The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 01, 1900, PART 2, Image 4

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Read This, Consumptives
" From the way icy wife coughed for six months, I knew she had consump
tion. She showed it ia her face, too, and her body wasted away to a mere skele
ton. After she got down fu bed the doctors couldn't do any good. I called in
both lr. T. A. Shannon and Dr. N. L. Hawsen, each of whom is a first-clas
physician, but they had nothing ysrw
that would reach the trouble
in her lungs. My wife's father
came to see her oue day, when
she got very low. He lives in
Cedar Lake, Wis., while we
live in Rice Lake, Wis. .He
said he knew what was needed,
and made me get a bottle of
Acker's English Remedy for
Consumption. I went to
Schmidt's, our local druggist,
and got a bottle, and it helped
her right away. She took eight
50c. bottles, and they put her
back on her feet and made htr
as sound and well as any wo
man in town. She has taken
on flesh again, she doesn't
cough, and if any one wha
doesn't know the facts was to
be told she was so near death
with consumption, he wouldn't
believe it. My wife does all
her housework, and at night
sleeps as soundly as vou please.
Her stomach no longer gives her any trouble at all. Maybe you doubt what I
am telling. If so, 1 advise you to see J. N. Schmidt, the druggist who sold me
Acker's English Remedy for Consumption. . He'll tell you the same thing. He
says Acker's English Remedy is wonderful in all throat and lung troubles ; that
it is sold on a guarantee to cure, or money returned, and he never yet had a
bottle come back to his store, although he has sold hundreds of them. My name
U Luther Bedell, Rice Lake, Wis."
Acker's English Remedy la told by all drugg ists under a positive guarantee
that your money will be refunded In case of failure. 25c, 50c. and Si a bottle In
United States and Canada. In England ,. a., ,, ,,)., ano- 4,. jj.
We authorize the above guarantee W. 1L JIOOmJK & CO., Proprietor: Sew York.
For sale at Blakeley's) Pharmacy.
Tbtf C(Mt tlWMMMMXHt. and Sow Are
to H Tirar4 Over to lb
fa aT L
I Wines, Liquors Cigars
I Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Bank.
Phone 234,
"The Kails jettii-H in the mi nth ja
of the Mis;.ssi)ii delta art now ready
to he taken over iiy the oveininent,"
said KNtcli Millcnrv. of St. Louis one
of the adminint of the Kails -
J tate, to a Washing ton t man. "The
Hi) rui thut tlie rarlriTtor was re
quireil to Keep 'Jii feet of water flow
ing throii-fh the Mitith pass have now
expircil. and every conilitiuii of the
coiitraet lias been complied with. I!y
the ttriDi of the recent act of con
irrefK t!ie jrovernmiT.t tnp.v assume
control of tne works by paving over
to the Kails estate the $.V n.i;. ; vet re
maining of the contract price. This
will he done a soon an a purchase
price for the plant has been nirrecd
upon Bin! other details cleared up.
It is not likely that un.v obstacles will
come in the way of n final settlement,
n it is provided that the price to be
paid for the plant, which is outside
the contract price for building the jet
ties, is to be fixed by arbitration in
case of a failure to agree.
"The Mississippi jetties are among
the most gigantic engineering feats of
the world, costing in the neighbor
hood of $."(0.0K),!(:o, and making a L't
foot channel out of a stream where
there was formerly hut eight feet of
water. This has made of New Orleans
a port for the largest ninong ocean
going vessels, where otherwise only
the smallest of craft could have
crossed the bars.
"The Ends jetties, however, while
they are up to the specifications of
the contract, will not meet the needs
of the future. They are already build
ing vessels that draw .Kl feet of wa
ter. It is now proposed that the gov
ernment shall build jetties in the
southwest pass that will make of it a
channel with water for even larger
thnn ;0-foot. draught vessels. The
southwest pass has now only about
eight feet of water, the silt the Mis
sissippi brings down having filled up
eight feet of it. since the Eads jet
ties were built, 50 years ago."
Retiring from Business.
Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much lege than wholesale
prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to euit purchasers.
Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days.
All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets
and Butterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure
Corner Second and Court Sts.
An Exception to the Rale.
First Citizen I know he has been ac
cused of corruption, but a man should
he pronounced innocent until he's
proven guilty.
