The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 01, 1900, PART 2, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
(HI uallic.
frthluhed in tan
and !atunia.
rlototng at one-half price at rsM .!k
Men's lined and knit luiltena
glove at the Xw Yoi k Cish More,
Profes,jr Kandvig'a regular weekly
1 Uhdiv i,I be given Saturday night at
U J I I nil- ....
1 today was
Very few
only half a degree above
urncuL paper op wasco cocxtv
T Bill.. roTAGi raarxiD, ta aoTAHta.
One year fl SO
ix mouth. 75
Tare month. 60
AdrertiKiTig rub rmaonable, anl made known
on applicstiun.
AddreM ail eomniunteattons to"THP BKOS
;LK," Ta Indie., Oregon.
WedneMiav's Daily.
Sander, rooms 1 and 2
John Filloon yesterday shot near Ltle
an eagle that measures seven feet from
tip to tip.
Kev. Paul Kroger was able today to be
oat of bed for the first time since he was
injured by fall on the sidewalk some
two weeks ago.
A special meeting or the common
council will be held tonight to consider
what is beet to be done with the city
ewers, in view of the fact that so many
of them are at this time falling In and
causing considerable expense for repairs.
Mr. Jud Fish informs ns that he has
received telegram from Father Bron
geest today from Portland announcing
that the directors of fie Catholic Mission
bad accepted the terms of The Dalles
Gentlemen's Driving Association for the
lease of 21 acres of their grounds west of
town and that toe lease tor the same
would be drawn np forthwith.
Dr. Geisendorft'er made an ineffectual
effort this morning to remove the hall
from the shoulder of M. J Finlayson,
who was shot at Antelope Monday by
Bert Rogers. The X ray located the ball
last night, but it had evidently moved
meanwhile and is supposed to be lodged
behind a rib. Pieces of the victim's
shirt were removed from the wound,
and the only apprehension of fatal re
sults arises from the danger of blood
poisoning. '
The water commissioners have de
cided to suspend further operations on
the arteeian well eonth of the big
reservoir. The bole is down to a depth
of 504 feet ami has cost in the neighbor
hood of f2000. The tiering was chiefly
through very hard basalt rock. Water
was struck at seveial depths but none
etrong enough to overflow. The hole is
cased and plugged and will be preserved
for future private experiments, if any
one should at any future time desire to
experiment further.
Mead Hughes, who is serving twenty
five days in the county jail for assault,
and William Kelly, who Is serving
thirty days for iarceny, bad a misunder
standing this morning that resulted in a
rough and tumble fight that was brought
to a halt by Hughes catching Kelly's
left thumb in bis mouth and holding
on to It, inflicting a painful wound.
Tub Ciihonici.k do-s not know wbicb of
the criminals was to blame for initiating
the fight, but it does know that Huithes
is making a very successful repntation
for himself as a scrapper.
Officer Like, about 1 o'clock this
morning, roundod up twelve hobos that
he found in various attitudes of repose
near the freight depot, and marched
them to the city jail, where they were
kept until after 10 o'clock this morning,
and, as they bad committed no crime,
turned loose. They were a mixed lot,
both as to race, color and previous con
dition of servitude, but the msjority
were strapping big fellows that the in
experienced would never tbink of classi
fying among the genu hobo, and yet
hobos the whole bilin of them undoubt
edly were.
"Tennessee's Pardner," which will be
seen at the V'ogt December 4tb, is an
unusually good f play and the company
which will present it Is exceptionally
strong. There is an absence of sensa
tionalism, yet there is a distinct western
flavor in every line. The situations are
dramatic and the play is carried along
more by the story than by the tricks of
the stage. "Tennessee's Pardner" was
uggested by one of Bret Harte's popu
lar romances. Manager Arthur C. Ais
ton has re engaged nearly all of his ori
ginal company, and a perfect production
may lie depended upon. The Golden
Nugget quartet will be a feature with
this sterling attraction.
