The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 05, 1900, PART 1, Image 1

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    iff fr fflsr
Ay Ay
NO. 49
! sad coo tin ratal Bat ions, something mor' tip aiiiii
f(7ormU u;th have happened. Bat IHL LAINAL
nTuroc nviwr i w aim. c paraaddto
Ul ntno. UTIIu.:ru,"i iinr, tbtrMioaof uipio-
1 )a( c fear ef causing troubie.
! The foee ( mediation arettediplt-
matists; it Mead ara. the people and!
Glass Factat Roaf la Sao Fraecisce, the pre. The iatease iotmtt erous-d
ColtapsH CrawJed With ? lh !s 01 to Europe is wb-
Spectators U; tubing a Tbaska-j
civias Oar Football Game. j
tiding vitb the inevitable reo!t of a
gradual weeing enthusiasm a in all such
areata. Ta British, parliament meet
joa Tuesday, and Kraiw'i indecent,
. J including document compromising
'prominent Eaglish tuteiuen in the
Sas Fbavcisco. Nor. 3a-ThU eity j j4mM4ia conr-ucr ought to bare been
las new known an accident approach- . UnncLed on the President's arrival in
iCg in horrible detail thataf yesterday, i.jri in order ,0 crwm, tL
heo mora thaa Ul men aol rx;a wBo'fff,!
the S;aaford California
it r . L. . - t - 1
OOluatl gain If J 111 lliw VI u av
linlng glas manufactory were smilei-
Hr precipitated into the interior of l!ie
! uilding, man? of them on top ol the
kliitehot furnace. The ventilator an.
Jr.eX to th root pn wiucn luey were
I erched, cellared under the strain, and
without warning 14 person were, hurled
in their death. The injured now being
Vired for in hospital or at their home
number S3, and of the-e several on no'
fiirvive. - V, ; .
Nearly all of the dead sustained frac
tares of the (Kan or laiai injuries to
their spinal coin inn. In only a few
cises was contact with the furnaces the
immediate caoe of death, for reaij
hands aaicklj draped into the oprn air
Ithose whr were in danger of being
burned alive.
Fred F. LJ'I n among those be
lieved to f''ir i i red, came to
San Frain:i. ! airo from
Saw Vo k t'i'r. . Amori hTs effects
were f d a vn'uhr t U-r:' from bis
father, ii Lit, '- .cnnneeted
with the f-it- f J l.'xmarda A Co.,
dealers in l t- ' lio, 5' and CI
Read street, New Yk City.
Charles Yost, ovenmya of the a'aes
works, was rakiog the fire when the
crash came, and narrowly eecaped being
etrock by the falling bodies. He says
that those killed are thoea who struck
the heavy bands that so r round the g'ass
oven or were crashed by thoee who feil
on top of them. Many succeeded in
staying their descent for a tnosoent by
holding on to the broken beams. Lot be
fore they con'd be reached they were
obliged to let go their bold and drop to
the floor, a distance of 4- feet.
Clareuce Jeter, a furnace tender,
palled eight people off the top of the
retorts, where the heat was a boat 500
'lgres. The oil drips were fall and the
fire did not go down until they were
emptied, gone of the rata and boys
were terribly btxmeJ. They were drawn
avay from the retorts with long iron
pokers osed In testing the glass.
While aiding in lemonng the dead
and wounded, T, J. Parker, a fireman,
fo iD'l his owo son among thoee fujired.
The lad will probably die. The nana
Kirs of the glass works state that it was
impossible for them to keep lb people
off thtir boildinge. They disclaim all
responsibility for tba accident. It is
citimated tbat over 300 people were on
the ventilator when it collapsed for its
entire length of 100 feet. Home were
thrown to the main roof of the building
nml escaped onhart, bat of ' those who
fell into the stroctara nearly all were
t'ther killed or seriously maimed.
Ojtn Paul's timid in'sadvUers are to
blame. II id be ben left to foltow bis
own pUns the result would have been
otherwise. , . .
