THE KVE.VnfO NEWS KKIIMV, NOVKMilKIt B, t(K)l) THE EVENING NEWS HY B. W. DATES ISSl'KI) IMIIiV KXI'KIT Kl'.VUAV Klllui'i'llitiiiil Jiati'B Dully J'er y;r, by inHil 3.00 J'or month, dxllvwnd 00 Hinl-Vi'k1y Pfii' year J2.00 Six inunths 1U KlilK.W, NOVKMilKIt (i, ! Tho man who la always shooting off IiIb mouth Koldom makes a It 111 lng. Them's alwuyn a nond many -ix'o-))lo who keen th Ualanc-'j f the coni niiiiilty wondering how they live bo well. In (ho daya of low? ano wo used to have Inlh'mtnaikm of tho buwela and murder. Nowa-laya we have appendl iltiK and "furor tranaltorli us." The world do move. The rumor that came by telegraph this inornliiK thai. ex-I'reHldent VnoHnvelt mid been killed, in Hie junuli s i:f friru, eaiiKed iiille a hi li nn the HlreetH. but not to the extent Rir:h a rumor would have done hud It tome while he wan iiniaideut. An other evldenee that olllee has much to do Willi Hie until III America. Kviii ylindy si eiiis to he vers busy mound thin ilaoe," remarked a gcntlciniin who (Implied In to order The Kvenlmr News. llusyV Well. yes. Hut lhal la what wa are here for, ho Just continue to stop In. We'll find llcsiiro Tor a cordial worn ami time to write your subscription re ceipt for the best dally paper In Southern Orenon. Couutjr Court Ortlcrfe. In the matter of the balance of the road apportionment from the general road fund to tho aevoral road districts. It la ordered that one-half of one mill on the assessed valuation be apportioned to each road district. Tho clerk was ordered to draw a vvarrunt on 'the Kcnerai road fund for the amount due each district. In tho matter of the petition of K. Marshal and others for tho loca tion of a county road in district No. 51. commencing at a point 1:1.68 chains north and 4.20 chains went of the SK corner of section lis. tp. ;U, S. It. 2 W. and terminating at a point 28. '13 chains due west of V corner, common to sections 3 and 4, twp. 30, 3. it.. 2 west. Ordered that the same be continued until January, 1910. In the matter of a deed from I'red Scllmrt and wife for a curtain strip of land for a county road in district No. 44. Ordered that the board of county road viewers make a report on same. CAKI'KTS and IlL'OS. Our stock of Carpels and Riiks ! complete up to date. Ingrain carpets at 30c, 4 3c, 00c, Tibe., 60c, 7!ic. and Wic per yard. Hugs in room Mze from $i;.3.i, In all wool, to $35. Complete line of all classes of furniture. tf II. W. STKOXO, The I' urnil lire Man. Ing to himself so many of the virtues that make the man of affairs. Ever ready to right his wrongs: truthful, possessed of a charitable disposition, constantly reaching out for tho things most useful, always che3rfiil,- we do not wonder at the profusenesH of the last tributes of respect paid him. His posessirns wer3 not of this world: His material gatherings were yet to come, but ho leaves behind an estate wortli more to humanity than the wealth of kings or the peurls of tho sea. Ills short life's record is as a peb ble thrown upon the great sea of so ciety, producing at first but a ripple upon tho waves, which will widen and widen unto tho eternal shore. In the language of Gray: Full many a gem of noble ray serene ocean bear; The dark unfathonied caves of Full may a flower Is born to blush unseen. And wuste lla sweetness on des ert air. HIS TEACHER. DRAYING AND OhlTlWIIY. Ilalrvlng Ih iiii industry Hint has, as vot.'been given little attention in Jloiiglas county, but In every instance where tho business Is followed In telligently the farmer lias found a pining proposition. Shipping facili ties within the whole county are fnlrlv good, and most far ib in the Vallovs tributary to railway can get their product to market within a very few hours. There are at present threo crcnmcrloH in Douglas county, one at CarJiner. the second ut Oak land, and the thtid, perhaps the old est and lamest institution of Its kind in the county, at