. ; THE DALLES "WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1900. ' , a l.:J f ,.s ij Keflactloa of a Bachelor. The main nse of babies is to make tbelr parents ashamed of each other. As toon as the worm found itself a butterfly it lost all respect for the birds. No woman ever yet bad a false tooth who dared to (mile ai often a ebe felt like iU You can always tell the number of virtue woman haa by the number of handle she doesn't make her husband carry. Very few husbands could still continue to love their wire just the same after they had seen the first pictures they ever had taken, sitting in a washbowl. Ne York Preea. To remove a troublesome corn or bunion : First sok the corn or bunion in warm water to (often it, thee pare it down as closely as possible without draw. ing blood and apply Chamberlain' Pain Balm twice daily ; rubbing it vigorously for five minutes at each applicition. A corn plaster should be worn for few davs, to protect it from the (hoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is nnequaled. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Ad termed Latter. Foilowing is the list of letters remain ing iu the postoffice at The Dalles un called for December 7, 1900. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Blake, C F Black, Emerson Barns, Chas Clark, V H Chingar, J L Foster, Mrs Sarah Howard, J C Hunsaker, F M Hamden, Charley Hermans, Alida Hodson, H McUowan, Chas Mosier, Willis Carlisle, W II (2; Campbell, Edgar Ernes, A B Henry, Edward Hearth, Chas Harden, Allie Hocktuan, Wm Kellev, A J McCu'lly, Ralph Montgomery, Mrs A Kied, J) U More, Mrs Cordelia Stem, Christian Sullivan, J S William, Mr K S Touhey, John Young, Mrs W S Walsh, Jas II (2: To Whom It May Concern. It having come to my knowledge that parlies, presumably interested, are claiming that when I sold out ny retail interest at 173, Second street, French's block, I contracted to not open any re tail business in the city of The Dalles. I beg to say that I sold my right not to open any retail business between Fed eral and Washington Btreets, on Secocd street, and have and intend to conform to my contract. My place at the Bank Cafe is in no sense in violation of. the contract. dl-tf . C. J. Sti-buxo. Many persons haye had trie experience of Mr. Petet Sherman, of North Stratford, N. H., who says, "For years I suffered torture from chronic indigeetion, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made a well man of me." It digests what you eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia and every form of stomach trouble. It gives relief at once even In the worst cases, and can't help but do yon good. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. rhurmacy. Dtaaolullon of I'nrtoerahlp, The partnership heretofore existing between A. M. Stringer and T. S. Ken rierly, under the style of The Dalles Dis tillery Company, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent, A. M. Stringer retiring and T. S. Kennerly continuing the business and paying all debts and collecting all bills. The Dalles, Dee. 10, 1900. A. M. Stkixgeb dlO 2 T. S. Kbxxekly. Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly futal. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results is one Mirnte Cough Cure.' It is very pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent, consumption. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Irjinr preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, canxingafar more serious trouble than tiie ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. , ing inhalants, fumes, smoke and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heala. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be niailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 60c. size. Ely Brothers. CO Warren St.. N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause snee.ing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Halm you aro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Dyspepsia an lie cure'l (y usinif Acker's I)yspep9ia Tab'ets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Soi l in handsome tin boies at 2" cts. Hlakeley the druggist. De Witt's Little Early Risers sre dainty little pill?, but tliey never Lil to cleanse the liver, remove obstructions and in vigorate the system. Sjld by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Don't ne any of the counterfeits o DeWitt's Witch Hazel 8ilve.