WEEHLY (TiriTTifirtTtf ar.1 I I III H 1. THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. SATURDAY. DECZ30ZR 23. I'jCQ. SO. 3 IIS VOL- X aats a! mat rrofu a eaifc la 1 1 1 r t fi . ; A PLEA FOR THE QUID -rSSir - i . I " titak tobacco in fume, and tirth, b )iit! be recovered hi : former Strength. It J aa ongoent to Ctagrtssaia Ote? "n Remarkable Trib-j U ol th gjut. BtC 19 U( iuiki tNW NEBRASKA HAD A Uedkal TtimT f Earls Days Setse tf tk Carative ijWlities. Washis'Sto. D. IV?. 17. Petes John it co Otey't speeeb, apo. tobacco ranks easily first of th oratorical sSbrt mij tbai far in lb present eeko of Ketuain analysed U. I will not Insult your Intelligence by saying who Remain wat. (Laughter. Ten thousand parts oi toosccg ctwi contain : Six wru ntcotine, one part nicotian in. SST MM hotter extractor (bittr IN part gam mixta with tnalie acid, 86 7 part ot rwa resin, twelve part nejtaf ammonia, 4$ Prt talphid of potash. A3 chlari.1 of ! potsiunv. t & part Dotais. hi.-h hmt congress. I: was short and fanny and ; neen combined alto wall and nitrie fall of carious isJormaiioo. Mr. Otev I l Phosphate of I. me. 241 ,s-tww;. .Mi-lprt, ,,BJ wh,ch n combined comes f,0m t-e tobavro-gr.. at g c( , of Virginia- H bosua m la lyachbarg, nm 4 lebkirv or or ligneoo matter, where tobacco factor: ami tobacco $$23 rrU of cater, traces of March. wareroase ar threw la thbo:nea CApplaase.) ; center, and wher- there Is a ma-krd ckr j After tbU expeeiUoa. can yon have it of the weed ia tfc atiDOphr the yrar j in yonr hearts to refus ttH boon to the roand. Mr. O.er nsti tie wuion of I "U'r bo keep year hoccr ncalliei eoldiert and taljor of in Ccf red ?:ate J pro'ect jxwr boute from the roth, to include a tibral ' .bvaace jf boti j iawder? r mokioj an i eintwiut todacoi. It iui The analysis omitted a Ttscid siima in topport of aa aandment t J thi rf- eqaaltr tjiab' in water and a!cobot and ct when th araaf bill was pmdinf j prec:pitaU frota both tb tabaceta'e of that tLe notable p?eh trtta bek was j : ; aJwrblor-jphy!, a gri pnirernlent ! de'ivered: j m"e. which dlnolrea in boilinj water, " " t precipJt.tes ia cold water; also Mr.CHer. Mr. CM'rana.tt cison- j teaatif?! orapge-red dywtuff, tolobla arytortfr to th t:hr, la ph.'e. ; oa'y ia avid.', 'at it deflorate in fite. re:i;.on and boiiatfss- We rerere thr ,.Lw.g iaahtfr and applaose.) The opinioc oi ltoe who l.-r9 ip.a U?ivKe. 1 antnated roncteoanre, the farrowed We heir e'et -rn cf tfte past as ;ehk, te trrmtUBf voice, the bending witne??f. So in:'- matter of fcjWaeo ' fraoe, t'.- silent te&r of an old eo!d:er I wiil not J::- '-' ? t:ane-fccBjred i.-nprt aa interest and gives a tor.ch to ca;tom. F -ic i r:?t discovery . his story that n) pn esn cortrav. no --a iuc ! snaa rrtor-mi n eiaa 13' lMiinir. . !a Ssw Biijrjt th tent "amrK gorwi tl U i 1 iLl tAL STORMY PASSAGE l hc ith rf DH Ot lOkv to stop the ijht and waa iaia senaviaaw with a biow aa too 3sJ- Tla fitwa- Ciiaj 4 Ctatni Stmt Kail S'rv aaaa TayUir &jo hand aa pcacw- , Advice of a OWNERSHIP! Drurjiat Uackiam Broke Dww Tkm Tist Cales and Be,! Sa CmsuiCt irnT ' (kinds of wea Sacpt Over tke Devkv New Yoac, IVc. It was mora than a merry