WEEKLY 0 iTtfnnVI ft: VOL. X THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 26. lirOO. NO. 52 COLUMBIA RIVER v GETS $400,000 'iv,a:,e::.er:..r.i Brvn.6:v :.s;. ', ... OTITr Woo'lery, prc.bibitior.i-t. i see: red so fir Lt Aft 111 O I A I L ! retorted, ,:,3v, Ba:k,r, middie-of. the-road pom .1st. fO.itM; Dils. social I rMflOl Fl I N l"l j labor, 33,4o0. McKin'ey't plurality. ac- ; . cording to th fiu be'raV-i!. They -so : i r" 1 I SO t.-je i of Mr. Mr"t i '. -n :' he ..': "- . A Oi4- who vs.td c S ..ano : thicks M..-M a jo is o,aaia: decerned. Ilnni.Dj :a n . t-l p Iwithoit even a tent, n! i t around is an I. VcM :' -a s t ft hi 1 Ionre of Murtiajes ia Cl-Kkimis U-?s Mipicj there tor s-ver: ck. r . o o rv ; tni hJ c3jl-J rear j'rf;r)n Lrt i weeks. He ha I not re-n to A 1 ,.u Eve states for the candidates of thj ! reported, lit bs pr.x.s.i to ret jra to j National Union Keform party, S-ti H.I . js.eet Home, where he own fyi T1- 20. The river and ! F..hs, of Ohio, for tin-sidenr. n.. (unn.i ! i)tt,:.iv Tit- .w n. iTk.iw.f o.....! k.,.i..i .. . .. T. Nicholson, of Pennsylvania, for tic, ism City Enterprise has called attention boo tc 1 barns. '.Vat he w oai I go on r -v..,, .uu uMWU .ur en- io in idoi wixi iosi 10 trie ttaie tcr.ooi aoJcitnp ute fce d.J cn o.i t t tx Distinguished Testimony ur.e bvat Kailwar Wi.l Be One f Proicts ( &v.,-2. ; McKiaiet ' majirity was 4ty,.'Forcc for Appropriation. u viuinuu wierw fr Totes rvturcej a re. a: -j t a' - - j ?v.: 4; Vasiiin. ros. hirbor til!, ti b reported totuorro, will contain an appropriation o! $100,000 f jr tbt tuootSi of tr.e WIUmDu, acd didate of tb UniteJ Cbriitiao rartv. ! funf ia occasioned b tho ro.t of for. ! il.ined b th -nrl ,n tht farther provision th this Innprovenient f J. F. IJ. Leonard, of I iw. for president, pijced under th continuing contract ' and John G. Woollery. of Illinois for ,,..r.. i t. i : . . . . . . Fyeieiu uun 1 ui-iiiniurni, niece votes ting as tol- j matter. The records of Clackamas coun- etood, however, that tbe tola! amount of j los : National Cnion Keform Arkansas ty show s that the State I.aud Board boMs the contract wiii not bj as jreat as that 3U ; Illinois, C72 ; Indiana. Mary. I ninety-five mortganes and owns six l . closing mortgages 00 ocount of unpaid , be was suffering fr;m temporary i-e:- loans, but gives no data concerning tbe . ration of the miod. matter. The records of Clackamas coun- recommends by the engineers, lt will land, 117; Ohio. 1281. United Christiar. probably b in !b neihborbo! of $!,- Minois, Iowa, ICG. I'W.OOO. T;.ii cottn the estimate is very j favorable to Oregon, as c tu pared to n.an .-tV.r Afdt'fk. ! Uiu. ' " - ' AgilBtt the Caiitrcu. Washisgtos. Dec. 20. A conference rh'airmin Frjrtcn wasarx oas to have ,,f (-,hu,ltl nd temperance binlies favor- ome repei! !eititi,.n to qnali'v the ! ,r the """-canteen section of the army large amount in the rivet and barbof j b,U ,,M beta belJ here- The bodies rep. bV.U One of th- itfuis wi.icb he wanted ! r-sent;J l." dfcates or communications repealed was the di'Iej rai!lrsT. j the permanent committees on ttiu- The Oregon