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About The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1909)
THK KVKX1VG NEWS WKDXFKDAV, NOVKMHKR 8,1000. THE EVE MING NEWS UY B. W. BATES Yesterday was an Ideal May day. ilt wu6 so delightfully pleasant. It was a plain Blilrt-Bleeven day, and .oor,.!. i.utv L'V'L'it'P unviiiv many ueuunirmiiB went uom me Kul)Hiii)tl(ii KatcH Dully HtreetB d reused in thltj manner. There j were but very few fannem In from , ihe country they had hUBine on Fer year, by mail 13.00 ,lhe f(irM1( and were enKaKed In fall E'er Uiuntti, deliver" Hcuil-Weekly Vef year &ylaowlntf of KiHtn. From all data at hand It Is Bit re to Buy there will be VI 00 1 more land needed to wheat in I Join; - Six months 1.00 eounty this fall than hasMieen the WKDXKKIUV; NO KMIIKK tf.lUOO. The man who lines his hands to nwpondlnKly heavier output of wheat after the harveHt of 1910. This meaiiB no end of yellow money to nil hi l.r,nrH' iHifket will seldom i ", una ib a Bure Kuuruniee have anything elhe to fill his pocketB "f proHperity to the country and elty alike ror another year, Blnce L whun the producer la prosperous Honey buiikd upon his reputation everybody else Is made happy, fia h reformer in the recent election ! - In Sun KrniielBro. Krom the relnruH trer.i lived the votera did not believe that regulation wan worth anything- Tammany's tiger has scored again, and will u L once begin sharpening 1)n r1fiwh C !;i vimr'n ilertinn imiv he regarded hh deplorable, but it is not I shorter ho gyts, to be looked upon as ejual to the calamity that the election of Wililuiu Handolplt I learnt would have been. A man of no political and of little mora) principle, he might continued Tammany in oilli-e, only to learn the 'workings of ItH dirty scheme of pro ceed lire but to make it worse. THINGS VK THINK. LOCAL .KVS. Tiie more you pull a man's leg the For a person with his experience Cupid makes some mighty poor hhots. Polish is a nice thing, but It does not change the heart of the granite block. HuslncHsmnn and farmers continue to drop in with expressions of ap proval for general neat appearance of and the excellent news sorvlcu ren dered, In The Kvening News, The clrctiJiitiiMi man Is kept on the Jump If willing receipts can bo termed jumping, and Iixiulrlett and requests for advertising Hpace from the Iiuh inesH firms are numerous. All this Ik only an evidence that the people are always appreciat Ive of a good thing, and that a clemi newsy dully ia something long needed in Hose-' burg und Noughts county. Snngulu ua were the hopes of the management when The Kveningj News was launched, our expectations wore hardly up to the Hood tide of approval which has been pouring in Jroin every quarter Hlnce the llrsl Ikhuo appeared Monday evening. There has not been, nor will there lie any objection! stuff allowed in these columns. Disgusting "readers", landing the alleged virtues of quack remedies, fakes and fakirs will find no favor with this joiirnal. Our ad vertising columns are open to the business men of tho city and county, and to Hitch outside coucers ns have a clean, wholesome proposition to place before tho people, but primari ly our greatest ambition is to give tho public a clean live newspaper. ono that will be welcomed in t he bui'fnoBs office, at home and on the farm. The new Mayor and City Council show a laudable disposition to do Rood for Koschurg, and if they con tinue as they have begurf It Is good tor the city Hint they have been eu- truf-tod with tho responsibilities of rilfirc. 1ios"lnii'g Is growing rapidly and will coiillnuu In do so. There Is inu fViubt that it is confronting a Krrkt er pi nt-pei it v I ban her rtt izens have ever realized before. t:nder the circumstances new Ideas will cuiqo up for consideration and new measures will be presented for cool and eloiir-htaded action, failure to take n right course on any of (hem will mean loss to Hie city and Its lax payers. Kvery effort should be made to Increase the trade of the city, and any nroposltinu having this end In view nhoiild receive every encourage ment. If this will be ever the policy of tho coining Mayor and Council; they will hear no complaints from thoM- who elected them to their pres-j int pnnitioiirt. The railroad's carry our burdens hut they make their own freight rates. George V. Riddle, of Riddle. Ib a buslnesa vlbltor In the city today. Mm. M. U Oushnell Is III at her home at O hi I la. She 1b being attend ed by Or. K. V. Hoover of the city. Adrian, :he little son of Mr. and Mrs. W. h. Fisher, t 1b Buffering from a slight attack of