The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 04, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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be the embassador to China. He will
undoubtedly suit all hands. President
Taft undoubtedly wants to fill the
position and be done with It, and
the Chinese worship a tall man.
Me reports much Interest In church
and Sunday school work at the place.
HiibHcriptlon Itutett Jally
Per year, by mail $3.00
Per month, delivered . .60
Per year $2.00
Six mouths. 1.00
Tlli:i(KIAY, XOVKMUKK 1, lOi
That Honey's practice of giving
Immunity to graftore who would tes
tify UKalfittt follnw graft era finally be
came tlieaoiiie In the extreme to the
people of Han Kruiiclsro Ib not to be
wondered at. The testimony was, In
the firHt pluco, iioLhlng more or leas
tlnn tho word of u thief who has ad
ded to his (Time that of traitor In or-i
tier to wive hlniHeir from merited se-j
vore punishment. Added to this eon-I
dilloii Is also (he faet the Immunity
witness Ih permitted to hold to all
the money he has acquired while ac-j
tlnK friiudueiitly with his pals whom
ho gives evidence ngnhiHt. Hucli i
wltneHH cannot bo regarded with fa
vor by an Intelligent jury, and his
testimony will Invariably bo retarded
with either distrust or he given uo
weight. In fact, it Is likely that the
wUuohh will bo ausplcioned of per
lury when ho is called to convict his
former partners of a crime for which
In Ih t?iiu:iy guilty.
Metiey has a counterpart in meth
ods of conviction of criminals In
the person of William Lueb, Jr., col
. lector of the port of New York, whose
motto Is: "It takes a grurter to catch
a grater In the United States custom
pervlce," and in a recent trial, whero
' In four welnhers who confessed and
testified in a case of fraud of which
they are wore equally guilty are to
continue in federal olllce us a re-J
ward for their testimony. Judge!
loll, before whom the trial was held
hits the malter sharply and sensibly
and differs widely Ith Messrs. l.oeb
and Meney, hut not with the people
tif San Kranclmo, when he said: "He
fore filially disposing of this caso I
havo KomutliltiK to say In regard to
the government witnesses who turn
ed ftinte b evdenco. m return ior
which tho govern inent not only prom
ised them Immunity, but also reten
tion of their poBitioiiB.
"1 never before In all, my exper
ience heard of the practice oj contin
uing In tho government service men
Who havo confessed to frauds In that
&Q;.vieo. r
"I wish to express my. Btmng dis
approbation or continuing such men
in the government service. I Bay it
Is 4 discredit to tho government to
flo so. I say furthor that It Is wron
to compel honoHt men In the public
iprvlro to net in tho company of men
who havo con fussed to such frauds." i
Eight new subscribers and several
changes from the semi-weekly edi
tion to The Evening News was the
reco.d made in one hour this morn
ing lu this office. That la going Borne
and is piling up indisputable evi
dence that there Is room for one
dally papftr In the qlty.
Charles F. Murphy, the Tammany
leader says he will not resign, but
will continue the organization. As
his money supply Is to be controlled
by tho fuslonfsts Mr. Murphy is like
ly to find the grass short. Hut It is
early to state what compromises he
will make with his opponents lu the
;u;mai,h xkws.
And sllll the good news of a live
Evening Paper In Knseburg goes on
ward. Not. niiiay days hence it will
havo biibscribeiH in overv city, town
and hamlet In UourrlH rounty. The
J VanjieiH on tho dally rui.-.l routes
nre demanding It, and It Is ''uumeu
by oils enthusiastic lady reader I hat
her you n westers cry for It. The
Kvening News is in the hVId because
the public wanted it, and for the
tienple and their best interests tl. will
Hi ways stand a true i epresentat Ivy
of an Intelligent progressive eom
That our citizens are doing tho
proper Hilar by I ho new comers
who are in one midst, is evident by i range mountains,
tho bitter declaring they "never met, j k Howard
Mrs. O. P. Lane and Bon, Oliver,
and Mrs. F. C. McGregor visited with
friends in Grants Pass over Sunday.
I Irish and Tlngloy, successors to
Petty and Molkor, grocerymen, are
doing a large business and express
'bensGlvos as being much pleased
with our city. ,
The Jucobson residence that Is
under construction on WIHIb avenue
is going onto completion and will be
a very nice place. Also the work on
tho addition to tho depot Ib forging
ahead. There are several new houses
under tho carpenters' hammers and
still there Is an increased demand
for houses to rent.
Special mun!c at the Olivet church
s much appreciated !' the large con
gregations that attend every Bervlce.
