he THE WEATHER LOCAL FORECAST FAIR Tonight iod , Thundty VOL. I Control of Spoils Passes Into Hands of Fusionists ' MURPHY LOST CONTROL Cohalen Lost Ilccnusc Hp Ilulliled on Gaynor's Popului-it' The Muy or Only Successful Ttiitim anyitc. ' (Speclul to The Evening News) NEW YORK, Nov. 3. The domin ation of Tammany hall by Charles Murphy and Daniel Cohalen is be lieved to be at an end, for Tammany has virtually lost the election with the exception of Mayor Gaynor. Per sonally .Murphy detested Cohalen; hut Cohalen forced his own nomina tion. . He believed Gaynor's person al popularity would elect the whole ticket. Charles H. Whitman, fus eionist. Is elected his successor. Jerome Is elected over George Gor don after a hot battle. The full extent of tbe defeat suf fered .by Tammany Is shown In the fact that the Board of Estimates, which controls an expenditure of a billion of dollars overy year will stand; fussion 13 votes and Tammany only three, . . Award peary gold medals ' (Special to The Evening News) ' WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. The Board of Managers of the National Geographical society unamimisly up proved findings of sub-committee, that declares Peary succeeded reach ing the north pole. It also appointed a committee to "investigate claims of explorer." Although , the board mentions Cook's known investigation of proof of first discovery, it award ed gold medals to Peary and Barttell of the Roosevelt. ARRESTED IN MEXICO FOR HER SISTER i Special to The Evening News) EL PASO. Texas, Nov. 3. Sen orita Andrea Villeral today received word that her sister Teresa was lib erated from the Mexican prison at Torreon four davs alter her arrest. It Is explained that Teresa was mis taken for Andrea, and rs soon as the mistake was discovered she was not only released but sent to Mon terey at her own request. PRESIDENT TAFT PASSES STRENUOUS DAY (Special to The Evening News) BIRMINGHAM, Aln., Nov. 3. President Tal't passed another stren uous day. Alter motoring with the countiy club, ho breakfasted. Then he spoke to several thousand people at the Capitol Park. Then ho lun cheoned at the Southern hotel, where he was the guest of prominent busi ness men, and then departed at 4:10 o'clock for Macon, Ga. Tho man who fails never claims to be a self-made man. r I El If TAMMANY REINS OF ELECTION 11LECTB HEfB SESSION HELD SUBSTANTIALINCREASE WILLADJOURNIONICHT Our Interests Are Mutual- ROSEBURG, Tammany Wins in New York, Union Labor in Trisco. HENEY BADLY BEATEN His .Supporters niiy"Xo Flowers nt l-'linorul" -tJaynor is Kloctml Mayor in New York; Mc Carthy Mayor of S. F. (Special to The Evening News) NEW YOItK. Nov. 3. William J. Gaynor was elected Mayor of dealer New York In the election held In this city yesterday, over Bannard, the Hepubllcan-luslon can didate, and W. R. Hearst, indepen dent and heading the fusion ticket. Contrary to public opinion ns ex pressed by the talkers who thought they were alone on the Inside, ut no time In the day did Hearst have a show In the election, and the returns show that he ran a very bad third in the race. Not only did Gaynor snow him under by an Immense ma jority, but Bannard, his Republican opponent, served him likewise. Hearst's defeat will always be ie garded as a record breaker. It was so complete. . William A. Pendergast nnd John Purrey Mitchell were elected Com t roller and President of the Board of Aldermen rcsiiertfiilly, by the combined hit-Inn forces. Complete returns from New -York election on Mayor show Gaynor re ceived 210.078 votes, Bannard 177. 602 and Hearst 163, 842. Gaynor's plurality 73,01ti. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 3. P. H. McCarthy, Union Labor leader, was elected Mayor of San Francisco yes terday by a dtctoed vote, and Fran cis J. Heney was badly beaten by Charles M. Klckert, Republican and Union Labor candidates. This complete resolution In tho political standing of the city was owing to an almost universal revolt against Heuey's methods, and wan also due very much to the decision of the Washington Supreme Court of Appeals In tho Gompers, Mitchell and Morrison case, which made members of. Union Labor to vote solidly for their candidates. 