James Lamb, who was shot by a
tramp at 4 o'clock last Monday morning,
us he and a companion were beatln.r
their way on a west-bound freight train
nd had reached a point about two
miles east of town, died yesterday
evening of his inj lry at the Good
Samaritan hospital, Portland. Limb,
while here, gave his age as L'l, although
lie looked older, and claimed liamsvil'e,
Minnesota, as bis home. The local),
pbysicians who examined the wound
feared itttal results although Lamb is
"id In have smoked cigarettes and
chatted pleacantly on bis way to the
hospital, as if little were the matter with
bim. No particulars have reached here
but the ball bad evidently perforated
some vital part of the abdominal cavity,
rrliliijr lwily.
P.Ig values in overcoats at The Fair.
Millers' all-wool clothing at The Fair.
Wilbur Bolton, of Antelore, is in the
Do not overlook that sale of boys'
Wanted K girl to da general house
work in a family of two with no children.
Apply at this office. n30-tf
If you want a bargain in groceries,
ring np Boh Teague, next door tu M. T.
Xolsn. Pho No, 3. c30-7t
The regular monthly meeting of the
water commissioners will convene to
nltht at 7 :30 o'clock. .
Snecial li.rtv&inti in n-ariii intur
goods thaws, fascinators, hood 4 and
mitten., at the New York Ca-:b Store.
We have them, dressed or fclive
ponltry and fish, also vegetables, froit
and feed. At the McNeil market. Phone
278- i)2S L't
Ladies take advantage of A. M. Will
iams & Co.'? sale ou flannel waists this
week. Tomorrow's the last day, and
there are some rare bargains.
The Driving Club will bold a meeting
at the Commercial Club rooms
evening at 8 o'clock. All members are
earnestly requested to be present,
Pease A May are offering extrsordi
nary bargains in boys' clothing this
week. You should not let this opportu
nity pass to secure a boy's suit at half
Henry Stegman.of Hartland, delivered
atTroutda'.; Tuesday twenty-five bead
of fat bogs that netted bim the snug
sum of 1369.24. Tbe price was 5.10 per
hundred pounds.
All members of The Dulles Assembly
United Artisans will pay their assess
ineut and dues to J. F. Hawortb, secre
tary, at bis printing office over The
Dalles Commission House. ni'8 3t
Mrs. C. M. Cartwright, while on her
way from Hv Creek to Shaniko, was
thrown out of the buggy and narrowly
escaped death. It will be some time be
fore she entirely recovers. Antelope
The Thanksgiving dance at the Bald
wjn last uight was the largest gathering
of the kind of the season. About eighty
couples took part and the dancers in
sieted on keeping up tbe fun till an hour
after Professor Sandvig's regular time of
F. W. Silvertooth's saloon at Antelope
was robbed Friday night, says tbe Re.
publican. Tbe robbers raised a window
and took f 45 from the till, but left $20 In
silver, which was also in the till. No
cine to the robbers has been found at
this time.
A beautiful new home for sale at
sacrifice. The house cost $2200. It is
perfectly new and has never been occu
pied. It hae six room 8 and basement,
with all tbe modern improvements.
Two lots 50x120 each. Will sell within
the next ten days for $1500 easy terms.
Hudson & Brownbill.
In the county court today the petitions
of S. F. Petersen and J. 8. Wisener for
licenses to sell liquor at Mosier occupied
tbe attention of tbe court. The petition
ers were represented by F. W. Wilson
and the remonstrants by N. B. Sinnott,
The court took the questions raised by
the counsel undtr advisement.
"There has only been one clip of wool
sold in Tbe Dalles daring the past
month," said a wool buyer to tbe Chkon
ici.k man today. There are seven or
eight wool buyers in town, but there is
a difference of two to two and a half
cents between their price and that of
tbe wool-growers. Hence no sales.
Dr. Logan was called yesterday to
Grass Valley on a visit to Joseph Mor
risy, a highly respected resident of that
district and a former reeident of this
county, who was reported dangerously iH,
Word was received this alternoon that
Mr. Morrisv died last night. The re
mains will be brought here for interment
probably Sunday.
K. B. Gilbretb today received by ex
press from C. M. Smith, of Jeffersoo. a
four-months-old boar of the Poland
China persuasion that is as One a speci
men of bog flesh of bis age as we have
eier seen, rie was larrowea April -urn
land weighs, in very moderate flesh, 160
pounds. Mr. Gilbretb will send the an
imal out to the ranch.
