The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 26, 1900, PART 1, Image 3

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A Very Jttey Ghristmas to You.
Take our " Merry Christmas" tomorrow a a eronal one
given in as much the same spirit as a cherry "govxl morning
But may we not speak a word of business, .too?
friend to friend.
it's Christmas time, we'll do it in a very cordial wav.
-it i
In our daily announcements, in the paper, we try to tell you of
the store happenings in much the manner as would a personal friend.
Read them, then, as though enjoyed in friendly conversation.
Almost daily we invite you to the store in the very same spirit
as we would in asking you to pay a neighborly visit. The store is yours,
and in it you may come and go at will wo never plague you to buy.
Take this way of serving you in lieu of a personal handshake.
The store will be closed all day Tuesday, for 'twill be Christmas
day. The day we hope will be yours. Let's enjoy it in the broadest,
most liberal way forget business in a day of good cheer.
Yours verv,
A Tnku at ttMUM.
Poriia Der. JO, Ui'A, j W wia to call y.atial attention
To til Eatrixu j oar literary exweist. Tbey have bsa
Tie a cf the death of Mm Pearl onree of pi-jj-. a.l plwawjre t r.t j
Dr-m -o i B-irtird, walra oc:nrrkl ( : itor aad j.!tat. Aa they are pa it
Tie D.a D-. i;a,can am a fat lie. w en-tij taiitm onr tax parer of aa-l shock fcj her many fr:n is tj dietrics tt atreat a 3.1 .tJt.4 f..f
aad aojiaintaai.-ii. Altbongn her bee.ta them. ta bad: re, tag tfcere
ta a :t to of it b-t for tome moatb i tna.
The fatbali t.n ha disbanded, end
it ia to be regrettai tht uit J; I aot
have 4 eaaace ta ahow what tiiey were
i aia.U cf. Tie Uj has duce iu beet to
i tomnnajrw! wiia Sar-J il, aad
' Jading list tw-j ica aaswerrng the de-:j-piioo
of thoe wan-ed h4 taken
room at the Ciiambi hot! aad err
ra Nel, tie eonc odet to prwtpon
tf arrvst C.i qiraing. KI-piag trace
of :n ta-txit. two uiScer Ux,k their
tw.luT.ftii wmt from the hotel
and a soon a the men eaois oat on It a
idaw.k they norm placed aader intri.
: The ahar-.J at Coast." eonnty wa
promptly called ap aa.l jivea descrip
tion of tb ssea. waea t.1 aar cam
baca that they snood be he'd at all
hai rd till tbe art I of Cvpuc Sijfiff
im B. ; oq in flrt M bcoaj
traia. Mr. B.iirt.T arrii hr t&;
moraia a f tu piMl to 9x1 Uut
Th .: odi -iaa ha i raajht tha mux
tha FVni:d:o ccsr ra afiar.
Ooa of Ita praoar r-i jtri at tta
houl aa TSomaj Eirifft, of Saa Fraa
i cijc-, aJ tfca oihe a Uaa W. Laakinf ,
i of Prn i:too. a.'cbooh Kjth cf thm
. oawa ::. Thy bai on thaaa a
:.j'a grld watcb aith a diamond aet-
marna aha .as a popalar aaJ tn.x. hi b-r dnt of .xl!.aca in tba ttn4- V. a''. r"J chlia ,aJ ktkt wita
fa! K-hool taoher. Hf arnUa, of tha aia au tiiaa .r baforaj " , . , l' , 4
eroo d:jpouion. chry manar aa.I ' EsrarTbo-Jy maaot bai3. aa.i th-y : t- oa Fir
true kinJnecftart .n.ieari bar t ' mrl all tr..i, rpacura ' "T,' . "
all. X..t t r.m.. -i,- .h-iata.t!aa. T ;r ., Ona of the pt nooar bad a aaar-
' grew from ehiljhooj lo oaoboci aa i j to theme, bat a.'o to oar instroct
waa loved by o!J and toqb far and nar, ort.who hara baa ry aceomm.ji:in,
J bat in tvery neighborhood whera ib; ttajinji ftr hour and ok:n a
j taught will her death be fe't aa a par- at aouoa aad reeeM9. ,
I tonal loss. Her place is oar memory ' The fouoaio teatifaerf attend tha
