THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1900. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. The Kind You Have Always Bougfot, nntl ivliich lias been iu use for over 30 years, has borne the sisrnatnro of and Las been niatlo under his per r J, A7 sonal supervision since its infancy. WuzfyJ-c4cStfli Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-fjood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants nnd Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wornw ud allays Fever islmess. It cures Diarrhcea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. w umM wnun. n wiwn tmiT, ,n tmh n. FBOPLIC COMING AND GOING. Hon. W. II. H. Dufur, Mrs. Dufur and daughter were in town today. George Grey, an old-time resident of this county, now in the employ of the Lost Lake Lumber Co., was in town to day. A. II. Lipman, the leading furniture man of Prineville, is in tbe city looking after the shipment of recent purchases in Portland. New from School. One half of this school terra has passed, and the studies are still being pursued with about the same energy and intereet as at tbe beginning of tbe term. In the high school tbe classes in His tory, Literature, Rhetoric, Civil Govern ment, Science and Mathematics are well up with their grade work and never mide more satisfactory progress. The first year class in Classics is studying the "Essay on Lincoln" by Lowell, ant Lincoln's "Gettysburg Speech." The second year class has just finished Gold smith's "Desorted Village" and are tak ing up Scott's "Ivanhoe." The third year class is manifesting an extraordi nary enthusiasm in "Ramola." They even meet evenings to aiscuss points in tbe plct and phases of the different characters. This is the first year tbe historical romance has been taken up as a regular study. Tbe class in Geology has never had accega to as many good specimens as this year, and the result is shown by their rapid progress and high interest. While we realize that our supreme oc cupation in school is seeking intellectual development and earnest application in tbe pursuits in which we are now, gen erally, to actively engaged, we do not hesitate to turn aside occasionally from our studies to some useful and needed recreation. We realise that "all work and no play makes Jack a dull bov." Tbe girls, or rather those who desire' it J the b,ood Purifie,a actin8 directly have their physical exercise and dumb ! on tne mucous surfaces. The perfect Springs, where they have since tesided. Mr. and Mrs. Joslyn were oiiarter members of the Congregational chuich of ttiis city, and Mr. Joslyn was at one time a member of the territorial legisla ture of Washington. They were partic ular friend of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brooks, to whom they often expressed the desire of returning to Tbe Dalles and spending the remainder of their days here. The following is the obituary notice of the Telegraph : Mrs. Mary L. Joslyn, wife of E. S. Joslyn, did suddenly last evening at her home, 127 East Bijou street. 6he was not ill, and her sudden death shocked her husband and friends. In fact, Mr. Joslyn was at prayer meeting and Mrs. Joslyn was in the company of her niece. Miss Tuck. Mrs. Joslyn started for her bedroom about 8 :30, but fell after taking a few steps and died quickly. The deceased was tbe wife of K. S. Joslyn, and came here with her husband years ago, both belog pioneer residents. Mr. and Mrs. Joslyn came to this city in 1S7U Irom the state of Washington, although Mrs. Joslyn was born in Mas sachusetts. About two years ago the couple celebrated their golden wedding. They were widely known, and the cele bration attracted much attention. The bereaved husband lias the sympathy of the entire community in his great loss. Mrs. Joslyn was a member of the First Congregational church . during the t venty-four years of her residence here. Catarrn Cannot Be Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with bell drill and tbe boys the foot ball game. The high school now has a fine team. Nearly every afternoon at cloee of school they may be seen practicing. The team has a match game with the academy at Goldendale on Thanksgiving day. Foot ball is one of the great games of America, and does much to develop' courage and manliness in its partici pants, though it does sometimes result in a few bruised shins and bumped ooes. Moreover, a good team organi xation creates a feeling