THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1900. HARD ON HERDERS; Persecution of Some Sheepmen on the Western Ranges. K. Ik. Take. . II U la ih Oppresalua I'arllrnliir . ( the Haslaaaa al Hala Ui Suri. The question i often asked: What will be the outcome of thin seemingly frueless strife between t he ont t ln-rneu am! the kheepiiitii? The eastern man believes t-hiip rearing will ever, t tial'!y be given over to the farmers, It-uvir,? the cattle to roam the unlorattd public domain. The ii'.ea 'oes not prevail in the plateau regions of the west, writtn t'apt. James 11. McClintock, in Ain lee's. Where there are sherp the cat- t!" iuut cepart. Shetp may exist in propinquity with cattle, but the re verse is not possible. As before told, cattie are stationary, while sheep are iHcer.irilv nomac.ic. Mhtn feed is ihortthe sheepman move his flock to grass. The cattle owner, with hi wilt anci kcntterec property, may r.ot Co thiu. He thrives or he "goes broke" in a einirle locality. The cattleman i handicapped nt every point of the .struggle. His crop mature more slow ly. To peciire the best results he must wait three or fouryears till his product is ripened bv age. Jn not over one year out of four will cattle accumulate auy respectable amount of fat on the west ern ranges. The price of the product depend much on the condition of the corn market, for range beef rarely if ever goes to the block direct. A single dry season means alto no fat or growth for cattle, and means also no increase for the succeeding year. The tales of cattle barons and of enormous profits jn the cattle business- belong to the early days, when the plains were cov ered with knee-d?ep grass, with water in every gullv. At present there is more money in the fattening of steers than there is in the rearing of the in on the range. I'nder favorable condi tions there i money in the cattle bus'inet.. but favorable conditions are rarely present. , The plateau region is now in its fourth successive year o drought. Thus it comes that the cat tlrman is no longer so determined to defend the heath he very reasonably holds his own. llie sheep owner, to begin with, i at considerable expense, for he has Jo maintain a man with every 2,ui:) head of his woollies. Hut he shears once or twice a year, and at the present prices for wool an average half-bred merino will bring- him annually from that pource alone $1.20. The increase of his flocks is fully 40 "per cent, per annum He need not wait severnl years, like his enemy, the cattlemnn, for entrance to market. His wethers at the pre ent rates bring him $3.50 lean, amative tlolkirs when in good condition, but spring lambs, four months old, are rated in the eastern markets at even a greater price per head than is paid for matured muttons. It is- a business of quick returns and ample profits. To be sure, a change in tariff would mark edly influence the wool quotations but yvere the value of the wool almost to be destroyed, the sheepmen would still be on an equality with the cattle baron. The tendency is emphatically toward the rearing or cattie in com pounds, such as are found on the great Maxwell grant of northern New Mex ico, while the sout.hwest ranges are be ing given over, to the sheep. A few thousand head are annually fattened for exceptionally choice mutton on the alfaJfa pastures of Arizona and south central California, but the owners pre fer the lush spring grasses of the plains. The result is the same and the cos-t U far less. It cannot be denied that the life of the sheep owner is- far from a -happy ne. He is damned and persecuted on every side, am'i eve n the I'nited States government takes a hand in the perse cution. The main trouble is with the forestry division of the interior depart nitnt. It is generally conceded that sheep have an injurious efftct on the western water supply. Of course, rain falls upon the sheep as upon the just and unjust but the forestry expert generally insists, (a) That sheep eat out al! uficlerbruth and even young trees, destroying the natural checks to too rapid evaporation, the conserv ators of the snowfall, and even