THE DALLES WEEKLY CiJRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1900. t,i,won John and Eliaabeth Com '':,, ,-ing nriht corner NV. U. h 5 riU. enJt W rods, north rod. . 1 T. 2 v R H E. : mmmrnrini northeast iri.fV NE. l. niHith rods. tl r,l north 4 rod, east (W rods. t-c k t. : N- " K n.r.ln Edward f.-K. & W. 1st R V r. 4 S.. It. 12 K; 14 acres l -rattvibe 1i irV . H Beginning at a slake - ,-ha'ins link ri-1 of corner 27. S3- : nwih 1' rod 12 rnks lo enter f a lar..e lo k. i a-st p N ! links to a dnt alumi 2 r k1 10 links north of northwest ',ri,T "f K""th uhout puis, i" link, enst 1 chain to a st ikc south to intersection of sec iu.n line between Sees. 27. 24. ti i.lace of beginning. See. r. T i X.. j in E : comim-uglng iiorihwvMt e.irner NAV. eawL -t" rods, pmith rods, wwt 1,7 rods, north 3 rods, we-i rods, north 13 rods to be einntng. See. 34. T. X.. K. M K.: V u XW. SW. Va XV. Sec. IV 'l'. 2 N. ! E j.,,.rs. llcrt U. Add. Anl.. lot 3. 'block 7 t X 8 M 1 II j. ,-er Alex, Estate I'ndivlded four-lift lis interest S. NW. v 11 '1. 7 S.. K. IT E.; undivid ed interest Sees. 21. 2.1. 25. IS. 27. T 7 K- 1' undivided four- niiha Interest x " VK. SK. 'i s- 23, T. 7 R. 17 K. : undivid ed four-l'f ths Interest. N". Si-o. i. T 7 S.. K. 17 K. : umllvlded four lifih.s intirest V. 'j XV. j W. SV U NV. '4 8V. H 3. 2 SK. v4 "sm- "A. T. 7 S.. K. 17 K. ; tindivld.-d fi.r-tift!is Interest. S. XV. t L.,; T. 7 3., K. 17 K. : undivided fuur-tiflhs Sec. 3. T. S., It. 17 K. . 243 2. Rood, E. I..-N. j SW. 1 XV. 't ec 1 T. 2 X., K. l' V: K. W. ! . '..1.1 Tl r l.ta iri 17 IV hlti. .ir il .1111. i. v. ., ...... ... - . ...... 5- E. W. Add. U. I'., lots 7 tu 13. Inclusive, block 4 l!,,rs. Alice H.-H. R. Pulk, lot 20, block 1 joies. Sophia H. R. Park, lot 21. block 1 Korick. J. T. Thomp. Add. I. C, lot 1, block 17 Rosenthal. I..-NE. 14 Sec. 27. T. 1 X.. H. 12 13 - . ... 1. V!V 1. VI.' V. 3 tX 12 IS n W. sv: 14 c: r t: i S., If. W K Hewn. J- H.-SR. H SK. U S 2.',, T. 3 S., K. W K Rns Mrs. Mary K. W. 1st Add. H. R.. lots 30, block 9 Ilnsenblenth, Herman K. & V. 1st Add, H. K.. lotH Xi. 34, bl(K-k i n'.th, J. M.-XW. H X. H SW. U ' p," 1.1. T. 3 .. R- J4 K. ; M. ' Sec. 17 T. 3 S., R. 14 K.: X. 14 Sec. 12, t' 3 S. R. IS K.: SH V XK. 14 Sec 1. T. 3 3.. R. 1:1 K; SK. 14 1rt T. S S.. R. 13 B 8 77. 2 (X) 94 7j3 23 00 Rowe. H. S. Caweade Locks, all un ,.io' lots and blocks Rne, Mrs. H. K.-I-. HI. Add. 1. C, lots 6, 6, block ! Bowland. Georxe V.. Kstate-I!IB Aid. V. C, lot 9, block 8 vnwland Ralph Oomm-no"nK north west corner of W. K. Huttrf lot. weMt 2f2 feet, north 70 feet, east 202 feet, HWth 75 feet Itimvan, Mary A.