THE DALLES WEEKLY CHKONICLE. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1900. The Weekly Gbroniele. Ad tialr s Kaiaa- Iheor. selves with a strange contempt for rtcsfli. An otliriT will take cbancts no European would take. UO FOR THE FAR EAST. The Portland Telegram feels Prr tHck. O it Inc h or lew in l'i:y H O ei two tnehea mill irnivr rour incnes i iw i liur tnot'f.i. ud uudi-r twelva inches . Ti ! 6ir twelve Iik ! S I DilT NI WILiLT. Jnelnch or hi". tt lurli I- "J f Ororotim inrh unit ii:ider 1'iir Inches i w i (ivr-r di'ir im-liea mill under tweive Inches.. 1 ' OTertwclve inch 1 w 'pKori xry is roi:hery.' The nnurcliiMs ilo llie under ground woik, tlte socialists the above ground work, lut it is cue woik, says me r urinigtiuy ievit;wr. " lint is property t Property is robbery," said I'roudhon. The germ of all the evil is in that. "Whoso bateth bis brother is a murderer." Hatred is murder iD tbe gertn. Similarly, whoso soveteth bis neigh bor's poods is an anarchist. Covet ousness, the desire to possess what is not our own, lust of property, envy of tbe man who has more than we have this is anarchy iu gerrr. For thoughts, sootier or later, translate themselves into deeds, especially when they are dominating and over mastering thoughts, thoughts that seize us and sway us, and possess us anil reign over us. And this is the case with the socialist, whose one thought is envy, and tbe auarchist, wrhose one thought is hatred. These men think a little, and then they act. Sometimes one man enunciates ideas, and another carries them into effect. So it was with regard to this doctrine of property lieing robbery. Proudhon taught this as a principle; bis discipie, Bakunin, carried maiteis a step further, and sought to apply the principle logically. If property is robbery, be said to himself, then all who own property are robbers and enemies of society all such must be killed. So be began to propagate socialism and anarchism and nihilism they are nil one in essence. And today the harvest Is being reaped from the evil seed which be sowed. It is a melancholy reflection that for much of this evil England is responsible. Bakunin, after spending eight years in various Continental prisons, was exiled to Siberia, aud if an3- enemy of the human race deserved bis exile be did. But be was a Russian noble, and appears to have bad some friend in authority who aided bim to es cape. He made bis way to England, as all such men do when they can prosecute their fiendish work no where else, and, making England tbe center of his operations, be sent his Agents and his literature all over Europe on their murderous mission. Hundreds and thousands of similar men are doing similar work today in London and New York, and in the The Chicago agent of tbe ( Northern railroad in Cbicaco has received a report from tbe assaycr in cbiirgi) of the I'nited Mates a?ssy office at Seattle which shows that more than iit,000,0(0 in gold dust and bullion came out of Alu-ks, British Columbia, Northwest Terii tory, Washington, Idaho and Oregon j between January end October 21. this year. Tbe report shows that I GoOH deposits, aggregating 1,24:3,163 ounces of gold dust and oullion bad been bandied in tbe assay ollice be tween those two dates, the Value of the gold being 20,ltioC97. It also showed that 1 6,374,188 worth of tbe yellow metal came from the Klondike region, 2,710,121 from the Cape Nome district, 162,81)3 from other Alaskan districts, fc l'Jo, 116 from the Atfin district in British Columbia, and $123,762 from Wash ington, Idaho and Oregon. various large industrial centers throughout England and America. YEARE FlOll TEltb. The English appreciate the fact that we are fighters as well as they did in 1776. Tbe London Telegraph says: I think if there had bren no fight ing all the foreign observers would have gone back to their homes with a very poor opinion of the efficiency of the American troops. Luckily far Genera! C haffee and his soldiers there was fighting. When you see an American private advancing un der Gre you begin to think there is something in the idea that tbe fight ing unit of the