The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 01, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    ."" II
Subscription llntes Dully
Pur year, by mail 3.00
Per month, delivered 50
Per year $2.00
Six months 1.00
(iooii uvuning.
Thin being the first iBhue of the
evenInK paper there will doubtless be
soma crulilltles about It, but they
will pass when things smooth oil. and
! The KvenliiK News will continue to
be as It Is now, the best dally news
' paper In 'Southern Oregon.
Normun E. Mack, chairman of the
National Democratic Cammiltee, de
clares It to be his opinion that Uryan
will not be tho next Democratic can
didate for President. It may be his
opinion, but Just the same when the
time comes It will be found that
Bryan will have a good deal to say
whether he runs or not.
Willi this number commences the Tho Myrtlo Point Ruterurise klnd-
publlcatlon of 'I he Dally Kveninii ly says: The Roseburg News annou.n-
Nhws, a clean, live newnpaper, hav
ing (or lis aim tho upbuilding of Ihc
lntoroHtH of the city of Houburg,
en far ai lies within its power, and
Iho advancement of th'j caiiiie of the
citizens of IMim'!.i couniv. These
lnterest.1 and Oils cause wiil bo ever
considered parnnif-unt to Hny other
consideration and they will reeci vo eiin supply I In
The Noah undivided mipp'irt Htf:iliiHt
any mid all minoHitlcm whether It
developer m Iiomo or abroad.
It iir(iwi to ld mi evening nows
imper, hh1i .-tit Ih dealivd by tho bits-
ineifi men nd other readerH In thin
eitv, and whoHO welcome it endors
ed by the paper well filled iidver
tltdiiK tolrmwm and ilH lai'KC Ktilwrip
tlon lint with IIh lirht iHmie. JL Is it h
aim to pui'Hiiit a Jcit and firm courne
lrt all n. attorn wh t o cenmire In the
unly remedy fur u public wrnnj;,
und it will loud ov'ry energy it poa
Ht'.iHMH Io tho promotion of any and
every n.'jHHiirc having for its pur
poB'j tins promotion of ttiH .public
-wnlTaro and tho imiijurvinK "t tlie
community')) beat iiilereHts. Prop
erly conducted a newiipaper realizes
at tho ontHot that Kh own interests
and thoae of tho city in whlrh It
growa and proapera uro identically
tut an m. miil tl. ulll l:ibor with and'
for tiioHO who arc pulling forth their led to by a ivcord allowing th'sre wore
money and meaburc to iiuiKo a not to exceed twenty caaoH or malar
ial rover In ten years. ihe reaaon
for the absence of typhoid germs to
cob that it will begin tho publication
of a dally evening paper next Mon
day, piibllKhlrig bix evenings of the
week. KoHeburg ttbould support a
live dally paper vtry comfortably and
the evidence th ) publisher of the
News has i unilslied in his semi
weekly edition goen in prove tint he
field very efleciiveiy.
H'-nlth Olllcer Hotick, In a seml
olticlal statement glws Borne vary In
teresting fuels for the public. He
declare there is no Lad milk In
Do'itfi'jS county, lor tho reason there
are ',tot the conditions which bring
dlsase-bieedint; inlik Into existence.
1'Jiere are no dairies after the fashion
of thnie of larger cJtiea. hence no
unsanitary stables, no diseased cows
and no dirty milk. Perhaps ,o.wlng
to tho fact, that the cows are prin
cipally pasture fee', and there are but
few of them in a stable, wo have
no diseases that can be traced to
milk. There 1h not a single caao or
typhoid fever in the city, and there
has not been one In tho county in
the past ten years. The last cases of
typhoid were two in th neighbor
hood of Cinyoiivillc and two at Yon
calla. The good hhowlng of the
county's bill of heallh is further add
greater and inoro gloifoua city. Io
do otherwise Is to assume that tho
newspaper Is greater than Is the
city from which It draws Its lire and
energy, and soon it must go Uw way
of all things, "unwopt, unhonored
and unsung." Such tdiould bo the
downfall of any r.reutlon that arro
gnntly grows j.-reatoi than Its creator.
Tho News wishes to tako Its place
In tho ranks of the workers and akl
itin , in Hi it liiilljllntr ttt tho if rent
er city that Is now certain of a lasting )
jtrosperlly and I0.0U0 population iii
nlde of two ytviro.