Mrs. Mary B. Huntington has per
fected arrangements whereby the fire
insurance business of the late firm of J.
M. Huntington & Co. will be continued
by her. She will be pleased to renew all
expiring policies Issued bv J. M. Hunt
ington A Co. and to writ such further
insurance as may be entrusted to
her. Oliice at Huntington A Wilsm's
law office. n.SO-lw
One d the most remarkable Inxtances
of f.irgetfulnesa that w have beard of
for some time occurred the other morn
in if south of Grant stition when Sher
man Frank, of this city, who was up
there on a goose hunt, after going eight
miles out on the Sherman county
prairie, at 3 o'clock in the morning, to
pits he bad dug the night before, found
he had forgotten to bring bis gun along.
The many friends of Mnrdork Unlay
son, who was shot recently at Antelope
bv Bert Roger', will he pleased to learn
that bis condition today is favotable for
hi recovery. Mr. Finlayion is at the
F.uropean House, and his attendant
physician, Dr. Geisendorffcr, reports
that bis patient's temperature at noun
modern drama have the
dash aud, fun and pat to of the
beef nf all comedy dramas, " tVnneete'
Patdner." This play was vni of t!,e'
bif road ucceies o( the fast three!
sefon. The company which will pre-;
sent it is strong in everv par'icuiar and
has not one weak member. The tmir is
directed and managed bv Arthur C.
! Aiton, mho has in torn er seasons'
' brought several prominent star and
productions here.
J The Dalles Chronicle is pulling the .
j Antelope Herald, does the Oregoniin :
nainst the Republican, so has other I
papers. They are clipping items out j
or the Utter and giving credit to the
former. Never mind boys, the Republi
can will overcome all difficulties and
come out victorious hi the end. It is in
the right, and right will win. We will
manage to keep our bead above water,
though the sea is rough. We may not
be very good swimmers, but air cannot
sink, you know. Republican.
A truck load of miscellaneous house
hold supplies, clothing and reading mat-
this 1 ter w( collected by the children of the
public schools and shipped today to the
Boys' and Girls' Home at Portland.
Among tbe collection were about 200 jars
of preserved fruit, five sacks of potatoes,
a sack of flour, no end of dried fruit,
three big pumkins, two squashes, a large
quantity of children's clothing and read
ing matter adapted to the little folks of
the borne and other articles too numer
ous to mention.
At a recent spiritualistic meeting in
the forks of the Santiam tbe spirit of
Elijah Grosser was called for. He had
died there many years before, but was
remembered for his immense stature,
six feet five inches. A voice in the dark
nees said he was Elijah. "Are you in
heaven?" asked an old-timer. "Yes,"
came the answer. "Are you an angel,
Lige?" "Yes." Tbe questioner paused,
evidently having exhausted his fund of
questions, and then suddenly inquired :
"What do you measure from tip to tip,
A very pleasing and profitable union
Thanksgiving service was held at tbe
Congregational church yesterday, in
which Revs. Clifton, Hawk and Poling
participated as speakers. Tbe opening
prayer was made by Rev. Warner, after
which Professor Landers read the presi
dent's Thanksgiving proclamation. Mr,
Wilson, of the Boys' and Girls' Home,
addressed the audience in a few brief
words, orging the importance of being
doers of the word ' rather than hearers.
The attendance was not large, owing,
probably, to the fact that the meeting
was not sufficiently advertised.
Tbe accident nt San Francisco yester
day, while the Berkeley and Stanford
teams were playing their annual game
of footbnll, in which thirteen people lost
their lives and one hundred or more
were badly hurt, should not be charged
up against this popular sport, for it was
the direct result of human dishonesty
in endeavoring to secure something for
nothing. Those who had climbed to
tbe roof to see the game did so to avoid
payment of admittance fee to the
grounds. They wished to Bee u re some'
thing for nothing and got more than
they bargained for. If tbey had entered
tbe grounds honorably and decently as
men and boys should, the management
of tbe football grounds wonld have pro
vided for their comfort and safety, and
broken boiieisnd beacarred bodies would
not today be the result. When people
who expect to be ranked as men, climb
up on box cars and high eminences to
get something for nothing, they are
taking risks, besides doing a "cheap'
and contemptible act, and no com to u
nity or organieation for amusement
should worry if their reward ba broken
limbs or necks. This applies to The
Dalles as well as San Francisco.
a t'loxly CoilMUd (lam Kul Tb
!.llra TVn Sly a ucota or la 3.
held against future needs i f tonnage
chartered ahead, and which must be
j given prompt dispatch when at hand.