futtue Is the individ ual. Private Silts P. Holt acts by himself, for himself. lie and bis companions ru.'ike for r common ob Our democratic contemporaries are shedding rivers of bnuy tears over , the announcement that the National-Salt Co. has put up the price of "common table salt of a fair quality" to $2.50 per hundred pounds. "This company," we are told, "controls directly 1)5 per cent of the salt output of the country and is able to dominate the remaining 5 per cent." If true how comes table salt of a fair quality" is at this writing. November 21st, retailing yi The Dalles for 65 cents a hundred, and that the best quality of table salt in tbe American market is re tailing at $1.20 per hundred, or 60 cents for a 50-pound sack? When our democratic contemporaries essay to answer these questions they will please remember tbe rule to not all speak at once. Just bow much likelihood there is of getting together the discordant elements that masquerade under the common name of democratic party may be inferred from the following remark of the Eugene Guard, a thoroughly Bryanite paper, and one that undoubtedly represents the views of a lurgc majorit' of so called democrats: "When the last hair on the dog's tail can wna the tail and the rest of tbe dog, then Den M. Dickinson, Cleveland's postmaster-general, and a few more of his standard of democracy, may re organize the democratic party. However, the vote cast for Bryan is sufficiently large to convince sny thinking person that theie is no im mediate, pressing need of such reorganization as the party would get from Dickinson and bis comparative!- few followers." like Cure tu . ki,.i i,u..,i4 .11 r.,., n,. first. with Portland ; second, with Oregon ; third, with the O. II. fc N. Co.; fourth, with the Pacific Northwest; fifth, with the Pacific Coast, an ! Anally with the whole country. This feeling of sociability can be explained in a few words: First, as a uation, we are goin;; to bold the Philippine Islands; look after our interests in China, and lie thu leading factor in tbe development of Oriental commerce. This was settled by tbe last election. Second, this cosst faces the Orient. Wc are going to have the first fruits of that commerce. Portland, Sm Francisco, Seattle and Tucoma have a manifest advantage, geographically and even in a small degree climatic ally, over New York, Boston, Balti more. Chicago, St. Louis and St. Paul. But the men of those cities are alive and awake to their oppor tunities. So are they of San Fran cisco and Seattle. So -must those of Portland and Oregon be. Third, Oregon, our region, extend ing into Southern Washington, East cm Washington, Idaho and Montana. All the producers of this vast region are going to have a new market Geld, more competition among tbe struggling millions for our products, better prices, better living, better times. Fourth, the O. R. A N. Co. Some this statement is months ago the Telegram confidently it that "common i thouah cautiously predicted what has now happened. Mr. Mohler has kept bis suggested word, and bettered it, as such men usually do. Already his company has bought four 0000 ton steamers to run between Port land and the Orient direct. This means a good deal; it means that Portland will be hereafter as wtll off and as independent in regard to Oriental commerce as San Francisco or Seattle. Mr. Hill can build as many and as big steamers as be chooses; tbe more tbe better; luck to him; but they will be duplicated or bettered all around by steamers run ning direct between Hong Kong, Yokahama, Kobe, Macila and Port land. The Telegram had no doubt that this would be so; the materialization of the recent expectations and pre dictions is already coming to pass. Raise all the crops you can, farm ers; multiply your dairies; set out and cultivate orchards; build up nil sorts of manufactures; we are living in the golden gateway through which Providence gives us a glorious glimpse of the opening twentieth century, and we scarcely realize, much less appceiatc, the vision. CURRENT PRESS COMMENT. "Bryan was too easy. Oive os some thing harder!" asks the St. Paul Pioneer