The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 19, 1900, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Gbrotriele.
AdtertUlug Mataa.
1 PertncK
Otelnchor leia iu Daily ft SO
i er two Inches unit u inter four Inches 1 U0
nra lnjr tuche siid uuticr twelve Inches. . 7
Oini V-ru've luetic 4
eV w,eh t less. i?r Inch I- .V)
Ove one inch and iimler four inchea ... t
Otci lnur inches mid under twelve inchea. . 1 M
Over twelve iuctitsi ... 1
Corbett has already secured Lis
apartments at Salem in view of the
senatorial election. His sack is being
fi'.led and tie vultures will soon be
on the ground to get their rations.
Baker City Democrat.
This is the season (when the sena
torial election approaches) that the
average republican journalist finds
much merit in lion. II. AW Corbett,
the benevolent Portland banker.
Jacksonville Times.
1'be Oregon legislature will meet
in January. An election of a United
States senator is booked. Every
little "Jim Crow" politician in the
state is preparing to hie himself
thither and pick up the crumbs that
will fall from Corbett's table, who is
billed ns the "big Injun" with the
dough. Baker City Democrat.
The query is often put forth, "will
the republicans hold a caucus for the
nomination of a candidate for U. S.
senator at the coming session of the
legislature?" Most assuredly yes;
this is one of the principles advocated
by the republican party. But in this
caucus there should be no secret
billot, in justice to many members
who compose the body. Every man
is presumed to be honest, and in
these days when there is suspicion of
bribery and bartering of votes there
is but one way for a man to clear
himself of suspicion and that is vot
ing openly and unequivocally by aye
and nay. McMinnvillc Transcript.
As the time for the convening ot
the legislature approaches, the sena
torial contest waxes warmer, and the
relative strength of the several can
didates becomes a common topic of
conversation dividing honors equal
ly with "the weather." The Coibett
forces, led by the Oregonian, are
sparing no effort to insure Mr. Cor
bett's election, but frequent embar
rassing allusions are made through
out the state to the "hold-up" of the
legislature in 1897, and the people
do not seem to forget it as readily
as might be wished by Mr. Corbett's
friends; for Mr. Corbett and his
aides get full credit for the "hold
up," and no doubt deservedly. In
the meantime Senator McBride is on
duty at the national capital, having
reached there the evening of the
opening day, His political enemies
c barge him wiui being a weak man
to represent the great state of Oregon
in the United States senate, and yet
his colleague, and the "ring" of
which the latter is the head and front,
evidently consider Mr. McBride of
sufficient force to guard Oregon's
interests in that august body at this
time, or, if we believe the other
alternative, they consider the success
of the "ring" of paramouct im
portance to the presence of their able
lieutenant at his post of duty. Sen
ator McBride bas given the state
faithful and efficient service, and his
re-election would give greater satis
faction to the masses of the people
throughout the state than that of
any other candidate now in the
field. Antelope Herald.
The Oregonian discovers in "a
simultaneous outbreak from several
newspapers in the state on the sub
ject of the customruy republican
party caucus for the senatorial nom
ination" the first ripple of unpleas
antness in a hitherto peaceful contest.
The bone of contention, ns the Ore
gonian puts it, is over a proposal in
the interests of McBride that the
vote in caucus lie viva voce, instead
of by secret ballot ns heretofore.
The basis of the demand lies, not
exactly ns the Oregonian puts it, "in
the suspicion of the McBride forces
that some of their men have been
captured by the opposition," but
rather in llio tad that Lorbett una a
wcli nilcd sack and, judging by the
past, very wary believe that be will
not hesitate to place its contents
where they will do the most good.
The Oregonian is kind enough to
ask that the bone of contention be
recognized and that the fight for the
senatorsbip be conducted dignitiedly
and in good temper. This is ex
cellent advice and we devoutly
hope that it will be adopted. There
is notLing unreasonable in the de
mand of McBnde's friends. It is
wholly in the interest of clean poli
tics. No honest man ought to be
tshanued to make an open avowal of
his preference. If there is to be a
caucus by all means let each member
of the legislature have a chance to
declaie openly where he stands. In
this way very much can be done to
allav susnicions that are bound to!
j ,
arise in a secret caucus.
