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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1900)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1900. The Yeekly Chroniele. THB UALLtt. . KKUOK official ririx of wasco cvistv. PnLlukeJ ia lw ytru, H7rficsdiyt mid Siturdd. . rBsc&irTiox rates. . T bail, miiti rsxraia, u aevac. oo r"' H Six booii T6 Tare mouths T... W ArtUlB nM iwaaonabt. n4 mads knows an apsUieaOoc iMim aU conaBniratioas oTBF CHIOS ICLAV ta iMUe, Oracua. LOCAL BKBTITIES. Satord a Di!j. Dr. Sanders, room 1 and 2, Chapman block. U Tno Dalle boy wr beaten yesterday ia the football contest with the Heppner! boy t by a tcor of 16 to 0. Mrt. O. Morgan, of The Pallet, it tit itiog tbe faruiie of her father, Mr. N. W. Wallace, at this place, tart the An telope Herald. Alexander Blackburn, D. P., will lec ture on "Gnasption" at the Calrary Bap tilt church oa Wednesday, Pec. 19th. Admiteioo 25 cent; children 10 cent. Dr. Stordevant and John Filloon went to Wasco field oo Tbareday to boot the wild bxre and geete. They neediest to itate, return well laden with game. The moet norel provUiona maJe in a wiil it that of a St. '-ou'.t woman that ber remain be iucioerated and the tenet rxiinkled witb tnoea ol ber nusrs4 in the nrn where bit already repose. Prominent local capitalitt are mak ing arrangements to locate clam can' nfry at Nahcotta, aay the Morning Attorian. Tbe rnr and bay claict are both found in abocdance at that place and tbe location trill bean excellent one. Tbe ladiet of the Good Intent desire to most heartily thank all of thote who to kladly attiated in J'The Temple of Fame," and assure, them that tbey appreciate their fatbfa!nee and their effort! in making the entertainment a eacceef. There is a tolerably good umbrella at the court house, which somebody left there and evidently forgot all about it. It it in chart of John Fitzgerald who it guarding it carefully so that only the real owner can get it, and then only after he has accurately described it brands and earmarks. Such a descrip tion and two bits for this notice will secure an umbrella worth a dollar and a hair. Bryan says prosperity killed him. Why should it not have killed him? Pid he imagine that the farmers, who as a data were dead against him, did not know enoogh to let well enough alone? Said one of tbem from Klicki tat to Thi Chbomclx today: "In IS'M 1 sold 28 steers in this town for SS75 that averaged, groes weight, over 1100 pounds each. Today I coo Id cash a like number of like weight tor $1100, and I have re fated an offer of f!4 a Lead for my spring calves." British Museum Newton, tbe archie ologist, was a capital story-teller and Mr. A. J. Hare, in tbe story of bis life, has preferred two or three of bis tale. One is a spiritualistic seance where an old cockney was informed that the spirit manifested was his deceased wife, where upon tbe following dialogue took place: "His that you, "Arriet?" "Yrt, it is me." "Are you 'appy, 'Arriet?" "Ve. very 'appy." " 'Appier than you wa with me, 'Arriet?" "Yes, much 'ap pier." Where are you, 'Arriet?" "In 'ell." Four or five boys of tbe High ichool persuation bad a wbole bushel of fun this afternoon, in part at lent, at the expense of the young ladies who presid ed over tbe tale of piet and cakes at Peate A Mays'. After blowing them selves in for a whole raft of pies and cindie they adjourned to another store and bought a big lot of degenerate cran berries that tbey got for a sons? and had a boy deliver the package C. O. D. to the young ladiet of the pie coonter. The ladies paid the till, o the boy jy, I and the lat beard of the cranberries I the package home to tee if pa or tun had ordered them for Sondty's