no oaa asr"rrpa!d it wot'.l taraiaasa
fataJly. he a H ara c! t Uat
Marvb. Saa aa marnel ta V. 1
B jfford, a we.I kaowa aad raapevtad
farmer of Hart aad. Tauan laaa taaa rraaa a pm, bat au oe oa'd accapt
a year ia utof.h tr.eir ei!ed Ufa aa ' oor enr.eng. Wa had a tame arraB-d
rery tippy aad their fcrjit, eteary j w.ta tUa Pjrtiaad b:h boo. utJi, tmt
boma a ceoter of hoepita.ity. ? tiiay ithdraar. ayic that a piaved
Her parecta. Mr. asd M'. Dyaion l "i"t teaai'' maa. Wei!. a did p!ay
aad brwhera Bert aad Gy are !! ' in teaai mea, bat tsey wera hia
kaoaa ia lb et aad of tea euaaty tehool ttadan, h:ct right (tra toeoa
aad kif eateemed by aeerrcoa. For j priyiega at p'.tjinf. A tbara ia a.i
masy year tbey bara lived ia Camaa fwaltioa ir tha;r excuse. e bare et
Prairie. If erer a ditifil Jjufhter aJ it J3 aa a plain, ran pis rae of feir.
irter broaght cheer, taneniae asd ' A laie la near tba and r,f tha term
bright nej ia a home Pear! certainty did ' d aa wa 'oak back oeer what w hare
la tteirs. For aeTera! year prior to her 1 duoa, a rea.'ije tb tt t bare baa been a
j can never be filled by anotLer, bat will anna: meeting of the Wentera Diiioo
j alwayt be fragrant with hr loving
j kindly deed. To thoee who are near
I eet and deareet, whoee beartt are torn
and bleeding, whose looeiinea U incs-
preS9ib'e, whoe lips is now preeeed
the bitter cap of sorrow acd whose grief
is deeper than words, we woo'd say,
look up aud beyond. There is One who
Ongoa SLU TeacnerV AianeaEion. to
be heid at Albany Ewetnser ?-2? : J. 1
S. Liniers. Miiesa Hi'u. Miry Doathit.:
Etta Wrenn and 5fr. E:he. j
Maad Mxheir.of tae data of XC, is;
home from Wheeler eau.ity, where she j
Unjjht a term of schooL
j ! new Mclatuaii of fiae qaahty at d
t wore a eery flaa sd aadershirt.
1 Fepai SneriJ Biakn'ey iientied ail
i thee artii-'e aa bTin beea recently
1 sroiea fr-in Po !'et )o tevpie. Ha ia
i fbnnei! Tas Cnai5!ctt that tbeee ira
; porUat arrest make some seveoteea
persona that they bate ta the CmatillA
exjoty ssder chrfa of barjlary.
Mr. Biakeiey retirne-1 borne with b.'s
! prisoners thia afteraooo.
riurti ti)M amo euits.
The Weekly Ghroniele.
tHK U.UtlS.
Published in tiro prtt, vn H'tdnetdayi
and SatvrdaMt.
it hail, roeraea raaraio, a aSTasca.
One year fl 50
4ix month 7
Three months 50
Adrertisf nc rates rataonabie. aad Bade knows
on application.
AiMraa all eammnafeatloos to"TH7 CHBOS
1CLE," Tae italic. Onegoa.
Satarday Daily.
Dr. Sandeta, rooms 1 and 1, Chapman
block. - tf
The Dafar Dispatch says Tom Fargber
whole mountain side coveted the track
at Dodson. and an army ol men is at
work oo it in ho;e that tue obstruction
may be cleared sj that through traffic
may be resumed sometime during the
The Salvation Army will have a Christ
mas ship on Tuesday nilit for the poor
children and families bavins; no tree
at borne this year. The public is asked
to share of the abundance that God bas
given them, so that hearts and homes
may be made bappy. All goods, such as
groceries and clothing or money, will be
acceptable. Singing by the children
and music by the string band. The
pablici cordially invited. A free will
collection will be taken for the tame
From W. J. Hoeforc1, of Collins Land
ing, who was in town today on his way
to spend the holidays at Moro, we learn
recently refosed M a head tor a band of j hl, a poetofflce h been established at
SOO head of mutton sheep.
