THK FVKNIJfG NEWS TCKSDAV, XOVKMHKR 8. HWl- Satisfaction or Your Money Back. The Store That Serves You Best. AGENTS CORSETS S1.00 TI-IE NEW YORK STORE 1" TI I J' OLD FISHER. &! BELLOWS STORE IJUn.DING BIG THICK School Tablets 5C MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED AND RETURNED ON SAME DAY RECEIVED PHONE, MAIN 2541 n urn New Fall and Winter Merchandise at Extraordinary Low Prices. It nears the great ThanKsgiving time; the time we give thanRs. This great month of November will be a great month of value giving here. Herejyou will find great values offered to you in such lines of New Merchandise that you use at this time of the year. Such bargains as I; quote below are a few of the many that throng the store. LooR to your needs, supply yourselves and effect a saving of dollars and cents. Do not delay your buying, Buy now and profit by the reductions throughout the "The Store That Serves You Best." Value Giving Sale-Dress Goods and Silks 75c and 85c guaranteed all wool and yard wide Berges and Panamas and fancy Bergen In Blues, Blacks, Drowns, Greens and Gnrnets Afp special sale price, per yurd (1.75 black taffeta silk, yard wide, heavy quality Swiss oil boiled and guaranteed the best vnluo vuAO can find anywhere, Special.... yOC 35c fancy cotton suitings In a variety of patterns and large range colors, excellent for the school dress-or, es, at Bpcclal liw price ZOL 39c domestic pongees In all leading colors, Brown, Blue, Cream White Tnn. Washable. Special nc i.O VALUE GIVING SALE-SUITS, COATS, SHIRTS, ETC. value, low price. $29. 50 to $32.50 Ladles' tailored suits, long tailored coats, full sat in lined, guaranteed lining, skirts pleited, lapels and panel pleated effects; clots: serge, wide wale, broadclo'h, homespun, cheviots and Taney worsteds; come In all loading colors: blue, black, grey, wisteria and green; such suits that you can not nor will not bo able to buy again at the very low price $22.50 $25.00 value In silk rain coats, no two alike, each and every coat a style of Its own; they are just the 25 coats all placed on sale I at one price .14.95 We carry a beautiful line of ladies' d reuses with the kilted skirt, the moat fas tedious new dress that everybody ir. wearing; we have them from 12.r0 to $25.00 ....15.00 capes, the most stylish fall wrap that you can buy; to give you an excelent value that you will not be able to duplicate for some time, at a very spe clal price .9.45 Ladles' long coots, plain tailored, tight or semi fitting, some with killed skirts; a genuine snap in coats. Look these over at QC A A from $6.50 to ZD.UU $2.00 Ladles' tailored waists, color ed and white material, . pleated and tucked fronts, starched cuffs and collars; every one a f A bargain; value giving sale $2.75 Ladles' pure linen tailored waists, pleated front, starched cutis and collars; they will wear excellent: equal to high tfl 'jp priced waist; special yl.lO $5.00 silk waists In black and col ors; a rare value In silk wnlBts you can't afford to overlook. These at the very low o p( price of (). )U Womens and Chiidrens' Underwear 36c Ladles' white or peeler vests and pants, fleece lined, extra good quality at the very low price or. value giving sale ZtiC 65c Silk finished, hand trimmed vests and pants, fleece lined. In white only, all sizes to 44. jo. very special price of 40C $1 50 Fleece lined union suits, In white or cream, extra fine gar ments, a snap In underwear AO at special low price yOC $1.50 Silk and Wool and Ribbed wool vests and pants in silver and white, the best value In un- Q derwenr you can get. Speclal. VOC 35c Children's vests and pants In cream and white. Special vaiue, low price 25C VALUE GIVING SALE NOVELTY GOODS 75o fancy Bnroltos, the most lurs; they are a real simp becoming hair ornament liude; they are In shell and amber for liht hair; value giving salo only 35c 25o embroidered linen col- at liGr.; beautiful umhrold designs, plain or hrollop ori; u great value for this Kale each collar for "lv 15c 10c Itarred Dimity hand kerchiefs for women, (he greatest value you will anywhere; special for this Hale 5C 25c flurfy moltne bows, the newest neckpiece; uIko fancy jabots, the best of values you ever saw in this line; very low prico of... 19c flGc hlutk tafffta ribbon, ti lt Inehts wide, good hea vy, stiff quality; makes ex client hair bows; value giving salo 35C 2Tc Russian N.t Veiling, a popular veiling of today; como In bhift and black; special for this sale at low price of 15c Little Needs At Lit tle Prices Clark's O. N. T. Machlno thread, 3 spool limit ... 