dinner. A bsnd of 4o0 head of Indian pouiet from the Warm gpriog genry paired throngb town Toes-lay, hound ffr the I.intoo horse cannery, say the Pufur Pispatch. In tbe morning they were being driven from the psitnre of A. J. Do fur, where they had ixren kept over riizht, thev Utnbedd. hreakirif thro' the wire fence, killing two outright and severely aonnding other. On p'wir j beaut had the leader of hi hind leg en- tirely severed and was driven through town with the blood spnnina from the j wound at every tep, and perhapi will b taken to itt destination in thi condi tion. One of the belt enlertainn.enlt of the eason, or of any season, wat the "Temp! of Ft me" given at the Vogt cpera boire last night j the lidie of the Gooi Intent Society r.f the M. K. church. The test of a good play lies oltimately in tbe pleatare It gives to the an Hence, and judged by thi tett the progrtra of last night was a inr prise an 1 delight from start to finish. The onewerret is that the loose was not nearly as Urge as it ought to Lave been. This vat probably on account of the Incremeecy of the tight, bnt what ever the cause those who staid at houie missed treat tach at tbey only rar!y ha an opportunity of enjoying. We believe tint entertainment would bear repetition at soius future period an J would com mi ad a better house than tt did Ut Bight. The officer of Cedar Circle, Women of Woodcraft, for the next term at elected last night will be: PQ N, Jet sie McArthur; Q X, Georgia Weber; Adv. lata Fillooa ; clerk, Ctu Brows; banker, John Fillooo; attendant, Kth ryn Sargeact; captain guard, Intley Huston ; assistant captain, Minnie Goes- er; pianist, Mae Cuehing; I S, Jaoies TaTlor;OS,J Snipet; manager, Mrt. March. The officers-elect of Mt. Hood Caaip, Woodmen of the World, are at follow : P C C, T Brownhill; C C, Hans IUdmq; clerk, JM Fillon; ad- viser, C H Brown; banker, Jas Snipes; escort, J I Huston; captain guards, Jno Ferguson; W, Perry Morgan; S, John Pashek ; manager, George Joles. These two orders will hold joint installa tion on tbe first Tuesday in January. Monday s Daitj A marriage license wa issued Satur day afternoon to G. W. Johnston and Mrs. Nellie Palmer. Through Ui? courtesy of Representa- tioe Moody this office ha a quantity of choice turnip seed which will be dis tributed fiee for all as long as it last. Thursday afternoon at the Baldwin the ladies of tbe Catholic church will have a sale of fancy article and a pond full of the moet wonderful fish for the little folk. Admission tree. One of the pleasant features of the re turn of The Palles football team yester day was a reception and dinner at tbe Obarr Hotel, for which the organization has to thank Messrs. Claude Frizzell and Williams. Oar reporter forgot to state under ap propriate beading that the Wasco peo ple are all right, and that they gave the Pallet football team a roost cordial re ception on their visit to Wasco last Sat urday. Come uewn and see os, boys.' George Cummings received notice last week of his re-appointment to the post mastetship of Prineville. Mr. Cum tilings has made a very excellent post master and his re-appointment will be very satisfactory to tbe Prineville peo ple. Tuesday's Daily. It easy to buy Christmas presents at Tbe Fair. 18-3td LazelPe perfumes for Christmas at Donnell's. 18-lwd Pon't fail to see tbe mechanical toy at tbe New Yotk Cash Store. Our holiday perfumes are now ready. A full line at Donnell's drug store, lw Wanted A girl to do housework in a small familv. Apply at this office. 