Mis Bertha Robertson, who bas been
teaching school at Wapiaitia, returned
home last night where she expects to
spenl the Christmas holidays.
A sarrey i being made for the ditch
ao4 flame and route for the polea for the
Hood P.ivei Electric Light Co. As won
at the sarvey is completed work will be
pashed vigoroaily till the electric lights
thine in Hood River. Glacier.
the landing with W. L. Hunting, of the
firm of Hunting & Hosford, as post
master. The postoffice will be located
in the (tore of Hunting & Hosford and
wiil be a great convenience' to the
settlers of that neighborhood, and a
special convenience to the many patrons
of the Collins' springs who have hitherto
hadtogt a long distance to get their
The question it offn asked, remarks
The rumor that was all over town yes-1 the Glacier, bow much return in cash
terday that Engineer Cutis and his lean be expeod from an acre of straw
fireman had been iti-ired when the ! berries in Hood River. P. D. Hiuricbs,
train ran into the big landslide at D xl
son, has happily turned oat to be false.
The men imped ia time to save them
selves frora a possible death.
The stockholders of the Wasco Ware
house Company bare c incla led to erect
a 50i-barrel fl raring mill on the groands
immediately tut of the wareboase.
The building will be of brick and werk
will commetc) on trie stroc'.ore jat as
soon as the'westher will permit.
A letter ha keen recited In this city
from one of Krogftr'e followers asking
for informstioa aboat Orezon, with
view of wublishieg a Boer settlement
bere. If the Eastern Oregon Lind Com'
who is weil known to be 'painstaking In
everything he undertakes on the farm,
tells as that his strawberry crop of about
four acre returned him last season f I,
017. His cash expense for picking,
packing and crates was 1340. The work
was all done by bis own fm.ily except
the picking and part of the packing.
His total crop amounted to 577 crates.
This gave him about f 150 an acre to pay
for his own work and that of his chil
dren and team.
Workmen engages in masting rock ol
for straightening the railroad east of
town and making fills, have 'unearthed
a bed of stone coal on the land of C.
tan.:.i u ti air.,, .A Weldf, one mileeait of town. The big
farm land in hherman county next ' Pl c7 '"w" out-cropp.ngs
year.-Moro Observer. of eoA " M,ef1 Ktt' 11 lhe dT'
n , . . . . , 'of ciil proves to be exUnive it will be
vr.u.eo,utn wav .n .. ; , ... . .
caiDrJav lK itme 1.1! itul nilnrl
.Tn.-a afa. J I t. - I. a. - -I..- H'Ol
tinle. f ,h- ,i7.-i tZ a h. !eab.!ity
years of its existence He says he l-! J1'1'.0.'1
wyt knew Hood River wtnM conn n
lution not to drink any more for
1110 itiryeaninetnum wlub will give
their next dance New Year's eve, at the
Baldwin opera house. None but the
members and their guests will be ad
Elmore Rice will be at the M. E.
church Wednesday, Jan. 2nd, in a mag
nificent program, assi3ted by Mrs. Lillian
W. Baker, pianist. Seats $1, at Blake
ley's drug store.
A vagrant, who gives bis name as
Charles Buleon, was arrested yesterday
for being drunk and disorderly. In de
fault of the cash to pay a $5 fine the
fellow was put this morning to sweeping
the crosswalks.
Pianos and organs will not cost you
much now. We dare not state prices in
print tbey would make our competitors
fuiious. Call at Nickeleen's Book &
Music store. We will continue our sale
until our entire stock of pianoa and
organs are sold. We sell on easy pay
ments If so desired.
Every member of the football eleven,
and others interested, are requested to
be at the practice grounds at 8 o'clock
Wednesday evening for practice for the
game with Wasco, at The Dalies on
New Years day. A competent coach
will be present, and it Is necessary that
all should be In attendance.
