The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 12, 1900, PART 1, Image 3

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Tbe Weekly Chronicle.
. K tr.uii
nd Saturday.
BrBc Rimox rates.
st mail. rorraea raaraixt, m tor out.
. On year II SO
Mx motiias . T
Tare) months Hi
A lrertiilBf rates reasonable, and mailt known
on application.
Addreaa all communication! to"THf rHRON
CLE.' The laltcs, Oregon.
Saturday's Daily.
Dr. Sanders, rooms 1 ?nJ 2, Chapman
block. tf
Remember that Cocoannt Cream Tonic
will promote growth of hair. Charles
Frster, sole agent. n9-Iin
A sale and entertainment will be given
at the Baldwin opera boose, December
1'Otb, by the Catholic ladies. Admission
25 cents. Afternoon free.
If too bare dandruff, your hair is
falling oat. Use Cocoanat Cream. For
sale at Frazer't barber shop. x9-lm
Since tbe destruction of the Rochester
oil lamps in the Christian cbarch the
brethren bavw pnt in a full set ol Perfec
tion gasoline lamps that are giving very
great satisfaction. .
A small house greeted tbe Smyth A
Rice company in "My Friend from
India" at the Vogt last night, which is
to be regretted, as the company gave a
very acceptable performance.
If vonr hair is dry and dead-like, Co
coanut Cream Tonic will give it life and
luster. It is pronounced the finest
tonic on earth. Can be had at Frszer's
barber shop, agent. n91m
The Golden Eagle Mining Company
yesterday received 250 pounds of ore
taken from the shaft that is simply
immense. 1 be ore was snipped to ir
Fieh and is displayed in the Umatilla
A dispatch over the lung distance tele
phone this afternoon announced that a
fire started in the town of Silverton,
Marion connty, at 4 o'clock this morn
ing, that lasted between eight and nine
hoars and practically w'pedout the town.
Fire engines from Portland went to the
relief of tbe town and rendered valuable
Complaints reach this office that a
number of residents on Three Mile
creek continue to slaughter prairie
chickens all the same as if the open
season bad not closed weeks ago. Some
day one of these pot-hunters will be
jerked op and made to pay fine equal
to the cash veloe of all tbe chickens on
the creek. So mote it be.
At regular meeting of Court Tne
Dalles, No. 12, F. of A., held last night,
the following officers were elected for the
ensuing year: C. R., Theodore Liebe;
S. C. R-, I.. M. Curren; Treas., V. II.
Koontz; F. S., J. E. Heroox; R. S., D.
D. Wilder; Sr. V., P. F. Burbam ; Jr.
W., A. C. Thomas; Sr. B., J. J. Mar
phy; Jr. B., T. Maloney; Physician,
Dr. J. A. Geieendorffer.
C. II. Jones, editor of Oregon Teach
. era' Monthly, of Salem, is in the city in
the interest of his paper. The Monthly
is the only Oregon paper of its class that
has hitherto proved financial success,
notwithstanding repeated attempts. It
is to the credit of the Wasco county
teachers that more than forty of them
take the Monthly, and thus keep in
touch with tbolr work as tbey could
hardly do otherwise.
Monday Lmily.
The Knabe piano factories, the largest
in tbe United States, were founded in
1837 by Win. Knabe.
Rev. D. V. Poling, who has been quite
poorly for the last few days with a
complication of severe cold and nervous
prostration, was reported tniich better
this uioring.
The Blue Mountain Eagle thinks that
Wasco county will be green with graft-
widows if Judge Bradshaw will grant
eve y complaint on file in his court ask
ing fur divorce.
A Washington dispatch gives the
population of The Dalles as 3,512, Salem
4,258, Eugene Z'i'-'A. Somebody b
blundered in these figuree beyond t Kt
shadow of a doubt.
"The Temple of Fame" will not only
afford an cwningof mirth and pleasure
but will be instructive as well. Many
for the first time w ill have the pleasure
of meeting some of the famous persons
of all lands.
Rev. O. D. Taylor's fruit dryer burned
about midnight last night. Mr. Taylor
has no opinion as to the ctu-e of the
'ire, ami does not state the extent of his
loss. The ilryer was filled with fruit,
including his stork of selected winwr
apples, which he was holding for belter
John Carey has move 1 Ills ll'-e Hive
restaurant In the E tl End lurk to his
old Location in the Richmond building
east of the Diamond flouring mill.