Politically Th'i Kvonlitg News will
h? Kepublican. and while claiming
this right for Itself It Is willing that
all men shall have- tho prlveleico of
voting as they doom best, and it
Klorleti in tho thought of being ol a
na'lon ..nd n Hag that guarantees
. to us all thli right.
It Is hardly necsfary to fay much
more. Tho evening paper reaches
Jt pulrens overy day, bringing the
lalett Intelligence from home and
tfibrnad. It has an opi-orliuilly every
iwent v-four boil' s to he le to:n-h
vlth Its reideiH in ideas and )pln
Ioiir. Tomoiiow and the day after
Hnd so on as tho years pass. It will
c-omu again, and its manat'euienl
hopes, wllh every succe'Iing Issue, it
will reoelvo a heartlt?r welcjmo un
til It will to be roarded as
ono of tho essentials to a prosper
ous Ikiftime.
AVI lb tho publication ol lite Unity
Kvenlng News will coiumence an im
provement in tho seml-weeklyy I'm
qua Valley News. Thero will In more
and later rending matter hereafter in
llioN twice-a-wiH'k cnHtlim. and the
dally will bring (his about. Snb
acrtbeis will hohi mark tlte improve
ment, and tbfie Ih no doubt flier' Mil
bo ninny additions Io the I'mpfiun
rValley News subscription list.
to bo attributed to tho absence of
bad milk and well wator; tho non-
exlfctenco or typhoid to the abseucoof
severe frosts, and tho non-prevalence
of malnriul fever to our delightful
climate year in and year out. There
is no nealana in the atmosphere.
TiiitKK or om-; OPINION.
The Henthiel. The News and The Coos
Jtuy Harbor Vut News, hut
Those who have interested them
selves In the Coos Bay and Inland
KlectriB Railway are at a loss to
understand the delay in getting the
promised bond which Messrs. Haas
and Kuettner wild they would furn-Ifr-h.
While wn believe these men
really mean business it is no more
than right that the people ho kept.
Informed as to the progress of all
details. -This delay without apparent
reason and no explanation does the
cause an Injury. People along the
proposed right of way should he
Informed of the reason for delay it
I hero bo any. It is encouraging to
nolo the wlllingnem in w!iich the
people of Coos and Douglas counties
take hold of the propositlon, and
now tnat everything :a In readiness
for lin mod late action, It Is no pod
that they will not beconto dis
couraged at the vital moment. Harbin.
Poetry with Urge feet isn't ajways
written m Chicago.
A person who has tho blues isn't
necessarily a colored person.
A sucker Is born overy minute, we
are told, but who ever heard of one
Bank deposits guaranteed to stand
wear and tear would be mighty pop
ular with the people.
it takes a legislature to change a
man's name, but most anyonu can
change a woman's.
The banks refused to pay the ex
press on silver dollars sent from the
U. n, ireasury. Undo bain, no
doubt, will find others willing to pay
the freight.
Dr. Clara Scott has rizen to fame
by declarring that In the near future
kissing will be confined to the lower
classes. Clura will be away down In
the Ut.
The government faces a deficit of
5 mlllioiH of dollars. Sorely I'ncle
Bam must be pretty well to do when
Htien a statement causes not a ripple
of excitement,
The reason that there seonif; to be
so much badness In the world Is do
ck use the good Is so common trat it
passes without comment while crimes
are scareheaded to tho world.
Scientists are now making India
rubber out of skim milk. Pretty
soon they will discover a brand of
tho lacteal fluid that will manufact
ure Its own mackintosh and shed
A Philadelphia woman " recently
bought thirty-two shirt , waisU in
one batch, probably believing that
the present stvle covers so little that
It would take a combination of about
that many to make a respectable
head dress.
A news Item informs us that Mass
achusetts Bchool teachers receive an
average, salary of $5uU a year. This,
is less than $1.7o a day for work
that requires years of txpensive pre
paration, while tho most Ignorant
Moutonegran fresh from Europe com
mands moro than that salary for
shoveling dirt. An education i not
always a paying financial investment.