For Infanta and Children.
The much heralded football game be
tween Washington Agricultural Cidtege,
o( I'nMii an, and The Palie f.ottad A
ocition eleven, was puiled ilT enter
dav on time at the latter' grounds near
th WatiM warehouse. The game was
one nf fnd tt.irty-tive minute halves,
full of brilliant plays, 'both offensive and
defensive. Ti.e I'alles team can feel
that thev now take an important place
in tne fiatha'.l field, for tbe Pullman
Kiy nail in. I tn-en scored against
Season iiiitll veateruav'a game.
rew sellers are in the market at
prices, desirable paree's of good shipping I&8 lnt YfltJ H3f9 AW3S MwM
i - - o
Eeara the
Sadturo of I
umnv win1 nrnny neM at coinpara
tle,v sturtuure. Walla Walla wheat
; is coming in t'reely, mostly of purchases
1 made soma time go.
A;.ne,.rancrs indicate that holaers
; have more confidence in a future en-
hancemeiit of values, and consequently
: are more reluctantly to utter their gram.
I K interior holders are under the i tit
j predion that exporters are in need of
: grain on account of the fancy ori.ea re-
""jcuillv paid, fhev had better be set at
riLrhlri .it..... Tl.uu .. .. l. .
. , ... ,, nirt nrru li'U 1111.9
1 i . .T , . "" any i..i,tke about d.ippeis
I a hard one lor The Dalles bovs to solve. ' rM. ,. ,
i'n. iri ii are rec
.. - , iiiTi. vw, ,1,1.1. j.,,,.1,,1,
viffuoie cnuneii organize uon anl
and their line t ucks difficult to
For nice stylish jackets at low prices
go to Tbe Fair.
Clarke A Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Bargains in rubbers and overshoes,
also in rubber boots at The Fair.
Ladiea' best heavy jersey leggings, ex
tra long, at fi8 cents. The Fair.
Rosiyn, CI. 'alum and Australian coals
by the htadelinan Commission, "1-lin
Remember that Cocoa nut Gteain Tonic
will promote growth of hair. Charles
Frazer, sole agent. nf)-lm
Plain sewing and dress-making done
on Third street, between Madison and
Monroe streets. n27-lw
It vnu have dandruff1, your hair is
falling out. Use Cocoanut Cream. For
sale at Frae-r's barber shop, iiO Im
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there is nothing bo good as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
If you want a nice turkey for your
Thanksgiving dinner order It from The
ta leiinan Commission Company. Also
Booths Eastern oysters. til
If vour hair is dry and d, 'ad-like, Co-
roanut Cream Tonic will give it life and
luster. It is pronounced the (in est
tonic on earth. Can be had at Frazer'e
barbershop, agent. liD-lm
Wanted A second-hand fire-proof
sufe. Must be in good condition and not
too large. Apply at the Ciiko.vic'I.k
office. c31tf
bard tiaming. so efsential in football
work. Individually, The Dalles made
the most brilliant plays, the most im
portant being Cooper's kangaroo leaps,
Frizzell's pretty catch and big run, the
solid work of all the hacks, supported
by Captain Bai tell, and the good work
of ends and line. It was noticeable,
however, that The Dalles boys e-e n ,i
in the physical condition tlmi miked
tbe successes of the Pullman team, a
defect that should be corrected,' and
which ia wholly in their power to do.
Morally and socially, Washington Ag
ricultural College should be proud of the
young men who weie sent to meet our
boys. They are a body of born gentle
men, and it is regretable that their visit
to our midst could not have been pro
longed. To the credit of all Dalles
people, the young men met with a gen
eral and hearty reception, leaving last
evening for their school right well
pleased with their treatment and happy
withal, though they had suffered defeat
Pby one point.
