THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1900. PAKAtUSE FOR TUAi.IFS. Larrlkla Hulr lh lltlea of Aaatrali and llobora Terrorism that Country lllslrlcta. For aeveral reasons Australia may be ri-frtinleil as the ideal abode of the hobo uml the t ramp. nr. as the former is des ignated in the citim. the larrikin. Tht-lur r ik i ii. like the kanfiavon, is pe culiar to the Aiiatriiliun continent. In Elemeata of alarse DUIarba Long travel through many countries has made it clear to my mind that there Hre three things which have wrought ruin in those foreign lan.lsi wherein honest trade could be built up by hon est men. The- are whit-ky, an en forced civilization, uud n use of the llilile. It v whit-Ky. 1 mean theintro-liiu-tion into m;-h countrUs a China, .lapau und the Smith Sea inlands, of the inaniifactiire of rum and it iikuV I no other country, certainly not in the (MIS fascinating i,ni! ruinous effect on the natives. By civilization, I mean the introduction of such n;rlhod as are wholly unnecessary to un already civ iUed people, Mich as a change in dres. fashions, and other hybrid nodal cus tom. Hy the Itible and I would mv nothing1 against the. pood book 1 mean the introduction of cant by unprinci pled hypocrite, whose only aim in at tempting to spread the Cos pel has been their personal gain. Hobert -Mackay, in. Success. 1 I'nited States, would he even be permit ted to exist. 1 n appearance. s:i the Ho ton (ilobe, he is undersized in stature, slight la build and sallow in complexion, prols ai! ouir;; to an early excessive life of figure! tes. II i at t ire i unique uml un !iiitakalle. He wears a narrow brim fi ll hat on one side of his head, a short jacket reaching to the hips, pants very tiirlit about the waist to the knees, but spreading out bell-shaped at the an k It s to the tips of his shoes. The latter are invariably wilh high heels. Smjrl.v a desperate coward, but in packs or gaii its as he perambulates the sidewalks of -Melbourne or Sydney, he Incomes n terror to women uud chil (.leu and a menace to anyone he fan cies he can insult wilh impunity. He rarelv doe any work and i never found out of the cities. The Australian tramp much reseni bles the same specie in America, only .instead of "looking for work, he gen rally adopts the guise of a prospector. With "billy" or kettle in hand he trudges from one sheep station to nn o'her, enforcing hospitality bv the fear that if such is not accorded burn will be found ignited on his depnr- t ure. in no country in the world are the tin- employed treated with so much consid i ration by the authorities as in Aus tralia. As the labor vote controls the balance of political parties, and the floating population of unemployed are "working men," in that resin ct officials are chary of saying no to a deputation of this class of citizens. Tor instance, as lias more than once happened, if a body of unemployed should wait upon the minister of (lie interior with a request for free trans I'ortation on the government railroads to some remote district, where thev as sert work is to be found, the minister particularly if an election is at hand lias no other recourse but to issue the tickets. Then, if, when the place is rwiched. climatic or other conditions are not found to be as conjectured, a pressing request for return passage does not often meet with refusal. Untitled Iron will t Ha.t. Distilling various metals, Knlilbniim. of Itasle, has found that a number of them that usually rust quickly like iron or copper are so purified that it oecomes tlifticult to oxidize them. Iron is a beautiful silver-white metal that does not tarnish in the air. Tin proves to be the most diliicult of the common metals to distill, as in a vac uum it does not begin to pas over until ii temperature of L'!ll2 degrees is reached. I mention. Missed the Combination. Sm y t ho 1 1 won't work. Ilrown What won't work? Sinythe Hypnotism. Tried it on the butcher. Looked at him fixedly until I had his undhided attention, then I said, very slowly and with em phasis: "That bill is paid." J trow a And what