of sympathy and engenders a good school spirit. The high school debating club will de bate the question "Resolved, That the Use of Machinery is Injurious to the Laboring Clafs," this evening in con nection with the program of the literary society. W. C. DEATH OF MRS. MARY JOSLYN Wife of a I'loaeer Mettlar of Whit Sal mon Formerly Well Known la The llallea. From the Colorado Springs Telegraph of November 8th we learn of the death at that place on the 7tb instant of Mr. Mary L. Joslyn, wife of E. S. Joslyn, who will be remembered by the older generation of Dalles people as pioneer eettlers of tlie White Salmon country, they having located on what csed to be known as the old White Salmon farm in combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chexby A Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drrnggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Oregon Not Affected, Salkm, Nov. 15. While the announce ment that tbe California Prunegrowers' Association has cornered the prune prod uct of California is interesting to Oregon growers, it has no financial significance here, as practically all the Oregon crop has passed out of the hands of the pro ducers. There are still a few small hold- I ings, but the bulk of the crop has been sold. Growers who still have prunes to j sell say they are enable to get oflers of more than 5 to 5'4' cents for Fellenbergs of the 30 -to 10 to the pound size. : ssy they have refused (prunes of that I kind at .V4 cents. The results of the j otganization in Caiiforniaare being close : ly watched by those who are interested in tbe industry in Oregon, for the success or the failure of a prune combine in California will have an important effect upon tbe organization movement in this state. Rheepmeu. France nmUea nearly Iifi.Hrf,in'U pain of glovt-a early, and of t!.-e li,(.ijt,t.Uf) oairs urc rxji rtnl. An iii' wrchanicil lcice pastes i:iht labels on V U.L.'it cans in ten hour. ljn a shoot ro'.s a cure less in ri -(.-.inn of cam-, and tai-h cau picks i. a l.ibcl as it i.isrs. Water, if subjected to creat com pression and then litcirn posed by means of un electric rum nt into its elements, oxygen und Ii droj,'en, ex plodes with tremendous force in the process. An example of patient industry is the kortinjr of hops' bristles as it is carried on at Tientsin, China. Each one of the bristles has to be picked out, measured and placed in the bundle of hairs of corresponding length. The Council of the American Chem ical Society has passed resolutions fa voring the creation of a bureau of chemistry. The '.aws of the various ttates controlling food adulterution are largely ineffective, because of the interference of interstate commerce lav, and can be made effective only through national legislation. More perfect combust ion iu furnaces is secured by Mr. Paul Schlicht by novel means, lie has discovered that on prop erly introducing an air current into a chimney, it takes a course opposite to that of the hot gases, and its oxygen reaches the center of the fire in a heat ed condition favorable for completely uniting with the fuel. Advantage is taken of different bands of porosity in agates to effect the col oring, which is done in the case of black onyx by immersing the stone in a mixture of honey and water where it remains several weeks at a high tem perature. It is then boiled in sulphuric acid, which carbonates the s'acchari nous mutter thut has penetrated the stone, thus rendering certain bands an intense black. Various colorations may be produced by different chemical reactions. The printing of books wi;h Braille type for the benefit, of the blind has made immense progress in England within the last few years. The Cen tral Lending library, of Birmingham. has no less than 500 books printed with Braille type. This extensive library comprises the works of such favorite authors as Shakespeare, Browning, Sir Walter Scott. Tennyson and Kuskin. The Plymouth public library has also a similar collection of about 230 vol umes, and nnmerous other libraries throughout the country ossess similar collections for the entertainment of those deprived of their sight. BUILT HIS OWN SEPULCHER. Aa Ecerl Aaatrlan In California Makes Preparation for Hie Interment. In a grave built under his own di rections the body of John Stivitch, an eccentric Austrian, was laid to rest at Jackson, Cul. Long before death summoned Slivitch the latter designed