THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1900. The Weekly Cbroniele. Alrotng Hl. Per iHfA. iv.-lt.rDor leln Iily $1 f0 ( or Iwn kuohua nut u inter lour Inches 1 t N-- lr turtles uJ uu.ter twulrit liicbe . T5 'e 1 r T Inrhes W1 DAILY HID WKtLY. ,sr, ih r !, iter inch I- V) f)Ti'mi Inch and natter four Inches ' DO vr tour mriu u-i uniivr iwuive iiu-iics. . j Over twelve iucae 1W RREAKISU AWAY T1VS. FROM J'OLl- One of the editorial writers of the Council III uffs Nonpareil in endeavor iur to follow instructions to diop politics now and write about some thing else, turns in the following copy, which fairly indicates the con dition of the Average editor's mind as he attempts to turn bis thoughts from the campaign to other matters: "The discussion of the Westminster confession of defeat is being sub jected to a revival of business such ns was not known four years ago. Among numerous paramount issues brought out by the leading church controversialists is the question whether the confession's teaching concerning the salvation of the in- fant Industries is such as conforms with the plain declaration of Inde pendence and of inspired writ. If this is true, then many of the presby. teries in the outlying precincts will find that in a'.I the rites and cere monies the ground of their argument was among the territory gained under the democratic administration of Jefferson. The proposed revision would make such changes in tho tariff ot faith as to cause many to lose their trust in all the statements of religious belief, although just such trusts existed under Cleveland as -exist now. The fathers of the church never-held the doctrine of pre destination followed the flag or that the statement in their creed had that sort of a clear ring which exists in Tammany. So far as the doctrine of salvation being free at the ratio of 1(1 to 1 it is evident that the theolog ical statements cannot show where oven the elec t can break into the solid south so long as they nssociiite with republicans und sinners. The church mut recognize the consent of the governed or else fiee trade and nnil) in.; love will be trampled under the iron heel of imperialism. So f ir us the l;a.l;st;i of these infants is i concerned there fire those who hold the only rcnudy to be to Hjueeze all the water out of the slock and thus destroy Hint very trust in the future, which is itcognizi-d by nil faiths. The expansion of the church neees.-i-iutcs such a change in customs and duties and such a resentment .of f.u: platforms us will entry conviction to the heart of every rcpcnlitit und patriotic voter. Those who are seek ing to convert the world find great encouragement from the reports of the polls already taken. The world is changing and some precincts are almost unanimous. Let every man do his duty and ciced will be saved, but don't forget to repster." The tonnage of vessels at present reported cn route to Pacific coast ports shews that bound for the Co lumbia river exceeds that bound to all other ports on the coa't, excepting San Francisco, by raoll tons. These ports include San Diego, Port j Los Angeles, all Puaet Sound ports, and all British Columbia ports. If Hawaii be counted in with its 31,048 en route tonnage, the coast ports out side of San Francisce exceed the Columbia river by just 0,027 tons1. San Francisco has 44,172 more tons en route than has the Columbia river. The Pendleton Tribune suggests the name of L. 15. Beeder for speaker of the Oregon house of representa tives. The Tril une says Mr. Reeder is a "good lawyer, an accomplished parliamentarian, an experienced legislator, a genial gent'eman and last, but not least, rock-ribbed re publican." The Tribune thinks it would be a graceful act for Western Oregon to concede the speakership to Eastern Oregon. A primarj' reform law that will actually reform Is something that every good citizen will be glad to see enacted. Direct primary nomi nations without tie intervention of the bow," looks well on paper and is a consummation devoutly to be wished. It is in the primaries, rather than the conventions, that the boss gets in his deadliest worU For these the boss drums up his forces while the mass of the vot.