itoseburg. These creameries pay tho highest market price In 1'uhIi for cream, and each has a capacity for much more than they are at preaent getting. Call In do exceptionally well In our taction of tho slate, and Ihe cost or feed, on neocunt of Hie griulng afforded, 1b reduced lo a minimum. A few cows well cared ror will bring in more ready cash a month than most any liUKlliess the farmer of small capital can engage In. The county offers, exceptlanl opportunities for Ihose who would engage in HilB work, and Doug Ins county dairy products should ng gregnto hundreilB of thousands of dollars annually. ' Clifford Otto Strong, born Novem ber 2B, 1K92. died at Myrtle Creek, Oregon. October 30. 1909, aged II) years. It months and 5 days. In the mere dawn of the day of his usefulue-is. Just us tho top of the seventeenth mile post appeared above Ihe horizon; In Bight of battle lino While his feet were yet upon the threshold of IITe's achievements, tho Great Commander spoke, and his spirit took Its lllgbt to Him who gave it. A diligent student from childhood, a charitable disposition, a natural broad conception of the duties con fronting him, had placed In his grasp ihe key to a brilliant future. Hut I'rovldence decreed that the voice be still, though Ills Influence shall con tinue to guide other young men to a higher and wider view of life's du ties. tils life like (he roBe, had begun to open into full bloom when the - i 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 came. It ceased Its growth and droppod to earth leaving to man kind naught but memories of its beauty. Wo console our grief with the thought that his life though short was full or successful efforts. Few minds as young as bis possessed so many ot tho powers that go to nuiae up a useful career. The writer bus hud tho opportuni ty of observing closely every phase of his disposition for four years of almost constant companionship. We had many heart lo heart talks upon the great problems of life, and I can irullifully say that I have observed few young men his equal In gather- HAULING TIOIiUMIOXI'; (101 I'rompt intention given to all ortlei'N NAT BISHOP FOOTBALL! FOOTBALL! FOOTBALL! ReralSho m i Wam Shoes for Cold Weather We have special winter-weight shoes in our new Regal models that we recommend to anyone whose feet are sensitive to the cold. Nothing clumsv in stvle cr fit about thpse heaw 1heV are so skillfllllv rn.l'le that tiietf affnrrl trtn same cormort and nave the same smart appearance as a semi dress shoe. There's one quick, sure way of p-;ocing this come to our store and try on a pair. REGAL SHOES are the only ready-to-wear shoes in are made in quarter-sizes. If your foot-lcnzth L. .1 L I, I r ll r ,. " uciween me nan ana IuII.iizm ot ordir Regal Shoes are the only shoes in whic secure perfect fit and comfort. The quality of leathers and wort Regal Shoes is standard everywhere. We are the ex Jusive local agents fi 5350 and Harth's Tog 0 wo.y that As rr E t h ycu a-n f'f ( 3 ' 1 manship ia VrV' i i r Regals. . v3 I jj I $ . -My 1 'egai Storm Bwt U. of 0. vs. 0. A. C. LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE. Do you want to build you a homo and pity for it in small monthly payments anil low rate of interest? Do you want to pay oir your mortgage and have long time, easy payments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in? Do you want to buy a home in Koseburg, a nice acre tract near town or a good ranch near a good market and in good lo cality? Do you want to sell your property? Do vou want to instiro your building in one of the best ;heapost companies in tho I S.? , if and chenpost companm If So See WALKER a Koom 1, Hell Sisters lluilding. -:- PERRINE, Roseburg Ore. :- K. II. l'EKKINK, Notary Public. HER WEDDING CAKE In n thing of grunt lnteivst (o tho l)dili,-i'!ect, and wo tire a rtihta in Mhis line. Wedding- cikcs aro made In tho most heautiful designs und of rkh and