The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 02, 1909, Page 1, Image 1

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RAIN and CooIr To-Night
WcdocuUy Showen
Will find The Kvenlnr Sem
tho bent medium to reach the
people of Itoaehurv. A wide-a-wake
publication prlntluc
all the nows that's fit to print
NO. 2
Election In New York and San
Francisco Red Hot
Jlf. ml'om KoBebitrK.
Th0 a,ld rl"""y who hnve
wVraM at H"rve' Cr" lor
MitKffl'oct to return to .Myrtle
Swlli" two weeks
i Vi Etaa Hedden is Bttll on
linti-ha.'6811" of a badl' "Pi atn-
"?vlsEili!urchttrd went to Oiird-I
Irier WeJy accompanied by her I
mother ".1Vm- B"'1'"'-
Thei1" L"'v w,llc'' has liwn
on tht sa,ld s)it at tlle
mouth ol rlvr f',r several I
dim roil" serious dancer, onlv
In- the ,he rudder, she ha:
Gompers, Mitchell and Morri
son's Sentences Affrimed
Presides at Last Evening's Ses
sion of Council
' . ..... If nu u-:.c i
The tionimrs Decision Used ill San j I1''' l'n" Z II wan ei.e,.t,.,i 1 '"' Supremo Judges are Xot
Francisco by Candidates John
NearJy Hiiro of Klcctlon in
C'Ie eland.
Special to The Evening. News)
large vote is being polled in this city
today. The respective managers o
Heney and Kickert report that the
early voting favors their respective
candidates, whon they ' assert are
bound to win. Reports from the
polls Indicate a vote-breaking rec
ord, and from continuous voting
throughout the entire day. The Un
ion vote is out In full force, and the
managers of P. H. McCarthy, Union
Labor candidate for Mayor, claim a
heavy lead for him. Wm. Crocker,
Republican mnnager is claiming an
easy victory. On the other hand the
Democrats are enthusiastically pre
dicting a landslide, whose election,
they assert is assured.
The decision of the Supreme Conrt
of the District of Columbia In the
'ompers and Morrison cases is lie
lug generally made use of by the
various candidates to Influence the
Union and Labor voters.
I nanlinuiis in Derision anil
Jlldl!"' Slieiiuil Dissents
to Opinion,
NEW YORK, Nov. 2. With all
candidates claiming victory the elec
tion is progressin rapidly. The indi
cations point to an unprecedented
vote, but it is impossible to give a
forcast of the result. The so-called
aristocratic vote was out early. It
required but a minute to cast Its
vote; on the east side, however, a
minute an a hulf was required on
account of scratching Robert Taft,
son of the President. Fifty mem
bers of the Yalo City Government
Club are acting as watchers at the
polling places.
Indianapolis, Nov. 2. The sheriff
at Oary has piaced the entire police
force under arrefct, acting under the
governor s orders. The issue is lo
cal option and the battle Is decidedly
warm in many Indiana cities.
CLEVELAND, Nov. 2. An un
usually heavy vote Is being polled
hi Cleveland today. Johnson Is mak
ing a determined fight fo fifth elec
tion for mayor. lit is expected tills
atternoon to win.
(Special to The Evening News)
SEATTLE, Nov. 2.' While play
ing Bulfalo Bill late yesterday, Fred
die Bertman, aped five years, was
killed with a Winchester ,rifte by
Sammie Stewart. The tragedy oc
curred at the Stewart home, Brandon
Stewart, the father of the boy who
did the killing went driving and loft
his son at home, who invited Fred
die Boatman to come over and play
with him. The Winchester rifle was
standing In the corner. Saminie pick
ed It up. and while endeavoring to
show tho boy how it worried dis
charged the gun, the bullet tearing
a hole through the throat and chin
of the Bestman boy, killing him.
Charles Neat, the Southern Paci
fic brnkeman, who was either killed
or burned to death, ivhen tunnel No.
1, in the locality of Coram, Cal., cav
ed in, yesterday, is a br.'ther-ln-Iaw
of Robert Farnswolth of this city.
Mr Neat visited Roseburg upon
several ocasslons and is well known.
About elgth years ago he was mar
ried In tnis city to Miss Knte Karns
worth, leaving shortly thereafter for
. points In California.