3c Common Plus lc Who Hair IMiia lc 6o linen tape, two bolls (jg So shoo hires lc Go O. N. T. Lustro cotton. 3c 8c Hooks and Kyeu 5c 5o hcuvy shoo luces 2c 10c, fi -yd. "bolls finishing brnld 5c 5c Common Pins 3C O. . T. Darning co'ton... lc So best brnss pins 5c (Sood quality safety pins 4c 10c curling Irons 5C 5c box wire hair pins 3c 25c Whisk Ilrooms 15c 15c children's hose sup porters 10c OUTING GOODS $1.50 Outing flannel gowns, well Hindi', good nud full, the qunllty Is tlA best, trimmed with finish ing braids; you can't buy the goods and make them at flC low price of "fjC 60c Outing flannel skirts, good qual ity flannel, neatly mailo, draw string. Colors nro l'ink, JUlue nr. and Brown; special Zt)C S5c Outing gowns, extra good value at that; made up excellent and the price is exceedingly low rn. Special OUC 75c and R5c Children's outing gowns In a sample line; to close out thesn excellent values nt Aft,. special value giving salo 4yC KMT GOODS Gilc Infant's wool Jackets In a largo Hue of styles to pick from; all colors mid pallerns; special or. salo price 75c to $1.00 Infant's sacs, beautiful lot. Uncut wool yarns used, f n. Special value OXJK. Women's shawls and scarfs, a snm plo line to pick from; selling nt the original wholesale cost; seo these great bargains from J,J or 25c to A A large line of wool gloves mill leg- glus, every one n snap. Look over the knit goods counter fur hargiiiiis. LADIES SWEATERS $3.50 Ladles sweater coats, In whito and red, the popular article of dress for cold days; spe- tfo f clal salo price l)Z.dU UMBRELLAS 75s Women's nnd Children's uhluel las. paragon steel frame, ap- in plo handles, special price 4"C $1.50 Indies' and men's umbrellas, guild qiialltv rioth, Knglts para gon steel frame. large assort ment handles, t ho handles flO, worth that price. Special "Ot $2.25 ladles umbrellas, American lufTeta cloth. Iho best long ebony bundle, tossels and cord, Kligltsh steel frame, extra good -t or value, very special price... X .oi Bargains in bedding C.'c full sized bed shoots, extra good quality muslin, tit the lowif-, price ot 40C 89c quality, bleached tahlo damask. also turkey red, special prlcen ai VALUE GIVING IN DOMESTICS 7c and 8c calico, none better made than American or Simpson's, and the very special sale price, yard 12M:C quality of Amoskng daisy fllanuels, they come in colors and fancy patterns; special sale 15c and 17c dress ginghams! neat and attractive patterns, the best quality and excellent wash fabrics, for school 11 ..5c 10c dresses, per yard.. 2& yard wide, Brown sheetings, extra at the very low price per yard 17c Silkoline for comforts, yard wide, good special, per yard 8c, the best Amorkeag nprou checks in an of pattern; Bpecial Hope Muslin, yard wide, made by Lousdule people, full bleach ; special price per yard good quality 2JfJ patterns; asortment 6c 9c VALUE GIVING SALE IN MENS GOODS $1.00 and $1.60 Men's dress shirts, they come In 15 size only; plain or pleated bosoms, coat or regular styles, ri cults attached, special low price 3yC 60c and G5c Men's work shirts, a largo sample line, all kinds and colors, thev come In 15 V4 and 10 sizes only; on very special low price .....t)yC You nil know Levi Strauss Waist Overall, the best overall on the market today; all sizes, 30 to -10 waist; special A. sale price 0VC CGc Men's fleece lined underwear. In salmon and grev; if special