The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 24, 1900, PART 2, Image 1

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NO. 47
TUU HK I N h MAKKh I ' l"y "9 trught before the senate
I Hi. . i.wnv. ...... iiil I from the committer on foreign ration.
n amendment ttiat nothing relating to
the treaty shall restrict measures which
Gradual Increase in Prices of the Fiu;t ln'"d States may tin. I necessary (or
me detente of the United States. The
Davis amendment was copied from the
California Association Controls!
the Unsold Crop in That State clause of the Constantinople
The Market at Growers' Mercv.
Notwitr.stati iiog a statement made a
few weeks ago, that the bottom had
fallen out of the prune market, yet prices
are gradually going up and now 30a to 40a
ar worth in the neighborhood of ti
cents and some dealers are confident
they will reach the 7 cents mark befoie
the close of the month, says the Salem
ttatesmau. Oregon has almost a mo
nopoly on prunes of this size, and there
can 1m but little question but the de
mand will be quite strong as soon as the
Srst shipments have been disposed of by
the Eistern buyers. There are fifteen or
twenty carloads of prunes in Salem for a
higher price than has yet been offered,
and the holders feel confident they will
be successful in securing it. The action
of the California Cured Fruit Association
is having a very wholesome effect upon
the local market. The Fruit World,
published at Los Angeles, California, In
speaking rd the action of the association,
I eaye :
I "The California Cured Fruit Associa
tion makes the announcement today that
J it is master of the prune situation. It
practically controls today all of the
1 marketable product in this state. The
i c op in the north and northwest is
marketed and most of that bought by the
outside packers in this stite is disposed
"For two weeks the association lias
been quietly playing the card that has
given it absolute control. Harrassed by
the cut-rate business of the ontsidpis, a
joint special meeting of the Cured Fruit
Association directors and the directors
of the Packers' Association was called
two weeks ago, and the request of the
packers for permission to buy up all the
prunes not otherwise controlled on the
outside was considered and the desired
permission granted.
"Immediately agents of the Packers'
Association wera sent scurrying over the
prune area of California, buying primes
at any price they could be obtained for,
with the result that today not a prune
remains in the hands of the producers.
Seventy-five cars were thus acquired. A'l
the prunes that remain today to come
into competition with the association
prod net are in the hands of a few outside
packers and the amount is estimated to
be about seventy-five cars.
''President Bond gave out the follow
ing statement today: 'The California
Cured Fruit Association is practically in
control of all the prunes unsold in this
fate. Through the packers' company,
the remnant of prunes outside of theas
opinion has been purchased. The im
pression that husj been given out, and
tliat has prevailed in the Faster n
markets, that the association would have
to lower its prices for prunes, on account
of the lower price made by outside
packers is without anv sound reason for
npport. The association has possession
in its various warehouses of all the crop
unsold, and no one has the power to
lower the price except the association
itself. This will not be dne, and the
only change of price, if any, willjlie to
raise prices.' "
Anll-riea Crusade Mwo Westward
Chicago, Nov. 20. The city council
took a hand last niuht in the fiuht for
I treaty, securing the neutrality of the
Suez canal. In speaking of probable
legislation on the canal, a prominent
j administration official said: "It is
manifestly absurd to attempt to make a
private national 'snap' of the exclusive
control and nse of the great interoceanic
waterway. To establish such conditions
will be a challenge to all to combine
against us and to compel na to do what
we ought to do hi the spirit of modern
civilization that is to reciprocate the
privileges we receive in the eastern
Ohatacies to race.
New York, Nov. 20. There is a grow
ing feeling of impatieuce in London over
the delay in effecting a settlement of the
Chinese questions, says a Tribune cable
gram. The Knglish piess frankly con
fesses that it is hearing about punitive
expeditions to one quarter or another,
and that it conirB it hardly worth
while to keep all China in a state of tur
moil, preventing thereby restoration of
normal trade relations in order to punish
a few criminals who cannot be caught
while the court remains in exile.
