The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 29, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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WedtiCMlav' PiilT.
Mies Tickle, of the state university at
Eugene, is the gttcet ot Mibs lUieie
ASlaway, oi this city.
Dr. Kay W. L. Lian returned on the
noon tram to Moro. after upending
Chrietruas wilti bis father ami Mrs.
Mr. ami Mri. C. W. Pielzd au.l
daughter left this morning to tui-ml t lie
next two or tnrte months in Soutlieru
Oaorue R. Campbell, of the Eugene
university, is ependiug the Christmas
holiday with his parent?, Mr. anJ Mr?.
W. E. Campbell.
Pete Nickelsen, who is located as telo
graph operator at Pendleton, rent
Christmas with his mother, returning to
Pendleton this morning.
Duncan Chisholuj, the sheep king of
Cent. Bhermau county, spent CbriBtmn
at the European House and returned
home today on the noon train.
Eddie McKenz;e, who has been here
for the past six weeks in the employ of
the Jacobnen Book & Mneie Co., will
leave for (ioldendale tomorrow, where
tie will cpnd the holidays, after which
he will return to The Dalles. The hoy?,
and girls too, will be glad to see Eddie
back to The Dalles.
Coiintv Superintendent C. L. Gilbert'
and Professor Neff left this afternoon for
Albany to attend the State Teachers'
'Association. Professor Landers left for
the same destination Monday. Mrs.
Neff accompanied her husband as far as
Hood River, where she will remain till
the return of the party next Saturday.
Thursday'! Daily.
Jim Abbott, the Wapinitia sheepman,
is in town.
State Senator T. II. Johnston was in
town today from Dufur.
Hugh Jackson, the irrepressible stage
man, is registered at the Umatilla House
from Wapinitia.
A. M. Kelsay returned toduy to Sban
iko, after spending Christmas with hie
family in The Dalles.
Justice and Mrs. Brownhill returned
home today from spending Christmas
with Mr. Brownhill's sister, Mrs. Lath
am, of Dufur.
George Lang, an old-time locomotive
engineer of the O. It. & N., and an all
round good fellow, arrived here today
from Portland.
Frank Ga'oel, of Wapinitia, returned
homo today, after spending Christmas
in The- D.ilies with his two eons, who are
attending pchpol here.
MA Kill ED.
On Christina?, at the residence of the
bride's father, Thomas Ramus, of Boyd,
"Mr. James Huteson and Miss Annie S.
Ramus were nnited in uiarriflge, P. P.
Underwood officiating.
The biidegrouui returned from Manila
last Bummer, after completing three
years' service for Uncle Sam in the West
Indies and the Philippine, but was
compelled to surrender to cnpid.
Christmas Day. in this city, to Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Ferris, of Couk's Land
ing, n daughter.
Salt Hia Woniierful Tower.
Salt, just plain slt, or sodf inn chlo
ride, as chemists call it, ip about to take
a new place in the world, for two uni
versity of Chicago professors, working in
the quiet of their lab tratories, have
found that it is the long sought for elixir
of life. They have found that sodium
chloride, or salt solution, when' gradu
ated to the right proportions, will cause
a heart which has ceased to beat to take
ut its rythmic action and do its work
again. In other words, they have die
covered, that a cirtaiu eolution will re
vive life that is extinct.
Professor Jacques Loeb and Profeseor
D. J. Lingle are the discoverers. The
key word to the whole discovery is what
these scientists h ive termed "ions."
Professors Loeb and Lingle have bren
experimenting all summer on the auri
cular and ventricular muscle, and have
found that certain "ions," or electric
current solutions, furnish life's prolong
ing principle which works on the heart
muscles through the blood. Salt in the
blood in certain proportions they have
discovered to be the cause of the heart
beit, Tb? faults of experiments pf (he
Chicago proiessors Lave not become gell'
erelly known yet, as they are preparing
a story ot their tummer's work for pub
lication. A Village Black. iltli Saved Mil Little
Hon' Life.
Mr. II. H. Black, the well-known
blacksmith at GrahatnsviHe, Sullivan
Co., N. Y., says: "Our litile son, five
years old, has always teen subject to
croup, and so baj have the attacks been
that we have fearud many times that he
would die. We have had the doctor and
used many medicines, but, Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance.