did the butch er do 7" Sinythe He said: "You're a liar!" -Stray Stories. Glorlona News. Comes fiom Dr. J). B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes : "Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, w hich had caused her great suffering lor years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; hut her cure is com plete and her health is excellent." This Bhoivs what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the beet blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for ecitetnn, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates iiver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion and builds up the strength. OnrV 50 cent. Sjld by Blakelcy Drupgist. Guaran teed. 4 Olssolutino of rartneralilii. The partnership heretofore existing between A. M. Stringer and T. S. Ken nerly, under the style of The Dalles Dis tillery Com puny, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent, A. !. Stringer retiring and T. S. Kennedy continuing the lu'inees and paying all debts and collecting all bills. The Dalles, Dec. dlO 2 Dosiirr'i Same Haa Mr isllabte. Tou-Hsi, the name of the Chinese empress dowager, is not her full name, but merely an abbreviation. Among the numerous distinctions enjoyed by the extraordinary lady is that of pos sessor of the inwit lenyMiy nomencla ture of any Chinese woman, as hertrue name l uns to no less than 14 syllables. When she signs it in full, as she does on exceptional occasions, it reads, Tsou- Hsiyu - k'ung - yi - choa - y u - chuang b'enff - shon - kun-ching-hsieii-ch'uiig usi. Illtln't I.lkr iBKratltndr. At Freeport. I,. I., a hen laid an egg every day in a kennel and the dog ate it. She stayed longer than usual one clay and he shook her. Since then Khe has kept away from the kennel and the dog has given up his egg diet.. Nutlce of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between J. E. Adcox and Theodore II. I.iebe, under the firm name and style of J. K. Adcox A Company, ia tins day dissolved hy mutual ensent, J. E. Adcox retiring from said firm. Theodore JI. Lithe will continue the husiuees of e.tid firm under the name and style of J. E. Adcox A Company, and is authorized to receive and receipt for all moneys due said firm, and all claims against eatd firm should be presented to him for payment. Dated this 10th day of December, lf)00. J. K. Aniox, W TlIKO. II. LlKHE. .Notice of Dissolution of I'urt.irrsliln. Notice is hereby given that (he part nership heretofore ixieting between Grant Mays and L. E. Crowe, tinder the firm name of Mavs A Crowe, was llssclved Dec. 1, 1900, Grant Mavs re tiring. The business will be continued under the old firm name of Mays A Crowe by L, E. Crowe. AH claims against the firm will he paid, and all accounts and notes due the firm collected by him. Grant Mays, L. E. Ciiowe, Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results is one Micute Cony Ii Cure. It is very pleasau to take and can lie relicu upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. Sold by Clarke & Falk's I. O. -Pharmacy. Off to priseol Iiut before we go every article wo possess, every Piano and Organ must go. Gilbert fc Jones Co., who are to become our successors in Portland, have not bought a single Piano or Organ from us. They have paid us ai big sum of money simply to become our successors, fur our reputation, for our good will, and for our agencies, so as to control hereafter the sale of the Knabe, JIardman, Steele, Fisher, Ludwig and other Pianos, and under the contract with them we are obliged to get out of Portland in the very near future so as to let them operate in the field which we must relinquish. We have no time to waste, ami have therefore instructed our Agent, I. C. NICKELSEN, The Dalles. Oregon. to close out all Pianos and Organs on hand at a great sacri fice. .Ve are now closing up our business preparatory to our removal to san rrancisco, wnere win ue our lieauuuar- ters hereafter. If you ever intend buying a Piano or Organ now is the time. Address, i. c. ixricKEaiiSEixr, SOUTH and EAST via T. A. Hl'Dsnw. Notary