The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 01, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    Assessor's Southern Pacific
Valuations Upheld By Board
Pullmnn . Company and Wells Fargo
Express Company ltequest De
crease In Valuations, But
Aro Itefused.
After a two week's session the
Douglas County Board ot Equaliza
tion, comprised of Couuty Assessor
Frank L. Calkins, County Clerk E.
. H. Lenox and County Judge O. W.
"Wonacott, concluded its labors late
Baturday afternoon and adjourned.
The final action of the board was
that of sustaining Assessor Calkins'
valuation of f;IS,(J00 per mile on the
Southern Pacific roadbed and rolling
stock, applying upon 116.15 miles
of road controlled by the Southern
Pacific Company In this county. As
usual the company registered a pro
test, alleging that 20,000 per mile
would be a true valuation. Such a
.valuation, however, would have baen
$10,000 less than that of last year,
and It Is needles1. to assert that the
protest mot with little consideration.
With the exception of Marion, every
county In Western Oregon has sus
tained the assessor's valuation of
$33,000 per mile. Marlon county,
it is said, has sustained the asses
sors valuation of $32,000 per milo
which corresponds to the valuation
levied in this county In the year
- jip-"-1 ' valuation of $7.20 per
' vrre upon all Southern Pacific tim
ber lands In Douglas county was al
so suutained by Lenox and Wonacott.
The assessments levied by Calkins'
upon the Wells Fargo Company and
' the Pullmnn Company were also sus
tained hy his colleagues upon final
: consideration. The former company's
personal property in the county was
assessed at $1,505, but this amount
the corporation branded as exces-
, sive. Their contention could not be
ciphered by the board, however, and
it was allowed to stand as compiled
by the assessor. Bast year the ex
press company was assessed on
Southern Pacific mileage, hut this
was held Illegal by the courts.
The Pullman Company was assess
ed by Calkins at $50u per mile, an
llerton, $750 on house-
SiUh, $500 on a buil.Un.
itnated In Rosebud
George Houch, $750 on an auto-
Cecse. H.9i0 " 320 acre
...... nf timer.
I , C. W. Oodall. $2,800 on a 320
acre tract unmuvi.
Harriet ! Hodge, $700 on a 320
acre timber lnlm.
a"a VflbtloiiH Reduced.
Among use fortunate enough
to have me valuations reduced
were the folwlng:
The booncaucelled the assess
ment on SO acres ot tiiubar land
upon petltlo of C. A. Smith
Timber Cowiny. The land Is alleg
ed to be uud protest. The company
also request! the cancellation ot
tho pssesnnie on 1,080 acres of
other timber nd. alleging that thev
had thus fanean unable to obtain
patents. Tlilpolltlon was denied.
The assossent of $1,000 levied
on W. K. Vson's saw mill was
cancelled. "3 action was taken
for the reasoihnt the mill was sub
sequently desoyea uy nro wnii n
insurani'3 to ver the low
Grant Edlat and Stella Gray, 40
acres, from 00 to $4,000.
W. S. Hami'U, timber claim, from
$1,905 to $9!
E. T. Woouff, 150 acres, from
$0,000 to $3.0.
Adam Knoh 10 acres, from $S25
to $725.
H. D. May,! acres, from $3,500
to $2,600.
W. C. Wimn, 50 acres, from
$0,520 to $5,0.
Annie Kentisliardson, 75 acres,
from $8,200 t$4,700.
The a-isessml of $22.4(15 against
property helorts to b. G. Young
& Company. lOakland, was In
creased to $28 5.
Also the asunont on 80 acres
of land belong to John Standly,
from $3,700 tol.OOO.
Three taxpaji reported that a
portion of the personal property
had been omtti from tho assess
ment roll. . Vatlona In these In
stances were fli ns follows; G. W.
Jones, $625; R.. Woodruff, $1,340;
and J. W. ConilCOO.
Vincent Presclu Hales Boo Tons
of Hay aniO of Straw.
Vincent Presoa is "highly pleas
ed wiili his nssteel belt baling
press, which ho aires can do better
work with small cost and in less
time than any her machine he
over saw cperan In the country.
Ho started latei the season, but
at its wind up ifcw day's ago he
had baled on DerOreek and in the
vicinity of MelroSOO tons of hav
increase of $200 per mile over last anA 40 ton8 of 89 without a hitch
year. ils amount the company uu"" ixext .vein-
alleged excessive and accordingly! wl!1 employ iiraction engine
petitioned that It be reduced to 1 S5 j with the baler, expects to do
per mile. As In Ihe previous in- ( 'r times as ( mh satisfactory
stances, however, their protest prov-. work.
ed In vain, the assessment of the '
assessor being sustained. 1,rs- E- Bromlster of Edward
Following are eight other In- nilll"Ks. a local Suern Pacific Con
stances in whicn the board upheld ductor, left for pm in Washington
the assessor In his valuations: 1 1"13 morning wfco she will visit
H. S. Gilo & Company, $2,000 on friends. She cajt here recently
two cars of prunes. from her home In ttfornln.