Cbristnas for tho lit) pasaengera oa the belated Allan steamer tat of Nebraska. Nineteen dava oat maker aad !aKl . aboat him wnta, ail . pans. Ia mw otiaaiaw. jthsgroand was strwwa wi&& vtcuraa of I Taylor's po lerfnl blows, and tnos who ' bad beca iajored ia th mixnip. It ia tbonght that of the twenty or mora hart i ill dir. J V.il tm Be Prexatrit as tie 1z ; 3 1 f ria ti Bamgt I - bsafi ftatotS1 I Rtotttty juni I I a a i a t am m &w a ls a a .. a t foirms rr ta r. Sw Yobs. Dee. 25. A a appwal b from tha Clyde, eight days overdo. tho fL.B,lr ara. Xis 0is 6od, Nebraska crept into port with smashed i 1 i Cix tO 1 a ecrattve. . eOKSmiee iatitate. Flis rutriotium ex. t !i-o as if it pires only with hi i;f; his sool is en aatt wfeat is j ripfored with eethn'iasm ; Lis meaiory ;-n-Lto is aajisoa tto wine aod runs bsck with 2 n of which ; iihtninj qck-knw to l tatties faa fit r':atit in wo!aaJ vvctxles wcn,br:the wi'.l reca'i that toDacco ft We s;)ii 'if t. .rv- acrid nir.- i ; -t -:. prcdaces jr J.i hoars. Sj raj lr. Kjjaaaei Gardiner, - the ration of tot-soro plnck-d from his London, a prxev..: or of "pfeyticka" in mind a rooted sorrow, razd out the Io;i), and Dr. Jzl a eaader, ia Lry-Jers, wntten trcables of the brain, and. with l'jii. Hano. all know who Hi riot ' bis sweet, oblivions antidote cleansed it (isnjbter) who j-rind Sir Walter j tha bosom of periloos stiff that weighed Rileib, I'Ai. wr.U ia a tria r J opoa his heart. (Long and continued port of ti- new fwind Uadcf Vir;iuia. !app'as?e. Speaking cf tha "Tppowoe, called afterward totaccj, b sai-i: They ae ti eaves to take lb faxes or sjioke thereof by sticking throas;h p!fs into tt i'aauca sl-v! biit. troa whtcco it paired sapeiusj iass" lifeboats demolished llgbthoaset and broken and twisted rails. It was ths first clear day tha voyagers bad seen sine December 7th, when tho Nebraska steamed out of Movile, Ireland, ia th faca of a gale that swept her decks. On board th liner when sh left Glas gow December tth, were 10 saloon, 30 cabin and 70 steerage passengers. Offi cers and passengers declared the wreck age on deck gave bnt a faint idea of ths hurrors of the voyage. Three times the machinery broke down and the vessel had to be hove to. Gales and head seas swept tte ship from the moment she left Moville, At midnight of D-ecniber 11th, the feed pipes of the engines gave oat, and the Xebratka was hove to for three hoars, headedjnto the seas wasbinj over her. It was at this time that a wave smashed the two ligbthooses containing tlj side lights. TLe vessel was roiling and ii.'t- Xathaa Straus aad other watii oil- anthronista will b iasowd by th arStwa of the Co-Op rativs Brtberhood atone. ! Ch:c Vmc. 31 lf iacipW mnCmi and rnrtiacuai of strwt raifwava wittL- Wl papwiar aarpfTtarta in tr.m aararw xf naraalii pansuantvw ntimadara and aa opwasyw- ""J of aaaoeiwine aaf arovuaaa tor ni-' tmCmrtuin tiawbt airtouspai wnrhip r tii: i f " is maia tmuan of ta hi!I to pnmCrnH as th avxt iewTjisatarw br tit Stmrt mm iu is Baii way CamntcMja of Cti.eiT. Ti asking tbm to be'.p tha movwmeat of j m"nrw n o camuiecti eod aaaant s -r ant mr rmuimit tuwriMiim. i th brotherhood