In the game, Pullman won the toss
up and took choice of position, the east
goal, giving Tbe Dalles the kick-oil".
The half was remarkable for the even
playing, and at no time was either goal
in danger.
In tbe second half the defensive play
ing of both teams was not so good as in
the first, and in ten minutes after the
kick-off Pullman bad tbe pigskin over
the line; but in punting back for posi
tion to kick goal lost the chance by
making a bad catch, tbe ball touching
the ground. The remainder of the game
was The Dalles,' the home team making
a touchdown through their redoubtable
captain Max Bartell, following it with a
punt for position and a successful goal
kick by McKenzte, the splendid quarter
back. At the close of the game Pullman
had the ball, but wers making no gieat
The game was entirely free from "rug
chewing," loud talking and slugging.
"Fatty" Brown, who has always held
the position of center in Tbe Dalles
team, played "good guard" yesterday,
Earle taking center. "Fat" Is an all
round football enthusiast.
The line up was as follows :
as siion as
trths on d,K k are vacant other ships
take their pUces. The cargo market
since our last review has declined fid per
quartet, and prevailing rates ottered are
v:ry exireuie limits. Portland Com
mercial Review,
C Eaile
lg Brown
tg ' Frizzell
It Starr and Zirka
rt G E Bartell
re Groehler
la Scott and Ward
qb McKenzie
tb Cooper
III Max Bartell
rh Williams
Captain, Pullman, Clizer; manager,
Evans; substitute, Krugel, Captain,
Tbe Dalles, Max Bartell; manager, Otis
Patterson ; substitutes, Hagan and Hepp
ner; referee, H. E. Northup; umpire,
Roy Emerson ; linesmen, Heppner and
Met Their Match This Tim.
Mac Kay
To rreteat kpreart of Infectious II
A ' ibe i-itv 1 1 h - still numerous cases nl
scaiiel lver, although jn a very mild
form, a local physician desires us to pub
lish, for the information of the public,
sections 4 and U of ordinance L'ltf, of
Dalles Cttv, which are still in force snd
which read as follows :
SkciloN 4. It shall he the !ntv ol
every practicing physician in Hie city
to notify the marshal, in wiiiing, of
every case of contagious or infectious
disease within the city limits, within
twelve bouts after the existence of such
I disease shall come to tils knowledge:
and should anv em h physician refuse or
neglect to comply aitti the teqr.ireiiients
of this section, lie shall, non conviction
thereof before, the r.e t ier's poort, be
fined not lets tliaii :.Y) nor more than
Skc. 0. Any phyeiriuu or nurse at
tending iioou any pe son or persons
having any infectious or contagion dis
ease who thall enter any piiMic loii'd
ing or private dwelling wiihin theciiy
limits In the same clothing worn w hen
viBitlng patients aIlicted with such dis
ease shall, upon conviction thereof be
fore the recorder' court, be fined not
less than $-0 nor more than 1100.
Do not get scared if your heart troubles
you. Most likelp you suffer from in
digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di
g.'Sts what you eat and gives the worn
out stomach perfect rest. It Is the only
preparation known that completely di
gests all classes of foods; that is why it
cures the worst cases of indigestion and
stomach trouble after everything else
has failed. It may be taken in all con
ditions and cannot help but do you good.
Sold by Clarke A Fslk.
Are tltoe who e,r clothes that are up-to-date
in tit, woikuianahip and quality.
My line ot samples cover all the latest
designs for fall and winter, the price is
right, and 1 can guarantee a perfect tit.
Suits to Ordar, $10.00.
JohnJPashek, The Tailor.
I.. Y. Hong, Prop'r.
First-Class in Every Respect
Oysters Served in anyCStyle.
ST eepnihl Bt.Ttie Pallet, Or.
Ice Cream and
Ovster Parlors..
