The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 22, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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An Aesthetic Drunk.
Th8 whole town it laughing over n
nclJent that occurred Wednesday at the
residence of T. A. IltiJeoii. About 7
o'clock as Tom wai quietly seated in the
parlor reading Tim Chkonici.k, lie heard
a strange noiee overlieed, and wonder
ing if it could have been made by Hiicry
. iuitb, who roomi there, whom he took
to be at the club room, lie called out
occeortwice: that you, Henry?"
Hearing do response, Mr. Hudson
thought he wou'd investigate, and siez
ing a light, made for the itairway, where
he was confronted with a stranger in a
half-drunken condition, whose tout en
eemble was the oddest Mr. Hudson bad
ever gaz d on. A few pointed, emphatic
questions brought out the situation.
The stranger, who gave his name as
Welch, said he had been working on
the race track below town, had got full
during the afternoon and, staggerintr
west on Second street, came to the jump
off place at the Hudson residence, and
being unable to go further Id that direc
tion entered the building, and climbing
up stairs went into the bedroom of Miss
Hudson, undressed and went to sleep.
Waking up in the darkness end wanting
a drink badly, he groped around for
something to cover his nakedness, and
finding two pair of lady's anderdrawers
on the bureau, he drew both of them on
and started to hunt water. In this con
dition Mr. Hudson met bim. Welch
was ordered back to the bedroom, where
he disrobed, and putting on his own toe
eery was marched down stairs to the
hall door, where he received a healthy
kick in the back part of his anatomy
and was warned that if he ever came
back he would fare worse.
Meanwhile Mrs. Hudson had tele
phoned for the nigbtwatchinen, and both
officers meeting Welch a short distance
from the Hudson residence, took him
back for identification and subsequently
lodged him in the county jail, where he
was still a prisoner at 3 this afternoon.
He will, however, probably be turned
loose, as there is no evidence that he in
tended to commit a crime.
Fate of Self-Confessed Castle Rock
Assassin Tried For But One of
His Two" Fiendish Crimes.
Thursday's Dully.
Mrs. J. K. Barnett returned today
from a trip to Santa Rosa, California.
Mr 8. Olivia Morgan has returned from
a protracted absence in Antelope and
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Davenport and
Mrs. Lewis went to Portland this after--moon,
expecting to return Saturday.
Mrs. C. F. Stephens went to Portland
today on business connected with the
Decree of Honor, of which she is grand
Friday's Daily.
Max Lueddemann, of The Antelope
Herald, is in the city.
F. II. Wnkelield returned yesterday
from spending six weeks at his gold
mine in the Engle Creek district of
Union county. Mr. Waketield is very
much satisfied with the way the mine is
opening up.
The I. nut Man Kern Kuoml,
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 20. The police
have been notified by the Cudahy family
to drop the investigation of the disap
pearance of the Cudahy boy, who was
returned to his home earlv this morn
ing as mysteriously as he disappeared
The family refuso to make any etale
nienta concerning his return.
It was later developed that $25,000 in
gold was paid by Millionaire Cudahy for
the return of his eon, who was kidnapped
Tuesday night. A letter came through
the mails offering to return the boy for
that sum, if paid last night. Full di
rections where the money was to be left
were given. Plans were discussed to
capture the kidnappers, but abandoned,
and Cudahy decided to comply with the
demand. Taking a bag of money, the
millionaire drove five miles north of
tne city, until he came to a white lan
tern hanging on a short stick in the
road. There he deposited the sack close
to the light, and, without seeing any one,
he returned home. A few hours later
the boy was sent down in a hack to the
house. There is absolutely no clew by
which the kidnappers could be identi
fied. By this action Cudnhy has re
covered his son, but put a premium on
kidnappin, which will greatiy encour
age deperat men.
(Wurloua ew.
Comes from Dr. D. Ii. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes:
"Four Lotties of Electric Bitters has
cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had
caused her great suffering for years.
Terrible sores would break out on her
head and face, and the Lest doctors
Kalam . Wash., Dec. 17. "Guilty as
charged" was the verdict of the jarv at
9:30 o'clock tonight in the case of the
state of Washington against Martin
Stickel for the murder of William B.
Stickel is the most notorious and cold
blooded criminal ever tried in the courts
of Cowlitz county. A year ago last No
vember, William B. Shanklin was killed
at hit home near Kelso, and bis house
was burned over his dead body. He was
shot at night while eating supper. The
case was shrouded in mystery, and no
clew to the murderer could be obtained.