( Most of them are worthless or liable to cause in jury. The ordinal DeWiit's Witch Hazel 8i!ve is a certain cure for pill f, eczema, cu s, turns, sores and tk n diseases. Sold by Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Waotei Men 'arid women of good character and references, to represent an established honse, splended opportunity f.ir advancement. Address P. O. Ilos 837, Portland, Oregon. novla-luio 25 Per Cent Off .iv i.;V . . -r . r V. -a' The 133 Second THE DALLES, Street, OREGON. Off to priseol lint before we go every article we possess, every Tiano and Organ must go. Gilbert & Jones Co., who are to become our successors in Portland, have not bought a single Tiano or Organ from vis. They have paid us a big sum of money simpl' to become our successors, for bur reputation, for our good will, and for our agencies, so as to control hereafter the sale of the Knabe, llardman, Stock, Fisher, Ludwig and other Pianos, and under the contract with them wo are obliged to get out of Portland in the very near future so as to let them operate in the field which we must relinquish. We have no time to waste, and have therefore instructed our Agent, I. C. NICKELSEN, The Dalles, Oregon, to close out all Pianos and Organs on hand at a great sacri- hce. W e aro now closing up our business preparatory to our removal to San Francisco, where will be our headquar ters hereafter. If you ever intend buying a Piano or Organ now is the time. Address, I. G. NIGKELSEN, Or Wiley B. Allen Co., Portland, Oregon. C. J. STUBmG, I?" WHOLESALE Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First Phone 234, THE Regulator J' J it i str Ship your Freight to I'F. Lv. Portliind a' a. M. . . . . Monday . . Wednesday , Lv. Dalles at 7 A. M. Tuesday , Tliniwlay Saturday Arr. Portland . ill : r. at. via An.'mnH ! Regulator Line. a p. M.j FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, . Travel by the Steamers of the Regulator Line. The Company will endeavor to give tts pat rons the best seiviee possible. For further Information address Portland Office, Oak Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Cert. Agt. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Great Mid-Winter Jacket and Cape Sale For This Week Only. We will give 25 per cent or 1-4 off of our regular price on the above goods. Remember we have no old styles that we are trying to work off, but all goods are up-to-date. This is a great cut and we would advise you to call early and get your choice. Remember 1-4 off, and all our goods are marked in plain figures. Remember its this week only. ...THE FAIR... place to Save Money on all kinds of Merchandise. The Dalles, Oregon. AXD RETA'O National Batik. DALLES, OREGON. REGULATOR LINE. PORTLAND i ASTORIA SAY. COMPANY! Kt'ament of th Regulator Line will run as i?r thefol ow.ng srhMlule, the Company reserving tb rlht to change srhednle without notice. Str. Dalles City. DOWN Lv. Dalles at 7 a. n. Monday .. .. WVdnoMlay . . . , Friday Arr. Cortland at 4 . X) r. a. t'P. L . Port'aiiil at 7 HO A. M. .... Tiiiy Thursday Hatunlay Arr. Dalles t j P. at. , F. C. JVIarquardsen, Prop. DEPART FOB TIMS SCHEDl'LI. HOM UiLLES. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Fat Mail 1:05 p m Mail I2:li p. m. Worth, Omaha, kali ans City, St. Lnula, Chicago aud East. Salt l.nka, Denver, Ft. 4:4a a. m Worth, Omaha, Knn aiis City, St. Louis, Chicago and Fast. Walla Wnlla, Spokane, Minneapolis. St. I'aul, Spokane -Mall and Express iialutb, Milwaukee, ( nli'ago and f.n.st, via Kpokaneakd Hunting ton : also all points in 9:23 p. m Washington mid Fast- 3:3i1 a. iu cm Oregon. 