-Ileglnnlnn on th njfth line of t. & . wanon ro id of Intersection of line tf land sold to Wasco Woolen Manufac turing Company: thence east on rortli line or side road 60 feet, north at riKht anslew to the pouth line of land Bold by Victor Trevltt to K. I'entland, west on Hide south line to east line of Wmsco Woolen Manufacturing C'omuuny'B land, south to beginning Hvnvnn. George W W. 4 Tnlhot twe D. U . No. 4 T. I X.. R. 13 K. ; Mil. Add. I. C, lots J, 11, 1, block 34: Mil. Add. D. ., lots A B, C. U, M. V. block 33: M l. Add. P. C. lots (, H. I, J. K. U I. hxk 42: (Mil. Add. D. "., lots , II, J. block 84: Mil. Add. 1. C'., lots A B, f. I, I, J, K. U block ltm; Mil. Add. D. O. lota A. B, C. D. B, block 101 Russell. J. W.-NB. Vi Sec. 4. T. 3 a R 13 K. : N. 14 Sec- 3' T- 9 8 It." IS IE, W. 14 W Vf SK. 14 sw. v. sv. :i4. T. 2 8.. R. 13 K 17 1 78 42 11 53 13 20 49 9 20 41 G2 7 30 3 15 2 75 8 97 Rvan, John-I-ot 2. B. 14 NW. li Sec. 110, T. 1 N., R. 14 K Rvan, J. H.-SW. 14 SK. li NW. 14 Sec. 1. T. 4 8., R. 9 K Binders, Kmlly J.-K. Vi NW. li. less 4 Hi-res- in KB. corner Hoc. li, 1. 1 X., R. 13 13 Sriunders. Mllie-BK. 14 See. 18, T. 1 X.. R. 9 H S.indman, Mrs. Alice S. 14 S. 14 SK. Sec. 28, T. 1 N R. 10 K Sindman, D.-SW, 14 SW. Vi St-c. 28, T. 1 X., K. 10 K. Saiiford, A. MW, 14 Sec. 7. T. 5 S R. 13 E Sivage, Dora W.-K. &, W. First Add. II. R., hts 29. 30, 31. 32, block 10 Savage. Otla D. C, lot 10, block 1.. 29 40 Kchalble. Mutthew B. 'i SB- M Sec. 2'. T. 4 S., It. 12 K.; ir; i vu' u sx T. 4 8.. R. 12 B. . . . 13 OS 7 20 8.-linel'le. John-XW. V. SB. V4 NB. i. HW. V. Sc. 12. T. 2 N.. R. li .:iimldt. (iuR-B. 14 Sec. M. T 6 S K. Hi B. : NE. 14 Sec. 1. T.7 8, R. H. 17 B 104 16 Schmidt, C T-. Ieavena Heights, tills 1 i l.lnclc 4 19 Ew Schwathe'r, O. F. Lot 1, Bee. 1, T. 1 N., R. 9 K Scott, David Ant., lot 4, block 3.... Sours, Anna-S. 14 SW. Vi NW. 14 S.C 7, T. 2 N., R. 11 K -Sears, Wm.-N. 14 NE. Vi SK. 14 NE. '4 Sec. 3.",, T. 2 N., R- 1 K......... S.llick, M. C.-N. 14 NB. V4 SK V4 NE, V4 NB. 14 8E. 14 ec. T- 1 S R. 14 B general, James SK. 14 NB. 14 N'B. '4 S10. V4 Sec. 8, T. t 8.. It. 13 K . . S.iiul. Germain SE. Vi Sec 23 T. I N., R. 12 B-: W. '4 BW. li H. 'i NW V. ,.e -Jl. T. 1 N.. R. 12 E 2 fiS 2 28 4 5 3 83 lfl 1 5 2G 22 72 11 45 Uhrlly, Troy 8. Vi SW. 14 NK. li .. Vi Sec. 3.1,1. IN, R. 10 K;: m;. "4 aw. 14 nec. 2j i. ."hi p.ird, ' N. B.-W. 14 SW. 14 Sec. l'i, T. 2 N., R. 10 K. lj J .Shirlock, Bumuel Commencing 20 feit i;. from 8W. corner ioi i;, block 1, E. 27 feet. N. r W. M feet, N. to beginning; 1. t- nun I,., V) lilitfk 1 5 33 ?M 21 OH 8 51 IS 28 !1 Shi rrlcb, F. P. NK. V,. less 10 acres ibedcil to II. II. Bailey, Sec. 9. T. 2 N It. 10 E Scwird, Lnren Oommenclng 69.30 rniN N. SK. corner N W. U-J"-23 lo rods, W. Sl. rods, H. 23 10 r.idH, E. M.B rods, Sec. 2, T. 2 X.. It. 10 E.; II. It., lot 4, W. Vj 3, block 2 Iierrill M.irv E., llelr.s-S. In S. li sc 3, t. i s., it. it t: Shoemaker, 15. K. NW. Vi NW. 14 M:. V, NW. 14, less 13 acres i to .