Public. TlMOTHV D -lu,feratu; i s m ; r n Trains leave The Ds'.Ies for Portland mid way stations at l.ii a. in. aaii 3 p. m. Pianos and organs offered for sale now at Nickelseng music store are those representing nil creeds and all cations in pianodom. Here you will see the most costly Knabe, the reliable Ludwig, or the Franklin, Martin, Irvin, Kings- burry. Sacrifice sale is now going on. Suuaet Alining- Company Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the Sunset Mining Company will hold a special meeting on the 22d dav of December, 1000, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. in., at the ofiice of the county clerk of Wasco connty, Oregon, for the purpose of tot ing on a proposition to increase the cap ital stock oi the corporation. dll'-UJ In. Bolton, secretary. NOTICE. In future any and all inquiries rela tive to delinquent taxes must be made to the county clerk, as he is-e-ustodian of delinquent tax sale record and rolls. The sheriff having complied with the law in making sale of delinquent tax?, he is completely out of the tax-collecting business till March next. d 1 ' -1 in DOLLARS REWARD. small red cow, about 7 years 10, 1900. A. M. Stringer T. S. Ke.NXKKLY. FIVE Loft A old, branded V on each hip, with swallow-fork in ritthtear. Ought to have a calf about 5 months old. I will pay f") for nich information as will lead to their recovery. Thkodokk Mich rt, At Ward A Robertson's staMe, The Dulles. d!o-4tw The. Appetite, of a Coat Is envied by ail poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and liver are out of order. All such fchould know that Dr. Kinn's New Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a spl?ndid appetite, Bound digestion and regular bodiiy habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only L'5 cents at the Blakelcy drug store, ' 4 For Sale, A few choice Hereford hull calves eli gible for registration. Inquire of hl-4:iw J. L. Kelly, The Dalles. Wanted A second-hand Gre-proof cafe. Muut he it good condition and not too large. Apply at the Cuitosici.K office. o31-lf The mechanic tl toys at the New York Cuh store w ili please the old as well as t'ie yuang. We oiler for a limited period the twice-a-week Ciikonki.e, price .'0, and the eekly Oregonian, price $1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions nnder this oiler must be paid in ad vance. tf JJyspepsia can n cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley the druggist, tinn't hub It In, Jnst wet the affected prl freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Sootch remedy, and the pain it gone. Sold by Clarke A Falk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Nnttrel hereby riven that tl;e innlcrniiftiiil has tieen 'iilnt"l by t tie comity ennrt of Veo county. Orriioii, ailintntstrstiir nf the estate of KrsD''1s K's. dTenrL All pcrs'ini hsvinr claims avalntt tli e-Utc arc taerehy re 'jnlrH to nit-sent tlx- same to me, duly verlllnl, at the office of W. II. VtllMin, In Imlh-a City, jr"n, within six moth from the date hereof. Jated Novcinls r 10, VM. GKO. r. KOi4, noylO Administrator. Or Wiley B. Allen Co., Portland, Oregon. The Dalles, Oregon. 6' Str. Regulator DTr-5 TTT A mrTi T TTVTT7' 2 DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY 3 Steamers of the Regulator Line will run as per the fol-' ow,ng schedule, the Company reserving the right to change' schedule without notice. DOWN. I.V. llllllt'S fit 7 A. M. j Tuesitny j!, ThuiMluy a Saturday S' Arr. I'lirtland atVSOF. at. Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City. It CP. I.V. Portland at 7 a.m.! Monday i . . vt eanesiiay An. iitalta.! Regulator Line. a 5 e. m. DOWN I.v. Dalles at 7 a. a. Monday Wednesday... . Friday Arr. Cortland at 4 r. u. vr. L . Portland at 7:"0 A. M. Tuesday Thursday Saturday Arr. llalles at a P. M. Leave Portland ' Albany .. 8:H0 a m Arrive Ash'and " San yrancico . 1.'ttam 5 uu p ra 7 .1j i ui Arrive Ogdon " Ixnver " Kau.-iu t.ity. " Chicago ... t:t.i I n :uu a m ... l ii m ... 