17-dlw A marriage license was issued today to J. Huteson and Annie S. Ramus, both of Summit Ridge. You'll surely lack "gumption" If you fail to hear the lecture at the Calvary Bantist church icuorrow night. Ad mission 25 cents; children 10 cent. A new jacket makes a fine present You know ours are tbe latest in style and best in cloth. We will extend our 23 per cent off on those goods this week. The Fair. 13-3dlw Polls, cakes, pies and eindiee for sale Thursday afternoon and evening at tbe Baldwio. Come and see what we bave before going elsewhere to buy your Christmas present. Henry H. Rogers, the New York mil lionaire and copper king, was fifty years ago seiliog newspaper on the streets of New Bedford, Mass. He then went into a grocery store, getting $3 a week and board. The Ontario papers are stating that natural gas has been discovered near that town by Ed Ashley, in 1 33 all quan tities, at a depth of 100 feet, and it it believed that with depth a larger flow could te secured. The fat of the Hay-Paancefote treaty will be settled Thursday. Tbe senate yesterday agrtM to commence voting on tbe amendments at 3 p. m. and con tinue in session till the vole on the treaty itself is taken. A committee has been appointed in New York to "select the two most lean tifol women in the United States" to preside al a rran I function at the open ing of the Buffalo exposition. If th prtcanbon is not taken to le'ect bald headed men for that j b, the appointeri l;i Hi d ont later that they fcave com mitted a jrave mistake. If you are looking fir a nies present for your bes'. girl, te sure and go to The Fa'r. IMHi Oi ing ti the p.'vs.epe of smallpox at Umatilla Jiinction, Marshal Driver has terved notice on the O. R. A N. Co. to not ilor anv persons or article to he carried here by them from that thee without first being fumigated. Lost, a Masonic charm with hjuare and compsss set in bitck onyx, and the Initial W. L. (. dirnly engrtved cn the back. When lost it wss attached to a black l k fol chain. Will give 12 0 for its rtorn ti the Columbia Parking Com pany. dl73 Th inn is! election of officers of Wasco Lodge, A. F.&A.M., took pliee list night with the following result : W. M., T n.,iTl . c w v-:. ,. - . , 7. ., , mvr Jiiran ; j J. W, C. W. Pietze! : Treatarer, G. A. ! Hebe; Secretary, O. D. Doane; Tyler.; Jarue Harper. Mr. Doane!: hat el- ready served tw. year aa worship ! matter, and hit high standing in the' brotherhood it indicated be f it election ' mr a wiru term in taeeeeston. The in- Staliation will taka r!a rn St. J.,h'a da. December-?:!.. Jthn r.rv. " wvaaasuw V VV i U VlU'titUV aU-TUaJVr (. I w B engineer on tbit division of the O. R. A 1 N. road returned to.Iay from A'.Ak where be spent the past summer ia the oew diggings back ol Sitka. He brtnge . som very fine copper ore with him.j Samples from the same mine have a - sayea u per ceni. He ha a aumher of ' claims that be feelt confident will prove very valuable, tie will return to Alaska in the spring and sneaow hile has secured I employment at hi old trade witb the O. R. A N. "A good play by a tp'.endfd company" was the verdict of those who witnessed the rendition of "Human Hearts" at the Vogt last night. Vnlikethepreeeatt. run of play, thi it a good, old-fashioned drama, and the way W. E. Nankevillit v-umpany presenter 11 was very grainy- j ing. "Human Hearts' is by far the! best attraction tht bat b?n piareiJ w The Pallet for eome time. The com - pany it exceptionally strong, and de served tbe generous applause accorded them. A return engagement would be appreciated by oar theater-goers. Now it the time to call and see as if you are looking for a loan at reasonable rates; an abstract or fire insurance; a nice cottage fromjtwo rooms up to six; a chicken if arm from one acre up; a grain or all purpose farm from 160 acres up; a stock farm from 1000 acres up. Are you interested in