THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1900. PARADISE FOR TRAMPS. Larrikin llnlr. the t ill of Aaatrall till lluliura Terrorla h ( ounlrjr Districts. For several reason Australia mny he ri jrunleil as the ideal nbocle of the h ilx n ml t hi- tru in p. nr. n the former is dea ijfiiatrd in the cities, the larrikin. Thelarrikiu, like the kangaroo, is pe culiar to the Australian font inent. In no other country, certainly not in the I'nited States, would he even be permit teil to exist. Ju appearance, shvi the Itoston (ilolie, he in undersized in mature, slight in build ami sallow in complexion, prob ably owinj.r to an early excessive iik of i-ifjarettcx. His attire ia uni(ue and un mistakable. He wean a narrow brim felt hat on one side of his head, a short jacket reaching to the hips, pants very tiuht about the waist to the knees, but spreading out bell-shaped at the an kles to the tips of his shoes. The latter are invariably with high heels. Singly a desperate coward, but in packs or glints as he perambulates the sidewalks of Melbourne or Sydney, he becomes a terror to women' and chil dren and a menace to anyone he fan cies lie can insult with impunity. He rarely does any work and is never found out of the cities. The Australian tramp much renem bles the same species in America, only instead of "looking for work, he (ren erally adopts the guise of a prospector With "billy" or kettle in hand he trudges from one sheep station to an other, enforcing hospitality b' the fear that if such is not accorded a barn w ill be found ignited on his depar ture. In no country in the world are the un employed treated with so much consid eration by the authorities as in Aus tralia. As' the labor vote controls the balance of political parties, and the floating ion of unemployed are "woiktngnien," in that respect officials are chary of saying no to a deputation of this class ofcitirtu. i'or instance, as has more than once happened, if a body of unemployed should wait upon the minister of the interior with a request for free trans portation on the government railroad to some remote district, where they as sert work is to be found, the minister, particularly if an election is nt hand, has iio other recourse but to issue the tickets. Then, if, when the place is reached, climatic or other conditions are not found to be as conjectured, a pressing request for return passage does not offcu meet w-ith refusal. Distilled Iron Will Not Hut. Distilling various metals, Kahlbaum. of Hasle, has found that a number of them that usually rust quickly like iron or copper are so purified thnt it becomes difficult to oxidize them. Iron is a beautiful silver-white metal that does not tarnish in the air. Tin proves to be the most difficult of the common metals to distill, as in a vac uum it does not begin to pass over until a temperature of 2012 degrees is reached. Invention. Missed the Combination. Sm.vthe It won't work. Jtrown What won't work? Smythe Hypnotism. Tried it. on the butcher. Looked nt him fixedly until I had his undivided attention, then T said, very slowly and with em phasis: "That bill is paid." Hrown And what did the butch er do?" Smythe He said: "You're a liar!" StruyStories. China to Outstrip Japan. When the outside interference which in now inevitable shall have removed or modified' the existing bars to trade China will leave Japan far behind from the industrial standpoint. TheChinese arc as remarkable for thcircommercial morality as the Japanese are for the opposite; they are more solid, betler balanced, take longer views, and are, in short, more merchants and Ies ped dler than the same class in Japan, and the natural resources of their im mense country are such as Japan can not hope to compete w ith, poor as she is in mineral wealth and subject to the most diastrou natural convulsions. Of t Iratlal Good Clothes. Volly They say the Chinese empress dowager has 