As yet Mr. Karnsworth has receiv
ed no news of the sud accident, aside
from the telegraphic dispatch In
Monday's Issue of The Evening
i, JoiPd at the high till
that wM,r about the full tlf
the likely she Is off In
this tin. , , X-
H. MiwiRoad Superintendent
hast'beii "le fi,,e weather
hv pegitMS nllt " tne Proposed
ImnroveMl t the highway near
town, wto tompleted It will be
a mucA Kfl-8 tll!tn has been in
use for son"! years.
Letter IiBWdKrom Conulllc by J.
W. TuUBiiSay All is (. K.
.1. V. TsW. on of lne dele
gates elec'.d a the proposition to
secura rigkuUay and survey for
the Inland ui Electric Hallway
from thls.,6trlCoos Hay, received
a lette'r fr'kuftiullle "'is morning
stating t hat k-tteri had been received
from Messiv Hus and Summers,
who are It Finland, stating that
tverythlng Mintklng to their com
plete satisfarjn. incy go tunlier.
and state tuitkey will soon ar
rive on1 the Bi!, irobably with the
next steamer Iron Portland, when
the nrraugennti will be made as
scheduled annuite operations com
menced. In Ibi same letters they
state also thtiifel'ite delay in get
ting ready Improved a benefit to
the propositi iutead of a detri
ment, and thank toad Js certain to
he built, and Hire time than was
first anticipate
These lettenure reviewed rail
way excitement u Coquille and the
Bay, and tho no generally uro
enthusiastlcall) iiktont over the
prospect of an arr, outlet with the
outside world ttn&oad.
Have you seam special couch
we have on Bali Ttu'll miss It if
you don't; a natinlrest will do you
good stretch oil Ece & Rice, tf
Dr. and Mrs. Stm arrived home
this morning are i two month's
trin tlirrugh thtEa. They will
commence housewsg at once in
the Hamilton reiisie on Lane
street, recently ma by Deputt
district Attorney Immnn ad Kfe.
Fruk Ooodinon rj( Neal McBoth
worn arrested thiiWl,ng charged
with disorderly coiltt. iTpon be
ing arraigned bctccuv Recorder
Orcutt, tho forms ,:,tt;ied gulltv.
while the latter luid inmn
s yet Goodman Iism hep,, fined.'
!t being the Intently ,ne 0mrlals
to use him as a win, against .Mc
Betli. ,
The Ladles Auxlliu nl;: the Rose
burg Commercial Clnn(t re(,.
lar monthly session i tiln,. ri.,h
rooms last evening. Bar a number land, tho distinguished guest at
Lll'Zl .''"""' itho regular semi-monthly meeting of
. ,i. ..... . I .....' "7'B Ul '"In,,, ritv council last evening.
laving hilt few acquaintances In
this city, the genial doctor succeeded
in entering the chamber unnoticed.
ucvmiving a seat In tho rear. His
wearing apparel was such as to avoid
all suspicion, consisting of a shabby
nalr oi trousers, a blue serge shirt
and a canvass coat, stlcli as ho has
been wearing during his tour of
Southern Oregon.
Nearly an hour had elapsed, when
Councilman Mlcelll spotted tho ex-
ifliiial, and to show the courtesv or
I (Special to The Evening News)
WASHINGTON. Nov. 2. Court
of Apoeuls of the District of Colum-
Ida has allirmed tho sentences given
I Samuel (jumpers, president, und
j Prank Moi rison, secretary of tho
American federation of Labor, and
John Mitchell, former president of
the United .Mine Workers, who were
convicted of contempt of court on
charges of violating an Injunction
prohibiting the publishing of the
name of the H ick Stove nnd Uniige
Company as "unfair."
Tho sentence was imposed by Jus
tice Wright, of tne Supreme Court,
of tho District of Columbia, and an
appeal wis laken against Judge
Wright's decision which Bentenoed
Samuel Gompers to imprisonment
for a term of one year, John Mitchell
to nine and Frank Morrison to six
months confinement.
An appeal aguinst this last discl
siou will be taken at once to the
Supreme Court of the United States.
The opinion In question was writ
ten by Associate Judge Van Orsdel,
and concurred in by Justice Hobb.
Justice Sherard dissented.