hiB own grave, or, more properly speaking, tomb. He spent many days cheerfully drawing up the plans, and with childish delight su perintended the construction of the narrow mausoleum. When it was completed he laid himself down to die with a sigh of content, says a San Francisco exchange. The grave is of ordinary length and width and seven feet deep. Its walls are of concrete and concrete a foot thick, lines the bottom. Twelve inches from the bottom were placed four iron bars, upon which rested the coflln. After the coffin bail been lowered iron bars were placed in like manner and the same distance from Pthe top, and over them was placed a heavy, zinc covert fitting perfectly tight. Over this will now be placed a layer of concrete of the same thick ness as on the walls, and on top will be the marble bearing the name, place of birth, age and date of deuth. This manner of burial bad been a hobby with Stivitch for a long time, and when he made his will he set aside $H00 to cover the expense, the same being on deposit in a bank of Amador county, to be turned over to the contractor on completion of the work and its npproval by a nephew, Andrew Perovich, who is named as executor in the will. Stivitch was 73 years old, a miner; had lived here many years and had many friends. He leaves an estate of several thou sand dollars, but no nearer relatives than the nephew named. The old man had no special disease. but had been failing for months. When told that the work on his pe culiar grave had progreFsed as far as possible lie remarked to Dr. Gall, his physician: "Doctor, if you let me die to-night I will give yon $100." But it was, not to bp. He lived eight days longer. during which time many citizens vis ited the cemetery to inspect the rest ing place for nil thut was mortal of the odd old Austrian. Attention! Hacks for Sale, Having disposed of my breeding ewes today, I have thirteen thoroughbred j Merino bucks for sale. These are choice, tariA anil in fine condition, and m-lll . IS.,2 They were living there during J .o,(, h fatner tb fc tjem ofef tbe Indian troubles of lSo-Mi, when j , ,t Protprct Han(,K on the their dwelling and contents were burned I)MchntM j;,- or of A s ,,wbl!rtf o20-2w by the Indians. They sold moved to Denver, Colorado, about 1370 ' and from thence moved to Colorado I 1 out an-j . .n7 n,lt. ITU A ill" Subscribe for The Cbkomci-b. Hlrheat Armr Officer. The Ninth regiment, which is fight ing in China, has on its roster one w ho is probably the richest ollicer in 1h armv Second Lieut. Hubert S. Clarke, formerly of New York. Mr. Clarke is a gran!on anc' tine of I he principal hers of the late Alfred Corning Clarke, and 'his wealth is estimated a t n einl mil lions. He is ftill In his early twenties, and is a graduate of Vale university. He received hi commission in the army about a year ago. Chicago Chronicle. atravert. Strayed from my place on the bluff, a 2-year-old Jersey heifer; dehorned; ear mark on both ears ; branded bar 7. on both hips. Liberal reward paid for her return. ol0-4tw Bkkt Baolky. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are tbe best. Ask your grocer for them. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. The island of Guam is 3,5'X miles from Honolulu und leJO miles from Manila. The postal service establishment of the I'nited States is the greatest busi ness concern in the world. The rev enue of the post olTice of New York is more than f.lX)!Uw yearly, with a net profit of $J.iAo,(iiM). The Knglish language heads the list, with the enormous vocabulary of -C0.-words, while the Spaui.ih bus only 2.)0. the German so.OiH), Italian 7., (I'JO, French 3,X, Turkish L'-'.5 )'. Shakespeare's vocabulary is put at KMiX. Milton" at S.000 and the Bible at rather less. Japan is the largest consumer of rice in the world, the average being :i';i pou nils per person a year. The Americans use but four pounds per cnplta. Belgium uses more toUi-co, in proportion, than any other country, about 110 ounces per capita yturly, while Italy uses only 22 ounces. There is nn easy, simple way to tell if 11 diamond is genuine. Make a small dot on a piece of paper with a lead pencil, and look at it through a diamond. If it shows but a single dot the diamond is genuine. If it shows more than one, or the mark appears scattered, it is false, no matter what it cost. One npect of the food problem has assuredly been solved by a company in New