2.0K) frocks. Dolly (iracions! I suppose the self ish old thing lias more than a million shirt waists. Indianapolis Journal. Toy Nteani fcii(lnrs, etc,. Won't Io. That ia what one of oor competitor says, and be ia right. The idea of buy ing tin whistles, stuffed dolls and trash is an absurd proposition, csjircially when fine pianos and organs are going at such prices that will enable any one to make a Christinas present that hag a value to it all the year around. At Xickelsen's Book & Music Store you can have a piano or organ oo terms to ait your purse. No Comment From llran. Atlanta, Oa., Dec. 20 Hun. V. J. Bryan, in a telegram today to the Atlan- A 1 .!-,! . . . . ia journal, iieciiues in express mingeii opoa ex-president Cleveland's statement which was published thi mot nin?. Mr. Bryan says : "Until Cleveland sets forth definite ly what Le considers 'democratic prin ciples' there is no necessity for com met t The rank and file of the party expressed themselves' in J SIX) and in HMO, and I l ave no d mil they will continue to ex press themselves in in a the arise." Notice of Dissolution. Notice la hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between J. E. Adcox and Theodore II. Lieoe, under the firm name and style of J. K. Adcox A Company, is this day dissolved by mutual onsent, J. E. Adcox retiring from said firm. Theodore H. Liebo will continue the buinees of said rm under the name and style of J. E. Adcox & Company, and ii authorized to receive and receipt for all moneys due said firm, and all claim agaiust eatd tirui should be presented to him for pavment. Dated this 10th day of December, 1900. J. E. Adcox, Tiiko. II. Likiie. I desire to announce to my patrons and the public generally that in assum ing control and management of the jaw elry firm of J. E. Adcox A Co. I retain the services of J. E. Adcox, which is a sufficient guarantee that all work in trusted to our care will be reptired in a workman-like manner. Respectfully, 2 Thko. H. Likiik. ... i:., ,,! i lltli iliyoi Deeeinix-r, rJ, co every article we possess, every i au.idliritle mthdny oi January, r. i, " - J .. . i . ... I nf -J nVhtfkiu the afternoon of al1 y-ii - i. . . . i . ... . r.-v iiiritniu - - . - LrO. Vjllljeri iv JOUeS VU., WI1U ixiv i.J ucwuh, llnKind muif ciwri raiiu ia O ... ' . i i ... Ihilt. I'ifv. (ircffoii. as the in lYirflJirwI. hnvp IKlt hOllirht a Simile 1 lailO ! ,hM hiriiuriif acc.unt aial o Two more pianos and two organs sold yesterday. A fancy Martin upright piano In walnut is set aside tor a Christmas surprise, a Paris Exposition Ludwie goes to Walla Walla, a large) stockman from Mitchell sends in a mail order for fancy case Chicago Cottage orgau. Santa Clans will soon be here; take advantage of onr bargains now. We will make a special cut to parties purchasing first instrument each day this week. If you ever intend buying a piano or organ, now is the time. Remember the place, ickelsen b Book -x aiuitc fctore, Dalles, Oregou. The CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Wanted A second-hand fire-proof safe. Must be io good condition, and not too large. Apply at the Chkosiclb office. o31-tf ft -W Off to prisco! liut before wo Organ must our successors or Organ from us. They have paid us a big sum ot money simply to become our successors, for our reputation, for our wind will, and for our agencies, so as to control hereafter the sale of the Knabe, llardman, .Stock, Fisher, Ludwig and other Pianos, and under the contract with them wo are obliged to get out of Portland in the very near future so as to let them operate in the field which we must relinquish. We have no time to waste, and have therefore instructed our Agent, I. C. NICKELSEN, The Dalles, Oregon, to close out all Pianos and Organs on hand at a great sacri fice. "We are now closing up our business preparatory to our removal to San Francisco, where will be our headquar ters hereafter. If