8 p. m. From Portlanb. Ocean Steamships. For fean Francisco Every Five Days. 4 p. m. 8 n. m. 4 p. m. Ex.buul Ex.auuday Columbia Rv. Steelier.. ,To Astoria and Way cniuiuH; lauaillgs. IU p. Ul. I sa.m. I W U.IAMETTS Rivkr. !4:30n.m. tx.auuday Oregon Citv, New bent, Ex.SuudaJ ouieui at n ay uina a. WlLlAMETTB AND YAM HILL KIVEKH. Oreeon City, Dayton, and Woy-I.audings. S:30p. m. Mon.,WeI and Frl. Bnakk River. Riparla to Iwinton. Parties desinna- to o to Hcr.ni er or lKiiiit on Columbia Southern via Hiu, ahould take No. 2, leaving The Dalles at 12:40 p. in. making dirwt eonneotlons at Mi-pvtier junrtion and HIkus. Returning makliiRtlirvntnoiinectlon at Heppiier Junction and IiIkks ith Ha, 1. ar riving at The Dalles at U:W p. ra. The O. R. cVi N. steamer "Modoc"is now mak ing reirular trips to Snli-m and IniM?)ietid.:iito, stopping at all wav landings, kilie leaven p((It land on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 0 a. in., arriving at Sa'en 4 p. tn., and IndeiKnd enee atjout fi p. m. on same days. Heturning boat leaves I m!fppidmee at I a. m. and Salem at 6 a. m. on Tuesdays. Thursdavs aud Batur days, arriving at Portland about 3 p. in. sumo days. Fo full partleulars rail on o. R. A N. Co. s agent i tie Dalles, or address W. II. HfRI.HCRT, Pas. Agt., Portland, Or Ocn. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DIXIXU CAR ROU1F. FROM PORTLAND j TO TIIE FAST. ; TIIE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW- hlONE PARK. iitvu. UaicflEwtJiniiaiidls;!1 ' No. 2. . Fnt mull for Tni'..nia, 1 ! Pc-Httl.-, wlyniiilH, l.ray'n ! Hailxtr B':1 Kontli llcnd No. In n j i.. it. ' I , t ' I U II IMII, I Mom ow. I ilitoli. Hul- i 11:15 A. M. faloll uinp mining coun s;'o r. m. try, Helena, .Miuiicaiio- n, ni. rani, umulia,' Kannaa I Ity, Ht. lyiuin. i ( hicago ami all t.liitii caRt ami onthfa. ' Ko. 4. No. . I'llgct nil 1'vr.riM.J II;.T) I'. M. for Taeoma anl .-.piirtle 7,()i) 4. M and Inu-rmeiliate piniitiij riiiinian nrt nana an1 f.nirl.t liTn,.ra to Jllnn.-aiH.lla. ht. faul and Jll-,r river points I without rhana... Vtil,iilrt tralnn. fnlon dop.,t "oniiw-ti,,,,. In all iirliiclial ..itl.-a. HHggngp el,fwkJ to d.-tlnnllon of tl.-k.-t. Kor hands.im.-ly lllil.trat.-r.Wr,,tvl. ,,.,, MrkHt., ,,,ing ear nervation., etc., call r A. D. CHARLTON, Altant fiencral rangr Agi-nt. A Morrl ou tiet,cornr Third, Foniand Oregon, Boliuo;Ng I Arrive Fbom Atlantic Kxress lUi&O n. in. Via Hunt ington. Swlinne Mail and Express 7 a. tti, TueH,Tbur. and bat. Lv Rlparla dniiy S: a. in. Lea vi Lewistom daily 9:00 a. m mm Pait NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orru a at Thb Dalles. Ob., December lu, ly"). ( Nolle la hereliT given tbat tbe billowing named settler baa flied notice ol bis inteation bi inakt tlnal Droof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made belore tbe register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on batur- day, January i, iu, tu.i Crast Ublaaachlagar, of The Dallvf , Oregon, H. E. No. Mi"J for tbe W'ixW'iaua Vi'-i 6VU Bee. l'.t, T. 2 K. 13 E..TV. M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis. : . i i- nl.luil.l.Ma 1M.V Marsh, Perry Vancamp, all ct Tbe Dalles, Ore gon. decll JAY P. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon: ,.Hr u herbv airen that the undersigned. R. E. 8altmarsbe, administrator witb the will nnnnl of the estate of Jonathan Jackson, de ceased, bas filed bis Anal account In said estate tn the count? court of said Wasco County, Ore gon, and said court baa. by an order dated tbe Uth day ot December. l'JUO, appointed Thurs day, the loth day of January. 1W1, at the hour of 2 o'clock In tbe afternoon of aald day, as tbe time and tbe county court room in tbe court bouse at Dalles City. Oregon, as tbe place, for the hearing of said Anal account and of the o -jections thereto, if any there be. All heirs, creditors and other persons Interested In Kaid estate, aie hereby notched and reiuirel to pre sent and file their objections to said account, If any they have, on or before tbe time set for tbe hearing thereof as aforesaid R. K. SALTMAR8HE, Administrator with the will annexed of tbe estate of Jonathan Jackson, deceased. dU fit NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given th it the undersigned bas duly tiled with the County Clerk of Wasco Count v, Oregon, bis final account and report as administrator of the estate of Adolph Agidlus, deceased, and that tbe Honorable County Court has fixed Moudu) , the 5th day of November, 1!K), at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day as the time, and tbe County Court room of the County Court house in Dsl'est Ity, Wasco County, Oregon, as