Senator Frye is responsible for the
statement that, taking 14-knot ships
up to 22 knot, inclusive, in the whole
world outside of the United States
there are only six today which are
not running under subsidies from
the governments whose flag they
carry. And these are the ships with
which we are oblige! to compete
with our American steamships, in
addition to the "higher cost of build
ing and running them. Great Britain
pays annual subsidies to this class of
vessels amounting to $5,8")5,000,
Germany $1,894,000, France 7,532,
000, Italy 12,185,000, Russia 11,
371,000, Austria-Hungary 1,724,
000, Spain $1,629,000, Japan 3,
492,000, and Portugal, the Nether
lands, Norway, Sweden and Denmark
lesser sums, making a grand total of
$20,355,041. The proposition known
as the ship subsidy bill now Oefore
congress, so far from being unwar
rantable, therefore, is a mere com
pliance with an ordinary maritime
custom that has prevailed in other
countries for years. Under the con
ditions that prevail in this country
it resolves itself into a question
whether we shall do our own foreign
shipping or pay half a million every
day to other people to do it for us.
The Salem Journal says: "The
battle for the Oregon senatorship to
succeed McBride is taking form, and
suites of rooms are already engaged
at Hotel Willamette for at least three
aspirants, and for twenty days on
and after Friday, January 11th.
The legislature meets on Monday
the 14lh." The Journal adds that
Ex -Senator Corbett will be there
and will take personal charge of bis
candidacy. Nothing is said about
the sack, but it is presumed that will
be there, too. The assurance of the
Journal that Mr. Corbett will "make
an open fight for the honor and cast
aside all the manipulating and secret
methods of the past," would be en
couraging if we did not know that
there is not a word of truth in it.
Judge Tuft confirms the view that
the insurgents in the Philippines are
now meiely ladrones and brigands.
He calls the insurrection "a con
spiracy of murder, threats and as
sassination by a small number of
Filipinos in arms against their own
people." The United States is per
forming a great work of benevolence
in the islands.
The Globe-Demociat laments that
the prospective war between Portu
gal and Holland will not last long
enough for Carl Schurz to ascertain
which side he ought to be on in
order to be inconsistent.
Our trade with new possessions
and with Cuba bas run up to $50.
000,000 a year, or three times what
it was in 1897. It will be far in the
hundreds of millions ten years hence.
The Presbyterians arc endeavor
ing to make some improvement in
their creed and it is pen ineptly sug
gested that here is a hint for the
democratic p'uty.
The indications are thiti the army
canteen will give way to the half
pint fluak f.fc'l the bootlegger.
The bill to reduce the war tax bas
passed the bouse and will pass the
senate in the near future and become
a law 30 days after its passage. It
is prcoable that the bill will become
a law before the end of January.
The following summary of the pro
posed changes will bo of interest to
many readers of The Ciikoxkxe:
Commercial brokers Tax of $20
Custom house brokers Tax of
$10 rescinded.
Theaters, etc. Tax of $100 re
moved. Circuses, etc. Tax of $100 canceled.
Exhibitions, etc. Tax of 10
Bank checks, drafts, deposit cer
tiflcates, etc. Tax revoked.
Bills of exchange, inland and
foreign Tax annulled.
Bills of ladinz. etc. Tax of 10
cents repealed.
Telephone messages Tax rescind
Bonds Tax 50 cents, repealed.
Certificates for marine purposes
Tax 25 cents, revoked.
Certificates of leal nature Tax
10 cents, cancelled.
Charter contracts for shipping
Tax removed.
Contracts for brokerage Tax 10
cents, repealed.
Dispatches, telegraphic Tax 1
cent, rescinded.
Insurance, life policies Tax re
voked. Insurance, marine Tax cancelled.
Leases, agreements for rent, etc.
Tav removed.
Manifests for custom house entry
or clearance Tax cancelled.
Mortgages, pledges of realty or
personality Tax rescinded.
Passage tickets by vessels to for
eign ports Tax removed.
Power of attorney, proxies, etc.