- i. .noemaKer, rive. , i. lo K f liiitt.-, Frederick 'ominenclng on H. IIhk of H.f. 25 due N. ol NE. "oner lot 2, Wlnaiis Add. II. R., X. '' reel, W. r,0 feet. S. !' feet. E. 0 feel. Sec. 25. T. 3 N It. 10 E... Si lil.ill nl!l A.l.t II (V. lot li. block' 8: iiik. Add: I. C, Ion 1, 2 II. 12, block 3 li! 50 18 82 Si-her. John A. H-llllf. Add. I . 'ol 7, block 7: Ulir. Add. I. ..,';, lot 2, W. v lot 3, block A: M'l, Add. 1. v.. lot I. block :x Sllvertoiith. V. W.--Ant., lots 4. ", :i in ii i- a .,4 I., i 3 hl.tek 2 u8 'i s:", Alma (.'. Ileglnnliig feet . mi i,M-t w. rrotn ri' cornei "i nil formerly owned bv 1. 1. Hli- VetlS. Si.lllherlV 120 feet, Westerly o feel, iicirtluilv 120 r, ft. easterly on line of Bight h si n et .' feet to I" ginning; alsi rmxlm feel Joining lol I, block 3, X. ti J. Add. I . '. o feet mi Alvord aveiino bv P fed I1" !'! N. c (1. Add. 1. I'., lot I. oe'CK ,1 ""llnian, I,. K K, KB. Vi Sec 23, T. a -V, It. 10 B. Sldbbe, . v. I,.t,. A. It. C. lots oeiCK ;i B. B. I. 3. bloek II S,''t". I.nulsil lllg. III. Add. 1. C. ;;'.'or; L y -l'eginnir.g 1V39 chains V.. lo.t chiu S. of XE. corner, s. chains. W. .7J chain. X. e.1"' chains. E. 70 chains to be Siiminis. Src. 2. T. 2 X., R. lo E... V. Smart. If. C JIM. Add. D. C. lot J. block S 2 Smith. Ella A.-Mil. A.M. T. I", lot E, til, .ck 51: lots A, H. i". 1 K 1. J. K. U block bus A. H. f. I'. E. II. K, U bl.nk 52; lota J. K, I.. bi.Kk 5X 23 13 Smith, Jasper X. SW, , XE SE. U. XW. U XE. i, SW. ' XW. 4 SE. ,, less lo acres sold to John and Kliubeth Robinson, in SE. X W. 't Stc. 9. T IX R. 13 E Smith. Mrs. E. L H. R., all block 12: II. It., all bloc E; undivideU t lot 5. H fctt W. side 6, block L.. 20 2. 93 li Smith. K. L.-XW. SE. X?:. 4 SW. SW. , XE. 1,. less -1 acres in SE. XW. , Sec. 11. T. 3 X.. H. lo E. : W. a SW. i XE. Sec 2i. T. 2 X.. It. 10 E. ; XE. '4 SW. '4 SW. 14 SW. 14 S . XW. ' SW. '4. Sec. 21, T. 2 X., R. l.t E. : E. Sec. 23. T. 1 X.. K. 9 E.; I'ltasjiit View, lots 1. 2: H. K.. bits 5. ii. !.. ,; 11. R., undivided 'j lot 7. block 9 71 76 Smith. C I).-E. '.. W. W. 1- X"E. i4 Stc. 15, T. 2 X.. R. 10 E 2 25 Smith, S. f. SW. '4 SE. 4 Sec. 27, T. S X.. R. 10 E 12 60 Smith. E. I. nlth. E. I... Trustee S. 4 S. SE. S.W. Sec. 22. T. t X.. H 10 K. . 1 1 Smith, J. M. tnd E. M.-l.ot 4. XE. li SE. i, SVV. t SW. i Sec. 9. T. 1 X.. R. 13 E. IS 93 Smith. l.ymim-N'W. K SW. 1. 1. ,.1 als , -0111m. , i. -iiic VI-'. tf.rn-. SW SW. I.. X. 17. S3 chains. E. 2.13 chains, S. 17.1 chains, V. 2.43 chains to beginning. Stc. 3." T. 3 X., R. 10 B.: Wlnans Add. H. R., lots 2. 