d-l?i.ition insisted that it i ,a,:lB "'e Presliyterian church in hou!d remain until au'iGc cf fomP I 'he United utes, tho Methodist Kpieco other pro:ec- !..r overcctnlrz-t.e oos:rac-h'al l-,'nrth. the Evangelical Lutheran tionCDuIJta bi T-ecte-tiji ;o Jr!l0I"!;' h lP'" t'brist. the , l Div(Tfii;t itiiircli, the rriend-, the j N i:ional V. C. T. U., the N.niunal Nun. j partisan W. C. T. V., and the National i d virion i.'f (he. Suns of Tern Derauce of le cared : v ,., ,.;. !-,.. .;.. . i i 'II ib r ' r j r . t hi:' wii! not F.-r rrsenu " committee, p.: n'iy well ti'i'. give d to him C'lilllibia U t I t tbid he :.e Dioitb of the i receive a k:reat Sias!isr, wbich , has be.i prevails. Oregon lljrl-or Cret F'r. Wasiiin'. ion, Lv.-. ;o. J it i.gt' Ore;oa ai.d f jr in t: e r.v be knon tive ion.- i-. r:.-r,.', say3 1 'ii -' - - s prOV; ! i ' '. C '.' HI ;'. I any v.. . ! ? ; t iay is v r.i-:'r v. . ii d recc j '. ' : r.-f..ir.! : "IX n't worry !at t bi river. It wii :r-;r;y r:ii-s r:Xtl. whs at first f'rkr-n oaf bi in the bi:; as weii. 'N-i:htr Oc?f,i nor Washington will '.ave cause V c.jii:p!:n cf ti.e:r iftat :a -r.t at the hart Is of otr oci ir.'tee. ir li.e.Lhers cf ,r.e Wah:ugton delea '.' bo have closely watrhe i t.hecm-::.:t'.e-, fre! that tbey have ben neif'tcS e!, snitbat ti.-ir interests have teen li.l'jwe-i to stand alrne. Tl.ey sir their ttite wi:! ori'y jet (iic'i'i t3 ke?p it i r j-cts io the bill. ' The rjport and estimate of Captain Ha-- ir a ranal and Iccks at The Diiles a . 3 Ce'i'o, m bile apparently an indorse-.:-r.t 'or the itunjeiiate construction o! a tortjv roid, i, as a iiiatter cf fact, a v-.-ry s roc rec mnren iaiion for tb im-::j-di:. Cvr;.ruci!on cf a c.nal. for in c j:.c:uditi l.:a rewjrt fie savs : -If ther I ,'r'i a Jjflicient ohjecticn ownersbip aid : nera'.i'jn of a cortaae road bv the United ta'e, then early Improvement i va'Jir' Boers. by u:-an of a canal an J locks is recom-j !;ien led.' "Captain Harts knows as do aeil-in-forme 1 n ea in cor.grew, ho have many times exj.resd themselves that it is utterly impossible for the goverjinent to unrferuk j the baildtr g of a jortage road, for that act would open op the lues'.ioa of government ownership an f ontrol of railroads, which can never Im. The furthf-r fact that the cina' could be built io five rears, instead often, an I at a con of but $ljO,XX),(jT)intead of S.0O0,- Hajtist and Congre.itional churches and I udo pendent Order of Good Templars participated ns iudividua!. Lev, E. C.'I'inw id die, leii-Iative super inteudent cf the Anti-Saloon League, su': SKj iently said : "The cotilerence indicated tliat the hedies repres cted. bavii g a coiisittuenoy of about 0,0XI,0uO, i'.l not be content with any cnn premise such as has been repcr'.ed by the euhc ju.mitUe of ti e Fnate ronvn;tteft c.n tiii:itarv- hlt'ira I bj: w:II insist upon the unti-cantren p-ovis!on as it passed tho house. IlIhIiir Of 1 he 1)11 t h. Londo.v. Iec. 21 Since Lord Kitch ener's dispatch formally confirming the invasion of Cape Colony and expressing a tiope not to capture the Boers but only to "drive them north," not a word has been issued