The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 15, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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Talktd am tha B-absldy Bill.
Washington, Dec. 13. Senator Hanna
wi oiio of tbe attractions of the senate
this morning, because cf tils speech
favoring tha ship-subsidy bill, while the
Clark senatorial question anJ tb British
treaty wera added features, and, conse
quently, the galleries were crowded.
Senator Money offered a resolution
directing the president to open negotia
tions with Great Britain for abrogation
of the Clayton-Bulwer treat. It was
laid on the table.
Senator Hanna began his speech, citing
the case of lake marine growth as an
example of what had been achieved. He
declared what was true of the commerce
Hanna further said he did not propose
to run away from the tongue of slander
or the imputations of improper motive
in connection with theship subsidy bill
made by some of the opponents of the
measure. There are many people favor'
able to tbe upbuilding of tho merchant
marine, but they have been misled and
influenced by the misrepresentations ap
!arently wilfully made. Tbe passage of
this bill declared Hanna, will create in
five years moreofaBhlp capacity than
we baye now in all our yards. Hanna
completed bis speech at 2 o'clock, and
the senate went Into executive session.
In the house the holiday recess was fixed
fro an December 21 to January 3.
A Village Jilacksmlth Saved HI! Little
Son' Life.
Mr. H. II . Black, the well-known
blacksmith at Grahamsville, Sullivan
Co.,N. Y., says: "Our little son, five
years old, has always been subject to
croup, and so bad have the attacks been
that we have feared many times that he
would die. We have hi the doctor and
u-ied many medicines, but Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance
it Beams io dissolve cue ion an mucus
and by giving frequent doses when the
the croupy symptoms appear we have
found that the dreaded croup is cured
o;iore ii gets seined. itieie is no
dinger in giving this remedy for it con
tains no opium or other injurious drug
and rr.ay be given as confidently to a
habeas loan adult. For sale be Ulakeley,
the druggist.
Mu.t Show Cause,, Wash., Dec. 13. A writ of
mandamus has been issued by Judge
T.iun, directing Gov. John Ii. Holers to
show cause on January 4th next hy he
should not fill the vacancies on the state
capltol commission and proceed to sell
the lands, 30,000 acres, granted by the
United States, ar.d issue warrants for
the completion of the capitol building at
Olynipia, in accordance with the con
tract awarded to Fenton II. Gobs, of
Tdcoma, in lS!i(i, for f 322,931. Gobs be
gaii work and completed the basement.
He claims damages in tho sum of $200,
000. The mandto also includes Robert
Bridges, land commissioner; Frank J.
irowne, superintendent of public in
etruction ; William D. Jenkitu, secre
tary of state, and Xeal Cheatham, state
Million, tilvco Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to iilmt of one concern in the land who
are not afraid to be generous to the
needy and suffering, The proprietors
of Dr. King's New Discovery for con
sumption, coughs and colds, have given
away over ten million trial bottles of this
great medicine; and have the satisfac
tion of knowing it has absolutely cured
thousands ofj hopeleBS cases. Asthma,
bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases
of the throat, chest and lungs are surely
cared by it, Call on Blnkeley, the
Druggist, and get free trial bottle.
Regular size 50c. and $1. Every battle
guaranteed, or price refunded. 3
' Senata Adopt tlia Treaty Amendment.
Washington, Dec. 13. The senate
adopted the foreign relations committee
amendment to the ' Hav Pauncefote
treaty by a vote of 65 to 17. .
The senate continued its discussion of
the Hay Pauncefote treaty before taking
a vote on the foreign relations commit
tee amendment at 3 o'clock. The doors
were closed at 2:05 p. in., and Immedi
ately thereafter Senator Elkins took the
floor. He advocated the amendment
and said he thought it should be even
much stronger in its provision for the
defense of the proposed canal than it is.
sides having In its benefit fund I30.0CO.
Tbe grand banker it Mrs. Judge Hurley,
of Portland, who is custodian of the
funds. The Women of Woodcraft Is the
auxiliary to the Woodmen of the World,
Pacific Jurisdiction, while the Woodmen
Circle is the auxiliary of the sovereign
jurisdiction, Woodmen of the World.