3, 4. block f 23 50 Smith, H. K. and E. Morgan E. '3 XE. I4 X. a SE. I4 Sec. is, T. S S.. R. 15 E. : SK. I4 XW. , X. , SW. '4 Sec. 19, T. 8 S., R. 15 E 2 89 5S Smith, tieorgc IMs Fd. Add. I). C. 21 lot 3, block 22 Smith. Emma Mil. Add. D. t, lots A. 1!, C, 1, block 57 Smith, r. L.-II. R. Park, lot 17, block 4 Snodgrav. J. I'.-S. U SW. 14 XW. SW. I4 Sec. 27. T. 4 S.. I? 11 B. . 10 Snow, F. A. XW. 14 SE. I4 Sec. 33, T. 3 X.. R. 10 Snyder. Susan-XW. 14 XW. 14 Sec. 2. T. 1 X., R. 12 E 3 41 2 7 Sumnwrvllle. W. (J. Commencing XE. coiner of XW. '4 NW. 't. W. ;;i'7 chains, S. li'j clmins. E. 307 chains, X. B'j chains 10 beginning. Sec. 3, T. 2 X., R. 10 E Sonca & Button All Sec. T. 1 X., R. 9 E. : all Sec. Iti, T. 1 X., R. 9 E. : SW. V4 Mi. '4, X E. i4. XE. '4 XW. 14. 8'4 XW. 14. XW. Vi SW, 1.4, SE. 14 SVV. 4. N. Vi SK. , Sec. :i2. T. 1 N.. R. .9 E.: W. l-i SK. !,. 3. ' SW. 14 Sec 31. T. 1 X., R. 9 E. ; E. Vi SB. li. X W. 14 SE. i Sec. 32. T. 1 X.. R. 8 E.; W. XW. 14. XE. '4 SW. '4. iot 1, 2, Sec. 10, T. 1 X., It. 8 B 2 90 70 27 12 99 5 87 6 50 4 37 6 90 29 91 2fi 20 49 20 24 12 18 - 7 10 2 30 5.63 14 95 Splcenger, Michael F.. "j W. 14 Sec. -20, T. 1 X., R. 13 E Spencer, J. J. Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, Sec. 16, T. 1 X. R. 10 E Spurrier, V. E. Lots 3. 4. 5, block 2; SW. 14 SE. Vi, platted as Belle view Add. P. C, less block 1, Sec. 18, T. 1 X.. It. 13 E Staats, J. O.. Estate X. 13 NW. 14 Sec. 8. T. 2 3.. It. 13 B Sternfels, Maurice XE. Vi SE. V., Sec. 3, T. 3 X., It. 10 E Strain. Jefferson E. li W. Vi, N. 14 XE. 14. SW. 14 XK. 14. XW. 'i SK. li. lots 24 , 25, 2t. 27, See. 31, T. 4 S.. It. It E Stelner, Pauline-H. R. I'ark, lot 3, block 1 Stegman, John NW . Vi. W. la SW. u 12 E E. 14 14 Sec. i. t. 1 n.i SW. V4, W. 14 SE. V4 Sec. 15, T. 1 N., R. 12 E... Sterling. George W.-W. H NK. U, B. 14KW. V4. NW. '4 NW. V4. NV 14 SE. Vi. XE. Vi SW. ' Sec. ., 1. 1 N' . R. 13 E Sterling, R. H. Lots 2, 3, T. 1 X., R. 13 E Stevens; Harriet X. Big 4, Sec. 7, Add. V. C, lot 9, block 24 Stewart, Ii. O.-S acres out of He- t'ormack & Mundy tract, Sees. 6, 7, T. 2 N-, R- h E Stewart, Vm.-SW. V4 SB. Sec. 14 T 2 X., R. 10 E.. Wlnans Add. II. It., lots 3, 4, block 7 Stewart, Jeanette F. Lots 3, 4, SE. 14 SW. Vi Sec. 30, T. 1 X., R. 1,1 E-; NW. '4 NW. Vi, Sec. 31, T. 1 N., R. 13 B Stewart, Danlul-SW. V4 Sec. 25. T. 1 N., R. 12 B Stlnson. Allert-E. & W. 1st Add. H. H., lots 27, 28, 29, 30, block 1.... Stillwell, Fhelps & Settlemeier Lot 1 sec. HI,' T. 2 N. R. 15 E Story Lucretla-SE. 14 N'VU. ,NJV, H SE. 14 Sec. 3B, T. 2 X- R. 12 B... Stranahan, Mrs. A. A. Wauctim, lots 9, 10, block 3 Stranahan. O. L. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, See. 25. T. 3 X., R. 10 B Stranahan, Geo. E. li SW. 14 SE. 14 Sec. 9, T. 2 X., R. 10 E Stranahan. Tias. B. 1'- W. 14 RE. Vi SW. 14 Sec. 9. T. 2 X., R. 10 E... 8 40 29 2 CO 3 C8 66 37 06 2 63 3 58 24 21 3 42 1 91 2 63 29 Straimhan. C H--NW. V S . 1 W. S W. Vi E. SW. 1.4. 8. V. 14 W Vi. E. 14 f ' Bee. 9, 1. i N., R. 10 B.. Stranahan. A. K.-Waucomu, lots 11, 12. block 3 Stranahan. James A.-4'ommenclng 8W. corner, HE. 14. SW . t. -f rods. N. 811 rods. W. 22 rods 8. 80 rods, Sec. 9. T. 2 X., R. 10 E Siranahan, -John U-W. 14 E- ,'4 K- y SW. 14 Sec. 9, T. 2 N. R. 10 E... Stroud, Samuel Commencing' 11 rods 10 feet 8.. 120 rod 20 feet B. XW. corner O. L. Sims, No. 39. K. 10 rods N. 9.3 rods. W. 10 rods, 8. 9.3 rods lo beginning, T. 1 X.. it. 13 E Sturgess, I). A.-S. V4 NW. 14, , W. 14 SW. 14 Sec. 12. T. 2 N., R. U B. Summers. Robt. E. A W. 1st Add. II. It., lots 21, 22, block 6 Swairger. Wm. A.-15 acres In K. 4 WW. V4 SW. V4 Sec. i. 'I. 1 X-. U. 13 E Swift, Mary J.-N. 14 S. Vi Sec. 9 T. 4 S., It. 1.1 E.; la acre In I'rattvllle Bvrl, Belle M.. X b N W. 14 Sec. 11, T. 2 X., R. 11 Tait, W. E.-XW. li Sec. 27, T. 2 X., It. 9 B Talbot On. E.-E. W. 1st Add. II. It., lots 33, 34. block 2 Tavlor, J. W.-SE. '4 XW. 14 Sec. ;;ii. T. 2 X., It. 10 E Tavlor, Eunice I., Jill. Ail 1. C lot J", block 3 3 55 14 91 29 3 07 18 17 4 32 12 00 2.) 3 06 4 45 50 Tavlor. Sarah K. W. is, X. '4 E. ' See. 17, T. I N.. It. 13 E. : i :. Vs 1 j Si c. 18, T. I N.. R. II E.; lots 4 5 II 7, 8; fractional lots 1, 2, :i: K SK. ' Sec. 8, T. 1 X., It. 13 K. ; E. la B. Va Sec. 7, T. 1 N It. ' 13 E. ; 1,11 s" 'Cvlor (. I).-'ominenclng Til l-str, roils 'E. 11 11 I 1114 275 rods S. of I). 1 1 ' v., 'tl S til roils. E. 10 rods. X. I'l riing, Add. Tavlor S. TaIof rods. W. 10 roils 10 nogin- T I N.. R. 13 E. : Inans II. li., lot 8, block 7 J. 8 K. '4 K. '4 SE. Ii SB. . li, T. 1 S-. R- 13 K J At -Mil. Add. 1). C lots I II. bloek 23 4 13 4 31 ; 58 avlor. Hec. 32. T 7 j' n )7 K : Improvements on . ij' Si ' :l. T. 8., It. 17 17.: lni ,,r,.v i. mi 11 is on K. ' E. 'a Sec. -, lal it 10 ,'9 T. 8.. I." E- Tt ague, J -SK. S.-c. 4. T. 1 8., 12 B The Hood River Trading o. II. I-., lots 1. 2. 7, 8. block A 21 ,0 The' American Manufacturing si-" . NI7. U SW. Sec. 2i 1 . IN- il HE.; B. 1, H'W. 8W. .4 SW. t Sec. ::o. T. I X., R- H E- 37 K, Tl.b I. II - W. ' XE. 'i- -v' 9 55 See. 2.1. T. . . ' 9 18 Thomas, James - 'ominenclng M;. 1 ortier tiacl known a lnlck ai'i. ... -J S 2.2 feel. W. I'--. feel, X. fee . "! E lo f-et. 8. .',0 fell. E. I-:" fee . nil In Sims' l. L. C-, T. 1 V. It 15 10, 13 K 10 Thompscn. J. P.X. i, sw. See. 34. T. 2 X.. R. l E.:Mil. Add. l. C. Ion O. 11. block 53 19 20 ?1 93 17 ST 2 96 8 75 2t 3S 30 45 T5 14 20 7 59 1 90 4 42 Thompson & F.iighee L. i lots 1. 