THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 26. 1900. The Weekly Ghr oniele. Ail vri Malnf Kat. Per inch. O.teli.rhor teaain Daily tl W ) ft two luetic ami under tour iurlica 1 l rv-- (.Mir lno!n and uudvr twelve lucbu. . i)o t vu'vo llU'tlC fto DAILY A NO WISELY. 4fln.'h nr tir liifh $ - AO Ore-olio inch ami under (our Inch.' '-' tio Oyer (our i iiclicn aud under twelve 1 .10 he. . I !) Orer twelve luetic 1 00 WHAT LOES "VSITEU ME AS! STATES' The arguments in the Porto Kico and Philippine cases Lave been made id the United States supreme court anil the cases Lave been submitted for the final adjudication of the court. To the ordinary lay mind the constitutional question involved appears quite simple. It becomes complex and ditlicult only when the lawyers begin quoting authorities and decisions whose relevancy the lay mind is unable to determine. As to the question involved there can be no doubt. It all hinges on the meaning of the fiist clause of the eighth section ot the first article of the constitution, which reads as fol "The congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imports and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States, but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform tin ought the United States." Keduced to still more concise di mensions the thing to be determined is, Whtt did tie frameis of the con stitution mean by the term "United Slates?" When this has been de termined the controversy would seem to be at au end. It was "We tbe people of the United Slaies" that "ordained and established" the con stitution. Who were "we?" There can be only one answer. It was only the people of the states united who were privileged to vote on the adoption of the constitution. At the time of its adoption in 1788 we owned, outside the states them selves, the vast national domain lying between the Allegheny mount ains and the Mississippi river. A year before the adoption of the con. stitution the part of this domain lying north of the Ohio river, and comprising the. present states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois. Michigan and Wisconsin, had been organized by the famous ordinance of 1787 into the Northwest Territory, with a regular territorial government. But no resident of that territory, or of the territory sou ID of the Ohio had any voice in "ordaining or establish nig" the constitution. The constitution was thus ordained And ratilled by the people ot the -stales that comprised the Union and by them only, and from that hour to this the people of the territories never have had a voice in making, ratifying, amending or operating the constitution. To a lay mind, there fore, capable of construing a plain English sentence, and not befogged by tbe subtilties of the law, it would appear that the term United States means the states united and nothing more. opinion to have much weight, and it is well understood that he is more interested in his own mouth than iu ttie mouth of the Columbia. Hon. Henry W. Corbett, of Poit Iind, is reputed to be a lich man, a very rich man, and therein lies his strength as a candidate for United States senator. It is useless to dis- guiso the fact that if Mr. Corbett were worth 10,000, or even $100, 000, no one would have thought seriously of choosing biro to icpre sent the people of Oregon at Wash Ington at this critical time in the history of the state, lsut Lc is a millionaire and wants the scnatorship, and he has but to press the button and the fly-wheel begins to turn and the machinery to move, and in a twinkling the whole mechanism is whirring and buzzing. Professional politicians are scouring the state, legislators are slipping intD Portland on free passes in ones and twos and threes, and drifting into the back parlors of the First National bank,. So it is said a tremendous commotion is stirred up by the liberal use of money and the favorite and well known methods of the Portland managers. And by the time the legislature assembles we will perceive that body in a ferment of excitement over the question whether enough members have been prevailed upon to no into secret caucus and submit to the shameful prostitution that marks the process by which the rich man reached the goal of his ambition. expressed a desire to form your ar." - The Clatsop county court has In structed the county treasurer to remit to the state treasurer the scalp bounty tax for 1893, amounting to 060.34. In this connection it is quite perti nent to suggest that the county couit of Crook county might profit by the example of its brother ol Clatsop. Senator Simon stayed in Washing, ton when he should have been at home, and now he is at home when he should bo in Washington. LOST CREEK LYRETS. A Baaaa of Bright Ilrevltle from the Colaana of That Huatllac Joaraal. Hilly Hyer haa returned from his trip to Denver -and hope to be able to leave hia bel in a day or two. In the society department of a Den ver paper we note thnt bunt leu lire ntfnin cominjr in