Tnis woman's order, Women of Wood
craft, has paid all death losses, amount
ing to over $130,000. A soldier, who is
benefit member, while performing his
duty for his country does not go sus
pealed in the Women cf Woodcraft, but
his dues and assessments are paid by the
circle upon whose roster his name is,
aod if be dies while serving bit country,
his loved ones receive bis benefiniary,
besides f 100 for funeral expenses. It is
patriotic, as well as fraternal order.
I Tne local order expects the grand guard-
Un, Mrs. C. C. VanOrsdall, to visit them
so-n, when a public meeting will be
given. Mrs. VanOrsdall is an eloquent
speaker and talks fraternity straight out.
Dalle "Public School..
Following is the report for the quar
ter (4 weeks) endiug December 7, ;i900.
, w; awl 271
....M ft" 4 4i
6 ei 47;
..4tll 4! 40 4.'!
....! 4' :sk!
-JH-UH Ml: 41 :l7i
4H-SB 61 4(4 4.V
4 4 4."
Kant Hill Priinaru.
Miss Clieadle 1 B, 2nd, i 47: 4.S 40
Mis Hubert ...3A. IB and aB 3S 34 :)-',
Court Street.
Mis Ponthit
Mlsi Elton
Mis Thompson
Mis Wren n
Academy Park.
Mini Cooper
Mix Fllnn
Mis. Roche
Minn Dull ,'ith
Mrs.Italdwin ( , ! I
Miss U Kintonl Sth, 7tta, Sib -K3 JU1WI,
Miss T. Klntoul i i I I
MissMichell I '
II. . Department. I I
Miss Tf 111 t , !
Mr. Nell $ II Hi SB 84.
Off to friseol
But before we go every article wo possess, every Piano and
Organ must go. Gilbert & Jones Co., who are to become
our successors in Portland, have not bought a single Piano
or Organ from us. They have paid us a big gum of money
simply to become our successors, for our reputation, for our
cood will, and for our agencies, so as to control hereafter the
sale of the Knabe, llardman, Steck, Fisher, Ludwig and
other Pianos, and under the contract with them we are
obliged to get out of Portland in the very near future so as
to let them operate in the field which we must relinquish.
We have no timo to waste, and have therefore instructed
our Agent,
I. C. NICKELSEN. The Dalles. Oregon,
to close out all Pianos and Organs on hand at a great sacri
fice. -We are now closing up our business preparatory to
our removal to an rrancisco, where will be our headquar
ters hereafter. If you ever intend buying a Piano or Organ
now is the time. Address,
Or Wiley B. Allen Co., The Dalles, Oregon.
Portland, Oregon.
Tl n m f l n I 'w IWOT7t&"iT
U 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 ' ' -.
l auuib jrucrson & Bro
Yellowstone Park Line.
Uaioi Depot, Firm and I Sis,
No. 2.
' Fast mail for Taeoma, ! No.
Seattle, Olympia. Gray hi
Harbor and bouth Bend i
i point, Spokane,
and. B. C. Pullman.
Mowow, Lewikton, Bui-
11:15 A.M. faloHuinp milling coun-, S;M P. M.
try, Helena, Uinucupo
lis, he. Paul, Omaha,!
Kansas City, St. Louis, j
Chicago and ail points!
No. 4. east and southeast, I No. 3.
l'uget Sound Express:
11;30 P. M. (or Taeoma and .Seattle i 7:00 A. M.
Number of days of school, 18.
Per cent uf attendance on number be
longing, 92.
School holiday's, Thunlcsginlug and
Friday following.
J. S. Lavdkrs,
Queen I.ilinokalanl 111.
New Yoiik, Dec. 13 An afternoon
paper hero announces that former Queen
Lilinokalani is critically ill, at the
Freabyterian hospital, this city with
typhoid fever. Inquiry at the hospital
brings a denial that such a patient is
there. The story alleges she came from
Washington on the first of the month
and was admitted as a private patient.
flayed flat.
Dull Headache, Tains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pi', of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, r cverisliness,
Pimples or .Sores are ali positive eviden
ces of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
"Kleur has never failed tccure Scrofulous
or ?Tphiliiic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee, Llakelry, the drtijf-
The Women of Woodcraft, which
sprang from the Woodmen Circle in
lt'i" with tut reven mpmbero, has 2.),
0(41, nearly all carrying beneficiary pro
tection. It carries a reserve fund, be-
llravn Men Sail
Victims to etomacb, liver and kidney
troubles as well as women, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poisons In
the blood, backache, nervousness, head
ache and tired, listless, run-down feel
ing. Bat there's no need to feel like
that. Listen to J. W. Gardner. Idavillo.
nd. He says: "Electric Bitters are
just the thing for a man when he is all
run down, and don't care whether he
l: j?,. t. .i.i
uycs ur uibs, ir, rr.cuo iu give me
new strength and good appetite than
anything I could take. I can now eat
anything and have a new lease on life."