the place fur hearing said final account and re port. All persons interested lu said estate are hereby notltled to appear at said time and place and show cause, it any there bo, w hy said report should not be approved and said odminiatrator ditcha'ged, Duted this 5th day of October, WOO. j. p. AGiDira, Administrator of the estate of Adolph Agidius, deceased. octC ADMIXISTK ATOR'S NOIICE. Notice Is hereby given that tbe undersigned has been appointed by the county cou't of Wasco county, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Frauds Koss, deceased. All fiersons having claims against the estate are hereby re quired to present the same to me, dulv verllled, at the office of W. If. Wilson, ill Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from thedate hi roof. Duted November 10, lis). GEO. F. KOKS, novlO Administrator. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland nnd way stations at 4 ::.'- a. m. aud 'i p. m. Leave Portland " Albany Arrive Asblnnd " HrfcraiiH'uto . . . " San Kraneiseo . H:.'K) a m AJ.M a iu .12:.";! a m . .1:00 p in . 7:4i p in 7-M p in W:.'h) jl in :U) a in :i.'i u in K a tl Arrive Ogdin !:Wam " Denver :00 a m " Kansas City 7 Jj a m Chicago 7:15 a in 1 : 11 a m y.Wa in 7: -' .' a m J : .H) a m Arrive 1is Angeles ... ' El Paso " Fort Worth " City of Mexico . " Houston " New Orleans. . . Washington " New York . 1:20 p m . i:00 p in . C::) a m .. 9:55 a in . . 4:isi a m . :25 a in . ti A a m .12 A.I p m 7:00 a m 6:IK) p m (i::xi a m 91 in 4 :00 a in :2A p in li V2 a m -' I.I p in Pullman and Tourist cars on hoth rrnlns 1'halrcars Sacramento to tlgden and F.l Paso, and tourist cars to t Ineago, be Louis, New Or leans aud Washington. Connrting at Han Francisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, un i ppi lies, central anu Mouth America. Sec f)gont at The Dulles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Port, and, Or Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon struct Ing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latestdiscovereddlgcst ant and tonic. Ko other preparation can approach It in eUlciency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dvspepsla, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SIcU Headache, Oastralgia.L'rampsanri all other results of Imperfect digestion. PrleeMe. and l. Large site contains cm times smallslze. liouk all about dyspepsia malledfree Prepared by E C. DcVITT A CO., Ct)ieogo Sold by Clarke A Falk's P. O. I'liartiiiicv. BANKERS. rilANMACTA KNEKALBANKINO BHCINKH letters of Crl it issue.! avsilab'e in the Kasti-rn States. Siifht Ekchani: nd Televraphi Transfers sold ou Now York, Chit ngoi bt. Irfinia, 8on Francisco, Portland Ore Ron, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collwtinim tnaJe at all nini r r l,.nn. fe3 hc!;.. th" learn. Saves wr.r tia I i ! . 11 .c. h-l' 1 every w here. ftZ?m TANOARf O'L CO. I.K. K. V.. HJIITII, Osteopath. Soumera Pacific Go. llghtcnt K S the ( tho yi 1 T. A. Hudson. Tl U,w.. S0U17 Public, Real Estate, .Insurance, Loans, Conveyancing and Abstracting. We represent some of theism. Insurance companies in the worldT We have large list of property h,k city and conntry, for sale and rent! We have money to loan on real est,,, security at reasonable rates of in" We do all kinds of are the exclusive owners for Rirv:...4 tern ol abstracting, wbich precludes ,h. possibility of mistak titles to real estate. W"D Any one bavins nrorjertv f. i. rent U find it to their adv.nUto leave it in our hands. 10 Collections and all legal basinet, ei in our care will rece iv nmm.,. nrnmnt . tion Will practice in all the conn.'; the ttate TJorrespondence prompt; answered. Offices: Washington French & Co.'s ' " FOt SALE At Public Auction' Tuesday, Dec, 18, 1900 At lO O'clock A. M. All t he personal property of the estate of Kd. Doyle, deceaeed. at the 8-Mile, Wasco cotintv, consisting of Fanning Mill, Grain Drill, Header Gang and Walkinz Plows, 3 sets Hr rows, ft head of Horses, i head of Cattle, a Wagon and Harness, Blacksmith Tools, ttc. TERMS, CASH. Fur f mther pitrticnlars, call on or ij. drees. VV. J. II AK KIM AN, A'Jutinietra tor, Kndershy, Oregon. Ceneral MiIIWork Hansen & ThomsBn - Munufiu;tnri ra and I knlcn in Sash and Doors, Rustic, Flooring, Pine Lumber, Mouldings, Etc. BEE HIVES AND FRUIT BOXES Of All Kindi Third Street. The Dalles, Urejon. Sheriff's Sale. In the Clrenlt Court of Hie Statu of 0re;''ii lor Wawo ounty. joMiih raqnet, riaintur, va. P. . I'aqiiet and (. L. Paituet, Dt-terclniils. By virtue of an attH.