The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 14, 1900, PART 1, Image 6

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Went into effect Nov. 10, 1900. The plan is simple.
We give a coupon with each cash pur-
Coming la.aloa of CsBgraaa
Washington, Nov. 8 The coming
The result of the presidential
election, says tlie Iltrney County
News, so far as is now known bere is
36 VaiuaDie.lisBfui
chase of 10 cents.
Prews M Hw
We call it profit-sharing-, because we share our profits with our customers. All holding coupons
become one of the Association. The more business we do the more we are enabled to share with our
trade. This Association has been organized in order to advertise our business. We carry a complete
line of all leading brands of Imported, Domestic and Key West Cigars, Hancy and Staple Smoking and
Chewing Tobaccos, Pipes and Smokers' Sundries. Buy your Cigars and Tobacco from
The more purchases you make the more coupons you get, and the more coupons you get the more
chances you have of obtaining these presents, which are now on exhibition at our store, Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Following is the list of presents to be given away to those holding winning coupons
On December 24, 1900:
Wizard Camera, 4x5 (and case).
German Tobacco Jar.
Fancy Bisque Figure.
Decorated Carnation Vase.
One box 100 Louis James Cigars.
Fancy Austrian Pitcher.
Brass Boudoir Clock.
Silver Match Box.
Bisque Candle Stick.
Fancy Decorated Rose Bowl.
Hand Painted China Cigar Holder and Ash
Decorated'Chrysanthemum Vase.
Bisque Figure.
Fancy Austrian Vase.
Novelty Ash Tray.
Fancy Bisque Figure.
Turkish Tobacco Jar.
Fancy Austrian Pitcher.
Be sure and get a Coupon with each ioc purchase.
19. Hand Painted China Cigar Holder and Ash
20. French Briar Pipe and Case.
21. Decorated Carnation Vase.
22. Nickel Plated Watch.
23. Bisque Figure.
24. Fancy Austrian Pitcher.
25. Bisque Candle Stick.
20. Brass Boudoir Clock.
27. Silver Match Box.
28. Decorated Chrysantemum Vase.
2'). Hand Painted China Cierar Holder and Aslv
30. One box 50 El Sidelo Cigars.
31. Rubber Tobacco Pouch.
32. Bisque Figure.
33. Novelty Tobacco Jar.
34. Nickel Plated Watch.
35. Bisque Figure.
30. French Briar Pipe.
session of cor.gress ii going to be a very
bu.y ene. The republicans will make
every -fTort to get through ll.eir legisla
tion in order to avci-J au txira session,
!-.. .1 u I fl o fKuV ulll ! Iti coitr,.l
nt i .i i l.rjr.i- n-a nf riinr-4 niter II. e . J
i:U of March, s no, wiil
to leyisVe tt.ii res-i-m without beitu
d:c:ate.l tohytt.e I)t tnrcratr. Had tte ' . : eUapiD2 the course
public and private affairs.
in the Circuit Con.t of the . .
Wasco CooutT: C -tffof o,
ids rutichingr, rTaintliT.
Henry S:eichins-er. i..f.. ......
.:..: ...II..... ,, !. , .. . .
very yraiirjiu oii'cim ui.iw iuc in me name r.t tr.e state i.f fi
u.i ! r u.. .in, niH1
neit Houe? Us n aains: the rpjuablicare,
t ey would I.aie hail to nut c )ncfst?i fi
enable them , circurasiances depemiea upon 10 nn.? .r-uu-i in ttu- t.r i. r t',i t . ' ' T
.. . . . ' this (irumi)in. i.i.m'f i 'e T''i- -it ...
witr.out beitirf i follow the dictates of rational VKig- utiv ih. ri Z- ' r"""..
of tbeir ; ti ... ..i vVf:,:''.
anawer said complaint ,,.,, b, j "W-u ,
i .ov-.-imi-r, m, . , h .,.i 1:
Twice at :
II . . i . !., ... . I IU IfUlia llir r " irivurn vut . r Hi,' emurr. r.'.i, I me in-t ll.iv ,.i ,,: . "' .
uukii penumif it-yiiiHiion iu muri - - . . . Mrribed la tlie or.w :
Ask for it.
Envoys at Pekio Decide on Peace Terms
When Approved by the Powers,
They Will De Pressed Upon China
as the Basis of a Treaty.
London, Nov. 13. Dr. Morrison, wir
ing M the Tirhe9 from Pekin Sunday,
"Press3d by the common desire (or a
speed? termination of present conditions,
the foreign envoys have finally agreed to
the following terms to be presented in a
joint note, which, subject to the appro
val of the government, will be pressed
upon China as the basis of a preliminaiy
"China shall erect a monument to
Baron von Ketteler on the site where he
was murdered and send an imperial
Prince to Germany to convey an apology.
