The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 22, 1900, PART 2, Image 1

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"V -1 M III II
VOL. X .
NO. 51
. ryi ia --- ... -
UAINu tnUUo o I A 1 1
Agreement Has Xwt CIrtJ Matter, as
Seep ( Xegatiatiea is United.
Losdox. Dec. IS A Pekin dispatch
totb Pall MtilGaa-'.te, dated December
17, say: The situation ha cot Improved
by the " representative cf tha power
having reached an agreement, a the
icope of the negotiation is limited and
thtf fleet Uaeutraliaed.
The alliea hT new let-ted to cloce the
arsenals and factorie at Han Kow and
.Shanghai, and hare f- !d to check the
transmission of sopplieaof ammunition
of the Chinese. Tung Fun Slang thu
has every opportunity of rallying and
equipping hi army. He ba secured the
position of dictator, lerrorx? the em
press and control the whole movements
of the troop.
It will be necessary to fire the military
operation of the alliee a wider area.
Washington". Dtc. 14. Secretary Hay
lad a conference for a hort time this
morning with Lord. Pauuc-fote, the
British ambassador, devoted solely to
the Chinese situation. The result was
to clear op, to far a that ctn be uvom.
plished in Washing-'", eoroe obscaiity
a to the Pekin ment, and unless
unexpected or,.;.- t - -omes from come
other onr- . ..: r state depart
ment nor ktiv t;i.n-i. emb?sy has any
reason ' hit i --t,if (of her dlsy ia the
concur tix I th- 'rn -.'.
A u.i'u r i '?.: . . . . to exist
astothf it .tii'r.l , according to
officii!! Luc. i Iii fttn hoiJing cat
for more eevere lwnnd harsher meas
ures generally, it uttated that the British
government is in tborocgh accord with
our own policy, a developed in the
latent Pekin negotiation and the ex
change that have taken place between
Kecretarv Har and Lord Pauncefote. j
Tl.e United States governuieiit iteelf ha!ColPri iritoaI adviser. After spend
taken every precaution in making it
contribution to the agreement to insure
its binding force, and at no time ha the
British government eoaghf to go beyond
the state department in the terminology
proposed fur the agreement.
Royx, Dee. IS. A Pekin dispatch,
4a'.ed today, say the ministers at Pekin
n il! meet tomorrow, when, probably a
Snal arer meat will be reached as to the
tx'. of the j jint Chioeee note.
W aert Kald.
Xaw Y'.rx, Dec. B. A dispatsh from
Loudon to the Herald sajl:
An extraordinary story of a woman'
terrible secret at last revealed is wired
from Ostend by Daily Mail correspond,
ent there. Three. Belglao workmen
were tried about seven year agj and
fojnd guiity of Laving committed a
serious of crime, among them the
murder of aa aged womaa at Hautmonda.
Although they declared their innocence
until th laet moment, one of tbem wa
sentenced to imprisonment for life and
the other were giillotined. Now
woman named Sorimag ha just an
nounced that her husband committed
the crime. h is (aid to be quite sane,
and the aothoritiee are investigating the
charm. When Degroot, one of the u.eo
executed, wa being pinioned, te canted
some sensation by saying' "You ean
not tie all of c&e. You wi 1 bot have my
immortal joul. You will be punished
for the wrong you have dor.e me."
IIibhIi' rare Had Narraw E.capa.
Joiiavxkkrxbg, Monday, Dec. 17.
Detail of the defeat o' th British, at
Nooit Gedacht indicate that General Cle
ment's entire fore had a narrow eecape
from capture. lh Bor
Dlan were
tplendidly laid. If the
.. .
, . ...... . . .
c olumn had tarried a little longer there
""n!d have been a compie'e soccer for
tiie Boer, wImj rx posed ihemselve na
dauntedly, yelling and waving their
arms. Their rnshe wrre only stemmed
by rt t'1-.ry.
After lh British retreat the Boers
a prayer meeting. Their bymnjcpe ()l ny by lie B ert costing the
could be beard bv the retiring British.
All account indicate a heavy Boer
Colonel ltm exhibited tiilendid !
bratery. He shot five Boert with kit !
revolver before he fell with three bullet
Calamltia ttlll llel Ike Canal.