2. block 21 A. D. C. Thompsen. tieoriie T I.. HI. Add. , U. c. loin ;. . bloek 5 i Thompson. Emma F. & V. 1st Add. II. R.. lots 1. 2. 3. 1. blolk 2.. Thorn p.-in. W'm. SW. 4 Sec. 29 T. 1 X.. R. li) E Thurston. B. II. Big III. Add l. C, lois 1, 2, block 13 Ttbbetts. Henry H. R. I'ark. lot 43. block 3 , Ti. man A. H Uits 11. l Sec. 11. I T. 1 X., R. p. E. : W. NE. 4. X. SE. '4 XW. S. 2 S'K. '4 XW. -4 fil. . 1. I K. 10 t T. milnsen. H. H.-SE. I4 Sec. 29. T 1 X., it. 10 E Troup. J. W. Commencing S.W. corner of Bunnell's lot. S. 170 feet to al!-y. E. ali i-g alley 112 feet. X. 17a feet. W. 142 feel to begin ning, Ttev. Ad. I). C Turner. Alva I.. Beginning 8W. corner SW. i, along S. side Sec. 8. E. 19.3i) chains. X. - mile. W. 18.7s chains. S. to beginning. Sec. S. T. 1 X.. It. 13 E Turner. Geo. Mil. Add. D. C, lots ii. H. block To Udell, E. ". Beginning 7 chains west of southeast corner I). L. O. No. , south lo chains, west 2 chains, north 10 chains, east 2 chains to beginning, Seo. 35, T. S X.. R. lo E L'.-en. C. P. SW. ij NE. Sec. 31. T. 7 8., R. 15 K. ; XW. t X'W. 1.4 See. 3, T. 8 S., R. 14 E.: SK. ' SE. U Sec. 15, T. 8 8.. R. 14 E. ; SW. . SW. Vi Sec. 14, T. 8 S.. R. 14 E I'rouhart. Andrew Mil. Add. D. C, lots 1 J, block 39 Van Arnam. Jane E. SE. Vi SE. i Sec. 12, T. 2 X R. lo E. Valguth, M'.irle W. 14 SE. Vt SW". XE. lt XK. l4 SW. 1, Sec. 4. T. IS., R. lo E Voogt. George W.-E. & ". 1st Add. H. R., lots 37. 38. 41, 42, block 10.... Waldo. Clara H.. Heirs XW. V, SW. '4 Svo. 25. T. 2 X- R. lt E. ; SE. '4 NE. Vi XE. !4 SE. li Sec. 2tJ,T. 2 X.. R. 14 B Walker, Mary B.-E. A IV. 1st Add. If. It., lots 21, 22, block 2 Walker, W. H One lot In Pralt- villc. Sec. 11, V. 4 S., R. 12 E Wallace, Mrs. S. F. Ant., lot 1. bi s k 2 Wallace, X. V'. B. Add. Ant., lota 1, 2. block S Walsh, Thomas X". 14 N. la Sec. 29, T. 2 Nl. R. 15 E. : 8. 14 XE. '4 X". SE. 'i Sec. 20. T. ! K R. 15 B. ; W. 14 SW. V4 Sec. 21, T. 2 N R. 15 E 131 9T 2 67 3 10 11 20 68 10 20 29 3 00 26 CO 1 to 35 83 8 40 11 50 Walsh, John-E. 4 SB. i SW. SE. 14 XE. Vi SW. Vt See. 33, T. It. 12 JS Walton, Margaret A XE. V4 Sec. T. 1 a., R. 15 E Word. W. L.. F-state-S. 4 SE. NB. Vi Sr.. 'i sec. ft, -r. I 5., it, It E. ; X. la X E. li Sec. 8. T. R. 14 B 1 S., 16 80 23 00 24 46 8 80 17 94 Walsh, J. W.-SW 1 X., It. 13 E 14 Sec. 34, T. Ward. J. V. SW. i Sec. 12. T. 6 H.. R. 12 B; N. V4 Stc. 17, T. 5 &., li. 12 E Washington. Daniel S. la SE. 14 Sec. 12V T. 1 N.. R. 13 B Waters & Rawson S. Va SE. 14 Sec. 22, T. 1 N It. 13 E Watson. Jane A. Lots 15 to 20. In clusive, 33. 34. 