tip THE WEATHER t LOCAL FORECAST FAIR Toaighl havy froit. Sunday Uir and warmer ADVERTISERS Will find Tho Bvenlnr Nwa tin btutt uumIIuio to ruach the IMHiploof Itoneburv. A wlrio-n-wnko publlcntlon prlutlnr 11 the now Uiat'a fit to print VOL. I ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS, COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1900. NO.fi I This is By I, the Co W.W. jrse Adopted at Spokane RIOTERS WON'T WORK And go on Hunger Strike Against Jlt'iiiK Fed ou li read mid Water Xot Wholesome for the Stonmch. (Special to The Evening News) SPOKANE, Nov. 6. A hunger strike, similar to that resorted to by the suffragettes of England, began with the two hundred lnductrlal Workers in jail this morning. They were convicted of dicorderly conduct for street speaking, and given bread and water twice daily because they refused to work. This is the first hunger strike ever made in the Unit ed States, and tho strikers declare they will 'not eat until given sub stantial food. It 1b thought that the authorities may try,a stomach pump if found necessary. Louis Scamenel weakened in his resolution of abstinence, and volun teered to work for food, whereupon he was kicked about his cell by his companions and denounced as a shirk vand traitor. Habeas corpus proceedings are to be started in the remainder of the cases, according to Viccnt St. John, Chicago, counsel of the Workers. Three damage stilts have already been started by them against the city. , There were fewer arrests made this morning, but the police are showing uo signs of relenting. BLOODY MURDERER KILLS SALOONKEEPER (Special to The Evening News) PASCO, Wash.. Nov. G. Patrick Cavenaugh is dead here with his throat cut from ear to ear. James McDoyle Is being pursued by a posse near Wallula. It Is said that Mc Doyle met the dead man In Caven augh's saloon early yesterday, and began an argument of some sort. Without warning he grabbed Cav enaugh by the head from the rear and slashed his throat three times with a rozor. Cavenaugh It is stated previously owned a Inrge acreage near The Dalles. GETHNrt I'P IN THE WOULD Is a harder job for some folks than gettlup up in the morning. We'll guarantee that you'll get up on time Program at the Star M'KENZIES (MERRYMAKERS $ t in "PAID IN FULL" in 4 acts. 5 Poor Open 7:!lO C'hllilrtMi 1 fic. ( urtnin nt :!." Adult ii 'JTic. Program at the Novelty IOVIX; VK'Tl'ItES (Jypwy (Jirl, Debut of nn Alpirtlftt, Hlto- g ineof Bntknns. S SOXO "When the VHumminir g liinln Itt'turn, Irene.' lly Min Iattoron. jj THE Bitulithic Pavement Best for the Abutting Property Owner Because Useless, Durable, Clean, Sanitary Best for the Horse BecaTteisRcsiIient and Non-Slippery CLOSEST TO THE IDEAL PAVEMENT BY STANDARD TEST Warren Construction Co. Creason Bldg., Roseburg from that good, sound, refreshing sleep if one of our alarm clocks is in hearing distance. Tho market Is full of cheap makes we siw one the other day with lead pivot but we don'i keep that kind. There s only a few cents difference in the price, and the satisfaction we do up with the clock doesn't cost you a cent. CLIXGEM'KSX, THE JEWELER COLONEL ROOSEVELT IS UNINJURED (Special to The Evening News) NAlROt.I,!ov. 6. (By Staff Cor respondent.) Roosevelt and all members of the party are In good health. There was no ground what ever for the rumor announcing the Colonel's death. Roosevelt Is today beating the brush In the Eldama ravine, where lie Ib hunting bongo, a rare speclcles of African antelope. While I knew yesterday to prac tically a certainty there was no grounds for the report of the accl dent, the fact that the Colonel was absent from camp made It Impossi ble to Issue an unqualified denial until today, when I got commun ication through a runner with the 1 Roosevelt party. "No Rhino get I Bwana Tumbo; Bwana Tumbo get i Rhino," grinned bluck hero wor ! uhlnner. . 