The labor circles and the Federa
tion of Trade expected no other de
cision than was rendered, but be
lieve they will win a complete vic
tory In tho Supreme Court of the
United States on tho ground that
Felt-preservation is the first law of
Nature, and that all men have the
right of free speech, so long as it
is exercised only for the public
Dr. Harry Lane, of Portland.
Visits the City Council
Says Hint He Never Alteiulcil n More
Orderly Sisioll of II Council Is
Knroiifc to Tort laud.
Pr. llnry Lane, ex-Mayor of Port
ing ine inner part o!i,monlni n,c
proceeds of which s ,,e a je,
toward beautifying tttity Many
other matters were tsconslilered,
final action being d1(j "n i, i i a
future meeting.
James S ckett andl.4iu,n w01e
arraigned lieforo City is.01.,1,,r qi
cutt this afternoon, e fenrer
charged with dlsorder;indu,.t and inner accused ol t,nk(.nness .
I'pon entering a plea ,niltv Snrk.
ett was lined In the sitisf t js, i,ut I
Attorney d'eorge Xemior Will Advise
The City In Legal Matters Mar
nIiiiI Hiill'niaii and 1'ollce.
mint Palm ltciuliieil.
alternato of 7 'A. dnv, ,,' ,,.- the council, advanced a niotion grnni-
Jall. Aldcn was not gl, ;,,.,. ' dlsllnguished guest a seat ne
tunity to pay a fine, b"" "",1 : side his son-in-law Mayor Hayn
to a term of five dnvs ' ,' No sooner liad I)r. Lane heartl his
Mrs L A Maratarsk .l"nic nienlloiied when he left the
her home on Pine .1 ?l only 10 "e amn-hended later
win attend to he reaT!....; " " s".t 011
po Ve has manyCchr tbe a position near the Mayor's
tc ? offer to rronectl.locatlons li1' Ir- ta "" ox""'"'d
you wiM do weU tc , ",ld from the meeting, slating that II was
ll ,'',., i.Al con her be-llhp nmst r,K,t and orderly session of
ta:'or bar-1 , p,,rll ho had ever attended. In
(Special to The Evening News)
DUR A XT. Miss., Nov. 2. Presi
dent Taft lert Columbian early today.
H.rr made a ten minute stop at Kes
Husko. At 1 1 o'clock President Taft
reached West Point and nfter a brief
.speech continued northward.
Mrs. W. E. Thompson and M. D.
Thompson were in town recently to
consult Dr. Fields. M. D. Thompson j improved.
' .?' kind. ,w, iaid that he was "invited to
iZiTn,I ,,1 "'He street, , , ,,,. a,lV and would be obliged
connection ,"t0rmatlon eau in Tive' This remark hro,l,t forth
cunneciioo. tf roong(.ti ill;,ter. the several conn-
TT " ' Uilmen eritertnining lite huiiior as a
I-.LMOX ITKM4 i ,,,. Jnke.
n , , "" . After thanking the -oiincilmen for
T. N. Onibbe. who has i ,i. ,-i..v iisulnvid Dr. Lane re-
r Beveral days is eonk.... I i
Portland's ex-Mayor Is enroote
t. l.v in vn p enlivI'VH ice. I avniK
tack of typhoid fever. ; t thp lllst three ninnUis at points
V. O. Crubbe who has be, , thls ln southern and Eastern Oregon. He
p ace for some time has re,,...,. t0 is a,.rmiiaiiled by his wife and Jaug
his home at Long Prairie. I her Harriet
nev. iticienoiii wno htn
or tins circuit for the corn: ... .7. I cinn i pitiKS.
ill lor Beveral days is eomul hn.
Miss nrnre Lyons has a(lr
k of typhoid fever. er0 a
0IV con-i
nnlntniMiilH tn his unrlr l.''"
tltl. anil rtthaf i,1ina .. .. 1.1. .1
...... "...v.. ,. o ul( 1N1 .
W. G. Orubhe who wag In .
nintK'.Tim,ilarr llp.,tn I 11 11
The W. C. Harding Land Company
will give a cash nrlze of 123 for the
best box of Spltzenbeig apples
raided In Douglas county; $13 for the
second best and $10 for tho third
host box.
Also $23 for the best box of
Yellow Newtown Pippin apples raised
In the county; $15 for the second
best box. and $10 for the third best.