oflicia'ly as to the situation. Ci.nsi Jerafcie activity is now manifest ed at Ahiershot. A 'argn draft of mounted trooj 8 will be ready t3 start f or South Africa Januarv G. while others have been mnety-tive mortgages and owns six tracts of land acquired by foreclosure. The attorney fees on four foreclosures made during the past two years aggregate $do0. In November, lS'.'S, a decree of foreclosure was ordered against Thomas Cbarman & Sou to recover flSOO. At this time the accumulated unpaid interest on the principal was f"78, and tbe attorney fee f'.'OO. In November, 16HS, a decree of foreclosure was enteied auainst tisorge I'hirter to recover $2000. The taxes and coats paid by the board amounted to $122.02, and the attorney fee $200. A foreclosure suit sale against Oavid L Mi-Lane et h, to recover $2'it'i was confirriipd in April, 1900. Tbo at torney fee was $"0. In the fi. reinsure proceedings against 1. W. Howard i t al., the prir.cial of the mortgage wa? $"i 1 73. 17 and before the board could pecure a cler title to t lie hind, after bidding in the property, prior judgment Hmo'.'.ntuitr to a total of $!'S$.'20 had to ba paid cC. Teo ple who live in the vicinity of this prop erty, near Can by, assert that the laud cannot be sold for what it co-t to secure it, and tbe Kate school fund will be the loser. A prominent resident of this place who is familiar with money-ioaiiinit says that in many instances when th rale of in- i P.M. '.I -., ....J . I - E. Springer, of 11 ilmrl sc.. FlII- i adelpl ia. Fa., when she found that Vr. ' King's New Discovery for Cor.su -npr.;.. n had completely cured her nf a ba -kir J congh that for many yea-s hal rr t lite a burden. All oti.er reaiiles and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this Koya! Cjre - It soon re-j moved the pain in n;y che?t aid I caa now ideeo sound'y, oniet!;in I can scarcely remember Joiag bt rVre. feci like sounding its praises :hro:jh..-rit the universe." Si wii I every on tr.o trie I'r. King's New Discovery i r-ranv tr.b'e of flu throat, chest or lung. rr:..v i and $1. Trial ! ' tie froe at F.lakeley's drug store ; every N:tt'e g'i ir-auteed. o i by . ;erj'e: ie-:: L Fev-w iI ha -nrr. f-. Oil . L L t. tie 3-a:.-ra. Ti a,: e- ix-s Tecevl.- wnttea a .:'."-. wicil wI ci.iT;3Azd w '.z-zr4.i x::tz-.'?i it;i- :i t'i r-5rr..n-oe ct :i I", i a.s r' nloin f M;ss-. W Ji. H .iir i C v. N Yo-t La.-: vear I a: tjc .;c5fi:.t.'a ot a i t- i. i t a ie-'ixi. :.i--a- I ; j :hra: i !!: :- bxrl Had raa it wel'.-sp. - .i p'e'-.ara-t n" i:3fX.l rv'.:i. I OJ -i-::t:v U7 ::a: A.ijr r a-! I d-d :.-Hi aa -j-e Nx- a-i a: '.x ozt-- C ot ..A-i -v.: -o r' 7 v; frei I to -.' - i R;e-:v r::.-'er Co.. oc Trvv. v:.o h J r-; .-j - T.-.r-.a: a.-i L-i T-o-c.'es. I I.e F7- a-' :d "I: yoa '.:: a.I i .: j. a-i at: -. :-k'-.JlZI oc :d. . '-' . i 'i-t t" st per :e w :j A-;ier' 1 t '-fer h-.-isf without it '.("..' -..td h 'i.tr -a n-.-vI .--- a..-. c.'.a-'a'-.le iia F-vi-ai. Ilia,: x-i-tt a d-.tr g ia: .d. C I. Lt Frvst. ila-.r -W O. Pir.ai H -te. :i Ia.il : -.:l' vh.r: L Frr re-rs aa havl- i M. W. B. Chi.rca. wit'e ot' t'r.s re- ha:i- I x'io co-iltol ,hy- e:ed A.'ner ' oc the Trov rlT ha. a-.i: i.averati.;a v c Mr Y. H. Schx. . -.; :! I tia: il- Rtti..iy i h ! rr.a-.y ether i a-j,-x.