-ra supinely stiy at home and then kick them selves because the boss had his way. The remedy for ihe boss evil is in the peoples' own hands. The boss will be at the primaries, no matter what kind of a law is passed, and if the people stay at home and permit him to have bis way they have no- body to blame but themselves. Apart from what is offensive in the! political boss, he is simply a man who wor,ks harder to accomplish his ends than his neighbors. The only hope of circumventing him lies in working as hard as he does. NOT ALL OR EGO N REJOICES. "All Oregon is rejoicing," says the Baker City Republican, "at the fact that the O. R. k N. has secured two of the largest steamships ever yet sailed on the Pacific for its new Oriental line from Portland."' Not quite "all Oregon," alas, that it should be said, for the Astoria News frets itself in this wise: "If the O. R. ii X. Company has really chartered those steamers, it is iue'eed too bad, for they will never bo able to get to Portland. A 22-foot chan nel cannot bo made to accomodate 25-fool ships, and if those vessels CDme here they will have to load at Astoria. This Portland story sounds remarkably fishy." It remains true, however, as a Baker City business man expresses himself to the Republican, that the news is "particularly gratifying to the Inland Empire, because it dem onstrates that the Columbia river will be kept open to navigation; tlmt ships will continue to come as far inland for cargo as possible anil that we can still expect to see the largest ocean vessels, which are the cheapest earrieis, take our products 100 miles inland. Oregon for Oiegon, and the Inland Empire for its best Interests." It is absurd to talk of the reorgan ization C'f the democratic party. It cannot be done. The distinction be tween gold democracy and Bryan democracy is so radical that their Rssiciation in the . same party is im possible. As well talk of "reorgan izing" lire and water into one homogeneous compound. The idea of Cleveland and Altueld, ef Cai lisle and Bryan, of Bynuni and Sn'zer standing on the same platform, or of any deelatstiou ef principles being framed on which they could unite is inconceivable liiyanism, whkdi isjviCe was .started in New York the (my nnother name for populism, is in the saddle, and there's the nib! For no schemo of reorganization will ever bo uoceptable to the gold j democrats that does not provide for the renunciation of Ilryanisru nnd all its works. And this is precisely what Cryanites will never consent to. They pre joined to their idol and may as well be lei alone. As a mat ter of fact, it is not reorganization the democratic party needs but icgcner alioii. By a vote of SJ'J.oOO to 7,171 the people of Washington have signified , their approval of an amendment to the stale constitution providing for an exemption from taxation of 000 worth or less of personal property. The opposition to the amendment came principally from the single tax cranks who thought that by making the tax on personal property as high as possible they would ultimately secure the votes of an indicnant people for the complete abolition of personal property tax. The Lewiston Tribune declares the disgruntled citizen who is on the lookout for a. new party need not despair if he doesn't get one. "The chances are he would fall out with the new one on its first failure to meet bis individual ideas and the country would have to be saved without him anyway." By the time Washburn, Bryan, Peltigrew, Hearst and perhaps Hill each get a "new democracy" organ ized, there will not be many rag-tag and bob-tail fag ends to gather up to reorganize the New York Wotld's "old democracy," says the New Whatcom Republican. UOW TO SETTLE VEL1SQIEXT SUllisCRIl'TJOXS. There are few classes of book ac counts iu the world that cortaio as I large a relative amount of bad debts as the subscription lists of a country newspaper. Why this is so it is not our present purpose to inquire. Our object is to cull the attention of our brethren of the country press to an infallible method by which a settle ment of all delinquent accounts may , he obtuined with scarcely any trouble j and without any expense. We can commend the method all the more heartily since we did not discover it but are indebted for the "pointer to an old account book that was recently discovered among a lot of trash and lumber while workmen were clearing out an old store room connected with the office of the col lector of Internal revenue at Tort land. The book boie internal evi dence of having belonged to a j practising physician of some forty years ago; and a man of some note withal, as the list of names in the index and accounts show that his patients were among the best families of the Portland pioneers. 