James White has rented the store just
vacated where he will open a branch
confectionary and fruit ftand and rerve
oysters and lunches of ig' feet and
coffee of rights.
Tub ("hK'imcih wonders If the rljar-ette-tmokit.g
youths of this town have
tiot forgotten, if thev ever knew, that
it is artlawlul in this slate for "any
minor onder 13 year of ag to smoke, or
in any way ;o dm any cigar or tobacco
in any form whatever, in any public
I highway, treat, place, sqaar or resort,"
-! coder ' penalty on not lees than II nor
L. S. Frilx, fame and forestry warden
for thi district, requests ci to call
attention to the fact that in addition to
the fine imposed by the state law for
kiiimg prairie cmcaens ai any time
between November 15th and September
1st fallowing, the Oregon Fish and Game
Association offer a standing reward of
$20 for such information as will lead to
the arrest and coLviction of any person
found shooting prairie chickens out of
Tbe cei.'ut enumerators in many cases
failed to realise the ImportaLce of mor
tality statistics. In one rf the Eastern
states an enumerator bad only two
deaths in a popuiatiou of more than
1300 for the entire year, which the su
pervisor thought was not sufficient, so
he sent back tbe returns. The enumer
ator responded with the following ex
planation: "Dear Sir There was four
more people that died, but they was
The regular north bound passenger
train of the Columbia Southern railway
was derailed yesterday about three
miles south of B'gge, through the spread
ing ot the liils. Five freight cars and
the passenger car left the track, one
freight car and the locomo'ive remain
ing, and with these latter the passengers
were taken on to Biggs where they got
there three hours too late to make con
nection for The Dalles. A special engine
went up from here and landed them
in The Dalles about twilight.
Miss Julia Austin, the Lake county,
California, giantess and foot-racer, has
just arrived from the snow-capped peaks
of Alaska, where she has been in train
ing for more than twelve months, says
tbe Wilht, Calif., Press. Mies Julia
was matched against the great Alaska
Indian foot-racer in a dash of 200 yards
for $10,000. She ran tbe distance in
twenty seconds, racing her victim from
start to finish and winning the glittering
gold by a small majority. This beauti
fal young lady stands 7 feet three inches
in her stocking feet, weighing 160
pounds; was born In Colorado and
raised in Lake county. She speaks
seven different languages, and can out
run any human on earth for money.
On Saturday afternoon from 2 till 6
Mrs. J. C. Meins gave a spinning party
to ber Sunday reboot class of eight boys,
vis: Arthur Waud, Harry Walther,
Guy Doothit, Charlie Johnston, Guy
Jones, Ray Bunnell, Jamie Kinnersly
and Tommie Hudson. Jamie Kinnersly
scored tbe highest point in spinning and
received first prize. Tommie Hudson
took the consolation, a tin horn, and
demonstrated the fact that be could
blow "both load and long," even if be
could not make a success in spinning
The afternoon was passed with games,
and at 5 p. m. refreshments were served,
Miss Nellie Kaufman and Madge Smith
assisted in entertaining the young lads,
who enjoyed themselves as only a lot of
healthy, happy boys can.
In these days when tbe mind of tbe
threatical man seems to run to farce
froth and horse play, to theater-going
folk that still cling to the idea that tbe
stage has a mission 'n tbe world and
who like some literary merit in a
dramatic production such a play as
"Human Hearts" .'i refreshing. This
play which is now in its fourth success
ful season, is one which appeals to
higher sentiments. Its moral tone is
enobling, yet its emotional side is not of
the morbid sort. Instead, pathos and
real comedy are inrwoven with exceed-
icg cleverness. It is a play requiring
that the actors act and not perform. It
is for these reasons that the play con
tinues to retain its hold on the hearts of
the people. "Human Hearts" comes to
the Vogt opera bouse Monday, Decem
ber 17th,
A. M. Abrauis, a young man employed
in Dr. Sturdevanl's dental office, was
held up at about 8 o'clock Saturday
night on Alvord street, about balf way
between the residence of L. E. Crowe
and 1. C. Nickelttn. Mr. Abtams was
on bi way to the Fred Fisher residence
and had just turned east on Alvord
a hen two men accosted him and ordered
him to throw op his Lands. He was
soon relieved of JO, the amount of coin
in hi pants pockets, but, fortunately,
ttie highway men missed a roll of green
.ack that Mr. A brain l carried in his
l,ret pot ket. Oie of his assailants was
iuii man and the other small one.
