The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 22, 1900, PART 2, Image 3

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IXvS&Cb- . . ....... I
We wish to assure the Ladies and Gentlemen who do Christmas trading that the collection of wares what
we are offering-for Holiday gifts are of the very best and just as represented. There are some striking designs in
Vases and Cameo Ware. Below you will find a list of the many suitable things that we would suggest as being an
appropriate present for Lady or Gentlemen. THE PRICES, by the way, have been remarkablv low from the start,
it will pay you therefore to buy here.
Sterling Silver Ware in Souvenir Spoon,
Bon Bon Spoons, Paper Cutters, Darner?,
Embroidery Scissors, Xail Files,
Manicure Sets. Tooth Brushes,
Tooth Brush Bottles,
Tooth Powder Bottles!
Xail Brushes.
Curling Irons.
Shoe Horns, Erasers, Blotters.
Button Hooks, Stick Pins. Bracelets,
Cameo Ware in Plaques,
Vases, Fancy Jars,
Hand-Carved Leather Goods,
Shaving Cases, Cuff Boxes,
Collar Boxes,
Picture Frames.
Fur Jackets, Fur Capes. Silk Waists,
Dress Goods, Ice Wool Shawls, Fur Start?.
Pillows, Hand Embroidered Linen.
Blankets, Beal Down Comforts,
Shoes, Ladies' Slippers,
Men's Slippers, Clothing.
Xeckwear, Mufflers.
Hats, Canes,
Collars and Culls, Smoking Jackets.
Fine Night Gowns,
Suit Cases, Overcoats.
Fine Hand-Made Candies,
Nuts. Figs,
o many g'IChntmas gifts f..r
boys and girls, grown-up folk too. that
we attempt no description, but a-k
you to come and look around. For
the older people many ueful and val
uable, presents can 1-e found anions our
display of China and Brie-a-Brac.
All Goods Marked
in Plain Figures.
The Weekly Gtooniele.
Pnhluhtd in turo parts, on Wtdnttdays
and Saturday.
occopied the attention of the federal
court at Portland all day Monday, and
wag given to the jary yesterday morning.
The jary remained ont till 5 o'clock yes
terday afternoon, when they came into
court and stated tbat they could not
egree and were discharged. The under
standing here is that tbia failure of the
jury to agree means a new
One of the most enjoyable partiei of
of morphine administered by her own
han J, probably nnintentionally. She
never recovered consciousness and wai
only kept alive by artificial respiration
till 6 o'clock, when she died. Mies Tal
iffero belongs to one of the oldest fami
lies in St. Louis, hhe was a skilled
her profession. Her sudden demise is
deplored by the few people in this city
who bad the pleasure of her acquaint-
and things that make up the sum of
average human life. The doctor is a
jery entertaining speaker and held the
undivided attention of his audience from
start to finish.
Mr. S. L. Brooks informs us that at
2:15 o'clock this afternoon the barometer
stood at 29.22, the lowest point it
has reached in The Dalles since Janu
ary 9, 1880. This abnormal condition
of the barometer indicated that there
THAU., roniei rairiD, is advascs. k e eearon was given last evening by
""re" - 11 21 the Chryeanthemuro. Club, at the Bald- aDce- I ' terrific storm raging somewhere
TaiSmontii:":'.'.'.'."'.'.'.'.:;'."'.;;.""!:::;" j win opera house. This Is the first dance I Acting Postmaster Foreet Fisher has j at that time. The temperature at the
AlYertitnK rates reasonable, and made known I . . th- h ft..;, .n,,. s. received a clerical appointment in one same hour was 50.
on application. ,.,, ! . . , a-i.- 1 nf ih. ln.rlmnl at Washington and .
.tiiureaa ill commnmcauona lo-inr no.-;
ICLE," Tae balle. Untoo.
WedneedaT Dailv.
Dr. banders, rooms 1 and 2, Chapman
The ! of 'he departments at Washington and
will enter noon his work at the com
patronesses were Mrs. Fred Van Xorden
block. tf and Mrs. J. M. Patterson.
The president yesterday tent the name ( w j Harriman, administrator, sold
of J. M. Patterson to the senate as the . m,..j. , ,,nh'i- auction for cash the
. .. us. . Tk. ' ' r . . .
personal effects of the late Charles
assured bv their opening party
hall IwaatifuUr decorated with w'U enter upon
potted plants an chrvsanthemums, and ; mencement of the year, provided, of
the music fit furnished by Mr. Wru. j course, that his successor, J. M. Patter-
Schmidt. The son, will have Deen contmnea ana win
have qualified in time, and of this there
is no doubt. It is due to Mr. Fisher to
Birgfeh' and Miss Alma
nominee for the poetmastership at The
Louis Coonini has received a carload
of Vermont marble in the rough, which
he is fact transforming into such hand
some monuments as only an Italian
artist can conceive.
