THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1900. A Mother's Plain Words I suppose you will be astonished when 1 tell you that si year ago I wat hi a most dangerous condition with bronchitis and lung trouble, because you can see how well and strong I am now. The attack at that time caused terrible pain iu my chest and lungs. I could hardly move, and to stoop caused intense suf fering. Someone advised Ack er' English Remedy, and I thought I would try it, although I confess that down in my heart I had little faith in it. The first bottle gave great relief, and the second bottle made me the healthy woman I am today. My husband's lungs are weak also, and he cured himself with the same grand old remedy. Our boy and girl have both been saved by it from death by croup. I know this is so, for when they were attacked in the night I had a botllein the closet, and by acting quickly that fatal malady was easily overcome. We always give it to the children when they have a cough or cold, and we would not be without it for anything. My sister will tell you also, if you ask her, that it is a medicine that can always be depended upon for all the troublesof the breathing organs. I tell all our neighbors about Acker's English Remedy whenever I get a chance, and there are plenty of peo ple around Mechanicsville, N. Y., where I live, who would no more think of go ing to bed at night without a bottle of it in the house than they would of leaving their doors wide open. As I look at it, parents are criminally responsible when they allow their children to die under their very eyes with croup, because her is a certain remedy that will conquer the terrible monster every time." , (Signed) Mrs. Floyd Fowlkr. Acker's English Remedy ( sold by all druggists under a positive guarantee that your money will be refunded in case of failure, ssc, wc., and i a bottle In United States and Canada. In England, is. ad., as. 3d., and 4s. 6d. B" authorise the above guarantee. W. H. HOOKER Sc CO., Proprietore, Hew lurk. For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. THE FHIR Bargains in goods for cold weather; not for just a day or two, but ever)' day is Bargain Day at Tf4E pAIf Men's heavy cotton fleeced undenveay, per suit $1 00 Men's heavy wool fleeced underwear, per suit ... 1 15 Men's heavy all-wool ribbed underwear, per suit 1 93 Men's extra quality of Jno. G. Miller & Co's. overcoats at .' $0.45, $0.85 and $11 05 The above are equal to any shown elsewhere at S, $12 and 15. 10-4: cotton blankets for sheets, per pair 50c Men's red fleece-lined overshoes : 1 00 Men's best black fleece-lined overshoes 1 28 Men's best black fleece-lined snow excluders 1 40 Men's felt boot with Perfection heavy rubber.... 1 98 Men's best quality rubber boots 3 10 Ladies' best black fleece-lined arctics , 89c We have a nice assortment of Ladies' Wool Hose and Fascinators. These goods must be seen to appreciate the prices we are making on them. Ladies' best quality heavy all-wool jersey leggins 98c Misses' " " " " " " 88c Children's best quality heavy all-wool jersey leggins 78c Compare these prices. Are we not saving you money? We have positively the best line of Ladies' Capes and Jackets in The Dalles and at about one-third less price than other stores. ...THE FAIR... The place to Save Money on all kinds of Merchandise. F. C rarqaardsen, Prop. 133 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. ljS7A?A-TTT"t"TA ITIV'tr'f'f JT'I?-?ir5 f"7iiITA r'Ti"3 G. J. STUBMV1G, WHOLKSALK AND RETAIL I r r r r V Wines, LiquorsV Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. Phone 234, THE DALLES, OREGON. .T.t,Tl!lTl,r:TiriITliT.TITIY.Tl:T,TlTIT41 LIKE ARTIFICIAL ICE., ftoaaa H.i.rnitr) Dwliri It le of 1.1 1 lie Arroist for Krfrlsjrr atlaK A new "-rievunee has arisen toannoy the lroiiM iff. A few year nuro. when artificial ic came into voj-iie. she re tarded it us n iiriniie(! lilexsiii"; t hat Mould greatly ie.'en her t ribulnt ion. To-day she cuuiiiliiiiis that it luck the one e.