'The decision was used in strengl ltenlr.g the Union La bor lines from early morning till the polls close with telling effect and won tho day. FIcKcrt, Honey's opponent also missed none of the graft-attorney's weak points, and took advantage of his uHeless expenditure of public funds in futile attempts at convic tion. He made much of lii Intem perate utterunce& In court which brought about reversals of his con victions of ex-Mavor Schmitz nnd At torney Rent', and his failure to con vict Calhoun. VANCOUVER, Nov. 3. As pre dicted in the dispatches yesterday ther was a light vote cast In the Second Washington Congressional District, owing to a terrllic storm nnd rtppathy in the party. Judge AlcCre die, Republican was elected uy a de creased vote compared with former years. CLEVELAND. Nov. 3. Mayor Johnson was yesterday defeated for re-election by Herman Uacher, Re publican. Following his defeat, Ma yor Johnson made public announce ment that he would be a candidate for Mayor two years hence. His defeat is claimed to be the The best thing we can give you is the best thing for you to buy, and the best for us to see that you get. If we were not certain that the clothes we handle were the best you can get for your money we couldn't afford to ask you to buy them. The clothes you get here are all wool, and the workmanship both inside and out has been done as much by hand as possible. These features add to both the wearing and shape retaining qualities of a suit. In addition to the superior workmanship you will find the lines to the garments the style and fit are vastly different from ordinary ready to wear clothes. The classy yet refined dra ping of these superb garments will give your figure just that "tailor made" effect so much desired. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1909. Senator La Follette Arrived in City This" Morning TO LECTURE TONIGHT Indications Tend to Show That a lju-jfe Crowd Will Attend Is t An Interesting I'orsonngo j Lauds Oregon. , Senator' LaFollette, Wisconsin's most distinguished son, arrived In the city this morning, speudlng the early nours of tho day at the Mc Clallen hotel. This evening he will deliver hts famous lecture at the Armory, and from Indications standing room will be at a premium. Not only is Mr. LaFollette one of the greatest orators- in tho United States, but far more, 'he attains the distinction of being one oi those personB not afraid to speak what he thinks. In one sense of tho word he might be termed a reformer, his chief aim being to revolutiont7e tho present system of politics, that the people may enjoy a wholesome rule. Everyone should hear this famous lecturer, he is worthy of your con sideration. result of loss of public confidence in the low fare Mayor. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Nov. 3. The entire Republican ticket of tills, cits is elected by a plurality of 6500. Hirman FJdgerton is the name of the newly elected .Mayor. BUFFALO, Nov. 3. Louis Fuhr man. the Democratic candidate for Mayor, waB elected yesterday by 1300 majority. The Republicans elocted the remainder of the ticket. TOLEDO, O., Nov. 3. Tho latest returns show that Brand Whlttock, independent, is re-elested by 6700 majority. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 3. .lames McEwan, Republican, was elected Mayor tonight with the entire city and county ticket which Is also Re publican. PROVIDENCE, R. I., Nov. 3. Complete returns bIiow that the Re publicans have Beeured a sweeping victory in this stale for Pothler, candidate for Mayor. BOSTON, '.68., Nov. 3. Ebon S. Draner w' ' ..-elected governor yes terday majority of less than onno. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 3. Sam uel Rotan was re-elected district attorney on tho Republican ticket yesterday. Hon. B. h. Eddy has received a communication from J. H. Summers, one of the chief advocates oi the pro posed Coos 13ay and Inland Electric Hallway, tho sdbstunco of which is to the effect that all preliminary ar rangement preparatory to coninu-u-cini. the actual survey work, will be completed within a few days. .Mr. Eddy ns well as many other citizens in, this vicinity are inclined to be lieve that the above statement should be digested with a grain of salt in asmuch as promises have become as numerous in railroad matters in this section as pennies in a church collection. $18.50 to $40.00 City Council Liquidates the Claim of F. C. Frear HARTONG TO PAY CITY Street Sprinkler Purchased Throus'j llcnlo & Coniany of Portland--Streets to bo Swept Tonight. Pursuant to ft call of the Mayor the city council convened in special session last evening, disposing of numerous matters important to the council mon aB well as the citizens st large. Urilke the meeting held on the previous evening, however, spicy discussions were in order, and in several instances the Mayor was compelled to bound hla gravel in re storing order, in brief the session proved true to vaudeville, the visitors being entei talced from the very min ute the meeting was called to order until final adjournment. Purchase a Sprinkler. The committee consisting of CouncHmen Strong, Mlcelll and Josephson, appointed at Mondny's session of the council for the pur pose .of Investigating the purchase of Btreet sprinkler und ratnn brush submitted a written rop0rt. In sub stance the report Bimply Informed the members of the legislative body that they had made an Investiuatjon as instructed and had purchased an Austin sprinkler from F. S. Patter son, a representative of Beale Afc Cov of Portland. The Implement Is con sidered one f the most modern on the market and was purchased for the sum of $392.50. The tank has ; a capacity of gallons and is! eqlpped with a vertical spray. To Clean Streets, The members of the street clean ing department submitted a verbal report last evening In which they presented several recommendations as follows: That the paved streets be cleaned more frequently In the future than in the past. . That tho business men nnd others he compelled to move all unneces sary obstruction? irom the streets wltnout delay. That permits to use the streets be refused all contractors who persist In nlocklug the gutters In the paved district. That all persons he notified to cate for their refuse and not allow It to accumulate about their premises as has been customary in time past. In regard to cleaning the streets Counrilman McClallen said that he had reroived an offer from a respon sible citizen who was willing to con tract for the sprinkling, cleaning, and hauling away of the refuse for the sum of $12u per month. As to the investigation relative to housing the street cleaning implements. Mc Clallen said thut such a report would be forthcoming at the next regular meeting of the council. Councilman Mlcelll expressed him self as opposed to paying $120 per month for cleaning the streets with out first experimenting. "Wo hnvo never employed n man in this work" said Mr. Mlcelll, "and therefore none of us know just how much time it will consume. 1 believe that we should get busv, employ a man and team temporarily, and then we may determine more intelligently what the task Is worth. For all I know It may take four hours or twenty hours." After a prolonged discussion it was decided to employ a man and team temporarily. The st reet3 will probably be cleaned for the first time in several weeks tonight. Fmir Is Paid. The committee to wV.om tho mut- ter or Investigating the Frear-IIar-tont? controversy was referred nt Monday evening's session of the council submitted a written report last night's meeting. In brief, they recommended that tho city pay one i halt the claim oi $lifi.50. and that i former City Engineer llartong be compelled to squnro the balance. This report did not sound good to , M:Clnilen who declared that llar tong was either right or wrong, and therefore should be forced to make good the entire $25.50 or nothing at all. Mlcelll coincided with McClallen 'stating that he was of tho opinion that llartong was personally respon sible for the eror and should be com pelled to make