threat ening the future of the forests, de prived of their young growt h; (l) that sheep pack the soil and clear away the grasses, thereby creating coni'ilt ir.ns that deprive the soil of porosity anil render the run-off too rapid for the public weal; (c) that sheep herders, with their campfires. are a perpetual .menace to the forests and are a pro lific caue of destructive fires-. Sheep owners deny these allegations specifi cally am! entirely, yet the ideas are ad hered to by the men who lead scientific thought in this rirtction. Kven now n commission of eminent scientific ex perts is pnkinir around in the moun tains of Colorado. New- Mexico am". Arizona, attempting to get at the truth of t he matter. The sheepmen's as ociations are welcoming them with ef fusion, am) have coin rihuted libenillv toward their ud education. prnptT entertainment aoalil Haw Waited l.oaavr. "I presume," nan the Sweet Young Th injr, "that yon would call that nuin who waited .'H year to jfet to marry the woman he lo foolish." "Me? .No. Of course, lie would have t-hown more M-nxe if he had walt i another 30 year," Raid the Savage Jlachi'lor. Indiana poli I'resH. Warraatea. (ot any fresh heireirp?"ked the storekeeper at lllkup'a -Corner. Yi-p." replied the farmer. "Here's 11 or eijrht. laid bv the freheM hen in the biisiness."--l'hil!idelphia North American. . mags t Crowe The only store W this city where th( Genuine Imported StranskyStecl War is sold. A little higher in price, but outlast a dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has the name Stransky-Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at It International Exhi bitions. Highest award at World Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre f erred by the best oookingauthontie certified to by the most famous chem ista for purtty and durability it u cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. u It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; if not affected by acid in fruits ot vegetables, will boil, and baki without importing flavor oi previously cooked foorl and will last for years. We cau tion tha public agninst. io A l'owdar Mill Eaploaton. Removes everything in eitzht ; so do drastic mineral pills, lut both are mighty dangerous. Don't dynamite the delicate machinery of your body with calomel, croton oil or aloes pillp, when Dr. King's New Life rills, which are gentle as a summer breeze, cjo the wotk perfectly. Cures Headache, Constipation. Only 25c at Blakeley's drug store. 2 Volcanic fcruptloD Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Buckleii's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever eoree, Ulcers, Boila, Felon?, Corns, Warts, Cut's, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains- and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley's drug store. 2 .Many people worry because they be lieve they have heart disease. Thechances are that their hearts are all right, but their stomachs are unable to digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what yon eat and prevents the formation of gas which makes the stomach press against the heart. It will cure every form of indigestion. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. If you have ever seen a child in the agony of croup you can realiza how grateful mothers are tor One Minute Cough Cure which gives relief as soon as it is administered. It quickly cures coughs, colds and all throat and tang troubles. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. (o0 Dyspepsia Cure Dirjests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structins the exhausted digestive or gans. It isthe latestdiscovereddiRest ant and tonic. Ho other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures uyspepua, indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence. Sour Stomach. Nausea. Sick Headache, Gastralgta.Cranipaand all other results of Imperfect digestion. Price SOe. and n. tre le contains tH times small sU. Book all aboutdyspepsiamatledlrea Ttpar4 by C C. PeVITT A CO, Cbieogo. Sold by C'arke A Falk's.P. O. rharmscy. NOTICE FOB ri BLICATIO-N. I-aUD Qrru n AT Ths Dai lk. Or., j rt(her, ::t, l:in. Notlee l heretry riven that the (illnwlr namxl aottlcr ban tiled nnti-e oi hla lni.