Xxw Yokk, Dee, 18. A d'tpatch to
th II. ra'd from Panama tyc fenor
Martinet Sil vela, the Coinmbian minis
ter of foreign, cable from Bogota
(bit (tatetnent of Columbia' attitude on
II. e construction of an isthmian canal :
"Thi Columbian government will do
Vfrythinf within It power to facilitate
and htren th op ntng of t canal by lh
Panama r. n a, whether it I. effected by
tit acta (I com piny holding tha oncet
j (ion which expire in liMi, or by whom-
lever may represent their right.
! "Th government will make reterva-
! UoM cnly 10 Dr" ini ocity,
i B,J 0 ! aatoaanca that free transit
! ? 7 of tb canal (or all nation shall
be fully guaranteed.
"To Columbian minister to Washing,
ton wiil leas a ooo to attend to thi
Claims Tarawa lewa ay Saltaa
tw otK. De. IS. A tpeoial to the
Herald from Washington ay: Payment
oi the missionary claim pending against
Turkey i no longer expected by th. ad
ministration. Although the sultan
, entertained the officer of the Kentucky
in truly royal atyle, he did not let the
presence of th battle (hip have any ef
feet upon hi pocket-book, and still hold
th fW.000 which American mission
aries aseert 1 the value of personal and
miesionary property destroyed six year
ago. The Kenturky has left Smyrna for
Port Said, en route toManiU.
The belief of the administration 1 that
Turkey will not settle the claim arising
out of the reported purpose of Great
Britain to press the missionary claims
of her subject against the Sublime Porte.
i It i stated that if another nation begins
w 'i:rj u nnruj!, II1B BUI. all Will pro-
bills decline to settle those of the United
States. The reason the American claims'
hive not been disposed of ia th fear of
Turkey thatolher government will re
quire that their claims be paid.
The state department has not been in
formed of the signing of the contract
with the representatives of the Cramps,
at Constantinople, for a cruiser, the
cost of which was to have Included the
amount of the American claims.
Faith la Criminal Shatter.
Baker Citv, Dec. IS Charlea Albee,
the well-known yonog man of Baker
City who plea.ied guilty to stealing
material ,o build ahouse, has been
cen'.ence'i to three years in tha peniten
tiary by Ju Ige Kikin. Before Albee'
eateno, he ws visited by Rev. J. R.
K. Belt, pstor of the Presbyterian
church, and one of the prominent minis
ters of the state. Dr. Bell visited the
annonrwith him, he came out of cell
assuring the jiilor that Albee would be
a better man when he had served hi
term, and that he seamed to have good
part. A Dr. Bell started to leave fhe
courthouse he paesed three trunks on the
sidewalk. One of theoi he recognized as
bii own, and immediately asked where
the toiler had sot his trunk.
"That is not yonr trunk; thai is Al
bee'," replied the officer.
"That i my trank," (runted the rev
erend gentleman. "Well, if that fellow
didn't steal my trunk !" Ber. Mr. Bell
ia credited with saying that he believed
there was no for the criminal. Cir
cumstanccs alter case. A man that
would steal the paraon'l trur.k bad little
hope for reformation.
Itimilt ApPrtklTt.
Ecccxt, Dec. 18. Farmer in this vi
cinity apprehend great damage to the
wheat crop again thi season, on account
of the Hetsian fly and the grain aphis,
which wa credited with responsibility
for large portion of the damage last
At the present time they say the fields
are looking much better than nnal, but
they fear damage in the kpring, when
the insect work upon the joints of the
traw. Climatic conditions thi winter
have been unusually favorable, and the
oil it in uiuoh better condition than a
year ago. The weather has been such
at to ranee the coil to work up mellow
and liiht, and ha not been to wet but
that a vast amount of plowing and seed
ing ha been done. I-at year the toil
remained heavy and wet all winter, and
in tha t urine it baked so bard that it
, . . u. t ...v,;. .
waalinot-impo.sib:e for anything to
The insect ia the onlv thin, that!
13.IJ - ' BUHIIIirn !', w, kill, IV w
it trai
Attar nn Wlabar la Ktarrtaat.