IMorinnaa HmmgUlf Tft4 la Haagarr
Vis, Sot. ZO Advices, received
from lemesvar, Sonth Hongary, record
.the rough treatment received there by
two Mormon elder emiisarlcs from Salt
I.tke, Utah. Tba two elders bad hardly
commenced to enunciate their views on
polygamy when the eadicnea stormed
the platform and ejected the pair from
the I. all. One of them was compelled
t) rtiti the gauntlet of 300 itate citixens
armed with sticks, strap and knotted
cords, and shod with bob nai!ed shoes.
He was afterwards stripped to the waist
and strapped by hail a dvzen matrons of
TtMiietvar. The second Mormon was
d i"krd in a horse pond. Finally the
to elders were reecaej by the police.
The minUter of the inteiior has prohib
ited farther Mormon attempts to proee
'yte as Mm dangerons to the well leing
' f the state.
Ihat .atrcl n Itw Tk anlMa.
CossTAXTisoFLa, Thorsd iv, Nov. 29.
The opinion is expressed in diplomatic
circles that tbeAruerican claims for build
ing of a cruiser in the United States is
officially promulgated.'
The question rsf the consulate at liar
poitt remains open, the Porte persisting
in its refusal to grant an exequatur to Dr.
Thomas 11. i ruc. The moral effect,
however, created by the presence of the
United States battle-ship Kentucky at
Smyrna in sapport of the representative
of the American legation, taken ia con
junction with the settlement of the other
daims, leads the legation to hope for an
early arraugeu.?ntof ail oat standing dif
ferences. London, Xov. 30. Nothing in regard
to the United States battleship Kentucky
is coming from Smyrna. The authori
ties there are evidently censoring all dis
patches. , . .
Loxdo.t, Njv. 30. A Renter dispatch
from Constantinople says it is suggested
that Russia ia piompting the -Porte to
grant an exequatur to Dr. Norton. The
dispatch adds: - "It ia an open secret
that they dislike the foreign consuls in
Asia Minor, especially the Americans,
whom they suspect of aiding the Ameri
can mission work in Armenia."
Secrttarv Hay Siga a Treaty VUh
Xkarajaa Xecrvsarj Ftiviteses
Kraor Mitw4 aa 0ip.raalt r.
Nkw Voar, Jfov. CO. A dispatch o
the Joarnal and Advertiser from Paris
ys- Mr. Kroger has retitly aikel a
Mmber of qieAIons regarding : h In a vat of hot war. Mr. Caiil
r- rr a Cabl.
Xaw Yost, Dee. 1. A special to the
Herald from Washington says:
Signor Marconi's proposition to flish
messages without wires between Europe
ai.d America may prevent the passage of
the bill for a Pacific cable. Chairman
Hepburn, of the House committee, r.n
interstate and foreign commerce, who
i e ported a Pacific cable bill in the last
asion of eongres, said :
"What the use of potting $15,C00,
000 or t2O.OC0.0i) aader the ocean in a
cable plant if an invention has been
perfected that wit! render ail submarine
cablet useless?"
The advocates of a cable bill will push
it early in tbe session. The chances will
be further complicated, however, by the
differences of opinion between those who
favor a subsidized caMe and thoee who
favor construction by the government.
Kragcr lUa.ll.
Colog-vb. Dec. 1. Mr. Kiuger arrived
bere at 11:30 o'clock. A great crowd
had atsembled and eaased a dangerous
crush.. So official reception bad been
arracged, and Mr. Krnger drove to tbe
Cathedral Hotel, the crowd cheering as
ha left tbe station, and as he drove along
tba route. The abseoce of an official
welcome fa said to have been due to a
neglect to secure an understanding with
the imperial court, which is necessary
in ease of visits of beads of states, hence,
it is reported that Mr. Krnjer will prob
ably not go to Berlin at present.