Destructive Fire in Bellingham
Bay Lodging House.
While Trying to Save Her Children
and Can net Live Others Are
Cremated in Flumes.
(Speciil to The Evening News)
"hLLl.NUHAM, Wash., Nov. 1.
Mrs. Josle Kraemer, a widow, had
her hack broken at a fire tills moin-
iiis winch destroy three large
trauie lodging houses on !5lk street
i no body of Frank Gorman has
been taken from the. ruins, und fire
men arc searching for the body of
Hilly Dawson, a roommate. The or
igin of the fire is unknown, but is
i nought to have originated In a room
occupied bv Gorman nnrf nnu'Kmi
The buildings were a mass of flames
a few minutes after ;he blaze was
nrst discovered. Mrs. Kraemer and
children room on the third floor of
the Uolllnghnm Bay lodging house.
I hey were awakened by the 3moke
ana tried to rush the hallway, but
the babies found the flames cut off
their escape. Mother lowered the
children with a closellne, but lost
her grip when descending and fell
herself. Physicians Bay she will not
(Special to The Evening News)
ASHLAND, Nov. 1 Medford Is
certainly driving Ashland to drink.
This town has been noted for yeurB
as possessed with t-Hhies v hen it
comes to voting on tho wet or dry
proposition. It seems, however, the
prosperity of Medford has worn its
prejudices away to a certain extent,
and it will tiuhmlt the proposition
of permitting Its city council to pass
an ordiuuuee allowing Its hotels and
restniirants to sell drinks with meals
during eating hours at the next city
election In December. This ordi
nance could not be effective for the
drummers alone, so the o-dluance
will apply to all who take their mealB
at restaurants and hotels. The
measure will have the opposition of
the anti-saloon league, but It is
claimed by li lends of the measure
that the league has been going to
seed for some time.
payer Is to Inveftigate as I have
done, and become converted to the
In conclusion I will say we have
an excellent bridge lieie. and It Is a
monument ot praise to Its builder.
A Card of Thanks. -
To all whom It may concern, we
the undersigned hereby express our
appreciation of the kindness and of
the many tokens of love recolved b
us on the day and eveuiug of oui
marrluge, and since, at the Church
In West Roseburg.
And now we are at home in Wesl
Roseburg at the residence of Uov
Doilurhlde and wire.
If you want to sell or trade your farm, orchard, city
pioperty, team, wagon, buggy or hack,
List It With
Bond & Bradley
Let us help you to reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent
by building you a home and allowing you to pay for it iu easy monthly pay
ments and low rate of interest. We will aid you iu buying or building, and
loan you money to pay off debts on real estate. All moneys can be returned at
any time, thereby slopping further interest. We also allow you three per cent
on all advance payments you make on your loau at any time.
We give you three months on a'.l
notes in arrears. We will allow you
nine years to return any loan, large
or small. Our contracts are drawn
up for $100 each; you would take
out as many contracts as you want
$100. Bach one matures In 90 days
and you are guaranteed $100 on
every contract carried to maturity.
We can arrange with farmers to
make annual payments In advance on
their loans, If they prefer.
I Daniel S. R. Walker, Agent .
I Home Office-Room 1, Bell Sisters Building
t i t Roseburg, Oregon , , . , , .
Our Board of Directors are com
posed ot the best buBlnoss men In
the state. We are Incorporated In
the State ot Mississippi for $100,000.
We put up a $10,000 bond In Okla
homa to do business In that state
alone. We have qualified In all the
southern and western states to do
business, and this is certainly evi
dence of our strength and reliability.
Can you ask anything falror? Your
money in caBh will be refunded It
you comply with our contract and
fail to receive a loan. If Interested,
let us hear from you and we will
take pleasure In sending you an application.
Daughter of Hev. mid Mrs. DoIIur
biile Marries Rev. IVrcy Lee.
Tfullerton:& richaSsonT:
X i'
1 ' . , , , I
A pleafsnnt quiet wedding cere
mony was performed nt the Free Me
thodist Church in West Rnseliurg on
Wednesday evening at eight o'clock,
October 27, 1 909, the contracting
parties being Rev. Percy R. Lee, for
merly of Mississippi, but now ii real-1
dent or Oregon, and Miss Florence
IJoll.'irhide, of West Roseburg. Or.
Tho chinch was beautifully decorat
ed with autumn leaves, evergreen
:md white chrysanthemums, under
the skillful leadership of Mr. Cheater
Robertson ably assisted by others.