toes.abirbeo-prarivj 'P" by lawyersaad au riy ro c Z"' rThm: ""I mri bakeries aad pro vision strrs for th 6r th miu3ti al t: eity eroaci an.';ti. A-'iPiTt a'nLrfJl poor ia this citr. j tow apnmw and tea gnri auniBbiy ; aw- afir tuu a few swi1j ttm a wiwuiy "Bread and provisions i:ch are tn Tt nnwa pwiafa are be sold in these stores at cost prices. uwt j t a tb b thin? rr throat ami in ruaiHMi uwy w . Sir . . Cni- nr i 1 (hit 11 n fiia mt a ttui 1 SRii at .1 1 mm tm' i mm mh tan ., m..ii..w SCttatiaa of str rmiway-t ia ;n io 1 uwa hit w wr m tuy vtum k a ti The necessaries of Ufe to be sold of ! Pa1. 9y 7 esaucSav CTlSSlt Wtinont prodt. Una ttiottsaott dollars, J.w.ii-i to jiw. miintr n Tlw ! a v-arfl imctir-rrw,' HVi uf x-:rini ttrwt rulway act.' i. i Icsaj. Wcja. S. TC. I - . - 1 . . . v - 1 ing to the seas or flanging into them, j " rE"" lu wrT wu. a ur , The steerag, passengers were ail in Ur- j Bat, Bl 'he Mme b? " J towarvl starting a fzxxt c-oorjt:v movement in Belgians, and a bei "r-' n."T -a-s ta siiiminl iid J5e.e.anf 'a.csj.riptri4wi snbscribed by members of Bis- femst ta mpr if tr ewncS .'T "fr Now I," said Presidtfnt Storkcn. jorirror i'J per eea5 al voters ai for ciijjft tTjw sr'j5. rnra ui iriK tia "Ian on of the anxtlzzn of tie co- i t4 metiod. Firw r,nu. tu serves , r"a operai'.ve movemeni ia cigam. ( i emi pa;n M3 e;B;a jiwaaa ( r. Jjiti have beca eatfagd u work of thi kind ; r manic. p amntrtUip w.a.jut am-f ailmyli'e. Neither politics c resi:en t pensaiion at exjiraaa af tie jraat has anything o dj with oar movmct. City may aorr!ie ttrset failwax atj Workingmen cf a" raligi ias belief and expiratiun of rants. Cjet'jf atrj-irijilsHn 5 poii'Hsl opinions are asking to jna this j t' be Jrayed by street raiJwy certi aioverueeL It already has a strong : cates of iadbu-doees. fcot mi Eoi't's a trsdes-anroa of 50CO workingnsen, who it ibf ltivJ. .fum. tie credit of ti: Fir ia. ac B:xaKy' ?5a-mry. ror and the cabin voyagers clang to their ctty. Cression of rt ra;Zwy 'ud 'or re cipU. lateret on bonds and ocier ; St::xeiacrr's fua 1 TM ami e ' rr:riTjor hi aifiai ki f x.ns mil car-j. At acerojT if ta a,atl 'afwr-rs nra 3Lrtti"2;iBg!'s 5-iak at afc14 Kill LektlJ. Clviljd, 0:iio, De. 23. Senator Hanna was informed today of a state- meat whitu is ia circulation to the effect ' thit there was a powerfal lobby in favor asuoiaorgroes Majors; ti ocn-i tu . th. iabsid:i-ng of American shipping meats tn n thereof not ooiy pre- j Mveta ti tojy from otstractions, a hereby tteir boi: are ts atabiy pre tsrve i ia hiti aad knows not many riev;as ??ae wberewith all w ia England are tfttimc aff-eteij. This it on raa why we ihoald abro- gite the ts.'1-narjk'.et th flmei of to-:ro berths. The feed pipes were repaired I engines caa'.d no! force her forward at more than three knots an hoar. Some times she moved less than two knots. Two of the lifeboats on the port side for ward .were smashed to splinters on Dee- .1 T . 1 1 . 1 . r r. euiuei i Jiu. 1 us ve sci icgvu uu-. c:.y 1 milufn, Ihftt lntff.