mine or mining property? Po you want to buy or sell? If you do, remember we are headquar ters for anything in real property. Houses and estates looked after; prop erty kept in repair; rents collected and remitted tame day; we make a specialty of collections, land office bnsines, etc. Hudson A Brownhill. The following from tbe Fossil Journal is delightfully characteristic of the land o' cakes: "There will be a meeting of Scotchmen in Fossil on January 29th, with a view to organizing a Burns club. A good time ie anticipated. Too much in tbe way of a program is not prom ised lor the initial meeting, but there will be a few songs and recitations smell ing of peat reek and' Leather, a good topper with maybe a wee drap ef mount ain dew, and we'll no lay there won't be a baggis. The pipes will be mere and a man te play tbem. Andrew Pat terson la to appear in Highland costume and Jndge McFarland in bis cutty sark. All tbe Scots in Wheeler and adjoining counties are expected to be present.". Notwithstanding that the canal bill and the ship subsidy bill and tbe army bill and tbe river and harbor bill and the Hay-Pauucefota treaty are all before congress and demand tbs earnest atten tion of Oregon's representative a mat ters in which the state it vitally inter ested, Joe Simon remains in Portland neglecting tbe duties he owes to tbe state that made the bnge mistake of electing him United Statet senator, and engaged, it may be set down a a dead certainly, in some political scheme that has for its objects the repair of his own political fences or those of the venerable Silurian whose leg tbe wiley Joseph know so well bow to pull. If tbe people who seek courtesies from the country newspapers would only think to return them, much good would eome of it, says an exchange. Many people think tbey are neglected in print became some news item of interest to tbem doe not, through the newspapers, find its way to the genera) public, and yet .-they- seem to forget entirely that reporters, are, moet unfortunately, not mind readers, and if tbey woold but call up tbe office by 'phone the paper would only too gladly give the item space. There isn't a paper in the land that does not want tbe new, and every paper could and woold be full of new if each person knowing something along that line would but give the office the slight est tip. The Walla Walla Union says: "It is possible that some of the Indian lands in the Yakima country will soon be thrown upon the market. Several years ago a survey roooei toe 1 taima taai ant of npon 3-J0,0i.O acres of ficd lands, an 1 it was soon taken by the white set tlers. A discovery of the fraad resulted in the lands being retarned to the red men. As the Indians are! now comfort ably settled already, r.ey have no per sonal ne for the lanu recenny eecureo j and the Rev. Thomas Pearne, a native , , . . , , . .. .1 akima Indian, has gone to he nation-, al capital to arrange for the placing of , ht. t..l n IK. n..f Tf it i n!,t there w id be aa attempt on the pat of thetriheto receive something like the marketable value for the land, which is sxid to te the b'st on tbe eastern slops of the Catcader. A memW of the loeil lodge of United Artissn at Sa'em treated his brethren ' the nthee ciht to a sotDer of Belgian ' hare. To tbe asseiiibied Artisans, witb the exemption of a very few, this was their initial campaign against tbe Belgians. A sister ooked th-m to a torn and s rrvsd there with apple dress ing. The S'.a!esmtn, which rtlatet the incident, lays the members wer at first a little timid of the possible flavor ol so .' - .