Tho music wnfl much appreciated as
rendered by Mrs. Myrtle Dowoll. At
tho opening of tho doors ot the
building the room was soon filled
beyond the seating capacity, and for
so large a company was very orderly
and respect i n I. We noticed in the
atidlnnce eight licensed ministers of
tho (Jospel and one attorney ai law.
The ceremony was performed by
the father of the bride, Rev. R. 11.
Dollarhide, pastor of the church.
The company assembled seemed to
enjoy the occasion very much, and
the bride and groom certainly ap
preciated the attendance of those
present, and especially the numer
ous wedding gifts of beauty and val
ue will always be a pleasant re
minder of the church wedding in
West Roseburg.
With pleasant greetings and well
wishes the company dispersed to,
their several homes. Z.
We wish to announce that we are pre
pared to deliver goods by private conveyance
to any part of the city, j
Everything Guaranteed to
Reach You in Good Order
Commercial Club Building'
JKIoll OirrespoiMlriit Heroines Con
vert to lll'iilir riilley.
KI.KTON, Oct. 30. (Editor of
Xowb; ) Hearing considerable com-
1 iiioiit tiro iiii.l con on (he sy&tfm a
dopied by on County Court lor ihe
: piist fc.v years and Is employing
al the present time 111 the matter of
liriue hiiildiui!, i. e., employing a
'foreman and iiladni! hi in In charge
ot llie work instead of letliiiK :tlt
' contracts to speculators. 1 have taken
t parlic'ilar pains, while the huildiiiK
j of the Klk Creek bridge at Klktiin
I was it; prnirrcss under the snperin
! temliiiii'o of A. Fields, to watch the
I result.-;, and for myself if It was
I correct, and a money saving sssteni
J to the county
I New. Mr. Kilitor, I was somewhat
1 prejudiced to the detriment cf the
! svstciii. und was koklng for eonie
't!i:lii! for nolhinp to find fault with;
! out I have looked in vain.
And I wlsli to say to the taxpayers
I of Doiinlas county throiiKh the col
' u runs of your paper that In my optn
I Inn the liriilEa just completed at Klk
1 ton hy Mr. I'ieids cost our county
J.IOi) iess money than it would have
! cost under '.lie contract system, and
is a better and more substantial
structure than was ever, constructed
be ''ore.
So Ions as thi County Court con
tinues to employ competent and con
scientious men like Mr. Fields as
foreman, tha taxpayers need not
bother their reads about their money
being squandered In bridge building,
but to look for the leakage elswhere. ,
.My advice to the dlBsallsfled tax-1
Rice Rice,
The House Furnishers
There's Nothing to Compare wih a Little Home all
Your Own. Wouldn't you like to make such hap
piness as this your happiness? Why don't you?
You've got the girl! Of course you have what young man with
thought of a little home all his own has not?
You're anxious, so is she wnat girl isn't for a little home all her
What's the trouble then is it simply a question of not having
the necessary cash to pay for all the things this little house will need"
If that is the throuble don't let it stand in your way another minute
we'll fix up your little house just as you want it just as cozily and
comfortably as you and we together can plan it. You can furnish it
complete, parlor to kitchen, with every needed thing we've got every
thing here that you can possibly need in the latest, approved styles
and you can pay us a small sum at time of purchase the balance in
little weekly or monthly sums.
We will gladly arrange these payments in amounts to suit your
needs. Won't you come in and let us plan this little home happiness
for you?
BODY EVERYWHERE, their prices are fixed on the solid basis
of moderation, and are same to all. The standard of Section
CASES. Grows as your books accumilate.
IRON BEDS beautiful new pat
terns, specially priced: $3.00,
$4.50, $5.50, $6.00, $7.00 and up.
couch a bed a Davenport best
grade, $7.00.
DRESSERS $7.50 and $10.00;
regular $15.C0 Dresser No. 93 for
BUFFETS $12.50 to $29.00.
HEATERS $2.25, steel; cast top
ones $3.50 to $6.50; Charter Oak
with swing top $10.50; cast top
and cast bottom Eclipse $10.50.
4-hole Majestic, best on earth for
$55.00; 4-hole Standard, a good
one for $30.00; 4-hole Charter
Oak, a hummer for $32.50; Cast
Cooks, No. 8 at $12.00 to $29.00.
New Showing: of Rugs, Carpets and Draperies
MATTINGS; 20c and 35c yard;
LINOLEUMS, 55c, 60c, 75c to $1,50
per yard.
acme of perfection, at $15.00.
Chairs, Chairs and Rockers. Chairs 50 cents and up; Rockers
$1.50 to $42.50. Wall Papers 10c to 50c double roll. Table Oil
Cloth 20c yeard. Everything for the kitchen, See our new washers.
V to
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