1 PARIS PAPER SAYS ROOSEVELT HAS FEVER PARI3, Nov. 8. The Rome cor respondent of Temps declares that Colonel Roosevelt is gravely ill near Nairobi, and says Mrs. Roosevelt Is hastily preparing to go to Africa. Her agitation, it is stated by the corres pondent, was not caused by yester day's rumors, but from private in formation she had received stating that he had fallen a victim to the fever. The American embassy discredits the correspondent's story. IX)CAL XKWS. G. L. Flint and family nre moving their household effects to the McCord residence on Cass street where they reside. H. V. Smith and daughter, Rstelle, of Portland, are spending a few days in the city visiting at $ie home of their parents, Mr. and Mr. C. W. Smith. TMiey expect to return home in about a week. Contractor V. F. Patterson has been awarded the contract for the erecting of a cement vault at the county edifice, the same to be utiliz er. Jointly by the clerk and sheriff. The contract calls for the completion of the vault by January 1. The county court will adjourn this evening until Saturday, November 13. At that time they will convene for the purpose of considering var ious matters which . could not be reached during the present session. Eve HeazlK, the esteemed young who of Hob McKenzle, of the McKon zie Merry Makers, was pleasantly surprised at her apartments at the Harrington house last evening, when about twenty of her friends assemb led in honor of her twentieth birth day. The evening was spent in the playing of games, singing songs and Social converse, and it is needless to say that the guests enjoyed tho oc casion verv much. Late In the even ing delicious luncheon was served after which the guests departed, feel after which the guests deparred feeling well paid for their visit. The young lady was the reoipitent of many costly remberanreB, among them being a diamond ring and a gold watch. Main Office, PEniiNIECKlflinHWPll Five Killed and Two Hundred Passengers Injured LOCAL PENNSYLVANIA Was Commutation Train Making up Lost Time When Collision Oc curred Hud Over Hundred Million Dollars. (Special to The Evening News) JERSEY CITY, Nov. 6. A most disastrous train wreck occurred here today. , Fivft were Instantly killed and two hundred wounded, some seriously, ou the Inbound passenger train which was wrecked upon enter ing the Pennsylvania yards, and four passenger cars demolished. The train was a local on the Penn sylvania railroad out of Philadel phia, and ran into an open switch at Brunswick street Junction and collided with terrific force with a switch engine, which was. not mov ing, and smashing everything In cluding the passenger cars which were virtually crumpled up. Both engineers, firemen and a trackwalker, who was sitting on the switch engine, were kijled. It was a conmutatfon train, behind its schedule, making up for lost time, and was traveling at the rate of 50 miles an hour, and the train crew did not have time tp jump and save themselves. The juail car contained over one million dollars In Bjiecie, which was being transferred to New York by the Adams Express. The company's detectives are guarding the car con tusing the money. Quite a number of the Injured are not expected to survive their canal ties. The dead are John Monroe, engi neer, and John McClure, fireman; John Spllle, engineer, and Daniel Mead, fireman; Stencio Degosle, trackwalker. John Harrington, tow erman, was arrested for responsibil ity for switch being open. The hospitals report there are no passengers seriously hurt. Later reports from the wreck show that Fireman Mead was not killed as first reported, but jumped from the engine and escaped death. Tower man Harrington underwent examin ation on charge of carelessness, and proved he was not responsible for the accident. He has been dismissed from custody. TOO HORRIBLE , TO THINK OF (SpcL'inl to The Evening News) GKKENBUKO, Pa., Nov. 6. Af ter shooting his three children Elizabeth, aged 4 yearn; Hichnrd, used 8 years, niul Kenneth, aged 6 years, K. .1. Berry, formerly mayor of this city, shot himself through the heart, dying instantly. Klizalieth Is dead, but his sons will probably re cover. So reason is ascribed for the awful deed. lie called them into his rooms and shot them one after another, when 'believing them dead killed himself, lio is believed to have gone Insane over business worry. Employes of an eastern glue fac tory are evidently not so very badly stuck on their jobs. They want a I 50 per cent raise in wages. - A centipede must have a terrible time keeping his fcer, from going astray. ' 317 BecK Bldg. Portland Scores Signal Victory Today in Perjudiced Court. VALETPROVED PERJURER Mitkes Murk cl Impression Upon Im mence Crowd hi A (ten dame Up on tho Couigt -JU'gardetl as Signal Victory. (Special to The Evening News) PAH1S. Nov. C. Madame Steln heil is passing her crisis today. 