Competent judges will make the
awards. All apples entered In the
contest should bear the owner's
xl,o ,.rtin hntcs will be
. I " , hM out Placed on display in an eastern city,
of health for some monthi " . 1 n.i.,- .hem m nur Roebure office.
homo accompanied bv Riiuv.'.V10') '
lht .,tne ""-111 I Ot
We note with pleasure tlv
Ised advancement in The ?rnm" I
Valley News In the Issuing of ,'"!,""
We hear that Mls3 Ida R" '' i
whose residence Is at this pij , ,' !
is at present teaching at
Grove, has foity pupils un .'
Intra tl
not i
z. tf.
W. C. HAKD1NO, Pres.
Considerable snrpriao was occas
sioned Jnst in lor to the convenlnu
of the city connci1 last evening, when
it became known that the term of
the so-called old couucllmen had ex
pired fit 12 o'clock Sunday night.
In fact, several of thoHe effected by
the unexpected greeting were lu their
stmt a, and refused to retire until
such tiuie ad they had examined the
charter whteh provides that the
change shall become effective at mid
night, October 30. In its entirety
the meeting was of a slow and go
easy variety, few matters of general
Interest being brought up for con
Mayor Hoover I tot ires. ,
Upon calling the session to order
Mayor Hoover explained that the j
term of the retiring council men be-1
came effective the previous night, j
and accordingly that any business
they might transact would prove 11
legal if questioned. Ho then spoke
of tho eight years he had served as
Koseburg s chief executive, stating
that he had nt all times endeavored
to give the city a clean and impartial
administration. "1 might have made
some mistakes,' said the Mayor, "but
of course we are all subject to error.
I have always worked ln behalf of
the city, and now that my time has
come 1 have only the kindest words
for my successor, hoping as 1 do that
he may prosper and continue to serve
the city in the interests of the peo
ple." Without further ceremony Mayor
Hoover retired, leaving the affairs
of the city In the hands of Mayor
Fred Haynes.
Talks Briefly.
In "assuming the chief executive
ship of Koseburg, Mayor Haynes
spoke briefly, simply lauding the ac
complishments of his predecessor.
"I believe," said Mayor Haynes,
"that the time has come when Hose
burg should take a pride lu her ap
Marance, therefore I would recom
mend that something be done toward
Improving the appearanco of tbe
3treets.'' From the tenure of :.he
Mayor's remarks It appeared that he
referred to tbe paved streets, no
doubt of tho opinion they should be
cleaned more often hi the future
than in the pust.
The Mayor's Message.
The following message previously
prepared ny tho Incoming Mnynr was
(hen read by CM y Recorder Orcutt.
To tho Honorable Common Council.
Coin lemon: I have the honor to
mako the following suggcM-ions: The
affairs of tho city should he managed
in such a way that the city should
receive the equivalent of every dol
lar expended. Tbe people want Im
provements nnd wish the city to
progress, and all they demand Is that
we do the nest we can to obtain the
boHt results. It will be necessary
that, we devote some of our time each
day to the Interest of Roseburg.
It seems to be the practice in other
cities to imike out! ninths of the ex
penditures necessary to run the dif
ferent departments for the ensuing
vear. I would suugest that tin? dil
forent comn.lMops s ihi It a report, of
tho ninount needed for their depart
'I he city mi st he cleatu I streets
allevs. walks and other such places
over which the city has jurisdiction
The problem of a dumping ground
should ho settled at once. Delavs
oulv mean added expense as the
price of real estate Is advancing.
Maps or blue prints of tho sewor
systems should bo procured nnd a
suitable place in the city hall made
i for the sumo, so they will not get
I lost or stob-n.
i All residences or other buildings
within the prescribed limit of a sew
er where sewerage now runs on the
ground or Into a cesspool should be
compelled to altarh to tbe sewer. Tbe
:healtb of the people demand It.
i ('omiril Of gjinli'd.
j Tbe Mayor then announced that It
! was customary to organize the coun
cil ptinr to the consideration of bus
iness, hence his announcement of the
following appoint merits:
i City Attorney, (leorge Netiner.
j City Marshal. Joseph Huffman.
i Policeman, Carl Palm.
City Surveyor, Charles Roberts.
Klectric Light Inspector, John R.
! Loo.
hire Cormn'srdonerH. Joseph flykes
and Crafton Worlhlngton.