-hment, exwutfiin. dwroe am onli-r of khIo, dulv IhkiihI out ol mid ini'1"-r the ual of the (irciilt Court of the ilate ol Oregon, lor the County of Multnomah, to me diroet.-d and dated the J4th clny of November, l'.no, upon a judgnient rendered and entered n aald (our ton the .'Ttli d,iy of Jiinnary, 1W7. in the aliove entitled raune. In fiivoi of the plain til)' iirul agaiit the defendant!). K. X Fnfiet and O. I., l'liquel.as jmlgnient debtors, In the mini of four hundred (Hod; dnlltira, with iutereit thereon from the 3oth day of Hepteinber, IJ1, t the rnUi of eight per cent per iiiiniini, anil lh lurther mm of llltoen (l 'i)dollani, with intiwt thereon at nix per rent la-r annum Irmn tlieinh davol January, lv.17, and the further mm of thirty one dollma, cot, and thecniunf and urain thla writ, and commanding me W inaUeaiilool ton real pniperty herelmlter ieill".d, I will, on the ::ist day of Iwember, liNi, at the hour of l o c!ia-k In the aftcrnoi n ol mid diiv, and at the front dir ol the county court home In Dallea Cltv, Wa.-co County, ore gon. aell at piililiu auetioii to the highest tinkler for eai-li in uand, all the right, title ud intewn w hich the defendant", K. X. I'aiiiet and t. l fa-iuet, or either of them, had on the aTln (.ay of Janunrr, Iwi;, tlio dcteof the liidgmeiit, or which Mich defendanta, or any of tliedeMio iiuta herein, have alnce acquired, or nw in and to the loiiou lng decruaM rem i.m--v. altniitc and btlng lu Wassu County, t)rK"". wit : liie northwest .iuirU-r C4)ot the imrlhweit iiuirter C4') of aertlon two (J), and ttii east iiiarter '',)of the northent qurier(.. and the ninth hall of th northeat iitiarler ii nf w-elliin three ( I), nil In townchlp l C'1 ' ol range twelve (IJ) cam of the Willamette Me dian in Waaco ( ountv, On-gon, and c,-iitini n one hundred and alxty aerea; '."''. "'L, olaald )roiertya will witlafy JuiU"1'"1 and d.-rre-, with cot and aeeriilng cot- hnld proa-rty will le a.ld mi hie " " rnulirma tion nnd roleiiiptlon a bv law pn.v dl. DnUrt at The iMllva, or., thla lith itay ceniber, I'XO. ..... . .. dn fcherifl W ai-co I o iuly,0Win x or i c p;f O K P U B M C A r K) N Land OfricK at Vascouvsa, W"b. I Oetoheri.., in "- ,, Niitlc ) la hereby given that the , named n-tller haa llled notice ol m jlireiltl'"l rr naa meo. nour.-". a I pna.f In aupport of ''.l"'"1v'" of will I niM.le bc.'orc J". i...... .... the Dutrlcl to make linul 1 .!.. ...1.1 . ;; . . " .... ,i, Iii.i ii, i . b, iroinmiiii'iir n-i .,.i-v W aahlugtoii, at (.oldendale, Wa-n..ou .--. I i.-ri-ir oer 10, I'.aiO, viz.: (laorga li. Ht. Lawrence, of I.yle V. (., W'nah.. ho made II. K. N"- '"! I ir the n', HK'and h'j W';4 eee.'l.H' 'lie iiamea the following wltio'"''" '" .'''' hla loutluuiiim r.-aidenee iiui andciii" of aald land, vi. : , . w. I hoinaa J. hilefimh. Jrr-, , , j,. i. o , nrnoTiiM ami ;v iiuhiii m-bioh, m Waanmg.on. w. K. m-NHAlt 11, NOTICE" OK UNA K tl I.K I KN r In tho matter of the elate; f J"l ,;"li;,'b W agulthlaat, doceaMil. . Notice la hereby given that the ( the cantor of the la-t will likA John l.ottlleh WageubMi.t. .t-iTt-J. rji M hia linul account In th. tnnlh-r nl ,,f an I the( it uni t of the "' j,. i Waacot ounty haa i"'t Mond.iy. ,hBi"'ladf January, l'H, at tin) hour of I'J ",iit a the dale lor the hearing oi .nd:.,obJ.,tlon,..y;rV,ov wa;,ks,.A Eveeutor of tha will ! '"I"1 ''"j" V ftKiii(lHNtt ilpprHH1! '""EXECUTOR'S NOriCK. I, here.,y given that the of tho will ol Ai.rtr, r . A n , h.. tiled hli Dial """'.! -xH'UtMr roil ly court of the Slate. il un.ly: county, and aald court naa ai n r(, .i the 7th day of January, ! y. at ' ( m,,. o'clock . in., aa the lime lor heari K thereto and the m-ttlement ITLlLtaxI I""""' creditor, and other "'f to II 1' "'''' eaia.e arw llirn-nnr ic - . ,hev OaT"' olijetlona to aald account, If any ' ! ,,!, or iH-fow the day act lor the M-rl I. PSOH&BfOWi!! Hie liallra M.il Oai.;rc..y..r.o,,.i-iiEnitie,,,,,,r