Knglish opinion will not be fully ex
pressed until the cues are provided by
the foreign office, but it is fairly safe to
assume that it supports the American
contention that the most urgent require
ment of the situation is the establish
ment at Pekin of a government with the
essential elements of Stability and au
thority. Since there can be no substi
tute for the empress' rule, the return to
the capital seems a foregone conclusion.
The punishment of the princes, espec
ially Tuan, is the chief obstacle to a
settlement. The latest dispatches indi
cate that the European powers are
gradually coming to a decision on the
preliminaries of peace on which general
negotiations may be opened. The trend
of events indicate that the Furopean
powers are slow'v approaching the I
American position on the whole matter.
Ileal Only With Van Wyek.
New Yohk, Nov. 20. Bishop Potter
will not deal with the police department
in the matter of vicious conditions in
the pro Cathedral disctrlct, or in rela
tion to insults offered last September to
the Kev. George L. Paddock, of the pro
Cathedrai. He will deal solely with the
mayor of New York. The bishop re
plied to President York tonight as fol
lows :
"Sir I beg to acknowledge your com
mnnication of the loi.ii inst. It is evi
dently written under a misapprehension
In accordance with the instructions ot
my diocesan convention, I have lately
addressed to the mavor ol .ew lork a
protest concerning a condition of things
in the police department of this city,
which is a matter of public notoriety
and concerning which you yourself are
commonly reported to have made the
nosl unreserved admissions.
"Having complied with the duty laid
upon me by my convention, this particu
lar incident, so far as I am concerned, is
closed. If the mayor of New York de
sires to see the affidavits of the two
gentlemen referred to in my letter to
him, they will be forwarded to him at
his request. "
Tribune's London correspondent, i'h I Q"V P QQ I
consultation over the Delagoa BaylDULtlO WILL
Only Way Farmers Can Get Best Prices
For Products Kesnlt of Move at
Hood River One or the Several
Interesting Lectures Which Marked
Last Davof the Milton Institute.
the suppression of crime, and passed an
order for the addition of 121 policemen
to the department to meet the require
ments on the force and to diminish, the
outlawry of the last two weeks. Before
action was taken at the council
noting, however, the police department
l''l been busy In its "drag-net" opera
tions. Officers armed with instructions
to take fn every suspicious character J
they chanced to meet filled D-e precinct
stations to overflowing.
Nearly 4ihj arrests were recorded up
last night, thirty well-known thieves,
Puk pockets, burglars and highwaymen
being among the prisoners.
,VII We Fortify ;tlm Nicaragua rnnal'.'
Ni.w Yohk, Nov. 10. Plans are being
ni'le by the administration, according
" a Washington dispatch to tho Herald,
press with vigor for ratification by the
"lute of the Hav-Paiinc dote treaty in
original form us the first ttep tow
'Is the construction of an isthmian
'Anil, Tdia action ia tikidv to nrecini.
te one of the memorable contests of
He coininir ra,i.l.i f
"pposition to the treaty is base I on
"ib fart that It provides that no fortifica
tion shall be erected on the canal. The
"''idmrn bill, which has passed the
hue, provides for the construction and
protection by the secretary of war of a
Ninuaguan canal. In addition Senator
Ira Trunt Win 1'olnt.
Albany, N. Y., Nov. 20. The appel
late division of tho (tipreine court today
decided to allow the alternate writs of
prohibition asked by Charles V. Morse,
president of the American Ice Companv,
to restrain the attorney-general from
compelling the company's directors and
officers to appear before the referee ap
pointed to take testimony as to the
allegation that the company constituted
a trust in violation of the state laws.
Karly Morning I. on., Nov. 20. A fire early this
morning wiped out a number of small
factories ami partially damaged two
others. The loss of tiO,0()0 Isns follows:
Puget Sound Dry Dock company, $.'!0,
000; linns Torkelson, oil cleaning plant,
$5,0(10; William Kvans, steam fitting
plant, H.O00; Addison Planing mill, $1,
000, two buildings, $4,000, ami Sunet
' Telephone Company and t'ity, fiiiO.