An Kntply Hawwr for rvr CI-laaH
Naw Voaa, Sot. 30 The World say :
Sew Jersey democrats are interested in
suggestion that Grover Cleveland be
given the complimentary noovnation for
United States Senator. Sjme hope the
caucus to be helj Decern her 7 wiil name
Mr. Cleveland. Pforethe caicn it is
the pnrpoae, it is said, to have a cimtnit
tee call npju Mr. Clevelan I and ascer
tain where he !anJ regarding tl.e prop
osition. There are f demn.-re!e in tbe
Jersey lgijlatnre, sgiott repuhli
eaos. aale4 la Death
Ecoasa, O, Srv. Yrsterday
afternoon at Pleasant Hill, twelve 'miles
east of Kugene, the 5 yer-o!d daughter
of. Rev. R. G. Callisoo was scalded to
Washispto.'c. Dee. 1. Secretary Uay
this morning, for the government of the
United States, and Senor Coree. tbe Sio
aragutn minister, for bia owa govern,
meat, signed a treaty whereby the latter
government concedes to the government
of the United Sute the necessary right
and privileges witliaber bestowal for
the construction of tbe Nicaragua canal.
This action ia taken in anticipation of
congressional action opoa the pending
Sicaragna canal bill and the flay
Pauncefo'.e treaty. Pending the subniis
sicn of the treaty to the senate, which
body must, ratify the agreement, Vt
terms will not be made public. It is
understood, however, that generally
Nicaragua grants to tta United States
government the exclusive tight to con
struct and operate a canal between tbe
Atlantic and Pacific across Sicaragua,
including the free nse of the San Juan
river and of Lake Nicaragua, as part of
this water course. Nicaragua Is also to
rid herself of any outstanding treaties
that would tend in any way to abridge
the privileges to be acquired by the
United States. It is understood also
that Nicaragua eoni'edee to the United
States full authority to police the canal
Nicaragua is to receive ia compensation
a certain amount of the securities of tba
canal, and although it ia not possible
now to learn the figure set down ia the
treaty, it ia believed to approximate 50,
000,000. .
The state department already baa en
tered into an arrangement on similar
terms with the republic of Costa Rica.
This was becanse Costa Rica has estab
lished a claim to the right, bank of the
San Joan river, which must, of neccs
sity, form about a third of tbe length rf
the canal, should tbe Nicaragua route
Deselected and be constructed on the
linee which will be suggested by the
Walker commission.
An understanding also bas been ar
rived at with the United States of
Columbia recovering the sane rights
and privileges for the Panama route as
are- conveyed by the Nicaragua and
Cota Rica ia the case of the Nicaragua
route. So the state department has
cleared the way for such action as con
gress may eare to take in the case of
either of theeanal route which has been
found feasible.
MaKFRS MFFTi'i'-e,w"eU"Mhi1I,i,t ita :1
Vmmumam Crlt rMm4ui.
The regi'ar monthly meetlax of the;
the member present except Coaacii.
tered byjthe j rieet. All ba: VX) or those
awora were bo.'e men. The Bomber ia
cijvied the l.'X) bo o aien who had pre
j viouiy surrendered. Ths proceeding
maa H. C. TJebe and the mayor, whit
in the church occapttnj the entire day
was oat ol town. Ia the mayor's eo-i
and tnc!adr at Mea by General.
ScaJ Sesaida f tae Fiftf Cea- r06 c"aiIaa unufaS wt !;,!
ia in- enair.
i Yooag and aa exhortation the priest.
oarcMly any rebeia remaia ia the
pes .f the laited Sute Csa.tecJ Johm Baoa MtJ G(W t i:eimtyolSnte Marie. Geoerat Youa
. u.w wu ts.a svnrw cau
peered before tha coaacii and com
plained of a dead eo. aad a dead hoe ol Mckm.y.
that had been dragged by a neighbor
j arrival of a stronger BeJ of trooe- anl
!:.. .k ... J ... ( the especially r'gid enforcement
lata tbe vicinity of the complainant i ... .
I ... . ; ntunriM in.l t!i. J.n.iri,n.i. .,(
of war
WASBiSSxoS.Dec3.-Cogre opened pnp9rtf Mli Wt th w lh aieasuree and the deporutio. of prieon.