Tax 10 cents, repealed.
Protest for notes, checks, drafts,
etc Tax 25 cents, rescinded.
Warehouse receipts for storage,
etc. Tax 25 cents, annulled.
Beer Tax reduced from $1 a
barrel, less 74. per cent, to 20 per
cent, making a net reduction of 25
cents a barrel.
Cigars Tax $3.C0 per 1000 re-
duced to $3 per 1000.
Proprietary articles, patent medi
cines, etc. Tax rescinded.
Th Boy W ith Ihm pd.
S i weight ol ases bow. htm down.
Thai brtf't ty with tiosjers brown,
There t.ottiitiw empty iu hl face,
No burdens ot the biimuu rao
Are on bit back ; nor 1 be dead
To joy or sorrow, b or dread.
Kor be can grieve and he can hope,
tau shrink with all bin loul Iroiu soap.
No brother to the ox b he,
lie 1 second cousin to the bee:
He loosens and let down hi jaw -And
brinies it up hu-um to "chaw.
'1 h re naiiKht but sweat upon hi brow,
Ti slanted forward omewhat now.
Jliseves are bright with ea:e lilit,
Ile a working with an aptite.
Ah, no! That boy is not alraid
To wield wilhail his strength bin spudc.
OnioD Historical Society Start
Mmreiuent-Meatioc ortho Society
la I'ortland.
deeds, etc. Tax
A l'lucky Klickitat Lady,
There's a plucky woman living over
on the old Short place, across the river,
which is now owned by Mr. Harris, one
of the big men of the portage road com
pany. Officers ot the law, armed with
writs of execution, have invaded that
country for weeks and packed every
thing lying around loose that belonged
to any one remotely related ts the port
age road. Two or three days ago a
justice of the peace, constable and a
con pie of other able-bodied Klickitaters
went to the Harris ranch and, exhibit
ing a writ of attachment, demanded
possession of tome half a dozen cows
that Mr. Harris' caretaker had driven
into the barn before going afield to
work. The demand wae made of the
caretaker's wife and the plucky little
woman, instead of opening the barn
door to the invaders, excused herself
ior a nionent while she stepped inside
the house and, returning with a loadetl
Winchester in her hand, addressed the
four men in these words: "You see
this gun? Well she's loaded for bear
and I know how to shoot. You see that
road that leads back to where you came
from. Now you hit it, and hit it quick."
It is said one of the men threw up his
hands and whined: "Don't shoot. I
didn't come here for any trouble," but
this is probably not true. It is true,
however, that the inen hit the road in
short order and ti.e woman etill has her
Moutliern California.
Notable Among the pleasures afforded
by the Shasta Route is the winter trip
to Southern California and Arizona.
Renewed acquaintance with this section
will ever develop fresh points of interest
added sources of enjoyment, under its
At the annual meeting of the Oregon
Historical Society, which conventd in
Portland last Saturday, a resolution was
adopted pledging the society to erect
during the year 1905, on the site of Fort
Clatsop, an imposing and enduring
monument in memory of tiie Lewie and
Clark expedition and of the brave men
who accompanied it. In connection
with the erection and dedication of this
monument the society recommends the
holding of a Northwest Industrial Ex
positiod at Portland.' Governor Geer is
asked to enbmit to the approaching ses
sion of the legislature this action on the
part of the society, and to urge upon
that body a cordial an effective support
of the movement contemplated. The
governor is also requested to transmit to
the governors of the states of Washing
ton, Idaho,' Montana and Wyoming,
which were comprised in whole or in
part in the "Oregon Country," a copy
of the resolution with an invitation to
the people of these states to participate
in the objects set forth in the resolutions.
The secretary of the, society is asked
to communicate to the eenaton snd
representatives in cougress from Oregon
and the other slates above-named this
action of the sce'ety and solicit their
advocacy of such congressional aid in
the accomplishment of the purposes
above set forth as may he available.
Not the least interesting part of the
exercises of the day teems to have been
the reading of a paper by Mrs. E. M.