Marshal Driver arrested yesterday a
drunken Yakima - Indian whom be
found lying in the mud la the middle of
the grade immediately west of the
Umatilla House. As the fellow was
dead broke and bad not been disorderly
and nothing would be gained by con
fining him in the city jail, be was
turned loose this morning.
F. H. Button, of Hood River, Informs
the Pioneer that be and James Sones
have entered Into contract with the
Storey & Kaeppler Lumber Company to
furnish 50,000,000 feet of sawlogs for
their mill at Cascade Locks. Most of
the logging will be done on Wind river.
They will have charge of the camp that
has been established at Wind mountain
and will also pat dams in Wind river
and drive logs din that stream.
Button A Sones have sent ea;t for a
f I . Vtmn .K .1... .X . '
has fathomed the deepest depth, of I teach again ater the boUd-ys. ia 7oea"to.iiy """.
uuuian eorrow ana neea, wno aranx to1 ?iew crcwa in l A U tJea Lave re-
the dregs the bitter cup, who died bat;emd their stadiee ia the hih school
after an absence of three months, dnr-'
Ing which time they bAva been engaged '
ia teaching. E. B. J.
lives again to Und op the broken
hearted and com tor tail that mourn. Ia
this time of your great need, let His be
your solace, your refuge. May God
comfort each one.
Oxx Who Shakes the Sorrows.
Treaty aad Amendment.
The provisions of the Hay-Paancefote
treaty affected by the Davis amendment
are as follows :
Sectiou 1. The canal shall be free and
open in time of war, as in time of peace,
to the vessels of commerce and of war of
all nations, on terms of entire equality.
Sec. 2. The canal shall never be
blockaded, nor shall any right of war be
exercised, nor any act of hostility be
committed within it.
Sec. 3. Vessels of war of a beligetant
shall not revictual nor take any stores in
the canal, except so far as may be strict
ly necessary, and the transit of such ves
sels through the canal be effected with
the least possible delay.
Prizes shall be in all respects subject to
the same rules as vessels of war of the
Sec. 4. No belligerents shall embark
or disembark troops, munitions of war
or warlike materials in the canal, except
in case of accidental, hindrance of the
transit and in such case the transit shall
be resumed with all possible dispatch.
Sec. 5. Vessels of war of belligerent
ball not remain in waters within three
marine miles of either end of the canal
longer than twenty-four hours.
The Diivis amendment, adopted by
the senate, is as follows:
"Insert at the end of section 5 of arti
cle 2 the following:
" 'It is agreed, however, that none of
the immediately foregoing conditions
and stipulations in sections numbered 1,
2, 3, 4 and 6 of this article shall apply
to measures which the United States
may find it necessary to take for secur-
ng by its own forces the defense of the
United States and lhe maintenance of
public order. ' "
ibis statement will make the matter
plain to interested readers.
An Historical Xiiabir.
'It may not be generally known,"
says the McMinnville Telephone-Register,
"that the original copy of the first
number of the Oregonian, a fac simile of
which was printed in the semi-centen
nial number of that paper on the 4th
A Father's rrt.t
Tax DiLLis, Dec. 22, 1:W0.
Editor Curomclk: I have frequent
ly noticed comments from yoar pen, ss
well as others, pabiisbed in yoar paper
from time to time, in reference to the
sa'e of liquor to Indians and minors by
some person or persons within this city.
It seems strange to law-abiding citi
zens that such matter, that is cf each
W. Lord returned ymterdA? front a
bustn trip to PurtlajM.
T. M . B. CaiwtAia aad H. F. Li-, tt!
Hh1 River, are reg-sterel ae the L'x-
tiila Hoo-w.
B. F. Langhlia returned from Port-!aa-i
yeeterlay ta epend the holidays
with bia family.
Mine Xeilie Mjioni arrived here
yeeterday from Sbanik? ta speed the
Christmas holiday with friead.
Max Laeddemaan, of the Antaiope
Herald, returned home toiAy after
spending two or three das ia tbe city.
Mrs. Robert Kelly, who has beea
visiting (or tbe past "week with fricada
ia Portland, retarned home yesterday.
