THE EVEVIVG NEWS PIIIIIAY, NOVKMRKR B, 1000 4- The Latest Perfume Spiehler's "Select Lily tfe Valley" th Flowari Price $1.00 Per Ounce. m NOTES FHOM LOOKING GLASS For Sale By Fullerton & Richardson THE DRUQ STORE OF QUALITY . Roseburg;, Oregon Mrs. J. T. . Spaugh took the morn ing train for Eugene to visit her daughter and son. Farmers are busy Bowing and the prospects (or largo acreage in grain is good. Jim Goodman 1b breaking out 200 ncres of virgin soil which he expects to seed this winter. Mrs. O. H. Buell has leased her ranch to parties who expect to put in the crop at once. Wlbur Spaugh, who was Injured by fulling from a tree 3 years ago, is at Kugene taking treatment of a specialist for the spine and hopes to recleve material benefit. Frank Strickland Is rported In very bad health. His abdomen and legs are very badly swuleu, uud he seems to be getting worse. Drilling for oil gos merrily on, and a depth of over 400 feeU has been reached. Our phone system well it's so we can hardly got central any more. LOOKOUT. Cass Street. Near Depot. ATTENTION. It04I SUI'KltVISOHS 1 am now prepared to furnish cul vert pipe, 8, 10, i, 15, 18, 20 and 24 Inch. Let me know what you will need so i can have It hardened and ready when you need it. Fat, the Contractor, tt RAY e. button Uuildcr of ARTISTIC HOMES AND BUNGALOWS CEHIMl VP IN THE WOULD Is a harder job for some. folks than getting tip In -the morning. We'll guarantee that you'll get up on time from that good, sound, refreshing sleep if one of our alarm clocks Is in hearing -distance. Tho market isi full of cheap makes we siw one the other day with lead pivot. but I we don't keep that kind. There's only a rew cents difference in the price, and the satisfaction we do up with the clock doesn't cost you a cent. cligenji:el, the jeweler Box 81. KOSEBUItG, ORE. Calico Carnival WHERE MAC CAB E E HALL WHEN NOVEMBER 18, 1909 Watch This Paper CALL FOll COUNTY WARRANTS Notice Is hereby given all parties holding county warrants issued by Douglas county, Oregon, and Indors ed "not paid for want of funds" prior to and Including the 14th day of Jan uary, 1909, to present the same to the trensurer of said county at his office for payment as Interest will cease thereon after the date of this notice. Dated at Roseburg. Oregon, this the 1st day of November, 1909. J. E. SAWYERS, Treasurer of Douglas County, Ore. . TUN MILK NEWS. Our much needed rain his come and started tiie grass. Everybody busy farming. Mrs. A. M. Culver is having a beautiful new hejldence built on her farm. Grandma Coates Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. K. B. Wells, at Olalla. School Is progressing under Miss Emma Agee as teacher. Miss iny Bushnell has rolurned home nfter an extended visit at Sa lem and Bandon. Rev. B. A. Bristol will preach at the M. E. church Sunday. J. B. Howard hns moved onto his ranch recently purchased of Miss Alice King. Mrs. M. L. Bushnell is on the sick list. Mrs. Emma Swift Is visiting Mrs. J. B.. Howard today. Mrs. W. H. Coats' spent Sunday with her son, Walter Coats and wife. NEWSY. DAILY WEATHER KEPOKT U. S. Weaiiier Bureau, local office, Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 5 a. m., November 6, 1909; Precipitation In inches and hun dredths: Maximum temperature 59 Minimum.. " 48 Precipitation 86 Total Preeip. sluce first of month. 41 Avg. Preeip. for this month for 32 years 4.33 Total Preclp. from Sept. 1, 1909, to . date 5.19 Avg. Precip. from Sept 1, 1877, : 4.39 Total excess deficiency from Sept. 1, 1909.... . 80 Avg. Preclp. for 32 wet sea sons 33.00 WILLIAM HELL. Obseiver. A lazy man seldom has good luck. Nothing Is too good for the Uriah, notthor Is cement culverts too good for the county. Use the best, as It is the cheapest la the long run. See Pat. t. Letter heads, bill heads, envelope, cards, Invitations, everything that pertains to a first-class printing ea- tabliBhmeut can be had at The Newi office. it IE W, ALTHAUS & SONSf i I i Automobiles, Bicycles and Supplies 1 CLOSES DIG WORK II HUE. lli'v. C W. linker HeslBiilim'.Ui'iteN Ministers to Study Kinuilrci Sioper, the cienner and presser, has just received his fall and winter samples from the itoyal Tailors, Chi cago. All tne latest weaves and de signs are shown. If you are look ing for something swell can uu him. He has the goods at the right prices. Perfect fit guaranteed. tf. ELECTRIC CLOCKS? Yes, and such beauties, too. Just the thing for that new Bungalow you are com pleting. Come in and see how nice the design, will conform to the finish of your new home. You see, they never require, winding always on the run. W. E. Clingenpeel, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Phone 2143 Rev. Charles Wilson Maker, one of i the busIeHt men anion; tho Knterop&l j clergymen of Cleveland, will In about ! two weeks take up his new work In; St. George's parish at cloeiirj?, Ore. He has resigned as registrar of the diocese, assistant diocesan secretary, secretary of the committee on ar rearages and the rectorships of iit. Phllip'B and St. Alathew's parishes. During his two years and a halt pastorale at St. Philip's the member ship of the church increased 26 per ceutr il'p Knights of King Arthur was organized for