The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 06, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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lssri;i JMIMf KXCKIT 8 UN J) AY
KulMiriptiun JCuUh Dully
Por yoar, by mail $3.00
I'cr month, delivered ... .60
Per year $2.00
Six months 1.00
Supiihimcntury mUch-fl of Incorpor
allon luivo lii'ttu filed with the Sunre
tary of Btute ut Sulem by the OrnRon
Klcrtrle itallwuy Comimny, which
empower that corporation to make
ex1(-nnloiH of II road to thin city; to
construct a I ranch Line to Tillamook,
unnther from Albany to Cufu.-adiu and
fit JH a third branch imrnllidiiig the
m;iin line on l.ho wcHt tJde of the
Willamette river, leaving the line
near Wilson ville and rimiiln,; to Ku
l$ene. A lino Ih alno Heheduled
through Salem running from Julian
tu Mill City. ' I
Sori wMkH ago the News pub
lished that $20.0U,000 In preferred .
bondH had hemi net miido ly the Ore
con Klwtrlc ltatlay Company, and
with it, tho Bhitenn-nt of i'renldetit
MniTatof tho coinpitny that KoHohnrg
would he mndn the ttnuihern tenn
Iniitt of the road, from 'whence ex
tension hrnncheB would bo built. Fur
ther than thin I'lesUh'iil .Moffat would
lint Hay, hut tho arllck'H of Incorpor
ation tell the rent of the Hlory.
Thin Ih not only IntulllKeiico of the
highest Imporlauco to tho people of
KoHobnrtf. as It asHiireH t hem railroad
competition to i'ortiuml, hut a rail
road to Coot Hay via .Myrtle Point
and Coqiilllu City. 1o MaiKhileld and
North Bend. Perfecting plaint on the
purl or the company has undoubtedly
lcen tho cause of the delay on the
part of MfHHfH. Kuelfnor and Hiuih, ,
and no one Ih Horry tor tho delay, i
tilnce It haa developed that they are
backed by twenty times the ready
capital neceHHiiiy to build the road
rrom thin city to tho bay. And there
1b yet plenty of lime to Becuro the
rlRht oP way and make the survey
between now and , spring, and that
was all that could he hoped for In
the atari. Tho olectrlc road can be
hullt Inside of a year where thoro is
money to hack tho effort, and thin i
being assured, tho chances are very
Kond for the people of t;oon Kay re
cevlng an invitation from the peo
ple of this city to attend a celebration
uf the completion of the line In 1910.
To thlH city a new day has dawned,
a day of Increased prosperity, a
Kreater city and a much larger find
bappler population. Let lis prepare
for the good times In the future for
iib They are surely coming, and
airu already on the wav. I
A writer In Bcribner's Magazine
tells that the public domain in all
gone, and that no more homesteads
are to be had, save, perhaps, In the
arid districts or the Pad ho Coast
hi u tea, and that because the West
once the mecca or ambitious
young men, no longer offers the
homesteader an opiortuntty the pop
ulation now liockff to the cities for
employment. To a man In a New
York office, even 'though his infor
mation is gleaned rrom reports by
the Forestry Commission, this state
ment might seem apparently true.
To us of the West who know of the
millions or acres of unentered gov
ernment land, the story Is not taken
seriously. It Is true that the choice
land Is gone, but In the state of Ore
gon alone something like 1G.000,
000 acres of government land yet
remain. Much of It is fit only for
grazing, and lies remote from trans
portation, but with all theBe condi
tions to contend with, thousands of
sturdy American citizens may even
now find good homes in this, the
best part of Icicle Sam's domain.
In the forest reserves are also in
numerable tracts of hind that some
day, in the not distant future, will
he thrown open to entry. Oregon
has room for. and Invites, all am
bitious and self-reliant men and wo
men who have the energy and pluck
to shake the shackles of the congest
ed centers from their shoulders and
seek homea In the western land of
j universal approval of pavement
Greater acreage perhaps Is being
prepared and planted to fruit in
Doug las county this season than in
any other previous year. Southern
Oregon naa, In Its climate and soil,
just the right elements to produce
perfect fruit, combining size, color
ing and quality, and as soon as these
young commercial orchards, begin to
bear sufficient to make their product
a factor in the market, buyers will
be on the ground to take the fruit.
The fact of other sections of the
.Northweut claiming a monoply
the fruit Industry Is not to be taken
seriously. Tina tnerg the growers
j ii urjnu ouuiiuim lit till own, me
painstaking care bestowed on or
chards, and the business sense ex
hlhited in for the mark
eting of crops Is where Ilea their
great success, and in these import
ant features uiey are worthy exam
ples to follow. But In so far as
those people Jiavlng secured a corner
on the applo producing , soils and
climate, It is all simply a claim uu-
veritud Nature has been to lavish
I in Oregon for auch a thing to be nos-
rfibie. Douglas county has many ad
vantages to offer orchardlsta, and
thousands of good home are await
ing development here.