1'ho doc tor's name is not found in the book but old-timers strongly suspect that it belonged to one long since gone to bis rest, who bore an honoted but decidedly Celtic patronymic and had o large share of the wit ar.d humor of his race. The doctors of forty years ago, ie it remembered, might not have had as many patients as their successors do noV, but they made up for tho lack by bleeding more freely what they had. Thus the book shows that a charge of $3 was demanded for a single call upon the sick. In the particular case .which furnishes the inspiration of this article the usual charge is registered against a certain individual for a visit to his sick wife. An extra charge of 1 is made for tho prescription and when the items are carried out the total is made to read 0-1.30. Our brethren of tho country press will not fail to note the doctor's admirable method of addition. .Not that it is absolutely new, as any man who lias ever run a butcher's account can testify. The account is ultimate i ... , , . ly settled, however, in ti most ic - inarkable manner and this i, the poiot of our story by a simple entry which suvs: "Credit, bv debtor's by debtee's Thus with- .... more eliort running away, 5 l.oO." (jut cost and with no Uinn t ic scratch ot a t en I ,e e ntire , ,, . , , ,i. i I debt is canceh-i! and declared oaid.i 1 It is regarded as signilican-. that just :is soon as the crusade ncainst Tauimany chief hurried off to Kar ipe. Croker has an uncomfort able recollection e;f the Loxov coiu- nuttee. The New York Press asks: Where is the empire? Where is the hateful thing burrowed ? Into what junyle has he led his yelping; offspring? This suspense is terrible! Has any one seen bis tracks? Congressman Bailey, of Texas, sees nothing in the talk of reorgani zation of the democratic party. ., His Lul,e of future ParlV f'umpli lies in a panic during republican rule. GOING EAST- If you intend to tbke a trip East, ntk your ticket ajrent to route yon via The Great Wabaeh, a modern and np to-dute railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kmsxs City, Ouialia or St. Louis to New York and New ngliind points. All trains run via Niagara Falls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and diniai; cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Kosh C. Clink, Pacific Coast Pass, Agt rm Arnele", Calif. C. S. Cbank, (i. p. A., bt. Louie, Mo. DeWitt'i Witch Hazel Salve will rpiickly heal the worst hums and scalds and not leave a scar. It ran be applied to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt and soothing eflWct. Use it for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Loth makers and circulators of counter feits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive you into titiying worthless counterfeits of IJeWitt'a Witch Ha.el halve. The original is infallible for cur ine piles, sorer, ecznia and all skin diseases. Sold hy Clarke A Falli't P. O. Pharmacy. HemeDiber that A. Y. Marsh will give a turkey and pig-eon ilioot on the beach November 27, 29 and 20th. MONOPOLY IN CAMPHOR GUM. Th Kafir Trad mt World la Row la ih llaada ( irmm vadlral. Within a year thr- camphor trade of the world h become a monopoly. The trrrn w huh yield this fragrant and useful jriim are to rw found all over Asia anil tie Hast Indies, but the principal production from them is ronfiiied t the island of Formosa, which beIoi:j to Japan. China was never able to fnrnixh more than "li. OOO pounds a year, and da pan now pro duces about 30n.