7 -ii a m Arrive Loa Angelea 1 :'J0 p m Kl Pa 6:11) p in " Kort Worth a m " City of Mexico : ro a m " Houston 4 :00 a ui " New Orleans :jsara " Wakhtngton 6:12 am " NewVurk I2:Wpm 7:00 p m 10. bu p m 11:10a in 4 a m t15 a u 11:1 a m a:iia m 7 : -' ') a m JUam 7 00 a in 6 in p m 6: a in 9:.'i a m 4:00 a in fi p m 6'4jani .'-if p ra Pullman and Tourist cars on both traini Cbalrcars Sacramento to Ugdcn and Kl Paso, and tourist oars to Chicago, St Louis, New Or leans and Washington. Connecting t Ban Kraucisoo with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America. See agent at Tbe Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, Geuoral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, j , Travel by the Steamers of the P.eejuiator Line. The Companv will endeavor to give its pat- A rons the best service possible. For further information address Is Portland Ollice, Oak-Street Dock. r . I ITl KlTlViVITjT.TiTIViT.lLTlTlT.VJ r.T.V W. C. ALLAWAY, Cen. Agt. 5 M asco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ol ell kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind? Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour This floor 18 manufactured expressly (or family use: every Rack ia trnnrantjeil t.r crivu aaiiafariinTi Wa ell our eoods lower than anv Imnse in th trailn. nnrl if vn Hr,,.'t h,i, J call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oat?. Retiring fvom Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at n nch less than wholesale prices. Will sell in hulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fittinR Corsets and ISutterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Coll early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. IiliD Pacific Yellowstone Park Line. THE D1XIXU CAR KOUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE K AST. THE ONLY DIRKCT LINE TO THE VEI.I.OW- HIONE PARK. Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Conveyancing and Abstracting. We represent some of the larw.t insurance companies in the world! We have a large list of property iw.,1. city and country, for sale and r Mh We have money to loan on real,,..,, security at reasonable rate, of in We do all kinds of conveyance are the exclusive owners for tern of abstracting, which pwlnowft poss.b.l.ty of mistakes in lookfi titles to real estate. "P Any one having property for !. , rent mliy find it to their advan Zl leave it in our hands. uvng t, Collection, and all legal boeinessUft in our care wil recei t.,m... uon. in all thecoorUof -wv. . auiivriiv;e answereu. Promptly Offices: Washington street r tencti & uo.'. i .next to Union Depot, Finn and I Sts1 No. 2. ' Fs.t mail for Tufoms, i No. , Pmttlr, Olymjiiii, (irity'b Hartxir and South Huml fmintH, ripnkiini', Koss-. iiml, I). ('., I'll 1 1 tn ii n . , Moscow, I.UiKtoil, I II f j 11:15 A. M. faloiliiinp liiiniiiKCDiin-1 Fi;j0 V. M. try, Hi'k'iiH, MiniK'iiiio-! Us, Sr. I'ii li I , OmiiliH, Kmims City, St. ljillis.1 Cbii'Hio unit nit x.iiitn No. 4. vahl and mni thenst. I No. X l'uaret isounil Exprpss, 11 ;30 P. M.' for Tiiconui ami Kuiittlo 7:00 A.M. i and intermediate pumu I'lillman first rlass iind timrift (.Iwimrs to Mlniienioll, Mt. Puul and Missouri river point ivitliout chanite. Vestiuuluil trains. Uulou denoi cniincctloiis in all principal 'itlw Htiygniie checked to desflnn tfon of tickets. r or !uiiidsonely IMujitiaHiIileM riptive matter ticlietH, slcepiiig cur resuivutioiis, etc., call on or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (ienernl I'lisseneor AK"nt, 2Vt Muni son Stieet.curiier Tbiid, Portland Oregon. FOH SflhE At Public Auction Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1900 At lo O'clock A. M. AIJ the personal property of the estate ol Kil. Doyle, decoaeed. at the 8-Mile, Wasco countv, on.istinir oi Fanninir Mill, Grain Drill. H.a.. Gang and Walkins; Plows, 3 ects Har' rows, 6 head of HorHer, -1 head of Cattle a Wagon and Harness, Blacksmith Tj'jls, etc. TERMS. CASH. Fur futther particulars, call on or aj. drees W. J. HAIlKIMAN, Aduilni.tra tor, Kndershy, Oregon. noticp: for tl-blicatiox. l.A.ND OHIH AT THK bAI.LKK. Oh., ( Heeeiiiber in, IKS), Notice, is licretiy Kiven that the lollnwlrit named settler has tiled notice ol hl InientiiMi to make linnl priHif In snpixirt ol his claim, and milt suKI uriKil will be Inmle before t ie rei?iler nnu receiver nr i ne nni:es, Oregon, on watur day, liniuary l'J, pml, vl.: Crest OhleKSchlaKer, of The Dulles, OrPKnn, U.K. No. .