you ever intend buying a Piano or Organ now is the time. Address, I. C. BIICKEIaiSEIM, Or Wiley B. Allen Co , The Dalles, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, In the Comity Court of the 8tte of Oregon : v. .,,... ia hrHhv irivtj that the undersigned H K SHitmarshe. adintnlstritir with the will ,Tin.vM nt the estate or jonaiouu jcm'u, I pmmiI. has tiled bis linal account in said ette ' ....lift hi aHiil VVaacu c'ountv. Ore- ! .n, aud aaiil court ha.. hy u order dated the ilium- iti me nour dm, as the the court i.luce. for f the ol- jectiona thereto, If auy there be. AM neirs, ...,wiii,.r noil ntht-r oersotis I ii tcre ti d In aid 1 estate, are hereby iuitiHd and re juin-d to K- fcetil ana me ineir onii-unim iu any they have, on or before the time set for the heartng thereof a. gAL1MAR,HEi Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Jonathan Jackson, deceased. d!2-it C. J. STUBLIflG, WHOLESALE AND KETA'ti Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Phone 234, DEPART F0K ("lift Mull 12 :1b i. m. TIMK PCHUDULB. i'liOM 1-lAU.tS. Atlantic Kxiucss Y2:M a. m. Via Hunt ingtiui. Suit I.ftkr, Denver, Ft. Worth, flmaha, Kiui FHA oity, Bt. Louis Chicago and Kact. inlt Ijike, Denver, FtJ Worth, OniHha, Ktui-j mis Citv, Kt. LouiH, Chicago and Kastt Spokane 'Walla Walla, Hpokane,' Mail and Express 9:25 p. m 8 p. m. 8 p. m. Minneapolis. St. Paul, i u 1 u t h, Milwaukee, Chieaffo and Kast, viai Spokaneakd HuntinK- tou; also ali Tminta in Washington and Kuat- 3:30 a. m em Oregon. j V 1 ! ' E' I -iaS: ! I i ii w::, !i i c..b..... M a " 'a line t Mail !( and k'- Str. Regulator Express p. Xext door to First National Bank. THE DALLES, OREGON. - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oitk at The Dalles. Or., December 1U, PHXI, S Notice la hereby Riven that the following named aettler has filed notice oi his intention to make final proof in aupport of his claim, and that ald proof will be made before the renter and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, Juiiua.y ljul, viz.: Crcat Oblenchlaf er, of The Dallca, Oreon, H. E. No. .jp for the WU nti.4 and W'i BWJ4 See. l'J, T. i N., K. 13 K., W. M He names the followin,r witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. : Jacob Whittle, Jacob Ohlefrschlairer, Ablo. Marsh, l'erry Vancsiuip, all ef The Dallea, Ore gon. deell JAY V. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., December 17, 1900. t Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of the I!. 8. land oltice at The Dallea, Or , on Saturday, January 2ti, 1MI1, viz: Francis A, Obrlat, of The Dalles. Oregon, II. K. No. 4i!76, for the lot:! K'.M4 NK'i and SU NWJ See. 3, T 1 S., 1! U E., W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: J. It. Hall, D 1) Nelson, Chas. Kibson, Alex F raiser, all of 1 he Dalles, Oregon. declS JAY 1'. LUCAS, Register. "A 'A'ATarTacrA'? a ta-a' xncrAa r-"XTjryyTt?AiA". a rAT3c-ATAT A'rA'i'A rk a-ss From Pobtlanij. Ocean steamships. For San Francisco Every Five Days. 4 p. m. 4 p. m Ex. Sunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. Ex.ouiii.'' io Astoria ana vtay Saturday I Landings. 10 p. m. 6a.m. I Willamktts River, i 4:3ilr. m. Ex.Su:idayOrc'on City, Ncwberg, Ex.bunday I baiem Jt nay Land a.; i a. m. Tues.Thur. and Sat. iWiliamvtte and Yam hill Kivers. Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-l :iudings. ' 3:30 p. m. Mon., Wed I and Fri. I.t Rlparla daily 8: to a. m. Bkake River. Riparia to Iwiaton. Leave Lewistoh daily 9:00 a. m Parties desiring to go to HepDiier or .nuts on Columbia Southern via Rigirs. should take No. 2, leaving The Dalles at 12:40 p. m. making direct connections at Hennner iunction and Diggs. Returning maingdirHotconnoctlon at Hcppuer Junction and Klggs w ith No. 1. ar riving at The Dalles at p. m. The O. R. N. steamer "Modoe"'Ia now mnk- ing regular trips to Salem and Inia?peudciice. skipping at all way