(u. Hut Formosa' annual output for neveral years past has been between fi.Ooei.O.o nnd 7.e(,0, 000 pound. Little ia to lx- hail at prpM-nt from any other source and theri" is no proKprct of any chanjre in the situation for a lniijr time to come, nays the .New York Tribune. In deciiiinir to exercise control over the production of camphor Japan has been actuated by two motive. In the first place she wants to obtain revenne therefronr, a France doe from the match and cijrar industries. Ititt she also seek to avert the killing of the fjoose which lays the ffolden fgjr for her. In other word, she ha under taken to protect the camphor forests, which were in elanper of extinction. A recent consular report from Tanisiii declare that no fewer than 1.5110 armed puiirds are tb be placed on tlufy on the edfje of the forests. In order to enforce regulations which have recent ly been adopted. The destruction of yonnjr ciimphor trees nnd of shoots front old stumps has been prohibited by law. The ptim is obtained by felling- th larger trees, splitting them up ond boding the wood. In the past it hns been common to cut down young trees for fuel, but this practice is now to lie stopped. Soalhcrn California, Notable among tiie pleasures afforded by the Shasta Route is the wioter trip to Southern California and Arizona. Renewed acquaintance with this section will ever develop fresh points of interest added sources of enjoyment, under its sunny skies, in the variety of its Indus tries, in its prolific vegetation and among its numberless resorts of mountain, shore, valley and plain. The two daily Shasta trains from Portland to California have been re cently equipped with the most approved pattern of standard and tourist sleeping! cars, but the low rates of fare will still I continue in effect. Illustrated guides to the winter resorts of California and Arizona may be had cn application to C. II. Makkiiam. G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. f o not yet scared if your heart troubles you. Most likelp yon suffer from in digestion. Kudol Dyspepsia Cure ili j kc-ts what you eat. and gives th worn j "", stomach perfect rest. It is the only j preparation know li I hat completely di- i' ,, , , , . : . get-Id nil classes of loud-; that is whvit I ClJrM, wor,t C; llf i.,ilt.8ti ,, stomach trouble alter everything else I !' failed. It may ; ! failed. It iny taken in all coti- ' diLii'ii ton! cmnot help hut do you good. ! '.S.,,d l.v Clarke A Kaik. ' i ' . .. .. . I i Many wnrrv 1 1 c iiitu Ihev be-i beve thev lm e h-art i!uer.-c. 1 hechances I . , ,, . . i nr. tnat llieir lu iiriH arc all nulit, but j their htoiiiuiiis am nriahle to digest food. ' Kudol Dyspepitu Cure digests what you j eat ami previ-nls the formation of nus ! w hich nnki's tho stomaeh press ttgniiist ! '.lie liHiirl. It will cure every form of indi'j-tioii. Sold liy Clarke e'e i'alk'g I'. O. riiariii.iv. A Moimlcr llevil FInIi I)v:-tr';viiitr its victim, is u tvtie of i-nn etipati:in. The pwer of thin murderous ualudy itf felt on organs and nerves and j muscles and Lrain. There's no health tlil it's overcome. 1!.H Or. Kind's New j Life Pills are a afe nud certain cure,. I Hest in the world lor btomach, liver, kidney, and towels. Only 25 cits at I.lakelcy s uriiK store. 1 Thou popular cutererH to the wiriti r palnte, Messrs. Tom, Jerry and Kjif, No, have taken up their heaihpinrters at J. Fait t Co.', under the iiiaiiatieinect (f "Smiling Albert." A word to thn wise is KU.Iieient. t2 3t If you hava ever seen a child in the ajjony of eronp you can re-tliz how rateful mother ar tor One .Minute Conyii Cure which gives relief as soon as it is sdininii-tered. It quickly cures cot; riv, colds and till throat and lung tronliles. Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. I'hannaey. t You can't adord lo rick your iife by allowin a counh or a cold to develop into pneumonin or consumption. One Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and lung troubles emieker than any other preparation known.. Many doctors use it as a tpec'flc for grippe. It is an in fallible remedy for croup. Children like it and mothers endorse it. Sold by Clarke A Falk's P. O. t'hartiiarv. We ollrtr tor a limited period the twice-a-week Ciiiiomci.e, price 1.50, and the Weekly (Iregonian, pruwfl.OO, both papers for 2 a year. Subscriptions under this offer must be paid in ad vance. tf Acker's Pyspepsla Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee." Cures henrt-btirn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little I tablet (lives immediate relief. ". ttt. and 50ctS. ISIskeley, the druggist. Why pay f 1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can luy .lames K. Pstlon's sun proof paints for 11.50 per gallon, gusranteed fjr 5 years. Clark A t alk, agents. u,j ;astqsi ANcgetable Preparationfor As similating uieFoodandRcSula luig the Stomachs andBowcls of Promotes Digcstion.Chi'erfi ness and ItsbConlains neither Opuim.Morphine norHiueraL otHarcotic. yferv W.Jr SAMITI PITCOR MrmSfd- Apcrfecl Rcrnedy forConslipa fion , Sour StonMch.