Sunduy Mrs. Kreyler sang an open
ing solo for the Hahbath school, and
Mr. and Mrs. llngley sang a uuet ror
the morning services. The singers
certainly merited the many compli-i
uieuts that was showered upon them
by all.
Wise IJrotheis nre still dispensing
wisdom In giving uway each week a
Jeaulii'ul set of decorated dishes to
their customers. Large crowds as
semble at tho store on each Wednes
day afternoon to wl'uess the time
the clock stops. Who will be the
lucky woman this week?
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hervey, who
havo lived In this city for two years,
left this week for the family home
near Ruckles. They go to be with
Mr. HorWy's oged mother who needs
their care and company. The Her
vev'a have a nice property in our city
and many friends will welcome them
back when they return tp their homo.
G. A. Dykes left last week for
Moscow, Idaho, on a visit to his par
ental home.
ItSgjvfudge Wonaeott and Geo. Brown
pTWd Juvenile Court in our city on
Wednesday of last week. Tho six
boys who were charged with a fond-
jnoss for the neighbors chickens were
all paroled and allowed to return
Our public schools nre enjolng
the usual lucllltivs that our "splendid
corps of tenchers make possible. Pro
fessor Gooding has charge of the of
fice work and I'rolossor Stine bus
the Grammar grade. Miss I ..con a
Hhurk has the Intermediate grades, I
while Mrs. J. L.Wiuchell has the
iiriiutLi'V (leiKi rlini'tit All nm trlvhii
entire saflsfactioii'nnd the patrofiVof
our school are well pleased at the
success of the present managoineiit.
A.I. McKoi?-?ie.n)f Wieregon-lda
ho Lumber Company, has gone to
Waldo, California, to join a prospect
ing' and hunting party in the Coast
I here are many different terms
ror chauffeur. Some of them will
readily come to mind about the time
you get bumped by a machine.
When you see a banana peel rest
ing on the sidewalk and a fat man
unconsciously appioachlng It, the
Indication points to an early fall.
The wasp waist Is the latest in
fomine wearing apparel and th j
boys will have to be carehil where
they put their arms after this.
- Don't cronk. Leave that to frogs
In stagnate pools. A few croakers
though are necessary In every com
munity to measure the rate of prog
ress at which live men nre advan
cing. Learned men tell us that'ln Latin
tho word "editor" means something
"to eat." In the Culled States Its
meaning is altogether different. It
means to scratch around like blades
to get something to eat.
Tho kickera and croakers have no
place lu a city with tho push and
progresslveness of our town. The
man who opposes needed public im
provements and stands In the way
of progress Is not a good citizen.
When you hear a man sneering
at a local newspaper you can safely
bet he didn't rpend his time makng
them better. They who don't flee
a benefit arising to a town from Its
newspapers havn't as much sense as
a cove oyster. They are about as
much value to a town as a ten-year
When you want an artfele of mer
chandise buy It of a reputable home
dealer, that the profit may remnln
to enrich the home community. Send
your money abroad only for what
you cannot purchase at home. Home
talent, home labor, home industi y,
home capital, and home pleasures
are things to be fostered, encour
aged and patronized.
Wam Shoes for Cold Weather
We havs special winter-weight shoes in our new Regal
models that we recommend to anyone whose feet are sensitive to
the cold. Nothing clumsy in style or fit about these heavy
Regal Hiom. They are so skillfully made that they afford the
same comfort and have the same smart appearance as a semi
dress shoe. There's one quick, sure way of proving this come
to our store and try on a pair. '
are the only teady-to-wear shoes in the world that
are made in quarler-uzea. It your f oot-Iength is just
between the halt and full sizes of ordinary shoes.
Regal Shoes are the onlu shoes in which vou cm
secure perfect fit and comfort. 1
The quality of leathers and worltmanshipoia o
Regal Shoes is standard everywhere.
We are the exclusive local agents for Regals. '
J3SO400 md $500
jfiarth'sj Toggery
?p : 1
IN I '
I j Seml-hifh-evt
Rigai Storm Boat
Too poor to tako a home paper?
Well, thut is a distressful condition.
Utiy a her and feed her crumbs and
wa3LU rrom tho kitchen and she will
lay eggs to pay for a years sub
scription; then work her up Into a
pot pie' and she will pay first cost;
so the paper will be clear profit. Re
peat this process yoar after year,
meanwhile learn wisdom and cease
to be poor. ,
Department of the Interior, United
States Laud Olllce, Koseburg, Oregon
October 1-2, !!()!.
A "fiifflicient contest affl(hvit"hav-i
with a more kindly and hospitable
neople." That's the proper spirit, and
it will bring us many settlers.