43, 44, 45, 46, block 1; lots 41, 42. block 2; lots 5, 6. 23, 24. 27 to 32 Inclusive, 43 toi 48 In clusive, block 3; lots 10 lo 21 inclus ive, 37 to 48 Inclusive, block 4: lots) 1 to 20 Inclusive. 25 to 48 Inclusive, block 5; lots 11 to 18, 39 to 44 in clusive, block 6; lots 1. a, 7 to 1H. So. 37, 38, block 7: lots 1 to 22 27 to 48 Inclusive, block 8; lots 1 to 23. 33 to 41 inclusive, 43 to 4 in clusive, block 89: lots 3 to 12 In clusive, 4S, 4(i. B. & W. 1st Add. H. R., block 10 Watson. J. W. B. & AV. 2d Add. H. R.. lots 11, 12. block 1; E. & AV. Add. 'H. R., lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. block 4: E. & .AV. 2d Add. H. R. . lots 1. 2, 13 to 44 inclusive, block 5: K. & AV. 2d Add. H. R., all block 7; K. & AV. 2d Add. H. R., lots 1 to 8, 42 to 48, blin k 8 AVatson, Mrs. Esther S. AVaucomn. lot 1, block D Watson . May G. Commencing northwest corner D. L. C No. 3i, east loo feet, south 30.85 feet south erly along south line O. It. & N. track 1930.3 feet, south 19014 feet to north line of Waueoma, west to west line AVaueoma, south to state road, westerly along state road to west line D. L. C. No. 37, north to place of beginning, Sec. 3 N., It. 10 E AVatts. Ermlldia -dl. R. Fark, lot 48, block 1 AVatts, Mrs. Jtssie H. R., lots 1, 2, block 21 AVatts, Lewis W. If. R. I'ark, lot 45, block 1 Wantle, Mrle II. R. I'ark, lot 4, block 3 Weberg, Annie K. BE. Vi NE. Vi Sec. 6, T. 1 N., R. 13 B AVells. Warren NW. li NE. Vi. X. 4 SAV. li XE. Vi, Sec. 7, T. 2 N R. 11 B Whenldon, X. AV. 14 SB. 4. 3- 14 SW. i Sec. 34, T. I X., R. 10 B... Wheildon Luclnda AV. X. & O. Add. D. C, commencing 60 feet 8. NW. corner lot 1, block 6, AV. 2"0 feet. 8 70 feet, AV. to E. line Mil. AiM. I). C. southerly 76 feet to N. line of lot purchased by O. D. Taylor from Korten estate, south erly 45 feet to AV. line of N. c O. Adit. I). C, N. 130 feet to begin ning, block 14 AVheeler. C. 8. V. of that point 5 acres deeded by Prather to Buck. W. of state road, .See. 27, T, 5 X-, R. W B AVheeler, M. O. SW. 14 Sec. 31, T. 2 X.. R. 10 B W heeler, J. L. E. & AV. 2d Add. H. R., lot 15, block 5 Whltcomh, Geo. F. H. R. I'ark, lots 28, block 4; II. R. Park, lot 42, block 3 Whltcomh, Bertie and Belle II. R. Park, lot 39, block 3 Whltcomh. M. J. Lot 1, Sec. X T. 3 X., It. 11 B White, James-Mil. Add. D. C. lots B. V, block Wickens, T. E.-S-W. Vi SK. less 4'j. acres deeded by it. J. Ellis. In acres J. t). Eastman, Sec. 23, T. 3 X. R. 10 E Wicks. Is-abel-W. li XW. Vi flee. 27, 20 59 35 50 8 83 N.. R. 12 E. : SE. NI E. "i SK. Vi. NW, SI- Sec. 28, T. 1 X., It. 12 E Wlckliam. R. F X. Va NW. i, NW. V, XW. ij SW. ', T. 1 8 It. 12 E. : NE. li H'l' 7. T. I 8., R. 12 E Wlckliam. Jasper W. 