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jeverish rtcss and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT C0FY Of WRAPPER. PKOl'LK COKIINO AND OOlKU, fiitllrday h Dally. H. W. Weds went to Prosper, Wat.h., yesterday on a visit to his sheep' ranch at that place. Mrs. II. W. Wells and children will leave in tlm morning for Portland to upend Thanki'KiViti;: tbere. Mies Cafrsie Thcrtionrti, who has been seriously iil for the pat month, is ajfain ablH to sit up u short time each day. I Miss Maude Gilbert l:as returned from j attending a cession of the Portland Iiusi- liees College,. Kh will rei'iiuit her work j in Menefee A Wilson's olliee Monday j morning. J. Il.'Oakei, (, Pnnt-villi!, is in flic city. Juet before thnelectiou Mr. (Jakes inveHted largely in sheep' and sheep rant-lies on the faith' that McKiuley would carry the stats, and the remit, it need scarcely bo said, gives him urmt eatiefuction. Mi.lnluy s ll)i.!y. M. P. I-ienbnrg is r..,i.,!,.,,.,j Ht t;lt, Ciuatilla lloiui; friini Kiv r. (irarit. Mays h-(i. on the noun train f r San Fram-isiM, I.e.-,. hn will pniiiahlv reiiiain lor atiotit a inuntti. I Mrs. ,1. Moiitgoiocrr, win w bnutf. is I in Portland, i;i in t t-it , ( h,. iiue-t of 1 her friend, Mrs. ;. JJ. vV! t. j 1. V, I) irch, pni'ecntirKr ntfornev of! Klli-Kltal cmiii'v, h;v nr yc-terdav in the city amt lel for hnu.eou I'-'.; train today. 'I U( Hdit; On ly. L. F. Morse was in town t' dav fr;.in Hood K-ver. Mavor M. J. Andetson, of Ihifnr, was in town last night tho unest of the Umatilla lb-use. State n' tor T. II. .Minstin, ct I i -fur, will- i,i -own lust night and left for home ihis a emoon. lteprp-eri iti - lmidv left Ibis morn. ini on the I. .. U ..arrenger lor WahitlL'- ! All oritur attendeil to Trori! !' tv. hl tm, J. C. ilgoeseat by wav of the I distance phone 1-1. ! .Norlherii PnMlif. Ai oriiey liert Phelps., of Ileppner. is ! J. F. mcokk. m the citv o-t bis wav to Portland. Itort clain.s that Morrow c. unity is tliH ban- j ner repnt.tean i-iitinly of the sttite. ' Kvery preen, ct in it cmtity ' gave a ! majiirity f.jr the rciHtbiican ticket. Sp.taal bargains in children's and mis-eu' shoes at. the New Yotk Cash S'.ore. A BIG SALE OF STAR FEED MILLS ror vno next trurty days we are goina to oner mo ,if gains in Grinding Marhiiinrv ever olfered in the State of Oregon. ww , farmer to have a Star Feed Mill, becmne it will help to pav your lain . a yon uiiio; it will make your ohl horse latter; it win pica-"- ; ' .,friC" cracked grain for her chickens; and this Is a sure way of getting I' "'i . C().; f r w are p mifivnly going to c ose out the mills now on hand at At I . A change in the business eonmels ns to do this, and now is inn n reap the benefit. For further particulars Inijnire or write to Illin A All A mma.... mm. 1 1 ftmftfift? u iiiiviiu u iimiiiiiiiiiii r a. iiMiinn 1 1 e un niiii'm.iira m. MMiiiaiwuiii inn i j 1 1 u uiun UW U Villi Tor Infants and CMbu The Kind You Have Always Bought I Bears Signature Use For Over Thirty Years USE Carbolineum : Avenarius, Th in't efflclpiit V.i I'tvrrint ( I'dint. nlMia Undid' hi'incriv Kaliht i Chicken It ;.plii-aiin ti. J miIh whIU of poultry hoiihct. will !r- f niiineiitly ex term; ante nil Hit. ke. j llltti hi'Hltliy rliirkenn n i-iitr ol -K. " iur I'liciuam anil jirltw. m Mention tliU jmptr. J Jos. T, Peters & Co.,' P TI1K II A 1.1. KS, OKKUON. i 0 i A. Van Nordei K TTtS fn;i-f0Mtt' (in IlMllfl fl hT'Jf '('111 II -ti) (,(' nil I it-it l-'M iii wu-ii', nt i)rlf tfu:t it-f v i'..iii(i'-titii.Ti M 1 1 iM( ti'ii(ii'.( lii u ith iit-iiir.iilii.-.-M iitt'l tliMi'l'o H I'tvintr neatly ti'ii . WM. MiCHEU, Undertaker and Ernbalmer Cor. Third und Washington Sts. M00KK & (IVViN, ATTOHNKVH AT Knom at,.) .v.t i: -. Uu "a I) 14- UHISKSIHIIirKM; Physician ami Sargfon. Hpcclal attention K'voa iuurc-: el. :i id It 2 "'! nro I the . A, nJ 'V: (-'. , V' v r- .......... . .1- -molest 1''