-ar..-e j-. a prois-.sent e. toj. hxt had l t i: a- For sale at Blakelej's Pharniacr. t.it II flil l Itjr Hoc Man. Lakevikw. Or., Iwo. 2-'. The Lake view and Faisley stae as hel l up one mile north of here last night by a lone high wvinan, who demanded the letter mad sticks. A'ier thr rvini i ll' the i I pouches, the driver whipped up horses and within ten minutes after the hold-up, Siieritr Lun'ap an! Marshal I Wharton were at the s..-er.e. Th-? sacks were found cut open and ah thy letters i gone. Owit: to the darkness of the j n:ght, the robber c uld not be track!. be and Atifl it t : ho it is n i fc ri . w n It '( a t...i r i . . . ... : r t iere on -uio mau. a. .-.u wm :.ent ,,,e ,.so! is b,,, . f r. bl! . S toO per cent the old mortgages tixed no.hjl!(t fJf Li, ,.:(.L.. ,r;r canceled and tbe unpaid accrued interest I E;even aJVS thf UkIr ad led to a new principal and mortgage. 1pr fU,e waf Kf. , 0 .. ff ;;u It is not believed, however, that Gordon I the t03tn ,nJ , .;(. ut t.M Ti E. Hayes, the State Land ag-nt, and t-jener4, of.,nirtn it ,Ul t;.e tigh.avo.an torney for Ciackamas county, canceled t i:M : t ak.view any of tbe old mortgages without the ac crued interest being paid in full. A summons is being printed in a local paper in tbe foreclosure suit of tbe State Land Board against B- 1'imtck, ad minietator cf the Bode estate, in which notifi-? 1 to hold themselves in readiness the amount of the mortgage is $82, and Kttaro tit C'biiiiniili Sfliif, WasmxTO!f, Dei.'. 20. The declara tion by ex-President Clrvelmd, pub lished today, and also the report that Chairman Jones will r-tire from the 0'Mor$:0,W),0iJas has fferi heretofore ; h(?a(1 of the Pgrtyf and Taggart, of In ciaimed, puts tnecinal prt j-ct in a much ,jianilt j, itl.y to euceeed him are more fivonble iight than it has ever tee-i lefore. It it clearly apparent that th - en.iieers want to se nothing but a canal and l.xks at The Dalles and Celilo." j A Uvltlfiary l'rifor. an attorney fee of if loO is asked for. Teople who have negotiated loans Irom the State Land Board in some instances state that they were required to ty an advance fee of $50, presumably to pay tbe expense of getting au abstract of the property. Un ler the existing conditions there is realiy no incentive for the Land Agent to be particular in making eafo loans, as It is much more profitable to secure the fees allowed in foreclosure suits, which are rarely c ntestej by the defendant. KoMiril the (iiavr. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the sibject, is narrated by him as follons: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My tkiu was almost yeliow, eves sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back ! and sides, no apf-etite gradually grow- i ing weaker day by day. Three physi J cians bad given me up. Fortunately, a j triend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to j my great j y and surprise, the first i lu.tlo ,ia3.1 1w.iitit imir.rpmt'nt. T . ill get r.d of Jones, Johns -n and Stone i lMr nw fof three wwk ,nJ as leadff, -nd follow the ingestions of - , , my life, and robbed the grave of another tor the same destination. According to trie Cape Town corres pondent of 'he Daily Mail, wiring yester day, t he treason court, siti ng in Coles- as obrged hurriedly to remove to ! T .1... I. .! ,! men's.oairg to the vicinity of the in- ;ding Boers. "The Colesbcrg district." 