the boy and the Girls' Friendly Society for the girls. The Interior of the church has been remodeled and chancel furniture purchased. A parish house has. also been equipped for social service. In the year and. a half work at St. Mat thew's Mr. Baker has succ'jded not only In Increasing the membership but also in organizing a choir which next week will give a concert to pur chase chancel furniture. For four years Hev. Mr. Baker was curate and "locum tenems" nt St. Paul's Church, and while there he was in strumental in obtaining the adoption by that congregation of a new system of weekly pledges. Hev. Mr. Baker also served the St. Albau's Church on Euclid Heights. The distinctive feature In all Rev. Mr. Baker's undertakings has been the exercise of his business abilities. He was a business man before he en tred tho ministry, and is atj.ll a mem ber of the firm Baker & Son, whole sale druggists at Ml. Vernon, O. Itev. Mr. Baker greatly laments the lack of business experience in many ministers. "They pass through the college, are graduated from the seminary and placed in charge of a church and property valued at from $5000 to $50,000," he said, "and it Is not to be wondered at so many fall Just because they never had any bus iness training. Every minister should lake a year's course of study in some commercial college." St. Georges parish at Roseburg, Oregon, Is lorated on the river, !S mlRs south of Portland and 55 miles fromhe coast. Cleve land, Ohio, Leader. CHOICEST GROCERIES Provisions of all kinds for those who appreciate nice crisp goods We'll Treat You Right I Mrs. H. Easton PHONE 263 1 Agents FairbanKs 11 Morse Co. Cor. Cass and Rose Sts. t Telephone 1441 GROUCH & ALDRICH Olllco: Warehouse No. Near the Depot. Telephone Main a4ji or 311. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Cement, Plaster, Lime and Cement Blocks, Cement Sewer Pipe, Mill Work and all Building Material Give us a call. We will save you money. A. F. LATHAM TRACTOR, BUILDER Estimates on all Work Free of Charge. Repair work a Specialty. Office phone Main 945. Office at Roseburg ElectriCal House, Cor. Main and Oak Residence 749 South Main Street. ( Roseburg. Ore. Manager Frear, of the local Water & Light system, is enjoying the com forts of a modern electric heater re cently Installed In his office. The hcaW Is a charm and works to per fection, needing little, if any care or attention. We wish to announce that we are now pre pared to deliver goods by private conveyance to any part of the city. Everything Guaranteed to Reach You in Good Order Commercial Club Building Phone 2381 1 Pin i Will soon be here. Can you afford to let It paaa without getting tbat orchard started? A. L. Kltchln will give you the best value for your moneyn all kinds ot Nursery Stock. ' Phone 202(1. IThe Collins Hotel! Main Street, One Door South X J J. F. Barker's Hardware Store ? Good Table Board With Home Cooking $ frnnrJ T.nfityJnor I b .6 with dean and comfortable beds By the Day or Week Rice Rice, The House Furnishers There's Nothing to Compare with a Little Home all Your Own. Wouldn't you HKe to maKe such hap piness as this your happiness? Why don't you? You've got the girl! Of course you have what young man with thought of a little home all his own has not? , You're anxious, so is she Wjiat girl isn't for a little home all her own? What's the trouble then is it simply a question , of not having the necessary cash to pay for all the things this little house will need" If that is the throuble don't let it stand in your way another minute We'll fix up your little house just as you want it just as cozily and comfortably as you and we together can plan it. You can furnish it complete, parlor to kitchen, with every needed thing we've got every thing here that you can possibly need in the latest, approved styles and you can pay us a small sum at time of purchase the balance in little weekly or monthly sums. We will gladly arrange these payments in amounts to suit your needs. Won't you come in and let us plan this little home happiness for you? GLOBE WERNICA BOOK CASES, SOLD ALIKE TO EVERY BODY EVERYWHERE, their prices are fixed on the solid basis of moderation, and are same to all. The standard of Section QASES. Grows as your books accumilate. IRON BEDS beautiful new pat terns, specially priced: $3.00, $4.50, $5.50, $6.00, $7.00 and up. SANITARY COUCH makes a couch a bed a Davenport best grade, $7.00. DRESSERS $7.50 and $10.00; regular $15.00 Dresser No. 93 for $13.50. BUFFETS $12.50 to $29.00. HEATERS $2.25, steel; cast top ones $3.50 tpo$6.50; Charter Oak with swing "top $10.56;ccasrtop and cast bottom Eclipse $10.50. RANGES ANR COOK STOVES 4-hole Majestic, best on earth for $55.00; 4-hole Standard, a good one for $30.00; 4-hole Charter Oak, a hummer for $32.50; Cast Cooks, No. 8 it $12.00 to $29.00. New Showing of Rugs, Carpets and, Draperies MATTINGS, 20c and 35c yard; LINOLEUMS, 55c, 60c, 75c to $1S0 per yard. PEERLESS MATTRESS The acme of perfection, at $15.00. Chairs, Chairs and Rockers. Chairs 50 cents and up; Rockers $1.50 to $42.50. Wall Papers 10c tc 50c double o roll. Table Oil Cjloth 20c yeard. Everything for the kitchen, See our new washers. Mr. and Mrs. Bell Collins i