Ixrx)v, Drc. 19 It is reported this
afterneon that trieral Knox has been
forced to abandon the pursuit of lienersl
(Maet. owing t the simation created in
Orange river.
It i said that :V10) republican have
entered Cape Colony, and a similar
nnnitier have retched Philipstowa. The
report add that Dewet, with about lo)")
n,.n, It northwest of Ladybrand. and
that an attack on Winburg it momentar-
j ily expected.
fanlrd lb rfM.
All doctor, told Renirk Hamilton, of
Writ Jrflerson, O., afier sutTerihg IS
month from Rctaf Fistu'a, he would
I . y ..m. m. a-vai f a. k ftakftlt tf W A tT
formed; but h-cnre.1 tiiniaeif with five
i)Xrt r.r ItncKit-ll Arnica rnr, m
direst I'll-core on Harth, and the li-ot
Stlva In the World. cent, a box. Sold
by Blakeley, l-rnggisi.
Bolt ril for Tut Chboxk i .
- '
Lumber Scboencr Fioactr Ttal lt
urew Landed ia Safety After
Loog-Contiaotd Effort
SitKRiDtx, Dee. 19. Captain Vick kel
son, of the lumber Kbooner Pioneer,
ha j'ist arrived her o route for Port
land to report the total loe of hi Teesei
at Hayttark Rock, near Woods, Tilla
mook county
Tha Pioneer left Knappton, Wash.,
Sunday, December 9, with a full load of
dressed lumber, bound for Saa Francisco.
All went well until Thursday, when she
encountered the beginning of the late
storm, and the extremely heavy (wells
twisted off her rudder. A jury rodder
was rigged, which answer all purpose
for a time, bnt the storm increased in
violence, so that the captain estimate
the velocity of the wind to have been 90
mile an hour. The jury rudder wa
rendered useless and the vessel was at
the mercy of the element. She gradual
ly drifted toward the coat, fighting
Ysqnin '. Bay light on Sunday morning.
She was then under bare pole. She
signaled distress by running up her flag
upside down, and thought the signal was
observed. Drifting up the coast the
veesel entered the breaker near Hay
stack Hook, just 'above Xestucca Bay.
above 4 d. id., Sunday.
The captain and crew had little hope
at thi time, as the vessel was going in
broadside. Luckily the action of the
breaker turned her head directly to
ward the shore, and she was lifted in by
each suct-eediog wave. Three men were
observed on the beach, and two left,
running inland, whicn the crew under
stood to mean that tbey were going for
assistance, which wat shortly confirmed
by the arrival of a number of people jut
t the darkness closed in.
The shipwrecked crew were gieatly
cheered 'throcgh the long hour of the
night by an immense bonfire which wa
kept going on the beach. Constant ef
fort were made by the people of Wood
to get a tine to the vessel, and thi wg
accomplished after hard work all night
about 5 a. in., when tha crew were all
safely taken ashore. Captain Mickkel
son leaving his vessel last.
The Pioneer is three-masted
schooner, owned by the Siuipson Lumber
Company of San Francisco. Her cargo
consisted of almost 530,000 feet of dressed
lumber. With the exception of the
deckload the lumber is intact and ran
be saved
The vessel is a total los. She j
had a ere of nine men. A life-saving
station is badly neded at thi point,
thi being the fifth wreck which ha
occurred near by.
Atmj Bill thanx-rt.
Wasiiivctox, Dec. ID. The subcom
mittee of the senate committee on mili
tary affair has completed its work upon
the army reorganization till and re
ported the result of it labors to the
special meeting of the full senate com
mittee thi afternocn. The to bcooin-it-tee
reported a complete substitute for
the house bill, nd while much of the
language it the same a that of the
house measure, there are numerous
change. Probably the most important
change is in the provision regarding the
artillerv arm of the rvice. The sub
committee recommend retention of the
present regimental organization of the
artillery, and doe not give its assent to
the corps organisation proposed by
Secretarv Root and accepted by the
house. In the matter of the appoint
ment i staff officers, the bill follows
largely the line of recommendation
made by Secretary Root. Th boose
canteen provision was amended so as to th ' nf lMMr at canteena.
ti: . ..t- '
. ... t
the word "beer" from the prohibited i
, . ... I
artl'-le. I he maximaci nrpnani u.v i .
