The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 01, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Ace Knight, of Oakland, called on
friends in the city Bun 'lay.
J. 0. Ka.'Kl of Wilbur, spent Sat
urday evening Id the city,
II. K. Fciuon, of Oakland, was a
visitor In the city for a few hourtt
John Bates, the Happy Valley far
mer, wa(i a buslneaa vluitor in the
city today.
The W. C. T. U, will meet Wednes
day afternoon at 2:o0 at the home of
Mrs. H, Faulkner.
Mrs, iJut'll and daughter, Mrs.
Curry, went to Myrtid Creek this
morning to visit friends.
A. Guest, the baker, Is again at
his btore after belnp confined at home
solera I days wftu an attack of la
grlppo. ' A marilage license has been Issued
to William Ulapeltun and Miss Minnie
Calahan, both residents of Douglas
The river la said to be
somewhat higher this morning than
for some years past at this time of
the season.
Judge J. W. Hamilton has over
ruled the demurror to the complaint
In the case of K. L. Sabin vs. 1 he
I'hoenlx Htone Company.
Secretary Millar, of the Sutherlin
Land and Water Company, returned
to Sutherlin this morning niter,
apendlng Sunday In this city. i
Attorney A. N. Orcutt went to i
Glendale Sunduy evening, returning
home on the northbound local today, j
Geo. W. Kearns, one of Grants !
Pass' hustling huBlncHti men, came up
on Sunday's local, and is looking af-l
ter matters before the land othce
today. ,
W. H. Moore, proprietor of a local
feed barn, has purchased the largo
lray team, formerly the property of
John Mullen,
Mrs. Muggfe Carter, of Oakland,
returned-to her homo at Oakland
Sunday morning after a brief vlnlt
fat the heme of Mr, and Mrs. C, L.
Had ley in this city.
Saturduy night was Hulowe'en, nnd
as ukuuI, tho Hiuall boy was in his
glory. Numerous depredations were
reported to the police Sundny, none
of which, however, were of conse
quence. JeaHln h. Fisher and wife havo re
turned to their home at Dunsmulr,
California, after a brief visit with
relatives in this city. Mr. Fisher is
at present engaged In the restauruut1
business at the southern town. j
C. 1L Cannon, one of the com
mit toe nppolnted to negotiate with
the electric light company for prop-1
erly lighting the city, has completed
nil the necessary arrangements, and
the work of placing the lights will
begin at an early date.
The trustees of tho Itoschui'K Com
mercial Club will meet Wednesday
evening, at which (lino, (hey will con
sider several matters pertaining to
the club. It Is said that they will;
also tako action upon a number of
membership applications recently re-!
Tho new heating plant recent I y
Installed In the McCl illen hotel Is
now In working order. The plant
was placed In commission Sunday for
tho first time with satisfactory re
sults. The. plant was Installed un
der the direction of Winnie Oaddls,
1ho local plumber,
Mr. and Mrs. I. Copoley and their
pen Eddie were in the city from the
iaim on Deer Creek today. Mr. Co
poley Informed a News representa
tive that his corn fields produced 50
bushels of rorn to the acre this year,
and that he has corn for sale with the
lent of his neighbors.
The McKenzle Murry Makers have
reurned after a week's engagement
nt Medford. This company needs no
Introduction to tho aniusement lov
ers In this locality, having played at
the Star thcatro for Severn I weeks
prior to their departure. They np-
pcar at the Star theatre tonight in;
jacK or Diamonds. j
Mr. Kdward Thompson, of Hakers-;
field, California, who has Icon spend-i
lug some time In the city visiting at j
1 he homo of his parents, Mr and ,
Mrs. L. T. Thompson, has gone to
l'hllonmlh. Oregon, and Spokane, j
Washington, where he will visit
friends and relatives. He was ac-.
rompauled by Mrs. Thompson. !
The Camas Coal Company has filed ;
articles of incorporation with the:
Count v Clerk. The incorporators are!
Messrs. J. W, TVrklns, O, I. Ccshow
and Mrs. ,1. W. IVrklus. It is mild
that the company have obtained op
tions on several thousand acies of:
coal land lit the Camus Valey see-1
tlou of the county, and expect to1
commence actual mining within a
short time.