- . . o.cAre a awirsei. cat wna tea cm tasce aU aparaacw l timidity Tanieaed. aa 1 it became itiJmi that, it a demi mora hars cad beea fsraietted. t&y wo.'j' tcoa havi bee in tie Mb dep.'ras, conditio aa uom placed oa ta hoar J nothing left bet boo, btu the aaaa- . tteco vri-ct el a3 srteset teat aa 1 tV- .v i. lsl.t i- h" i I " " uw aaw. eitu thiu eaaj taw uth;t Kav, nAAi ... ,- f ww wf i SWT-A, woe.'d on:v be necxisary k.r the Art:- tase a chaaoa at tte litte am- in;' l r.d Ui.eiK.wiwe of a-iy soch pee- 'biaty. Mn a --nn T,ur t ' ! " r" Ball wanki a Caal Tt Pailes footr:! team retarded Sae- tlay trom thetr trip aaj report bavicg .frna U lro its ewa ti pa. j The blowing letter reiite to Rev. had a tsoet eojyab!e tits. At Hsp! he Stewart hold ep i believed by ' Pl Kruer, of this city. Itweewrit ner they were well received aad geer- j the orfi.-ers to be a fake, a creation of , a ia answer to iaojirie ma J by Rev. oosly treated. Nothing wa emitted for ', the ' gd vLctim, for tbe sole pnroose ' J- B. Lister, of Eirsne. corresnondia ' p I . . "'PPnar wa iruiy me Dige il' V w a IH A-B3VWI H VlTfJU. Th gm in hoi on, bat Hrpnr woo, H ta 0. Tb DaHm orniiitxa M ata..;.iBitt md Vaaa.1 B Ik. M L. . . . , , ... ! it '".i1 bj toeing tany crown an 1 its cap - tain, Max Bartell. Of the ongi rig; nai line- np that met Heppner last October lee than half remained. At tne gaire had been arranged and printing and adver- tiaing d jn by the HepDuer players, the Palle boys were in honor bound to meet them, even if they knew certain defeat awaited them. Ia fact Tbe Dalle boy wer? compelled, under the circum stances, to go ;to Heppner with a rem nant of tbe first organization, bat prin cipally witb the high school line-up, headed by their captain, Johnny Cooper. Ia justice to the latter, for his fiat game as captaio he did remarkably well. Heppner earned one touch down by work and Dlaving. one was the result of a flake, and caused by the Pallet cap tain mistaking the remarks of one of the Heppner player for those of the um pire, and the second' one, Tbe Pallet boys claim, should not bave been al lowed. In all, however, Heppner dis played excellent team work, the result of having a hired coach, while The Palles played the poorest ball in the history of the organization. The latter clearly outclassed tbe former in condition, and despite Heppner's knowledge of the game and splendid executive work, if Tb3 Palles had possessed the same or ganization and bad played the game they did on Thanksgiving witb Pullman, there would have been a different story. Tbe Wasco game on Saturday was a tie, though the Wasco giants cannot play ball with our high school organiza tion, which is the best of its kind in Oregon. . The members object serioualy to the- Oregooian' report concerning the game at Wasco. When the first half ended tbe Palles team was on Wasco's thirty- yard line, and at no time in the second half did Wasco have the ball, and at the close of the last half Tbe Palles was moving rapidly and was within seven yards of a touch-down. This was ac complished by a crippled team, weigh ing much lest than Wasco ; bnt despite this the latter was no match for Tbe Pallet. Murray, qurter-back, with a broken collar bone of lest than a month ; Groehler, half-back, with a dislocated collar bone from tbe Thanksgiving game; Williams, half-back, with ankle tprained in tbe Heppner game, and all 'he men very sore from the bard game with Heppner on Friday, were some of the impedimentsencoontered ia Wasco' game. The majority of the Wasco team weigh over 200 pounds, but witn our boy. In ordinary condition they must certainly realize they would be no match for the Palles team, which, as it was or ganized for Heppner's and Wasco' games, was of high school character. . Tbe result-of tbe Heppner game does not discourage tbe football