"She shnll inflict the death penalty
ujon eleven Princesand officials already
named and suspend provincial examina
tions for five days where the outrages
"In future, all officials failing to pre
venting anti-foreign outrages within
their jurisdiction shall be dismissed and
punished. iThis is a modification of
Mr. Congor's proposal.)
"Indemnity shall be paid to the states,
corporations and individuals.
"The Tsung Li Yamun shall be abol
ished and its functions vested in a for
eign minister.
"Rational intercourse shall be per
mitted with the emperor, as in civilized
'The forts at Taka and other forts on
the coast of Cbi Lil shall be razed, and
the importations of arms and war ma
terial prohibited.
"Permanent legation guards shall be
maintained, and also guards of commu
nication between Pekin and the sea.
"Imperial proclamations shall be
posted for two years throughout the
empire, suppressing the Boxers.
"The indemnity is to include compen
sation for Chinese who suffered through
being employed by foreighers, but not
compensation lor Dative Christians. The
word 'missionary' and 'Christians' do
not occur in the note."
Army bill and the Ship Subsidy bill are
all to come before it. The Xicaraguan
comnmsion will make its report early
in the session and the debate :n the
senate will probably begin early.
"I presume there will be changex of
some Importanco in the bill. It is
reasonable to suppose that a lupee of
several months has made a difference in
the sentiment o( the people on the bill
and a change in someof its main tea tuns
will be the natural result. The Costa
Kican treaty especially involved us in
considerable difficu'tr, and tho Coeta
Kican government bad to be consulted."
When at Led with what measures lie
would most interest himself during the
session, Senator Hanna said :
"I have no pet measure this vear and
shall taUe no particular interest in any
of tho bills before congress. Perhaps I
s.m as much interested in Senator Frye's
ship subsidy bill as in any."
Death fif lleDry Villard.
New York, JCov. 12. Henry VillarJ,
I the railroad magnate and financier, died
at his summer residence at Dobba rerry
early this morning. Mr. v'illard had
intended to return lo New York about
the middle of last month, but his con
dition was then so precarious that his
physician advivd him to remain at bis
country home until he should have
gained more strength. A week ago he
caught a heavy then, his
condition had been gradually growing
i worse, two phvsicians had been with
I him constantly for a week past.
Mr. Villatd, when he died, was snr
j rounded by the members of liia family,
iiiritiMitijj mis. viMaru huu 1119 mo eon?,
Oswald and Harold Villard. He had
been unconscious for two days. His
death, it is said, waB caused by cmcer of
the throat. The funeral will take place
V ri Uv M II I Ml lu
rvtv M I t. V J BS1B M r -3
Three Great Bill In Mext CoucreM,
Clsvei.and, O., Nov. 12. Senator
Hanna bai returned here after brief
visit to New York. He expects to remain
in this city until congress convenes. In
discussing the coming session, Mr.
Hanna said:
"Congress this year will have tome
very important duties to perform. Three
great bills, the Nicaragua canal bill, the
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne tho slfrnatnre of
f Bonal supervision since its infancy.
wV S-CctcAW. Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Experimsnts that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
flubstance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
And allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. .It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
an t xtra eession. i the ctee suinls,
the demrcraU equally with the lepubii
cir,s will endeavor to avoid an extia
session and therefore will not delay or
filibuster against republican legislation.
Tha most important legislation to come
up will be a measure fur tho reorifaniza
of the army, ami it is very probable that
100,030 men u ill be asked, w ith a proviso
that it t-an reduced to 75,000 after the
Philippine islands have beeu composed,
and there is no longer anv war there.
While the democrats will fight this
measure, they will understand that it
will be useless to oppose it, and probably
will not undertake an txtia tstsion for
the p'jr;cse of dRfeatn.g it.
lutled the Uiav
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
snbjec is narrated by iiim as follows:
"I was in a most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yeliow, eves sanken,
tonguo coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had given me up. Fortunately, a
triend advised 'Electric Bitters'; and to
my great joy and surprise, the first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Only 50c, guaranteed, atBlakeley's drug
store. 5
One of Oar Wamhlp, to 1 lire ten Morocco
Washington, Kov. 12. The govern
ment of Morocco has again declined to
meet the demands of the United States
for the payment of an indemnity on ac
count of the killing by a mob of Marcus
EssiKian, a naturalized American citizen.