-nli..n to make final prf In tupjHirl of hl claim. ali1 that aitiil pniof will he n?ailr before the relter and r.wlrer at The lallr, Orrgjn, ou Weduca day, December , Haw, via.: Uaary C. McKamar, of The Dall-, Oniron. If. E. No. for the 6r."i nee. i, tih.K ii r", w M. Ha name the Mlowln aitneaiwa to prove hla cnntiDiioiia real'leuee Uon anil cultivation of Mid land, viz. : Kiani Lanlor, Jamea R. itoele, Krle firnnlund, Albert IawjMn, all ot Ihe Imllta, uregon. cc!7 A F. I.Cl'Af, kifiattr. ijtrvri Str. Regulator Ship your Freight BOWK. I.v. Dalle st 7 A. a. Tuesday TliutMiay aturday Arr. Portland at 4 :HJ r. m. vr. Lv. Portland at 7 A. a. Monday t . .. Wednesday Friday Arr. Dalles a 4 r. at. Regulator Line. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Steamers ot tha Regulator Una, run. the best swvice Duatibla. Portland Office, Oak-Street Dock. W. THE CfcLEBRATEL) .. .GOIiUpIA AUGUST BUCHLER. .Prop. RniiaaBaiipav UI lli prmiuclol tins well-kuovi n brewery I lie luiieu oiaies iieauii Reports for June 2rt, 19(H), says: "A more eupeiior brew never entered the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is cox posed of tha best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with the cereainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. C. J. STUBMHG, WHOLESALE I Wines, Liquors Cigars I: Family Orders will receive prompt attention. I Phone 234, Nest door to First Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind? Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ? mTL'l'feed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOIl FlOUr Thli f1onr " manufactured expressly for family use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wa sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much less than wholesale prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets and Butterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. Crandall DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKE rf EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & AS.0RI1 SAY. COMPANY Steamers of tha Regulator line will run per the. fol schedule, the Company reserving the right to change schedule without notice. Str. Dalles City. Down I.V. Dalles St 7 A. a. Monday . -. Wednesday..., Friday Arr. Portland at 4 :JU P. M. r. ' L . Portland . at 7.00 A. Tuesday ' ... . Thursday , . Satunia)' Arr. Dal lea ' at b r. m. , via The Company will endeavor to give Its pat- . 5 For further Information addreaa C. ALLAWAY. Gen. Agt. iBREWEfiY... i AND RETAIL National Bank. THE DALLES, OREGON. S Barget Kobes, BuriaSh Etc. SOUTH and EAST via i j a m I nanilinrn IIAAlTlfl Mil I K Kill Mfllilllli I if I I M ,zr"z pro wiowii Truiiu kive The Pa'.le for PortUnd nd J ttatiuui al 4 -i) a. m. ana S p. m. Leave Portland Albany Arrive Ashland hacrHiut.'nto " bau francieo . . S:30 m 7 00 p m .U.SOam 10:Jpm ,.12:3ra l'. Wam . SUOpm 4;3Jam . 7:46 pm 8:15 am rj Oedon it-nvet .. .... KmiiiaiiCUy... Cbieago , 8:45a ra . tf:0U a m 7 : 26 a m , 7:4" m 11:45 m :U)a m a m : a m Arrive Los Angeles 1 :20 p m El Puso 6 U0 p m " Fort Worth 6::am " City of Mexico :Ma in ll.m.ton 4U)ara New Orleans S:i-jam " Wanhinicion - m " Jew Vork 1:43 pm 7 00 am 6 '0 p u f, : sO a m 9 i" m 4:00a in ( :s p in 6 42 a to 1J-4J p IB Pullman and Tourist car on both trains CbHircars Sacramento to OKden and El Pao, and tourist cara to C hicago, bt Louia, Ne Cr teuus and Wauhingtou. Conneotlua; at San Francisco with aeveral afamship hnmi for Honolulu, Jajmn, China, Philippines, Central and South America, See agent at Ti" Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, Geucral Passenger Agent, Port. and, Or Yellowstone Park Line. THE UIKINU CAR ROTTTE FROM POUTLANIJ TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE VEM.OW- SIONE PARK LI4VK. : Union Depot, nrib and I sts arriv. i i- No. 2. Fast mail for Tacoma, j Seattle, Olyinpla, Gray's No. Huroor ana mun Bona: i points, Hpokane. Rohs-1 land, B. :., Pullman, i i Moscow, Iixtoii, But-1 11:13 A. MJfaloiiiiinp.inlnliigcniin-! 