to the purchase of several carload of the clay product. The transaction was consummated with but little difficul ty, the architect purchasing 400.000 brick, ail of which will be shipped to Medford just as booh as they can bo loaded. In speaking to a News reporter this morning Mr. Micelll said the Hoseburg Itrlck Works had attained the distinction of being one of the few brick concerns which Is at all times In a position to supply the trade. He attributes the recent sale to such fact inasmuch as a ma jority of the brick manufacturers are Hhori on their product at this time of the VHrtt. The members of the '95 Mental Culture Club held their second so cial session for Ihe season at the home of Mrs. W. It. Willis, on Cass street, Tuesday afternoon. A bio graphical sketch of William Cullen Bryant, unci and of his writtlngs both poetry and prose, was rendered by Mrs, O. 1. Coshow, followed by the reading of tho poem, "Thanatopsis," by Mrs. B. W. Bates. Also a read ing "Tho .Little People of The Snow" by Mrs. K. Feckenscber. Following was a piano solo by Miss Williams, of Oregon City. Late in the after noon delicious refreshments were Horved, after which a social hour was spent. The hostesses of tho afternoon were Mesdr.nies, O. P. Coshow, B. V. Bates, S. C. Bart rum and J.- A. Buchanan. , 0 0 CT 0 XX 80SEBURG,. OREGON We'i'e in a Position to offer you the best the market af fords In the way of Meats; and our prices you know are always lowest. We handle only prime stock. Qual ity and quantity guaranteed. Fine roasting pieces of beef from He to l-.ltc pound. First class mutton, pork aud poultry equally low. Can't do bolter anywhere. Phone us your order. Ve deliver to any part of the city. ' Cass Street Market LOl'IS KOHUIAGKN, J'rop. 107 Wo.t Caa St. Phoue 11. Free Dellrerjr. and a nnliiee In Its Interior conditions of living is by tbe ubo -ot electric light. IW G. L. PRIOR N. Jackson St, Iuseburg, Or LOCAL -NEWB. Floyd Mathews, of Dlionvllle, la in the city today. C. 8. Henry and wife, of Wilbur, f were visitors to the city today. j C. E. Klcharrison, who lives Bev-! oral miles west of the cly, was a callw at The News oltlce today am! hud his name placed on The Eveni-jg News' list for the comiug year. Rabies aro little human morning glories, that spring from the soil of love, climb up the trelils-work of af fection, entwine themselves about the he-arts of the parent and send out the littlo fooleri, the little cling era, thnt reuch from one heart to the other, drawing the two closertand j ' " " ' " ",,, " , "I , I ""u ,,.,,, i,vL; "t.m r Vu.. Zl twining about them until they be come one common main and are In deed two hearts that beat as one. Great men are seldom appreciated while alive. Even the Savior was one of the most maligned 'of men during 11 fo. ft Keep your thoughts pure and sweft and you need not worry about, the utterances of your mouth. . Some strenuous advocates of Ir rigation belong to the "dry" party. CLL FOK COUNT V WAItKAXTS . Notice Is hereby given all parties holding county warrants issued by Douglas county, Oregon, and indors ed "not paid for want of funds" prior to and including the Mth day of Jan nary, 1909. to present the same to the treasurer of said county at hfs otllce for payment as interest will cease thereon after the date of this notice. Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, this the 1st day of November, 1909. J. E. SAWYERS, Traasurer of Douglas County, Ore. IXJCAL mahkkt Cereals. WHKAT $1.00 OATS 50c bushel. HAY Vetch, $12 to $14 ton; grain. $12 to $14; alfalfa, $17. ROLLED BARLEY $30.00 ton. I.lvi'Sloik. STEERS -Alive, 3c lb. COWS Alive 2c. VFAL lireBsed, Be. 11). 