Deputy Sheriff Andrew Marker oc
cupied the pulpit at the Methodist (
church last evening. Ills discourse;
was praclfeally con lined to ti reply j
to a recent address dell vo-ed by
1'rofessor Howe, of Kiucno, in which)
he nttaeked the divinity of Christ. Ai
large crowh was present at thej
large crowd were present at llioi
church last evening, and all are in j
high pnlso of the address so ably i
delivered by Its mast or,
mi; .UTn:iti.Vi mj.vmoi h
of our Jewelry mspiny Is matched by i
the solid merit of each article showu. i
' Mrs. Clara Woe and daughter, of
Drain, are visiting friends in the
city today.
The school board will hold Its rcg
18 KXltOlTE
Dr. Harry Lane, ex-Mayor of
Pnrtlnnft afroninnifd bv hid
meeting at the office of Judge j wife and daughter, Harriet, ar-
J. C. Kullerton this evening
R. L. Cannon was In the city from
Lurley on business.
Mrs. H. Cock era n, of Oakland,
was a visitor In the city Saturday.
Chris Nelson, of Oakland, spent
Sunday In the city visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, of Win
ston, were Hoseburg visitors Satur
day, Mnn and Mrs. Cooper wore in the
city the other day, the ilrst ;lme for
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Thackrah
have returned from a several weeks'
visit at Willamette Valley points.
O. W. Jones, the carpenter. Is
building a fine residence for Mr. E.
P. Hooper on West Harvard street,
Weit Hoseburg.
Mr. and Mrs. I, TJ, Riddle and two
children visited at the home of the
former's parents at Riddle over Sat
urday and Sunduy.
Mrs. J. A. Freeman who has been
in the city for (he past few weeks
e;:pects to leave Thursday for New
port where she and her husband will
remain Tor the winter.
Jus. T. Goodman is in the city
from Looking Glass. Ho reports
more fell plowing nnd planting this
year than usual, and predicts a bum
per grain crop next year.
Charles Mahan, om loved in the
Southern Pacific yards, has returned
1 from a brief visit, with friends and
relatives at McMIuviMe. Ho was ac
i compared by his mother.
Willie Rotes, son of John Bates,
of Happy Vall"v, has gone to points
In Southern California where he will
remain during the winter.
Theodoro Krysto, recently from
Russia, is lu the city looking over a
number of orchard tracts. hie is
registered at the McClallen hotel.
Dr. Suiick, of Myrtle Creek, spent
Sunday in the city visiting at the
home of his father who resides on
Deer Creek. The doctor returned
homo on Sunday evening's south
bound local.
T. R, Sheridan, cashier of the
First National Bank, has returned
from a week's trip to points In Cali
fornia. He says he Is glad to re
turn to Oregon, the climate being
far superior to that found in the
southern clime.
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, accompanied
by their child, left tov Medford this
morning after spending the summer
at the home of Mrs. Brooks fathwr.
Jessie Gilliam, who resides on Deer
Creek. They expect to remain at
Medford Indefinitely.
J. L. Kendall, one of the owners
of the local water and light system,
exnecte to leave tomorrow on his re
turn trip to I'ittshurg, Pennsylvania.
When interviewed by a News' rep
rived here this morning by pri
vate conveyance from the South
The family naB uen touring
Southern and Eastern Oregon
during the past three months
and are now enroute to their
home at Portland. While here
they were entertained at the
home of Mr. Lane's nephew, Dr.
Fred Haynes.
Rev. J. N. McConnel, wife and
child, went to Myrtle Creek this
morning, the former to officiate at
the funeral of Clifford Strong. They
expect to return home tomorrow.
Walter Cloake, who conducts a
confectionery store on Sheridan
street, has moved frcm his erstwhile
quarters to the vacant store rooms
two doors north.
Nothing Is too good for the Uriah,
neither Is cement culverts too good
for the county. Use the best, as it
18 the cheapest In the long run. See
Victor Short, who has been em
ployed at the Economy meat market
McClallen Hot!. J.
land: Samuel Powell, jioMul
A. Murry, Medford; Mrf JT ew
ien, Myrtle Point; B. v"-A.
j for some time patt, left this morning
for Pheonlx, Arizona, where be will
fcpend the winter.
W. H. Brosi Is In the city from
Melrose. He reports the late rain
as being just the thing for the farm
er who wants a big gralu crop in
The Maccabees expect to com
mence the task of laying their new
cement sidewalk tomorrow. Contrac-
i tor F. F. Patterson has been award-
Mrs. Daly has gone to Portland
where she will visit friends,
A marriage license has been grant
ed to Edward Frauds Kelso and
Cora Apal Crow.