low price of per garment 43C 10c value Men's canvas gloves, sold the world over at 3 pair for 25 cents: special salo price, 5 pair to one custo- r. mer, per pair j( VALUE GIVING IN ALL KIMONAS $1.50 Plnnnellette Kimonos, long, extra good cloth and 98c :25c a great value; special salo price. $2.00 Mellon Velon Klannel Kimonos, extra welltMA made, pretty patterns, fine cloth, long,; sale price. J4y $1.50 Value in the new models of n. & G. Corsets, the lonr hip. supporters, the stylish corset ot todav 1 nn cn,h 1.00 T1' Se'clalVr'ISlS d,IU'''e"' n""e 1'e,ler' special for 2jj. VALUE GIVING HOSIERY 25c quality of ladles' Burson stock ings, the only seamless stocking made, they Insure perfect 1A comfort, value giving sale lyC 25s Ladles' and Children's stockings, the value that is found only here. The Indies' are plain or ribbed fine top. Children's aro heavy or ribbed leg. Great value Oi. K,v"'8 UC 35c Women's out size stockings. In whito or black feet. Very n p special low price ZjC 50c and 75c IJsle nnd. silk lisle stocking for Indies' In tan and In black. You must sea them to ap preciate the value; very special price, 35c pair or n box of f An 3 pair ; J)I.UU VALUE GIVING BEDDING $1.25 cotton blankets, extra good val ue and extra good size, at lhe"7- special price Qli $1.50 cotton blankets, large size. In prav and white, extra good AO weight, at special low prlce....yOC $1.50 cotton comforts, full size, silk oline covered, good cotton fll- AO. ling, special sale price yOC $2.50 cotton comforts, extra good cov erings, good white coton filling and iigreat value at the low jj Fancy Itobes for couch covers or us ed to make bath robes f0 mr special at from USc to Q RIBBONS and PILLOW TOPS LOW PRICES IN ALL LINES 10c value In buck aback low. ds, red borders, fringed rj or hemmed, special". . C S."c 3 pound cotton bats, nice, while. Unify colon, enough for full sized comfort spe. ;al OUC 35c gingham and white lawn aprons, made good and full with pocket and gi'.th-oj-. orod at band; special OC special ' 2;c quality table oil cloth in white marble and col- in ors, special Jyf 39c cloth window by 6 feet, dark green or;. special complete. shades. 3 25c Values to 9c in ribons of all colors nnd best quality taffeta; a C special per yard OC 50c fancy pillow tops, a large assort ment to pick from; special i me iow price :!25c' PETTICOATS $1.50 Black percaline petticoats, made full, dust rtifTle, shurred flounce; n real petticoat no. bargain; value giving sale....yOL K'.SS Heatherbloom petticoats; they have the Hydegrade heather bloom label; there are none bet ter; come In nil colors, Including black; special for this tf nfi giving sale Jl.yO $7.00 guaranteed silk petticoats, ex tra good qunllty taffeta silk. In Hlnrk, Blue. Brown and Green. Look fur the guarantee 1:i1hI. A grent silk skirt value ft Cfi Special 40U VALUE GIVING SALE TABLE LINENS 8.5c beautiful linen table da mask, excellent pattern, a genuine bargain special per yd 50C 19c linen napkins, 18 In. size, an assortment of patterns: special .. 10c $2.00 Mercerised tablecloths a dozen different patterns In extra good value low price $1.25 Linen t.-.blccloths in a great assortment, excellent pat terns to choose from get your Thanksgiving linen now at special prices; you will find these the best qualities you ever saw; some nav3 tho napkins to match the tablecloth Price now from 2 0 to $10 Beautiful Japanese hand embroidered nnd drawn worked tray cloths and l.ineh cloths: look these goods over, come and ad mire them; the material Is of the finest linens; specinl prices on all fron 7.60 to $1Q Little Needs At Lit tle Prices 12 Bios sen:n tape 10c 39c Hair brushes 25c Alpaca Skirt braid jq 6c envelopes , JJq 500 yards spool bastlng...5c Williams shaving soap 5c vaseline.. 55 5 and 8c 5c 8... skel,,s - 10c 10c Glycerine soap 5q So Ink Tablets 5C oc pencils, best 2 for5c Ink and Muscllage 5c 10c. card 144 Agate but- 5,C Blue seal Cube Pins . 10c Kid curlers 6e Embroidery silks,