Second Citizen Oh, nonsense I lie's
a politician. I'nck.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature ia strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovereddlgest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in etllclency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and H. Larue slue contains 2 times
small sice. Book all aboutdyspepsia mailedtrea
'-"epared by E G. Dc'.viTT A CO., Chicago.
Sold by Clarke &Falk'sP. O. Pharmacy.
Advertise and offer for sale old
style Jackets at so-called half
price. We have nothing but this
year's goods, strictly first-class
make and up-to-date, and are sell
ing them about 1-3 cheaper than
you can buy anywhere in the city.
We have a nice assortment of Jackets at 13.75, 1.50, $5.00, $(i.00, $7.50, $8.00,
$8.50, $9.00, $10.00 and $12.00 everyone of these are bargains.
We are Agents for Miller's All-Wool Clothing".
Our Leader, a well-made suit; will give good wear $ 4 75
A good serviceable Worsted , 6 50
A strictly all-wool cheviot in black 7 90
A strictly all-wool Oregon cashmere ; 10 00
Imported all-wool clay worsted, extra heavy 10 00
Send for Samples or come and see them.
Just received, a nice line of Misses' Dress Skirts, nothing like it in the city, prices
$1.05, $2.40, $2.60 and $2.95.
See our Ladies' Fancy Neckwear for the holidays.
We quote the lowest prices on Rubbers and Overshoes.
Ladies', Misses' and Children's best heavy lleeced Jersey Leggings at 78c, 88c and
98c. Please compare these prices with other stores. We believe we can save you money.
If you are not already one of our customers give us a trial. Your money back if the goods
are not satisfactory.
...THE FAIR...
133 Second Street,
The place to Save Money on all kinds of Merchandise.
F. C. IWarqaardsen, Prop.
rlrl'. Smart
. rt.
Recently I went to a very "rniirt" V'' ' 11 l'.v "ne "' I'orfs
rirlHst ui'iniMi. writes Edith I.a
rtiicr. in l.rdrr Montli'v. Her house
is a (Irt-a u of beauty and L'oud UtfXv.
ller biircinni is the loveliest tliinjr I
eer sa. The whole room had the ef
fect of white ami silver. The wood
work was white, the wall paper white
and siivrr. Her bed.-tead was w hite en
amel, with bars and posts and knobs
of silver. Her iirer-:ni.' tub'e was white,
with a beautiful oUi-fa.-hioncd stand
ova! mirror on it. in a earved sil
ver frame. Instead of a small pin
cushion in the- midole and trays for
pins and stick pins, she had two pood
sized sensible pincushions,
covered with white satin ett.broiiiered
in silver, and fitted into two upper cor
ners of her dressinp table; if course,
hercoinp'ete toilet set wassiher. Then
on herwritinpdesk she had some thinps
I had never seen before. A solid sil
ver blottinsf book, a pad of blottinp pa
per, with a silver back, as i: were. Such
an improvement on the pads with sil
ver corners, which are always coti.inp
ntT. And she had a small silver bowl
filled with sand, where her pins were
stuck, to Keep them from rustinp.
Her silver inkstand a small
tank attached, which her maid
filled every clay, and mucilape pot.
sponpe holder and paper-cutter, all
in silver. In her dressing -room, off
from her bedroom, we saw the loveliest
toilet outfit iiiHiirinable. and so many
new thinps. She had a silver tooth-powder
bottle, which had a s'idinp top,
and was filled from the bottom; and a
most attractive silver rack, with a
place for a tooth brush for every day
in flip week. The tooth brushes were
of ivory and were numbt'rt-d, with
tiny silver fipures. There were silver
peps over the wtishstaud, as well, to
hanp sponpes. etc., on, and silver
stands for toilet waters. Altogether I
never saw such a complete outfit. The
articles were all made to order for the
lady in'Vienna. but probably they can
be duplicated here with slipht varia
tion in form and ornament, if one can
afford the luxury.
12 ii p. m.
ent Lske, Denver, Ft. I Fir-t
Worth. Omaha. Kn-j Mail
ua city, st- Louis, I l:0o p m
Chicago ana tuL
l':0O a. m.
Via Hunt
Salt Laka, Denver, Ft.
Worth, Omaha, Khh
sua City, tit. Ixuis,
Chicago and East.
4:45 a. m-
9:25 p. ia
8 p. m.
Walla Walla, Spokane,1 Spokane
Minneapolis. M. faui, i .Man
iu 1 u t b, Milwaukee,! ani
:hlea(0 and Kast, via, Exprwa
sipukaneakd Huntin
ton: also ail point In
Washiutrton and Kast-' 3:30 a. m
ern Oregon. i
From Pobtln
Ocean Hteamahips.