The Xinth street bridge was finished
yesterday afternoon and opene 1 to traf
fic. It is practiciliv a new bridge, as it
Doyle, of Endereby. They were ah dis
posed ot in an hour and a half. The
bidding was lively and the goods, which
were chiefly farm chattels and live stock,
brought good prices. A 6 months-old
calf, of common scrub stock, brooght
16.25. What he might have brought
had there been mere of him no one can
tell, but the people had plenty of money,
Dr. Geisendorffar received a telegram
last night from Mrs. Anne Dickson, of
Bunceston, Missouri, sister of Miss Tal
iffero, who died at Seattle Tuesday, in
structing the doctor to have the remains
of Miss Taliffero brought to The Dalles
fiir intprmpnt and In arira Riv fctnnfclnn
say that his management o The Dalles Heppneri ,0 lhe f(jner1
postoffice, since Mr. Riddell a retire-1 viceg The doctQr itnmlely wlreJ
ment, has given very great satie action. . Mf. BerBj of gMte n whQse hoQMj
We believe this is the uuiversal senti-!.... , h. . . .
ra,iEB aau.iv uai U a e aa a v a V I V UJ WIUO
and it was unanimously decided to en
large their warehouse to double its ca
pacity at present. One of the company
informs us that the business done by
them the past summer is far beyond
their most sanguine expectations, and
from present indications it is nothing
compared to what it will be this coming
season. Leader.
Sunday will be parents' day at the M.
E. Sunday school. There will be some
recitations and special music and a short
review of the lessons of the quarter by
Mr. X. Wbeaidon. The teachers will
report the number of filled wheels and
the awarding of merits. We are near
and shindigs, are the role rather than
the exception. One of the worst fea
tures of these carousals is the fact that
the participants are largely made op of
minors, who obtain their liquor in vio
lation of the law. The pity it our one
city nightwatchman cannot be every
where, else these hoodlums would learn
that there is a quiet, decent element in
the city that Lis some rights that the
hobo element must respect whether they
will or no.
1 remains of the late Miss Hattie
Talitfero did not leave Seattle till noon
today and will probably not arrive here
till noon tomorrow. The faneral. there-
the close of the year, near the close of j fore will not take pla till Sunday after
the century. We want to make these noon at 2 o'clock from the Calvary Bap-
has a new queen's truss and nine new j and, as usual in such circumstances, other WM e1I
bents. The bridge has a span of 45 feet I thej pnt it royally. j ,ired jje wi
ment of the patrons of the office. We
knoir it is very decidedly the sentiment
of Thk Chkomcli. A newspaper office,
more than almost any other business in
terest, is put to great inconvenience
when the mails are slovenly handled or m SatarJaT ,nd
. I ' . I I I L . '. T I
DOl uumonieu promptly uu iucir will be the date
val. Forest Fisher management ot me
office in these respects, and in every
that could be asked or de-
shipped her?, and they are expected to
arrive tonight or in the morning. The
time of the funeral has not been set, but
as the body has been embalmed no in
convenience will arise from deferring it
exercises the most interesting of any we
have bad. All parents of pupils and
friends of the school are urged to be
For a crowi of livelv young people.
tiet church.
Another bif landslide occurred last
night near Douson, so that the passen
ger train due here at 12:30 a. in. had not
arrived at the hour of going to press.
who perhaps get more enjoyment out of J od it is impossible to tell when the
life than any other ciass of people, the . track may be cleared. The passengers
high school pupils certainly take the
lead. And so the invitation of Oscar
tbat arrived here from the East this
morning, together with the U. S. mails,
were transferred to the F.egnlator. Xo.
W. A. Kirby had the misfortune this
forenoon to break both bones of his leg
and is believed to be'stout enough to sup
!ort a railroad train
We are requested to announce that
Mrs. Beatrice Barlow-Diercke will give
piaoo recital at the M. E. church in
this city. Saturdav, December 29th.
ill carry with him to Wash-
- J qilCU. IIC Rill Wii; nu iitiu iv it' A' T t Ik VI
.r.iini.ilva tA this mrrli:e !..n. ,i .i'iAl thi mmmnnin t'Aiiy au.ocate the ankle.
w. .. - - ,-r - - 1 in, wu ub - ... v.. J i.l k. .l
in the rooms of Mr. Giff jrd, the photog-; tn,j their earnest wishes for his future
a little above the ankle and also par-
The accident
of the plank
rapher, this morning, saw some of the J tuccest.
handsomest portrait frames he has ever
Tnurvlay Dai'.T.
iwaik, immediately east of Dr. Fergu
son's residence on the bluff. As Mr. 1
. - - I . 1 . V ' t !!!