-nitiul jirojM-rty of ice cool in if. nay the .'hicug'o 1'hronicle. It does not co;l things, she tay. Kven tliouph the ice bov he kept full to the iil w ith solid cakes the cream sours unf! the ktrawhrrrles shrivel, the tattled beer remains tepid, the butter ir.elts and the salad wilts, just as they would were there no ice in the ref rijrcriitor. At first this puzzled the hou.-ewi'e. She thought Maria was at fault. Hut Maria called the saints to witness that fche had placed the beer bottles uil around the cake of ice, the butter ar.d berries on top and the cream and lettuce close by. The housewife was Mill doubtful. She spoke of it to a neighbor. "It's the ice," said the neighbor. "I had the some trouble. There is a big-worded scientific explanation of it, which I can't gie you. Hut it's something to know that artificial ice won't keep things cool, as the Jack frost kind does. It's bad enough when one has a nice, cool cellar in which to keep one's refrigerator, but when it is one of the hardwood set-in apartment kind in a passageway between 1he"kitchen and the dining-room and one expects company to dinner and the blanc mange won't jell " "Just my experience. We had straw berry custard for dessert at least we were to have had one. It turned out something between an eggnog and a very fluffy omelet souffle. We drank it. Of course I blamed poor Maria, scolded her for not making the custard in time and for putting too much milk in it. She said that it had been made in time and that she had put it on ice at noon, which seemed incredible, but I believe her now. Things do get cool, but they are no colder after a sojourn of 24 hours in the ice chest than they are after being there one hour. Maria's grudge against the crystal-clear plant ice is bitter. 'Sure, an. it don't lasht long enough to cool aniijthing-, anny how,' she savs." The Japanese Holer's II amble Friend xen years ago, when the crown prince was in his thirteenth vear, his highness spent a summer at Kutami gaura, Is. While out gamboling in the water one day the prince no ticed a fisherman's boy of about the same age as himself, whose consum mate skill in swimming drew forth his admiration. The lowlv youth, whose name was Yei, had the honor of being presented to the prince, and there sprang up a boyish friendship between the two. A decade had elapsed since then, and his highness was one more back in Ise, the other day, on his wedding tour. The mem ories of the past came back and the prince thought of Yei. lie wanted to see his old friend, and, after a good cieai 01 trouuie, tne order was con veyed to Yei, now grown a sturdy young man, but still poor and lowly. Yei approached the imperial presence. In high delight the prince talked free ly of the past and then allowed Yei to take leave of him loaded with various presents. Chicago liecord. ) The llluhrr Kducatlon. "Yes," mused Mr. Meddergrass, "we. had a old hen that had a habit of set tin' on hills of potatoes. Hiram, our boy. who has went to college, called her 'Rome,' because she set on seven hills, but I never could see the p'int, although Hiram always laughed a great deal every time he got the joke off." Baltimore American. Br wuz So Means. de bride or de groom He An' nairvous? She Wal, I guess not ! Dey done a cake-walk down de aisle ! Puck. HOW PLANTS GAIN WEIGHT. Their Growth In Avordnpota Oomri Wholly from Una la the Air. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle A far as is known the first botanical experiment ever performed was con ducted by n Dutchman. He placed in a pot 200 pounds of dried earth, and in it he plumed a willow branch which weighed five pounds., fie kept 1 he w hole covered up and daily watered the earth with rain water. After five years' growth th willow was again weighed and was found to have gained lfi-4 pounds. TJie earth in the pot was rried and weJghed and hid lot only two ounces. Theexperi men talist. therefore, looked upon, this experiment us supporting the theory that plants required no food but water. Hut lie was wrong. Later it was discovered that much of the in crease in weight of plant was derived from carbonic acid gas. in the air. Vegetable eel In contain a liquid known a "cell tail." which U ut..r I holding in solution nriuu materials I which have been taken up from with ! out by the roots and leaves. Thus it is ! in th living cells, of the plant that j those "digeMive" proc-nse are carried j on. which were once believe' to occur I in the toil. i j "For three d7 and aiyh'ta I stiller! agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucum bers," nays M. E. I.owiher, clerk of the district court, Centerviiie, lorn: "I thought I should surely die, and tried dozen diff.-renj medicines but all of no purpose. I sent for Lottie of Clifttn berlain'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy n I tbrna dose relieve I me entirely." This temeJy for sale y Blakeley, th druggist. Extra good Cash Store. values at the New York fy The only store ti i this city where thi Genuine Imported ! Stransky-Steel Ware is eold. A little higher in price, but outlast a dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look likeit.butthegenu ine has the nam Stransky -Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at It International Eshi bitions. Highest award at World I Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pro ferred by the best cook ingauthonties, certified to by the most famouschem ista for purity and durability it ie cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not ru1 nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside,, is notaffected by acids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, gle-. and bats without impart in;; flavor o: previously cooked food rnd will last for years. We cau tion thi public ngre:rif-t imitation PHOENIX'S SUMMER BEDROOM. An Ariaona Contrivance to Inereaao the Possibility of Getting- a Little Sleep. The cottonwoodK have shed their caterpillars; there has been a thunder storm; inesquite wood has fallen in price; Indians are selling bows und ar rows; the rose and the oleander have long .been out; oranges are in bloom; the umbrella tree is putting- out its leaves; last summer's) suit hjis been cleaned and pressed; the small boy has gone swimming in the canal; the wise man stays up nights and steals irriga tion water from his neighbors; alfalfa is most ready to cut; strawberries have been shipped; mulberries are nearly ripe; sunimer will sooii be here, and the Phoenix summer bedroom will soon be a necessity, says the Arizona Graphic. Phoenix sleeps out of doors, in the summer, and the bedroom is born of that necessity. It is on stilts, is built of wire screen of fine mesh, for. the Phoenix mosipiito is microscopic in size. It is furnished; according to the taste of the occupant, with interior curtains, to keep out the morning sun, the gaze of the curious audi the sand storm. The bed Is- a cot of canvas or woven wire, covered perhaps with a sheet, but even a sheet feela li, e a feather bed on a Phoenix summer night. The bed covering is the roof of the bed room and careless folks who consult their comfort only don't wear night shirts. Phoenix is proud of its climate dur ing eight months of the year, but it doesn't talk much in public about its midsummer. It is a right warm day when the government weather bureau doesn't know what the sun tempera ture, in. and is unable to determine it. and