faahion. Old papers for ale at this office in bunches of any size. Old .Simon Ituckley, who lost one eye from n blast in the Holy Moses mine n few week nfo, came mighty near losing the other one in the Home hotel last Monday niffht. A woman, a hatpin and a keyhole figured in the incident. Matters ot great and far-reaching importance to Oregon have been and still are before the United States senate. Yet Senator Minon remains In Oregon, attending to his own private Interests and, incidentally, for Joseph is very far from being a philanthropist to the interests of his political p;ird and dupe, "the old uvin of the sea." Yet the big Port land papers say n?. er a word. Hut O. my countrymen, if Mcllridc had anted that way, wouldn't these papers have tousled him from hades to biewkfast and from Dan to Itecrsheba? Senator Simon ought to be fired bodily from the United States scna torship. He leaves his scat vacant In the United States senate and re mains at Portland to help in the election of II. W. Corbett. Mean time, the democrats consider it of sufficient importance to gain another vole there to have Chas. A. Townc qualify as senator from Minnesota and take his seat, although it will be but a few days more or Jess that he can hold under the governor's ap pointment before his successor is elected by the republican legislature. The questions upon the Hay-Pauncc-fote treaty, the Nicaraugua canal bill, the army bill, and the river and harbor bill will all have been disposed oT in tiie senate while Simon is ab sent from his post of duty. Great questions these, and of tremendous importance to the people of Oregon, and every republican vote is needed In the senate. But Simon lingers at home and busies himself with the petty intrigues and cotruptions of factional politics. If Mcliiide had stayed at home as Simon has done, the air around the Oregonian tower would have been sulphurous as the fumes of Vesuvius. At the marriajre. of Hank Cafes and Klla Harding on (ioose creek the oth er day the blushing bride passed a subscription paper to raise funds to erect n tombstone over the remains of her lute husband. A pood round sum was subscribed, nnd she hopes to now be able to pay due tribute to the memory of her recent loved one. Cyrus Hand and Mary Koinrr came over from Methodist Mountain yester day to be married, and Judge Jenkins tied the knot in the latest approved i.tyle. In the spirit of jocularity for which he is noted hi honor whispered in the ear of the bride, just after be stowing the judicial kiss, that he had never spliced a Hand-Somer couple. A study of anfrer from experiences in about i.tx.'O cases, collected from re liable observers, his been made, by (i. Stanley Hall. The causes were many aid various, often beiiitf very trivial, and the physical sensations ueeoirpa nying it differed greatly with the in dividual. Flushing was very jjrneral, although pallor was n characteristic in 27 per cent, of the cast s. The heart beats were violent, several rases of death from rupture of this orpan be i riff reported, and there were some tHiies -culiar sensation in mouth anil throat, sometimes diines or faint lie. s, frequently tenrs, and ffen- j erally copious salivation, which mijfht proouce iroinin at ine mourn. Common sounds were animal-like cries in children, oaths and threats in adults, while in many cases the throat was paralyzed, and there was inabili ty to speak above a whisper, or with out cryinjr or trembliitp. Hutting with the head, biting and scratching are noticeable in childish anger. Stray Stories. I r aaaaaaaW aaV aaW "aaW mw 1 use for over Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which ,.. .. ver SO years, has borne thn mid Tirta hnn . . . j under ma " . tZ ennui cniun4sl. .. . IT Ty. Z-Xj ""- -"" Biin-e its Infane. r -ct-cctff Allow no one tn d Care fur Murpblae llalilt. (ireat interest has neen aroused in medical circles in (iermany, says a Herlin dispatch to the London Chron icle, by the discovery by Dr. Otto Km merich, of linden-linden, of n specific against morphia poisoning nud that peculiar form of disorder known in Germany as "morphinismus." The in creasing use of morphia among a con siderable section of society has been lately exciting much attention, and medical men have been unable to pre scribe any ctlicieiit remedy. It is claimed for Dr. Kmmerich's discovery that it has proved infallible in the numerous cases in which it has been applied. It is distilled vegetable oii of intense acidity, two or three drops of which arc taken internally daily. After a cure, extending from three to six weeks, patients aciptire an intense loathing for the use of the morphia needle. Allow no one to deceive Ton in All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-a.s-giMMlare bnt Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health Infants and Children Experience against Experune What is CASTORIA Castor!; is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paj goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Measa'nt. It uontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarijotia Mibsiance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Wornm and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Win vuue. i reuces icciiiniu iruuuics, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural bleen. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In the trial of a mining case in our justice's court last Wednesday a young sprig of the law from Denver, with enlarged ideas of the latitude to which attorneys nre entitled in court, ca'led Judge Jenkins a "pettifogging liar." A moment later he left the temple of justice with a head en larged to more comfortably accommo date said ideas. At the swa-ree given by Mrs. Jack Millett last Thursday evening in honor of her reconciliation with her divorced husband the hostess wore a umstard colored gown that was pronounced to be the Rinartest. thing in the frock line ever seen iu this camp. Jack was not present, having been detained up town celebrating the event with the boys. Help Is needed t onca when a person's life is in danger. A neglected coiifh or cold may soon become serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures cougti9 and colds and the worst caees of croup, bronchitis, grippe and other throat and Inn a troubles. Sold by Clarke & talk s V. O. 1'haruincy. V utch our window for ten days. If you don't see what you want, step in side and we'll do the rest. Geo. C. Blakeley. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMT CCNTAU COMNNV, TT MUMAV STttCCr, MCW VOMK CITY. Southern CHllforuta. Tbe Hickory Ridge Miaourian is in favor of reorganization with a vengeance. It says: "We are in favor of reorganizing tbe democratic party or abolishing the whole shoot ing match. When it's got so that we haven't any principles of our own and bave to take them second hand from a lot of Kansas and Ne braska cranks and granddadtly long legs with yelier hair and their pants in their boots, who don't know any- thing but free silver and calamity hooting, it's time, by jiogo, to call a new deal! We're tired of holding the sack for the republican snipe hunters. It's going to be a blamed, long, cold winter for us Ibis year. Wood, coal, and corncobs wanted on Daisy ltlack, who ran awav with a I). nver drummer a few weeks ngo, re turned home last evening with noth ing to show for her escapade but a tear-stained marriage certificate and a black eye. She will go to Cripple Creek next week nnd file an applica tion for divorce, and expresses the sin cere hope that the next fellow that gets the matrimonial drop on her may be u gentleman. Trie GolumDia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIF.D BEEF. ETC. Hunk Devlin, of Methodist Moun tain, who was married last week to that dashing young widow from Den ver, came over yesterday to see if he couldn't have Mrs. Devlin arrested for obtaining a husband under false pre tenses. When ye I.yre man asked him for particulars of the crime he shut tip like a startled clam and refused to talk, further than to throw out a vague hint, that a wonan should never be judged by the shape of the clothes she wears. Denver Tost. Something New, Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co., is a pamphlet upon tbe re sources of Western Oregon, which in cludes an excellent map of the state, and contains inforoialiou on climate, lands, education, etc., existing indus tries and their capabilities. Attention J. A. EBERLE, pirpe Jailorip A complete line of Fall and Winter Suitings, I'antings and Overcoating, now on uispiay. juu umereni varieties to ee lect from. Suits, $20 ard up. Call and examine goods before po'wg elsewhere. Second street, opp. Mays x v;rowe e. HJS Restaurant L. Y. Hone, Prop'r. First-Class in Every Respect MKAIS AT AU HOIKS. Oysters Served in any Style. H7 Hccomt M., The llHllcn, Or. is also directed to such new fields for j subscription, and wanted linht now ! i """gy or capital as promise fair return. I n I Tl fi 1. !!.: AIM- - i i ma fHi'MiL'a'ion una a rineij ions fx If Oil fur a chance for the people; to pe l a direct whack at Corbett an'd America is likely to be confronted with tbe question whether it is will ing to give up a portion of Alaska to Kng'and for the sake of fortifying! a canal which can be viiy well guarded by our floating fortresses. It is sincerely to be hoped that the administration will deafly under stand Unit it was dieted perienced by Oregonians in replying to inquiries of eastern friends. Copies may be had of local agent for I Southern Pacific Co., or fiotn C. II. Makkiiam, (i. P. A. When the ftomaeh is tired out it mutt ! have a rett', but wu can't liv without! fo;id. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "diifeetg j wlmt you eat" so that you run eat all the I good food yon want whilo it is restoring UIon il.o 1 t'" "rf'Jl vn organs l' li-altn. it is the ' I nnlu ..........lift;. II a, ,I....,.j nil I. I 1- understanding that it sto. f.,r no'off.,od. Sold hv CUike ft ' Fa'k'. 