It seems to dissolve the tough mucus
and by giving fieqneDt doses when the
thecronpy symptoms appear we have
foiind that the dreaded crcftip is cured
before it gets settled." Theie is no
danger in kivlYig this remedy for it con
tains no opium or other if j'uious drug
and may be given as confidently to a
habeas to an adult. For sale be Blr.keley,
the dnvgisti
Never before has a music house in Ti e
Dalles delivered in a single day as many
pianos and organs as we did on Christ
mat eve. Many were the homes made
happy. And now for the new year.
Every piano an .1 or 4 a n innst go. Prices
cut no figure witi in; they will not cost
yon much. Ther in lots of fun In the
music !ra :e row. Have von noticed it?
Howevr, it is all tt Nickolecn'o music
C! irke A Falk have on sa:e a full line
of paint and artitl's bruehce.
Pen and Boys
Has it ever occurred to you that we are selling
fine Clothing made "by John G. Miller & Co., of
- Chicago, and that it would pay you to investi
gate our stock, see the workmanship and get
our prices?
Our Leader, a wellfliade suit, good lining, at ....... $ 4 75
A good heavy grey Worsted, will wear like iron 6.5(5
A fine, square cut, all-wool Cheviot 7-90
Imported Clay Worsted, heavy, all-wool 10.00
Either square or round cut.J fcYou cannot duplicate this in other stores
for less than $12.50 to $15.00.
A fine English Melton, all-wool 10-90
Oregon Cassimere, an extra good cloth ... 10.00
We have Boys' Suits with knee pants at $1.35, $1.09. $2.25, $2.08 and up.
Boys' Suit with long pants, $3.00, $4.50, $ 1.70, $5.30 and up.
Send us your name and we will gladly mail you a sample of eight different
t-uits with prices.
The Place to
Save Money. .
F. C. Marquardsen, Prop
James Withycombe, of the State
College of Agriculture at Corvallis,
Has Been Appointed Special Agent
by the Department at Washington,
D. C.
Di. James Withycombe, of the State
Agricultural College at Corvallis, is reg
istered at the Imperial, on his return fo
Oregon, after having spent several weeks
in visiting the livestock shows which
havs been held throughout the Eastern
cities. He says that after a careful ex
amination, he finds that the only thing
Oregon lacks in lh.e way of fine, blooded
stock is largo numbers of them.
At present Dr. Withycombe is under
taking the propagation of certain grassee
in Eastern Oregon. He aaid :
"We are about to start a co-operative
grass-growing experiment in Eastern
Oregon in connection with the depart
ment of agriculture at Washington, P.
C. I have been appointed special agent
to act between the government and the
college in this matter. The problem of
furnishing grasses to renovate the
pastures of Eastern Oregon is one of the
greatest importance. We recognize that
the conditions in Eastern and Western
Oregon are widely different, owing to
climatic and other circumstances. The
farmers are becoming alert to the im
portance of animal husbandry, and are
doing their Lett to help the work along.
This state is adapted for ctockraising,
and agriculture must develop along that
line. We must be able to grow certain
grasses so that the stock will have good
feed on the ranges.
"The stockmen are doing much to in
jreafe (he importance of Oregon as a (
iilockraibing country, and are bringing
in some of the best cattle and Bheep to
be purchaeed in the East. At the Inter,
national Livestock show held at Chicago,
nil of the best sheep were purchased by
Oregon people and will bo shipped to
this state. I bought an Aberdeen Angus
heifer calf for Mac Porter, of Benton
soutity, payina iflOOO, and Mr. Porter is
now in this city, awaiting the arrival cf
this city, awaiting Ihearrival of hi.c1f.
The breed is of the best, anil it i qnito
an accession to the blooded stock of the
"Some time ajii, two shorthorn calves
were purchased by W. O. Miner, at
Hepimer, for f2"00, and they are now
installed on his ranch. C E. I.add's
I axent is now in Canada selecting the best
shorthorn cattle he can find, and others
are doing similar work.
"The college at Corvallis is in a urnst
prosperous condition. At present, there
is the largest enrollment the college has
had since it was organize!. Many in
quiries re being received from farmers
in regard to matters of gnneral interest
! to them, ami the outlook along all iinea
is most encouraging."