1100S Pressed, 8c; Alive 6c. RHKEP 3V4c. POULTRY Mixed chickens, alive, 10c to 12c; dressed, 12c; duckB, alive, 9 (j) 10c; dressed, 14 ffl 15c. BUTTER Creamery, 4214c lb. country, 3714c II). EGGS 40c doz. POTATOKS New, 1c lb. WOOL Spring, 24c; fall, 20c; yenr clip. 24c. HONEY 1214c. CABBAGE Hie. lb.0 Q ONION'S 2c lb. I SWELL SAMPLES FOR SPRING BODGE , JJwIRelwible Jailor Q"0 OOOOO 0CJC3 OO o o - c:? - ATTENTION Flour has nearly doubled in price. We sell B READ at the same prices and it is the best. CooKies, buns, cinnamon rolls and doughnuts 10c Per dozen. Pies 10c each. Our caKes are the best. CHURCH BROTHERS I CASS STREET BUILDER r C. D. M AYISTARD GENERAL BUILDING CONTIACTOI -' At Your Service Roseburg, Oregon Phone 193 Mrs. L. A. Marsters has offices at her home on Pine street where she will attend to the real estate busi ness formerly conducted near the de pot. She has many choice locations to offer to prospective buyers and you will do well to consult her be fore making purchases. For bar gains in real estate of any kind phone 1434, or call at the Pine street residence. Information bureau In Connection. tf, XEW TODAY. WOOD FOK SALE. Dry oak, deliv ered. Inquire of A. D. Jones, 405 Washington street. FOK SALE. good work horse. If taken soon, can be had cheap. Weight aboutxlZOO. John Bates, Hnppy Valley Ferry. n-1 5 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOH HUNT Furnished room. Apply at 229. Onk street, or at this office. dn-3 ROOMS TO RENT. By the day or week. Apply to 119 North Main street. d-n-6 FOR RENT House on Cass street, 3 blocks from postofRce. Inquire lit Judge Hamltou's residence, d-tf FORSALE Houseandfourotain city, well located; Furniture and lot or line wood; $1,200. inquire at rooms B and 7, Marsters Bldg. WANTED Three canvassing agents' hlR snap; good for $150 per month clear money. Address P. O. Box 639. Cottage Grove, Oregon, dn-6 FOOTBALL! FOOTBALL! U. of 0. vs. 0. A. C. University Campus, Eug'ene Friday, Nov. 19, '09 The Southern Pacific Company o Will make a round trip fare to Eupene and from all stations from Portland to Koseburg inclusive of One and one third fare Sale dates November 16 and 19th Final return .limit November 20th 909. Children under 12 half fare, See the great annual game between the two leading colleges of the state. For rates, schelules, etc., call on any Southern Pacific agent or on Win. McMUREAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. SI ." U. ! FOOTBALL GENERAL BRAVING Goods of every, description i moved to any part of the! city. 'Trices reasonable. H. S. FRENCH KOll SALB. Mammoth Blackberry, Dewberry and Excelsior Straw bony plants of the R. M. Kellogg strain of thoroughbreds. L. S. Coon, Dlllard, Oregon. tf. FOH SALE. I have for sale 100 goats or nannies. Weathers $2 each. Nannies $3 each. Enquire of B. T. Woodruff. Cleveland, Oregon, or at this office. n-30 FOR SALE 8 acres, all plowed and In grain; 1 mite from town. Will sub-divide Into two-acre tracts, at 200 per acre, or $1000.00 for entire place. Call room 6 and 7 Marsters Bldg. d-tf. FOR BALE. FOK BALE Show cases and count ers for sale. Inquire at Marstars Drug Company. t: FOR SALE. Ten acre tract, 6 room house, two miles from city. Price, $1700. Well improved. Ad dress & care of News onlce. n-Ua FOR SALE. Saw mill and machln ery. Inquire of J. F. Barker, Rose burg, Oregon. FOR SALE. 250 tier of hardwood for the stove at $1 per tier; 8 miles from Hoseburg, on Looking Glass road. Wm. Kaiser. tf FOR SALE.