Wilson, of' this eity, of which the fol
lowing is the account given in the Ore-
gouian :
"Mrs. Elizabeth M. Wilson, of The
Dalles, presented a narrative of her
personal experiences in coming to Ore
gon, she told of the great interest of
her father and herself in the Oregon
country, and how they bad read every
thing that had been published on the
subject, and were ready, eager ' to come
here when the opportunity arrived.
Mrs. Wilson's paper was largely com
posed of notes of her trip from- New
York to Oregon by way of the Isthmus
in 1831. She came out as one of a
company of teachers. She toltl her
story charmingly, illuminating it with
an occasional comment and making it a
yivid but not overcolored story. It was
not loaded down with details mechanic
ally told, but was sketchy and displayed
discriminating judgment as well as good
The following list of the Wasco county
members of this society may te of
interest to readers of Tnic Chronicle :
Dr. W L Adams, George U Blakeley,
Samuel F Blythe, P F Bradford, S L
lirooks, Mrs Annie Pentland Brooks,
A S Blowers, Alfred S Bennett,- Mrs W
Lord, Mrs Mary Varney Lang, J P
Lucas, B S Huntington, John Leland
Henderson, R F Gibor.s, Dr J A Geisen
dorffer, Mrs Bell Cooper Rinehart Fer
guson, J W French, D M French, E B
Dufur, Mrs Camila Thompson Donnell,
Mrs Luln Donnell Crandall, George F
Crowell, T R Coon, Robert Mays, Mrs
Olivia Wallace Morgan, 'A F Moody,
Malcolm A Moody, George T Prather,
E L Smith, O L Stranahan, Dr D Sid
dall, Dr J F Watt, Mrs Elizabeth M
Wilson, William Penn Watson.
A Kellahle linn.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has bem
" . "K'minre or
, - and has been made under his per.
s S.Z-frfTrZ,, 8011111 supervision since Its uifw"
MSW&C&1'. AllownoonetodwciveyouintS
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good "are but
Experim?uts that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Caster Oil, Pare,
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant, it
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nun-otic
Mibstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, rear-dates the
Stomach and "Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep,
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
John C. Freund, editor of Music Trade,
gives a hint to piano purchasers :
"I.udwin A Co., a popular and pro
greesiva firm, both members of which
John II. Ludwlg and CharUs A. Ericsson
are practical piano-makers, familiar
with all the branches of piano building,
and give their personal attention to the
supervision of the factory, enjoy the
reputation of making firft-clus instru
ments. Capacity of factory and actual
out-put, 2,500 pianos yearly. This firm
has a modern and up-to-date plant,
equipped in a first cla9 manner. Make
their own cases. Tliuir pianos ara at
tractive in design, wl-II nmt o.risi-icii.
tiously made of tne beet selecird ma
terials, and are o! superior wnrkmannhip.
The firm eiijoys and di-gnrveg repu
tation of making an excellent piano of
poweiful and brilliant toni (piality.
Monday's Daily.
Sheriff Kelly went to Mosier this af
ternoon on business.
W. II. Moore, the Moro banker, wag
in town last night, tiie guest of the
Umatilla House.
D. S. Dufur went to Moro today to su
perintendent the placing of two of his
patent closets in one of the hotels at
that place.
Mayor E. B. Dufur left Saturday to
look after his mining interests iu South
ern Oregon. He does not expect to
come back here until February.
Acting Postmaster F. S. Fisher, Mfss
uawson, delivery clerk. Jutle K. Mays
and Attorney VV. H, Wileon have goiio
to roruami as witnesses in the li. II,
Hiddell case, which was to come no for
hearing in the federal court at that place
Tuesday' Daliy,
Dr. llollister arrived here today on
the noon train.
W. H. H. Dufur, George Dnfnr and
W. II. Staats were in town today from
Chicken iice Coiiprei
Carbolineum : Avenarius.
The most efficient Wood Prcmini
l'Hllit, aliwi a Kadieal Keininlv tgilM
Chicken He. lis aiilleation win
Bide si U of imiiHry house will pet.
manently exterminate ml lire. St
milts healthy chickens, pent of
evg. W rite, fur eirculara and print
Mention thin paner.