87 witnesses have been summoned by the prosecution In its persistent en deavors to prove the woman guilty, and every opportunity Is being Blezed by the Court to further an oppor tunity for bulldozing. -Another victory was Been red today on behalf of tho woman when Hemy conuiard, her husband s valet, testi fied to finding the woman lightly bound, indicating that Bhe could have bound herself. The counsel for the defense im mediately presentd a written state ment made by Conlllard Immediately following the tragedy In which he swore Madame Steinhell was tightly bound and in a manner that was Im possible to do herself. This prompt conviction of the valet of virtually perjury had a marked effect upon the Immense crowd in attendance upon the Court, and was greatly regarded as another signal victory Bcored In the woman's behalf. THE EVENING NEWS. What Our Exchanges Have lo Say of 1 lie livening JNews. Harrisburg Bulletin: The Rose burg News Is now a daily a dandy lailv for Hoseburg, nnd likely to got better. Rouge River Courier: Roseburg has the second daily nespaper, "The Evening NewB," a six-column quarto which has a nent typographical ap pearance and la well supplied with telegraphic and local news, besides being strong editorially. Tho new daily is heartily welcomed by the Courier, which extends Its best wishes. Prownsvillo Times: Tho Rose burg Evening News is the name of the latest venture In the dally news paper field In Oregon. The first num ber of the Evening News indicates long life and prosperity. Hoseburg is making good progrees in develop ment at present, and lr tho pace now set is kept up n nice little city will be built up on the bankB of the Uirtpqua, ' Tho writer visited Hose burg over a yen ago and again last week and noted a wonderful change for the better in all parts of the pleasant little city. Eugene Register: The Evening N'cwh. ItoHeburgV new dally, starts mt with splendid business patron age, is neat typographically and chock full of news. Editor Hates is a thorough newspaper man and af ter having give KoHchurg a splendid semi-weekly is deserving of liberal support for his daily. Cot (ago firovfl Sentinel: Tho Sen tinel Ik in receipt of Tho livening News, Uoseburg's new dally paper, and wants to attest to its merlin. Typographically The News is an Im provement over the genernl run of pubilcat irns of Its elites, wlUMe from a news standpoint it starts out well. Roseburg should give The News a hearty welcome and cordial support. The Sentinel holds (hat a newspaper of tho right si amp can accomplish more good toward advancing the material interests of a coininunlt than aiiv M her single ugeney, and the public-spirited people of any town Khoulu look well to their support. The News has our best wishes. SOUTH CAROLINA EN- TERTAINS PRESIDENT (Special to Tho Evening News) CHARLESTON, 8. C, Nov. 6. President Taft. started for Columbia and Angtistn at K o'clock this morn ing. At Orangeburg he made a ten minutf's speech from the rear plat form of the train, and hiH speech wan enl htislasticiilly revolved. At Columbia this afternoon he will sit In the chair UHed by nearly all of colonial governors of the state. Dr. Oiler's Last Word on Drugs. "In fact, argumentation as to the value of dm us has ben tendered unnereBfary by Dr. Willism OnIer, t he greatest medical authority of the day. !n a speech Icfore the Pathological Society at Philadelphia on May 10, 11M-7. he delnred that In the whole pharmacopoeia there ire but four drug of anys 'hfwt ive value at all; and he occasioned great laughter by politely declining to tell wlrut thene four drugs that have some valup are. "Dr. Outer, as jou know, Is now ttugluo Profesbor of Medicine at Ox ford University. Ills many works are replete with revelations of the almost utter worthlessness of drugs " "Why, I have never doubted," de clared Mr. A., "that all old Bchool physicians believed thoroughly in the drug system. How did Osteopathy come to completely break away from drugs?" "Dr. A. T. Still, who founded Osteopathy, has tho distinction also of guiding the profession In its early days and of preventing internal med ication from ever becoming a part of the practice. Away back in tho troublous days In Kansas, before tho war, a comrade declared his belief that the day would como when drugs would no longer be taken