chicken pox. Urs. Houck and Vinci 1 operated on Mrs. A. M. Short at Mercy Hospi tal yesterday afternoon. A large tumor was removed and the -patient is repented as resting easy. The members of the Baptist crurch expect to hold a "county fair" at their edifice n.ixt week. Elab orate preparations are being made for the event and those who attend will no'do.ibt be afforded plenty of entertulnment. Tho city commenced tho task of cleaning the paved streets this niorn- I trig-, but upon starting for North Uosebiirg with the first load refuse the dump nart became mired In the mud, rcHulhng li a broken tongue. Huch Incidents apeak well for Hose- bure streets. Mr. IJ. S. Matthews, of Prlneville, came over last week for a visit with home folks, being a son of L. G. Matthews of this city. The gentle man was a welcome caller at the News' sanctum this afternoon, and says he experts to remain in Rose burg a good part of the winter, but will co back to Prlnevllle In the Billing. A man will often stand more from some other man's wife than he wilt from his own. Tho fellow who writes those "Re flections of a Batchelor" talks like a married man. There are lots of workingmen In this old world and many that have been worked. If every person did as his con science dictates the census enumera tor In hades would lose his 'Job. Von can discourse Intelligently up on the anatomy of the family skel eton witiiotit being a physiologist. Tho luckiest people In this old world are those who go after what they want with hammer and tongs. One who enjoys the companionship of Innocent chfldren can not he wholly depraved nor Irretrievably lost. Market reports say turkeys will he scarce before Thanksgiving. They will probably bo considerably scarcer aftorwards. You would hardly expect a deaf mute to bo the happiest person on earth, but you never wasted any time yet listening to one telling about his troubles. j 1 When they get to making paper out of corn, as Is now proposed, a in mi can make eye-openers out of his morning paper and get nbout three sheets to the wind before breaKi'ast. Here Is the way papers will write up weddings r,en years hence: "The bride looked very woll in a traveling dress, but all eyes were centered upon the groom. He wore a dark suit that fitted his form per fectly and In his dainty gloved hands he carried a small rose.' His curly hair was beautifully done, and a del Icato odor of hair oil of the best quality floated down the Isle as he parsed. The young people will miss him now that he Is married. Ho Is loved by all for his many accomp lishments, his tender grace anr his winning ways. The bride commands a good salary as bookkeeper and the groom will miss none of (ho lux uries to which he has been accus tomed. A crowd of pretty men saw him off at the depot. . It must take a high education to get out on the gridiron and kick the slats out of some of your opponeifts white climbing with spiked boots over the faces of others. If a man's church contributions were accepted as one-tenth of his in como for the purposes of taxation, very few would have an opportunity to kick of over-taxation. If tho demand of our heiresses for Italian titles keeps Increasing, it won't be long befoie tho Dago han auamcn will give a coronet as a prcmiiin with each dozen of "do banan " Next fall Mars will cine within 251,000,000 miles of the earth Pre pare to gossip over the back fence with your neighbors In that planet. IMi ' JliU I II I Wam Shoes for Cold Weather We have special winter-weight shoes in our new Regal models that we recommend to anyone whose feet are sensitive to the cold. Nothing clumsy in style cr fit about these heavy Regal hcyr. They are so skillfully made that they, afford the same comfort and nave the same smart appearance as a semi dress shoe. There's one quick, sure way cf p.ocing this come to our store and try on a pair. REGAL SHOES V are the only ready-to-wear shoes in the world that are made in quarler-sizes. If your foot-length is just between the half and full sizes of ordinary shoes, Regal Shoes are the only shoes in which ycj can secure perfect fit and comfort. The quality of leathers and workmanship b Regal Shoes is standard everywhere. We are the exclusive local agents for Regalj. $350 400 and 50 ilarth's Toggery j Stmi tiirk-tut Jttgai Utorm Boot ATTKXTIOX. J(CMI SUPKItVISORS I am now propared to furnish cul vert pipe, 8. in, it, 15, 18, 20 and '14 inch. Let me know what you will need so i can have It hardened and ready when you lifted It. Pat, tne contractor. tf t COXTKST XOTICK. Department of the Interior, United States Land