Jos.T. Peters & Co.,
Thursday, Dec. 13, at 8:30 p. rn.,
Chas. Denton, son of Chas. W. Denton,
a pioneer settler nf Mill Creek, at the
age ol 34 years. The cause of death was
typhoid fever, following a severe attack
of the grippe. The deceased leaves a
wife and one child.
If you intend to take a trip East, ask
your ticket agent to route you via The
Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date
railroad in every particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
and New England points. All trains
run via Niagara Palls and every through
train has tree reclining chair cars, sleep
ing and dining cars.
Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agara Falls. Ross C. Cus,
Pacific Coast I'as. Agt
I-oa Alleles, Calif.
C. S. Cuank, i. p. A., St. Louis, Mo.
Come in and see the latist in art.
Cheaper than ever. Geo. C. Blakelev.
Subscribj f ir The Ciiuonrxk.
T. A. Van Norden
Keepa cunstoiitly on hand a lante id1 virM
line of all that ii heat in Watch, Jertirr.
f:locka, Hpectaclea, Field f;ise,Silvenri,
at prleca that dely competition. Mail ordered
tenth to with promptness and dispatth. k
f raving iiently done. "f3
Undertaker and Embalm
Cor. Third and Washington St.
All orders attended in promptly. h"
distance phone -t:3. Local,
J. r. cob. jomm
M00RK & G.WLV,
Kooma&i and 4o.over 0. s. Uih1TO
Physician and Surceon,
Special attention Riven to'UitfT-
el.ti-. Booms 21 aud :?.
Voei "xl
I lor tho next
tier the
Kama in urinning .VUchmerv ever ntlVred in the State ol Uret 'n
If vour hair Is dry and dead-like, Co-
. . -ii . ,i ....... r ,1.,. . .:.. , t n.t...
coanut iream ionic win give ii me inn ...y . ..,,.,.....,.;,, ,i,n,iin.,,fii.. i.t.,i..
luster. It is pronounced the finest tries, in its prolific vegetation and among i T. .,,,., . , .
mnnrfdin i n
j wherever It is sold. At NickeUe
iinint aiuro you enn any (lie litl I r
Their ins-trumenlsare e.,, all over the1?,. '"""'""ng waeiunnrv ever otleretl in the Mateoi ureo. " jt i.
United States l,v re, ,,.ltl I . fr,ner to have, , Star Kep-I Mill, beiuart it will h-lp to l-v v-mr ,;l(,pt
Ln.te.I . lat.s I re,,191t,B d-alera Mve y0 (llne ; it will m,k., yo-ir old horan fa.ter; it will plea
who find them salable pianos, on which j "acked grain for her chirkena ; and this is a sure way of getting ' !".- ? j (;0T
they can thoroughly rely, rinanrial j.'"r " "r P'fTtivf ly koiii to close out the mills now on hnti.l a' A 1 J ' T01W
: A chanao in tlm t ..,.1. ... .1. ten, I nrlJV is tll'l tl"01
at Frazer's
tonic on earth. Can he ha
barber shop, awent.
For Hale.
Eastern Oregon timothy hay, f 15 per
ton, f. o. b. The Iullea. Extern Ore
gon wild hay, 1:1.50 in car lots.
Mc Ci r.LV & Cavi.ou,
La Grande, Or.
Money to Loaa.
Five hundred dollars to loan cn real
estate. No commission. Apply at this
office. n21 ilw
its nnmberleas resorts
slure, valley ami plain.
The two daily Shauta drains from
I'ortland to California tiave been re
cently equipped with the moft approved
pattern of standard an'l tourist sleeping
cars, but the low rates of fare will still
continue in effect.
Illustrated guides to the winter resorts
of California ami Arizona may be had
cn application to
C. II. Mahkiiam.U. P. A.,
I'ortland, Oregon.
A change in the liiisirit-i r imi.Bl. ,. tn .hi thia. ami no i
reap the benefit. For further particulars inquire or write t j
For Infant! and Children.
Ik Kind Yea Have Always Bought
Bears tha V '
SlguMur of (-f&Z&V
HUDSOfl & BROWNHILL. The Dalles. Oregon-