by human beings in the hope of curing disease. Tho Idea took firm root In tho mind of Dr. Still and afterwards he began to investigate. Ho was seeking an efficient treatment thnt would not In clude drugs. Osteopathic Adcocate. B. L EDDY TO RETIRE Will Sever Connection With Government Office TO PRACTICE LAW HERE Two Vacancies Will Occur In tho Local Land Oflieo In January- . Itoutno to Itulo Appoint ments, In an interview with a News rep resentative yesterday afternoon Hon. B. L. Eddy, for the past fow years Register of the local United States Laud Ofhco, Btated that he anticipat ed retiring from the government ser vice In December, and resume the practice of law, with oftlcos In the new Masonic building. Willi, the sub sequent resignation of Receiver Law rence two vacancies will occur In the local land ofhco in January. As yet nobody seems to have any Idea who will succeed these two of ficers on the government payroll notwithstanding the fact that several so-called original Bourne men have been mentioned. Before leaving Oregon last weak after a brief so journ, United Stnles Senator Liournc intimated that he Intended appointing new mci as fat as the terms of the Incumbents expired. Notwithstand ing this intimation, however, llourne either did not confide In his faithful llcutenautB the names of tho men he ex pot; tod to select, or having confided thai information those ha took Into his confidence are keeping sljunt. BRITISH GUNBOAT IS CAPTURED NISW ORLEANS, Nov 0. It Is reported that the HrlHnh Hundras punhoat Talumbla was sunk In the port of Cortez nfter a desperate fight with smuKKli'rs, The gun hunt had captured the smugglers and Its crew was celebrating their victory, when tho Binugglers captured the sailors, Act them adrift In an open boat and thf-n went tied the gunboat. The crew nearly all succeeded In reaching the shore. The sheath gowns will probably make a hit with the men who have no female relatives to wear them. IF SEEKING THE NEWEST mm William Willett Is Hurt At the Dysinger Mill FOUR BROKEN RIBS Also Rwlvrs an Injury of Tlip Lung Is Tukcn to Blurry Hospital For Treatment lr. Ilnui'k In Attendance. While nt work nt Dyalncor's mtli shortly nfter 4 o'clock yestordny af tornoon, Wllllnm Willett mot with a very painful accident, the result or which will necessitate him roinntn Ing under the enro of the physician, for some time. It appears thnt the tinfortunnta young man was in the act of rlpplnic a piece of scantling with tho aid of a; circular Baw, when in some unex- p'nlned manner, the henvy timber was forced back striking 111 in on the? left side In the region of the lung. He fell to the floor unconscious, showing evidence of Intense pain. Dr. liouck wns summoned Immed iately, and upon arriving nt the sceno of the nccldent found his pntlent suf fering from four broken ribs and an Injured lung. The ' wounds were dressed temporarily and the Injured man was carried to Mercy Hospital where he will receive the best or medical treatment. The attending physician believes the patient will recover should no unforseen complications set In. ; Mr. Willett hns beon employod at tho Dysinger mill for some time and hns mnny friends In the city who re gret to lenrn of the unfortunate ac cident. Tho Ladles' Aid of the Christian church will hold ,n mnrkot day sale of Thanksgiving delicacies the day proceeding the annunl holiday. Titers will bo an opportunity for one to get all sorts of seasonable delicacies for their Thanksgiving dinner which will Bave lots of work at home: DON'T CHOW OVUIl GLASSKS that you bave bought at a bargain, llargaln gInBHes tiro about tho dour est Investment you can mnko. Wo chargo a right price because our glnsscB are right. We fit them to your Bight as only skilled opticians can do. They will aid you whon bar gain glasses are Just as apt to inr- Jure. TEL U E Y Jeweler and Optlctnn. YOU'LL FIND IT HERE.. Modish COATS It woo hi lw worth your while to pay n visit to the "Style Htoro" JiiNt ti view our .c gant Importation of Tn I hired Coal. They mo nil reigning favorites, and will npM'al very Mrnngly to women who appre ciate clothes of c-lmraeter. To got un Idea, of the cliurniliiQ color, the real richness of tho materia aid trimming of t hew conU, we uk you lo conic lu and Cry them ou. Prices Range From $7.50 to $25.00 I. ABRAHAM. Ladies' and Cents' Furnishings.