I'reti. No wonder it snowed early this year. Think of the terrible frost we had on the 6th of November. Wall Wal!a Statesman. Kven "temporary prosDinty, as me democrats call it, beats permanent dem ocratic hard limes all to pieces. Benton ,111.; ItepubHcan. Four years ago the wage workers had callouses on their feet from tramping arouud in search of employment. Now the callouses are on their hands. Grand Kapids (Mich.) Hera! J. Bryan's electoral vote is 135, or four less than the total of what was formerly called the solid South. The capital of the democratic party is considerably im paired by the boy orator experiment. Ulobe-Democrat. The Chicago News says: "Scientists say that falling over a precipice is the pleaeanteat kind of a death. Politicians, however, who have fallen over an elec toral precipice do not agree with the scientists." Justice found and administered upon Senator Wellington. His immediate neighbors of Cumberland, though usual ly democratic, gave McKinley a plurality of 200 on election day. Then 300 of bis neighbors serenaded with a'burleeque band and then gave him a salute of groans. The senator had won all thote distinctions. Salt Lake Tribune. I I 1' II IB I I'.UI II ft-J iii """" ' VI l ' U Knocked Out I'ettigrew. John P. JVltgcld say 8 that tbe election of President McKinley "means a triumph of bribery and corruption." Most of tbe other Bryanite leaders are manly enough to take their defeat for what it is the verdict of tbe people but in Altgcld's nature there is a vein of malice, bitterness and vituperation that never fails to make a character istic display of itself at a time like this. Probably if the vote for Mc Kinley had been unanimous Altgeld would have said the same thing. To his jaundiced imagination every man who votes for the opposite ticket is "bribed" or "corrupted" or "co erced" or otherwise dishonest. The Hon. John Jacob Lentz of Columbus and Cceur d'Alene was the fiercest spirit in tbe Bryan com pany. Among many good squeakers and gibberers he was tbe best. He outcapcred all the other anti- imper ialists. He outjabbcred all tbe other anti-militarists. He was the loudest roarer in tbe mcnagetics. That the constituents of so remarkable a statesman should be ungrateful enough to refuse to re-elect him to congress will be remembered with horror by all students of ingiulitude. New York Sun. A merry and rhythmical echo of the notes of the campaign victory has struck this city, says tbe Chicago Chron icle. 'On last Wednesday Chairman Hanua, of the Republican national com mittee, remained quietly at his home on the outskirts of Cleveland. When he arrived at his office in Cleveland on Thursday morning Senator Hanna found awaiting him a dispatch from William Barbour, of New York, reading: "Tell me, Mark, oh tell me true. Hat thou knocked out Pettigrew ?" As Mr. Hanna had included South Da kota in his western tour df speech-making, and as the defeat of Petti-grew was to him, as to thousands of other repub licans, one of the most agreeable inci dents of a sweeping victory, Mr. Hanna quoted this dispatch to a correspondent of a New York newspaper, and it was published in the Thursday edition. It now appears that Mr. Hanna was tempted into sending a metrical reply by wire. Mr. Barbour writes to the edit or as follows : "I did not expect to see my telegram to Senator Hanna in the next edition of your paper. If the leader of the Repub lican party gave you my maiden verselet to print, I feel justified in giving ton his reply, which reads: Yen, HI li true. We have defeated Pcttijrrew; Your Joy I share with you, Whoop de doo de doo. AUgdable Preparationfor As similating rt;e Food andReg da ting lite Stomachs andl3owels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur ness and RestContains neilher Opium.Morphine norJIiiieraL 'ox ;NAix c otic. tlmfird .luqur Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa fion, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea Worms .Coijvulsions .Fcmish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of new Yomc For Infants and n.tur I The Kind You Always Bought Bears the Signature of w EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. M AMI For Ow Thirty Yean III twi ciwTauw comwwv, wcwvem em. Advertised Loiter. In the irritation of defeat tbe Richmond Dispatch permits itself to be rude to the Paramount: "It is jeclive not stiff, trained soldiers, j our clier tuat most democrats would but like i:.nil,crs stalking a prey, j be relieved if be would abandon his Their eyes llish. their lithe bodies j presidential aspirations once for all, swing forwarJ. There is murder) DOW an! forever." What, now, and deadly imentncM in every move-1 when Uie declaration of Indcpcn- deuce has been quashed, when the constitution lies n-blecdinx, when ujent. Wuon the American soldier lies down to fire he does so with the following ia the list of letters remain ing in the postofTico at The Dalles un called for November 23, 1900. Persons calling for the same wiil give date on which they were advertised: Buebnell, Mrs W J Becbard, Geo Bower, Mrs Belle Baird, Mollie Brown, L M Brown, Karl (2) Blessing, Mrs S W Cantrell, W R Clark, Mrs Ann Fairchild, C W EstabrooL.Mrs Xell Hart, James H Gerling, Christian Johnson, Joe Hustin, Jack Kinney, Dolph Kretzer, Frank Martin, Harold Leonard. Claude McEutee, F Mohr, Miss Mary Maron, Miss E McKeilar, (Scott Morton, Claude Miler.Mra Louise (2 )Phew, John Pentreath, K A Rose, Charles Qaigley. B C Smith. Miss Edna Rogers, Mist Nellie Sensen, Mies Magie hmitli, Mrs A B Worthington, Lewis Sehusten.MrsEstella William, Henry Weniker, Mrs Anna Wiloon, Mrs C B Williams, Lilly Ziegler, Darwood (2) The farmer doeen'l have to solicit the patronage of anyone. He doesn't have to enter into competition like the mer chant; he doesn't have to wrangle and warp the truth for living like others; he doesn't have to depend upon donations reluctantly doled out, like ministers; in short, he can be tbe most independent man on God s green earth if he manages his affairs on a business like manner. He has more time and oppoitnnitles for improving ids mind ; he has less allure ments for corrupting his morals, and his occupation Is conducive to the highest development of his physicial powers; he can be no intimate terms with his own family, at peace with the world and he can worfchio God under his own irnnn. Massachusetts. Uut suppose, re-j vice and apple tree, none durintr to milks the Sun, that the supreme j molest or make him afraid. Centralis court decides next week that thei6"8, constitution does not follow the fla. ! "The democratic party can restore itself to power by abandoning, for tho present, every issue but one. One issue at a time is enough for a party. The democratic party should proclaim itself the party of the con stitution, and assert that the consti tution follows the flag." The lion. Thomas J. Gargan, reorganizer of What then? Will Mr. Gargin re organize the democracy against the courts Council t'rorrnllng. GOING EAST If you intend to take a trip Kant, ask your tii-ktt agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or ft. Louis to New York At a special meeting of the council ! and New England points. All trains .Ot so 1 Uie v")ci5'r' nnl Absalom is tramp- held last Tuesday order was run via Niatfar Kails and every through ing over the hill to the poorhotisc ? ' U1J grantin L. H. Kre'rer the u?e of j train has free reclining chair earn, sleep- tne city a iracnon engine lor lhj purpose ! ing and dini:ig cars, td boring for coal at some point near the Stop over allowed on all tii:kel at Ni-Cl,y- agara Falls. C. Cms, Tho sidewalk on Fulton street abut- Pacific Coat-t Pass. Agt tingen the Joles property was declared (, u f, .. m Ar'tel'1". Calif. intention of killing somebody. Mo-t I the clapper of the liberty bell has trocpt fire no', at the enemy but in becn lIcc wbcu Abab has grabbed j the direction of the enemy the American. Eath man dr.-w his watchful brea'h j Is il just to ask 1,10 paramount to slow taken 'tween the teeth ; unparamount himself at such a spasm Trigger anJ ere and ear acock, knit! v brow and lurd-drawn lips. of fate? . 