Sftr.rlfMli Epldeait.
Losdox, Dec 1. Tbe beer poisoning
epidemic at Manchester, which has to
worked up the north of England, ba
now spread to London. The county
council, announce it is taking active
measures to protect the community.
Tba workingmaa now empties his pewter
pint with more or less fear and trembling
and anal j flats ar busy day and night oa
the saccharine used to extensively by the
brewer; Many of these were foond to
contain arsenic. - Ia Manchester and
other districts there are already 1S.C00
patients, and there nave been seventy
death due to tbe peculiarly bad lot of
glucose supplied to tbe favorite local
brewer, which eansed perpberai neu
ralgia, very similar to beri-beri. A the
result of the agitation the nee of glocose
will probably be restricted by legislation.
The public analytist suggests that tbe
mystery in tha Maybrick case might
have been solved, bad the facts, now
made public in regard to arsenic in beer,
been known at tha time of trial.
and po!i tics I aen'imeat la America
'ar a tha Boer are concerned, but b
wiil not ti to tie United State nm.
His plan for hi future abode era un
titled, depending largely npon tha sue-
of bis effort at Intervention.
Your eot respondent I of the opinion
that h ha almost loet lit opportunity
of rousing French feeling. Had b fol
lowed op hi Marseilles sheech with If-
rific charge of the barbarou conduct of
tli British n 1 a vigorous appeal to tha
aarm-hearie 1 sympathise of lb Freocb '
in was butchering some bog sal the
little girl, who was playing ahou, in
soma nnknown way, feil into the vat of
boiling water. Her flesh
Loxi.. Dec. I. A dispatch from
Berlin say that Mr. Kruger has been
advised that Count Yon Bueiow, impe
rial chancellor, wilt only exchange
formal visit with him; that public
demonstrations wilt be suppressed, aad
that the pnpoed municipal banquets
wiil be abandoned.
Sreek BalhaXaam.
Paais, Dec. 1. Mr. Krnger'e joortiey
this afternoon through Northern France,
-. c ".ii. - by scenes similar to (bos
rtr,e elrl Marseilles and Paris. At
nearly every station f eed, crowd bad
gathered which waved bat and handker
chiefs and cheered the train.
today, and the event drew great crowd
to-the eaitol. Oa Jane I last the first
session of the 5rt:h congees adj,urned,
and the second session began today with
many momentous qiestion awaiting
the attention of the national law-makers.
Early ia the day the tide of travel
tarred doi Pennsylvania events to
ward the capital, ling the broad waJk
leading to tbe Marble terraee, which by
11 o'eloek presented a scene of busy
activity. Oa the eastern plax. front
there was the stme scene of activity,
long lines of eorriage swinging op to the
wings, bringing senators, members,
public officials and interested observers,
while tbe many iineeof cars carried their
quota of interested public.
Inside the building but little restric
tion hid been placed oa tbe free moving
of tbe tLioag, B.i J the people moved at
wiil from ooe wing to the other. All of
the galleries were open, so that every one
bad a chance. By 11 o'clock the elevaror
becan to be besieged, and there were
sigas of an overflow at tbe door leading
to the gallerie. It was evident that the
ladies took great interest ia tbe proceed
ings, for they were present in foil force,
one delegation of girt students number,
ingover 50. Tbet e were conferences among
senator as to the programme for the
week, and for so early in the session un
osual activity was displayed by mem
bers on both aide of tha capitoi. . ,
Speaker Heoderson arrived at his pri
vate office about 11:13, and was scon
surrounded by members, discussing the
programme of business. On the senate
side ther was lesa evidence of activity,
and tbe crowds were rather slow in in
vading the galleries. Tbe resident pro
tem., Mr. Frye, was at hi office early.
conferring with senators, and by 11:30
tba floor of the senate began to show
sign of the activity preceding actuaj
A Tillage BlaeksmUB Bared Hla Little
Boa's Life.