In future any and all inquiries rela
tive to delii-nuent taxes mo it be made
to t tie county clerk, as ho i custodian of
delinquent tax sale record and rolls. Tne
h.'rill haviriLT )iiiiicd i'h t ho law in
iniikin sale (.! I'.-lirqu'-nt sx.?, he is
completely out of th Ux-collecting
business till M'trch next. dl l-Jiii
Subscribe for Tiia Ciihomci.k.
Off to pinscol
But before we go every article we possess, every Piano and
Organ must go. Gilbert & Jones Co., who are to become
our Successors in Portland, have not bought a single Piano
or Organ from us. They have paid us a big sum of money
simply to become our successors, for our reputation, for our
good will, and for our agencies, so as to control hereafter the
sale of the' Knabe, llardman, Stock, Fisher, Ludwig and
other Pianos, and under the contract with them wo are
obliged to get out of Portland in the. very near future so as
to let them operate in the field which we mu&t relinquish.
We have no time to waste, and have therefore instructed
our Agent,
I. C. NICKELSEN, The Dalles, Oregon,
to close out all Pianos and Organs on hand at a great sacri
fice: We are now closing up our business preparatory to
our removal to San Francisco, where will be our headquar
ters hereafter. If you ever intend buying a Piano or Organ
now is the time. Address,
Or Wiley B. Allen Co , The Dalles, Oregon.
Portland, Oregon.
I'ftiBfRis Sips
Of all kinds are carried in stock by us.
Bought direct from the ::::::
..CUinchestcp Firearms Company..
Our prices are right. Send us your or
ders and save express charges. Full
line of Shotguns, Revolvers, Etc., and
Ammunition of all kinds.
MAYS & CROWE, The Dalles, Oregon
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor
Wasco County.
Jutepn faquet, Plaintiff,
F. X. Pauuet auiO. L. Pallet, Defendant!.
By virtue of an attachment, execution, decree
and order of sale, duly tusued out ot auJ under
the teal of the Circuit Court of the itnle of
Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, to me
directed nd dated tbe 24th day of November,
l'AJ, upon Jiiilgnient rendered and eute-ed in
sidd Court on the -th day of January, imjt. In
the above entitled came. In favoi of the pluin.
till and itainit the defendants, '. X. l'a.iiet
and O. L. f'a'iuet, as judgment debtors, in the
Hum of four hundred ( W) dollars, with Interest
thereon from the 3utn day of Beptember, lKil, at
the rate of eifht per cent per annum, and the
further of Blteen (tU) dollar, with interest
thereon at ix per cent per annum from the iirih
davof JamiBrv, lf7, and the further uiim of
thirty-one ($il) dollars, costx, and the cot of
and upon this writ, and commanding uie to
make sale of the real property hereinafter de
scribed, I will, on the :tlt day of lieieiuber,
1900, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of
said day, and at the front door of the county
courthouse In Dalies City, Wasco County, Ore
gon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest
which the defendants, K. X. Paquct and O. L.
Paouet, or either of them, had on theiTthuay
of January, 1WJ7, the date of the judgment, or
which such defendants, or any of the defend
ant herein, have since acquired, or now have
in and to tne following described real property,
situute and being in Waseo County, Oregon, lo
wit The northwest quarter of the northwest
quarter 0t) of section two (2), and thei north
east quarter 'J,') of the northeast quarter ('-),
and the south half of the northeast quarter (U)
of section three !), all in township six (t.V south
of range twelve (U) east of the Willamette Meri
dian in Wasco County, Oregon, and containing
onehundre-1 and sixty (HW) acres: or so much
of said proiertyas will satisfy said Judgment
and decre, with costs and accruing costs.
Said property will be sild ,ubieet to confirma
tion and redemption as by law prov dei.
Duttd at The Dalles, Or., this 0th dy of De
cember, n
d8 Flu-riff Wasco County, Oregou.