Ctrn- Schwab. i.jt years a vained
vital importance to the vontb, of this
community, (not soeakineof the iniaa. I employ of this orfi..-e. now with the
tice to Indians, shoold be allowed to ! Ir!i0-,"0l8OfV C?P!!'r f f0?1"?'
... . arrived here from Portland yeeterday t
pass apparently unnoticed by the offers ; fp)01 cbrietmaj with his mother and
of the law. as this seems to be. It is a I sister.
frequent occurrence to see oar; ncen I
from 15 to 19 years of age comic oat I BUSINESS LOCALS.
from different saloons in a state of in!ox-f Yo wiU cot have boila If voa take
Ication. There Is no exense (r tnis, for Clarke A Folk's sure care for botla.
asaioou man woaia eitber bare to be A fall line of East ns as film a anJ an.
- - - .
dead drank himself or a fool, or, worst
of all, lost to all sense of shsme, ii he
did not know or could not see that these
beardless striplings are under age.
Havn't we enough fathers in this town
who are enough interested in their boys
welfare to put a stop to this dastardly
traffic, indulged in, as far as tbe saloon
keeper is concerned, for mere beastly
greed of gain, to take this matter op and
see that it is stopped? Let c hear from
you. A Fathkr.
A Villas Blacksmith Haired rile Little
Boa's Life.
Mr. II. H. Black, the well-known
blacksmith at GrahamsviIIe, Sullivan
Co., N. Y., says: "Our little son, five
years old, has always been sabject to
croup, and so bad have the attacks been
that we have feared many times that he ;
plie joat received by Clarke A Falk.
Clarke A Falk's flavoring extract are
the beet. Ask yoar grocer for them.
Floral lotion will care wind chapping
aad sanbaro. Maaafactared by Carte
A Falk.
Soale Bros., professional piano toners
of Portland, will be ia town the coming
week. Leave order at Meoefee
Parkins' or Nickeijen's music store.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paint when yoa eea bay Jame E.
Pattoa's saa proof paint (or (1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for $ year. Clark A
talk, agent. t ml
D Witt's Little Early Riser are dainty
little pills, bat tbey never (ail to eieaase
the liver, resove obstruction aad in
vigorate tbe system. Sold by Clark A
Falk' P.O. Pharmacy.
Wanted Men and women of good
character and reference, to renresent aa
We hare bad tbe doctor aad j established hoase, pi ended ocportamty
would die.
n..,lm.n.m.m,,n.. hm n,.nk.i.;.'. ' tot advancement. AJdres P. O. Box
. ,. i 567, Portland, Oregon. notl-i-lmo
Cough Remedy is now oar sole reliance. .
na-uiing yoang maa eaa mate rou per
j month and expense. Permanent poei-
t:cn. Experience aoaeceeeary. n rite
It seems to dissolve tbe toagh maca
and by giving frequent doe when tbe
tbecroupy symptom appear w have
found that the dreaded croup U cared
before it get settled." There is no
danger in giving this remedy for it con
tain no opium or other injarioas drag
and tr.iy be given as confidently to
qaick for particular. Clark A Co.,
Foartn end Locatt Street, Phiiadei
hpia. Pa, fA-tf
Oar toilet aereenire are of tbe latest
importations; sometbiag aaasaaily fine,
and at a price that will convince yoa
that we meaa to give the people of The
habeas toan a-iait. For sale be B.akeiey, Deliee aa opportunity to bay at metro-
the druggist.
Advertise Lattsr.
nt.. was found in Yamhill countv.
logging engine and wiil put it on theFor, BOmber of years the editor cf the
railroad now baiit at Wind mountain. 0 , , offered 1100 for a cocv of
Rivet's pioneer shoemaker. Its! Tbe road at tbe present time is oo'T ; lh, gr,t i.fae, tut none was fonnl. -
ill make it valuable, bant two mi:e oacc irom im Dcrini the list sickoefs of the late
are often boilt to coal miner, river, bat tney intenj to extern u an- Wm u,lffa!I,t cf Amity, he gave to
Following is the list cf letter remain-
poliua price, free oar eajt window.
Geo. C. Blakey.