The "Great African Salesman," and
bis pards, who are vividly remembered
In The Dalles for tbe slick method by
which they fleeced the dear people out
seme $250, met their match at Oregon
Uity I needay night alter they had suc
cessfully worked their game for all there
was in it. When the audience waked to
the consciousness that they had been
fleeced about 50 persons forced their
way upon the stage after tl'e curtain
had dropped, demanding return from
the auctioneers of their money. The
auctioQeers drew revolvers in defense,
and solicited thj protection of the offi
cers of the law. The crowd was soon
placed under control, and, accompanied
by the officers, the auctioneers preferred
to take lodgment in the city jail rather
than venture to Portland, ami the mob
dispersed for thu night. Wednesday
morning about -0 persons sent in a pe
tition again demanding restitution. The
auctioneers expressed surprise at the
attitude, insisting that the arrangement
was explained to them fully, and will
ingly assentcntcd to by them all, and
that the auction was merely a method of
Shrewd selling, and not a fake in any re
spect. It was filially agreed that de
mands amounting to over should be
paid hack to the persons aggrieved, the
prisoners then being released from cus
tody and permitted to quit tlie town.
1 lie V heal Trail.
Very lew w heat transfers were(inade
last week, nnd from appearances no
important trades are likely to be made
in the immediate future. Heavy stocks
are w trehoiiHi-d here by each exporting
firm, and they have about all the grain
they c.irn to carry, unless sellers show a
disposition to accept market values.
Most of the wheat on hand is largely
Many people worry because they be
lieve they have heart disease. Tbcchances
are that their hearts are all right, but
their stomachs are unable to digest food
Kodol Dyapepsiu Cure digests what yon
eat and prevents the formation of gas
which makes the stomach press against
the heart. It will cure every form of
Indigestion. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P.
O. Pharmacy.
Your IFucm
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. I in Dure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If vou are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley, tbe druggist.
There is no pleasure in life if you dread
going to the table to eat and can't rest
at night on account of indigestion.
Henry Williams, of Boon vi lie, Ind., says
be suffered that way, for years, till he
commenced the use Kodol Dyspepsia
cure, and adds, "Now I can eat anything
I like and all I want and sleep soundly
every night." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
will digest what you eat. Sold by Clarke
& Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
If you have ever teen a child in the
agony of croup you can real i. 9 bow
grateful mothers are lor One Minute
Cough Cure which gives relief as soon as
it is administered. It quickly cures
coughs, colds and all throat and lung
troubles. Sold by Clarke A Falk's P. U.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. '2't cts.
and 50 cts. Plakeley, the druggist. '
Both makers and circulators of counter
feits commit fraud. Honest men will
not deceive you into buying worthless
counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch lla.el
Salve. The original is infallible tor cur
ing piles, sores, eczema and all skin
diseases. Sold by Clarke & Falli's P. O.
llon't Kul It In,
Just wet the alf-'C'ed part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, n Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clitrku A
Why pay 1 . 7 ." per g.ilu.n fjr infetlur
paints when yon can buy Jatnei K.
Patton's sun t riof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A
Mrs If. L. Jones has opened ice
cream. and oyster narlors in Carey Bal
lard's old stand. She carries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
The place has been thoroughly ren
ovated, and a share of the public patron
age is solicited.
Open till 12:00 P. M.
7 Rcaittiaaik.
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
F. s.
' Wagon Shop,
Dealer in'Blacksmitfi Supplies.'
Cor Second & Lanolin. Tbone 151
and FaPmefs
Kwps on (IrtiiKht the ceU'bmted
:nl.l M BIA iiKKK, Hrknc.w.
Hvitt the ln'ftt bf r In The 1'all,
nt tie u-mal itrire. Coim in, try
It hii1 bt conviiifpti. Also the
t'hifht br 11 ndii of VVHiiin, W :Utr
nnd Cigars.
of all Kiu.ln always on haml.
talk, agents.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufa"ti:re I by C'arlte
A Falk.
A full line of Kikstman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke A Falk.
The undersigned has taken pnst-ession
of K. A. Spivey paint shop, next door ti
the Vugt opera hoiin', n:i I h;n pnr
p'lil f I th" tcviU a i l I idiler. has
good mechanics Hurkn.g fur liin, and
will gtntrtitit e all wurk tn eittinfao
K. K
c. Nti i nt.
in mill II, ( lnt;imitii Pin k,
li.n, 4