T. J. LaBrie. of Silver Lake, has
been visiting his brother, Ed. La j
Brie, for several days.
Mrs. Jennie Higgins, of Eugene,
will arrive in the city next Friday to
inspect the W. R. C.
Noal McBeth has accepted a posi
tion at Sctherlin. He left for that
place Sunday evening.
Dr. Hoover was called to Glide
this morning to attend the infant
child of Charles Greenman
ed the contract
Mrs. John O Brlcn, of Passadena,
California, who has been vftiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.' W.
Kuykendall in this city, returned
home this morning.
Samuel Smith, the local livery
man, returned this morning from a
two week's outing near Steumbont,
Rev. Robert Booth, of Eugene, has Oregon. He reports a good time
returned home after a brief visit with
relatives In this city.
Attorney A. N. Orcutt has return
ed from a brief trip to points In the
northern part of the state.
Frank Long, of Cleveland, who
nnd succeeded in bagging consider
able game.
City Attorney Frank G. Micelll
has gone to Ha Hey, Idaho, where he
will spend about two weeks visiting
relatives. Enroute home he will
j. w
York: P. E. Ames, Vferv
Staley, Portland; Chft J;rtand;
Portland: Thoa. McKcn rfl E
W. R. Bailey. Seattle:
Boswell, Boswell Sprln
Portland; A. C. Rom, " (and
Mann, Berlin; J. Fran Good
rt is ... U-
J." iiaive. Den-
; T. J.
man, Portland; VMiur-'.
ver, col.; J. H. lee t-,. New
itearney, Portland; Ja v Thw
York; W. E. Griilis, Phfcago
Krysto. Russia; J. W. jrd.
S. Thompson, Portlan 'chipAm
ger. Chicago; F. M. Clllca"
30; H. J. Roblnion, C-
Hoseburg Hotel.-.?
City, Or.; 8. D. Sicl'd- "b.u
Cimos B. BameaderfeB"!
L. Bond, Portland; E. f.
land; F. M. Uiiinn.rtJd Col
John Eager, Oregon C-J '"V'"
Salem; Mr and Mr'-h c,
Hemingford. Neb. J vf). A, '
J. M. Chandler, Silt1? .AI
Kcma, Cllyr David
ky:.5,r . Mri. J. w. YarbrouEh.
Idaho; E. L. vviht
J. Kaox, Klloaaburg,
Portland; L,
All Sdvartlnnu.,.1 . a
"wmbui is 10 the mer
chant very much what sowing se f.
tlmn . . " may take a lttl8
hTtfc TeuUi t0 becom apparent,
fnrn,,? , ar8.Bure eomo. Tho wise
rarmer is not nlgKardly with his aesd
nor Is the wise merchant with his
LE,8I'A In this city, October 30,
, , wlle 01 Jo'iva Laslna,
a lilt pound boy.
KNIPPAt the family home ot Til
ler, uregon, Sunday, October 14,
1909, Poter, tho two year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Knipp.
The flinprnl BurvLo. -I.
ine Hiand cemetery above Davs
Creek, Tuesday afternoon. Rev. 6.
A. Gray, of Cmivnnvito
- - w."n.ue.
has been siend'lng the past week In BtP over at Portland to attend bus-
tlin t v vluir hie rnn VAu httn r,.t n rn. iuras maiifin.
ed home.
Mix C. S. Marnh has cone to Med
ford where she will visit friends for
Perry Foster and wife snent yes
terday at the home of the former'B
imrents at Looking Glass. Mr. Foster
reports the roads In good condition
V V Ulna nf Ilia rt A 11 I T)iiTir,li
reHentative relative to his visit here n,lRr' oiide, is one of tho early mi ti
ne said: I simply came to inspect j sorJbors to The Dallv Evening News,
our properties in this locality, and ; He is one of th-j live, progressive
now that I have finished I am ready I Voung men of the countv, ind vunta
to return home. .Mr. Kendull is de-jto k(?(.,. nm(.e with occurring events.