When a father comes home tired
from work thero is nothing so re
rrcshinir as to have a diminutive lit-
tlo reproduction of its mother come atlons. Ihere Is no fault to be charg
racing out to meet him with out-i a:ranst the nresent nollco force
stretched arms, tho glowing face en-,, ... .nnn t nn rtfinn
shrined with curls, and tiny lips '
puckering for a kiss. The welcome I by two men Is bc-lng done by City
i bi"- ' Tfl fll 111
"t&&i'0 Copyiiglit 1908 g"
' tSf The Hoicl Kuppee J
Wouldn't You
Let us show you the- up-to-the-miuute overcoat. Harth's Toggery for tha
kind of wearing apparel that is right.
Home of Regal
Harth's Toggery
The petty tlilevps now Ir.restlng the
northern part of the city are becom
ing quite auducloiiB In their oper-
Our hot drinks will warm you up, and none better
can te made for the pate.
Next to Postottict
is so bincere and effusive that daily
cares aro forgotten in its enjoyment.
LADIICS' Ar.ll,,.MtV
Tho moniliiMs uf tho Liidli'a' Aux
iliary nro liuroby notllloil Hint the
lobular monthly uHK-tlnf; of tin? club
will l:ik place HiIh cvi'lillm Ht Iho
Conimorcliil Club rooniB. A full nt
londltuco 1b (IokIi-oiI.
Is a thing of great interest to tho
bride-elect, and wo are artists In
this lino. WeldiliK cikes aro made
In the most beau 1 1 f ul disl);;:s and
of rit h and cxqulslto flavor. Our
bre.ulrf, rolls, pits, fancy and orna
mental cakes, etc., aro tho perfection
of tho baker's art when made at
Umpdua Bakery
(Special to Tho Evening News)
SEATTLE, Nov. 1. Detected a
few minutes after they had looted
the ault of the First Presbyterian
church of more than $.u0 In gold
and silver checks, three men fought
a pistol duel with Sergeant YVllli'-tm
West el at the entrance of the chin-op
early this morning. Six shots were
tired nt the officer who returned the
lire, and the trio escaped. A few
minutes later Patrolman Ballard
found William Williams Allen prow
ling nearby, who fired twice at. tho
officer, but he was arrested. When
secured surrendered a revolver. In
an hour Kred Newman h was n rested
It is though the third member is In
possession of tho loot.
A Photograph of the I-ctitiin Train
tit SutlnrlU.
It viould In1 wortli your wbtlr
t- pay ik vi-it Io the "Style
Store'1 just to view our ole
uant Impnrtalioii or Tailored
t 'oats. They ait' all reigning
Ijuorih'M, and will npeiil very
Ntmngly to women who appre
ciate clntbcN ot character,
get an bleu of the ch:irnihi
color, the real richuo uf the
niattM'bil and (rimming id' these
coals, we asji you tu come In
anil try (lit in on.
The News is Indebted to M. 0. Mil
ler, secretary of the Sutberlin Land
A Water t'u , for a handsome large
photograph showing Sntherltu on the
occasion of the bite visit of the ex
cursion train of Inspection of the
town, with tho Pullnihn car "I. use
land" In tho foreground. The photo
conveys at a glance the great
amount of labor and money that
i na'-e he "Mi expended in developing
the town and valley, and was a hap
py thought of whoever suggested It.
Marshal Huffman and his assistant
But the smile is on the City Mar
shal all tho same. The petty thieves
havo not missed Ms residence while
sneaking abcut for something where
with to fill their stomachs. Prob
ably they know where good things to
eat are kept.
At any rate they sneaked into his
house several nights ago and carried
off as a part of their plunder twenty
four jars of preserved fruits and jel
lies; afterwaid they effected an en
trance into the house of Professor
Roblnette, and were frightened away
by the occupants of the house before
they had accomplished anything.
Thy have since given (he occu
pants of Herman Alarsters home a
scare, but It Is not known or not
whether they secured any pelf at
the last place.
The fact that they took only pre
served fruits and jellies from the
City Marshal's home would indicate
that the thieves are either boys or
men wiio are "baching" for a boy's
penchant for sweets is proverbial,
and whoever heard ot a bachelor
"putting up" fruit for winter use.
Tha News Informant declares that
if this petty thieving is persisted in
there will lie somebody shot, full of
holes some of these nights.