-r-One hundred cord of dry oak wood. For particulars call on or write to i'. E. Weaver, Riddle, Oregon. tf. FOR SALE. My fine 60-acre pear and apple orchard. Will sell the whole or part. Can be divided Into three very desirable orchard tracts. H. H. Olcott, Canyonvllle, Oregon. f-28-p TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. A few claims of, cnotce timber lands in Douglas county for sale. Will Bell all or a part as desired. For particulars call on or write to Alex B. Mott, Oakland, Or. tf. FOR SALE One Giles self-feeding and self-setting shingle machinery; capacity 25,000 shingles per day; 'as good as new. Also one steam 'pump; 2 Inch suction, one and one half discharge. Write for price and description. Geo. W. Riddle, Riddle, Oregon. ft WANTED. WANTED. Fresh milch cow. Ad dress J. I. Sprlngstead, Hoseburg, or phone 1574. tf WANTED. Salesmen, i Many make $100 to $150 per month; some even more. Stock clean, grown on reservation, -far from old and pest ridden orchards. Cash advanved weekly. Choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co., Tonnenlsh. Washington. The. Second Annual National Apple Show Will be held at SpoKane, Washington, , NOVEMBER 15-20 This Apple show is a world wide event of the greatest importance to: the Pacific Northwest and in order to - I encourage everyone to atteml the! SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. will make a ! special round trip rate of Onc'tfnd one inifd We o Fromll Ppwt4jonoot, . Its lines in Oregon. Tickets will be on sale at an: stations, main lines and branches, November 14 and luth. Final re turn limit November 22. $25,000 In prizes will be given away GRAND DISPLAY Instructive Lectures. In-! tnresting program every day during the show. For further information call on any Southern Tactic agent or on Wm. McMurray, General P.issenger Ageut Portland, Oregon. j : J. A. Bl'lHANAK I Attorney-At-Lan. ' . 1 : O Notary Public Abraham Bldg. i ! Roseburg. Oregon. : PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ftwftftftttftftftttjWHW' ftftftft ft ft J. C. FULLERTON ft Attorney-At Law. ft wai practice in-all State and w reaerai vouris. uiuce iu mum -w 4 Building. Roseburg, Oregon. V COSHOW & RICE , Attorneys-At-Law. ' 't Taylor & Wilson Building. Roseburg, Oregon, if A. S. HtfiEY, Op. D. ' Cass St, First Door Eaist of Telephone Office. Roseburg, Oregon. DEXTIST P. W. HAYNES Dentist if Roseburg National Bank Bldg. Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4. 1 Phone 1283. Roseburg - - - Oregon. J. R. CHAPMAN, D. D. 8. Dentist If Hours 9 a. m. to t p. m. Tel- epbone 1141. Abraham Bldg. i'f Residence Phone 1406. Roseburg, Oregon. $ II. LITTLE Dentist - $ Oakland - Oregon. tt.Dlt. C, L. PEARSON, Dentist ' Review Bldg. Phone 763. Roseburg, Oregon. G. J. BACHER, D. M. D.. Dentist ft Abraham Roseburg, Bulldlhg. Oregon. PHYSICIANS. SKKLY, SETHER & STEWART 1'hy.sieiiiiis und Surgeons Ht Office Lower floor Douglas Co. Bank Diag., corner Main and Oak streets. Phone 771. Roseburg, Oregon. & lt ELMER V. HOOVER, ' , i-iiysician anu burecon Office, Main St., One Door South of City Hall. Phone 341. Roseburg, Oregon. DR. GEO. E. HOUCK, . Pliysicluu and Surgeon. Office, Review Bldg., Phone 31. Roseburg, Oregon. DR. LUCBTTA SMITH Women's and Children's' S . D'f eases. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Phones Office, 1711, Res i"1-, Mts Block, next to Ut Roseburg, Oregon. i gjWW ATTORNEYS. ..j o co.-jio 0 . - if CKAWFORI) WATSON ft A. M. Crawford J. O. Watson ,.. , Rooms 1 and 2, Douglas Co. , Bank Bldg. 1 I Roseburg, Oregon. r I R. V. MARSTERS i) , Attoruey-At-Law. Notary Public Rooms 6 and 7, Marsters Building. t Roseburg, Oregon. CLAl'Dli W. IlEVORK Attorney-nt-Laiv 4t Mack Bldg Drain, Oregon. JOHN T. liONQ Attorney-At-Low. if Rooms 7 and 8, Douglas Co Bank Building. p " J Roseburg, Oregon. t ' im inri-ww a n o u tun J. H. AUSTIN Attorney-at-Law IV n,1 Wilbur Notary Public ' "I 3 tyt - Oregon. DI10liaaUi)ODIMMM)m)