For San Francisco
Every Five Days.
4 p. m.
8ti. m. I '4 p.m.
Ea. Sunday Columbia Rv. Bteamers.' Ex.suu
To Astoria and Way
Saturday Landing. I
10 p. ni.
a. m. i WitLAMKTTR River. I 4:30p.m.
Ex.buuday Oregon City. Ncwberg, Ex.bundaj
tjalem Si way Laud .
7 a. m, WlLLAMfTTR AND Yam-
Tiien.l hur. bill Kivers.
and em. Oiegon City, Dayton,
and Way-I :indiugs.
8:30 p. m.
and Fri.
Lv Rlpana
8::ioa. m.
Bnakr Rivir.
Klparia to wiaton.
9 x0 a. m
Cold Steel or Death.
"There is but one small chance to
save yonr life and that is through an
operation," was the awful prospect set
before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Li die Ridge,
Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying
to cure her of a frightful case of stomach
trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't
count on the marvellous power of Elec
tric Bitters to cure stomach ami liver
troubles, but she heard of it, took seven
bottles, was wholly cured, avoided sur
peon ,8 kuife, now weighs more and feels
better than ever. It is positively guar
anteed to cure stomach, liver, and kid
ney troubles and never dissapoints.
Price 50c at Blakeley's drug store. 1
When you want prompt acting little
pills that never gripe use DeWitt's Little
Early Risers. Sold by & Falk's
P. O. Pharmacy.
mays & Giowe
Ct" Parties desiring to go to Iteppner or
pi a tits on Columbia Southern via Biggs, should
take No. 2, leaving 'the Dalles at li:40 p. m.
making direct connections at Hcppner junction
and Higgs. Returning makingdireetcotinecUon
at Ueppuer Junction and Biggs with No. 1. ar
riving at The Dalles at p. m.
The O. R, N. steamer "Siidoc"'is now muk
lug regular trips to calcm and Inpcpendtnce,
stopping at all way landings. Khe leaves Port
land on Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fridays at
i'. a. in., arriving at Sjaeri 4 p. m., and Independ
ence about tj p. m. on same days. Returning
boat leaves Imlcitendence ut . a, m. and Salem
at 6 a.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and sjainr
days, arriving at fortlund about i p. m. same
days. "
For full particulars call on O. R. & N. Co.'s
agent The Dalles, or address
w. h. RT,
(ien. Pas. Agt., Portland, Or
Pacific Co.
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way
stations at t:' a. m. ana a p, in.
Leave Portland 8:.10am 7:00 pm
" Albany l-'.ltOam 10:50 p m
Arrive Ashland
" ban Francisco .
.12:3:tim 11:30am
. ft: 00 p m 4;33 a m
. 7: 4.i p m 8:i ) a w
Arrive Ogdon A:4ftam 11:45 am
Denver :(io a m B iioam
" KansasCity 7:25 m 7:i'am
" Chicago 7:15 am S::Wam
The only store ft
this city where th
Genuine Imported
Stransky. Steel
Ware is sold.
A little higher ic
price, but outlasts
a dozen piecesof so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
like it.but thegenu
ine has the name
Stransky - Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exhi
bitiona. Highest
award at World f
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago. Pre
ferred by the best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ista for purity and
durability it u
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware in special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex.
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb greaw,
does not discolor
nor rntch inside, t
notaflef-'ted by acid
in fruits ot
will boil,
and bag i.
w i t h o ti t
i m parting
flavor or
coolie, d
food nnd
will last
for years.
Arrive Angeles 1 :20 p m
' El Paso 6:un p m
" Fort Worth 6:30 a m
" City of Mexico :."rfam
" IluUHton 4:00a m
" New Orleans. .. , fi: ."am
" Washington 6:42 am
" New York 12:43 pm
7:00 a m
0:110 p in
ti::w a m
:5ft a m
4:00 a in
:26 p in
li 12 a in
12-43 p m
Pullman ami Tourist cars on both trains
Chair cars Hiicramento to Ogden and Kl Paso,
sou tourist cars to niCRgo, ht luis, New Or
leans and Weshiugtou.
Connecting at San Francisco with several
steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China,
riujjjipiues, teuiiHi ana souin America.