Don't cm any of the coanterWt of
DeWitt's Witch Hzi Sa'Te. Moet of
ing in the postoffice at The Dalie on-, becn are worthies or liable toeaae in-
calied for December 2"2. ISC'O. Pern ! of s Witcb H.zel
, .... ..?!: is a certain enre for pie, erxema.
ca.ungfor the same wi.I give dateoa;,f. .,. n1 fkia d,-,--
I i Ut this n.ine, if it proves to be each, is other mile, thereby tapping a flee belt Geor?, HlmMt secretary cf th Pioneer ji!er. IU"T
t . . . ...... . . . . .; 'ftl !fi Trev dj nil exaect to com-! . . . 1 rVngrnan, B
l'Kaie-1 a nere i ue cam i a muiwun- - ' .
which tbey were adfertised:
Anderson. Lieta Jones, Henry
Barford, Mr W A
fill vi i - t. a t i. . .L..a a - -
Ml place yet bat what It ee.od to ; "roJ PM iu v"' docr-
"e making ol it. G ackr. Hjd liiver Glacier.
The musical people of onr city a-e '
nxioa?!y looking fur aard to the visit of j Merry C'trintma.
Ir. Beaf'ea I'.a.Mo. Peruke to oir ; er crvant f r Cnristmas dinner at A.
mence operations nntil spring.
Weodla Bsll .alr.
A marriige iicenfe wa iwoe-1 Sator-
nay afternoon to a. r. trie, ia ; t i. rjrr
- - -a - .
a:ciation, and assistant secretary of s grtjk, jj g
j th F'(-v oriety, aathortty to take : Ciirke. Mr A
f et'.i'V'f a'i pa?-s, ani preserve what-! Clark, W II '2;
lever of vaiae might be found niaoeg; i;'.
Harvey, K-x.
tr.em. Ia this
C'tyon the 50 t., when a rcital will be,
K'ren o i tbt evening in t'.c Meiholi'l;
ciiurch. As a pianit Mrs. Iiftr'iie
' knoan t- maiy I l ie i j '; ;!',
i!eo kiow of hr pi u'a'i'y in Portland (
xiutical ciiclet.
The No. 1 pnr, nc-l-b ina I, ar-j
'ivel I ere toljyat 2:1) an I r.aed ;
'' wn li.e roal. Ti is. ti.e fict we'.t-.
n- Minr l.n here
merchant of Victor, an 1 L?oaa Cciiier, 2- iofBcyd.
I. ut a fin n tain pen. Acrvkinthej Another was ia-l to Geo'f Tyrrell h-i'd-r is I.O'in I by ?rn 1 nf n, j .oai. Vn !rJ, rt II R ver.
' ire. Rs'.urn lt this Glfi.?. Z:-2 j Another w ial t-) E. M. farfjce, :
The Nw York C.h s'.ro wiil if iM'nr, Jn I Ettaer Lla Green, of,
C. I ail dsy t.trnorroe, and ihe it j The Ii.
many MH'omersn merry CliriMm. j At. I Ml an ther ta:;
... t. ! ... i .1 r .,'... it,,..: mornnt" Frjok K.ffi;; lal D;ri ,
IT. I.. 1.. 'I'll r i. . -
. . . . .... .1.
arno'inc'! to ri-aK ai m
cai'ect'on the long
fcanJ, acd is now ;
one cf the relic on exhibition at the
IPi'v'cti "XiT rxta!0 the Port
.'aa i ci i: '.. WLea K iit.r SsXlt as
hia ti.i. first r5r I I' t hare
fc-l 'ear cf j -r. I-.? f..e-l'a.iie
f?rc;d a ccB;'.ca in rirt tf a very,
lrr.ret:ng ceceoeial ccniter.
J n, Mr Si I'e
Len:ner, E W
Lan. r
Jlil:rd, Mr W L
Tj:ta, J
Totey. M Mti
tt'hr:j. A
W i' aerw n. it o n le
M in i, J iS.
Ajid ty Ciarke Faik's P.O. Pharmacy.
r When jol neeJ a Hhiof and hea!
i ing as:ipsic application fir any tar
; p.--j, o th or ;r. l DeWitt' Witrh
; H zel a'Te. a we.I ia :a core f jr pi'ee
aad io lie.e. It f.e.'t or with
: oat learirj a fear. Ewr cf eoonfer
, fi:. Soi l ty Clarke A Fe.a's P. O.