The tall one wore a slouch hat and dark
i clothe- and appeared to have a handker
' chief over the lower part of his fact ; but
l it WHS too dark at the time of the af
' M'llt for any acctirato description of Hie
' n. en to be pr irnred. The r.ffi -"rs of the
la h.iv hi dim as to who the men
: weie. It is strougly suspected, however,
1 that t is rubbers were no strangers, Biid
'that they knew fieir man and knew
that he was arriitoiii-d to carry money
on his per n a!i t.'.ff time.
1 il-itny K ImllV-
Watch for the program of "The Temple
of Fame."
Tickets for '.'The Temple of Fame" on
sale at Cliwke A Falk's drug store.
M. Paul Guild il! meet with Mr.
W. II. Morris tomorrow aftemojn at 2
o'i'loi k.
On tie a I Friday evening at the Vogt
ojera houso the citlitent of The Dalle j
hl rav aa opportunity to witna and
0J3T an entertainment which it in
every way pleating and helpful. Do cot
miss "The Temple of Fame."
Mrs. T. C. Fargher arrived here oa
the uxn train from a visit to frien 1 ia
i Coming Mr. Elmore Rice and pian -
. isle in a g. and recital prccram Wednes-
j j1? evening, January
M. 11-13
, "Tne Tempi of Fame" characters are
i requested to meet at tbe Yigt opera
; house tonight. Dec. U:h, at 7:30 for re
: bears!.
The caleaJar meeting of the Ladies'
Aid Society will convene with Mrs.
j Wm. Shackelford tomorrow, Wednesday ,
; afternoon at 2 o'clock. j
J Tbe opinion of the greatest critics, !
composers and virtuosi of the century!
'Concur in assigning pre-cmineuce to!
the Knabe piano. For sale at I. C.
Nickelsen's music stor only.
Dr. Conan Doyle says that tne ssluta-
uon given cy nit uttie gin wnen tie re-
turned home after his defeat at tbe
parliamentary election was, "Ob, daddy,
I am so sorry yon did not pass '."
Miss H. A. Taliferro, who Las been
acting as trained nurse for Dr. Geiten
dorffer for nearly a year, left today for
Portland, from whence tbe will go to
ber old home in St. Louis, Mo. Miss
Taliferro leaves on account of Ler health
which has been quite " - ly lately.
T. .... .
t. matiila . unction hat got the small-
pox. that is t sav there is one or more
cases in the hMel where a (core or more
of railroad men stop, and some of them
are kickicg because tbe hotel man lias
kept the matter a secret till it was dis
covered through the commendable gar
rulousness of a woman.
Tuc Cukonici.c is asked to inform
parties interested in tbe preservation of
game and the enforcement of our game
laws, that in addition to the 120 offered
by the Oregon Fieh and Game Associa
tion tbe League of American Sportsmen
offers a standing reward of $10 for such
information as will lead to the arrest
and conviction of any person killing
game or fish out of season.
Two hold-ups in less than a week in a
town like The' Dalles, and no arrests,
does not speak flatteringly of our police,
though they may have exerted every
precaution to capture the guilty high
waymen. These depredations are be
coming altogether too numerous, and
nothing short ot a handful of buckshot,
properly administered, will check them.
It is generally believed to be the work
of local talent.
Off to Frisco But before we go every
article we possees, every piano and or
gan, must be sold. We have instructed
our agent at The Dalles, I. C. Nickelsen,
to sell all pianos and orgaus on band nt
a great sacrifice. This includes such
pianos as Knabe, Hardman, Martin,
Ludwig, Kingsburry, Stuk and also
Estey organs. Call and get bis prices or
write us direct. iley B. Allen Co.,
211 First street, Portland, Or.
Tbe financial reputation and general
credit of Heppner town is good every
where, says the Heppner Gazette. The
town is well managed, and tbe news of
such management bas gone abroad.
This tact has been well proven this
week. One of Ileppner's water bonds
for $4000 and drawing 8 per cent was
due. Tbe council is able to pay this
bond by borrowing its face and getting
a premium of $52 for doing so, and a
rate of interest at 5 per cent.