Hy virtue of an order of the council of Dalles
City. Oregon iniideon ths ii 'th. diiy of Novem
ber. A. I). lli)0. notice Unereby given that on
the suid J.)th. Uiiy of November. ItsJO, the
council declared by resolution adopted, that
that prtion of tha sidewalk sit-jated on the
northerly elde of Fulton Streo. and lying be
tween the northeast corner of the square formed
hv the intersection of said Fulton Street with
Washington Street lu Dalles City and n point
h) feet east r.f suid corner on said Fulton Street,
is in a dnng -rous condition and in need of being
rebuilt, in thut said sidewalk is weak, decayed
and unsafe to travel upon; and It was deter
mined by said council to rebuild the same and
that the cost of rebuilding said sidewalk be
charged to tbe owner or owners of the property
ubutin:,' on suid portion of suid sidewalk de
clared in a dangerous condition as by law pro
vided. This notice Is published for II days from the
1th day of December, l!Kl. by order of the
council of Dalles City, which order was made
Nov. soth. luutl.
Dated at Dalles Cit , Or., December .'Id. I!t00.
'. XKD 11. tJATKS,
Kecordvr ol Dulles City.
Land Ofkk at Tub, Ok., )
December 10, t
Notice Is hereby given thut the followiM?
named settler has" filed iiollci! ol his Intention
to make linal ppsit In Mipiiort of his claim, ai.d
that said pnsif will be inane bclore the register
aud receiver at The Dalles, Ouguii, on rvitur
day, January l!), l'.ml, viz.:
Crest (Ihlegsctilagrcr,
of Tbe Dalles, Oregon, U.K. No. :,ir for the
V'.j NW'i and WU 6V'i See. 11', T. 2 X., it. l.'i
1C, W. M
He names- the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of SHid land, viz. :
Jacob Whittl-, Jacob Ohleesehlager, Able Y.
Marsh, l'erry Vaneitiup, all cf The Dalles, Ore
gon. decll JAY 1. l.CCA, Register.
liin Fiti
Yellowstone Park Line.
leave. ! Union Depot, Firm aud I sts ! arriv.
No. 2. I Fast mall for Tacoma, ! No.
Pesttle, OlymjtfH, (iray's
Harbor and Houth heud
points, hp.tkane. Koss
land, II. ;.. l'ulliiiau,!
Moscow, t.evlstou, Hnf-'
11 15 A. M. fHlolliimp mining conn-1 5;50 I'. M.
try, Helena, Miniiespo-!
Us, Bt. PhiiI, OicHha,;
Kansas Clly, Ht. iinis,:
Chicago uiiii all points 1
No. 4. 1 cast and soiithcat t. No. St.
Pnget Hound Express
11, :W V. M. tor Tacoma and Seattle; 7;00 A. M.
'and intermediate points!
Pullman flrstclass and tourltt sleeper to
Minneapolis, Ht. Paul and Missouri rivet olnts
without change.
Vestibnied trains. L'nion depot connections
in all principal i-i tie".
Haggnge checked to destination of tickets,
For liaudsomely illustrated dcscrlptiveniatter,
tickets, sleeping ear reset vatlons, etc., call on or
Assistant 'leneraf Passenger Agent, V Morrl
son Street.eorner Thlid, Portland Oregon.
SOUTH and EAST via
Soumern Pacific Go.
Shasta Route
Tralni leave The Dalles for Portland and w iv
1 stations at i .it a. in. and ?, p, m.
' Leave Portland
! " Albany . .
:sn a m
.3) a in
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry (torxlg, Clothinu, Boots tid Shot-, nt mtn h rr than wtiolt-sale
prices. Wilt cell in tuilk or in lot", 01 any way to suit piircliaHcrs.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
All (food will be iacrifici?I except Thompson' Hlov-fittina Corietn
and l'.iHterick I'rttterns. Vour t rices will be mine. Call early and secure
hnriiii!. ,
Corner Foootul and ('oui t Sts.
Arrive .
' HHcranifiito ..
, " nn r run:-! co
.1:! m
. ft (i p in
. 7:1. p in
. A. HvnsoM.
jiouiry Public.
Timotbt b,,
Real Estate,
Insurance, Loans,
Conveyancing and
We represent Botu of the
inatirance coaiDniea in th ....iT 1 Br
... v n U 111
We have a' large list of propertv k.i
city and country, for tale and rest.' h
We have money to loan on real .,.
seenritj at reasonable rates of in,! '.