-,tr,s for Hie ,V't.?"'i " : HfC. 1, T. 2 K R. 1.1 r.., . m He mimes the followlns; witnesses tn prove hiM continuous residence uuon ami enlii v.rii,.n of fcaid land, viz.: .lacnb Whittle, Jsenb OhleKchlnner. Able Y. .iun,ii. rerry aneiiinp, all ef The Dalles, Ore Hon. d'i'11 JAY P. I.UCA.S, Register. 5' C. J. STUBblflG, W HOI. KIM, K AM) HKTAIU Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. :! 1 Phone 234, Next door to First National Hank. THE DALLES, OREGON. ' Vl V NOT1CK FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office atThk Dai.i.ks. Or., December 17, pmc. i !OlIce Is lierellV Sivell that the fi.lloivlnir iretix-i, hui'-i nun i ui not fe in iiim iiirentii(ti tu make Ii tin 1 pr.iof in Militant of his elatin. and that said pnxif will be made before the reui-ter and receiver of the r. H. Innd ollice at The Ham s, ui , on Biiuiroiiy, January M,, viz Krancla A. Ohrlat. oi I ne Panes. t)rcfiin, II. E. No. Ji.Ti'.. fur the He mimes the following wltne'ses to irove V ivniiieiice nwm ana cultivation Ol Hum IMIIII, Vl.' J. Ii. Hull. D I) Nelson, Thus. ;ibson. frazer, all of i lie Dalles rcK,.ii. declH .jAy NOTICK ov Alex P. M't'AS, Hmisler. FINAL fKl I'LKMKXT In the Coiuity Court nf the state of Oregon: Noliee is heiel.v irlvi-n lli.l lhi.nn .,n4 i K. K. HaltniMrshe, administrator with the will I annexed of the estate of Jonathan I ''"s'll. has filed his Mnsl acconnt In said estate I" "' countv court ol said V. asen Conntv, (lie j ron, and said court Iihs, by an order dated the illth dvof iNveniUT, ltsrn, appointed Thius ' day, tie Piihday of January, I'.nil, at the hour , of 1 o elia-k In the afternoon of shIiI dnv, as the i lime and the comity court room In the court house at Dalles Ity, Oiegon. ss the t.lace. fi ! t'',l" nrlll' "aid final account and of the oh I jccllons then to, if nny there la-. All heirs, , cnsiiiors and other fH-rsona lnteretd In said estate, are hereby notiiied and require t to pre i sent and file their obi. -. tions to said ni'coniit If ( any they have, on or la-fore tbe time wt for the I bea.liin thereof as afote.atd Administrator with the will ann-xid ol tbe . -.ii .ii,.!,. inn n .nn K son, HeecHseil. NOTICK FINAL dl'J ,.t SF.rriKMKNT. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplier Crandall S Barget UNDERTAKE . tP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Kobes, BuriaSh Etc. ; i h i I; li" oy riven lint the undersigned bus duly ,,.. with tbeConnty clerk of w i.nnly, On gon, bis acconnt nr. I report a. administrator of theeit of Ad, dpi! At-idlus, tl-cease. ,n. that the Honorable on ! o.irt has Hx.Nl Mo. j .the.-.ll, day of NovemU-r, !'.., itl0 ocl.s k a in. of said day as the time, and tie . onit.y otirt ris-m of the onnty lonit ". r; .'"",)' . Oregon. ; ... nnllJ Im)ll ac. onni and re ; I""1"" oiieresten in sld csialo are .ml si! ".l Jl'"'' "tia-ar at said time and place .HsehaU's'!, "',',r"v"'' ! ..lntli.lstrilor Dated this itb day ol October, 1'nsi. General Mill Work Hansen & Thomsen Miiiiufeturrs and Dealers in Sash and Doors, Rustic, Flooring, . Pine Lumber, Mouldings, Etc. BEE HIVES AND FRUIT BOXES Of All Kinds Third Street. The Dalles, Iwgnn. Sheriff's Sale. FXECUTOira NOTICE." ,'.','V'1 '". ''"'y riven tint tbe nnd. r-fgnod, "'"I " "" "'''' Andrew V. Anderson Notl-e v,... 1... nt-l 111ft' cri.iiiir .r. 11)1 'HI IJHV (if .iH'iiiHt-i.' Dsn u i t . . ' -k a. m . .. i,..Vi.V...K,-,..V,r tbi r. to, lb,- setUeno., t .r i a" . s-rsoiis Intctc.tcl n .,i I O'l-da-b 'r.iiiiors and i.lh Advertise in The Chronicle. I.l'-etlo Ill hell estate are therefore hereby rcjolred to lile the r obl lions to .,, .ecounl, If any ,.V I are m Dalles city, or., Nov I',, l'i JL''Jl J' ' - "'"I r-H KIt, VVatohour uln.low for ienTajV. If we'll del tlm regt. (i,-o. C. In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon (or Wasco connty. Joseph l'sqiiet, I'liilntiir, vs. F. X. Haqnet and O. U Paijuet, Defendants. Hy virtue of an attachment, execution, derm and order of sale, duly lie nisi out oi and uii'mt the seal of the Circuit Court nl the state of Oicgou, tor the County of Multiiotiia'i, to me dlremed and dated the 'Jltli day nf Nnveinbrr, 1'imi, upon a ludgm.