6, 1000. '
Wa.moes for Cold Weather I
L0m It
At a Joint meeting of the teachers
of Jackson and Josephine counties
a few days ago at Ashland, the Nor
mal School question was out of the
interesting themts discussed and res
olutions condemning the action of
the Legislature in withdrawing State
support from the Normals, and also
advocating the establishment of three
Normals In the State were passed.
Since four Normals were discontinu
ed, two in Southern Oregon, one
at Monmouth and the fourth at,
Weston, east or the mountains, the I
Inquiry naturally arises as to where
the proposed schools are to he lo
cated. On this Important point the
convention remained silent. Perhaps
the convention assumed that the Leg
islature could wrestle with that prob
lem, so that tho blame for any disap
pointments might be placed on the
lawmakers' shoulders. While we re
gret the ahscense of our Normal
schools, It seems an lm possible task
to get the matter adjusted to meet
general approval, and possibly that
Is why shrewd politicians Impartially
killed all four Institutions.
To fully realize how Hosehurg Is
growing one should view the city
from some vantage point on the hill
slope. Fast, west, north and south
its wings are rapidly spreading In
to the valleys where only a short
time ago was meadow or pasture.
It la a beautiful view and Inspiring.
The authorities at-Washington haa
rofiiHed to mix up in the Cook-Peary
"tiife. Th?y will not request Min
ister Eagan, at Copenhagen, to ex-
I amine the records of Cook at the re
i quest of the National Geographic So
i doty. This Is eminently proper.
Cook nas been badgered and black
guarded enougn by Peary, and he
should be permitted to submit the
proof of his discovery to the pclen
title men of Denmark for their deel
slon without the government's inter
ference on behalf of a committee that
was In such haste to award gold med
als to his tradueers. If the scientific
institution of Denmark decide Cook
reached the pole, the great majority
of American people will take care of
Peary and Hartlett, while the Nation
al Geographic Society la In hiding
with shame If It has any.
liooBt your own Interests by boost
ing home Industries.
Tim IiiihImohh man and the nroduc-
r must neci-ssarily work together! Fvery farmer who drives Into the
for material hem-lit. The merchant city finds Uosnhurg's new pavements
finds and builds up the market for
lht producer of his section, and com
merce between the parties keeps
money at homo nu:l In circulation.
such an agreeable change from the
former bod conditions of Its streets
that he cannot but express himself
in highest lerms of appreciation. The
Po you want to build you a home and pay for it in small
monthly pnymtmlH and low rate of interest?
Do you want to pay off your mortgage and have long time,
easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in:
Do you want to buy a home in Koaeburg, a nice acre tract
near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo
cality? Do yon want to sell your property?
kt Do you wnnt to insure your building in one of the best
and companies in the U. S.?
If So See WAUIEX V FLKKINfc, Koseburg' Ore.
Kocm 1, Nell Sisters ltuilding. -:- -:- E. II. PERRINE, Notary Public,
Some people cheat the- devil by
having their bodies cremated.
The man who keeps his word can
always linu someone to take It.
The tHrlff rate on lumber was re
duced j-.isL in time to let the north
polo in on It.
The ater wagon should be more
popular if It had a sidedoor and cur
tained apartments.
Congress refused Uncle Joe an
aulo, bui: there are those who think
he hus a machine of his own.
It Is now possible to fend photo
graphs by l;lo.raph, bin the tace of
a copper-colored person Is liable to
cause a short circuit.
Ve have epccial winter-weight s.ocs in cur new Regal
models that we rxommond lo aryor.c wjiose foct ere sensitive to
. the cold. Nothi.:; clum.-y i.i tlyh cr ft cbout these heavy
Regal ho's. They are sr t.i!lful!y r.2L2 l!-at they afford the
same comfort anJ have tlis same tma.t tppearance as a serr.i
dress shoe. There's ep.j o,uk'.:, sure v,r.y it proving ccrr.c
to our store and t y on a p.ii -,
are the only rrac3y-;o-'.vcr iVoca h Kw.:,'J t'uil
are made in quarter-ic:. Uyoi.r too!-'.;;: fa j..;
between the holfar.d l!U! cf m&ii: i-j,
Rega! Shoes are th-: cnlu jhocs in which y :J ci
secure perlect fit ana comfort.
The quality of ieathera and vcibca.".;!-..'? in
Regal Shoes is standard everywhere.
We are the exclusive kcj bgc-.s f;r Hegah.
39 4o mi sgoo
harth's Toggery
id . -x I ;
fCtgai Storm Boot
Is a thlim of grout Interest to the
lirlde-elect, nml wo nre artists In
this lino. Wedding cikes are made
lu tho most he.mlirul designs and
of rich and exquisite fluvors Our
lueudd, rolls, pita, fancy and orna
mental cakes, etc., nre tho perfection
of tho linker's art wiieu made at
Umpqua Bakery
It Ih predicted that the world i.H
liable to come to an end any minute
now and we may never live to learn
(who told the truth about the new
Jj j tariff law.
j A nursing bottle haa been found
TT ! that was used 5000 years before
Christ. Wo had presumed that the
children of that early day boarded
at home.