We do all kinda of coneyiB(.jCJ
are the exr-lnaivA nos r..,.. r,- V c
tem of abstracting, whiq J? il'6
possibility of mistakei T "' up
titles to real estate. V
Any one Having prot Till "ftilt
rentw il hnd it to th- advam.
leave it in our hands. 0
Collections and all teEal business left
in our care will receive prompt atten
tion. Will practice in all the court, of
the ttate. Correspondence promntlv
anewered. v 1
Offiws: Washington street, next to
French & Co.'s
General, M II MiVork.
Hansen & Thomsen
Manufnetun rs and I lealers la
Sash and Doors, Rustic, Flooring.
Pine Lumber, Mouldings, Etc.
Of All Kluua
Third Street. The Dalles, Oregon.
Notice Is heietiv Riven til it tlie nnilerienM
Inis duly tiled with the County Clerk uf Aawo
County, OreKmt, his limit iieenuut and report as
ii.iiiiiiiiiiuii.i yi in,; runu 01 AUiill AgHlMlf,
(iceeai-eii, nun Hint uie iinnorHUie t;(iunty Cim-t
Iihs ti.xe'l Mondn, tlie.ilh day ol November, i!i)
ut 10 o'elcK-k b. in. of slid dy ns the time, ai.'i
the County Court rnnii of the County iv.un
niue in j.iniies city, v hsco t ouniv, oivvon, ri4
the pluee lur heniinp naid linal ite -on u t htk! rc
port. All persin interested in s.iirt esiuie me
hereby notified to nppear t fiiid time nnd pluee
mid shmv e;inse, il any there be. wUvhbuI ippurt
should not be approved and naid numiiiisiMtur
lulled this 5th day of October, l'KW.
J. p. A(;inirs,
Administrator of the estnteof Adnlph Agiilins,
deeeiuid. ooiti
In the miitter rf the esti'teof John (iottiitb
Wiiaeiib'tiKt, deeens'.d.
NotP-e Ih hereby Kiven that tlie tindoriiipnel.
the executor of the Inst will mid tentaineiit "I
John (JotlHeb Wupeiihlrtst, deeeused, nm M.,1
IiIk linal account in the nuitter of s!i w-tnte
nn1 the ('utility Coin t ol the HtHte ot Onyim for
Wnseo Ctiunty tins set Monday, the 7th die cf
January, P.KIl, nt the hour of In n. ni. of suid itay
a the date for the hearini; of the ualil tccuaut
ond any objections thereto.
Executor of the Ihsi will of John Oottikb
WiUfenolust, deceased n:I l
T 1. r.r.,iMv r.mrt nt tlto Mlnto nt Or.onn
Notice Ih hereby Riven that the undernljwi
R. E. Hnltmarslie, adinlnixtrator with the :n
annexed of the estate of Jonathan Jackson.
censed, naa nieu nis noai aci'miiu in siu
,.. ........ nf ...IH l-'...... f' r.r
111 IIIU I'OlllIL. llllll, "I ", v.. i
Ron, and xai.l court hiw, hy an order 1hI! ttr
inn nay oi uceenit;r, i.,i, niiinru
day, the loth day of Jiiuiinry, at the hui:
of 2 o'clock In the afternoon o said day, nth
time and tlie etmntv court room hi lute"
house at Dalle Cltv, d.-enn, us the place. for
Uie hearliiR of said linal account and of tb"
jectlona thereto, I' any there he. All
creditor! and other person" Intereitid In
estate, are hereby notified and reqiiircJUia
sent and Hie their objection to said nfml.'t
nnv they have, on or before the time wliottt
hearing thereof as aforesaid.
Administrator with the will annt-jnl
estate of Jonuthiin Jiickson, deeeaxed.