Efforts to rescb tbe summit of Ararat
proved futile again, just as had those of
Tournefort in 1700, 100 years before, and
tbe Armenian monks, because of the
continued failure, once more began to
believe it imposible to nttnin tbe secret
top of the ojonnt with sacred remains.
It was nearly thirty years before Dr.
Parrot, of Dor pot, a German, in tbe em
ployment of Russia, set foot on the
"dome of eternal ice," where the ark of
Noah had settled after the deluge.
A Japanese had his feet crushed in a
strange manner at the freight depot
early this morning. While walking the
track with a heavy trunk on his back a
locomotive backed up and strnck the
trunk, or the Jap, or both, and as the
trunk fell to the ground it lighted oj the
Jap's fe?t, crushing both of them and
injuring one foot quite severely. Fortu
nately he was thiown clear of the track.
Dr. Geieendorft'er attended the wounded
oriental and be was taken later to the
hospital at Portland.
Dartmouth students tell an amusiug
story about an exceedingly "green
French instructor who officiated at the
colleife a fe years ago. He was the
butt of en llees j kes at the Lands of the
students. One dark alteri.oon, at the
time for a rec:t!ttion was approaching.
some of the boys went into the recita
tion room and "fixed' ail the electric
lights so that they coulJn't woi k. When
the professor found that he would have
to teach in the daik or not at all, he
made this startling announcement :
"Z'ientleuien, if li iigot don't func
tion z next toriitirrotv at 5 hours, im
come at i." Do" ton Journal.
The Dil'es aci-ords the bakery to Hood
I River. That torn had four hold-ups
I last nu'.t w hi e Toe Dalles ha l oaly one
measly $l affair. The to "'oca
i of llool River were ciero i and the tills
, robbed while the occupintt wer held
op at th nrjzzies of revolver. Two
residents of the town were held up in a
sirai'ai manner aad robbid on the public
tr'.. Jatt how much tha robbers
, obtained ia any otic case we cuolj
' not learn. A can im arrested on sus
picion thi afternoon bat had not been
sxaaiieed at we go to pre.
' Atatc'.al tuewtieg ol the raotv
t , ..... ... ..
. cuuii TFt'.vraAT in petition oi ire tioi
' K'ver Electric Light Power and Water
! company a as craaied giving them the
rigtii to erect pole,
mains on the pub'ie
ton of Hooil River.
lines and water
highway in the
The company ex-
pect to commence woik immediately
and to rush it to completion a fast a
the weather wi.l permit. They have a
r i .,. i h' ir.iiimnm of K.m r . . .
soo wi,i o prepared to transmit power
toother place. The Dalle for exam pie,
at reasons: !e cost.
"Hamaa Hearts," which comes to the
Vcgt cpera house Monday, Dec. 17th, is
oce of the sterling melodramas of
modern years, which in thi day of froth
and folly on the stage affords theater
goers an evening's entertainment that
,PM,;, , .u loTerl of lhe h:k ,
in dramatic art. The piece i one ot
those pastoral realisms in which the
people portray a plain count'y folk al
ways so entertaining when faithlul'y
produced on the stage. "Unman
Hearts" as it will be seen her is so
realistic that one can almost imagine
one's self sniffing the oione of tbe Oztrk
mountains and listening to the quaint
manners cf speech of the neoDle them
.,v, iuniu ui uirio ihkv cuaractcn
- .
Tl.e Knabe
piauu carries witn It in
the history of the
strongest guarantee
Knabe house the
that accompanies
any piano. Through three generations
the concern has been in the immediate
charge and ownership of the same fam
ily, always dominated by the same ag
gressive yet conservative policy, invaria
bly exacting as to the high standard to
which its products must always conform
and at all times in its career so amply
equipped with capital that it has always
been able to shape its plans with cer
tainty and decision. Such a history can
be told of no other American piano con
cern. A full line ot Knabe pianos can
be found at I. C. Nickelsen's music
store, The Dalles ; also at the Wiley B.
Allen Co., Portland, Or.
Captain Johnson, of tbe Reliance, a
present acting as first officer of tbe
Dalles City, was brutally assaulted by
an unknown man at tbe Oak Street
dock, Portland, at 6 o'clock yesterday
morning. Few persons were on tbe
dock at the time. The assailant struck
Mr. Johnson a heavy blow on tbe back
of the head, rendering him unconscious.