The last reqaeet was made by United
States Gummec, and the latest declina
tion of the irovernment of Morocco was
accompanied by an intimation of its
freedom from liability under the terms
of the convention between Morocco and
Spain. The state department has come
to the conclusion that the consul's repre
sentations will be more effective if be is
supported morally by the presence, in
Moroccan waters, of a United States war
ship, and it is probable be will make bis
visit to Fez to aifain present the case as
a passenger on a veEsel to be selected by
the navy department for that purpose,
which will proceed to the port nearest to
the Moroccan capital.
A Xhouflautl Tongues
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1123 Howard St., Phil
adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr.
King's Xew Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years had made
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give tier no help, but she
says of this Royal Cure "It soon re
moved the pain in my cheet and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
andfl. Trial bottle free at Blakeley's
drug store ; every bottle guaranteed. 5
It Happened In a Iiug Store.
"One day last winter a lady came to
coy drug store and asked for a brand of
cough medicine that I did not have in
steck," says Mr. C. R Grandin, the
popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She
wag disappointed and wanted to know
what cough preparation I could recom
mend. I said to ber that I could freely rec
ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and that she could taken bottle of the
remedy and after giving it a fair trial if
she did not find it worth the money to
bring back the bottle and I would refund
the price paid, In the course of a day
or two the lady came bark in company
with a friend in need of a cough medicine
and advised ber to buy a bottle of Chain
berluin'a Cough Remedy, I consider
that a very good recommendation for
the remedy." It is for sale by G. C.
Blakeley, the druggist.
Dr. W. U. Lewis, Lawrenceville, Va.,
writes, "I am using Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure in my practice among severe cases
of indigestion and find it an admirable
remedy." Many hundreds of physicians
depend upon the use of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure in stomach troubles. It digests
what you eat, and allows yon to eat all
the good food you need, providing you
do not overload your stomach. Gives
instant relief and a permanent cure.
Sold by CUrke A Falk.
whose appeals for suffrage have
always been calculate.! to touch the
choril of discontent ami the vena
tions of disorder thrilling through
the body politic. .With all deference
to our friends and our readers whose
honest convictions ore builded to the
wisdom of William Jeunings Btj'an,
we offer the prediction that McKiu
ley's second term will refute the
allegations of the democratic candi
date, made in the late campaign as
emphatically as his picEent adminis
tration haa disproved his prophecies
made in 189G; and e will ventuie
further that tinder the policies ctir
president is bound to support our
economic interests will be maintained
at the point to which such policies
have redeemed them from languor
and decay. Some of the purest
American patriotism has engaged in
the battle for McKinley's re-election,
and should he falter or prove recre
ant in any wise the duty which bis
high office imposes upon him as the
guardian of tho civil rights of Old
Glory's subjects, that same patriot
ism would arise through the land to
condemn where it has praised, to
depose where it has upheld.
With congratulations to those
voters in Harney county who have
seen the true light nnd been guided
by its rays, we express our personal
gratification for their assistance in
maintaining the handsome majority
which Oregon has giveD to the cause
of sound government and a flag un
stultificd. I'rlvate School Day or fcvenlng.
Persons desiring instruction in Eng
lish branches, ornamental penmanship,
short hand, shade-pen writing, free
hand drawing, book-keeping, higher
mathematics, vocal music, etc., please
call first djor second floor west of Cur
lies mill, Second street. Foreigners
taught to read and write English in a
few leseons.
u8-2wd&w Pkof. Z. K. Fkekr.
of Hon. V
j . iiiiiiiuur, nnij ii y,,u ti
iut.-e.Pi j.imimil will a.).ly to
, ,..! piitieii i. ,rin , .
' plaint, too it: Th.t th- i.....' ;""".,
j liereiifoteMndn.wexiviinil.ttt..,,.'1,'r',"''nr
defendant beui.soU.J hela Z, ,",t";
i flalutlU' and d-f,ii.i,lt bj iliL
M.reed truni edth otln r. ana th ,r . !:
! name be ehaniceU to lar m,,,,i,-n " ''M
I Ina lo,!e, u:id :-ir ich other ar.i V?
m U the emit mav ,., j,i.,t ,! ' ;"V 1
Tliia aiimniora Is nerved ut-j-i !,, 1 b"
St.ei.:liliier, tlie. above ille,i '.,.' ;,.' "
publication: tii-rooi In jHk In. i rV I? '"
entitled eonrt, which order n' "l"r
bears date of sM.-i.tej. ber J7. I-i. " on. '
h J Attorney (ur FUi:uitr.
tisDOrnci at The Pjllh. (,.,,
Notice la hfrV-by Riven tlmt 'he'' S'.'
named tettler ha, tile I notlie of In, '
to make tiual t,ronf in tupport of hi, c Zml
tk.ta.ld proof will be made hef.m, the Tv, 1
and receiver of the V. . nml oili4 a? tk
Dullea, Or , ou SnturdHy, Nov. w, iuuo, '
Feler toiler. Jr ,
of The Dulles. Or., H. E. No. "4.'i7, fnr tho ir k.