Mr. II. H. Black, the well-known
blacksmith at Grahamsvitfe, Sullivan
Co.,N. Y., ear: "Our little on, five
years old, has always been sut'jct to
croup, and so bad have the attacks been
tbat we have feared many time that he
would die. We have had the doctor and
used many medicines, but Chamberlain'
Coogb Remedy is now our sole reliance.
It seems to dissolve the tough mucus
and by giving frequent dose when the
tbecroopy symptom appear w have'
found that the dreaded croup is cared I
before it get settled." There is no
danger in giving this remedy for it con
tain no opicm or other injurious drug
sod may be given aa confidently to a
habeas to aa adult. For sale be Blakeley,
tbe druggist.
Krager Addraaaes frleada ar Boer.
Pa us, Dec. 3 A special dispatch
from Cologne says :
Mr. Kroger, after he had received Em
peror William' telegram, spoke a fol
lows to a deputation styled "Friends of
the Boers":
I bop with all my heart that the cir
cumstances which prevent His Majesty
from receiving me today will become
more favorable later. I shall never
cease to have confidence in the spirit of
jistice ol the emperor, wbo, without
knowing me, sent me for yeara signifi
cant encouragement. I shall stay some
time at The Hague, and will then renew
my request, and this time the emperor
ill not refuse."
Mr. Krnger was very sad, and after
wards retired to his apartments in tears.
ordered to' " 7"
necessary Loccaoy a I the barrack lat
TV. l,:U...... a. ".rr i (innni U Dli in iron) iae
The Khiowiug petition for a sewer on i ... -r , -,
On motion the marshal was
h it e the auisance abated. -
Court street, from the river to the biaff,
was read and on ntotlua wa referred to
the committee oa trt and publie
Ta the Mayor aad Common Cuaieil of
Dalle City:
We, the OQlerigned, property hol.i
ers atijacenl to Coort street, would ask
your honorable body to lay a terra eocta
ewer from tha river to the bin if, on
Court street. Said sewer to be laid
sufficiently deep so aa to drain all the
property sdjicent to said Court street;
said property, on each side of said Court
street cn half of the blcck to be assessed
to pay lor said expense; sai l work to be
Crwaer'e taav.
Coroner Bitts beid aa iaq tett this
morning on the remains ol the man that
was killed aa tne railroad track between
flood River and Uoeier Sunday even,
iag. Four witne were txamined,
three of them being the trainmen, who
were thy only witaeesve t the accident,
and William Michel), of this city, whj
t entitled aa ti the eond.tiuii in which he
found the fragment of the man's body.
the details of whie!i are to ntteelv hor.
done according to law and let to the j rihle to pot ia print. There wae bo evi-
dence to show tbat ever the deceased
bad lived ia The Dalle, aa reported
yesCerdiy through a mistaken identity.
iowe't bidder
Fmilb Sc.S!IO,
Pmsx A Srrsvusx,
A. BaTTi.xtixx.
J. W. Flaxen,
D. W. f bxxck.
Maa.U.C. Rcch.
Uxo. A. Lixbb,
Wst. McCbcm.
Masonic Lot; a.
. bt Johji Maaoxx,
The following bill were allowed aad
warrant ordered drawn oo the treasury
for their payment:
Peae A Mays, mdse $3;
F S Gunning, repair
Maier A Beaton, mdse
Dr Shackelford, nied service.
T J Driver, marshal
George Brown, engineer ....
Jauiee Like, nightwatchman .
C J Crandall, treasurer
Ned II Gate, recorder
Dalle Watr Work, water. .
Tirnee-Monntaineer, printing
Wm Morgandeld, labor
B II Atkinson.
AT Dodge,
G George,
George Davis,
(iiiii Atkinson,
A O Hogoe,
J N Setter white,
E M Crew,
Fred Chandler
Wm Galbreth,
F Plonker,
J A Mad Iron
Abe Freeman
Peter Petersen,
Janies Douglas,
W K Broen,
R W Safley,
Bert Eaton,
F'aok Carlton.