On the evening of November 28, 1900,
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Knapp, an agedj
couple, living near Castle Kock, were
killed while at the supper table in the
same manner as Shanklin was one year
before. It was evident that the same
man committed both crimes. Sheriff
Kirby and Detective Sam Simmons
traced the crime to Martin Sticke!, who
lived on a icow near the mouth of the
Cowlitz river. Stickel was arrested. He
maintained his innocence until con
fronted with the fac( that his watch and
keys had been identified as having be
longed to Shanklin, the murdered man.
Then he made a partial confession, and
implicated his neighbor, Ed Pierce.
After his prtliniinary trial, he was
taken to the Pierce l ounty jil for safe
keeping. There he joined the Salvation
Army and made a full confession, ad
mitting thai he did the killing in both
the Shanklin and Knapp murders, and
that he was alone in the matter-
When arraigned in the superior court
today, on the advice of his counsel he
pleaded not guilty, and his easo was
tried upon the evidence, which was over
whelmingly against him. The defense
made an unsuccessful attempt to prove
that the man had inherited a .criminal
disposition to the extent that he was not
accountable for his actions. His mother
testified that before his birth and during
gestation she was mad at everybody and
that the child was born Bick and was al
ways an unnatural child. The jury was
out but one hour. The prisoner was sen
tenced by Judge Miller to bo hanged on
a date to be hereafter fixed, not sooner
than 30 days nor later than 90 days from
Massacre of Christians In .Macedonia.
Vienna, Dec. 20. Further details of
the massacre of Christians in Macedonia
by Mussulmans received from Sa'.onica.
In the village of Bituck a horde of
Mohammedans crucified every male
Christian in the place, fixing them to
trees with stakes, driven through their
hands and feet. Many of the women
were outraged and all carried oft' to the
Mohammedans' harems. The children
were choped np before their parent,'
eyes. At Cruma women were violated
before their husbands aud fathers. The
men were terribly mutilated, having!
ineir ears, toes ana limbs cut on. .Many
of the children were drowned at
Kibaritz. The entire population was
massacred, after the flesh of many of
the victims had been sliced off and
cooked at a bonfire in which twenty
children were roasted. The Servian
consul at Miatriza estimates the num
ber of Christians killed was 470 men,
110 women and 430 children. The num
ber of women brutally outraged is
placed at 350.
We have just opened up a load of the
handsomest and finest organs ever
brought into Wasco county. Buying as
we did direct from the factory for cash,
we are going to sell you the finest goods
you ever saw for the money. Other
people appreciate our goods and our
prices, i ou will.
Nothing nicer for a holiday present.
Lats a life time.
You will find us In the Gates building.
corner Thild and Union streets.
25 2tw J. M. Wise,
Off to priseol
Hut before wo go every article we possess, every Piano and
Organ must go. Gilbert it Jones Co., who are to become
our successors in Portland, have not bought a single Piano
or Organ from us. They have paid us a big sum of money
simply to become our successors, for our reputation, for our
good will, and for our agencies, so as to 'control hereafter the
sale of the Knabe, Hardman, Steck, Fisher, Ludwig and
other Pianos, and under the contract with them we are
obliged to get out of Portland in the very near future so. as
to let them operate in the field which we must relinquish.
We have no time to waste,' and have therefore instructed
our Agent,
I. C. NICKELSEN, The Dalles. Oregon.
to close out all Pianos and Organs on hand at a great sacri
fice. We are now closing up our business preparatory to
our removal to San Francisco, where will be our headquar
ters hereafter. If you ever intend buying a -Piano or Organ
now is the time. Address,
Or Wiley B. Allen Co , The Dalles, Oregon.
Portland, Oregon.
SOUTH and EAST via
A. Hcoson.
.'otary Public.
Tikothy Be,,.,.,T
s'mnnprn par rm n m.nnn o n ,.
I Shasta Route "w
Trains leave The Dalle for Portland and way
stations at 4: i) a. in. and 3 p. m.
Leave Portland 8:30am
" Albany U.aOain
Arrive Ashland
" ban Fraui'ico
... 5 OU p in
... 7:40 p in
Arrive Ogdon
" Denver
Kansas City .