1 -sn. That is a picture of the American riurallly la 13,141. I Salem, Or., Nov. 22. Complete re-j turns from the nrenidential flirlinn in Oregon reached the state department to-1 ftav. and Sepreturv nf Statu fliinhr han 1 given out the totals. The voles by counties will probablv be announced to morrow. The total vote of the state for each candidate was as follows: UKITBI.ICAS. Ford 46,172 Furnish 46,420 Fullerton 46,520 Paxton 46,058 DKMOCKATIC t'KOl'I.KS. Kroner 32.810 Stewart 32,216 Pierce 33 385 Whiteaker. ...32,857 I'KOHIBITION. Davis 2,536 Mille.. 2,491 Jenkins 2,516 Spaulding 2,455 KHGILAR I-KOI'I.KS. Embree 260 Hill . 207 Henry 275 Luce 258 SOCIAL DEMOCKATIC. Folen 1,464 Porter 1,4(16 Meindl 1,494 Rutherford ...1,455 For Famo and h. The Sterling III. ; Standard makes the following try lor an alleged offer of $1000 for the best rhyme for Michigan : I knew young lady from MlrhlKnn, To meet her I never "lunilU wIcIiIkhii, Hhe'd eat of ice c renin Til! with )iain he would nr renin, And he'd order another nig dlelilgun, Southern California, Notable among the pleasures a Horded by the Shasta Route is the winter trip to Southern California and Arizona. Renewed acquaintance with this section will ever develop fresh points of interest added source of enjoyment, under its sunny ski-, in the variety of its indus tries, in its f roiifiu vegetation and among its number.'fi resorts of mountain, shore, valiey and plain. The two dailv Shasta trains from tl .i 1 r r , lurimim in vaiiiornia nave been re cently eqnipped with the most approved pattern of standard and tourist sleeping cars, bat the low rates of fare will still continue in effect. Illustrated guides to the winter resorts of California and Arizona may be had cn application to C. H. Mabkham, G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. ml UiM'l, USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. The inoNt efn'-lent WimkI Hrwrvlm I 1'nint. Mn Radical Kcmedy iiiIm j Chicken Uen. Ita aj'jiMcatlon loll- ' Mile walla of noultrT housen wiUpn- ( limncntly exterminate all lice. Ik. j Hilts healthy cliickena. p entr of J etgs. W ilte for circulars and piltei f Mention this paper. i Jos.T. Peters &Co, THE DALLES, OREGON, j T. A. Van Nordei tilp Keeps cniistontly on hand Itrre anil viM one in all mat la neat in warcne, jintm locka, Kpectaclea, Field ;lns,8!lvrirart,.w at prices that defy ronietiti(in. Mali ordenii tended to with nrniniitnuas and dimatch. Kn gravius; neatly done. of- WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmei Cor. Third and Washington SU. All orders attended to nroniDllv. fo" distance phone 433. Local, l"2- J. F. MCOBR MOORE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT I;" Rooms i aud ). over U. S. Und OSt J)K" UsIISKNIHIKrrlK Physician ami Surgeon, Bpceial atu-ntlon glyen tosunferr. li u..,. )1 nrl lWli" A DIP ORir nr 0Tn rrrn MIIIC n uiu chiL ur oiHn rcLu iuillu. -d -ry.L. WW soing to olfer the .reatPSt Wo w""J it " For llio nest tnirtv days we ir ii ns In ( i rind ing .NLichiuerv ever offered in the Stata of Oregon. farmer to havn a Star Feed MM, berime it will help to pay your taxes, i save you time; It, will mike your old horse faiter; it will pleae your km ' crHcked grmn fur her chickens; ami this is a Sure way of gelling it ' ,'V'0T. for we are pisitivly ifoing to dose out the mills now on hand at AC TLA1' ( A change in Hi biiiine c impels ns to do this, ami now is tho t'"18 '"r ' reap the benelit. For further particulars imjnlre or write t j Wa nffr-r fur a limite-l nerirul the v i a Tl .. .It' .11 ' wmr Ul lfJV- j twice-a-week Ciikonici.b, prire $1.50. to their feline stealtbinos the Amcr icans in battle have a -courage. At times most reckless they expose anil the weekly Uregonian, prwejl. io, tioth papers for i a year. yutcriptions nnder this offer must be paid in ad vance. If dtngeious, and the reorder was in structed to give the usual notice for its' renair. I liest values for the least money at the -ew York Cash Sto-e. A ner;:il . i .'cw i or a i. hsii nto-e. a special in Claike & Falk have on saie a.full line ! children's and misses' shoes, while the of paint and artist's bruabet. last. last. HUDSON & BROWNHILL. (l ' -'-! The Dalles, Oregon.