In falling be rolled between the feet of a
small band of horses which was waiting
to be placed aboard the steamer. He
was found in this position and carried
aboard tbe Dalle- City and medical as
sistance sent for. The bruise was a
painful one, but the physician was posi
tive that no fracture of the skull re
sulted and the injured man was allowed
to proceed to lhe Dalles. Upon bis
arrival here he was visited by Dr. Logan
who found him considerably recovered
but still in a semi-dazed condition. No
serious results are expected. The cap
tain's assailant was a former deck band
who wanted work. Some words must
have passed between tbe captain and
tbe man when the latter picked np a
club and felled him to the ground,
encounter with a Deer.
Henry Taylor had an encounter this
morning with Mr. Watts' pet male deer
that be will not forget for many day.
It was stili dark at little before 8
o'clock, when Mr. Taylor left his borne
to open tbe George Roch store. As be
was passing the Cram residence, on the
tbe corner of Third and Laugblin, he
heard a strange patter of feet behind
bim and turned around to see what it
was. In a moment the deer, which was
evidently on the war path, bad struck
Mr. Taylor mid-ships and landed bim
in the gutter, following up the per
formance by jumping on top of him.
Mr. Taylor grabbed the beast by a horn
and leg and held on like grim death, re
gaining his feet for a time and again
being thrown to the ground. About the
time Mr. Taylor was almost exhausted
the noise of the scutfid bad attracted the
attention of Frank Cram, who came to
his relief. Mrs. Cram followed with an
ax, and Landing it to her husband that
gentleman gave the vicious brute a blow
over the left eye that the deer will prob
ably remember as long as memory holds
l ay, if It d ies not result in settling his
fighting proclivities f jt all time. Thit
is not the first timo the leaat has acted
memily, Lu: .1 improbably be its !al.
Tl.e oii i il.)' it attacked a lady on the
street near the Bee Hive restaurant.
Mr. Taylor suffered all day from painful
bruises on Lis ritfht arm and right side.
cuti h Itri.flM and Thrift.
In a doll Sciltitii on a
morning one neighbor called upon
other. Hi was met at the dor by
Ju l -
an- i
friend's w ife, anl the conver'alion went :
"Can'..!?-' "Ay."
"(nen tu be weetf, I think." "Ay." .
"Is John In?" "(Hi, ay. bt's in."
"Can I tee him? ' "No." I
"IS it a wanted to see him. "Ay, but!
yon canna see Lim. Jot. n't dtid."
"Dald?" "Ay."
"Sudden?" "Ay."
"Very sudden?" "Very sudden."
"Did he say or.ytliing alcut a pot of
green paint before l.e deid?" I .n Mac
laren at a London D mer.
aa4 Be) reatare r Ike Several
Flans Impartially DikiiW.
Ma. tiurua: The sewer qaestioo it
gain vexing th niiods ol both citizens
and the members of the council. There
for I trust yon w, II permit m to make
a few comments bearing upon the sub
j Tnere are three prominent ways of
accomplishicg the rurooe. each of
j which has its advocates and earn bat iis
; advantage and it drawbacks. Tak
; the one adopted by the council a year
. ri - . . i . . ..
.u. iuii uq,g oar oeen in steeui-
est and poseiblv thethrapeet. It was
objected to, however, because it contem
listed payment of the whole expense at
once, and thit by tome who could not
poeetbly meet such an expense on
short a notice. It was argued by some
also that that portion of the town not
included in tbe system would later at -
tach on to the mains without having
borne anv ot the burden of constructing
them. Even if they were willing to do
to, there would b no pnctical way of
refunding to th original builders. 1
will ay alto, although thi has no bear
idii upon the financial plant now chiefly
being being discussed, that thi plan
contemplated raJical change in loca
tion from the old system. Instead ft
crossing the railroad track in from half
to a dozen placet and running out to a
tate distance at least,' one large main
was to run parallel with tbe tiack on
the city side and receive all the mains
running north. It was then to run out
j nnder the bridge over Mill creek, where
it could easily and che.iply reach tbe
river. Incidentally I will mention that
I yield to the opinion of the engineer
that this plan wilt be cheaper than any
plan that crossed tbe railroad in various
places, and better than any that bas a
delivery short of the Columbia riv.r.