" Chicago
-5:4 a in
. :uO a m
7 :25 a in
7:4o a m
7:00 p m
10:50 p in
11: 30 a m
a:15a nl
11:1 am
9:0Oa m
9: JO am
j Arrive Los Angeles 1:20 p m
" fci rsso tt:sj p m
" Kort Worth 6 a m
" City of Mexico 9:55 am
' Houston 4 uo a m
New Orleans 6:25 am
" Washington 6:4.' am
' New York 12.Wpm
t oo p m
a m
4:00 a m
6:25 p ra
6 42 a m
12-43 p m
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
'i Phone 234,
Next door to First National Bank.
. , . . . . r
Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains
Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso,
and tourist cars to Chicago, tit Louis, New Or
leans and Washington.
Connecting at Pan Francisco with several
steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China,
Philippines, Central aud South America.
See agent at The Dalles station, or address
General Passenger Agent, Port. and. Or
lin Facmc
Yellowstone Park Line.
f'J ii I
Lincoln Sexual Pills restore natural strength and
vigor. They do not ex-ile or stimulate. They ore a
perfectly pure and certain nerve food, and every tablet
is standarizid to absolute uniformity; Use them and
vou w li rejuice in strength, nerve vigor and manly
Price, $100 per box buy. of your druggist or sent
by mail on receiptor price, in plain wrapper.
M. Z. Donnell, Arent, The Dalles, Or.
; Union Eepot, Firth and I Sis
Real Estate,
Insurance, Loans,
Conveyancing and
We represent soma nl ik.
insurance companies in the world!' S"
We have a law list of proper
city and country, for ia! inj..'1 H
We have money to loan nn
OOli-ltw a I . .... .... L I, .
musuie rates of int
We do all kinds of convevinc;,.
are the exclusive owwTrKS
tern of abstracting, which preclude,'
possibility of mistakes in loo??,
titlea to real estate. "
Anv nnft ti a tr t' r. . .
rent Dl find it tn -j nl
leave it In our hands. J1DUe
. Collection and all legal bmin.u
in our care will receive prompt
tion. Will practice in all
Correspondence pron,
the etate.
French St Co
Washington street, nt
No. 2.
5;M P. M.
No. a.
;00 A. M.
Fa3t nmil for Tucnum, :
Seattle, Ulympiii, (iniy V ,
Harbor mid .South I'.tni!
ponitK, Spokmic, Ross-,
Imid, B. C, PuUmiMi,'
Moscow, IHiston, But-'
11:15 A. M. fHiulliunp mining coun
try, HelouH, Mjniienpo-j
lis, St. I'm u I , Omuha,
k'Hiitas Clly, ft. I.(iui8.
Chieniro anil all points I
No. 4. tmt and xouthoast. !
I'naet Hound KxprcvK
Il;30 P. M. for Tncoina and ,Senttli:
and intermediate points 1
Pullman first class Rnd toiirpt slwnoni to
.VinncaiiolU, St. Puul an! Missouri river pnlntu
without eliiiiifie.
Yuatihiiled trains. Union depot connections
in all principal citiec
Mhkkk cheeked to destination of tickets-,
For loindsoincl V illustiatcd rlej-crtntiv,. mutter
tickets, sltrp!!ig car reservations, etc., call on or
Assistant lienornl Passcnirer ARcnt, iVi Morrl
son nrtet.corner Tlnrd, Portland Oregon.
At Public Auction
Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1900
At 10 O'clock A. M. '
All the personal property of theesUtecl
fcd. Doyle, deceased, at th nm
8-.Mile, Wasco county, CDnsislinn of
ranninif Mi I. drain n.n u .
Gang and Walking Plows, 3 'eeti Hir
rows, 6 head of Horses, 4 head of Cattle
a Haifon and Harness, Blatkeraith
lools, ftC.
I Ltifvis, L. ASH.
For ftnther particulars, call on or ii.
dress. VV. J. HARKIMA.V, Adminietn.
tor, Lndershy, Oregon.
Steamers of the Regulator Line will run as per the fol-' j schedule, the Coniany reserving tho right to char.jso j
nc:.cuuie wiiaoui iioiiee.
Str. Regulator
DOWN. t'P. I
I.v. Dalles I.v. Portland I
at 7 A. M. at 7 A. M.
Tuesday Monday
inurstiay weuncsnsy
Arru Poland-- Arri Ki' I Regulator Line.
at 4:: r. u. i Sr.i.