Haven, Conn., which under takes to serve hot meals to all and sundry within a radius of 70 miles from its headquarters, und thut from 23 per cent, to 50 per cent, cheaper than they can be obtained elsewhere These meals are sent out in wagons with compartments for each article; the meals are placed in the different compartments smoking hot, anil are kept at a high temperature until placed on the purchaser's table. William W. Evans, of Deal's Island, Del., bns a horse which has proved a remarkable investment and has overriden the ideas and records of the average useful life of horses. Twenty seven years ugo Mr. Kvans purchased the horse from Scott Covington, who guaranteed at that time thnt the ani mal was six years old. Mr. Kvans proved to be a good master, and the horse returned the kind treatment by retaining its full activity and energy, and now, at 3.1 years, the horse works nearly every day, see and hears well, and has an excellent appetite. Summons. Dlaadrantaae.' "A pretty girl," observed the Plain Girl, bitterly, "has a great advantage in this' business of making a name for herself!" "I don't know!" aighed the Tretty Girl. . "She finds o many lovely ready-to-wear names at hand!" Puck. Hopee. "I want to get my picture taken," said the populist statesman. "Cabinet?'' inquired the photog rapher. "Wouldn't be surprised, if Bryan's elected. I've been promised a tiptop office." Philadelphia Press. Oyatera and Macaroni. Cook macaroni in salted water until tender. Grease a pudding dish and fill with alternate layers of macaroni und oysters, with bits of butter, salt and a little cream between each layer. Cover with crumbs and bake about three-quarters of an hour. A cream dressing made of milk, flour and buf fer i sometimes used between each layer. Good Housekeeping. Dryinjj prcparatipns simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuiTs and use thut which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will care catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the OOo. size. Ely Brothers, 5G Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itwelf over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Bulm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Bay Fever. Knhbed the ft rare. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, la narrated by him as follows: "I was in a molt dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me np. Fortunately, a friend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their nse for tbreo weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 60c, guaranteed, at Blakeley's drug store. 6 Do not get scared if your heart trouble s you. Most likelp you suffer from in digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di g?sts what you eat and gives the worn out stomach perfect rest. It is the only preparation known that completely di. gest all classes of foods; I hat is why it cures the worst esses of indigestion and itomscr. trouble after everything else has failed. It mav he taken in sll con. ditions and cannot help but do von good. Sold by Clarke Fslk. Feelings of safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy that produces Immediate results. It is infallible for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung iroumes. 11 will prevent consum p. tion. Sold by Clarke A Falk. In thel Ireuit Couitof the State of Ur -iT'Ti f.'r Wasco e ounly: Ina Sl leiilner. Mull! tilt, Vs. Henry speiehiuer, Uelcu'Juiit. In tlie iiiihie of the Htutv of Oreinm: You r to-rebr required to u" ' mi"-er tt.e couiji'uitu iili-u aiMinst ou in tiiealsive entitled hint on or tn-iore the. lust it ivof ih lime .rcMMibol in the onler for the ptthUc iiiun of this summon. t'-ii.oii or before -ix consec utive weens from the ifitll day of torn ht;r,, which Mid ."th day of i- pteniher. l mo, is the date of till! tirst publication of tills slim ir.onn, to-w it: Yon are required to apix-nr ami anawvr said complaint on or bvfore the Kith day of Novmoer, Ivm, which laid lmtidiiyof No vember. I'.no, in the last day of the tunc tre wribed in the ' filer for the publication of thii summon, and 11 you Ian lo answer, lor wain thereof plaiutin will applytn the aove entitled court lor me renei prueu lor in ptuiuuu uuiu i.iMint. to-wit: That the bond' of ina'rimony heretofore una uiiwexistiucbetweeiipiuliitill ami defendant be dissolved ami held for naught, and plaintiiT and defendant be iu all reMweti 'ii vorred from each other, and that piai i tilt's name be chaiured to Her maiden name, to-wir, lua Doyle, and for s ich otuer and further relict as to the court mav seem hint and cuuitable. This HumiiioDa is served tipou you, Jienry gpeii'hinfrer, the above named defendant, by publication thereof in Trnt Dallks W'taKLV t M kon li'LR for six consecutive week by older of Hon. V. U HradthHW, j-nfire of the above entitled court, w hich order w as made on, and bears date of septeDer '.'7, im NED It. GATES, Attorney for Maintitt. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omi'l at The Dalles, Ok., ( (ictober, 2-i, I'.!. t Notice is hereby s-iven that the following named settler linn filed notice, ol his Intention to make linai proof in upport of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dallea, Oregon, oil M cdnea tfuy, December 5, l'.iW, viz.: Henry C, McKamey, of The Dlle-, Oregon, If. K. No. 5JD9, for the UK'i tiec. 21, T 2 N, H 12 E, W M, He name tbe following witnesses to prove his contuiiiouK residence upon and cultivation ol Mild laud, viz.: ;ank 1-apier. Jamea R. Steele, Kric (iraiilund Albert,DavidMn, all of The Dalies, Oregon. oct27 JAY P. l.UCAS, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have tiled with tbe Cleric of the county court of the htateof Oregon for Wasco countv. their final uci ouut as executors of the last w lli and testa ment of Heurv Barnum. deceaed. and that Monday, the 4th day of November, 190U, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., has been fixed by the County Court for said county as the time, and the county court room in uaues as in place for hearing of objections to said final ac count and the settlement of the same. J. W. FRENCH, F. 1. MAYS, sepl'i Executors, NOXICEJFINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given th it the undersigned has duly tiled with the County clerk of Wasco County, Oregon, his final account and report as administrator of the estate of Adolph Agidius, deceased, and that rhe Honorable County Court lias fixed MODda),thertn day ol November, ltNUJ, at 10 o'clock a. ra. of said day as the time, and tbe County Court room of the County court house in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and re port. All persona interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, il any there be, why said report should not be approved and auid administrator aiscnargeo, Dated this Oth day of October, ltiOO. J. V AGIDIIIS, Administrator of the estate of Adolph Agldlus, deceased. s?tli ADMIN IS IKATOR'S NOTICE." In the County Court ot the St ite of Oregon for the County of Vasco. In the matter ol the estate of Louis Schwa- baeher, deceased. Notice la hereby glen that the undersigned baa been duly appointed ad ministrator, with the will annexed, of tin es tate of lxHits Schwabachcr, deceased. All tier sons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned at his omen in the atoie room of Flelschner, Mayer & Com pany, in the City of Portland, Oregon, within tlx months from the dale hereof. Hated this 17th day of October, 19U). SUM1MON 1IIKSI II, Administrator. Cotton, Teal 4 Minok, , Attorneys for Administrator. oet.ii ;.t NOTICE OK FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the niidersigued has duly tiled with the county clerk of Wasco county, Oregon, his final account and report as executor of the estate of Phoebe J. Haight, de ceased: and that the honorable countv court has fixed Monday, the Mh day of Moveinber, l'.sio, at 10 o'clock a. ni. of said day as the tine, and the county court room In the countv com t house In Dalles City, Wasco eounty, Oregon, as the place for heariug said final account and report. All persons interested In said estate are here by notified to appear at said time and place and short' cause, if any there he, why saiil retsirt should not be approved and said executor dis charged. Dated this fcith day of Hertember, 10. FRANK MliNKFF.E, Execntor of the estate of Phoebe J. llaignt, deceased. ooU NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Oreook,! October 2:i, 1 '.. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of her intention to make Una I proof In supirt of her claim, and that said proof will lie made before the KcirUtvr and Receiver nt The Dalles, Oregon, on WcdiM-H-day, December, 5, )ou, vli: llattla L. Huncly, of The Dalles, Oregon, H. E. Nc, .WW, for the o " :- on: ji, i i s la r. , Vi . Al. Hhe names tne following witnesses tntirm-phsr continuous residence upon and cultivation of sain laiiii, viz: Prank Ijipier, of The Dalles, Oregon, Albert (1. MeKamcy, of Mt. HimkJ, Oregon, Henry C. Mc Kamey and Eric lirunliind, of The Dalles, Or. oet7 JAY r. l.l'CAH, Register. NOTIC E FO kP U B LI CATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash. Mitola-r 2ii, 1U0D. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his liitoiitl.m to make final proof In supiport of his claim, and that saidjirisif will lie made before W. H. trea ty, V. 8. commissioner for the District ol "asiiuiKion, si iioiiienn,if , n asti., on Monday, December 10, i;Ju, V..: Oeorca H. Mt. Lawrence, of l.yle P. O., Wash., who made If. K. No, ln.nn.-,. rJh2,wA m "ud E; 8W-'4 e AT. a N, It 12 K , W . M . He liamea the following witnesses to prove his (ontiniioHB of said land, viz. : Thomas J. hltcnmh. (Jeorge Sorensnn, 'ieo Hradford and ;Wllliam Usum, all of l.yle 1' o' Washington. W. R. DUNHAIl Register A D M I NI8T R ATO RSOT ICK. Nolle Is hr.htf orl van Ih.l II a t i has been appointed by the county court of Wasco cotiiitv. llmviiM .Hintiii........ . , . . : .: ", -'.' "imiiir oi ine estate of frauds Ross, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate arc hereby re quired to pu-scnt the same to me. duly verillisl st the oflioe of W. II. Wilson, In Dalles city Oregon, within six months from the date heriioL Dated November 111, !. KO. . ROHH, !!2Yi? Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is herely given that the undersigned naa been duly apiHinitcd by the county court ol Hie state of Oreg for Waaco county, admlnls. trator of the e,tate of Elisabeth A.houlhern, rl.-cen.l. All persona having claims against tne estate of said deceased are hereby notlilwl to pp-sent tha.ame, with the prosT Vouchers therefor , to n,e st my orliee In H,e,d. Oregon, within six mouths from the date hereof. Dated Hopti ruber 21, I'.kki. .. t. II. 801 TIIERN. e- Administrator. ONE FOR ADOS t. nil I t rlLLo Jllays rf orowe A'U.-li ....I I m....... . ..' ""i-l"si. 'III mail smi. I . A '"l Mill I ara f. 0? Y M2) The only store,, this eitv where tk Str.nsky.s, Ware is sold. A little higher u, v'kx, our, outUa, adozenpiecesoTsr, called cheap ena e!ed ware. BEWARE! Other wareilxi likeit.butthegem me has the nan, Stransky. Steel Wareon each piec. Do not be deceive First prize at i( International Eih, bitions. Hides' award at World i Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by the best cookinpauthontttx certified to by the most famous chem ista for purity md durability it 1( cheapest became, BEST, Remember ths celebrated enam eled wareisspeeial ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is not affected by acid? in fruits ot vegetables will boil, and baki withom impart iiic flavor 0i previously cooked food and ill last for years. We cau tion ths public against imitation T. A. Hudson. Notary Public. Timothy Brownhiu, Attorney atUir. IM son Ofo wi'i Heal Estate, Insurance, Loans, Conveyancing and Abstracting. General Mill Work- Hansen & Thomsen Manufactures and lloaleri In Sash and Doors, Rustic, Flooring, Pine Lumber, Mouldings, Etc. BEE HIVES AND FRUIT BOXES cf All Kind" . Third Street. The Dalle. Off1". EXKCUTOR'd NOTICE. Kntln la hcrebvirlven that thi-iinTli XBCiit..r of the will ol A'"11r,wV',,,1 , tin lwca-crl, h. flliil hi" filial n ' it county court of tin-Htiita in un a .. mt,r. t'oniny, anil nal.1 court Im ..p-l th 7tn Hay of January, l'i .at '' "iL., , o'clock a. m., at the time f' r iicain ". hl,rt, i hereto and the acttl cut "" ,JJ , ,a rrenitiira anil other pernonn : ,,. tMt eMute art therefore hen hy -1"''" hif'." ..HTCHy.Or.. KIM 'Axle feASE i ' 1 m i nr."- We represent some of the largest fir insurance companies in the world. 11- i i I : . I hitk ri r iitvo n lurico lioi. in jiioi'onj, v. city and country, for Bale and rent. Wn hava innnflf In lrrnn on real ffltltt ci.uiiijt b iraniiBuio mica We do all kmda of conveyancing, tnd are the eicluelre ownera for Kice'nyi teni of abstracting, which preclntiei th possibility of tniftakes in locning up titles lo real estate. Anv one havine cronertv for le or rent ill find it to their advaDUpl leave it in our hands. Collections and all legal bnsineltWl in onr care will receive prompt a" tion. Will practice in all the coorti"' the itate. Correspondence prompt'' answered. Offices : Washinzton street, next to French & Co. 'a