The Roseburg Pharmacy
E take a delight in serving our patrons with
the best pere is in the hue of drugs. Purity
is our inotto. Promptness both day and
nigh is wnat counts at our pharmacy.
Full linp rf Slindrips a luua vc nn hand
L. KR0HN, Manager
o '
Notice Is hereby given all parties
bold it, g county warm Ms issu d by
noughts county. Oregon, and indors
ed "not paid for want of funds" prior
to ;i ml Including the Hth day of Jan
uary, 1 !)!!, to present the same to
the treasurer of said county at his
otluo for pa j nient as interest will
cease thereon after the date of this
Dated at Uosbtirg. Oregon, this
the 1st dav of November. l:tut.
Tr.'asurt r of Douglas County, Ore.
Deer Driven to Foothills and Valley,
and Plentiful Now.
Fritz Adam came out from the
United States surveying party that
is working between Carilt and North
Myrtlo Creeks Monday, and tomorrow
he and Leslie Perdue will take out to
:heir trapping camps of last winter
their bear and cougar traps for the
coming winter's work. Mr. Adam
found three Indus of slush snow on
Old Halily, something unusual at this
season of the year, and reports snow
on all the high mountains. This snow
has driven the deer to tho foothills,
and there Is pler.ty of them now.
Local ItfrhnriNon'H Kinbroldery
I lub Are Delighted.
The Unseburg Kichardson's Art
Kmbroid-M-y Club won :i cash prize in
the recent club contest which closed
the 1st of October. There were sixty
other clubs In the United Slates and
Ca.iuda luteret-led in the contest
which was conducted by the National
lti hardson's Art Kinbroldery Club,
of t hicago. The Koseburg Club will
meet nt the home of Mrs. C. W.
Bradford, Wednesday, November 3.
A good attendance Is desired.
l Automobiles, Bicycles and Supplies I
Agents airbanKs a Morse Co.
Telephone 144 1
Cor. Cass and Rose Sts.
Prices Range From
$7.50 to $25.00
Ladies' and Cents'
(;i:n iu n
Is ft harilor Job for some foil's; than
Hi'tlinp up In tin morning. WV'll
KunrnnU'p that yon'U not up on time
from tlmt koo1, (tound. rofroslum;
sltH'p if ono oMtur alarm clocks is lit !,". S. We-ithr Hrroau, loral oftlco.
lioarlrR distance. Tl.o nwirkot Is Kost'hurg. Orccon. 24 In.tirs ending
full of cheap makes wo siw one r a. tn. Xoveluber 1. 19l'.l.
tho other day with lead pivot 1i , , t I . Precipitation In Inches and htin-
th: plume er
I Sheet Metal WodDrier Pipe An thing You Want
SKy Lights, Corn;
J eavylron TanKs
k PHONE 1284
v don't keep that kind. There s
only n few cents difference in the
price, nml tho satisfaction wo do up
with the cluck doesn't eot-t you a
n.lMiKM'KI:l . THK .IKWKI.l'.lt j
A somo author has said, children
aro tho link between heaven and
man. and no homo can bo forever
happy without these little cherubs
those whose Hp lisp the cute llttlo
things we like to toll the neighbors. J
dreilths: Maximum temperature o4
Minimum t"mperature -IK; l'rtclpita-
llon 7S: Total precipitation since
nrsl of month tMt;' Avernco precipita
tion tor this month tor 32 years
4 31; Total precipitation from Sep
tember 1. 11P!. to dito 4.78: Aver
ae precipitation from September 1,
1S77 3.S7: Total excess from Sep
tember 1, 1909. 91; Average precipi
tation for 32 wet seasons, 33. OP.
I The
.Sure we have ladloF,hirt waists.
; Kimonos, ioiii? ana th ones; bath
without sleeves: tea ron9, black
and white collars, ant,n kinds of
neckwear, sweaters, ,,j(y Bear
coats, and hoods for tlimbies. Also
a lirst-class line of njnery. Our
'j a ' , r,rounters aro
loaded with, good ttiin
Ho-y do we sell lemT why
cheaiier than anybodise WhvT
DecHuso our exp. n?es j)B" a
.Mlssourlans: come m a let u5 show
Leaders in Topular Vri Goods.
Homo of ti,e Post j,,