6ays the cor respondent, :,is seething with anti-Brit ish excitement. A recrudescence of re bellion is perceptible in the district, im mediately south of tbr Orange Hiver. Yesterday morning a fig- was pro ceeding at I'hilipsto-vn, presumably with a commando which cro5-d at Sand Drft I HvrrUBd on lltfcr . " I Piim. t'KLi'ii: i.Dec 21. irr jv-rC eve t tonight delivered t::e anr.u li a !dr4 at the gral ia!;i;g et-tK-.f' or tus .'Ir.rj c ass . . : O! the t ie ce NT. .A ! t -SS ness, at 'h ll l S i ' I Aca !e:ny ot jJasic. lie sa. J in part : ' 1 e troe g jl I-n ru,e .:es at tr.e fjac d.ttioa of a"! mates life worth liv- : ic?, acd Is Hie pa-ent of every saiites worth g lining. We h-ar a g-eit deal jistiua in cor. lr;::n-at.:.n a:;d defense of fusts sr. 1 c 'i.b'r.itlons. i:;e lately a slijrt article in otir-sitkn to theru was ser.t me, lu-h. I was tr.f jr-ue 1, ; was th resjlt o n.'tc: th .suht on tbe ja'- f s.n aL'.e laLter. As I glarce i oa it u-y eT fe'l oa a de r:; t!;n cf a c,ai trstiai'y - f reof e bow .ants were scp- , ( .:el by tra isx 3 an i craftsoiea bo j were tt.eir &e:gr.i.-t. lcey Uia.t to- riajirs ui. e.her as friends interested ia ea.li Dull Headache, Pains in various pi.rts : otiier's welfare, and wi'l:; t vied the b.odv, Sinking at the pit of the ! eoaiethiitu to .-h other's circrja;tc..-es. ao; t;.i SI o7 for fr t '-. -v ,:s, I..e total .to: pr ji.!a.l ia f. r;T,-ii' i ha.-U.r f jr O eg -r irrrc- i- xss's, r;;ort- e 1 to! y. Is fij ." t ,n g-ts t-I'. ) I of 0.f 'i -j:.:ut-: of tl.-s Col 1 a.ia. a" Wah leg- i:. e ai. i s to i"-.0 th; ; it ort;or t-" mouth C' ' ja.h: gliinpfes of returning common sense of the democratic party. If the democrats iCieveltnd rattier thai Bnac, it is be- w Tuantl eiir.l. SerTi.e, I-c. A'. 1:2. o c.oc ti.is afternoo i ire-.t N rtt.ern trai i No. 1, east b t n I, entered the On U tun nel. E'even ininu'e later It emerged on the es em 'i 'e. T o wa the tfrst nasr.ijer tnn in !' tl rou.'ii the b:g tunn-1, and it- tr p - part'i u ar. tort-. Will l-ajr cH-ltoany T. A-:ohm, Dec. 22. Ttie county court -. ! ,. . , - i:.: ..... I . Nkw Yokk, Dec. X- di,ftch to the . ueve.1 uy many P'.'.-'' ' victim." No one should fail to trv them World Irom Havana says : ! they ill stand a g J show of winning, , 0n, gU9ranW., a, Blakelfv's drug Profes-or Frve. the (.nr.erintendent of , not only in the next congress ona, e.ec- ; . 5 Public Sc'.oo'a in Cuba, has just issued, , lion, hut in the next presidential cam over his ofF.c al signa'nre tn I throtgh paig-i. the Spaniih newsptjer. hi irio de la Marina, a ser a 1 io ia! "roclaruatioti'' to the Co-.