(nnrfinnn mn.A in t six days she made lees than ninety miles. Tte engines had to be stopped on the 15: h to cool tome overheated j iornale, and the next day the main steam pipes gave so mneb trouble another stop bad to be made. The only one of the crew Ii.j ired in the l.T.g voyage was Wilii.m Thompson, a fireman, who was barled ashinst the ijomp at anv offers of assist isc that may incne s nictrwi tnrooi1! ti-t:a ji - ,' ieivti. frrsisr 21. rrso-twd ia tm loaoag V2 :aers, in- ff'ttdlcjf Liwd Freffifrirsc B'jmti tnadt whi rj-im (mm thetn. With th ean,:ti( thiv i Iiuoa. 1 the co-operative m jvement in tiu ' al tractijo com?aare. the toots to sit .ai.;vl. . Syr:arr, af K.warf F:;- ! at the Philadelphia convention and in Wh.c?toa. "The only lobby of th kind that I know any thief aVot," the senator's answer, "is a kbhy of foreign tteamehip t , fe r, s"t r m. 1 & . 1. ' o.u.r, . uiru irjlog ot ( Captain Dvid Ingram, of Var.coaver, bill. There was no lobbying at Phila-1 wno faM the giobe twice, was one re eiathistoase, p"'" " -" t ' " of tb passengers. He said that three tbns n-atralii ng , wi measare. and tbre is no t$ltQ to j tiu.rs the voyagers felt that all bop was the et.-bosIe acid gis, wb .b is heavier 1 " 1 7 e r " gone. X jt a meal coold be served iu the t'rtntheaJr aad which is always ex ha rd rxa tb tansaa svsta to g through 00 its merits. It h ; lIoon da,iog ,fce TOyl(te, Whl!! --. r rrc jTm9 m iri.i';u, iu j ; The I L. - L. . i-a brMtJ.i fil.Mrh fa!;!-:"" " -"- "7 tr ,t . president ia ail bis messife Las orged thaa which ao doadlier poisoa (Appl artse.) All U. Ttirnu Attacks Cleveland. ty ,!-''' i" CoLraur.. O., fVc 2d-A;ien W. today ia an authorized interview, ridi- enter oar fra I bop I CJ no oelatrrrapted by ap plaase, as I base only fifie-n minate. Farther oa they say : Sine oar retara we bav foynd many r'e an-1 wotkievftl experiments of th v rtie of tooacco, of wbvb th re stioo woaid rrqatr a vaiama by itself. Tl lis rki it K mA 9miw n . 4 BAmn ni great eallingand some learned physician i B Chicao by the central commit is saSeieat witness. - j tee of the Ministers' kt:U-r, which Fairbolt says cf eonrs no inemlier of : met -today tt dlfe t.e anti-vice era- it was made a plsek ia the St. Locis platform and the PUWadelpbia platforso. Tiie details are left to on grecs to work oat." Vie is Chic if. CuicuiO, Dtr. 24 Mayor Harrison, and not Cbif of I' dice Kipley, is de e'ared reojositiie far th present eoodi- eongrtsi is onfaxiliar with Fairholt (laughter.) Iv was to tha sanitary tffa.-ts of to bacco that th honorable intnvloctlon in Earop tu do, tisens, kings and cardinals bowed to the dictum of pi;:':'?! who jeenied ta I wk dftin Iht p'lat at diI& remedy for w d'easei and so speliiy prcpoflnded enres for ail that fl!i is leir to from varioo agpiicatioas, tod it was christ ened IHt-ji Panareaor HaUSsnta, ! LtngV.er tad appiatise.l 0:d poeu if.t theeoativs virtae of tobacci. Spenser, la bit MFarI tf teen," where lie makes BMor lnclod ft as In other medirtaal ftvrh gatherifl by Tioiias, ayi; I nto ti w fcj-r-T)i h int U-t It 1 ttJ mow Kim unnfj, Th-o wtH4bf j iiii irwii mi- "r pmh 'rr .,)! wmf, 'te f'ii!l a:i4 tfnnrut ii t,hr pilml 4vt, nll ihla h,i mj tifi(aul lit lirl After this ran anybody dray tobacro ratiunstoth df-n.Jr of r rontry, oar flg, orr Uintr, both Ofl land aid sea? Mng applaiae.) Henry Batt hi nam Is fsmllisr (!iil tr ia bit eisrions soltim, en titled "Piet's Dry Dinner," 7'f. treat of the virtt-t of tooawo as a digjli(i boer, snd mys: Knilt.. , gt, lUh, wkIM nit, '. uli. KntKvt nil rf 0SMrrr4U. LjOihtrr.l If adds; Its fant r gwl sgalmtt "rnins," rtaerh, I, mrefif, a l, in liKd, toui,.h( long and breart. 