cast his eyes 00. There are two general The 127tb anniversary of the famous ; " , r . " 1 Wal'a
J ' 1 1 a nn 11 r 1 ot A . at anna n f m raw than 1
varieties, both entirely new in the city, Boecn Tea Partv will orcar next Son- j , . i-
' , . ., 1 n. I . ten inches, his ank.e dooo.ed under him
Mrs. Barlow-Diercke is a Portland lady verr lew ... I with the aboTe reia;t. , ,.7 cn the
of high standing as a pianist, and her j ""My is in rure A Lane county young man has written , d fce WM recl .j bj f 3m.
of the men who are at work on the hos-
recital will affjrd a rare
Ial!es lovers of mosic.
treat to The
.1 ! -I -A
oiner in eiAin anu
Those of the
latter variety are marvelonslv beautiful
and mnt he seen to be appreciated. As
"Dis prosferity is all ficti'-ious !" said j ()Q fr4rr,e, ,, similar design and finish
Miandering Mike. "What mskes yoi ' , 4ve fyer ,e(ore been ofTered for sale in
t'nk ii?" asked Plodding Pet'. ,"Pe- j ci, r au inspection will repav any
i us0 they keep on ctfcrin' us roast tur- : one w,tinfr anything-in that line. The
! an' cider A same as dey did lat 1 marvri f it jj that the prices are very
-VjVeintHT. It we was r.r-jgrfin w : li.i:,. .hova what the t.eople have been
rt oe hnnd-ou's would iii !ii ! terrapin
an' cliHinpajn hy dis tim1?.'' Washing
tin Sitir.
Mr. I: ,!,ert M.-fnt-in'i rcnivd t''
t'lMiu trdin PurlUnd a'.rm'Hici'V lh
d-st;i this iit'irniiig at iian :!
Mrs. N-ilii ardi.T, ti -- of M'.
I'.U.'-h an I of tra. 11. i. J'.r'.'-k.
Ti.reu Mile. Mr. M Inl'ili :i 1 Mrfl
l':'X-kl v.ii! leave u.'i th limriiing lr;,
t a'fi-nd t!. .' , wl.ic'i take'' !:
"1 Ja:iviiiu ijiii'rr'i aitirrnvoii.
C'liar-y llc,,ricr, w ho hni hc-ti
i'ii! In the grorery store ;f K. K. Ti-:ig'if,
Was taxen niddi-nly ill yi-Hti-rUy l neu- 1
r'gia i.f the heart. It I. ad Miui!ii.iii'd
lt he was not fcelii.g well arid the Hi
'" k caiim nn nficr fi? had iitil''' 1
-Mie fait fmni the di-livery wapiti. He
wi carried to his iii'ither's hni. :
was C'iiiifraMy better rl last accriiint.
Ti,e rac of the United Stati vs. H.
Iliddell, late postraaster of this city,
piyii.g f r fra-nes that are in every re
spect n.urh inferior.
Dr. tieiser.dorfrnr wa-groatly surprised
lat tr;itit nn r c-:ving a dispa'cn from
Seat'le ann iiiKi-.r.g t!.e !eatfi at t.'.at
i,i,i-'..r Mi- n ,,:e T.;::f'f).
ri c'M.tly 1:1 the d .' t ;r's ni.U .y ai a
t.':.ii)"-i i.ii'r". mc'iint of
health MI'S Ta.,l!-rj left T! e f'a'.les
t,.,iit IX r,'i;!" '1 we-- a.-)w.:. n.e
;!ti t f.i !! m
ot 1; hi t 1 i rr
;ii i). i-'.-.e l.i 1 -re to
a story entitle! "10m jenerson, or a
Tale of Frontier O.-egon L!fe," founded
, on the Metks murder ia Crook county
i in 13)2.
Beyond any question the American
people will defend any canal tl.ey under
take to build, ar.d the fact might as well
be emcodied in a treaty to3cl':cg the
, enterprise.
' At the beginning of the century Er.g-
lien was spoken by 2l,''"0.iO people an i
tow it is osed by 1 J ,i-.'" . Air.-.r.g
the triumphs of the cineteeath Ccn.ary
that is ?r.e ( f the fir!.
Li or Icr to g;t even wi:h :!. -ate
th I.-ne cuQbty t-;arl .' ioa'nt::a
reJjc'-d the a?-?:i;ent 1.1 c ar.ty
al-.'it cr.e mi.i: n d liar. Evidently
pitai, when he was carried to Dr. Fer
guson's residence an i Dr. E. E. Fergu
son sect for. When the injury s
atteciel to, Mr. K:rby was r.iJovei to
his hoa;, where he was re:i: g ea-ilr
at iat aiurif
-. !.-.- ii..:.