-, n co.e. He t peaks 10 derog atory 'erms of the gove rnaier.t, and of interven ion in general by the Anglo Saxon r-c. lie nrge that all words otlenaive to S.valn be blotted cut of the Cuban hymn '-pavem-" ai d thatothers le substitute 1 which wrn'd h calculated t uc re-s in every ' t'rlay instructed Treasurer Thorn: son to remit to toe state treasurer ti e scalp lonty tax f r the year 1 ann-.r.'.icg to s--O.lil. T!.. money has teen re tained fo' '!iie tin e, nwir.g to tt.e con troversy aris'-.i frotn the tt. that ier tain counties in ti e s'ate u.a le r o .evy for thit purjo-e. The cojn-y cosrt has decided, bo.ever, that t'.- tax is au- u in. jir-x:,e r.anir-s 10 prepare loorive i .,wi,l... U:, ,U-l n .t cinvs in . thor. d ty law, aid has not on y out and rutist all foreign foes totbei-land t,M,articipate in the irnportint erect. 0,jKPti,r' hi m tnrnel ..vr to the or to its abo'n e n lep. ndenc-. There were no r -r monh-, n I chance ef4t,t lU has al o ma ! a ci p-fr7unty settle. I what train h't t' e ! on )-. 1 i.e ;vr for I h tunnel is n,l'i f'-l long, d co-t tever- al riiiilio i. lll(H I'rr Am..r l"ft l.o. A.roitt. Iv.-:. 20 Inrin: tie b'ow ve.ler'lay the .igtit-bip which is stranded on.McK.n'le Ilea I r rri. d awsy her an- or cahl- an I dnhe i ont t e be ch adistr.r...f fu'ly f:-et. S ,e is now . . ..... ,i i -.,! dry rso or If ' lie criii lh l'oir ..t. Nfcw Y'oiiK, I'ee. 2" Tl:e Times th; morn'rig j nb'ihe a ivble s.ho.irig the popular vote for j'ei leotUI elecii.rs in the recent election. Mini.MO a as the last state to d-clare its vo', this not having been done nr.tll jeerday. fn some nvn', us in fyi'iiina ar.d South Caro'ina, there were the nominations ' ' but t.o p-rtle( republican and oenio cratic, Uf "n the bail.."; in other atates there ere three ai.d four, and in some eight. Ti.e total vo'e, int lit ling 021 1 sca'ter- j (o-nts ; iy The three great m hat l al toys of the (, would r'-n-r. at ae - lhe soeeU av rcng gig. cents ; wwk, had ehij-sl t ) .t.r ri 1 mney ar.n c the M. iean l-fter earner, 2 i ct cow 11, I.inxov. Dr.. Vc. 22. '.V.J. McMal Ion, wh n y'terl .i'y d;-p;rl sv era! .eeki -g"1. a-. l it a? fearel biJ I.e-ri f.u y .i-a't Mj, has teei loe.ted, ah;ut a n:: e Ir jni --i tvll l i a derse I re-t, ah re l.e . t 't.blis 1" I a c m p. It .ill le rei..ti,!erf I he left his b O're for Albany, u tcslne". ar. i stated that rc?. After several lib iut b:s patt rg 11 ao ar jearar ., fri-ft ! leoj-ne . Of stomach, Lops of appetite, Feverishn'-ss, Pimples or Sores are ali positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter how it became so it inii't bo purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Klexir has never failed tccure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a poeitive guarantee. Biakelcy, the druggist. Furty-flvfl liifMirgciita Killed. Manila, Dec. 2D. Advices brought today by tteainer from Southern Luzon say a lieutenant and 00 men of the Ninth cavalry Attacked a large body of insurgents last Wednesday, near Ou no bat an, province of Albay. After the battle 4 dead insurgents were counted, together with many wounded. The only American caualty was tbe wound ing of a sergeant, . bo was cornered by several rebels and struck in the leg by bolos. The reliel loss was tho heaviest recorded among reeniteneonnters. The cutting of wires has delayed the official report of tbe engagement. F.litor' Awful I'ligtit. j F. M. Higgins, editor Ser.ca, Ills.,! News, .as stf! de l for years with piles I that no ib cto.