( CoiiiiiiitteeM Appointed.
Following are the several com mi t
tf appointed to serve during the
ensuing year:
Was and Means Sykes, Halter
and MiC'lll
Current expenses and accounts
Josephs, liaker and Hellows.
Flro and WaU r McClallen, Sykes
I and Jonem,
I License Committee MIcelM, Mul
len and Mrrialien.
Klectric Lights Mullen, Clements
and Patrick.
Judiciary Patrick, Bellows and
Requisitions Bellows, Josephson
and Strong.
JoeptiNoti Kleeted President.
I'pon moduli of C. B. Patrick, sec
onded by Councilman Mlcelll, S. M.
Josephson was elected as President
of the council for the ensuing year.
Owing to the fact that he was the
only person placed in nomination the.
recorder was instructed to cast the
uuamlmous ballot of tho council.
To Purchase Sprinkler.
The Initial matter of Importance
to coiuo before the council was that
of purchasing a street sprinkler, such
action being advocated by Council
man Josephson. In explaining his
views regarding the purchase Mr.
Josephson said that the time was at
hand when tho city would be obliged
to invest In a sprinkler, Inferring
ny his remarks that the streeets were
tn dire need of attention Council
man Mullen coincided with Joseph
son, and went one stronger, by urg
ing the ourchasc of a dump carl. I
Councilman Mlcelll also appeared In-:
dined to Invest, stating that he bo-
Jlevea It wise for the city to purchase
a team. A prolonged discussion then
ensued, and upon Dual considera
tion It was decided to drop the pur-i
chase of the team and cart and sim
ply appoint a committee to Investl-
gate the purchase of a sprinkler, i
Mayor Haynes appointed Councilmen
Mlcelll, Josephson and Strong as!
members of this special committee.
They will report their findings at the
special session of the council which
occurs tonight. i
Establish Street I part men t.
Concurrent with tho discission rel
ative to purchasing street cleaning
Implements it was decided to estab
lish a street cleaning department, '
that the work of cleaning the paved
streots may he simplified. It was uIbo
suggested that a committee be ap
pointed to investigate the proposition
of erecting an annex to the city hall,
such to be utilized In sheltering the
street sweeper and other implements
used undor the supervision of the
street depart incut.
Puvemcnt Accepted. '
The city engineer filed a report
embodying the final estimates of the
paving work as follows:
Mala street $7,531.40
Cass street 3,447.46
Washington street 963.79
Oak street 963.79
Upon motion of Councilman Ml
celll the report was accepted and the
recorder ordered to draw a warraut
for the respective amounts.
The paving on Mheridan. Douglas
and Jackson streets was accepted at
a recent meeting of the council. With
the allowances last evening tho War
ren Construction Company have been
paid in full, completing their contract
with the cRy.
A Prolonged llKcussion.
The weight of the evening's discus
sion prevuiled upon the question of
whether or not F. C. Krear, until
rocentlv employed under the super
vision of the city engineer, should be
allowed the sum ot $:i.8(, nlleged
to be due as wages. The hill camu
up at a previous session of the coun
cil, but owing to the fact that he had
made an error while working in
North Roseburg, (he result of which
cost tbe city several dollars, it was
withheld awaiting investigation at
the hands of a special committee.
Last evening the committee failed to
lie a report relative to tho claim,
and Frear demanded his pay, alleging
that he had already waited two
months with no assurance of whon It
would be paid. Counclliuen Strougd
and Joseiihsou argued that
wagos could not be held for tho alleg
ed error, but on the contrary they
con tendril that City IOngineer Har
tong should he compelled to make
good the claim. -Harlong, who was
present, kicked cn paing the claim,
alleging that the city was In fault.
'.'I could not sp Mid all my time in
North Rowburg at the time tho error
was made,' said Mr. Hartong, "for
the reason that, my attention was de
manded in tho paved district. It.
would liavo taken me nearly o day
to lay out tho grades lu question,
and In my absence the city might
have lost a great deal more, consider
ing the fact that the paving company
was accomplishing work at the ap
proximate value of $i,000 per day
at that time." After a lengthy argu
ment It, was finally decided to refer
the mntter to a committee for inves
tigation. Such commit toe Will re
port their findings at a special meet
ing of tho council to be held this
Minor Mutters.