player, and they propose to redeem lost laurels be fore tbe close of the season. Their manager, Mr. 0:is Patterson, speak in the highest term of the con duct of the young men under ail eir- comsiaacei, sua urn prupusrv ",l"iaiM nnr. with tbem to a finish. They are a fine ' body of young men. destine! to become; in all iti affairs, when tbe present re giine, ia the natural order of things, shall bave passed away. A Splsaei Frt,, Ti. i program will be ren- , 'derel f. tL Ca holic eatertainment at I the Vogt Thursday n'gtt : Daet "Pt9 Pif' tt tt-mm Mi U.ra Psrtel tad M. irh ar. H- t the Mantiin rr y frier Kim Myn. M.eril att.l Elu.hia Bona. , F,t,.t y R,r Voril .,! Jj'.tU j'' Mim D'jra PrrreL Corn -wii --L P.fTt P t-iiour It fm X Mr. J. t. ETitn. rtc-sel-!! 1 jIt. Jn&ti H in-.ptsirp. Tearh-rs 9aa! Hear It. Rev. A'sxander B.acabora's lecture on "Gumpiija," d-live-el lefjre the connty intitnte, was one of the best ever de.iverei in thi city. It was just the kind of a kctore that re. ches th human I.eart and prompt the better ' and u.Jtivei. Ev ry tcLer in the land shou'J hwr it. The Public School, Ltfayette. Ind.anj. j At th Ca.varv Bap'is" e'.urch 'omor- row tWedt''1?' night. Ut 1 TO FACTS. Tkm Alter 4-C to Dmiu Jam tfaa. aa tt Sat aa tr .i p . i , , " a latere of lru-.a. ia ofc , - w" i iAa - .. . ibav. A t KraaVTB. taat t v ' tlam -bb 11 11. . v' W tUJHUll , VU I IS 19 1 f avely doubted if b mtt r;ivd cf V;. or ooe-teatb cl Ciat ma. The ' crScere have tiftad tt matter pretty j thoroughly and bave com t tae e a- (e'esioe that be coa:d not bave had aav- i th eg UketVKo. ale persoa. Thee ar!p ri r r . 1- ol optnoo, Bjoreover, that the time.j 'place aad eirensstsace cf his a'legsd I L ' 1 J -. . . d where Abeam wat r.ici and uk..g ' mm employers ior nis o..D u.u.ra ma mosey ia oa a nartos. I ue f'"" STW 1WTV VA t" tUf ICTHf VI tUtf bo.J-ap U tb Ut pUc m hfhT ain oaM tEctT for ta rwa th: it i I r 1 at )' WWr? li.htl TU . .. . , o! th J-' i-y Ste.a,, never 1 "pwwi uu i-w w any ot iseot tui Icey leJ for thexselve tbe foiloein facta that w Bad related ia laat night' Ti-. .k; ..,... .1. Telegram, showing that there wa a wo - rnaa ia the case. It only need to he added that Stewart Is still here or was He waa a German with a little family ; last night and U tie woman. The ' cr notache and was quite energetic T.legram aays; I '1 blVp,T"U- nJ r3oS; " the . ., . , church at (ranklin. W as accused aad C. li.Haye, a man. who ! arrested for barn burning, but was was 00 the train wui i re! Stewart, the frned loose bv the conrt as lacking u( yooa traveling man ol thi city, and 1 ncitnt evidence to hold him. His man stopped at Tb Paues with the latter. Mrt irt lh paipit wer. foco lh bat a itory to tell which he claim . ehurvh wanted him long. I declined to throws some light ca te hotd-ap of ; recomaseo d him, as did also Brother Stewart end his loss of . According . Bright, who wa secretary one year, to Hays, there is a woman in the case. Ui last erfVt among us was to attempt 1 we on the tram the day Stewart to .top Brother Z. O. Doward from made the trip from Port.and to The ! taking his pulpit at Grand Island after '- "'"- " mjn, iiw oaring ! ,h 1 attack up a traveling acquaint. otc it vrn anwncr mi ot lue If?' ?' Mt a young woman. She did all in her pow-ir to attract our atten - lion and finally Stewart changed his seat for the one directly in front of her. They ta.ked I until a few minute berore tbe end of their journey, whea Stewart came to me and asked me where I was going to stop at Th Pailes. I named the Umatilla House, and Stewart re- marked that be could do better than that, and tbat bs intended to get a room and board around where be pleased. I noticed that