good. Tpon being i placed to a vote the report of the .committee was rejeeted and llartong held responsible for tho entire claim of $a:.5i). A bill received from Harlong wns then taken up for consideration. monu the It'diinlZFrl Items were 3 day's labor amounting to $15 and an additional sum of $5, alleged to bo duo for tools lout, by tho city em ployee while working tinder tho sup ervision of the engineering depart ment. i Afh r a prolonged discussion tho bill of $15 was allowed. (,'ounellman Mrf'lalleti registering the lone dis senting vote. McClallen claimed that llartong was employed by tho city for the sum of $150 per month and that therefore was not. entitled to extra compensation for Sunday work. The bill for lost tools was rejected by an unanimous vote of tho council, and i the recorder wan Instructed to no- Valuations Show Marked In crease For Coming Year CORRECTED SUMMARY Is Sent to the Secretary of State l4iHt Kveitlug lirvy May be Lower For 1010 Tliun nt 1 'resent. The Hoard of Equalization lias completed tlio task of compiling the corrected 8timmury of the tax roll lor the year 19 10. The '.jtul tax able properly for the coining year approximates $27, 275, 740.00 an against $23,909,401.00 for the year 19'9, or an Increase of $3,3G6,R39.00 . The increase Is the rostilt of higher valuations placed on all. property throughout the county in oecordance with the state law which provides that all taxablo property Bhull be assessed at its cash value. The state and couuly levy for the year 1909 was 10 mills, but with 11)0 vuluatlous Bhowlng such a mark, ed Increase for the year 1910 It may be possible thnt tho levy will be de creased accordingly. Tho levy will be fixed during the meeting of the county court In January. Following is the corrected sum mary which waB sent to the Secre tary of Stuto last evening, as pro vided by law: ' . 93,340 acres of tillable land, val ue, $30,319.40; 18,088.55 ncres of non-tlllablo land, $131), BOO. 80; Im plements nn deeded or patented land, $7,680.15; Town and city lots, $11,620.75; Implements on town and city lots, $11,801.75; Imple ments on lands not deeded or patent ed. $1,382. 80; 157 9-10 mllesot rail road bed, $40,822.60; 413 miles of telegraph and telephone lines, $1,439.10; no miles or Btreet rail way bed; 384 9-10 lnileB railroad rolling Block, $4,094.35; Steamboats engines and mnnuhictuting machin ery, $3,335.00; Merchandise and slock in trade, $5,734.10; farm implements, carriages, etc... $1,401. 80 Money, 3,965.55; Notes and ac counts, none; 294 shares or stock, $1,614.10; Household furniture. watches. Jewelry, elc, $3,007.35; 5,578 Hoi-bob and unit's. $3,390.10; 18,435 Catlle, $2,004.10; 00,439 Sheep nnd goats, $1,670.90; 3,454 Swine, $1 4,540.00; 237 Dags, $3, 530.00; Total, $272, 757. 40. LATER RETURNS FROM SAN FRANCISCO (Special to Tho Evening News) SAN KHANCISCO, Nov. 3. The counting of Hie returns from tho election Is proceeding slowly. I' Tom the count made so far it is estimat ed that I'. It. McCarthy, Union l.n bor candidate Ik elected by eight thousand plurality, and Klckert, candidate for prosecuting attorney, over Heney, ten thousand majority. The Uoaid of Supervisors will prob ably stand, Union Labor 10, Republi can 5, and Democrats 3. HOW NEW YORK'S LEGISLATURE IS (Special to Tho Evening News) ALII AN Y, N. Y., Nov. It. Tho next New York Assembly will he composed f e hundred nnd two Republic-mis und forty-eight Demo crats, a gain of two Republicans. A sensational feature of the elec tion was the defeat of State Sena tor John Raines, president protein of tho senate, and for years leader of the house. MORMONS DEFEATED , IN SALT LAKE CITY (Special to The Evening News) 3AI.T LAKH, Nov. 3. The elec tion hero yesterday resulted 111 a de cided defeat to the Mormons. Tho American A nli-chnri'h party elected Mayor .1. S. llrauslord mayor by a very substantial uiujoilly. It also olertod eighteen councilmen. tlfy Mr. Hartong of the action taken. As llartong'B account stands at the present time ho Ih indebted to the city In tho sum of $10.50. Mullen humorously remarked that