Southern I'licilir )lt I Sno-.r I'hiwa,
SS Fit s'l '. -"V. .l. i evre
storm prevails over Northern California
and telegraphic comi:'iiriic.ition with
its haH been interntped. The
Southern Pacific Companv has ordered
out its suowplows on the Central Pacific
line. This is the first time in ten years
that a November storm has mads such
an order necessary. Know is falling from
Colfax to Reno, and at the summit it is
even feet in depth and still falling
heavily. So far traffic lias not been
Milton, Or., Nov. 21. The feature of
the farmers' and dairymen's institute to
day was an earnest, spirited address by
Hon. E. L. Smith, of Hood River, urging
the fruitgrowers of the Walla Walla Val
ley to combi Tie on the Hood Itiver plan.
His text was "The Codlin Moth," and
after he had spoken about spraying and
kindred topics he asked, "And after yon
have harvested your fruit, what will you
do with it? Is each man going ti com
pete with his neighbor in rushing the
fruit into market and breaking the mar
ket down?"
Mr. Smith then briefly outlined the
Hood River Growers' Association, and
told of the benefits, contrasting the pres
ent entirely satisfactory conditions with
those of a few years ago, when every man
sent his fruit to market on his own ac
count. He stated that under the work
ings of the association t hi 9 year's crop of
strawberries brought at least 50 cents a
crate, or $15,000, more than it possibly
could haVe sold for without co-operation.
He begged fruitgrowers to abandon the
jealousy, suspicion and distrust which
must exist when men lived apart, and to
get together in confiJence on a basis of
This morning's session opened with an
able piper by Dr. William McLean, State
Veterinarian, on "Tnbercnlosis in
Cattle." It provoked wide discussion.
Professor Charles V. Piper, professor
of biology in the Washington State Agri
cultural College, spoke on "Insects aud
Fungus Pests," opening bis subject with
the statement that Oregon ami Washing
ton had already imported in nursery
stock Irom the f.ast all the Known vari
eties except four, viz: Peach yellow,
curculio, potato bug and chinch bog.
He said it was too late now to build a
wall, but not too lute to control the pests
that are here. He dwelt at length on
the fire blight which had destroyed many
trees in this neighborhood. There was
no remedy except to cutoff and burn the
affected branch.
Hou. E. L. Smith described briefly the
good and the poor orchards of Oregon,
and counseled farmers to plant fruit trees
only in deep, well-drained soil, '.12 to 34
feet apart, and to sele, t only well-known
varieties. The best trade now demands
straight carload lots of one kind. From j
his own experience and the reports of
other Horticultural Commissioners in
Oregon, Mr. Smith showed the great
benefit of spraying this year, and said
that the spray pump should be the em
blem of the fruitgrower, and "Spray,
spray" his watchword.
II. M. Williamson, editor of the Rural
Northwest, spoke on "Farmer's Educa
cation," and raid the main reason why
there are not more students in the agri
cultural courses in our agricultural col
leges is that !H farmers out of every 100
believe it is a waste of money to pay the
cost of a college course for their sons who
are to become farmers. The work of
agricultural education must begin with
the farmers through farmers' institutes,
then in the common schools, ami in the
schools of agriculture, which are inde
pendent. In the agricultural colleges, as
now constitnted, the spirit o( the student
Imdy is hostile to agricultural education
on account of the preponderance of those
who are preparing to enter vocations
which they consider more honorable than
Customary resolutions of thanks were
passed all nround, and the institute ad
Itrdlic liivainlw.
Wasiiini; rnv, N.iv. 20. The republic
an members of the wuvs and means com
mittee met today to consider a measure
for the reduction of the war revenue tax.
The most important action taken was a
decision not to remove the tax of 10 cents
a pound on tea. The committee wili not
take up or disturb the tarrill'on imports
as the members claim it would open up
the whole sobj-ct id tarill revision. The
committee will not any hearings
while framing the bill in full hearings
were given during the last session of
congn si.
No decisi n was reached at to the
amount of rediic ion to be made, and
Secretary (iagn ami Commissioner of
Internal Revenue Wilson will be heard
on the l ibj -ct.
award. The process will be completed
today by transfers through bankers, all I
the preliminary arrangements having
been agreed upon.