i ... i.. i m rwvi r .t-. i i
aruir i w u- i.v,w lur-u. ..-.-c., .
full coin tuitlee adopted the
ported by it subcommittee.
bill a re-
A amended, the paragraph reads as
fjllowe: I irai. ItettarTaaa ra.lia-s la..atai
"Th sale of, or dealing in win or' .,Yobc. Oee. !. A dispatch to '
anv distil!-.! spirit, by any pertoo in tb. Jonra.l and Advertiser fr-im Vienna
, '
any post exchange or cant-en or army!,t: An Austrian enpneer. Wilhara ,
iraneptri or upon "j r"" ur iui ,
- -
the UnPed State
The s-rretary of '
. , ,.
d to carry the pro )
military pnrpoee by l
it hereby prohibited.
war it hereby directed
visions of thi section Into full fore and
Santor lUrri made as rffort to bar
the canteen pov,.oa extended to City
of Manila, so as to prohibit entirely the
sale of I guor in that city, but fa. ed.
to ahat Oat "Wheat.
W'iusiTo, D. H. The agrarian
...... ! (.errr .nr. havir snrcafii'I v
brought about a law tt the latt esioa
ofth ruhj pr-.hibtti, is
the iaBorwioai Aawrcta called
sseau. aB( its (owerftl ia-'
aeacete) io.-reae heavUy th import
otaUy o whj. report C a trd Sta'ee ;
Consu! Dietrich at Bresea to tt. etat
dPM 3i en t. The aim of the agrariaAv
" ... . -.
snaay ealiraly ia-iepeadaal ef a.'
icoantriee tor it bread ta? aa 1
I Laaartasa
riMIMf ,aaa4tw( Fata. (
Xtw Yoas. Ivc. 19. A Cimteh to
the Journal a ad Advertiser ftom l-nalon
ay : A syndicate ha baea fueaied to
buy aa obsolete Atlantic liaer, fit her ep
at a miniature Moat Carlo casino, moor
her off th Eng'.iah coast, j-iat oauide
the three-mile limit, and rua a big game
ia tha Engliab channel, ctf Brighton,
th place cheee. La a ache will rwa
back and forth to aaeet tha Loodoo Iraia.
Th boat w ill be a floating hotel a well
at a gambling reeort, and visitor may
live aboard a long at tbey pleas ia
luxurious orrounJiBrs. fcxper-eae
croupier will be imported from Monte
I Monte
v-w with
,c with
Carlo, and rooiett will be th pri
i.r..t ,i .
F-.' . -.. "
Monaco rule
omina!!y it wr.l baaeoo. hut aav
man beionjiog to any re-tmnii-l e!ao
inKarun..-.! ei!v obtain aJi-io.
nrnnarmt f a romin-f i Thi,
i. aimilar to tha ral of the 0,tenJ etab.
A private part of the ship wit
to a restricted club, like anv
club, with heavy ipcription and
limited membership. This will be for
t- , -
The promoter say makmz money U
not to much their orject a providing a
place where Englishmen may gamble.
! They reckon the profit of the hotel and
rettaurant busioe will be sutlicient to
pay the expenses, so every reasonable
concession will be made to gamblers.
The erst of the ship ia estimated at
$-250,000, while more than that will be
subscribed to stake th back.
I'ltlabla ri(ht of Hoar Vfaiaea.
Xxw York, Dec. 19. A dispatch to
the Journal and Advertiser from The
Hague say : Pitiable stories reach
Holland concerning the fate of the rt-
concentrado women in the British camp
in the iransvaal. Mme. tlardus, ol
Kiruberley, reports at the end of October: Considering th commen-e frota the
"Today arrived eight women an t 21 1 Fp, cjpi, a standpoint, the contrast l
children from Potchefstroom. Tbey had tWeen Ibe import and export figure is
a terribie tale to tell of how when they j ,Ten more phenomenal. Following the
refused to leave home thev were dra-ged j record of our commerce back to IS70, it
away by Ktffir,thrut into jail and after j i, fooad that the import when ecn
being kept some time without f wd, ,iderl ia the lignt of fe actual copu
taken by soiaiers to Kimberley. When j Utioo, have decreased rather than in
they arrived here their clothes were in j creased, while th per capita of export
rags having been torn by soldiers. Two J ha enormously increased. Id 17), the
of them had been u:j--rted to inJig-; population wa 3S,ooJS,37l and the im
nitiee. riome of them were widows, two I txrU 4)I.IJ2.0o.S aa averaae rwr ctDita
had husbands in St. Helena. Tne chil-1
dren were of ali age and most barefooted. !