lla tong was gone and that lie believed some time would elapse before tlio sum would ho forthcoming. Tills slntement angered .Mlcelll who re plied Hint he would make the $10 good to the- city, regardless of whether llartong pnld or not. The bill of K. C. I'renr for $30.87 was allowed without discussion as were those of W. D. Oilen, $375; WMllain Knopp, $4, and J. F, Clem ents, $12.00. no sure you are right and then think It over awhile. ADVERTISERS Will rind The Bvunhiff News the beat iuxllum to reach the pimple of ItoiKiburir A wtdo-a-wnko publication printing' 11 tbe news that'a fit to print NO. 3 Meeting of Forest Rangers Reaches an End BIG BANQUET TONIGHT Iiilllilloiil Km lb)' of tlio Itoscburg Ho te! Milking Kluborato Prepara tion for tlio Kvent !tO Are l'n'si'M. Tho annual meeting of tho forest rangers which tins been In Besslon at the olllce of S. C. Bartruui during the past three days, will reach a conclusion this evening with a bun quot nt tho Reselling Hotel.. Land lord Faille Is nuiklng elaborate prep arations for tho event and promises those fortunate to attend a spread seldom, If evor, equaled In this vicin ity.. ....... . Aside from Chief Itnngera A. T. MncKeuzle, II. Staloy, Charles H. Florey and P. B. Anils, of Portland, about thirty members of the locnl forestry service are In attendance. The meeting has proven very In teresting, many matters of vital Im portance to the rangers as well as the forestry department having been considered. . , Mr. nartrum Is a Btrong advocate of meetings of this nature, and will endeavor to hold them at froquout intervals In the future. SERIOUS TROUBLE IN CITY OF SPOKANE (Special to The Evening News) SPOKAN13, Nov. 3. The arrival of Kugeno Debs 1b expected this af ternoon to help the Industrial Work ers of the World Bociullsts revolt a ku! nut Spokane. The authorities will prohibit street speaking, and a ro sending hundreds of men away to Portland, MIsHoula nnd Kallspell, The assistance of the Militia will be likely Accessary, to enable the police to copo with the situation. The city jn(l Is crowded. Two hundred have already been arrested. Tho fight la beliiR waged with greater determina tion on the part of the rotters. Some authorities believe bloodshed will re sult If the council does not repeal the ordinance regarding the case ou trhil. HIS MAJORITY IS LARGELY INCREASING (Special to Tho lOvenlng News) TACOMA, Nov. 3. lloports bIiow thut .ludgo McCredle, Itepubltcan candidate for Congress, carried every county In his Congressional district hut. Pierce by lilg majorities. Tho congressman elect succeeds to tho vacancy made by tho death of tho late Congressman Cuslunan. WERE WILD TO SEE DOUBLE MURDRESS (Special lo Tho Kvening News) PARIS. Nov. 3. Twenty-three thousand frenled people surrounded the Palaisu do Justice today clamor im; for seats (Tom which the public might witness the trial of Madame Margerlte ateinhel, whose trial be gan at noon. She Is charged with murdering her artist husband and her mother-in-law. LIEUTENANTS 0. K. WITH AEROPLANE (Special to The lOvenlr.g News) WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. Lieu tenants liumphrcy and Kowler made a (light of nu hour and three quart ers of a minute today In tho govern ment aeroplane, breaking records Hiistnlned In flights made in Collogu Park during trials under direction of Wilbur Wright. The olllcers woro inclined (o remain in the air longer, nut Wright signalled them to descend on account ot the wind. Theatre goers who havo soon Mc Kenzlo Merry Makers at the Star Theatre, pronourco them one of tho best companies In tho West. Those people put up a live entertainment nnd wherever they go are universal favorites. After visiting cities In tho extromo southern part of the stnte, have returned to Roseburg to fill a popular demand for their reappear ance. K. A. McCall, tho county fruit In spector, Ih spending the day at Oak land Inspecting the nursory stock of E. P. Drew. Mr. McCall says that a majority of the orchards through out the county are In flno condition, most of the dUcaRed orchards having been destroyed.