that is how hot it gt in Phoenix. I culled on Observt r Hums oue day last July and asked him what the "of ficial" temperature was in the sun Jle said he did not know, and that the government couldn't afford to ex pcriment to that end. He said he had attempted to catch the sun tempera- nir Kiiiiuue; or S.JH. an broken a three-dollar thermone in the attempt. To nleuse. mi curiosity he hung a thermometer in the sun, watched it until it registered 136 degrees, and then took it in. fenr. ing it would break. Jhe dryness of the re- thlH great heat of nnv ter' had eter lietes rors to all living things except, womer and cats. There Is a saying in Phoeni, mux in summer women and cats art nervously prostrated, while men sni dogs thrive and grow fat. There is , luxury in quenching one's thirst dur ing the summer heat that is possibl, nowhere this side of the hereafter, anr nothing will quench it so well as olli water. The average mortal can drink a gallon of water p. r day during th heated time. Hnd apparently every dror of it comes out through the porrs'of.f h f kin. Acker's English Kemedy will stop cough at any time, and will cure the wdrst cold in twelve hours, or in-mev refunded. 2 cts. an. 50 ell. Illakeley the druggists. VP.TX ST ros Tins KHIDL'LB. Fast Mall U.l'j p. m. sjalt Lskr, Denver. Ft, Worth, Oiusha, Ksn fks City, fct. Louts Chicago sad at. Atlantic Express 12:50 s. m. Vis Hunt ington. Spokane Mail and Express 9 ib p. m g p. in. Salt Laka, Denver. Ft. Worth. Omaha. Kan sas t'ity, tt. Uiun, Chicugu and East. Walls Walla, Spokane, 8p"kaut Uiunexnoni. f- raui, ..lau j n 1 u t h. Milwaukee,! and hirag-n and Kt, via Express Spokane ill Hiinnnu ton: alm all Duinta ill WahhliiKb'ii and Eaat-j 8:30 s. m era Oregon. I Ass:vs Fvotf Fast .Mail l:Uj p m 4:45 a. n)j FSOM P0RTL4NS Ocean Steamships. For ban Francisco Every Five Dava. 4 p. m. 8 p. m. 1 I Ex.Suuday Columtla Rv. Steamers. ;To Astoria and Way! Bmurday Landings. IU j.. in. 4 p. m. Ex.bu ui'i 6a. m. i Willakettc Rivib. 4:S0p. m Ei.Suntfay'Oreifoii city, Newberz, Ex.bunday baleia Si wayluas. WlJLlAMVTTR AND YAH--' 3:30 p m. Mon.,wea 7 1. m Tuet..Thur.' BILL Rivsrs, und but. i Oreiron City, I my ton, I and Way-I uudinKs. I,v Kipana daiiy Bnaxe Rivkr. Klparia to 1 win ton. and Fri. I.EAVS LewiktoK daily 9:1.0 a. in Parties aealnna- to ro to Heiprcr or points on Columbia boutnern via niggx, anouiQ take No. 2. leHViiiK 1 he Dalles at U:-W p. in. maklnK direct connections at Heppner junction and Hiuxs. Keturnlng niHitinRdirectconnectlnn at nepijiier junction and hikijs witu fto. I. ar riving at The Dalies at 1;:. p. m. The O. R. A N. steamer "Mo.1oc"'l8 now mak ing reirulur trips to Salt-m and Inpepeudciite, 6tot)ing Htall way landings, ilhe leaves Port land on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays at ii a. in., arriving at 8a 'en i p. in., and Indeicfid enee about 0 p. m. on same days. Kettiruiug boat leaves 1 ndependnee at . am, and balent at ti a. m. on Tuesdays. Thursdays and butur days, arriving at Portland about 3 p. m. tanie days. For full particulars pall on O. R. & S. Co.'s agent The Dalles, or 'ad. 1 tens W. H. HURLBl'RT, Gen. Fas. Agt., Portland, Or SOUTH and EAST via Souinern PaciriG Go Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and was stations at 4:2.) a. m. and 3 p, m. Leave Portland " Albany , Arrive Ashland ' Sacramento " ban Francisco . . R:.T0a m .1-J.Moam .12:33 am . 5:110 p m . 