Stewart lingered about the young woman's seat and am convinced tbat he took a room somewhere about tbe town at her suggestion, and that she or some ooe in her interest separated Stewart from hi Ho." Aa Baplaaalloa that Baplala JTothlag. Thx Pau.ii, Pec. 17, 1300. To the Editor: In Saturday 'a issue ot your valuable paper yon printed an article headed "Pown to Facts." in which yon cited my recent hold-op. Further on you stated tbat it wa the opinioo of the police officers that I had no such sum as lot) ( Right here alio of dji. or one-tentb of that amount, on my person. Being unable to find the orifia of the theory ttat I did not have ' I h at aai 4 anm fitnl bwasi I..m. et,A aC , I ' areata WU IA V kAV w; CU MUUI IUJ U L-UISTI I I have coma to th roorlasinn that th. article was written by ooe who knew nothing of the affair, and waa mistaken in his understanding. 1 would like to have it understood tbat said artiele was not given for publi cation by the force, who, on the other bad, did all in their power to ap prehend the highway man. but from the description given them were unable to , do so. Regarding the Stewart robbery I know nothing, not even tbe a'leged victim. Hoping these few lines ia defense will suffice, I am Yours, A. M. Abbax. The article referred to by Mr. Abrams was written by tbe editor of Thx Chxov iclk after conferring with several of the officers of tbe law who had been work ing on tbe ease. It expresse their opinion of tbe hold-up to a dot. The reason why these officers believe that Mr. Abrams did not lose to6, nor possi bly one-tenth of tbat sum, were not stated ia tbe article out of deference to Mr. Abrams, nor will they be stated now lor the same reason. Thx clx simply reported the facts a it learned them from tbe officers' lips, and wubout kbe slightest scinti-.a of personal feeling against Mr. Abrams. whom the editor never saw to his knowledge and know if he met him on the .treet. " "" following is the list of letters remain ing in the posteffice at The Pailes un called for P?cember 15, 1900. Person i calling for the same wi,t give date on which they were advertised: : Agrew. Mitchell Austin. Joseph ! An ieraoo.M:sAnne Ri.'.i, Mr J t I Coulter, Iis Grace Chapman. Frank J . Chappeil, Clark, M;s Ann Carrot, Mr John Pinkia.Joba H ' 2 i lk)!in. J Kau, J iho j IHmpLrey.MrLone Hagje, Mr Ida i K inl'., Mm l)jr I.rn, Lewis , McCl!iter, Mrs S M.iilt .en. Mn Mat More, Mrs Cordelia Marte!'. Mis 1 McArthur, Arthur Newton, Henry Nat. Mm Al Poole. M: B-rtha ! Steath, Mr Chas tigers. M s Ida ! StClaire, Mr J F Wright, Minnie Dalles Urfttmg A iattaa. Articles of incorv.-it""ri n' T Pi' Driving Associativa wer in toe office cf the county clerk this afternoon. "The objects, bui.nrss an J permit of the inccrporatXn are to promote and develop tbe phys'cal capacities of its member and to jrjmsts and develop tgrlcoltare, stock-raiiiig and mechanics, te bailJ, maintala fair trouo Is, race course, buildings aid things necessary and convenient in carrying ca: laid ob;cts, aod to bar or !a ,aJ k4 T BC,9T or cosTtnieat real property fee taid parse ; n hod f Air, al vhh ' haH be exhibited a.1 a;adt of tmcnlt. 'ar! ad ttjck, faraing lapl- , i: oth 'w-.' .-.i . B8wltv a. Wfyctt tier soali be trie,' . Jd ad :i kadtcf athletic ports ' ; fllt a cuse4:oes and collect fxee and edsUaios at aay or alt exhibitions.'' i The prcvty ol th iacorpovaiioct coesisu ol la money and tbe lease I of 5) acre of groua J aear Tte Dalles. in,, ... r c r..t i.- AN UNENVIABLE RECORO. - t irarj o me vreg-jo cnnetiaa il:- j siooary- cciety. coocerniug lae cbarac- rw aalVA IllUtlfi( Vt l T. rVrUaJT MM ICel a ChrUu.a ixioitir durt&t hi rc J Wac la NKrk. Othtrwis tht !t- 1 t,a,a aenlalaa ua 1 I . i v- .S":1?