W .M?r '"d SE W Tl.2s'K I k
ilo'names the following witr.esse. to proi
his cnntinuouK residence upon aud cultiviri.
of said land, viz: tuiuvatio,
John hMlryinple, Fred Wtekmnn, C. C En.
lish, J. t, Johason, all of The Dulles, ur. ' l"
Strayed from my place on the bluff,
a 5-year-old Jersey heifer; dehorned;
ear mark on both ears ; branded bar Z on
both hips. Liberal reward paid for ber
olO-ltw Eert Baolky.
Land Omca at Tim Dalles. Or i
(:tober, A ' I
Notice Is hereby given that the foilnwirr
named aetller haa Hied notice ol Ills intention
to nmke linnl proof in mpport of his elHim ind
that auid proof will be made before the tWind
and reoelver at The Dalle,, on WhW.
oay, December.-), l'Jtm. viz.:
Ilaory C. McKamej,
of The Dalle-, Oregon, H. K. No. .'..a, for th.
bEH See. 21, T 2 N, K 12 E, W M. ' "e
He liamea the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of Aufd land. vi;:. :
Kiank tjiiiter. Jumea R. Steele, Eric
Albert David-on, nil of The Dalits, Oretruu.
cct-7 JAY '. LUCAS, Rtgister.
Land Office at Tiik, Okk.,i
Sept Jii, l:i. j
Notice 1s hereby given that the fotlowing
namcd settler haa tiled notice of his Interning
tion to mnko final proof in suppurt n( hi
cl.ilm, nnd tnat said vrNif will be ninrle be
fore ths rrgifter and receiver at The Lulln,
Oregon, on b.ittirday, November 10, 1:jo, vi:
Calvin .1. Dunakln,
of Mosier, Or., H. K. No, bill, for the SE qr, See
31, T '1 X, K 11 E, W. M.
He tiamea the following witnesses tn prove bin
continuous rtwidunce upon, aud cultivation ol
said land viz:
Michael lioylc, R. K. Doyle, The Dalles, Or,
James M. llrov. il and t url J. E. Carlton, o Mn
klur, Or.
JAY P. M.'CAa,
.-Ke itier
Feelings of safety pervade the house
hold that USPS One Minute Cough Cure,
the" only harmless remedy that produces
immediate results. It is infallible for
coughs, colds, croup and all throat and
lung troubles. It will prevent consump
tion. Sold by Clarke A Falk.
T. A. HibsoN.
Nouiry j'ubllc.
Timothy Brown him..
Attorney at Ijiw.
Mson & Brov
Real Estate,
Insurance, Loans,
Conveyancing and
Do not get icared if your heart troubles
you. Moit likelp you suffer from in
digestion. Kodol Dyspep.ia Cure di
gjsts what yon eat and gives the worn
out stomach perfect ret. It is the only
preparation known that completely di
gests all classes of foods ; that is why it
cures the worst cases of indigestion and
stomach trouble after everything else,
has failed. It may be taken in all con
ditions and cannot help but do von good
Sold by Clarke Fslk.
We represent someof the lariat fir.
insurance companies In tlie world.
We have a large list of property, both
city and country, for sale and rent.
We have money to loan on real estate
security at reasonable rates of interest.
We do all kinds of conveyancirg, and
are the eicluslve ownfrs ft.r Kice's sys
tem of abstracting, which precludes the
possibility of mistakes in looking up
titles to real estate.
Any one having property for sale or
rent will fin! it to their advantage to
leave it in our hands.
Collections and all legal business left
in our rare will receive prompt atten
tion. Will practice In all the courts of
the Hate. Correspondence promptly
Offices: Washington street, next to
r renrh A Co.'
General Mill Work
Hansen &Thomsen
Miinufiictiir. ra and 1 'enlc-rs In
Sash and Doors, Rustic, Flooring.
Pine Lumber, Mouldings, Ktc.
of All Kinds ... j
Third Street. The Dalies, Oregon.