John Camming,
A A i rqubart,
Dave Donaldson.
Charles Fonts,
A V eiter.
J M Brown,
Charlea Pavette.
O Nickelson
James Blakeney,
Jeff Dripp,
Frank Planker.
Ernest Webber,
Wm Dsrragh.
Andrew Jensen,
2 74
17 W
S 50
75 W
75 00
60 00
20 00
50 00
50 00
3 00
23 00
44 00
33 00
3-5 00
15 00
20 00
11 00
9 00
17 00
6 CO
50 00
29 00
20 00
4 00
7 00
6 OO
11 CO
7 :o
6 00
a 00
10 00
7 CO
12 CO
io eo
10 00
40 00
20 00
30 00
20 00
10 00
24 00
7 00
1 50
The treasurer' report for the month
is a follow :
Nov I Bal ri'hle eath fen-
eral fan.1
Bi fpt frum ail ararre
TUI raiUbte eash
By interetn bubl
tt arraau tMBeit
. Tl is
lT4 it
Ta fo'lo wing is the verdict :
W the jury impaneled by W. H.
Butts, eorooes of Wasco eoantr, Oregon,
to inquire tntu the death of the body
bow before o, after investigating the
fact produced before u. come to tbe
following conclusions:
Tnat the name of the deceased wa
John Wilson, whose age was about)
years, and whose home was at Uslena.
Montana, where he leave a wife.
That the aid John Wilson eiai to hi
death at tbe hour of 5:45 o'clock p. m.
Sunday, December 2. 19GO, at mile pot
No. 63 oa the O. R. A N. Co.' railroad,
which is about two miles east of Hood
River, in the county of Wasco and state
of Oregon.
That the said John Wiiaeo, then and
there, while ia an intoxicated condition,
lay or fell across the aorth rail of said
trsck and wa rnn over the middle of
bia body by freight train No. 23 and in
stantly killed.
Tbat the place wher said John Wilsoa
was run over and killed was at a carve of
said track, aad for this reason tae train
men were unable to see the decease 1 ia
time to top the train before it reached
the deceased, and this jury for (aid rea
son doe not attach any blame to sai i
trainmen for said death.
Dalle City, Oe., Dee. 4. 190O.
Das D.rraos,
L. !. Davis.
M. R tMD.lLI.,
Nib H. Girxa.
His Life Was Save.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citisen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately bad a wonderful
deliverenc from a frightful death. Ia
telling of it be says: "I was taken with
Tvphoid fever, that ran Into Pneumonia.
My Iub became hardened. I waa so
weak I conlda't vca sit Dp ia bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr.
King' New Discovery. ' One bottle gave
great relief. I continued to ase It. and
bow am well and stroeg. I can't say
too much la it praise. This marveilooa
medicine i the sorest and quickest rare
In tbe world for all Throat and Lung
Trouble. Regular six-? 50 cents and fl.OO.
Trial bottle free at Blakeley' drug
store; every bottle guaranteed. 2
Bal araiUblc earth fee. food. r.TOT il
rata c ocjrr or asaiBjti. rcxD, I
Sow I T available rath ..
rait warrant ..
kceeipr tut ui.Ktlh.
I Br Interest en b.m't
i W'arraals reilrened
no )
De I T- baUnee itat rath
! nntMMl w.-ntat. ....
Toeun (a nuaiag fund
DaBedea AM Partaae far Bab.
Losdox, Dee. 3. The Manchester
Guardiaa today ay it ondentanus
Queen Victoria ha decided to confer a
dtedota oa Lord Riberta. and that
parliament will be asked to vote biru
j Mayed Oat.
'"' " ; DuTI Headache, Paine ia ration part
u of tbe bedv, Sickieg at tee pit of the
tomacb. Los cf appetite, Fcverishnes.
poI:ive cvnlen.