: Pca.mi'ry.
' Morn
th'A.TrjLkfr.'.f f!-l R.ver.
While yet
aftrno'a It L. V
H all, of th! c:ty. fAlnr-.laT
''ly morning p..HBger trains went M KwnMr, rn. ml.r-rs M the l Mba.l
IVrti.nd over the V.r.h.rn I'.cif!t fo,l. ' ..wiUtl.,,, practic. at tl.. rmr,., 1. . near
Ty..Vo.lifps.u.Jb.,:k her fc..!Ho.M. A. Mwlj'l residence. We-
We tT jii-t cd cp a car !:aj of
R;l a-1 Fitter.
t-rjrifii: ict'j aco cwjn'.T. fc-jnf at
Th Cf-l.-lr.ited Wtaai 'Sa.'vidjr
Inck beer wiil te on draft ea Chrlita?
ee ! director it IK'.cry lit cn.
.re y tcg t S -il y :i t.e n?l t x-i
tji ever t;r ti" iuor.
re-"?' acfr-:'' tcr gS til cm
.Xll f UtiHittlja r Vartarhtf.
N '..-;' her-? t g-va ttit fc pirt
ntrsip heiet'.fvre litiag ttwsea
Grant JIij aal L. E. Cre, !r
the t5.n rx o? Va A Cr- we. wa
dl"v-l D-f. I, G?aa: Mm re-
Te li:a w: i 3- f:s,:rr' li er
t? e o J fir si ti:i f i ; i l'r; tj
L. E. Crowe. A'i ciaiti ai-:t tr.e
rai i ilep aid. t-' t ' " ' " '
e-'edis tie Sruj I 1
t.- nr M it.
L. E. Czji,
Many per.)n have i a i t3eeiperirce
of 'r. Vf.Kt s .r si ia. of X.rth Strai'urd,
N. H., who a;, "Fir year I st5ird
t'-'rtire ho ctf'-r.ic ia f ''.:.-n, tst
K'ti I'-f;.a Car male a i man
ci rr.e." Is ::.': J ;i e. and is
a cert ' a care for d.-pi!i a-id evry
f.jr3J cf ttociai'i tiat.. I: 7 j ruief
at even ia tn- w -.rt rt". rl
.-ir." h- - 'ut 'i t -i f - 4. - ,. i iy
Carke A Fa 'i P. O. P:irxii.ry.
T iaiiMiiaal Arr.
f . t l.z; Is l.
J it: tv.f J-cid r if. f.ry -virlt
Myreri-s Piia Cere, .'..T.fe'i renie'.'y,
i ,l tie riia i g ae. ?ol 1 by C"'rke A
eve at th p!c of all theeu:i-ner of J N n
omciaisexnerte l tf.ri'a.l I'.rl'an.l I The AHnv i.oiindniat
'"'I lo arrive here by b'at aut 4 and ll.o lm x rat's hope f r l.lm
'c:k thi afternoon. It I Slid that a I is thitt l.ewlll make an Iron-clal reso-
dl) 24
LI'M. HI.1. v .v. l-.-.v. t.-w !.-w-V t i r:riit..-m,Bifi. w . '
Yo- i ! del c in UeGibjlldlcg , ' " thrw-iurr, t-irregte-t ir;n ba
1 :...
rroef f;r a h;l.Jir irj:
A! I .t "ye-trday mo.rr.icg tie ?..! I ,
cf tsitil.i c:acty 'phone 1 jr-.i'a'. '
r.r Oat at l.
A fall liner of Christmas r-'
found at th New Yrk Ci S:jt.
be coreer Th.ii J aad l"nr;3 tre'.
j f, ?.w J. M. W:.
, a wif. ci men tiat were wictl at
i TeaJietJa fr bar'.ary. Mr. A'.-ky
Tie Wi'kian wareact, oa
Firrt :.t. i f e rent cr a.e. It i a
11" t i f-:. w iti wa'r e'eva'cr. At piy
to .Bt3i Wi kisK-n. IL Lul.e. t.-i tf