exquisite fluvor. Our liroiidH, rolls, plis, funcy and orua monlnl ciikes, etc., nro tho perTi'i'lton of tlio liukur'a art wiion made tft Umpqua Bakery University Campus, Eugene Friday, Nov. 19, 09 The Southern Pacific Company Will make a round trip fare to Eugene and from all stations from Portland to Itoseburg inclusive of One and one third fare Sale dates November 16 and 19th Final return limit November 20th 1909. Children under 12 half fare, . See the great annual game between the two leading colleges of the atute. For rates, sche lulos, etc., call on any Southern rac'fic agent or on Win. McMURKAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. D. H MARSTERS' PLUMBING SH OP Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North JacKson ".Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone 2511. Heal Kstatu Ti'alisfei'N. Jolin L. Maupin to Alonzo Gllton the V & of the NB Vi of Sec. iM, twp. 23, S. It. 7 W. ot W. M., containing so acres, consideration $750. E. E. Haines to John Wasoner the NV4 ot the NKV4 unci the SBV4 of the NKV4 anil the NB of the SB of Sec. 34, tp. 22. S. II. 6 '., con taining 00 acres. Consideration $500. 1 SWELL SAMPLES FOR SPRING BODGE The Reliable Tailor ::::::::::::::::::::::: ROOLAMATION NO. 2 1 The Next Thing on the Bill of Fare Where are You Going to Trade? WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE. : q 5 ti . r l r hi t . . 1 WK t:tke a Uoligiit in serving onr patrons with tlie best there is in the line of dings. Purit is our motto. Promptness both day and n i uli is wnat counts at our pharmacy. AT THE ROSEBURG ROCHDALE For your Groceries, Dry Goods, Gents Furnishings and Shoes. Why they sell the BEST GOODS for the LEAST MONEY. ' rm "? a TryJThem In Your Order For GENTSiFURNISIUNGS AND SHOES Full line of Sundries always on hand ROSEBURG PHARMACY, Inc. 4 ? L. E. KR0HN, Manager Groceries is their Specialty, and they will please you. Try Them For Dry Goods The People's Cooperative Store ROSEBURG ROCHDALE CO. XX- - BE IT KNOWN; to all people, especially the ladies, that Thanksgiving Day will aoon be here, and that it behooves you to have on hand the proper equipment. Therefore; you are hereby commanded to appear at The Ironmonger and buy; first a good enameled roaster, it is necessary. DON'T use that old iron one longer. By so doing you can get one of the best Reed pattern, a woman'3 invention, for $1.75 to $2.75 and with each a G" butcher knife will be given up to Thanksgiving Day. Furthermore; It is incumbent upon you to provide the proper tools for the carver. The butcher knife given with roaster is good but will not fill the place of a carving Bet. Good work is done best with good tools. Also do not forget that a good mat chopper is necessary in preparing that delicious stuffing, mince meat and other delicacies. Be thankful that the Ironmonger has these articles in stock. Witness my hand and seal. F. H. CHURCHILL The Ironmonger Roseburg', Oregon WHEN YOU'RE CHILLED Our hot drinks will warm you up, oand none better can be made for the palate. THE ROSE Next to Postotlice. I - . T T Sure we have ladles shirt waists, J kimonos, long and short ones; bath robes, aprons, long ones with aud T without sleeves; tea aprons, black ! and white collars, and all kinds of neckwear, sweaters, Teddy Bear coats, and hoods for the babies. Also a tirst-class line of millinery. Our oc, 10c, 15c and 25c counters are T loaded with good things. 4 How do we Bell them? Why choaper than anybody else, why? X Because our expenses are less. Be a X Mlssourlans; come in and let us Bhow t you Leaders In Popular Priced Goods. Homo of the 1c Post Card, : : : I The Fair! Q 0 n h h it ft h fcf-ftM ft flfff ft ft r tt n n n ii p n w h n n fi n tt n n n n n n tn ff n it n a iiu u u a SEE- f WINN I E GADEOIS I THE PLUME ER I Sheet Metal WorK Drier Pipe Anjthing'Yoa Want any Lignu, cornice zfct eavylron TanKs PHONE 1284 - - . UNESPINESTS . H xx