landings. She leaves Pott- lana on Mondays, Wednesdays and frldays at ii a. m., arriving at Halen i p. m., and Indeiiend enceatxiuta p. m. on same days. Returning boat leaves Independence at ." a. in. and Salem at a. in. on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur days, arriving at Portland about 3 p. m. same days. For full particulars call on O. R. N. Co.'s agent The Da Ilea, or address W. H. JIl'RI.Bt'RT, Gen. Pas. Agt., Portland, Or I)yfpepi can fi cureJ hy Ha!;is Acker's Ilprpsia Tb'ets. On II. tie Tablet will givo Inimedinte relief or money refnii'lijJ. 5IJ in hiinilome tin Ixires' t 2i c:. Blakeley the druggist. dime In ml hop tlie Ufet in art. CTie.iper than ever. (ieo. C. Blake'cr. Dyspepsia Cure Dlaests what you eat. It artificially dieeats the food and aids Natura ia strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It lathe latestdlscovereddlgest ant and tonic. Ko other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently curea Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and II. LaTgeslr'eeontalDiJH timet mall aixa. iiook all about dyspepsia, inatuyifrea "Cpared E C. DC'.VTT CO.. Craleofl Sold hy Clarke & Falk'f I. (). J'harmacr. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA SAY. COMPANY Steamers of the Regulator Line will run as per the fol- ow,ng schedule, the Company reserving the right to chinine schedule without notice. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is heiehy given th it the undersigned has duly filed with the County Clerk of Mateo County, Oregon, his filial account and report as adiniii'istratiir of the estate of Adolpli Agidius, deceased, and that the Honorable County Court has fixed Monday, the 5th day of November, 1!0, at 10 o'clock a. in. of said diy as the. time, and the County Court, room of the County Court house iu IiallcsCity, iVasco County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account anil re- fiort. All ptrsons interested in said cstnto are icrcby notified to aptiear at said time and place and show cause, if iniy there be. whv snnl rcjMirt should nut be approved and said ailminislratur di.i'hatged, Dated this jth dav of October, I'sh). .1. P AtilDII'S, Administrator of the estate of Adolpli Agldlus. deceased. octt- DOWN. Lv. Dalles nt 7 A. NT. Tuesday Thursday .Saturday Arr. Portland at 4::so r. u. i' p. I'ortl.ind U' 7 A. M. .... Monday . Wednesday Fridny Arr. Dalles a Sr. , Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. t DOWN i I.v. Dalles at 7 a. a. f Monday j Wednesday. .. . Friday I Arr. Portland , at 4 M ?. at. at up. Portland MO A. M. Tuesday . Thursday . .(Saturday Arr. Dalles at 5 P. H. I FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 3 i n a Travel by the Steamers nt the P.cgulator T.lne. The Company will endeavor to give its pat rons the best service possible. For further information address ia . . . . . ... K, rortiaira um-e, oait -street dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Cen. Agt. ,a Wc do .Steam, hot water nd furnace lieating. Kstimatea mailrt "ml contracts taken for heating old or new buildings. Do not forget That we operate a plumbing and tin ehop, also a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardware and implement etore. Repair wotk of all kinds done. MAYS & CROWE. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is herchv given that the undetsiVncd has been appointed by the, county court of Wasco couutv, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Francis Kuss, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby re quired to present the same to me, duly verltied, at the othce of W.H. Wilson, in Dalles city, Oregon, within six months Irom tiicdutc hereof Dated November In, I'.mo. ' CiFZO. F. ItOHS, uoilO Adiiifnlnttatur. EXECUTORY NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, p.xeeutor of the will of Andrew V. Aniierson, deceased, h4s tiled his til a', account In the