The American embassy is not taking
an active part in the general negotia
tions between the United States and
Great Britain, which will be resumed by
the joint high commission in Washing
ton. Such jjurnals as comment on the
prospect of a speedy settlement of out
standing questions express gratification
over the opened negotiations between
the two governments. The result of
these questions concern Canada closely,
and Secretary Hay and Sir Wilfrid I.u
rier are expected to effect a series of
timely compromises.
The re-opening of the isthmian canal
question, which so far as England was
interested was satisfactorily adjusted in
the Hay Pauncefote treaty, is not de
sired in England. That convention is
regarded in England as a great conces
sion from England to America, aud Sir
Wilifrid Laurier as a broad-minded im
perialist for leaving the Washington ahd
London governments free to settle a
long-standing controversy without ref
erence to Canadian interests.
Will Fitfht Until All Are DeaJ or Free
Kruner s Reception at Marseilles
Was a Great Ovation.
Artrr AgulliHldo.
Manila, Nov. 20. General Macaholos
the tx Filipino chief, is prepared to sta't
in pursuit of Aguinaldo with 100 picked
natives, supported by American troops
Other ei rebel Filipinos will be used in
campaigning in the country. Their of
fers have not been formally made yet,
but they are ready if the authorities will
accept their services. Aguinaldo, it Is
supposed, ia in Northern Luzon, accord
ing to statements -made by ex-rebel
leaders now in Manila, confirmd from
others sources.
Aglipay, a renegade native priest, not
long ago an insurgent leader in Northern
Luzon, has written to friends in Manila
asking for election news and requesting
to be informed whether a decision has
been reached concerning the relations
between church and state, and the dis
position of church properties. The
replies sent him contain the information
that church and state will be separate
and that entire religious freedom will be
Ntory or a Slav.
lo tie oound nana anil toot tor years
by the chains of disease is the worst
torm of slavery. George D. Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., tells how such a
slave was made free. HeJJsays: "My
wife has been so helpless tor five years
that she could not turn over in bed alone.
After using two bottles of F'lectric
Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and
able to do her own work." This supreme
remedy for female diseases quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, fainting and dizzy
spells. This miracle working medicine
is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down
people. FCvery bottle guaranteed. Only
50 cents. Sold by Blnkeley, the Drug
gist. 6
C'laj ton- Itulwar Treaty la Not Pal.
Nkw York, Nov. 21. The administra
tion, according to a World special from
Washington, regards tl e Clayton-Bnlwer
treaty as still effective and a bar to isth
mian canal legislation unless modified as
provided in the Hay-Pauncefote treaty,
which treaty failed of ratification in the
senate last winter. The ratification of
Makkkillk, Nov. 22. Paul Krnger,
former president of the South African
republic, landed here at 10:45 a. m.
Mr. Krnger cannot but be elated r.'i
the warmth of his reception by the peo
ple of Marseilles today. He may be
said to have been borne on an irresista
ble wave of enthusiasm from the land
ing place to his hotel. The broad streets
and boulevards through which the route
lay presented a perfect sea ol human
beings, all gathered there prompted by
me unanimous desire to welcome the
aged Boer statesman.
From the moment the white twelve
oared barge left tiie side of the Gelder
land with Mr. Krnger, who appeared to
be in good health, Bitting in her stern
surrounded by the Boer representatives,
including Dr. Leyds and Messrs. Fischer
and Wessels, a storm of cheers,
and never ceased until Mr. Krnger en
tered Ins hotel. Even then a vast con
course of people remained in front of the
building until Mr. Krnger appeared on
the balcony, where he had to remain for
some time, uncovered, acknowledging
the acclamations of bia thousands of ad
mirers, who continued cheering until
they were hoarse with Bhouting.
In reply to the storm of acclamations
from the solid block of thousands of en
thusiastic people, Mr. Kruger said the
warm reception given bim today would
do much to soothe the wounds in his
heart. The Boers, he added, will never
sacrifice their freedom. They will rather
be extermined to the last man.