I.iNDOmca atThi; Pui'.0' '
Notice 1 hfP.-by Riven that Hie
named ettn-r dm iiusi notice "i - ,
to make linal proof in Mipjairtof "'"fl""';
tlmtiald r.roof will be madcbef'K J""1 '.
and receiver ot' the li. H. Had ow'x
Ialltn, Or ,on featurday, Jaaiura,,
Francln A. OhiUt,
of The nalles, Or. Ron, II. E. So. ;' f
lot 2. HWU NK'i and B1, NW!
it 12 K., W. .M. M
Ho iiauiea the followhiR "'""T.,
his continuous residence upon u cu'
of said land, vl.: rlMI, Uil
.1. It. Hall, 11. Nelson, Cli:U fIMo,, nil of The Dulles, (JreRo.i.
deem JAY r.lXt'Aa.M""'
7 im p m
l'l .'s) p in
ll::uia m
4 ,'X a in I
s : l .'i a m
v. .!..- i. u i... l. r, that the HIW?1
ii, in x" in ii,;i,-,j ,,.-' "--
nas men witn ti
t hA tut., r,f lire
ide on the 1 Ith day ol Deccmmr. i.
court, .Mon.liiv, tne inn 'I'.,", ,t, rffl-
ha bei-n lixe.1 a- the time, and Ih'"" '
room of said court as the place Kr m
of ol.j-eiloiis to said linal . 'r.,''1..1hnrn!P.
dccr.. .id"l
Notice 1 hen-hy plven that the nn ,
h. been by the of "
Wasco connly. OnROII, auinni-' ..
estate ol Kratwls Kosa. d.-eeaf.l.
,1 ll i
at the
i-by Riven that tne "'"" 6
IhJ eh-rk ol the cm ' )
croii, for J
iiecoiint as adminlstraUir ol the e'""-I
Bradford, di-ceascil, and that " ',,1. i
nude on the 1 Ith day ol Deccmntr. i. .
lie in rraiii-is ivor.. mrP
iiiR clalina iiRalnst tne 0 i.ij ycf'
ml to piescnt the same to m " , ,;
heollleeol W.ll. Wilson, ri ''".,.
Hn-ROII, Wlllllll SIX llioniiii. i
Dalisl .Noveiiila-r in, I'.""- , .... c Ri
. ... Hit nn-r'''J
Notlrv I hen iiy Riven v Jn,!(-
x.siilor of tie- will ol ,mnt '
dee -I, h.a Bled l J
county court ol the mule r uA .
Arrive Ondoii
" Denver
" Kansa Cltj'
" '.h'-avo
Arrive l,o AiircIi
" Kl I'asii
" Kurt Worth
" I ily ol Mexico .
" Houston, ..
' New Orleans . . .
" New Vork
A: l'i a in II I", a in
. ''' a in im a in
7 i'i u in 7 : .-1 a in
7 i a m D 10 a ill
. J m
i p in
. il .41 a in
.. i:.r'i a in
. . I no a in
. i .''i a m
1.! a in
. I'J. I.i p in
7 ' in
l i oo p m
il ; Hi a m
:i A a m
I on a in
; .' p in
li 1 1 a in
J I.I p in
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
I'lillinai and Tourist cirs on both train
chMiriars Kierainciitii to ogden ami Kl Paso,
and tomf.t cars to I hlcaito, ht l.ouln. New or
leaim and W ashiiiRton.
Conn-itlnR at Han Krain -Isco Willi
ti-Riiisbip lines lor n.itioliilu, Japan, I blna,
j I hlllpplnes, Ceulial and .south Ann rlra.
j Ree Kcut at The Dallea station, ,,r r.ddns
I 'iiiial I'asr iiRer AK"Ut. I'm Land, Or
. . . .. u u , noli'-
ColllllV.atlU killil liin li .1 ihf H'"11
the 7th day I January, li" ' "',, .J,'
o'elm-k a. in.-, as tbe lime lor I " (j.1
thereto and the s.-ltlciii.-nt t '',
(rclitora and other 'rons
e-tat.- are Ihen-fore h'-r- h "1,.,
objection to said account. U ''',, th.-r'
or before the ,lav -1 for the , ''"""'
Nimwa Pimp'., Trrrril B (LlL
fl. , in .., Ci., m 1
Cam 1 1. s.U. li. sin! !'! I". T" j , M,4
A mi.remrnl ..f lh l'l '" "i.n. i
f-r h -tl li. Tlr t n.iiri" ;"'" a "'a
t " "'Il cisil .ine'" c-'V fifi
Vs. 1-t.iai-r .lru.. UK. 'itiiANKO