'jMiner ;iioted Uf.s), In bit "flUI f r.iUre," spak;n2 of ft patient h' coled ex-Presi leal Cieveland'a ideas of reorganizing th democracy, q-joting this sentiment of bis falter regarding Cevrland: "My father ex pressed my idea of Cleveland once, when he said, after reading Cleveland's meeeage oo the money qneation, 'while I have the great est faith ia my friend tirover"s fcocesty, and ictrgr.ty of purpose. I mast say I bare a ooor opinio of his kaowl- conntry so solidly en its feet that wonld !t as long as th cfjoa." BROKE THROUGH WHILE SKATING it opea li intec.-a by state and; tie a; a.i : y .unse. j tStifc is, Pa ria e Vnia I iaai tV. J 5 tco i wra 5? ay street j s-, 5 Cltv-ry Ocsoapc. a. . ra;. av erTif xy ex pt spoa pKrs-Mt.a ! , rf . . ... k.-.r ... H 1 ' ohe aiaaer. tvt.;d tateo3a? el 1.ia , r-al csa jti. ioo of every street railway to b j preea:d t ia" aoJImr yeariy a.td ' mvlrf pi j;. Drswnio? tf Fortj-nioe Scbeei Chil dren Near Foster, Iswa Two ; by the soVray Escaped. ilai completeiy r-irvl hut 'A a oacarog eua3 taa in au.i; yara oa! man ;:t fcc.-'itfa. All oCer rwise-ile and ii.ctrs c-jald g-v tttr a- hip, bi: si ays ui tarn t)?mi C ir "I: oua re moved t-i ps.'a u m y eneet ax! I cars tc eieea send: v. soiaethlo I raj The itrset raZway bi:S b fui'owed tm-:- r,.n W J;n I wi i::. t be lr a m ac- jr-, aniCo- ita tirjjtifsit taV ;cordnr it- a rwoftttaja adptd try lajr-wj ,3i 3n- ia j tae enoaci, c-a (raw; . BUS , r. JLns Sew 3srvry fcraay txrobi i Dii.s ire rij'.frl rej-j ti jr-i-ir i . i in Janairv. sad. Th minister' erntral eommitteei tdgeof oioney or anything elf, appointed a sn'o-eoirimitte which will meet Monday and Vtrtn a vigilance com mute of fi.'uen reprew-bUtiv laymen for the purpose of making personal in yelg'i'n into the sources of Iaw! ;.; and evil !n tit eitf. Krya lea Orti- I.erxwonTif, Kan., D!. 23- Will- lam J. P.ryan, : tolay, wiring from ! ffnciln, Nb., to the livening Standard, isy Mr, Tbnrmaa thinks the party it bet ter organize: at the present time than if the Cleveland formal was followed, and it is twice more popalar thaa it would be onder it. D vex pout, Ia., Dm. 28. A startling rumor is current here that forty-nine school children were drowned while skating on the river near Foater, Ir. Sajr th Urport Is Trn. )e Moines, I., Dec. 2S. Telephone merFage by way ol U?caloosa ana ut tnmvt say the report of the drowning of forty-nine t-hool children at What Cheer is troe. The children were skat ing on a pood near the fair ground, and the accident occurred abont 9 o'clock in the evening. Wire coaircanieiticn with What Cheer cicnot be obtained st present. , cf tie ti-rjai, eift al ;ns- Prr'c Sie j aad ft. Trial turtle r9 at B'weLe rkii,nT-.l.i'nsr-ni ' ir-r Fjjr-s , rrrr bet:' fTaraaUfC-t. 3 RUMOR THAT BOERS w...mm. If ILL OUnnLtlULil'iasbQStta have a tecineraaee sxsaad l j Jtd ir? tit Wvfoiaa CSrietiaa Temoer- aace Cains as l Vsn yHntr Caioa Tj ajjjitrs of ta W. C. T. C. M s Bave So Dcteracacd i5r a Ca- i j Ari-tn n aad V " a u V r t. Coofcrsace V12 lai Fsr Fjver-! 