See agent at The Dalles station, or address
General Passenger Agent, Port. and, Or
r. A. Ht'DSON.
Notary Public.
Ti-orar E
Unison 8 Braiwii
irllBfll hit
Yellowstone Park Line.
Real Estate,
Insurance, Loans,
Conveyancing and
We represent some of the lar2t t
insurance companies in the world.
We have a lartre list of property
city and country, for sale and rett.'
We have money to loan on real (in
security at reasonable rates of iateiwt
We do all kinds of conveyanciri
are the exclusive owners for Rices'.
tern ef abstracting, which precludes it.
possibility o mistakes in looking n.
titles to real estate. p
An7.,?n2 havi"K P'opertv for sa!
rent will find it to their a'dvactaEs
leave it in our hands.
Collections and all legal business ffi
in our care will receive prompt ittM.
Hon. Will practice in all the conn, of
the ttate. Correspondence promw't
answered. 1
Offices: Washington street, next to
French & Co.'s
Genera I M Ml Work.
Hansen & Thomsert
-Manufucturirs and liealAs in
Sash and Doors, Rustic, Hooting,
Pine Lumber, Mouldings, Etc.
Of All Kinds
Third Street. The Dalles, Oregon.
M4VK. Union Depot, Firm and ISis assiv
NO. J. ! Fsst mall for Tacoma, No.
i-eallle, OITUipla. (iray's
Ilnrlxirand H-nith Rend
'IKiints, Mpiikane, Rims
land, II. f., full, imn,
Miiscnw, Le Ulnii. loil-
11:13 A. M. falulliiiiipmlnliigcoiin- 5;W P. M.
irj, iieiena, .viliuieniio.
lis, HU Paul, Omiilia,
Khiimii f'llv Ut
hlcBgo and all imiImOi'
east and southeast. i Nn ;t
I'ugee Houml Espresa,
for 'lacnnia and hcattlei 7;iJ A. M.
, 'ii inuirmonate notiitsl
No. 4.
11;) P. M.
We cau.
tlon thi
Pullman first class and tonrl.t sleepers to
MIlincaiMi II.. Ht p. nl ..... in. ... ' . ... .
Wl.hontchsnge. -.-. r,.er ,.,,.
i .M 1 tr.Hl""- ' u1"" d,,f'"t foiineotloiia
in all principal cities,
luggage checked Pi destination of tickets.
Il,r llSllllMllinMlw llll, mt ..I I I
. ...... ........nLKKwnimTrmailiT,
ntl ' "''"''"'K 'eaervatlons, ate., call on or
AsBltantii(.ieral Passenger Agent. HVi Morrl
son Mtiect.e.uner Third, Pnrtland Oreguii.
Notl is licrcliv given Hint the undersigned
x-iit.,r nf the will l Andrew V. Anderson
de.:esl, hss ll his tlnsl account In the
county coiittof the mate of Oregon for Waico
l iHinty, and said court tins sppolntcil Mondar,
the ,111 iHr f .laiiiiarr, at the hour of in
.i . " 1'- hearing olijoetlnna
tlier.-Uiand the sittleiiient thensif. All heir
erediuira and other s-rsona luterestel In said'
olijis tloiis to ,.t,l ..eonut, If any they have, oil
i. ii ... ' ' '"' nenring thereof,
I'alli-s City, Or.. Nov. I.',, P.
u1' 11 J. t. IIONI K1I.ER, Eiecutor
Land Offic at Th Dallks, Oe., i
October, a, lmio. j
Notice is hereby given that the followiii.
named settler has filed notice oi Ills inienll .il
to make II mil proof in supfKirtof his claim, ami
that said pnHif will be made helcire the nlter
aud riwclver at The Dalles, Oregnu, on tt'ainw
Ohv, December 5, l.KJO, viz.:
Henry C. McKamey,
of The Dlle, Oregon, H. E. No. J409, for th Hee. 21, T 2 N. K 12 E, W M.
He names the following witnesses toprors
his continuous residence Uon aud cultnsliun
of said laud. vis. :
Fiank Lapler. James K. Steele, Eric Ursntal,
Albert Davidson, ull of The Dalles, Oregon.
oct27 JAY P. LUCAS, kef ister.
l.ASD Offici at Thk Dam-is, ORC'IO.VI
October -a, im. I
Notice Is hereby given thnt the followmir
named settler has tiled notice of her internum
make final prtaif in supimrt of her cUin. and
that said proof will he made before the KiYi'trr
and K'-ceivcr at The Dalles, 'Jregon, on Henna
day, December, 5, J'JW), vi::
llattle L. Handy,
of The Dallas, Oregon, H. E. No, 5V1, lor the
Wee 21, t 2 N, K 14 E, W. M.