-nt rendered and entered in said Court on the i'Tth dnv of January, W', io the above entitled cause, in fnvoi of the plain till and against the defendants, K. X Fft and)). I.. !', as judgnieiit ibbtors, In lllP sum of four hundred (limb dollars, will. InUwt thereon from the Jltli day of Heptember, 1HI. the rate of eight ia.-r cent a-r annum, snd tlie further stun of liiteen (Il'odollars, wilh luti nut thertsin at six per cent mt anniini from the'iTili davof January, IMIT, and the further sum of thtrty nne ::l) dollais, costs, and thefiatinf and upon this writ, and cniuinstHllnir iia? u make sale of the real proa'rty hereinalter scribed, I will, on the Hist day of Deem 1st. 1!i, at the hour of 2 o cliaik In tlie afternoi u Slid dnv, and at tbe front disu of tin- cmnty courthouse In Dalles City, WaM-oOaintr.lire-gon, sell at publle auction to the liiifliest I'M' for cash In hand, all the right, title anil Inter! which the defendant, K. X. raipiet sml 0. l l'a.Uet, or either ol them, had on the iTtn uy of January, IW17, the date of the iinlitineiil, or which such defendants, or any of the deteiin ants herein, have since ae.Ul.'ed. or lie ksre in and to the following deserlts'l nul pnipnVi situate and being In Wasco Countv, Dn'Kun, t" wit: . , Ibe northwest uunrtcr 01 "' the north;'' ouarter (';) vt aeriion two (.'), and the'i"""1 east quarter ''4)of the northeast iusru-ri.i-and the soli 111 hall of the northeast .tmrteti ,1 of section tliree ( I), all in township sis of rana-e twelve til) east of the U illainet" Mfn' dhin in Wasco County, Oreron, and ci ntinn"1" me hnndrel and sixty (lm acres: orsn n' of said proierty as will satisfy said jii'lfi'i"" u i di-ere-, with coals and accrnlmt costs. ttald property will la-s-ild mb eei to eiiini""- llou ami raslemptlon as bv law pnn d'll. Dated at The Dalles, Dr., this .'.th day ot w Ceinber, I'.t.O. . .. KMlir.rti i dH gh.-rl It Wasco on 11 ty, urnt ""NOTICE KOIMPUIU.IUATION. Orno at VsNi ouvrit, -h. 1 Hdota-r i'. 1'' v. ...... ... 1 1... !.... ....I the f.illoWllK' tlaineil setller has filed' notice of his lilt"""1; to make filial pr.sit ill supMirt of his elslin, Hint said priail will las made before W. rI. by, l H. commissioner for the "". ''' J WashliiKlon, nt Ooldeiiilnle, Wash.,"" Mow"'' le'en'la.-r lu, I'.sm, viz.: Uriirfi H. Mt. I.awrrnrr, of l.vle I'. )., Waab., who made II. h. u for tin- W 1, HK'i ami K', ti .'t,ip J:,''v i- y , W. .M. .. .,., Ilewiaioca the followlnr witnesses w. ry hla lontlnnoiis r.-aidence itlsm and cuui" f said laud, vl..: 1 nomas j. vt i.itconio, iteorx'-- Itradforikaud .W llllani U-alon, all ol l.yic-"' W iishiiiKtoll. ,, , isll V. R. lirSBAB lhhder FINAL "KKriI.EMKxr- In Ibe lustier ef the eslale. of John ."" Wnreiiblast, d.K'castd. , Notice Is hereby riven that ''V.,"'?lTn'.'!,t oi Ibe executor of the last will and tel'"' " ',, John ..ottlieb W.Ki-llblssl. di-.ea.yl. ni" ,, NOTICE OF n tut oi 1.1- ,..UI .,. the matter ".. . '.V.. '.. ' .... ... ..... ol lin lT' nil I lllf 1 IHIIIIT 1 nun i -dills! wascol nuuty hns m-i .sioi.oaj , ..1,1 .Isv Jannsrv, psil, at the hour of lo uul as the dale for the h. stlnif of Ihe said r-Ms-.ltor of the last will "f 'j'-i WaKeliobist, deceased NOTICE OK FINAL fKlTI-FMlNT' Nolle, la hereby riven that l',; " lias tiled with the clerk of H"' "' ,, the stale of Oreiron, b-r w "'''V ' ' ol Helen iiccoimt as administrator 01 '"" ' '" nr,.-rdulT raiiioio, i.,s-,-n",-'i, ., , .1 1 it .-cm 0.-1 . - li' ssl'l madeon Ibe inn nv . curt, Monday, tin- HI" uay - f,tri has la-en lls.-d as the lime, and Iber - " H(,jr ro..tti 1 1 .aid court as the place f.;r ... .,1 .nl, I Una aceoi.n. si'le an I niakelcy. t. r. m" v 'L "V, dvelMI