5;50 P. M. try, Helena, Minneaiio-1 Ills, 8t. Paul, Omaha, ' ICnnnnu Cllv. Ht I .11 i m. i : Chicago and all points east and southeast. j Puiret bound Express! No. 4. No. a. Il;;t0 P. M. for Tacoma and Seattle! 7;00 A. M. and intermediate point Pullman first-class and tourltt sleepers to Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points without change. Vastihuled trains. Union depot connections in all principal citle. Ragbag? ftlierktMl to destination of tickets, For nundmiinely lllnstiated descriptive matter, tickets, sleeping car reservatioua, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (ieneral Passenger A Kent. 2SS Morrl sou Street, corner Third, Portland Oregon. DEF.IBT roa TIMS' SC'HIDCLI. KROM UALLKa. Arr:vc Fsom Fast Mail Halt I-akc, Denver, Ft, Fat Mall 1:05 p m Worth, Omaha, Kan- 12:25 p. m. saa city, bt. jxjuis, Chicago and Kaat. Atlantic Kxi.ress Halt Lake, lenver. Ft. 4:46 a. m Worth, Omaha, Kan 12:.riOa. m. sas Ity, Kt. Louis, Via Hunt ington. cnicagu alio mm. Spokane Mail and Express Walla Walla, Bpokane, MluneaMli. Kt. Paul, iu 1 u t h. Milwaukee. Spnkans Mail and Express S:.Wa. m :hicaso and Kakt, via pokaneaka Huntlne t4in : also all points In Washington and East ern Oregnn. 9:25 p. m t p. m. Fao PoaTlASS. Ocean flteamshlpa. For ftan Krmiclwn Kvery Kiva Iav. 4 p. m. X n m I ! Ex. (Sunday Cnlumola Rt. Rteamera. Rx.HuiU Ba.urday lup. ni. iiu artvhii mm niv Laudlngs. Am M U' . . n . Ex.Bunday-gon city, Newljerg, Kx.aundai Haleui ife Way land s.. 7 a. m, iWiLtxaiTTS ana ran Tuea,Thur. hillHivirs. and bat. Oregon City, Dayton and Way landings. S an p. m. Mon., Wed and Krl. Lv Rlparla Bnaii Riven. Ixa LSWIHTOH daily (Hla. m (IhIiv Rlparia to lwlton. I & a, m. Partfua iloilnH. ,. - point on Columbia Houthern via Biggs, should take No. 2, leaving The Dalles at l 40 p. m. m , j u," iii-iitiier niuction and Hlggs. Hetnrnlng masliig(lir.-. tcoiuief:tion at Meppnerjiinctlon and illvgsaith No. 1. ar riving at Tha Dalles at n.M p, m. The O R, A N. steami'r "M.mIiw'-Is now mak ing regular trips to nal.-m and IntM-iKiii.i. Mv, stopping at all way laiidinga. Hhe leaves Pott land on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday at a. m.. arriving at Haien 4 p. m.. and ln.lets.nd iZf"".,'m- '!? ','"- Reliirnlng L?a. I?V"" I"rt'-l'"-'i at ..a. m. andHalem at a. nv.on Tiiwdaya. Thurvlaya and Halur d.ya, arriving at Portland about 3 p. m. sa ne For full particulars call on o. R. A N. (k.'a -.-.i 1. 1 uc Laiiea. or a.l.lreas W. II linn iii-o-i. Cen. Pas. Aft , Portland! Or et4" .vl ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS A f'.rhfut, "i v net ikim a .in,. r Clirke & Faik have on aala a loll i: of paint . ml .rtial'i brnthet. Irilem Pacmc Vi... TIMOTHY Bao.... Att,,-"'.1 1 l LW. Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Conveyancing and Abstracting. We represent some of the a insurance companies in the world. city sod country, for sale kad.' We have money to loan on res secority at reasonable rates of intVres We do all kinds of conTeyanoir are the exclusive owners tJT Rice'.,va: tern cf abstracting, which preclodMVK. possibility of misiakes in I titles to real estate. "P Any one having propertv for P,Ie renfwiU find it to their advanta leave it in oar hands. Collections and all leirnl hnsiness left in our rare will receive prompt stten. tion. Will practice in all thecoortiof the rtnte. Correspont'ence proniDt'v answered. Offices: Washington street, next la French A Co.'s - General Mill Work. Hansen & Thorn see Manufacture ra and 1 (calers ia Sasb and Doors, Rustic, Flooring, Pine Luttber, Mouldings, Etc. BEE HIVES AND PETJIT BOXES Of All Kinds Third Street. The Dalles, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrics at Th riAi.i.xi, Oroii,i October i, lyuu. j Xotlce Is hereby given that the following, mimed settler has Hied notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her eliim, mil that said proof w ill be made before the Keglntar and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, od W1um day, December, S, woo, viz : Hattla L. Handy, of The Dalles, Oregon, II. E. Nc, 