Another plan is to be carried out by
building mains upon petitions of resi
dent along the routes. This has various
objections, among them being that later
others will be attaching to mains they
never helped to build. Besides one
family or neighborhood that is well sew
ered may be endangered by neighbors
who could not or would not furnish
proper sewage.
Yet another plan Is for the citv to
have complete control of tr e whole mat
ter. Regarding the whole plan as not
only a convenience to some, but a bene
fit to all, the city call, by small assess
ment, start at tbe bottom and gradually
build up a little each year, and continue
upon this plan until sewers are built
everywhere they are needed. Under
this system we would scarcely feel the
expense and the worst places would be
remedied first. There would be but one
point to discuss after this plan is adopt
ed ; that would be whether to cross the
railroad as the present system does, or
pass one main out under the bridge as
tbe eugineer advised. Fortunately this
Is not vital point, as either will be
good. One Is only cheaper than the
other. X.
Concerning- tha Ham Friday and Other
Matters of interest Alona; That
Lin of Sport,
The Heppner line-up for the battle of
next Friday and respective weights are
as follows: .Matlock, c, lit): ileal, rg,
lf8; Saling, Ig, IK ; Anderson, rt, 170 ;
Leland, It, 170; Ball, le, 160; Bisbee,
re, 1W, r-paulding, qb, 1J4; fjlarke
(captain), Ih, 165; Spaulding, rb, 160;
Young, fb, 155. The average it placed
at 159, which are the figures of the
Heppner athletes. The estimate Is
fully thirteen pounds "shy."
Tbe line-up of the Dalles team will
appear in tomorrow's issue. Their aver
age is about 103 pounds.
Trie game for the 221 inst., between
the respective high schools of Portland
and The Dalles, promises to be very in
teresting. Our boys are getting in read
iness for tbe game, and will give a good
account of themselves.
Afternoon practice at the hiah school
premises and work at the athletic
grounds near Congres'mau Moody's res
idence nightly are of daily occurrence.
Splendid interest is show n.
It is quite likely that a game will be
played here on Christmas afternoon be
teen The Dalle fi-st team and second
Multnomah. It is "up to" the Dalies
boy, and if sufficient interest is mani
fested by our ciliieiis, lhe name will be
Walla Walla and Astoria are ar xiuiis i
to meet The D.U'es fu itbull team at the
etrliest p'luibte dates. If the weather
permits, the season will n l c'use till '
sell towards spring, so there nay be a
chance f..r the desired game alterChriit- 1
Bob Mjrray, who suffered the frac
ture of a c jllar-boiip, in the Golden. Lile,
game, has ditcir : I tl, bl.n ui..l w ..i
toon be as good as ever.
fMsge I'M ver on
a llu.t.
Sam Stark, a la student in ti e office
of Judge B-nnett, arrived here last
night from Prinev.lle, via Iho Pallet
and Siianiko ttae, and reports the fol
lowing accident that happene I Thurs
day at Cieek's, or Willow creek, the first
stage station thi Sid of Prtoeville.
The Prineville and bhanlko ttag I:t
; tnnvi..e at 11 p. m., with the driver,
j Aorjstn Delore. fc'.! cf whiskey nzl
still drinking. Oa Bearing the Cite
station IVior thoujM be wou" J give
i the benighted occupant of the stjge aa
exoiolt uf hi capacity a aa expert ia
hi particular line, with the rn t that
the horse becam fr-gktened, tod get
ting beyond h: control, the Mage
j "heeled foa! of a toit l bridge south of
Cleek's and jerked a wtee! off. throwieg
the occupants of the veLu-1 violently t
I th ground. The injire-1 were A. Fen
'too, of Hillsboro, W.J. Calvin, of a
lrm, and A. B. Nile, of Walla Wall,
j Calvin and X.Ie were badly trul,
j but not tencnsly, and when another
j vehicle was procured were able to re
; turn their journey to Sbanlko. Fntor,
I who is a young man, had hit hip dislo
cated and was nnabi to proceed. Tte
1 distrrtting feature about Fenton't cw
j that he had j ist received a dispatch
i 'rjm Hillsboro announcing that hi
mother was dying and be was hurrvicg
to. her bedside with all .xible speed.