There are now three Sheets at the
head of tho Long Prairie, Minn.,
Argus. A writer with an IncJina
tlon to pun might have some fun
with a combination like that.
Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
He cautious when yonr wife be
gins bragging to the neighbors about
what strong arms and wonderful
staying powers you have. She may
have a carpet for you to demonstrate
The public
watered stock.
is often milked with
The b?ars and bulls are Kambllne
and the lambs are gamboling.
Joking about Taft's avolrdunofs is
getting to he pretty light humor.
If we could see ourselves as others us, there wouldn't be nearly as
many egotists. ,
The only time a kicker Is applaud
ed Is when he kicks up his toes.
The "Merry Widow" hat is doom
ed. A hat like that couldn't stay on,
top very long, anyway.
It s a peculiar anamoly that In
these anti-slavery days there are any
number of people that you can buy
anu sen.
"Taft smiles In Milwaukee" was
a recent headline on a daily. With
c.pologies wo would say that smile is
making him famous. ,
King Alfonzo's two-year-old son
has been made a private In the army
but will continue to give orders
to the royal commnnder-ln-chlef.
An eminent English scientist
thinks we may scon be able to hold
communication with the departed
spirits That may make it possible
to go on another toot with the
spirits imbibed a year or so before.
A big breakfast food concern has
been forced to the wall, but that Isn't
nearly as bad nB If it had been forced
to live on its own breakfast food,
C.VKI'KTS ami ItL'tiS.
Our stock of Carpets and Rugs
is completo up to date. Ingrain
"arpets at 30c, 4.ric. 50c, 55c, 60c,
75c, and 85c per yard. Rugs in room
size from $0.3o, in all wool, to $35
""Complete lino of all classes of
furniture. tf
The Furniture Alan,
The Next Thing on the Bill of Fare
Where are You Going to Trade?
Norjh JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble :
Works. Telephone 2511.
Work Done on Short Notice R0SEBURG, ORE.
I The Roseburg Pharmacy j
j t;ke a delight serving our patrons with
5 V tlie 1,est llleroJs 'u "le l'ue f drugs. Purity
;5 is our motto. Promptness both day and
J; nigh is wuat counts at our pharmacy.
Full line of Sundries always on hand
L. E. KR0HN, Manager
For your Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings
and Shoes. Why they sell the BEST GOODS
for the0LKST MONEY.
TryjThem In Your Order For
Groceries is their Specialty, and they will
o please you.
Try Them For Dry 'Goods
BE IT KN0W.V; to all people, especially the ladies, that
Thanksgiving Day will aoon be here, and that it behooves you
to have on hand the proper equipment. Therefore'; you are
hereby commanded to appear at The Ironmonger and buy;
first a good enameled roaster, it is necessary. DON'T use that
old iron one longer. By so doing you can get one of the best
Heed pattern, a woman'3 invention, for $1.75 to $2.75 and
with each a 6" butcher knife will be given up to Thanksgiving
Furthermore; It is incumbent upon you to provide the
proper tools for the carver. The butcher knife given with
roaster is good but will not fill the place of a carving set.
Good work is done best with good tools.
Also do not forget that a good meat chopper is necessary
in preparing that delicious stuffing, mince meat and other
Be thankful that the Ironmonger has these articles in stock.
Witness my hand and seal. ' Xt
The Ironmonger Roseburg', Oregon x H
Our hot drinks will warm you up, and none better
can be made for the palate.
Next to Postollice.
Sure Vfl hnVA Inrilaa' oMp mnl.i. Z
klmonns. Inn? nnH chnrt nnaa. T
robes, aprons, long ones with aud
without sleeves: tea aprons, black
and white collars, and all kinds ot
neckwear, sweaters, Teddy Bear
coats, and hoods for the babies. Also
a Urst-class line of millinery. Our
Lc, 10c, 16c and 25c counters are
loaded with good things.
Hfl-U iln n,k anil .1 nr
o,, iiieujt wny
nhraper than -anybody else. Why?
Because our expenses are less.. Be a
Mlssourtaus; come In and let us show
Lenders in Popnlnr Priced Goods.
Home of Uie lo Post Card.
The j
! 1
tt a 11 11 C E 11 IrfrtttHttHHI-ti-tt II li I! i t: llll Ml H II II II II IUI II II ! h M ,, ,, , u
The People's Cooperative Store
Sheet Metal WorK Drier PitiP A 11 vfKfn. V in
I SKy Lights, Cornice
I 53I eavy Iron TanRs
ft PHONE 1284
ft ' '
rt""11111 ni"t