I wa glad to be able to get tr.em some j
food, which they bad'y needed.
Another correspondent describe the
arrival of six poor women from the tame
district in a miserable plight. Two
wemen who had suffered from the vio
lence of soldier were taken to the
hospital for treatment.
A nursing eister who ha arrived at j
Harlem Africa give harrowing ac-1
counts of the condition of many victim
of soldiers, Another letter relate bow
two yonog mother who were brought
into a reconcentrado camp were not al-
lowed to take infant 1 and tS month l
old with them
Ataria la stajcattta. I
Theo.erehanU and
shippers of this city hav. commenced aa ) ili.3, ad th excee. ot import over
open fight to secure com moo -p. nt rates P" amounted to IJ0 per capita,
for Astoria. At a ma meeting hU I 1 the balaec had turned in our
thi. evening an agreement M a.B j f-v . but amou jtej to only 17 cent, cer
nr. .n,l tv renresent.ti ve. ofipita. By 1SV it amounted to 1.79
manv of the leading busioes house-, I
agreeing to h!p no more freight oa the( s ) ,P, Tbo -"'b-.the capital stock to $100 .OOO.OM I I
O R AX railway or steamer line on !l,,ir'T ?r balarc of trade ha j 0Mj jn pBtt in eciuiriag Coenhitu A
til that "company .hail grant to Astoria from iao i"J r j Son's properti-s.
t rate
on wheat and lumber ejual to
givea the Paget ound cit:e and
other points in this district,
tee was appointed to visit e
A coitiaitt
arv tthinnr '
and s-k hi to siga th '
The meet'rg was Unp-iy 1
I ;rrfrui'Ufc
attended and was unanixous in ipport :
OI in C1.0H xK"n.
1 "" !
Kress, nas mv-oteu an mir-mp nn-Ti is
..'vi-, J . - . - r
pronounced to be better thn Zppeiin's.
The emperor', attention being eVVd to
.... , . .
the model, he hs lcorre much inter-;
rated and expressed the belief that it
would be uccesfll. j
Kres did not have money to build a ;
,hi,, ,dJ the emperor ,.id h !
-otu fix, and eutribufed l
I ... 1
I w . . w - r ....
A. I . ln ptil
fotbert followed tuif, and Krrrs will
! build the thip.
n..i. .ir.'. I .. Ml llu
'of paint and arti-t brasher.
rtlin D4MMCD
U U tt DA fill til
lllAUt. I Unl
Dievtle hk 1111 B EartCvl
t FiTrb! BaUatt 1111 Rt
f.'t.eM.iMi C neater TYia Ever B-
vniisaros. Dee I The roanner -
ei'al record of the United Sute fee 1AM
wUi 3rM thai oi any -rod b year
both ia export aaJ ia t& exreee of ex -
port over tuiporta, or "favxabie bvaacw
of trad," a thia exeew m aaaa-'Iy
termed. Tha import will be allghlly
below thca of .xi a n, ,,,
oe.ow tfica of oe or two prec-diog
rear, and wha conidered ia their re -
lati ia ttf Doou'at-oo. show a .n,.::, tm.
... . ..... ,T .
porutioa fw each ladi vido' thaa at a.' -
1 moil aiy other period ia but rear.
. ' .' " '
" ' - .
- ' - " 3'" P
i th,'Tt- aioeth' actual Cgure already
b" lh tr-aaary Ureaa of!
v........ i
,. ., V.K;-.K...k
1,,', i. .irt HTk
! r ' 1
' ' " ..
! fi--tiW,',W Kk!B tfe MP-7,t ow
import, or favorabla balanca of trad.
t .n00iO, a nn gre-ater by S.iajt..