Harry Taylor has rti cor.Sr.ei to his
room f;r ci re thai a week w.t i a pain-
: r. a'.t-u t c: rr.e
: at :
Beck to spend last evening at his home
was the signal for the jolliest time im- j 1 passenger, tbat arrived here from the
aginable. About twenty-five of his East at 1:0-5 p. m., passed on and will
is probable that i classmates were present, and the time transfer at Dodsn to one of the O. R. Jl
was passed with games, tinging and va-j- boats. A wrecking train, with P.
rious kinds of amusement, while the I Delia? in charge, left here for the slide
splendid lunch served by Mrs. Beck was j t nocn. There is a rarnor that the
one of the principal features of the even-; train due here at 12 :45 this morning,
ing s pleasure. ran into the slide at Dodson and tbat
Two more pianos an 1 two organs sold , Engineer Curtis and h;s fireman were
yesterday. A fancy Maitia upright injure 1 and the train wrecked. The
piano in wa'mt is Sit aside for a Christ-; latest report at this writing is that a
mas surprise, a Paris J.uiwlg goes to through pafTenr-?r train from the west
Wa'.la, a large stcckman from may he exfe.-ted here between 4 and 5
i Mitchell sen is ia a mail order fjr fancy o'clock. This may mean 10 cr 5 in the
' cae Chicago Cvttage crgan. Santa moruicg, or anything. We tve the
Clans will socn he here : tke advantage facts reported as we found them, with-
; of our bargains now. We wi t make a out vouchicg fr their accuracy.
'Special cut to partes purchasing first
instruxe&t each day th:s week. If ycu
ever iuteu i bnyicg a piano or organ,
: cow is tta tia:e. Ee:re'i.ber the place,
N::'cV sen's Exit i Ma-:c, The
, I'a le, Ure; )a.
T.e Ca'.'.o'.lc lailes iiiet with success
in their sale ar. i enVr'Ainnient cf yes
terday af:e-DOn ar. 1 evening far ! eyond
tlie;r x;f c'.afcrs. They thought they
w:-u'J 'to well if t;.ev j.ettel '" o
Jack O'Brien plea led guilty in Justice
Brownhil.'i curt jest rday afternoon
to petty larceny and was sentenced to
thirty days ia the ccun'y jail. Ti-is is
the ma who eLte.-ei Mr. T. If. Hud
son's rt Y.e:.Ci We.lnes.'ay afternoon
ar.d, tu Vi'.i ti e c 'a; c er, walked up
f.v.r a-. 1 e.'.tc.-iE,; c ce of the el roua.s
vi 's n;;
l::-r t i jr a w.
r.e tiiJ U )
is c -u zl - I, '
Ti.lS ir H !
en t-rrrv-
u-. ire--Mr.
l. xn '.
:Vi: o-v i
fun I
in'i n' i'T: ,
litis CH't
old t.u't.e
!;!" '
tv ti",
,n Sr. 1.
i-J is
1 ill
Sfitt;.', and was ft -I I ir
l'.,.r a sl'ter of Krnet
" -
r' 1 v. It a learned by a
received this m-.rnirg that Miss Talirr-ro
had . to hel in l.-r usual h-altli
Mndav night. At 7 oV; ye-ter-!av
,or.;iog Mr.. If-rg-n, "n Hit-ring
ri. Mii. 1,1111 I her uheiiiscwti". A phi-
. ... ... .iiinmoned and it was loun J . "tomp i., an mer. ,se t.uiLC.r a jv;ce aca c. a-... in u: sijus
I 7IHIK nvui - - ' 1
ne-i- !.
T:.e -:;
C t'
TM-'rr t
wi.! :ae c;
Ms -. is
-hr.k f r
rr. r t.
I'.-. Aei'.r ier B.'a lb :ra' Sect a re at
the Calvary JJaf.l-.t church '.ait r. ;!.t oa
j3 w ai cz xx iu.. c: sa;e an 1
re vvferlay crl.'-LsS tie
r f J M. P.ttrrso:. f;r r
Tfi? I'illes. Mr. Tatt-.-rsm
?.r;-?cf the :" a t n as
have tieeu ar -r;v ;J, tSe
rlil.-'i art hers any n.
V. W
ik-f a g 1 r 1 n i -' i', C: ri t
t. It ii one cf t-.e n-sr.y a;.
; jf 11. an or t--y. V--t
. as i: :a, u 1 1 ti f. us ! at
:an.s A Co.'s.
At t;
0 Cj.'.tr:
l::-:r; !
n: to
lift :Tere i
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.a:.. a
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-e r
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;'.-'..''. : C.'l''::.a ev. A '.. ;le
n.i; ,1; I . a ! ci- ! ar 1 n :t 3 !.sten'.e 1 at.d talien cat ti ers
Tester Jar.
Tr.e fore part cf week ti e
Warei.OJse C;nipar.y Leii a mee'.;a;,
t svcr.rr
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u n 1 1
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;. f.
f wiVr the
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