Notice. Is hereby given that the iinderslfm-d
tins (Inly filed with the county t 'erk ol Whmhi
County, Oregon, hit final account and report aft
executor of the estate of Phoebe J. )lai!it, (lt
ceased : and that the honoruMe county court bn
llxed Monday, the 5th dHy of November, PPM, at
10 o'clock a. m. of aaid day ns the tine, nl tlie
county court room in the county emit house in
liullcs City, Wasco county, Orcaon, ah the ploce
for hearing naid (inn) account nnd rcpo,t.
All perKotiM fntereHtcd In mtid estHte are here
by notified to npjtear at aaid time and place and
show cause, if any there U why Miid report
abotild not fie aptiroved mid paid executor dia-
Dutcd tliia sun day of September, l'0.
Executor of the entitle of 1' J. IlniKM,
deceased. octl
Notice la hereby given thut the undcmnnfJ
has been appointed by tho county court nl
Wasco county, Oregon, aiinilnitrHtor of the
estate of Francis K.h. decenwd. All
having claimH nKnini.t the estate ate hertbytt
quired to present the atinio to me. duly veriM.
at the olllce of. V. If. i son, In pall.-a fily.
Oregon, wllhtn sK- ninptha from tliedate hereof.
luiled November H). I'.njO.
novlO A.liuiiiistrntor.
In the County Court of the St te of Oregon for
the 4'.iunty of V.'aam.
In the mailer ol theertatenf I i ni Scti
lincher, diiascd. Notice Is hereby gi'en llit
the unilorslgiHd haa been duly appointed ad
ministrator, with the will nnii"X)'d, of th e
tato of Uinla i4chwalMclier, rlccciiscl. All per
son having claim lutnlnst the entalo' f mi"
demMiaeit are hereby untitled to .r.-out tneni,
duly verified, to the underignei at liis oKce m
ti e toie-r.Hm of Hoischner, Majer A (.'mil
l.nny, In the lty of Portland, urooii, witom
iix in. .ii t h m from the da e hereof.
Duted thla 17th dsv of ocIoIkt, l!ii.
S Jl,iMoN IIIKSi ll, Administrator.
(.ottos, Tkai. A Minor,
Attorneys for Administrator.
Oct JII -it
Notice I herciy given tlint the nndcra
hn lii-en duly appointed by tlie count) f"11"
tlie state of Oregon, for W nco county, i"'"'1"'
trntor of the slate of Kliraboth A. HO"
dieeawsl. All persona having ehiltna " )
tue estate of an I.I d.cnsei are hereby "' "''
to present tha Mime, with the proper '";'"
therefor, to me at my olhi-e in II .d. Orc".
within six months from the date hereof.
lat..,l8epteu,lier:M,PJV. )f p()I.T(KliX,
,0--2,i ' Adiuliilslratnr.
1.AHD OFFK.'K AT Till D.I M ".
(ICtotsT '.'-I, 1 '
Sollee I hereby given Hint the '""'''''J;
name.1 .eltler ha. Hied notice of her In
make final proof In auppoi t of her ,
that said proof will be made la-fore the '!
mid ILecelver at The lalle, Or.-K"U, on
day, incumber, fi, lin"'. via:
llatlle L. Iliindy.
of The Iliilles, Oregon, If. K. N '"'
8W'Hee2l. 12N.R K K. VV. M. ,
HhJ name the following witnesses I P "
contlnnou icsldince usiii and cultlM'"
said laud, viz: , Aihcrl'.-
Frank Ijipl-r, of The Dalies. Oieg-.t i. AU '
McKaniey, of Ml. Iliaal, Iregoti. em) i
Ka yal.d KrlCmnl I, ol 1 he IMllvs, ( r
ort JAY F. 1-1 AH'Kl'h
l-jjunmii at V.N.oi vrn, vv-:i- j
o,t.,..T I"- ..
Notice Is hereby give,, that i'l;''
named settler ha. I I i"'il. -of ' ' ,.
to make final pr.s.f In support o ni" 1 ) V,
tlnitsnid priH.f will Is-mi h-'ot 1 ,r, m
l.v, I'. H. cnnmlssloner for ,,,
W .shln-fton, at (...l.l-n.iale,
i.feii'lK-r HI, V.', viz.:
Oeorg. I. Ht. Lawrence,
of 1 yle V. 0 , Wash. , who made n- i. a .
ami ciioi.
for tlie W
IS K, W. M.
Ho name the following
hi. ronllnuoiK re.leni'c Un
ol wi 1,1 in o, I, ir . . ...,nin.
Tlinmat J. W hltcomb. '.eorg' " ,.,o
llra.llor.l and William l'alon, all ol i )
vt asbington.
o:il W. R
m: sua it K'-k1"1"