Cltv Knglneer Hartong reported
that he had finished hi work for the
city, and recommended that all blue
prints and other valuatilo papers left
by htm bo deposited In a suitable de
pository that they might be safo from
lire or ol her Iobh.
A comrnnnicatlon received by City
Roeorder Orcutt from the Page In
vestment Company was read In fit!'.
The writer alleged that the city was
Indebted to the Pago I in est merit
Company hi the sunt of $15, cla'Mlng
Dint Rlugling Brothers had purchas
ed a number of cedar poles on their
recent vlait to this city with the un
derstanding that tbe city would pay
for them. found I men Josephson
and Mlcellf objected to tho bill, and
after a brief argument sucx-ceded ln
Its defeat. The recorder was Instruct
ed In notify Mr. Pugu of tho action
A number of persons residing at
the extreme north end of Washing
ton street petitioned Hie council for
additional Illumination. Tho mutter
was referred to the commltte on elec
tric lights.
City Treasurer Hermann aeked the
Kendall Brothers Will Fight
Action For Damages
Says That Win's Are I'mprrly Main
tained, mill That Insulation is In
l'lrst Cluss Condition Al
lege Nclli'iice.
I. 1.. Kendall, one ot the owners
or the local light and water system, ,
who has ben spending the past ten
days in the city Ineoecllng the cot.i
pany's holdings In this kcnllty, de
parted for his home at Pittsburg;,
Hennsylvanlii, this ir.ornlng.
In speaking of the damage suit
filed ugnlnst his company by Mrs.
Henry Huston of this city, Mr. Ken
dull said that as far as lie could me
the controversy Is purely u ntnttei
of law, and thorefore he had decided
to carry the case before the Federal
Court wltero It might be settled for
all time, and thus avoid any possibil
ity of an appeal.
Continuing Mr. Kendall said: "I,
believe that our wires are prcperl
maintained, in faot, L am sure that
the wire insulation Is as good. If not
superior, to that found lu niauy sec
tions of the West."
Another nolnt raised by Mr. Ken-,
dall during his briof conversation
was lu regard to contributory negli
gence. He said: "I understand that
Mr. Etston woa warned by certain
parties before mounting the polo up
on which he met his death. Also
that he was told to notify our nieii to
turn off the current. That ho failed
to do so appears a certainty, there
fore I cannot see how we can be held
Kroin tho tenure of Mr. Kendall's
remarks It appears that the case will
be carried to the Federal Courts
without unnecessary deluy, and will
not bo aired ln the locnl courts ua
(Special to Tho Evening News)
I.KWISTON, Mont., Nov. 2. Jns.
fiass was nrrested today clmtxed
with the death of Thomas RliiK,
aged 73 years, by beatlUK hi in over
tho bond with the butt of a rifle. Tho
trougle Ib said to have occured when
HIuk shot Class' doc for stenlliiK
meat. He claims that ho only used
his lists.
(Hpecliil to Tho Evening NewB
lMTTSDUHO, Pa., Nov. 2. Ml.
Win. Marlow, wile of a coal miner,
ami four children were burned to
reitr's (illt today ln n lire which destroyed
the family home near this city, mo
mother had Hiiccceded In saving onus
child, and on returning to tho rescue)
of I he other lour lost, her Ufa 111 lilt)
lire that burned her children.
(Continued on page 2.)
(Special to Tho livening News)
MOW OKI. FANS, Nov. 2. A dis
patch from lllueilelds, dutod today
says that Mannptin, tho capital of
NIcariiKini, Is lu tho hands of the
jirovlslonal government, and that
Soeluya, tho deposed President, Is
Hoclui? for his Hie. Tho report has
not been confirmed.
(Special o The Evening News)
MADRID, Spain, Nov. 2. tho en
tir province of Tarragona Is being
swept b a teriillc c clone. The dam
age being wrought fa enormous and
it Ik feared that the deith. rale Is
very heavy. Particulars aro unobtain
able, since all lines of couimuufcatlou
are down or destroyed.
(Special to Tho Evening News)
MOW Ottl.EANS, Nov. 2. Tho
waterways convention, wnlch taken
in all, has been a great success, will
end Us deliberations today and ad
journ. Informal sessions were held
this morning, and thlB afternoon tho
delegates will Inspect the harbor.