Repjying to the addresses of welcome
of the presidents of the Paris and Mar
seilles committee, Mr. Kruger spoke in
Dutch and in a low voice, accompanying
his words with energetic movements of
his hat, which tie held in his right hand.
After thanking the committees for the
warmth of the reception accorded him,
and expressing gratitude for the sympa
thy lie had received from the French
government, he epoke of the war as ter
rible and barbarously conducted by the
British. He said :
"I bavo fought with the savageB, but
the present war is even worse. W'e will
never surrender. We are determined to
fight to the last extremity, and if the re
publics of the Transvaal and Orange Free
State lose their independence, it will
be because thev lose every man, woman
and child."
This declaration which Mr. Kruger
made dispelled at once any impression
that be intends to accept a compromise
from the Briti'h government. His an
nouncement was greeted with a roar of
cheers and cries of "Vive Krnger," "Vive
les Boers," "Vive la Liberie."
'Die scene ot the landing place was an
animated one. The decks of all the steam
ers In the Lvons basin were ciowded
wit'i sightseers. The crowd swelled to
great portions as the new s spread through
the city that the Gelderland hud entered
the harbor.
A coM northwest wind which set in
time of it. B it I managed to get them
to my house, and on the table there
were ciffee and another thing that 1
m stel here tonight a box of cigars.
These things created a common atmos
phere. "The cement of human society is fra
ternal feeling, and you cannot build any
co-operative service for the race unless
yon establish the feeling of brotherhood.
Vou can't establish tho right feeling be
tween the classes I detest the word
unless you base it on brotherhood."
Controller Ci.ler, who was another ot
the speakers, releried to the improve
ments made iu the charities department
as the greatest that had been made in
any of the city departments. He sug
gested that the labor unions should ar
range to have, their complaints presented
in proper form, so that when they got
into the courts they would not be thrown
Sumplar'a Narrow Kneaua.
Si mi'ikk, Nov. 21. P. D. Healey'a
business building, on Grauite and Center
streets, burned early this morning. The
lots cannot be estimated, bnt the month
ly rentals aggregated over $200. The
saloons of Henry Finger aud J. W. Cox,
on the ground Aor, saved their fixtures
and stock but the lodging house above
and its fifteen occupants, were not bo
fortunate. Cox "tillered a heavy loss lust
May, as in thiscase,with little insurance.
Absence of wind and yesterday's heavy
snowfall, with the volume of water
poured in from the city reservoir, whose
capucity had recently been quadrupled,
alone saved the town from being swept
by fire. Two hose nozzles were found to
be plugged w hen the alarm sounded, and
the chemical engine was disabled
Korto K leant anil SJeir-CloTarunivnt.
W'awihn;ton, Nov. 21. In a personal'
letter. Governor Allen, of Porto Rico,
describing briefly the great work attend
ing the first election in the new posses
sion, says it proved no small task to
bring the people of the island up to a
proper understanding of the importance
and significance of the occasion. They
always have been governed by military
rule, and the privilej-e of the franchise
was something new and novel to them.
The total registry was about 122,000. The
federals refiained from voting. The re
publicans had a majority of (10,000, and
elected every member of the legislature.
Great interest is shown in the coming
meeting of the legislature ou the .11
proximo, as it will be the first time in
its history that the people of the island
have had an opportunity of legislating
for themselves.
the Hay-Pauncefote treaty will be in- during tho niuht cleared away yester
sisted upon as an esssential preliminary
to the enactment of a law providing for
the building of an inter-oceanic water
way. In administration circles it is be
lieve! that this treaty will tie ratified at
the coming session.
The lleptiurn bill does not recognize
the Clayton-Bnlwer treaty as lieing
longer operative and will be opposed by
administration leaders on that account.
Notrenties will be negotiated with any
of the Centra! American governments
for a right of way until the senate dis
poses of the Hav-Pauncefote treaty.
day's clouds, and the morning broke
fre-h hnt wnli bright sunshine. The
inner harbor was all lb ayer for the
decorations of a iiumlier of French ves
sels which arrived yesterday, covered
wi'ii multi-colored flags and pennants,
ain ou' which Boer flags were prominent
ly di-'laed.