The ludicrous part of the incident oc
curred when the driver recovered Li
wind, after being thrown to th ground.
Seeing the bottle, that bad been the
cause of all the trouble, lying be:de
him uninjured, he seized it and raising
It to his lips, took a deep diaught and
extendiog It towards the injured passen
ger, said : "Boys takt one on me."
"The wounded passengers, Sam ),
"didn't seem to to appreciate tbe templ
ing courtesies of the tlriver and refused
to drink."
rrufessor Meaala. ol the Woodmen or
the World Talaa to a Large and
Appreciative Audience.
'Vnu may f et the 5lner,
Bui yuuciuuut fi.nret toe stoig."
Last night John P. Meaken, the evan
gelist who is lent out by the head camp
of the Woodmen of the World, spoke at
the Baldwin to a large and appreciative
audience. Hi theme was "Footprint,
or Onward and Upward."
The entertainment was planned differ
ently from any that has been given here.
Hans Hansen sang a "Fisherman'
Song" in German, which was followed
by a solo and encore by onr sweet singer.
Miss Myrtle Michel). Tben Timothy
Brownbill introduced tbe speaker, the
man who is working for humanity's
sake, Prof. John P. Meakio, who spoke
ot the good that has been done and is
continually being done by the Woodmen
of tbe World. He spoke of the acts of
fraternity being done by that order, and
he spoke also to his brother Elks, bis
brother Knights of Pythias, to hi
neighbor Woodmen, to his brother Odd
Fellows. John P. Meakin, whose sec
ond initial must, we feel sure, be Plain,
John Plain Meakin, the friend of the
toiler, the friend of all humanity, spoke
of living for higher things than eating
and sleeping and living a mere animal
existence; he carried hi audience up
ward so that they would know if "life is
wortli the living." He told them to
Live for sntnethtnir; have a purpose,
And thst (.urtMioe keep in view:
Drifting like a lie I in I cm venel
I huu cant t ne er to elf be true.
Hall the wrecks that strew life s ocean,
if someKtur oad been their guide,
Mlaht have n.iw b-en re'tmir uiely,
but they drifted with Die ndJ.
Mr. Meakin, in his talk, draws the un
divided attention of all in his audience.
He speaks plain sense. He says he does
not judge one by outward apparel, but
studies the soul behind the man. He
wants tbe mind to dwell on higher
things than dancing and card-playing.
He is not a fanatic on these things; he
means making them a passion. He
want people to educate tbe minds God
gives tbem for the better life, so that the
light within may emanate and cast an
influence for good. An influence once
set in motion, like a pebble cast on tbe
smooth bosom of tbe river, will cause
the rings to grow and double till tbe
large circle almost expand from shore
to tbore.
The speaker spoke of the world grow
ing year by year with too little thought ;
that real, deep thought is nearly dead ;
resurrect it ! Think.
"I.ife i a certainty,
Lfntli it a d..uhl :
Fr men mity t di-a.l
vt line ttiey r.j we. king aijout.'
He spc ke of fraternity, of man loving
mnn, and of boa little their love for
each other it known until the lifeless
clay is in the casket, an I then their ex
pressions of love are shown in the pro
fusion of floaert being sent to cover tl.e
casket or the moun t of the earth. He
believes in being kind to the living.
Tell them you love them, and clap them
kindly on t lie shoulder; speak kindly
to them, and, above all, fee! kindly.
Feel the love for your brother deep down
in your hearts and let tliem know il.
Taken' tl.e lecture or the
j sermon was one of tl.e best ever listened
; to in The Dalle, an I men and women
of all ordeis take Mr. Meakin by the
hand and tell dim he has done tl.eiu
, good.
j After the lictiire Mr. Me.kin rea l in
a recitatite way from ill!'..riit authors,
, humorous and pstlieilc soitc'iOLS, and
1. 1! is i tr.-': 1 r.- 1 a trVy gifted mnn.
! God bless him ! If the world had more
Meakins it w.uld be a btt'.cr one. He
i is creedless t u'. not
fur Sale.
j Eastern O.egon timothy Lay, $15 per
ton, f. o. b. The Dalle'. Eastern Ore
gon wild Lay, $13. j0 in cir lots.
Mi Ci Ltv A Cavior,
44 2w La Grande, Or.