Only 50 cents, at Blakeley's drug store.
Every bottle guaranteed.
Statehood of Arizona.
Los Axgki.ks, Ca!., Dec. 13. A stronir
fight is to be made In congress for the
admission of Arizona as a state. It has
been tbe understanding with politicians
that when the territory would ehct a
republican delegate to congress, thereby
showing that there was little likelihood
of adding two democrats to the eer-ate,
that statehood would be conferred on
the territory. That has now been done
by a large majority. The citiz;ns of
Arizona no longer go about the towns
loaded down with shooting irons, and all
tbe implements which marked the semi
barbarism of tbe territory a dozen years
ago have been relegated to the paBt.
Tbe increaso In population has been re
markable, while its agricultural, mining
find stock industries all seem to warrant
the placing of the territory on a footing
of equality with other portions of the
countty where civilization has been per
manently established.
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Nexl door to First National Bank.
t Phone 234,
r ,;r i .Vi .. t . Ti3:
and intermediate poiuu
Pullman first -el and tour! it sleeper to
Minneapolis, bt. Paul ana Missouri, river points
without cnange.
Yastibuled trains. I'ulon depot connection
in an principal cine.
Baggage checked tn destination of tickets.
For tjandMiraety illimtateride.tcriptiveinatter,
tieketa, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on ur
Assistant (ieneral Passenger Agent, 'iVt Morrt
sou Street, corner Third, Portland Oregon.
SOUTH and EAST via
n Pacific Co
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and waj
I Htatioii8 at -i.ij a. m. and 3 p. m.
Leavo Portland
" Albany
Arrive Ashlnnd
" Sacramento
" bau hrauuisco .
8 I- -i.-' "
R Str. Regulator
a, , , I
Steamers of th Regulator Line will run as per the fol schedule, the Company reserving the right to chaiifce
schedule without notice.
B, I v. Kalle
5 at 7 a. H.
jj' Tuesday
S. Thursday
fi Saturday
t- Arr. Portland
! at i:MJ. M.
Ship your
. Pnrfl:iml
H' 7 A. M. I
. . . . Monday J
. eunesnay !
Arr: oan?, Regulator Line.
a jr.". I .
Str. Dalles City.
I.v. Untie
at 7 a. h.
Wednesday... .
Arr. Portland
at !:.) r. M.
Lv . Portland
at 7:011 A. M.
Arr. Iialle's
at 5 T. U
"I have psed Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find
it to be a great medicine," says Mr. E.
S. Phipps, of Foteau, Ark. "It cured
me of bloody flu. I cannot speak too
highly of it." This remedy always wins
the good opinion, if not praire, of those
who use it. The quick cures which it
effects even In the most severe cases
mako it a favoraite evoiywhere. For
sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
To Vtliom It May Ci.mein.
Travel by the Steamers of the Regulator Line. The fompnnv will endeavor to give it pat
rons the best seivice possible. For further information sddress
Portland Office, Oak Street Dock.
W. C. ALLAWAY. Gen. Agt.
. .. 8:fa m
...12. 30 a m
...12:3.'! a m
. .. ;V(i0 p m
. 7:li p m
Arrive Ogdon
" Innver
" Kansas City.
" Chicago
54i a rn
. :00 a m
7: Jj a m
7:4'i u in
Arrive Is Angeles 1 :Jfl p m
' 1U Pnso fi:ijo p m
" Fort Worth (j:,'ji)ain
" City of Mexico '.i: iam
" Houston 4 :00 a ill
" New Orleans fi:.'jam
" Washlngtou c. 42 a in
" New York lL': iapm
7:0n p m
10:50 p m
1!:? m
4::i't a m
8:10 a in
11 MS a m
'j Mm m
7:2S a m
J::I a m
S:ii p m
; :x a m
il r.V, a In
4:110 a in
li: i p m
ii'4'i a in
12 '4.1 p m
i'ullnin:i and Tourist cars on both trains
Chiiireurs Sacramento to Ogdcn nnd El Paso,
and tourist earn to ( iiicngo, rit lxmis, New tr
leans uud Washington.