'trCiiw ' -a EVcemSer TfdT aid i.r t t k - G.'aerali Dew v't u4 Bus&nvk 5a.'d u 1 star! ti 4:i;o K.-T. Cr. . ml tts Aata-Si-'oa LegT, Oiiklri. B'.oaxosTnr. Qraace Eiver Comy,', wi eoni. tl-s J i;ecv.i wj j. Dec. 2tJ Tiier are raeW fctit a-urco- j JJ Jary. It ia part f sr. a.i U it Pr-idn' Srvn ad Gk: Siuimt f 2i C.ofrisa Ltid;i. f ti Pc it Issaa-i exerrise CartrUg f" a4. FvASKrokT, Ky., Dee. Oa of lb clerks in the stit s alitor' of5.-, ia searching the vanlt fir old records, foand a cartridge tux cootainic-g eight meul DaU-i.e-d srookelett powder cart- 'f'lsat present granting to my po-j j. -,.-, corresponding x;U W lilical frlonds r f laveiiwortb and . ,h. tlw. foQll(i j- ,h haekberrv tree. Kama. Tl pr nnipl-s or flimocracy still live, r I fh p'llirie for. Midi the fusion forms fought will 't b tindl cid. WcsiHlnr Ki 2'Kli rnnlnry m 1th th co(.ll lr l IikIIpI that tlu prupla will 'in rx'urfi lo th leaidiings id tha fathers an I l Urn ra llll'iiH id th r puhll.t." iHlrH nt tsitmsurr 'iiri. ('! Town, !', t'H -A iiitdruii td Yxoiiianiy, I I fl bud nn fcilluwlnit lb Hums lr in Hiil!iwM, rmrlmi I hsva lii'en nlMili Tln'i rs srsl ra-nnlHi-, It U tsld, h l thn ra llittlfi b'f uf lb" '"'i 11 w i (M liiri I, iii.-il k'Ui'lii'imr bat Ml Nmhw i'Clff Slid S Ki'll Mlillllild, Th rspld ruiii'i'iiiKll iM iihr i ic in lb iHtiiuil ilmiilni lliioittili d' iiiiiKl nrr 'if (lunarnl K ili'lu'in Ims I rl th I -H-sl mum iklnilai Wmili'l sH 'm I I rtipb.l 4in, Must I't H 1 1 i'.u'Hm 11 1 .i laig'i, A(iil l " r.-vn i a i.l'W, " T r lb C hlidr. atsrar- j Chicago, Dec. 28 A special to th Times Herald from Bnriicgtoa. Ia.,J say I : A telephone message frotu Wish- ington. la., last night anaoonced ttat r. ver ner Foster. Moarue coactr. when ; the ic broke throngborty n:ne of tbeit J Ii5uo-r. D. 27. Ta foilawlag sias being drownei. The Bressage announced j patca. baa terc nrorivvd. from Lsri tV.at ani th voa-!r-ters. ba t. craised ITTr-hr- i B.rt. hantd. bisimI ta raaeH I -P fw- ..r.. i ir?!, S narrated by ba as fciws : bav Lai a eWera.- aad d.ei-ir'i t? ! Mail, iatrodaerd iat :tt xtse, to pc-Off.- to sarreadier. prsriieg tircsuwsi; 1 diwt tt rsJ el iatctseaats- re s ar B'K rs.aed. aad S3 f;rf. to tb aborgr ae iac-u l.cg tl-.-e- vee, are a . dfir-W. : ti Ca.ted i eretrci. tti tk raT. startling- irri-ij-B 1. of wl FiCadvf fei. A J-iia (Xiver was tle Bark F;trfcr a-I Wii:. carwed "I was ia a muni -irraefnii tkia was aCz.t ye- t tat . J ' n.. f iIk Piiain Tari -1 nart ; O"' t)i bo!v. Sinking at t'i pit of tW strmach. L-) f appeite, f-ev-riiteneee. and which was believed to bave pas?ed through Senator Goebei's bfy. The ligiiiflVanreof the dis.