Khe names tne following witnesses to prove hr
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
ssld land, viz:
Kriuik Ijipler, of Tho Dalles, Oregon. Albert I!.
McKamey, of Mt. Hood, Oregon, Henry C Mr
Kamey ui.d Eric Oranlund.of TheDaHei.Ot.
oct27 JAY P. LPCAH, Regiter.
lathe County Court nf the Htitc o! Oregon 1W
tiie County of Wasco.
In the matter ot the estate nf Lrnn wn
bacher, deceased. Notice is herebv gHen tw
the undersigned has been duly appoint ,
miiiistrator, with the will atmexnl, oi lu'
tate of Units richwahacner, ilecessed. AH per
sons hnving claims iigiilnst the estate "f won
deceased are hereby notltled tn present then,
duly verllled, to the undersigned Ht bis nine? l
ti e store-room of Flelsi hner, Msyer 4
pony, In tbe City of Portland, Oregon, W"
six months from the daie hereof.
Dated this 17th dsyof Octolar, 1WK
S il,UMi)N HIK.irli, Admlnl't"'"''
Cotton, Tbal Ai Minor,
Attorneys for Administrator.
Notice Is hereoy given th it the flrf'"fl
has duly tiled with the County Clerk t"
Cnuntv, On-gon, his final account and tepon
.. .ii. ..i ,h ..iui of Ailiiluh Ai"li
aeceaseo, ana mat ine n inm.- tA
atlOo'cliM k a m. of said d..y as the time.
the Conntv Court s.m of the 0,ln,jL. as
house in DallcsCltv, Wasco County. ,,ri,V
the place for henrlng said final ''"n'
port. All iNTSona Interested In said '"'""j,
neretry notiuisi toapiwarav - . ,rl
and show cause, II any there be, 'ti) '""''u,!
should not be approved mid said ailnnn'"'
discharged, .
Dated this 3th day of ticioucr, e"".,,-
Admlnlst ra tor of the estate olAiliiliH'"1
diMtased. . " "
M.,ti. i. i.h. .iven thnt the ntidemlf ,
has been appoint.'.l by the ','!',n?0f Hie
u ...... ,.,,.. nn..ri. silinlnl'-trslnr ,
eslate'of Francis Ross. dcces"l. "K w
having claims against the estate " ; ,' fff!ii.i.
illlrel Wipreseni llie snino ;., i,.l I !
at theoillee of VV. II. Wilson, " .' ."'There.
Ongon, within six months from tin
Dateil Mivcmwr 10, l-.ssi. p
" . ... .i nM'
linvP) a.........
Lajib Office ar VNioiivr".
.Willis'' I " ll' h "J m. . i lllir"'""-
mimed settler has hi") noil's-' '"' "
U. iiuike final proof in supi"'" "-.v g.
thnt said pnsif will be made Is " l
l,v, V. . commissioner jjonday.
Washington, at Ooldendale, "'"
Dcccic Iwr 10, l'.sm, vl.:
0r,. H. t. I..wr-ps
I I yle P. ()., Wash.," ho made IL r , (
or the bE'i and K', ' e,,r tS' "
'.!' W. .. .t,essr
slit Imnl. - : .. .u.n,nn. '.el-
Thorn. s I. Whlteotnh. W'r", i,lel'."'
Ilr..ll.,r.l and W'lllllllU l'Sloll, all
Washington. i NltK Urtt
NOTICE OF FiNAl. 11,1;
...... I.ihll li""11"
In the mailer fit the eii' . "
Wagciiblaat,dcccas."i. ,,nderll'"";
N..,i. Is herebv given tlis U'V'li.ra.ot''
the executor of the l-.t.i ..;
John ..Oltlleb W agel.h s-1; J",,, .sKle. ".
his final account In th- f Or-f-"1'
and the County t ourt oi ' th 7tt, rl
Wa-colontity hss set M"i'" ) lA .l
January. at IHH" ' ",, .aid
as the uaie ior n.-- - -
and any objections thereto. WAnKNiWlk
... i. mill of 'nn .0 4
Executor or in" - -W
ageuolast, decraswl