, i ocy tnce l. thit the export have
wttn any regu.'aritv ex.eeJeJ th imports
or produced tne favorable bnljnce of
... 1 a Is ... . ' . . . : . . . .
r . u . u , . , . ,
j "-
im nuaurr vt m cvoiurv. let it re-
maine 1 for thec.'oaing yvarof the century
to present not only the hi!t4t gur
of export over iirport, or favorable
balance of trade ia the history cf eor
Conti'Wint the export alone, it may
be said that for the calendar year
thev doable those of the calendtr
year 157$, three time those of HT2, four
timethoof DxW, and five liu-e a
much a in Oa the import tide,
the fig ores are lee impoeing. Tbey will
aggregate for the year about fS23 ,000,000,
against f SO'Hl.a 0 in the calendar year
j l3'"2, when they reached the high-water
i ,.,, of the cer.turta imnorta.
o il.9-,. In 110 and IS90, th per
epil wa a little above $13; in I, it
had fallen to 111.47. and in 1S00, will t
about f 10.90. This thow a slight de
crease per capita coaipariog 1X) with
1S70, and a material decrea comparing
l) with l?e0or 1"3. Oa the export
side the increase U even more striking.
In IS70, the exports per capita amounted
to lO.i; in 1SS5. to 12 ?6; ia I90, to
$, and ia 1900 will be aboot
Tha the import show since 1870 a
slightVeductioa per capita, while t&e ex-
porta hare almost doc bled per capita
during the same period.
Considering the question of rices
nrt o'er import, or favorable
ba!3c of trad, from the per capita
stan (point, tee development is rartiing.
- -s- impons x?eeueu xporis ry .,
fr P!s. and in l')C0 will amount to j
"';;- ' u" "
. Lira .tal Daatli I
Mr. ''. A. Hire of Manchester, I.,
rt' in t4 I. is airtiost mim-uluu escape
frutD '.'t . fav : "Kxposure after meas-
.. ... . ... . t f
taat. in t-L.--.l aa-fT.-ifltl Itinur I prtfl Si anftit'h '
tMi- i i:i .Tifiariipiir n. i na i irrtflTini ,
!- .a-r It a ain.4 -ry ' at nijhl f tf ill I
Ai, Tr .j,rfrtr, ,,i i I nin-t socn die. '
tf- I lo I"- f-.n.t New
p'eteiv cured rae. I would not t without f
jt ,(eB if u w , Hindre,lt
nave us-J it on mv r-coiumennauon ana
ii.r '... v . ' j
a. I ey it never Ui.i to cm Ihroat.Ch-st :
"' '-a trotioiee." Regular V 1
and t.00. T-ial bott.e free at tfake.ey ,
jrn s!0re 4
Arter Twa (Iaa4r4 MHllaaa. j
v-. v. rw u t j ...tch to!
th. Jot.rDal ,J Advertiter !ru Undo. I
, tayt :
- ' I
- ... ..... .
..a . .-..a.. I..... n i -v rr. .a anil
f-i. - r r.-.:'. r v.k.-. k . ...t
.u.v.r, -
kantas, has been trying to get a fortune !
.... .-..v. ,. i. . . . .1.
of X0.n00.000 al.eged to be tying ia H
Knglish court ot Ibaocery. Lasaa
Corey, of Omah. who believe himtell
I Do You Cough?
j I t" I fe Lit awrVJv etnas.
y uf v-txirw ma
and tetftitfj
j lat-i .
I ml wvaa.!
but arurr a I
f s i i. K
' IZr thTi
' at truJd wa worm than thedcwbeA-re. Mr
tlrKMt 1 war. anj ih Inui
, a Th Ut I4 w ii m.t rV3
, a-1- I fnht.t t'otti .i.-vpw
;,n,1. trraxmenl 4id no rood Xfntad
m Ackni EnTh Rn,iv. I
; r a b.xt. and yu never aw the like oi
! "T '. M1. thabort wan )
twaeweii. Mr throat fcit aaatrwo and veil
; aa r.ild be. si-K then I hav h a mrw
,rwlB'"- I torn Aoaer ErLaa Ktimiy o
; rret1thejifldeia-aue U run of th throat
iat it eauT -.r tntfuin in b-mpwra
irtitaiivre.rthtruin(r,in b-iBpera-
lS!r laT'v v
I 5llWWM..MWtI-,
! I3e.. .d ft throaaut
tn I ruted ptatea and .ana.ia : and ia Ec-
lan.1, at U. : X. as. 3J , . i.t. If joa are Bet
ta:i?dsl ar-r buTin. retuna the b.Htie t
y vKir vlrnsst, and get your money back.