- or remedy helped until he tri?d Bueklen's Arnica Salve. He; writes two boxes wholly cured him. It's I the surest tile cure on earth ami the best saive in the world. Cure guaran tee L Only 2o cents. Sold by Blakeley, the druggist. ' o liolutioi of larinrrhl. The partjerohir) bn?torore existing be:eeri A. M. Stringer and T. . Ker. ner'y. 0:1 ler th- tj of Ti.e Dalh-s Dis tillery Con. pany. h is this day been d.s eo'ved t y i!,a ua. connt, A. M. ring-r retirlr..: a:i ! T. S. Ken.erl v cor.: inu r.g ti.e be,.ne an I pay:cf all debt ao i col'eoticg ail . The Da e, 1 V.-. 0. I '!. A. M. .-.u j0 2 T. . Kse-:: v. T remove 1 trt 'o ouie era -ir b-iriiot t F r-t mh tr.e or a ' l-Talvn ia arm wa'er 1 1 s f'n i'. th c pa-e it ao-f Wtllau'ette ri.-ers brio Pjrt aa f. Other t ir g.rt iteri a.'?: C I : :ii t .a, at 0 isc t ie .. . . . $ i.h' 0 t"p;sr CO.-iaihiaard .-.te. I 'x) Wil'mette aa 1 C-i uai...a te'jw Pjrt and 22","''' Wil'ai-ette above Fort, as d. Yarxtiii; 32 5..V Ilevetxent Viow la !pi iemte io ..'.: Kevetnient opposite Com .is . 120 Coii:l e river Le' ; C.:-;-i:': City 40..V.) Siu-law r:ver .. IS.'.'O Ti.iarno. k ha-': or .. 2 Ot.O CoIJa.li.t river t ..: Van- rtns description was fob ed ty ac ar- coaver and VV. la.us". xitir . ?,.) raignuient of couibinati j:is ao l trusts as Long Toai river l 0 destroyers of this happy titua'ion ty Gauging Cj.'a-tiia 1.CC0 first monopolizing c-r;a:n branches 0! Coos river .. 1,V0 the business done in the ojinicc.tie. ClA'.skar.ierivcr I,iV) and then dlsplac:ng. witii their stranger The 2rst draft of tr.e till gave tbe agents and repres -n'at.ves. the deaer uicut.i of the Cclaoib a, a.si U frotu the and craftsmen who were neighbors an J H '),O:0 ca?h. !, -SI ,! i) ur the contract, friends. Tilers m.iy be much or .itt.e but when it was led le 1 t? est the ec misfortune in sucfi a change, tut I coal i tire till f'O-n ?, 0,'"' to ".'j:0.l.',IO, not help feeling that the simple, ca'ural- the sutc juixittee red j :d tr.-s tij fl VO. ly healthy live-and let-live cond th.ns C,) in order to re'aio ..t-er a; ; r ; r fiist reviewed were worth perpetu iticg." tlocs. Continuing, Mr. Cleveland sail the world owes us just such a living as we can gain by hard work: tbe exsrclseof all our mental faculties, a scrapaio as ad herence to the rules of boaeS'y, and a never-failiig obedience to the dictates, of enlightened corH-ieo're. Mr. Cleve land eniphas'Z-'d th importance of self- i reliab'e and pereve.-irice. We must ex .-bide as our s-aodard of success rxere -ti.oney-getliag for its own sake. Tbat Tbrvt!inc llra.i.'U Wocld qi'ckly leave y a. .:' yo Dr. King's Ne Life lb Is. o; surferers have proved their .a !.l-s merit for Sick aa 1 Nervon? Hea U.-h!. They nike pure bio-d a-, i tfroag nerves and b ill i up your !ie-al:b. Easy to taie. Try theui. Oaly 2 eects. Money back if nr. cored. .!! tr Elakeley, the druggist. " N j is the t.n wti-n rnj ;p nr. I lu.