5.Vj3, for tb H'i 8e: 21, I 2 N, K U! E, V. M. She names tne following witnesses tn prove ber continuous tesidence Uxn and cultivatiuuof said land, vl: Frank Itpier, of The Dalles, Otegnn, Albert (j. McKamey, of Mt. Hood, Oregon,. Henry C. Me Kaincy and Eric (iranliind, o! The Dslles, Or. ootiiT JAY P. LIVAB, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the County Court of the bt.te of Oregon for the County of Wasco. In the matter ol the estate of LouliHchn bacher, deceased. Notice is hereby glien (hit the undersigned has been duly appointed ad ministrator, with the will annexed, of th t a tate of Louis dchwabacher, deceased. All per sons having claims against the estate i'f said deceased are hereby notified to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned st filsoltH-e in tlie stole-room ol Fletarhiier, Mayer a Com pany, in the City of Portland, Oregon, wltliin six months from the daie hereof. Hated this 17th day of Ootoler, 19no. K ll.OMON lllH.SI'H, Administrator. C'OITOK, TrAL MlNOH, Attorneys for Administrator. ortJi) A NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given th it llie undersiiwl has duly filed with the County Clerk of Coutitv, Ongm, his tlnal account and. reyrtM administrator of the estate of Adolph Aglilim. deceased, and that the Honorable County tonrt has fixed Monda, day ol November, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day as the time, il the County Court room of the County court house In Dalle Clte Wasco County, Oreou, at the place for hearing said final account sud re port. All persons Interested in said estate tre hereby notilled to appear at said time and plsre and show cause, II any there be, wliv said reirt should not be approved and said admini"""" diMliargdr Dated this 5th day of October, l'.nHI. ' j. p. AiiiDirs. Administrator of the estate of Adolpb Aitdlna, diseased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NoUcela her.hy given that the nndeftljne has been appointed by the county eoui Wasco county, On-gon, admliilstratiir ol i' estate ol Francis Koa. deceaseil. All T" having claims against the estate arc tierebT ir oiilred to present the same to me. duly veri" at the utiles f W. 11. Wilson, In i'' Oregon, within six months from the date ntrem. Dated November 10, 1'.sJO. GEO. F. R',', novlO Adiiilnistrstor- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrica at Vancouvsr, Ws-n. I ocU)tK-r2ii, 1WW. Notlco la hereby given that the 'ol ' named settler has filed notice of hi" tomake final proof in support of ''"''JZ that said proof will be made before w. r."T, by, V. H. comiiiissloner lor llie lMriot Wgaliltigton, at Ooldendale, Vih.,on Nonosf, iH-tien-ber 10, lyuu, vl.: Uenrge H. St. Lawrence, of Lvlc P. O., Wash., who made H. E. No. 'jf"i for the W, bEU and E'4 tee Sl.TP 3"' ia E, W. tf. Ho name the following witnesses u r his ronllnuous resilience uim slid culm aw of said laud, vlj.i t (! .,,. HrMOiord and 'WiiilNiii UttUHit all I-rv'' Washington. W. R. DPNBAR RegM NOTICE OF FINAL SETT LEMEST. I In fhe n.stter of the estate; of John Oottll Wageub'.aat, deceasid. v . i. v......v. -i.-o,, tht the iinders'a"; . i (hi last will and te-tsm-." John Cottllelr Wag.Mll.lssl. decs n. his final amount In the mailer ol saui" an I the County Court of the htal. 'I '."TV Wascot omuy has set Monday, the " M January, Mil. at tha hour of M '' "'."'..unl at the date for the hearing of the ss.d .' and an, objection, then WAHKSBI.AHT. T.:,ecb.r of th. last will ' H ageunlast, deceased EXECUTOR'8 NOTICE. Notlre I. h-rby given tt the nnderi. x.M.tor of the will of Andrew V. ilnMi, hs BM his flia' , county court of theMnfenl Ongon. . Itft conritv, and tald court has appol i '". ",, 10 the ;tn uay of January, ltd. M '' )on, a. m , as the lime for he, 1 1 , thereto and th settlement therH'i- Mll) creditor and other ,-rous liilJ ' Hk thr .-stateare theretore h.-p-hy 'T'l1"',!,.. hsve,"11 ob;erlloos to Mid acc.Ul.l. if " ' .,',,(. or before thedav set for the h.-nrlnf ' Dal... City, or, tiM DeWiTLMtIe"E.7ly Ki'f JJ beit liver pilli ever m.i. ty nd n.ver gripe. Bold bv CltrM 4 P. O. Phtrmtcy.