7:4o p ra Arrive Oidon " Denver " KaiisasCity.. " Chicago f.:4." a ra . :U0 a m 7:25 a m 1:V a m Arrive Los Angeles 1 :20 p ra " El Paso 6:uo p m " Fort Worth 6:30 a m " City of Mexico 9:tVain " Houston 4;(io a in New Orleans 6:25 am " Waxhington B:4'2am " New York 12:43 p m 7:00 p ra 10:50 p m ll:r!0am 4:35 am 8:15a in 11:45 am !:00a m 7: 25 s ni y.iiuam 7.00 a m 6:() p m n::am M :A a in 4:10 a m 6:25 p m n -c a in 12 43 p m Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains cliuirears Sacramento to Ogden and U Paso, uuu ion nm cars to nicago, bt Louis, ev Or leans and Wahhingtou. Connecting at Ran rranclw-o with several Firanmnip lines tor Honolulu, Japan, China Philippines, Central and boutli Auivrica, Bee agent at The Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, - General Passenger Agent, Port.and, Or ttin Pacific Yellowstone Park Line. THE D1XIXO CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAHT. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW- HI ONE PARK. Union Bepoi. nrtn and I su No. 2. Fast mall for T aroma, Seattlo, Olympla, (iray's Harbor and Mouth (tend points, Kp.ikane. Koss- iHiid, B. C., Pullman,) ..iiFw-iiw, i.eiMCnli, Huf faloitumD mlnlna-noiiii. try, Helena. Mlnneai :li, ht. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, Ht. Ix.lils. ( blrago and all points least ami southeast. it-on i. u1, '"'if H","", Kxprs Ji,.l 1 . JI. lor lacoma and Weattle and luternietliate notuts 11:15 A. SI. No. 4. ARH1VB. No. 5;.X P. M. No. S. 7;00 A. M. A. Kt'DSON. Xoiary Public. JfmJsoii & Browai Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Conveyancing and Abstracting. Pullman tlrst rlass and tonn.t sleepers to w,',,!::::r;i!:,nge.,','","d M"-urt l..V."pr!n"',sV."!.,?t",e,.,;n,0,, ,"IK,t " llaggnge nbickerl u destination of tickets, f or handsomely lllnstiated descriptive mstter, tickets, sloping er reservation,, e.U or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant lieneral Psssenger Aeont. 2V Morrl son titiwt, corner Third, Portland Un-gon. NOTICK OF' FINAL KKT1 LF.MKNT. In the matter o the estate; of John Gottlieb n aaellhlast, das-easid. Notice in hereby given that the undersigned. I , h V V, Vi" i m ' h e l""t "-'-"en! ,! -lohl I I.otllleh Wagnnblasl, deceased, ( n. ni,n , ,n,. matter of ...irt ...t-i- we represent some of thilrtw. insurance coiuDsnies in th. W e have large list of pronert. y. city and country, for sal . . uu ,rnlj We have money to loan on .i security at reasonahln ,.u ... r c,J:f , InU( We do all kinds of conveyincin . are tlie exclusive owners fur Rir.', tem of abstracting, which precluS possibility of niiBlakes iu looki?. titles to real estate. Any one navine property for m. . leave it in our hands. Collections and all legal bmines In our rare will receive prompt iti tion. Will practice in all the coomj 1 Ku data r-AMvABr.A J ' c ... . v. vuuc9iuivracs anewerea. Offices: Washington French tic Co.'s rent will find it to their s'h " proraj;, street, next, Gene raMVIMI MVork Hansen & Thorns Manufactunrs and Dealers In Sash anil Doors, Rustic, Fleering, Pine Lumber, Mouldings, Etc. BEE HIVES AND FEUIT Of All Kinds Third Street. The Dalles, Oi NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omcs at The l)Ai.t,Ks.nj., ; October, a, Isoo, j Notice Is hcrehy uiven that the fnlioaici named settler has tiled notice ol hl inieuuuj to make final proof in support of hiscliln.ol that sold proof will be made before the nasi and receiver at The Dalles, Oregju, on IVedtfr day, tlecember ", luoo, viz.! Hanry C. McKamay, of The Dlle, Oregon, H. K. No. 5. lor Ik SK!i riec. 21, T 2 N, K 12 K, 'A' M. He names the following witnesses to prow his continuous residence upon aud cuitiviUim of Mid land, viz.: Kiank l-ani.v, James K. Steele, Eric Grmlmn, Albert Davidson, all of The Dalles, Oregon. oct27 JAY P. I.UCA9, ftefltter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ot tick at Thi Puis. 0riok,i October ii, law). Nntlec Is hereby irlveii tbst the fullowiiif named settler ha tiled notice uf her Intention make tlnal proof In sitpport of ber clsim, ud that said proof will be made before the Ketriairr and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wedi day, December, 5, 1'JOO, viz: llattla L. Bandy, of The Dulles, Oreson, H. E. No, jKS, lot He SWi tjec 21, I 2 N, K 12 E, V. M. She names tne fni lowing wltiieMejtr.prOTher continuous residence uHin and culuulion of said land, viz: Frank Upier, of The Dalles, Oregon, Alkert 0. McKamey, of Mt. HihmI, Oregon, Henry C Hc Kamey iiud Krlc Uraulund.o! The Psilti, Or. OCU7 JAY P. l.UC'AS, RegiiW. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the County Court of the Htiteof Orejosfcr the t'ounty of Wasco. In the matter ol the estate of LoniiSnw baeher, dweased. Notice is hereby ! the uuderslgiied has lieen duly spsii"W-. miiilstrator, with the will annexed. 04 tate of 1-ouia n!hwabacder, deceased. Auie sons having claims agxinst the eststeHsB rlMwrf nr. h..r..hv ,wtiH(.1 Itt nrCSent WS. duly verilled, to the undersigned st bl'04?? tne store room 01 ricisciiner, h ........ 1.. k .. ... li.... 1 Intaon. V1UIB 1'nii, ii, iu. , 11, 111 .11 ..i., six months from the da. e hereof. Dated this 17th day of October, mw. HOl.OMO.N IIIKricH.AdralniitriW. Cotton, Tkal A Minor, Attorneys for Adiulnlstrstor. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMEST. v. . 1 1. 1 1. ....MtK.i fh nnderffW i-iiin in iicit-hj Bum ,.. l,U H..1 Al.4 wiitK flwi f'lllltltV Clerk Ot County, Oregon, his llnal airoiint irt Wj" administrator of the estate of Aclolph Ap deceasol, and that the Honorable County WJ? has fixed MondHt.theAth dsr 01 kovot at 10 o'clia-k a. 111. of said dy as the "'" " the County ( ourt room ot tna """''". house In Dalles city, Wasco Comity. the place for hearing said final "J"""; port. All persons Interested in "rnm hereby notllleil to apjs?ar at said time sno p and show cause, II any there be. why "J T, should not be aubroved and said admlni"" discharged, Dated this 5tn flay 01 ucmuer, '".m, Administrator of the estate of Adl !!!! deiHmsed. - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE- Notice la her hy given that the baa been appolnUsi ry tne ?""" - (m M.MM.'riis'ensi-d. All f!! Wasco county, Oregon, esiaw 01 rrancis noss, u.sni .. --,.f re having elnlnis against the estate "f.'l,iHl, oulred to present thn shimb to me. f,tj, at the otllce of W. If. Wilson, In ,','"hwi Onuon, within six months from thedsw Dated Aovninber in, r.JU. Adminif"-" novll) NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Land OrncB at Vawi-ouvbb. Wssb. outols-rai.. I"")- ,i'ii Notlco Is hcretiy given thai the 1; narne.1 settler baa died notl'-e. " ,jni,n to make final pnsif In niippnrl " ' ,m that said pnail will be made before , by, f. H. commissioner ; for the W , Washington, at (.oldendale, W ash., on IWeicber 10, l'.ajo, vi..: . (.. Wash., who made II. fc. ;",, for the i HKU and K), H ' E; " He Minn ths following w,1'"''"" ft,.!!.." s lonllniious residence upon slid cm his of said land, VI.: . K.nsnn, TlKimas J. Whltronio,uca- : ...f.u. 11. ........ ....1 u-illlutn yMUin.sll ol 1-1" n asiiiiigion. o-.l usurer W. K. 1)1' " J EXECUTOR'S NOTICK. Notice Is hereby given tl.-t the "niS-'' ill n... In IBr and the County Court of the Hlate of 1 iregon i yVsscolounty has a,-t Monday, tho 7lh day 0! ilia ii . V '" f said dav as the date for the hearing of the said account and any objections then to 1 w!,gV:;!u;:;:,ec,e,.,:el;,l wl" J,,h" v."i (Vtitur of Lht Will t-ri-.-1. hnn nU'ii )l onitv ccMirt of I'.kinif v. Aiirl antd Wll ri n" "I'l"'. llrtr 11 sstheiimo ".'?: . Afi '"; " .... 1 in llnsl seen... -..-, theH.steof HI''" "i.miHr ,1 nmrt h.i "t'l"'i:',L i,A,,r.f the 7lli nay o i-iin-s a. in., . thereto and the sellleineiii v " ,,, In cnslitors and other ,.rons " .m,tl estate are therefore hereby re-l"'" b,e, objections to said Bceoii m, , eW,i. or liefor. the day s.-t for "'''"' linllcs City, Or.. Nov ' '''."Ii to, '"'"' n 7 it J. 1.. ii""' Clark A Falk are never Don't (cruet thji-