Real Estate,
Insurance, Loans,
Conveyancing and
We represent some of the Ur,i e
instirance companies in the world!
We have a large list of nronen. ,
city and country, for sale ZaT,l '' to
We have money to loan on real i.,
security at reasonable rate, of int?resi!
We do all kinds of convevan. in .
are the exclusive owner, iJ'Zl'i Irt
tem of abstracting, which preclude,
possibility of mistakes in look
title, to real estate. nP
Any one having property for -rent
w 11 find it to Wir ad .n
leave it in our hands. 10
Collection, and all legal bu.lnewlrfi
n our care will receive prompt tea
ion. Will practice in .11 thecoarUo
.nlwer: P-K
F.effiche4cl",8,iin8t0n 8treet'
At Public Auction
Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1900
At 10 O'clock A. M.
All the persoual property of the estate cf
f riuy tv decea8ed- ' tlie Pmiwo
8-Mile, Wasco county, consisting 0(
fanninir Mill. Grain Drill u..j"
Gang and Walking Plows, S si-ts H.r.'
C l,.,.l II , . . '
.or, u, nurnep, i neaa ot Cattle
a Wagon and Hamea m..i :.l
Tools, He. nmu
For futther particulars, rail on .a
dress VV. J. HARRIMAN, Adinlnistn.
tor, hudersby, Oregon.
steamship lines for Honolulu
at Kan Francisco with several
oliolii ii. Jin.tin. f'hhift
i-ninjpiiios, central and Month Aintiica.
See ngont at The Dalles stutlon, or addrcs
General Passenger Ageut, Firt.and, Or
Of tbe product of this well-know n brewery the United States Health
Reports for Jnne 28. 19()0, says: "A more superior brew never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of
the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be nsed with the grestest benefit and satisfaction bv old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed bv the physicians with
tbe cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
ONE FOR A DOSC. Fill t frt
nia Pimpl,.,, Pr-rent 11 I
h tnUl, druk-guu.. US. UdSAIiia
r full I.... ...
ausAima co. pmh i-a
Lisa OrFK i at Th, Or.,
. Dweinber 10, V., 1
.Nonce Is hereby given that the following-
" hit nan men notice oi mm intention
to lrake linal tir'iof In tnrtTMirr nt hi iuim nni
that snid proof will be niadebclom the r'ifister
tin rt..4L-u. ufr Tk. I...II.U. . v 1
. . p. ... ,,,c I'niirn, ZirilII, tU BlUtir-
Crest Olilegachlager,
oi ine naiies, Oregon. II. K. No. -,hm for Ihe
i? -1J?' 1 W BW14 Si-e. 111, T. 2 N., K. IS
r.., . ai
He names the following witnesses to iirove
his coiitinnons residence uiion and cultivation
of said iHnd, :
Jacob Whittle, Jacob (ihlegj-chlagcr, Abla Y
Marsh, Terry Vancmiip, all cf The I 'alien, Oregon.
decll JAY
V. I.UCA8, kegister.
It having come to my knowledge that
parties, presumalily Interested, are
claiming that when I sold out my retail
interest at 173, Second street, French',
block, I contracted to not open any re
tail business in the city of Tho Di:les.
I beg to say that I sold my right not to
open any retail business between Fed
eral and W'ashing'on streets, on Second
street, and have and intend to conform
to my contract. My place at the Bunk
Cafe is In no sense in violation of the
dl-tf C. J. Sti hmm;.
For Infant! and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bsught
Slsuature ot
Retiring from Business.
Closing otit my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at mn'ch lees than wholesale
prices. U ill sell in bulk or in lots, or any nay to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson', ftlove-6ttir,a Cornets
am' P.iitterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure
Corner Second and Coiyt Sts.