!:ennd'S:Rr8.mU!nl :f W. Brol , the city
become the ,ot,K,U. of Southern J '"n his new ho,""'
C I.' llpcklv of Onkliinil wns a "lnl'1' l"linl8u' wil1' rGnni for hls
I.UHluesHVlorn lho ci y or a few ! f:im,l' aml f,'l,,"l" he 18 W1"'
horn's Su.uX !' thl,,k "t0 ' a,s,lred,!' worth "V-
Attorney Dexter Rice returned i lR
from Portland Sunday morning after County Assessor V. L. Calkins re
attending legal matters in that city, celved a letter from relatives at
Mrs. C. 1). Beule, who has been ' CHrkston, Washington, to the effect
visiting frhndB at Portland for the ,nnt his daughter, Mrs. Rule Dick-
n f.'w rinvs She was accomnanied bv re"ortB Uie roaUB ln sooa condillon
her children 1 J notwithstanding the heavy rains of
P. I.. Ttearrl. nf Yoncnlla. is In the r a rn.n 1 .n i i
city today attending to various bus-'here from Portland Saturday where
nii-na uiHiivia. nv win ivimu uuihc no nas niade all arrangements pre
Jacob Denn, one of our oldest cit
izens, Is confined at his home with
serious Illness. Dr. E. V. Hoover Is
attending the case.
Owing to the lack of a quorum
tho trustees of the Rosehurg Com
mercial Club did not meet Friday
evening as anticipated
Mrs. Edward Billings left this
morning for Salem where she will
spend ten days visiting friends
Robert L. Wlnniford and wife de
parted for points In Canada this
morning where they expect to make
their future homo.
Dr. W. W. Faulkner left, for his
home at Drain this morning after
spending Sunday at the home of his
parents In this city
past ten days, returned home Sun
day evening.
A. J. Carman, of SHveiton, Is
spending a few days In the city
visiting at tho heme of his brother,
Frank Carman.
Mrs. K. A. Hlnkloy, who has been
inson, fs.sufTdfng from typhoid fev
er. Mrs. Dickinson has a host of
friends In this vicinity who wish her
a speedy recovery.
Mesdumes L. C. Johnson. H. J.
Freur, W. E. Johnston, S. K Wll
btt, i. Flint and M. Coffin, went to
visiting relatives at her old home in Grants Pass this morning where they
Illinois for several weeks, returned ' will attend a Christian science lec
home Sunday evening. t tnro this evening. The ladies ex-
Mlss Kate Angt-e. who has been I pect to return home tomorrow even-
fpendlng some time visiting at the. lug.
home of her brother, Rov. lu thlsi Robert Gile, prune packer. Is
city, returned home Sunday morn- i spending the day at. Myrtle Creek
Mrs. W. C. Underwood, of Oak
land, who has been confined at .Mercy
Hospital during iho past two weeks,
returned to her home Sunday morn
ing greatly Improved lu health.
C. I. Deavengrod. wife and
daughter, of Myrl le Creek, spent t
Saturday evening in the city visiting
friends. They left Sunday morning
for Albany and other points In the
northern part of tho o where they
will remain about tin days.
A. C. Frye nnd wife- havo re
making arrangements to shin a con
slgnment of prunes to this city for
packing. The Gile company recently
purchased about twenty carloads of
the prodiu-t at the southern town,
all of whleh were pooled by tho far
mers in that locality.
I. B. Howard. Looking Glass'
popular bop.lfaee. reports business in '
his section as Improving, and the
miiidHlv nf Itio neiMtle nr hu.;v nt-1
tending to the planting of grain. Ev.
Tho Deer Crock bridge was opened i
for traffic Saturday mrnlng, and it'
I paratory to engaging In the mer
chantile business. He will remain
here until the latter part of the
Mrs. James Wheeler, recently from
the East, has accepted a uosition as
altorer In the ladles' ready to wear
department at Josephson's. She Is
an expert In her line nnd comes
highly recommended. She entered
upon her duties this morning.
The case of John F. Culver vs.
Newton Howe will he heaid before a
jury In Justice of the Peace John T.
Long's court tomorrow afternoon.
Culver la suing to recover the sum of
$r0 which he alleges Is due him for
wares and merchandise furnished the
The machinery and fire brick for
the lime kilm, to be constructed on
the lime property three miles east of
Greens, has arrived and will be haul
ed to the scene of operations within
a few days. The promoters of tho
enterprise are now anxious to obtain
transportation facilities, nnd will no
doubt make the owners of the land
a needed proposition in the near
Three OdViMler Arraigned
Police Court.
In City
The usual array of Saturday night
and Sunday drunxs appeared before
City Recorder Orcutt in the local po
lice court this afternoon. Included
anion the list of offenders were John
Mahoney and Russell Hogan, charged
with drunkenness, and John Itowen.
accused of disorderly conduct.