Ship your
Str. Dalles City.
I.v. Dalles
at 7 a. k.
Wednesday. .. .
Arr. Portland
at i :W r. m.
I.v . Portland
at 7:1X1 a. M.
. ... Thursday
. ... Haturday
Arr. Dalles
at j r. m.
Travel by tbe Strainm of the Relator Mne. The CnmpHny will endeavor to elve itn nt
rutia rim uai-iiu vwu.eil.l C..- ...v.,.. it . 9
Portland Oftice, Oak Street Dm k. W. C. ALLAWAY. Can. Aat. S
fay H
any and all inquiries reta
in future
live to delinqnent taxes must be made
to the county clerk, as he is custodian of
delinquent tax-sale record and rolls. Tne
eherirl' having complied with tbe Uw in
making snie of delinquent taxs, be is
).....! ..... . J .
cou.d give no help; but her cure is com- business till March next. di:.-lui
piete ana ner rieiitn is excellent." This
hows what thousands have pwed,
that Electric Bitters is tbe best blood
purifier known. It'a the supreme
remedy for eii ma, tetter, salt rheum,
ulcera, toils and running sores. It
timulates iiver, kidneys anJ bowels,
expels joisons, helps digestion and
builds np the strength. Only 50 cents.
Sold by Blakeley Druggist. Guaran
teed. 4
Jfow if the time when croup and lung
troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only
harmless rrmedy that produces im
mediate results is one Micote Cough
Cure. It is vrr p'eamt to tke and
can be relied a on to quickly cure
coughs, cold and all lung diseases. It
will prevent romumpiion. Sold ty
Clarke A Falk's P. (). Pharmacy.
If yon have dandruff, your hair it
falling'out. I'se Cocoanut Cream. For
eale at Fraser'a barber shop, n!)-Im
If your hair Is dry and dead-like, Co
coanut Cream Tonic will give it life and
luster. It is pronounced the finest
tonic on earth. Can bo had at Frazer's
barber sbop, agent. nil lm
Tbe shabby-looking fellow may pay
as much for his clothes as the swell
looking man. Its the way the clothes
hang. That difference Is what makes
good dresers wear our garments. A.
M. Williams & Co.
Remember that Cocoanut Cream Tonic
will promote growth of hair. Charles
Frazer, sole azent. n!Mm
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much lese than wholesale
prices. V ill sell iu bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets
and Butterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and Becure
Corner Second and Court Sts.
Land Offki at Tna Or., (
December In, l'.mo, j
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice oi
to make final proof in mpiairt of his claim, and
that said proof will be made bclore the register
and receiver at The Dulles, Oregon, on Satur
day, January 111, PKII, vl.:
Ureas Olilegsclilag-er,
of The Dalles, Oregn, 11. K. No. .Mi for Ihe
V, NW'i and W.',' BW' Hec. 1'.', T. 2 X., R. 13
He names the following witnesses to prove
Ms continuous residence upon ami cultivation
of said land, viz.:
Jacob Whittle, Jacob Oh legsch lager, Able Y.
.Marsh, Perry Vancamp, all cf The Dulles, Oregon.
decll JAY P. l.ft'AS, Register.
I-andOkfick atThk Dai.i.k. Or.,1
. December 17, H'. i
.viiice is hfn'by given that the (..llowlng
to make linal prisdin support of his claim, and
Hint said proof wiU be made before the reirisier
ami receiver of the v. h. land nil ice at The
,,r , i-aiurany, January ii, lyill, viz:
Francis A. obrlst,
of The Dalles, Oregon, If. K. No. i;7i!, f,,r the
it iVk., . m. """ " Nrt' 8,'!-3''1'
lie names the following wltrjesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultiv.uion
of said laud, viz:
J. It. Hall D 1) Nelson, (Ihas. Gibson, Alex
t razer, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
d-'Clii JAY I
General Mill Wark
Hansen & Thomss,i
Muiiufncturirs and Healers In
Sash and Doors, Rustic, Flooring,
Pine Lumber, Mouldings, Etc.
Of All Kinds
Third Street. The Dalles, Drejoo.
Sheriffs Sale.
. l.CCAS, Register.
In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon
Notice i hereby given that the unrtersigncd.
n. r.. nniimarsne, aumlnlstrator with the will
I annexed of Ihe estate of Jonathan Jackson, de
cease,!, bas liled his linal account In said estate
j In the county court of said Wasco County, Ore
gon, and said court has. by an order dati-d the
, I lth dty of December, l'.i, appoiutcl Thins.