In the County Court of the Htate of Oregon-
Notice is hereby given that Ihe undersigned,
R. E. tialtmarsh', administrator with the will
annexed of the eaUte of Jonathan
ceased, has tiled his linal account In said estate
In the county court of said V.'asno Countv, Ore
gnu, and said court hax, by an order dated the
11th day of Iicceinber, l ino, amwiluti-d l inns,
dar. tl e Huh iinv nf iu.,.. V.,i .......
of i o cha k in the afternoon of said dav, as the
II no-sod the county court room in the court
houo at Dalles ity, Oregnn, s the place, lor
the hearing of said flnal account and of the o
! jet-lions thereto, If any there lie. All heirs
j creditor and other p'-rsons Interests! in said
I estate, are hereby iiotlllcd and n-iulrpd to ..r...
sentand llle their obi-eilons to said account if
any they, on or b-fore the time si t for the
hearing thereof as afoiesiitd.
Administrator with the will anm xcl of the
estate of Jonathan Jackson, deceased. dia ,'it
Notice is hmcny given tint the undersigned
has duly tiled Kltli the County Clerk of rt as. o
V"',"V' Oregon, his final aciimnt and report as
administrator of the estate of 4dolph Agldlus
deceased, and that ihe llonouhle Countv t .iurt
ha. ilx.d 1ond,i,theoth day of November, I'mo,
at lO oebs a . ,. ,. of said d-.y as the time and
the County ( ourt room of the I utility ourt
house in liallescity, Wa-o ( ounly, Oregon, a"
he place fr baring . sid llu.l account, .1 r"
port. All tursons Inli.r. i.. ...i.i iiolilhd toap,a-ar.t ..Idt'ime and pl,"-e
General Mill Work
Hansen &.T(iomsen
Mniiufactim rs nd Denlers In
Sash and Doors, Rustic, Flooring,
. Pine Lumber, Mouldings, Etc.
Of All Kinds
Third Street. The Dalles, Oregon.
Sheriffs Sale.
: approved and said
Mhoiil-.l not b
llliU-d this 5th day of October, pmo.
lcc;!;r,',,'1t ,h'' ',,",e"'''Adof,!l',Agldfus.
small red cow, about 7 rear,
f.ot A
o'd, branded V on each hip. with ,a!
low-fork in right ear. Ouyrlit to bare a
cal( about 5 months old. I will pay ft
lor snch information as will lead to tiieir
recovery. Tiieodokk Mu.t sr,
At Ward A Kjbcrtson, ,table, The
Dalles. di"-4tw
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Crandall 5 Burget
The Dalles, Or.
. ."n7, '', '"'"VS-lven that the nnd. ;.,
isitnlor of ti.e nl of Andrew V. Anderson
hss filed his II,.' accomVt ,
county court of the Male ot ore,,,
ami Mild court has nppointwt l,,n.lav
my "i . aiiuary, 1'su, hi Ihe ,lir , ,
. In . ns Die ti...u r... i,,d ihe sell .71
, , t.r p,.r,M. i,,,,.,'',...,'',.''
I (lie till r
il.iv ...t f - ..... '.', un
lialle.1 liv v. 1 . uiereoi.
J ., SSI
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor
Wasco County.
Joseph I'aqiiet, Plaintiff,
F. X. Faqliet audO. L. Paquct, Defendants.
By virtue of an attachment, execution, derris
and order of sale, duly issued out ol and under
the scut id the Circuit Court of the .-Suite of
Oiegon.lor the County of Multnomah, to me
dl routed and dated the 24th day of November,
lism, upon n Judgment rendered and entcrwl la
said Court on the -Tth dav of January, 1U7, in
the above entitled causa, in fiivoi of the plain
till nnd airalnst the defcniiniits. X Puitirt
nd O. I.. i'aiiiet, as judgment debtors, In Ihe
sum 01 tour n unarm (susij iiollars, Willi tnieresi
thereon from Ibc-Hilli day of September. Ml, t
the rate of eight ia;r cent per aiiiiuin, and Hie
further uin of llio-cii isi.'oiiolliirs. with iuli-n-t
thereon at six per cent per annum from tlie Tth
dnyof .lanuary, IKU7, and the further sum f
thirty one ll) dollars, costs, and the oists of
and ll pi n this writ, and romiitanilMig me to
make sale of the real proiM-rtv hereinslt-T a,'-
snrlbed. I will, on the Hist day of lieieniber,
Him, al the hour of o'clock in the afteinocii m
s ud .ii;;, and at the front disir of the eminty
courthouse In Dalies City, Hasco County, Ore
gon, tell -,t public auction to the biurnut Wd.lM
for cash in band, ali the right, title and lull-rest
which the defendants, f. X. i'a.iuct anil O. 1
I'aunet. or rltner of them, i.s.l on the -.Tthbsy
of January, sn7, the date of the lodgment, or
which such defendants, or any ol the defend
ant herein, have since acquire"!, or now bv
in and to the follow-In descrlls-d real properly,
situate and being in Wasco Countv, Oniroii, to
The tiorthu-est onurt.r t : i.t the norlhwest
quarter i'i) of section two (-'), and the I north
east quarter -'of the northeast quarter (V,
and tho south half of tho nnrthct iisrli-r ('.