county court of the State ol Orci:,n for Wasco i ounty, and said court lias ar-ttoiutcd Monday the 7th day of January, l!KH, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m , as the time for hearing objections thereto and iho settlement thereof. All heirs, creditors and other iktsous interested In said estate are therefore hereby required to file their objections to said account, If any they have, on or before the dav set for the hearing thereof. Dalles city, Or., Nov. l.", l'.sio. 1117-11 J. C. HOHTKTI.F.R, Kxecutor A. Hl'DSO.H. oury Public. i H 1 )iisoii&Bii Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Conveyancing and Abstracting. We represent tome of the ,rM- insurance companies in the world We have a large list of propert, k, l city and country, for eale and7e,bc!i AVe have money to loan oo rilM1 iecunty at reasonable rate, oli We do all kinds of convevanrir. . are the exclusive owners f?r tem of abstracting, which prHo' possibility of mistakes ia look 7 titles to real estate. ,0o,.f Any one bavins nronert. t. .., rent will find it to their a'dnu-f leave it in our bands. MTMtPtt Collections and all legal basineclrf, ? oa' "rf w" receive prompt ,ttT the ttate. answered Offices: Washington eirt F.nch A, P ' u' Yellowstone Park Line. THE DlNIXfJ CAR KOUTK FROM TOKTLAND TO TUE EAHT. THE ONLY DIRECT USE TO THE YEM.QW- KIOSK HARK. LltVK. Union Depot, Fmrj and I sis ' No. 2. Fast mall for Taeoma, Peat tie, Olympia. (iny's HarlHirand Hoiith Hend fioiuts, Kpokane, Koss and, II. :., I'lillman, Moscow, I.elstoii, Buf falo! lump mini iig coun try, Helena, Mliincatn lls, Ht. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, Ht. Iiuis. Chicago and all points I east and southeast. Puget Hound Express); II;30 P.M. for Tacoina and Seattle , and intermediate poiuta ' 11:15 A. M. No. i. No. 5;fs3 1. M. No. 3. 7;00 A. M. Retiring from Business. Closing ont my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Pry Oooils, Clothing, l!oot and Shoes, at much lese than wholesale prices. Will eell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchaser. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. AH (roods will be sacrificed except Thompson's (ilove-fittinir Corsets d I'.utterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure rcrnina. J. P. McINERNY, Corner S;conl and Court Sts. am! bargains Pullman first-class and tourlit sleepers to MhincaiKills, nt Paul and Missouri river points without change. Vnstibuled trains. Culon depot roiiucc.tioni ill ail principal cities. Haggnge cheelied to destination of tickets, For handsomely lllusiiateddi-M.'rlplivematter, write"' ,l(;,'1'1", CHr "tVMtloiis, etc., call on or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 2Vt Morrl son fitreet.corncr Third, Portland Oregon. FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. TRANSACT A ENEKAI. BANKING H0C1NK8 letters of Credit issued available in th Eastern States. NiKbt Exchange and Telejrraplm Transfers sold on New York. :t,i, St. Iniis, San Francisco, Portland Ore tfiri, Seattle Wash,, and various poinU in Oregon and Washington.. Collections made at ail points on fay. rabln term. FO$ SflliE At Public Auction Tuesday, Dec. 18, 190C 'At IO O'clock A. M. All the personal property of the eBtate of Kd. Doyie, deceaeed. at the 8-Mile, Wasco countv, congistinr i Fanning Mill, Grain Drill, Huto Gang and Walking Plows, 3 let) Hu.' rows, 6 head of Horses, 4 head rtf Cattit a Wagon and Harness. Rlict amid Tools, etc. TERMS, CASH. For futther rnrticnlHre. call on nr dress. V. J. 11 ARRIM AN'. Adminix,.. tor, Endorsby, Oregon. General Mill Work Hansen ftThonisa Miinufacturirs and Dealers In Sash and Doors, Rustic, Flooring, Pine Lumber, Mouldings, Etc. BEE HIVES AND PEUIT BOSS Ot All Kinds Third Street. The Dalles, Orffon. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon Wasco County. Joseph Paiict, I'lnlntll)', vs. K. X. Paiiict and 0. L. Paqiiet, IWetidmito. Hy virtue of an attachment, execiitlen, and order of sale, duly issued out ol anil n the seal of the. Circuit Court of the State Oicgon.for the County of Multnumsli, to w directed and dated the Jlth rty of Nortmtfl, l'.l, U)Kiii a judgment rendered and eoiffd" said Court on the JTth dav of Jsnuirr. W", " the above entitled cause. In favoi of if P"1"; till and against tho uefenduiiU. X r'l" and O. I Puiiint. as judgment dfMon, I" " sum of four hundred (f lull) drillsn,itliiiitneit therwii from the With day of Wcptembet, Ml. tne rate of eight per cent jst snnum, further sum of fifteen (.',)dollar1wltlimI'iw thereon at six per cent per annum from tae; day of January, INI7, and the further m thirty-one (:il) dollurs, costs, and tla-cmH" and upon this writ, and euinnundinK " make sale of tho real pmi'rty hercnuiw r snrllied, I will, on the .list day ot 1"'' P.ioo, at the hour ol l o'clock in tiiealtenwj" s ild day, and at the front disir of the w courthouse In Dalles city, H aco Counit. w gou. aell nt public auction to the riiuli"' for eash In hand, all the right, title sod low which the defendants, K. X. Fjuet aud u," Paouet, or either of them, bad (ai Mj'-' of January, 1h7, the date of tbe ia'f? which such defendants, or any of Uk1 ants herein, have since ac(iilrcd, or in and to the following described rlprJ"v Itiiateaiid being In Wasco County, on'' WThe northwest onarter (';)ol the norttwj iiiarlcr (1) rf swtion two C2), ano '"!" , east ouarter ''i)of the nortliesst q"""'; .i,,.i, h. if ,,f tho norllieast iinior1 t of soclion three ( f), all In to tishtp si of range twelve (1-') east of the n III""''", " a onehundrel ami sixty (I''i acres: or of said proiertyas will satisfy mMJ and decre-, with costs and accruing ,1;frt, Hald proiierty will be s :d hidwi .- tlou and ri .lemptlon as by law pf"1;'"?', DaUd at Tho Dalles, Or., thu atk 0IOT ceinler, I'Xfl. ..t.nT KEIAY. ilM Bliorlfl Wasco County Wj. NOTTck" FOR 1'UItUCATWN. Land Orricg at Vani oiivbr, '' j (MolK'r. 1 a Notice Is hereby given that the - tow smeii seiner nas ineo .J,m ,r. to make final proof in support . " i'"'.' m that said proof will lie made be. rj , , by, I'. H. eominls.loner lor the Vi'" WashlngUin, at doldendale, a.-n.,"- lii-ccirber 111, IlKX), VI..: ..r. It. "l. l-awreacr, f. ho niHde m. :.ip iy I K', rt''4e!C- 1 ONE FOR A DOSE. it. r.. SMITH, Osteopath. Rooms Ma'id II, '.'hnpriiaii t!trK"k, The Dalles Oregon. f'ir'v;;::;'!,,:;,:;;-;;.",:;. pn... 0 Subscribe forThe Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle I Belgian Hares to Lease. i I have ut.ont 10(1 thorough bred dnei that IJvrill lean n 0( 0 i0 to re,p. ! tilile partici oti harei. Apply to c. i:. ha Ann, The Dal let. ef I.ylc P. O., Wash., lor the v s, nr.'i ane 'Jl lie names the following wltn"J5 JjJ bis onllnnous residence uii """ of said land, via.: . .. iuii(.f' Thomas J. hltconit). i.e.,rK.- . f U U...H...I .,,,1 w on.,,,, I ion. all ' Washington. w K yJ NolfcK"oF Fl N AL KT1 tE In llm mstler of tho estate, "f ''M C" ' Wageublast, dircaald. jmiiIC'! Notice Is hereby rfivr-n thnt '' ,me"' ' tbe executor of the last wil ' Tn,, ' John liott'Vb Wi.genbUt, ,' Mi llnal account In "'w''tt"jorrr. an 1 the Countv Com! ' ,h,,','",i1i. 71k1'" ascot onniy has s.-t Mend ). " u January. PH. at the rol 10 a m. ,tl. a the .ialc for the beatliig of the" .. j a r Il,..nlil ... i f mm any ui.j.--u.. V. Vu V.UiKHI';; Eovutar of the last will of J Vtsgeliolast, deceased vtt,i.' tV rtVAl. r h ITI-I Notice I. hereby ghen '' I'ant't has III.- wlih tl... clerk "l , 'rnZr. " i Ihe.t ilet,! Oregon, for ' ' K. account as administrator ' lir.dford. rtecen"l, and ' ., t) made on the llth dty of ll'cP f j,nlljy. ' ei.ort. Moll, 1ST. the IMll . nillPlT "i, ,., hs. b.Vn llxe,f as the time, an . .-f room of obj een It"! as i"'- , pie - f .aid court as tl"!'1","'', . ...etionsto saU ''""'"' r KR tnr''; P- ..?..,ll,ltl' lu.'!0-2 (I.TlMI