1 o. hi uang of grafters: The result surrender of territory one; giincd, ' Pharmacy. wt'uld be worse than it was in 1 ott land last June when the gang named the republican ti'ket, and a county that rolled up a majority of .000 for AIcKinlcy n; ped the earth with it. The roil.uid organ of Mr. Corbett, hen it copies from the Iiaker City 1', should not claim the views f t'j:it paper as the scntimont of the people of Kustcrn Orcgw. Col. Alley is too well known for bit says the Astorian. The Kl.lridgc blotk wlicic Jonathan Bourne Simon herded the mcD'bcrs hold-up legislature in 1897, will; probably be the scene of n high old lime during the coming session. riiuble members will find Doc Keenc in attendance, ready nnd eager to introduce Ihttn to that grand old man, II. W. Corbett, "who has often We oiler for a limited period the j twice-a-week CiiuoMi i.e, pilce $1,50, fit .Salem, ; attd the Weekly Oregonian, price fl.'il), nnd .Ituftih f Mt'rs for year. Subscriptions. C. F. Stephens S .Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Itnoti, Hhoea. Ifnt-, Cups Nullum, lor W. I.. lJurg:ns ;licie. AKt. T. cihnne No, 1.1 1 hwiiiiil St. Tbe Dalles, Or. Notable among the j leasurea afforded by the Shasta Route is the winter trip to Southern California and Arizona. Renewed acquaintance w'.th this erction will ever develop fresh points of interest added sources of enjoyment, under its sonny tkiee, in the variety of its indus tries, in its prolific vegetation and among its uumberlees resorts of mountain, shore, valley and plain. The two daily ShaBta trains from Portland to California have been re cently equipped with the mom approved pattern of standard and tourist sleeping ears, but the low rates of fare will Btill continue iu effect. llluelrated guide to the winter resorts of California and Arizona may be had cn application to C. if. Makkiiam, G. P. A., Portland. Oregon. GOING EAST. If you intend to take a trip Eaet, nek your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabnsh, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Knnsas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New Jnglan! points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train baa free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Cunk, raciuc uoast Tans. Agt I-os Angeles, Calif. C. S. Chase, (i. p. A., St. Louis, Mo. For Sl... Eaetern Oregon timothy hay, $1,7 per ton, f. o. b. The D.illen. Eastern Ore gon wild hay, (13.50 in car lots. McCi i.i.y ft Cavi.oii, d42 La (, Or. FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. Ixt A email re, I eniv !.. r old, branded V on each bin. with vrl. low-fork in rluht cnr. n,ii,t i i.... call about 5 month old. 1 -iii n.. r. lor such information as will lead to their recovery. Tiikoiiori Mmt-rr At Ward ft Robertson' ctat.U Tl.. Dalles. dl.1.4t Snbserihi f ir Tim Ciikoniclb. r (Men Lies Ciprtl. USE Carbolineum : Avenarius, ' The most crlletntit Wnml I'ro.ervint 1'nint, nlBoa Kudiciil KcniMly against chicken Uc lu upplii-atinn tain. MUu walls of poultry house will tr-niHiu-mly exterminate uli lice. Ke niltn henlthy thickens, , enty ol eK. vv rite for eirculurs and pilot, Mention this paper. Jos.T. Peters &Co., TDK UALLtA, IIKEflim, i aV.'V T. A. Van Norden Keep com tontlv on hand a lre ami varl4 line of all that la heat In Wan-two, Jinilrr, Clnrka, HpeetaeleK, Kli-M (ilHSe,Wlvcrare,.tc ut price that defy competition. Mai! orttrei: teruletl to with promptness and di-intcli. En graving neatly done. aiif WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington St. All orders attended to promptly. laf distance phone 433. l'cal, 102. J. F. MCOBC. J0H!lun MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOIlNKVd AT LAW Kooma .t and ), over V. S. I jiikI OfflCf jyt- UtMK.NIXIItr FKK Physician ami Surgeon, 8jcil attention g-ivi-n loauraxT cl.Slh R.onni!iid -h.'. Vnfl Blurt A BIG SALE OF STAR FEED MILLS. UT . , aW Tn. T J rj 1 mm 1 1 . , . I'or 11,11 in-:; t. thirtv days wh are going to nlTcr the 1 ! Kini in CJrin linv 1 tar' under llils oiler muct bo paid in ail- cf the 1 vsnce. if For Sale, A few choice Hereford bull ralvca eli gible for registration. Inquire of nl 4:dw J. L. Ksi.i.v, Tl.o Dalles. Aloury tn Loan. Five hundred dollars t j loan cn real estate. K commission. Apply at this office. n21-ltw F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Cealer in Blacksmiih Supplies. TtODC 15? X SaM A IV! elCt We ht ltr-' ll 911. . . .Mil vill ni'ike your r.!d hore fatter; it will mea- ' and tliii Is a sure wa? nf C' ttini.' i- ' ' . ,1 a' At 1 1 " ' ie t r jo.i liiruii r to ha.rt .1 l ..t t,it 1., i, t.. mv voiir tt.xK ve von tim,.; -viii ni'ike you'r r.!d hore fatter; it will .iea- '' cra"ue.i irrnm t-.r h..r e i-. k tor wo ar-! . .k.:iv -,v c .:n.; t ir'o-e out thfl mill now on ban A cbani' in tb hiii1M., ,.,,.) ,M f, d ibi?, and no 1 ' reap tlm benefit. F,,r fn,ti,,.r pir; l.-ttlri !n.ui.e or write fj 'Ml j i 7. HUDSON & BROWNHILL. The Dalles, Oregon.