of si-ciion three i.i), all In township "-ix ' ""'
of ramie twelve 11') east of the Willamette Meri
dian in Wacu Countv, Oregon, and c.-iitainltiit
one hundrel unit si x't v (liiol acres: iirsnmi"1
of said proi erty a will satisfy said jiidfinenl
and di-eiu-, with costs and accruing costs.
Bald proxrty w ill be s 'd nilrts l to miliums
tlou and rnleinptlon as hv law provided.
DaU'd at The Dalles. i)r., this ith day ol I'e
cunlM-r, l'.l.'O.
d gherlff W asco Couiii) , Own
'otick FoirpunLicA TION-
Land Office at VAnrouvgit, Wh.
ictois-r i'i., l ". t
Notice Is herchy given that the folio "'
named settler has llled iioilce of Ills iiiienii""
Ui make final prisif in supirt of lu clnlni, "
that snid tin if will he made belore W . H. I n
bv, I'. H. coniiiilsioner for Ihe liltw
Washlnrfton, at (,ohlendale. Wash., on Monus;.
iH-ecirber 1U, Hsm, vi.:
ti-ntmm It. Nt. Law renrf ,
of I.vle V. O. Wash., who msde It. K. No.
for the K' i and .' HW U '' -''' 1 1 ' '
I- w- . ,v
lie names th follow ing will ' P""
his lominuoii residence iipoa and ciiM"""
ot said Isud, sr.. :
Ihomas j. hitconih. licorge soreiison
llrndfoid and .Wllilaiu U-alon, all of l.y't
Wsshlnglou. ,
.sll W. R. DC MI A K l:ntit'f
( M.
FINAL isKril.KMK.vr.
f Inhll Ifllllll
! tin- Til,
l.-k a.
lit Ihn tnatler of the estate
VVagenblast, dcceasi d. .
Notice Is hereby given that the ;"'';;''.
the escTiltor of the last will and """"""LVj
John OotUl. b Wiigenblsst. .lecea-ed. lias
his mini acc it In tin- mailer f lllf
o' ,
. V " "inc.- p-roris Inlcrcv
estate are therefore her.-hy re,.,;!,, ,i tl.,,,. ,., ,,, account, ,. , ,
or lyfnnt Hi
, Kxeculnr
!haNiLe',!".M,.'.r::!,.!,.iv:" ,',"t th-
"i'r"ii''i it inn rutin i v t,.,,r ..i
tiH-jdijf rlHlinr. Htrnlnut t'tiH i-Mnr.' nro h
nro hfri-h rs.
an t the Conn IV ( ourt ol tin- Mil"' " '''',.
WaM-oiouniy has s t Motnl,i, in ".,
January, Can, at 111- hour of ioa n. .out
a the Mate f,.r the hearing of Ihe said s i"'
and any obits-lions thereto. , .
.Ii ill N WA'il-Mil A-J'
Kver-ulor of the bi-t will of John '-Olio
W ,'lgellolat, deccilM-d .
xnTrrK ov KIN A L M-MTL
. ., .I..r.i!l
Notice la hrebv gl in thai in1- '.,mf
has hied with lha cleik of Hi" ""i ii ,
theH ileof Oregon, fr w """."'""I'V.,' Helen
a-connt as admlnlstriitor of ihecti 'v ' J ,y
llrsdlonl. ft.-ecase.'. and that l".v 'k .d
i i.i. .i. ..r in i-.-Mih.-r. i 1 ....I
Hiwirvillll. ITIII , ,-rV.
tl,., i un oar oi -----,
lo'irt, Moiiday";;
. place lor tho h"1""
has been lined as the lime
........ . I ... i.i ..,.,,rl the
of objections to sal. I linai aiy '"" U,y,tKl,
d-clMI ;,ln,.i,l"""