-overy lie ia the fmrt that Henry Yootey, coovictl of participation in the (ioebe' aainati jb. In O. t'iher wa 4 clerk In the auditor' nrlli al llm time of th assassinatioa, araB'itg cr dayiaf tt rirnor. and arums in lh vault where the cut-1 ridgn wrr (i.unil, and that Georg i t'arties, aiinilirr i ierk in the om. teet:- j llll.l IIIH1 III' llf JIIIIUrT Willi tlm It' i I r i I sf f II I mill r llnlll I I.HHibar Cm. lUviuii, M , Ib-o. -'I A Moody bat lla iii i iiiiKil ClirUlnis e at A Urn & IxmiiIi.iii liiiiiber eianip on Chase Miksim, I'l'l'i'r Kiinnaben rivar, and po-li.-v tt 'lans, lion of whom are Uhu Ihiilr null', hv beta tiuiilili I l' th i:e. Tl. fli(ht Uilf.l Mi a .lint tti" a man kHiwi s 'H I" llriiineiisy and Freoc'j-iisiiii-il Uiiilnlis, over religion, hiimiV bi liiw' l'fiittnl "d Oa!i vita a, tUiiiii.i', Tu two foiiiht cm svo l.I..e- Sly Telephone aad t!?repH metttftt to 'wltrl Dewei't far., fexd-'ec a ncaitara ia , fc , ' ' . f iT f tn K- - 1 J r,.a rant ;-" j'-- .eg w. iy iy i(.-. i :rf paysr- eias ii f vrn sfe aa. fnte.j. a triead ivd "!c!'e ..tvrs"; ai t-s ary g-estt ivy aat s-i.-!re. tiji arst botsi a dciid ijprvttSrtt I eos.tia.siej U;"r is tur w. t. and ass now a seas. I sa '""J eare jst Kie, aad nctb'-i v!.r zrav-e i-f a-..-tt-r-sicu. N i-it -f'.' 4a -rr f . Osiy jCr. Jrj3j- I. 5 .;-" -i-ttir th? land an 1 give the alarm. r mint near Foster has ... . . -. . . i a we.-iy iy ir. T aa-l vr.ere i m ibnui ui nwdi w . a.-aiu. origin of the firet message, fjtr is aj " lb &..-. s" rat.?-3 c-ls-jta i Ca smi'l loan near What Ctieer, an I i !o- Olooy is aipreCy keaided bv r.t eate-l wa the M'Jsk 4 St. Paai rail- j trv;c al-wst E:t.rrt Spnit. Tie Brs road. Evwy avail1) e eolat bnic ( sf'era i-i:'1i a :i t ure r. eoanectioa with F3ter, either by wire j o.-ta in tw p-ttVwas, vc tsari sr rail;nd. was raed, b'lt e-xiM ttH i Pr.-ka a3 t- .wer titvegs irrwt ao iolorssatisa. It is thmgtt here that j fc:;-. T' t- are 'eirg f. : 1 ." t'j report is proiV'y noC iri-. Th T :.'-! .i-g d pa'ri w t-fi 'eU-t'-jce errbaur at What Chr ( Ki- -,.- r-rl 5.n Fnrtia. eiose-.! at m.ida'gtit witlXMt eitW eta- ed-e t lay . 7V. -sii .' da' : " Y -ts - 3lU j.t:a.?d a enail mf t fr J oi" aa-a .rt rs--: B-j' 4il i tts an'i-.g anacfe-o ka aa twt Cv-'. . Litv, t.".. ! c 2 1 1 .r - - t - t ill a Srg. .vrr- ar irrtsl. i a .'r- - '- , a 1 ". ri.-.i. t. r.iii.g . i Pimpsar res a a u evt-i- : - - - " ' c., u c'..-. ..fi:.-t i ;-.X-e. ai becajisoitBintb pariS-d ia r t5,1 ora..f a- were -r.- ... n. , . i- .i i,.,.,h a-,.. p-, ! -Ta Krt b5-I a traia tire ttuc teat t b- . .... to. - tooota-a good b.ta- Acker E .1 1 1 t& asuRBl.-a r ta f.s' Wvai v. E:tirbsfaiitecsjreSevi, JFitiJ ssr,tie . i xK-, .. .'.aa-v or STPbilitic pirja or aa other ! Ta eiei-a f-i rf -rs ia C? 1 c-ru .a-a . disease. It is ertaiii w.Ji ; cit wm bea-ird y-trdy asl drive, j "J"- i-.S'.ii-.rg s-tes tiat retnadvavl w seii rr bort r.-j .!- TV. a a. tsv- f .. i;.rs -i-a- positive giaraatee. E aaeiey, tie drt. g't. .. Dyspepsia caa Ur nl by Lsg j Acker's Drfe -a Tab'et One l:!t j Taburt W'U gv iisrifdiat i'f sr i mooer rWea-a!. S if a haalas ta i wera t.c is rt.1 belsg Arirra tirja,a L-ryie'. arg." a.-rtj Jasatry 7. ti L-4 'ei"'''! xitter t ijveravr-r lect IJjat. Carrita; tCrttw rrtimr. IriiK'tx CapeC.-ay, fVe. 2. fc-f s'at i'' rt. B.:e ti fragrt Cmi-yoeL jm'r" wastjaeeia t.aca witijia-a's? 3ir i.'M.tt's L't-.l" Tb-rr aer t-tiu . r&arXJry. itt p ,.s tr t I; C J ' A.