Each member of the trio entered a
plea of guilty, and accordingly were
lined in the sum of $10 each. Hocan
and Mahonty were short on finances
and accepted the alternate of ten
days in jail, while Boweu managed
to raise the amount of theftne.
City Recorder Oicutt says that he
has lost all imtlence with this class
of citizens, and promises all offenders
a stiff lino In the future.
Dr. J. L. Calloway, osteopathic
physician. Abraham bhig. Phono
1619. tf. such beauties, loo. Just the
thing for It new Bungalow you are com-
pleting. me in and see how nice the
design wi:onform to the finish of your
new horn You see, they never require
winding-ways on the run. .
W.E. Clingenpeel,
Phone 214
turned from a month's visit with 19 newness -io assert, t int lie rosi
frknda mid ivI.iIIvob nt their old ' '",s ; ' Menbowor and vicinity are
homo In Mlchlmiti. Mr. Kiyn nays ; delimited.
he is glad to Ket bark to Oregon, no j mmmmhmmwh
don it. iiiuiri c iitteir I ho mild rl inuti
le this lncalitv. !
e 193
PRONATION No. 1:- Be it known to all the good
reatof this bright new paper, and especially the
: ladders, that I have jnst received a fresh addition
g to ick of l'hyrography goods.
I The some very attractive pieces in fact all were
j selswith utility in view. A full article is much
betifpreciated, as a present, than simply an or
natil one. But when you combine bothutility
aoament then you' have accomplished something.
; Cbias will soon be here and now is the time to
' beeeperation for you cannot dodge the giving of
sosroaent. And by and by when the air becomes
cM with the Christmas spirit you will not wish
tcij!, so be early in begining for the inevitable,
'hive other things that are seasonable.
WITNi-My hand and seal thi3 day of
Roseburg, Oregon
You cannot fail to admire at tlrst
Bight tho artistic beauty of the Jew
elry. And your admiration will in
crease a time proves the quality
that makes the beauty enduilni;. We
would IlUe lo show you some esprcl
al!y desirable examples we are sell
ing, at esepclally low prices.
Jeweler nnd Optician.
the Deer Crei'k bridge Is nualn ot
for t rattle. A tt mporury tloor has
boon Iti id on tho main span, thus al
lowing vehicles and foot passenncrs (
to cross until such time as tho new:
PrUUe Is completed.
Counly School Supt. Chnnoy.
aci'ompanled by his family and .Mlssj
Maud Corn.'illns. are nt Myrtle Crock
todttv in attendance at th. funeral
of tho late ciitfurd S'ronr; who pass-;
cd away nt that place Saturday
mornintr. Thev expect to return
home tomorrow. i
Tho Hallowe'en pupner served by j
the ladles' of St. (Jeorire's church ,
Saturduy eveulns was well attended,'
and all who participated in the
bounteous spread are hljih in praise
of their efforts, it Is safe to assert
that the ladies nalizcd a neat sum
of which they nre deserving:.
Kdwln Weaver, the popular Myrtle;
Creek farmer, spent Sunday in the;
city, lb reports the prune crop,
throunhout the Myrtle Cre'k dis-j
trlet np to the standard this yeari
notwithstanding reports to the con- !
trary. The price paid by tho buyers
was good in most Instances, and fortunate enough to possess a '
yield are satisfied with the returns.'
P. F. Gilbert, who lias been em-
loyprd by the Hochdate Co. for
several ars. has resigned, and with
his son. Van Gilbert, has purchased
the merciinnttiso store of Ne-dy j
NtH'ly, tu West Uosehurg. They ttMik '
possession of the establishment this,
morning. Hoth Mr. Gilbert and his
son are well known In this vicinity. I
and they will no doubt make sd
in their veuturc. , j
W '
tt 1 J
Mm .
An Amazing SpecV
For it means the distribution ofaii6nse lot of the
mot wanted models and materials in i season's finest
suits and coats at prices that you nevfSamer 0ft and
the time you want these garments mnj Rli jHT NOW.
These styles are extra high class. I doieefi t0 brag on
them. You come and let us show yoa the garments,
they show their quality without' my li Jhe linings are
guaranteed, each arm hole has a paded ijj, jn fact, I
could go on describing them and notj a the good
features. Kemmher what I have said ome 00k these
over you will be agreeably surprised tn!n e high'Srae
merchandise at so low a pi ice. Specitit one week only
at so low a price $19.00
The New Yok Store
-. ! -
- v.,