It lla,p'ucfl u a lliug Store.
'One day last winter a lady came to
my drug store and asked for a brand of
ough medicine that I did not have in
steck," sas Mr. C. 11 Grandin, the
popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She
was disappointed and wanted to know
what cough preparation I could recom
mend. I said to her that I could freely rec
ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
an. I that she con id take a bottle ol the
remedy and after giving it a fair trial if
she did not find it worth the money to
bring back the bottle and I w ould refund
the price paid. In the course of a day
or two the lady came bank in company
with a friend iu need of a cough medicine
and advised her to buy a tiottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. I consider
that a very good recommendation for
the remedy." It is for sale by G. C.
Blakeley, tiie druggist.
Chicago' Kemarliahla Storm.
CiiK'Atio, Nov. 20. (ilaring flashes of
light and loud peals of thunder, eights
and sounds generally peculiar to mid
summer in Chicago, accompanied the
storm that burst upon the city shortly
before midnight last night. Rain fell in
'I I e Gelderland was sighted several ' deluging quantities, and the elements
displayed ail the cliartcterii ticiol a sum
mer thunderstorm. Telephone and tele-
preter, and Dr. Van Hamniel immediate- j fctraph w ires were affected by the elec
uiii.F out to se.t, and Dr. Leyds and
Messrs. Fischer anil Wessels, an inter.
Iloea Not Cars to lla-iiii tha ;untlon
Nkw Yohst, Nov. 21. The American
embassy has been occupied, says the
rrevenr,! a tragedy.
Timely information given Mrs. (ieorge
Long, nf New Straitsville, Odin, pre
vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two
lives. A frightful eolith had long kept
her awake every night. She had tried
many remedies and doctors tint steadily
grew worse until urged to trv Dr. King's
New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured
her, and she writes this marvelous
medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe
attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are
positive proof of the matchless merit of J Brooklyn, last night. About 400 person
ly proceeded to the Dutch warship in a
steam launch Biid boarded tier. A con
ference hetween the Boer leaders en
sued, w hile t Ire i -blerland was slowed
dow ii h, hind the island of the Chateau
d'lf. reimine l there until 10 a. in., i
i wl.-ri i.c steamed into the outer hartMir, !
j fiii ir a saiii-e of 21 guns, to which a1
; stliev In' e v '!-d. !
1 i
j fr'ralrrliul relu.g C liiHiit or Si.clely.
j Nkw YiKk, Nov. 2.'. i". shop Potter;
1 was one of the eakeri at the annual i
'dinner of the O'titral l.ibor I'niou.of.
this grand remedy for curing all throat,
chest and lung troubles. Only ,r0. and
$1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial
bottles free at Blakelrv'sDrilg Store. Ii
Strayed from my (dare on the bluff,
a 2-year-old Jersey heifer; dehorned;
ear mark on both ears ; branded bar on
both hips. I.ilveral reward paid for her
olO-4'.w I'.Knr Bun, nr.
including manv women, attended the
dinner. John Phillips presided. Bishop
Potter said, in part :
"I aked in Washington what I
thought was most important in connec
tion with the meeting of the Board of
Mediation and Arbitration
tneitv in the atmosphere. 1 he streets
of the city ran like rivers. There was
enough w ind on the lake to ei, danger tb
j safety of a light craft.
! The storm probably is ttie forerunner
of a cold wave tliut has forced the mercu
t TV down to 12 degree below zeroiu Mou-
tana, and which is scheduled lo arrive
1 in Chicago today.
! Lord Itohrrl .imtly .i.Jurrd.
j London-, Nov. 21. The Evening
Standard, in a special edition this even
ing, says : .Hi -t us we are going to pres.
the iimh has rea.'iieil London that Lord
I Roberts has been tin own from his h r-e
and received severe injuiies.
ron rnr.
Was the result of bis splendid health.
Indomitable w ill and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
Industrial j you want these qualities and the success
Commission, and I am afiaid I shocked ! they bring,
the gentlemen by answering, 'The
puffing of a cigar.' When the board
first got together they hail a very cold
Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 2oj at B'akeley's
drugstore. t)