I "? 1,",h a"y "' lannury, I'.ml, tit the hour
I of iocha k In tlieulterniM.n of sal. I dav, as the
time ami the county court room In the court
house at Dalles city, Oregon, as the place, for
I the hearing of said linal account aim of the nV
ijertlona thereto if uy there be. All heirs,
; creoitors and other arsoiis Interestnl In ald
; esUte, are hereby notillcd and n-jiilrert to pre
I sent and Hie their objections to si,i ,V n
...... mih-, on or la-iore me lltlli'
uea nun increoi as aloresald
set for Ihe
wasco Warehouse Company
If V d 1 r Til 1 built-
Administrator with the 'will annexed of'the
estate of Jonathan Jackson, diseased. tili .'it
i N"!l', '"'"'''hy given tint the under-lgnrd
has du T w lh il... i . , .. '
I'. ....... .... ,,-, ll .'U
......I,,., ,,,Kon, ins niiai nccoi
leiiiiiinsirator ol theesiati
necease.i. ami that rhe II
unt ami renort as
of Adolnh tiihllus.
' . """ nai tne Honorable ( ,intv Court
has Used oi.da, day of November, Kino,
he ti iinty onrt of the County ( ..nrt
! ',' ;" l"".,'k' ''. Wasco County, Oregon, as
In the Circuit Court of the stiteof OrtHjonfoi
Wasco County.
Joseph Paiuet, Plalntill',
F, X. l'uqiiet ando. L. Pmiuut, DefundnnU
Hy virtue of nn artucriineiit, execntlun, dwrw
and order of sale, only issuisl nut ol and un lrr
the seal of the Circuit Court of the nlaleof
Oregon, lor the County of Multnomn'', to me
directed and dated the Jlth day of November,
l!i, upon a judgment rendered and entered ia
said Court on the .'7th day of January, 1. ia
the above entitled cause, in favni ol the plain
till' and against the defendants, t. X P net
and O. I.. Paqiiet, is judgment debtors. In 'he
sum of four hundred (lib dollars, with Inftat
i Hereon iroin the ith day ol Mepiemoer, iwi,
the rate of eight -r cent pi-r auniiin, and the
further sum of fifteen (fl.'i) dollars, with lntrr-it
thereon at six per cent jior an mini from the .7'h
dayof Januarv, ISH7, and the further sum l
thirty-one (1 11) dollais, costs, and theeo(Uf
and uiHin this writ, and cniiitimiidlug me
make sale of the real property hereinalter de
sertbtd, I Willi on the .'list day of lieiember
P, at the hour of -io'cha't in the alternocniil
suld day, and at the front door ol the cocntf
courthouse In Dalles Cltv, Wasco County, Ore
gon, sell at public auction' to the highest biw
for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest
which the defendants, P. X. Pa-piet nd 0 i
i'a,Uet, or either of them, had on the 27th -W
of January, IMV7, tho date of the hulgment, n
which such defendanu, or any of the delrafr
ants herein, have since acUirisi, or n"w''i
in and Ut the following described real pmpenj,
situate and being In Wasco Coiintv.Ores. t
wit :
The nnrthwcht iiiurter ('Jof the northset
nuarler fi) of secilon two (2), and themoru
east iiuarter '';of the northeast qusrierrt;
and thesouth half of the norlhin unnrten
, n ..... ,nifi sll IliXOUtn
of riuigc twelve (1 J) east of Ihe W illamette Neri
dlun in Wasco County, Oregon, and conUi-1
onehundrel anil sixty (low acres: "r'"'n"'
of said pro-erty as will eatlely said Judfineni
and decre ', with costs and accruing e'"""-.
hold property will be s lid mhicct tomnHrroi
tion and redemption as bv law pniv.deo.
Dated at The Dulles, dr., this oth day
eemlKT, PCO.
ds theriir WaoCoiitity,lJn2L.
n oricK foii ru bu catio.