For sale at B.'akvlev's PT. rni c t .
to be heir to ?,i'lO.0'Ot is leader of the
project, while Jay Corey, ef Tt-wanda,
klan., thick hi stiar i 13.C0,CCO.
Letters etroa"aei declare that guid,
t:ck and bead belcrg'.-i to the Corey
faauiiy anl be d by the Eng!io roail for
six'y-flve year are now aloat to se
cure, lai'iiree hating beei made
through aifcial ehaccais, thecours of
Chaucery rrpi td that not a (easy of
th Corey estate io fce'd.
Chaitataa J"tM Wilt
Cu:c.iO, hn. F-d-orl will
say tomorrow :
"Cha'rniaa J. K. Jone, xv-or Jtng f
report in dem cratic circle. wt:I call a
meeticg c( the dmM.-rat:c satioaal rom
mil tee in Wtthbgtoa for the purpose cf
resigning a chairman. It it said that
J. U. Johnson, who wat chairman of the
executive committee, iaa active candi
date for th chairman cf th general
committer, and tat rx Governor Stoce,
of M.sscuri, would 1 1 to ta chai-min,
rot that a mabrity cf the coa; mi l tee
men ar ia favor cf Mayor Tttf gsrt. cf
Indianapolis, the Icdiatia committee
ma n.
Fa Iat la .
OsxooM City. Dec. V) Phillip Wolf,
aed 73. was found d. 1 in ted at Shubel
thi morning, hat lag died scaie time
during the night. About tio'cltck this
morning Mr. Wolf call. I to ber butband
that it wa time to get up. On hearing
no reponse, she invst'g".
eoTeed that life wat if icct. Tl.e
ceased wae a native of (iia n,nd hi I
resided wth hi family at Shubel for tl
past 17 year.
Oll Craai Mwrtt at raliin(.
Asroait, Dec. li. Roy Engbretsen,
a 3',-yvar-ol i boy. fell into a tub of
boiling water yes'erday. Although im
mediately removed, ht ws tjiite bad'y
fcalded. At the tiuie bis coo lition ass
aot considered e:icj. During lt
nigr.t he became very i.l acd died tt
moroin(. li s Jeath is attri'ected to
the shock more than to the actual rfTU-t
of the boilirg water.
Naw Y ax. Dec. 19. The k-rmation of
silver trust is praotu-ai'y aseurel bv t' is
.rternoont action of th director of the
American Smeitiog and Refining Co'u
pBT they authoris cg an increase
Har tt a4 at Carvalli., IVc. J1.'. An unusually
heavv heavv wind totai ir-t I-i hrre
about 4 o'clo.k ttiis mor;i:ng. Nea.-'y
all tie frrue u 1 1 ng in titn wer.
badlv siite. ill t-o da'ii" tnltetl-
!. kit It I-.
Ju". wet ti rT-c-ed part fr-:
Mvsterious J t.a LCTe. a V-tci, rme.'
and the pa o it g u. A-ld by I ,arke A
Dvsoetsla can 'e cn-j hv osir.g
AeklfT-t iT.f,p.,a f-iVts lne litt.i
TaMet will :ve i.-n-i. dut lelirt or
j j XT' i r (;..r i .:i!.r'll.' . i-iir, I
monev refund t. -ol I in hc J'ome tin
bote at to c-s. R '.it-ley th trogrt.
rar tat ar aia.
' Tb Sam Wi.aioeiin warehoose, cn
First street, is for rent or sa.e. It is a
'':r.or!'!"1 ,iron. bo:'Jic1j
5 Wikiatoo. ft a Dalie. n'-tf'
T - ...... . T- . . . , . . I .
l-iri.' W 13 HiW (T. tf-vurf. v
acker'. English Rene !y in any case cf
., ' .......
coughs, culds orcroop. Mio'i! J it .til t
rfl-Jiairiiedia- rer.-f nnrrr refutdel.
and 5u cs. t, the crur