Kx-Vlce-Piesident Fairbanks will
Is very busy
working on his little farm east of
Glendale this week.
Uev. M. C. Davis, traveling mis
sionary of the Congregational church
held services at Kerndnlo Sunday.
Is a thing of groat interest to the
bride-elect, and wo are artists In
this tine. Wedding cikes nre made
' In tho most beautiful designs and
of rich and exquisite flavor. Our
breads, rolls, pits, fancy and orua
montal cakes, etc., nro tho perfection
I C9 C3 C Ca
,. t '
Vompt attention given to all orders
ing been filed In this office by diar
ies M. Holcoiiib, contestant, against
Homestead entry No. 12587, made
April 7, 1903, for lots 1, 2 and
NW, section 30, township 25 S.,
range 2 west, Willamette Meridian,
by Philip V. Dieckman, contestee, In
which It Is alleged that said Philip
V. DIecknjan has never settled upon
nor resided on said tract of land ori
made any improvements thereon;
said parties are hereby notified to
appear, respond and offer evidence
touching said allegation at 10 o'clock
a. m., on Nov. 30, 1909, before tho
Itegister and Receiver at the United
Suites Land Office in Knseburg, Ore
gotj6 Tho said contestant having,
in a proper affidavit flleH October. 12,
l!fU9, set forth facts which show that
after duo diligence personal service
of this notice cannot be made, It is
hereby ordered and directed that
such notice be given by due and pro
per publication.
BUXAVMLV .L. ED DX .Register.
BE IT KNOWN; to all people, especially the ladies, that
Thanksgiving Day will soon be hereand that it behooves you
to have on hand the proper equipment. Therefore; you are
hereby commanded to appear at The Ironmonger and buy:
first a good enameled roaster, it is necessary. DON'T use that
old iron one longer. By so doing you can get one of the best
Heed pattern, a woman's invention, for $1.75 to $2.75 and
with each a 6" butcher knife will bo given up to Thanksgiving
Furthermore; It is incumbent upon0 you to provide the
proper tools for the carver. The butcher knife given with
roaster is good but will not fill the place of a carving set.
Good work is done best with good tools.
o e . o
Also do not forget that a good moat chopper is necessary
in preparing that delicious stuffing, mince meat and other
Be thankful that the Ironmonger has these articles iu stock.
Witness my hand and seal.
The Ironmonger Roseburg', Oregon
Umpqua Bakery
PlumliiDg', Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
North JacKson '. Street, adjoining Peoples Marble;
WorKs. Telephone 2511.
WorK Done on Short Notice . ROSEBURG, (BlE.
U. of tf.
0. A. C.
1 The Roseburg Pharmacy
H take a delight iu scrvino; our patrons with
the best there is in the hue of drugs. Purity
is our motto. Promptness both day and
nigh is wnat counts at our pliarmac'.
Full line of Sundries always on hand
L. E. KR0HN, Manager
University Campus, Eug'ene
Friday, Nov. 19, '09
The Southern Pacific
Company 0
Will make a round trip fare to
Kugene and from all stations from
Portland to Koseburg inclusive of
One and-one third fare
Sale dates Novembej 16 and 19th.
Kinal return limit November 20th.
190i. Children under 12 half fare,
See the gipt annual
between the two leading colleges of
the state.
For rates, schedules, etc., call on
any Southern Pacific agent or on
General Pnsseuger Ageut,
Portland, Oregon.
that you have bought at a Emrgaiu.
Burgain glasses are aJiout the dear
est investment you can make. We
chargo a right price because our
glasses are right. We. fit them to
your sight as only skilled opticians
gain glasses are just as apt to in
h: u e y
Jeweler and Optician.
The Reliable Tailor
Our hot drinks will warm you up, and
can be made for the palate.
Next to Postottke.
none better
Sure wo have ladles' shirt waists,
kimonos, long and short ones; bath
robes, aprons, long ones with and
without sleeves: tea aprons,' black
and white collars, and all kinds of
neckwear, sweaters, Teddy Bear
coats, and hoods for the babies. Also
a tlrsc-class line of millinery. Our
i,c, 10c, 15c and 25c counters are
loaded with good things.
Hot do we sell them? Why
cheaper than anybody else. Why?
Because our expenses are less. Be' a
Mlssouriaus; come In and let us show
Leaders in Popiilnr Priced Goods.
Homo of the lc Post Card.
II U II u u
I Sheet Metal WorK Drier Pipe Anything You Want
SKy Lights, Cornice
J eavylron Tanhs
PHONE 1284