Nj matter bow it
ij t i
't't ' Pimples or Sores are ali
' ce of impure blood.
oecame so it tunrt be parttiVd ia orer
By ea per bok
Councilman Keily suggest! that , r,, ob'.aTn eood health. Acker' Bloo.1
'something ought to be dose with the E.exir baj never failed tccore Serfa'ott
To remove a troublesome corn or I jn ,h ei,y ttwarf that or Syphilit'c poisons or any other blood
bunion: First soa the corn or bunion ( mitht woinf in,.pt. He eas in . j, It is cr'ainlv a wonderful
in warm, water l soften it, thee pa j Uvor of investing it in county warrant. rea)e.i, ,. , n ,rf tottl- one
down asclosely arable without draw. A, , pr.4 to ' itiv'e guarantee. BUk,Ier, tre drug-
n! antiTtf rhimhri:B P:a i ... . .
.UB w.w-. -rr j twnetoer or not un-ier rxitcing revenue it.
laws, the cite on l bur ountv
I have uted Chaoiber'-ajn lUt:,
Sick Headache abeolately and perma-
was horribly . neatly corei by osiog M jki Tea. A
cooked, and, after taken out, the rblld ! rJeasaat berbdriok. Care constipation
suffered great agony anti! death resulted i end indigestion, aiake yea eat, sleep
sTrl hours later. A physician wai
called, but bis sff.-rts wer aaavailia,
anl happy,
money beck,
tbe drugz:s1.
Satisfactioa guaranteed or
Zi eta. and Wet. Blakeley,
U i.m ui nl nrnaibt acfinr
pill tbat never gripe ase DeWitf Iattl j Carka at Falk have received a carload
Early Rlr. Sod by Clark A Fa.k's j ol the celebrated Jane E. Pattoa
P. 0. Pharmacy. j strictly part liqaid paioU
Balm t aire daily; rabhiog it rigorously
tor five minutes at each application. A
corn planter hoaid be worn for a few
davs, to protect it from the shoe. Asa
senera! liaimeat for sprains, bruiee.
lameness and rhtrimatism, Paia Balm Is
ansqua'ed. For es'e ty Blskeley, the
drugget. - j
DeWitt's Witch Haiti Salve will
quickly heal the worst burn and scalds
and not leave a scar. Itraabe applied
to eats and raw surface with prompt
and toothing effect. Us it f piles and
skia d'sestes. Beware qf worthies
counterfeit. Sold by Clarke A Falk'
P. O. Pharmacy
Yoa will sot have boil if yoa take
Clark & Falk' tare car for boil.
, the cite cmlil bus oontv war-1
rants without lakL.i ml a broker's Ii
C nte. it was finally agreed that the fn- Cholera and Diarrho. a Remedy and fin J
aaceommntee should confer wit!, the U to be a great BiedViae," ay Mr. E,
local and Turtrand bank and ee what S. Phipp. of Poteau, Ark. "It cored
intemt. if any, thsy would be will eg to me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too
allow on a tiu.e deposit. ; nibble of it " Th s rstnsdv alwars wins
recorder ass instructed to re- . " , . . . . .
. . . . . a iW K-jaT-J Wfcr; U'VU. a -a a-aasmaNra a
treasurer lo furnish the ; , . . r ' . . .
W no use l(. lae qiiva n'fi woicu it
jefftc's even in tae st. evere case
make it a favor tit evoty where. For
a.... ..,.. i.t. .. I ta e by Blakeley, the Jrugis!.
Misu., Dee. 3. Sunday In Vigan ' Experience i the teat Teacher. Us
w a great day for the Amertcaa cause. ' A.-ker's Eogiisb Rsuiedy ia any case of
Teenty-two hundred of tba region, near- ieougbs, eo' Js orer ap. Should it fail t
ly all fighting rebel, crowded tbe church give iotmeliate relief uieey refucdeJ.
aad took the oath of allegiance to Ih : tJ ct. and 5o C.s. Eiakaiey, the dru
Uaited State. The oath w a almiais-Ig tt.
quest tha e.ty
council at its text rrsu'ar meeting with ,
a full statement of tbe city' finance.