Odlce, Koseburg, Oregon October 1909. A sufficient contest affidavit hav- DRAYINQ AND HAULING TIXI IMIOXK (101 Prompt attention given to all orders NAT BISHOP lng been filed in this office by Char les M. Holcomb, contestant, against Homestead entry No. 12587, made April 7, 190.1, for lots 1, 2 and K Nv, section 30, township 25 S range 2 west, Willamette Moridlan, by Philip V. Dieckman, contestee, In which it is alleged that said Philip V. Dieckman has never settled upon nor resided on said tract of laud or made any improvements thereon; said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m., on Nov. 3'), 1909, before tho Register and Receiver at the- United States Land Office In Roseburg, Ore gon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit filed October 12, 1909, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, 11 is -hereby ordered and directed that each notice be given by due and pro per publication. HEXJAMIX L. EDDY, Register. HER WEDDING CAKE Is a thing of great Interest lo the bride-elect, and wo are artists in ibis lino. Wedding cikes are made In (he most beautiful designs and of rh h and exquisite flavor. Our breads, rolls, plis, fancy and orna mental cakes, etc., nro tho perfection of tho baker's art when made at Umpqua Bakery IF SEEKING THE NEWEST YOU'LL FIND IT HERE. Modish It would bo worth your while to pay n visit to the "Style Store" .lust to view our ele gant importation of Tailored l outs. They ai-e all reigning favorites, mid will npeul very strongly to wpmcti who nppre clnto clot lien of chariicter. To g.'t an idea of the churn. ing color, the real richness of the iunlcriu-1 ami trimming of these coats, we ask yon to come in and try them on. Prices Range From $7.50 to $25.00 FOOTBALL! FOOTBALL! FOOTBALL! THK GLITTKltlXG ULAMOUIl of our Jeweiry aispiay is matched by the solid merit of each article shown. I. ABRAHAM, Ladies' and Cents' Furnishings. U. of 0. vs. 0. A. C. University Campus, Eugene Friday, Nov. 19, '09 The Southern Pacific Company Will make a round trip fare to Eugene and from all stations from Portland to Roseburg inclusive of One and one third fare Sale dates November 1G and 10th. Final return limit November 20th iiX)9. Children under 12 "aalf fare, - See the great annual game between the two leading colleges of the state. For rates, schedules, etc., call on any Southern Pacific agent or on Wm. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. You cannot fail to admire at first sight tho artistic beauty of the jew eiry. And your admiration will in crease as time proves the quality that makes the beauty enduilug. We would lllte to show you some especi ally desirable examples we are sell ing, at escpcialiy low prices. HUEY Jeweler and Optician. SWELL SAMPLES FOR SPRING BODGE The Reliable Tailor ROCLAMATION I . PROCLAMATION No. 1:- Be it known to all the good readers of this bright new paper, and especially the lady readers, that I have just received a fresh addition to my stock of Phyrography goods. There are some very attractive pieces, in fact all were selected trith utility in view. A useful article is much better appreciated, as a present, than simply an or namental one. But when you combine both utility and ornament then you have accomplished something. Christmas will soon be here and now is the time to begin preparation, for you cannot dodge the giving of some present. And by and by, when the air becomes changed with the Christmas spirit, you will not wish to dodge, so be early in begining for the inevitable. I have other things that are seasonable. WITNESS: My hand and seal this day of F. H. CHURCHILL The Ironmonger Roseburg, Oregon WHEN YOU'RE CHILLED Our hot drinks will warm you up, and none better can be made for the paTate. THE ROSE Next to Postorlice. Sure we have ladles' shirt waists, T kimonos, long and short ones; bath X robes, aprons, long ones with aud without sleeves: tea aprons, black t and white collars, and all kinds of X neckwear, sweaters, Teddy Bear t coats, and hoods for the babies. Also X a lirst-class line of millinery. Our i,c, 10c. 15c and 25c counters are T loaded with good things. X How do we Bell them? Why cheaper than anybody else. Why? f Berause our expenses are less Be a Missouriaus: come In and let us show jou. Lenders In Popular Priced Gow. Home of the lc Post Card. The Fair ! yirfwirHr'M" n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u u u m ZZVfc. SEE Tgrv, WINNIE GADDIS THE PLUME ER A E hsot Metal Wnrff TWIno D:n A .i . ----- - .,hC nuuung ion Want SKy Lights, Cornice. PHONE 1284 J eavylron TanKs LINE a PINE STS HHKHKHHHri tt tt