-f Catrrti (iDBuc B lar.f. with l.x'il applications, as they canaot r-.t. Ii the sear of tt.e d seae. Catarrh is a t'lood or cons-iMtiocal d sease. and in order to cure it voa mu't take inter na' r-?me.iles. Hah's Ca'arrh Core :s til; i intern "y, and a..".s d;r-t:y on ' tiie hl.x-1 and mucous s-riace. Hal.'s Catarrh Care is r . t a i jack uefii-ins. I. is was ;.-esor.l-l by tco! the test phy-iciar.s .a this cvuitry f r ye-. a.".d is .1 reg tla-p:ec-l; t." -c. It is c-." xpojed o' t t: e or, '. COt! . b -si 'est h ;e 11" hi: - : Vi 3 e 1 a.'tirg :i- p- cj- rg C E. J. C ...viv A ( '. ! v u:-ngz-.-' H -I ra- ; r Pi- ti 11 :c ar .'ir.hers. si.-hves. T; e ;?rfecl n .: the two tr.gredlect Is : e w t. Je-f ru'ts in irrl.. set i f r tsstfvn:'s. tro ib'eS prove rapid. fata barrr.'.ess rer? e-iy '.hat pr;o. oieila-e re-ults is on Ml.oite Cu-e. It is very p eaast to tal can be rehel a, -on to . : k ciughs, c .Ids ad all I 3 t d.ssa' will rcven, c-.-r.sax--:! on. S Clark; A Fa k's P. t. Pbara.-y. "I have ,;s.i t'i a-jjer a r.'s Coo era and r .arrhoi !n Jy a i: to be a great u.e ;li c." S. Froprs. jf Poteat. A-t n-.si'f I. .' tfii. Ia:;c The cc v ar.i care . I: I It ..-.I : v. I l": big'..y of t:.- go-i w o use t5evts eveu in make It a fa- !J tt bia-lrv LL. Sat t.- s r. e. of tf if s c.v. i : v--e ca-he'-. F- o., !. p' . s a .-e Ex Acker i-er st 7ei- bet. En, '.is Cv i- 0 . U case I T vs h -n It M it I down a c.o?e.y a e wt:t. trg t'ovi and apply Ct.aaj'.-erla EaoTi twi.-e duly: r i't hing It I r rive n.t.uut.e a: r.i appl ci corn later sL 00 1 i-e jra davs. t tr te.'t it fr mi the s general 1 r.iniect f -r f .f ia jier.e. a:.d r'r.t : : 'u. Fa unej-iaV-J. d- :;g t. I'reel turkey., g.ev. chi. ksns aa I Fi-i'h's eaern ov.;er at the "-ta !el-; : ra- alVs l a.ii r ,-iro v :. o. A for a . A I . hru:r n B . ui i s tor sa e t y F. ake.-r, the . t ..a- .art -s. ;.;-:; la. u. tt it r. tere-'t a". '.' ' b vi. I ,i r'r-c 1 1. 1 It. i.o I to t SCT t tt ;ea a- r rrt . I --a ac 1 Wa-i. l ' "ee" . ar i t av I I r-y cv-itrs-.-. Lae i n tj s- c '-:.-..-: dl-if a- .v trl I s; rC (i 1 i 0 r, t e ci-.T k-o e-ig- ti.at rj'er-te.i. are f o;t i!- retai. 25 cts. i St. f V rr..tr..'. ; i tr .: tr-et i rerc i r oil . A- i I a"? r t n Ft -.1 r se .j. 1! i iter, i t ? 1-. i 'iiii 1 e at the Back , v.jlatl 00 jf the C. J. S: a'arrit J aa 1 'gti to in i re as ! i bis , re a a C-j-ai.; .00 Co. C'arks A Fa a have receive-i a car oad f ths ce.tfbritel Jaae E. Fatten : ctly ture I:.-;-. J pa.cti Irj in - o.-y c u , i...ilii-i"i l--.c..-.r.: :..;r: : rv f . t .- aii tl..- ti. .t ' b-.sls, I2-. 4- -j t ! r i c .rs c Sa- I - A'- 1 ; 'i- r ..... if r 1 ' c: V - r yi .-. '1 i ..I-n r:r or 1 1 w .. -. 1. a . o-tr aai --tei i c ,-Tf ir''., rs.. v iaj ii:.'i' 1 at ?h ; -' X itij-!ie..'..n. V. . to i iy's t r-j-.i 1 . ia yir) ariei arvli.st Nal Cai-:- a-d E .y I'.' :. ,.u - a-, -s f i - - a a I . .. u vi''. r- . iy ir c'i:j : . L- ! ; A t .i s . e l . '.' A I .!- : - - .I ti 1 ...r ''arr-a N. Y. 5 .! t . a 1! 'f c t ' g, a 1 .vi7,2'. Of this M' K i-ilcy For t :e bv the V v 1 ort i,.im :?.