- 1 ---.--., w, J-B-Luna, Eagene, Or.: Bbothi 1 : I have yoars asking I aoooi one raai rwruger. s nail suca a , ,. in vK...w. ,1. ' " !. - i and had oait a tittle troaal iith hi' : h.tin bwn ra ct. krnf the ground while they were waiting for Brother Doward and sonht la in.tnra 1 thero to call hiin. He preached once, 1 o, perhap twice. One day alettes came to 00 of the brethera. purporting , to be from Peon, where Brother Dowaid h4 lived, giving a bad reputation to , Brother Poward as to character. Thi disturbed them not a little, but Brother ; Bright hsooened to Das that wav. aad he was instrumental in irettin Doward to take tbe place. He wa shown th letter. It bore a postmark different from the ooe on tbe inside. This was suspicious. It transpired that the pa per it was written on wa exactly like a tablet loaned to Kroger a day or so be fore, upon which he wrote a letter or something like it. As there coald be so trace (00 ad of any one such a purport ed to sign the letter, and the postmark being different, it was al once apparent that Kroger bad done tbe wbole thing. The matter and papers were turned over to Brother Bright, sad when Kro ger heard of it he at once went over to tbe United Brethren and obtained a country appointment with them. Their elder got wind of tbe matter and we laid tt before him, and Krnger disac- 1 1 ,, V . .v. - . .v j if rf P?Ub! m'n',,tfr 'Ve recognised. If be ever became a mem- . . w '. ' oor again I do not know It and I am sure that no church wonld fellowship him knowing the fact. The churches will Jo themselves a favor by letting him severely alone. I hope yon will be able to manage him. Very Fraternally, W. A. B.tLDwr.x, Cor. Secy. State Miss. Board. J. W. Russell, of Kingsley, whil in town yesterday told th following strik ing incident to a number of persons that were gathered ia S. L. Brooks' store in tbe East End. Mr. Russell is a veteraa of the civil war and was present whea Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomat tox. In a skirmish oa the day of th surrender Rasselt had personally cap tured a young confederate named James Gordon, for whom he took quite a fence before the fortunes of peace decreed their separation. Oa the thirtieth aa aiversary of Lee't turrender, April 9, ISifti, Russell wts in the Kingsley poet- I office when a stranger, past middle life. i entered and asked if there wat any mail i for Jamet Gordon. Russell recognized i the name and voice in a moment and hi han.i on th atrapirer'a ;h0(jlder tjk(J. ,.;vr, yoa ,B lfc. Coo(e,ir.t, ,rmyr. ..X n.! h. I!nr, on ,nr. , ,... ..n- ,k pnstjner?" "I was." "Po you remeni- ber th name of the Union soldier who cap'.nrel you?" "I d. It was John W. Russell." "Well, I am that man," aid Mr. Rasaeii, and the two men. as if bv one impulse, threw their arms around etch other's neck as i wept like children. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that tbe part nership heretofore evstirg tetwtea A. Michael, P. Surad and P. Periuian. in tf e Ureal Jiort hera t urnitnre Stora, is this d iv diived by mutual g-eernnt, Mr. A. M c'.ael retiring fr ai the finu. Messrs. P. ?ard and P. wi.t odious t?.e tisines cader the above name of the ireat ortt.ern Famirure St .re. acd wiil assume all liabilities el the arm and collect and receipt for ail debts due the firm, both in The Palle and Portland, Oregon. Tbe Pa.lts, Pec. 4. P. FlRLMlX. A. M;cnn., ti-i P. Sr-xta, If voa bave dacdraff, your hair is fallir.g'out. Use Coccaaat Cream. For ale at Fraz;r' barber shop. nO-Ina We recocimeTd iAze.l's fer'oaie. Try it. M. Z. P)r a?!!. IS dlw Remember tbat Cocoa nat Cream Tonic ill jromo'e growth of ha'r. Char e. Frazer, sole agent. tO-Iax