Land Orricg at Vaxi ouvr.u, Wfi.
octoisT m- ,
Notlco Is hereby given that the li .
named settler baa Med notice oi ni ""' .
to make linal proof In suptsirt of hi. .'""I
.. . ... ....... ... , n. i "
the place
f..r luailng sild linal account ami re
Notice Is her. by given (hat the nnderslirncl
has been apaiiute, by the county court of
Wasco county. Oregon, administrator of the
estate of Francis lloss. diseasnl. Alt persons
having claims against the estate aie hereby re
Hired to present tiie sa:ne to me, duly verified,
at theofflce of W. If. Wilson, in Dalles City,
Oregon, within six mopihs from the date hereof.
Dated Novcmiier Id, p.saj.
(iKO. F. Ror-,
IiOTl'J Aduilnlstiator.
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts. ,ndsJ,?,l,.kLrid
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
at... mi - Ti .' T 1 .
LUI1 JC lUUr -"rioor 19 ni(nuiactnrel expresaly for famllj
This Floor is riiRnufactnred
nue: everv ck ii guaranteed tk ;- .......: "J
Wi i nl onr pood, lower than .ny honw in the tnide, and if yoa don't tlunk m
tall and get cur price and be convinced. B0
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Advertise in The Chronicle.
port. All ierons liitHnsted In said estate are
i i':r.",,' tosp,art I time and place
! sh ni i"n " ""y ,,,cr- ""J 'd r!.,a.rt '',,r''V' "Ml'1 """"'-ralr
I Duted this :,th ,iy ,,( Octnla-r, !).
de',1,,Ml,''Mr,','', "' ,he "'"''''AdofpViAgVdhis,
, . . IK'tli
' Notl-e Is hereby given that the underslgni-l
,x.i uior ( ii,,. , Anr,.w v ,,,, !"'
; deceased. h.S hied bis I'll.' e.- ,
'."":"y ' 'tof the stale ..( Oreg,,, ,,r Wasco
! the 7lh ilav ol .l, i,.,,1 '. .I.'.'
: ','l:zk t "m- '"' Ob";;;;,,,,
.............. ,tl, llicreol. A I heirs
crcduors ami other ,-rsons Interest,.,! "i
ejlatrare theretnre hereby re,,lre.l to III" their
obi.s-tlon. to si, accounl, If ,,, ih
"r ol ",.",',,:n ","y '" " "r'K " " .'
Dalles Clly, or., Nov, , pa,,
i'i7, Pxecutor
Wanted A iecond-hand tir-pro(rf
safe. Must be in K,K)d condition and not
too lare. Apply at tho
0,nce' o31-tf
mat ni,i iinair will nc inatie i,ci'" ""..,
bv, t. H. commissioner for Hie ( ndale, -., ou Mond".-
Iieeeirber Id, l'JOU, v..:
Oeorga ll. Hi. I.awrenre,
of l yle P. ()., Wash.. ho made H. K. N1'.'"'
for the W. ay. and K', HV4 e'.M,Ip '
He nain,i (he following witnesses h F
his i oulhiuoiis residence upon and ciim
of said laud, viz. : i ee-
Ihomas J. Whltc.inih. "ii-orge orciisnii.
Ilradford and .William U alon, all of l- ,c
Wa,,,,g,on. W. It. DI'MIAIt RL
In the matter of the estate, of J"h" '"tl!l
Wagoi, blast, d,s'ea.s, d.
Notice Is hereby given that the '"i')"''' j
Ihe executor of Ihe last will and tc'tr hj
John cotHieb Wagcnblist, d'ea,sl, , llP,
his linal account in Ihe matter o( s' f,j
an I the Coiinlr ( ourl of the -Oatc el "c M
Wascolouniy has set Monday, lie ;'"
Januarv, pall, at the hour of lo a in. " i
as the dale for the hearing of lliu
...4 .s.J-U... WA'-KNIII-A;.,
F.,iMilor of the last will "f l,,h". j, 4
W sgcniilast, deec I -
V.llcc I. here), v liven that He "' ' ,rt,J
has til,-l lth the clerk of tie- "" hl, sn.
Ihe stale of Oregon, (or W ', con , nt.
ace I as aililllllisiraior "i ,,r,,,.rn
llradlord, di cease.i, and mar 1 ' " ' i, m
inade on tho 1 lth Mv of I), ceinh' r !, '.,., .
court, Monday, the llth day ''J ,j rs,nrt
has been fl-cd as the inn', and I""' , hrtlii
riHim of said court as the place i'' "
ofobjetionsto sold IIiimI "''""'', FiHI'.
dee,,,, ''A,.,0H.l..r.