'a XE 20. T. 2 X.. it. 10 E 17 16 13 23 7 RS 2i; 20 17 10 ",. SW. Sec. 8. I. '.4 Sec Vi SeP. lot 31, lot 31, Wldner. Mary II. R. block 1 Wldner. C. F. II. R. Park, Park. block 1 Wllev. E. :., and E. B. Clark NW. Vi SW. Vi Sec. ."HI, T. 3 X.. R. li) E. Wlllard, Geo. 8.-8K. Sec. 6, T. 2 8. "It. 15 B. ; SE. ! 8-c. 5, T. 2 8., it. 15 1: Willis M. Commencing N . cor ner NW. Ii Sec. 2ii, S. to II. S. wauoii road. J-:. along said road to a point midway between 17. AV. boundary line of N W. '4 SW. ',. X. to X. line of SW. ',. W. to be ginning; also. In ginning 18 rods N. or B. line of XW. '4 SW. on N. line nf slate road. W. nlong said mad lil mils, X. Pi rods. K. Pi rods, S l'i rods, all in S. c. 2il. T. 3 X., It. 10 B Willi "on. II. It.. Add. H AV. A.-B. A W. Nt Add. o .11, bloi k ii: E. K- W. lsi R.. lots 57 to l'.. bloek ... Williams. W. (I. -Mil. Add. D. C.. I,. I 1, bloek lr; .Mil. Add. I. C, lot C, bl.H k 123 Williams. Georgi Commencing cen ler wctlon north to oiiuiy road, southwest to InierVei'tlng line be tween XW. 'i 8W. 'i to beglimlng, Seo 1;, T. . x R. P. E. : MSI. Add. It. C. loi u. 41. Hock 51 4 Pi 17 10 u , ; Williams. Fred-SE. XE. E. 8K. E. i, W. ', SE. Ac. . 1 T. I X. U. 11 E ! Williams. Mrs. "io!rt -I'ndlvl.l, d lie-nnh In XW. 1. See. 24. T. I X.. R. I t E. Wilio.-k. bl.Kk 1:. i t .... -II. R. Park, lot 4 WIN .n. 1). C. WiNon. lots J. Mrs It. J.-Big bloik 7 Bl. AM lot Norman Mil. Add. K. L, blocK 13 D. C. I 25 Wlnans. Ar.dutan-Lot 1. NE. ' XE. pari plaited and miM. Sec. a, r. 3 x. It. lo E W lnans. E. T.-X ' 1 X.. It. 9 E.: 8. ' SW. '4 Sec. 21. T. 1 X , Sec. n. 1 SW. l XW. i X.. R. E. . I1 il Wlnans, AV. A SE. i, 8,-c. 11. T. 1 X.. R. 9 E. : SK. 1. SW. 4 Sec Is. T. 1 X. K. w B. : S. W aueoma. lot 0. I lock A Wlnans. Mrs. U Wlnans" Add. H. R., block 1 Wlnans. W. R SK. 14 X"E S.-o 1. T. 1 X.. R. 9 E. : E. . SB! i. SW. i, SE. '4 Sec. Si. T. 2 X.. R 9 B Wlnans. L. SW. 4 Sec. 13. T. 1 X" R. 9 B ;; AVInchell. Vlrgil-R XE. K XTAV . NE. t NK4 NW. 1, Sec. 19. T X.. R. 11 E. ; SW. i SW. i. 8. 'a SE. '4 SW. 1, Sh-. IS. T. 2 X'.. R. 11 E AVIshart. O. !. NA. 1t Sec. S2, T I X., lt. 10 E Wishart. J. SW. i Seo. 33, T. 1 X.. R. 10 E WIshm. I). XB. I Sec. 32, T. 1 X.. R. 10 B AVolfran. Frani H. R. I'ark, lot 9. block 2 i Wood, Rachael C. Mil. Add. D. C, lot 9, block 40 AA'ood, Thomas J. E. & AV. First Add. II. R.. lots 23. 21. block 9.... Wood. Alfred SW. i Sec. 22. T. 2 X., R. lo E Wood. Henry Dufur Fourth Add., all block 18 21 '.15 t 50 17 43 75 9 75 13 13 20 1 7S 29 12 12 10 65 42 9S 17 6S Woodcock. H. F.-SW. 1,4 XW. i SE. V Sec. K T. 4 8.. R. 12 E. : E. '2 SK. V S. Vt XE. Vi Sec. 17. T. 4 S.. R. 12 E., J. A. Piattvllle.. Woodfortl, Joseph & Son XA". i Sec. II. T. 2 S.. R. 12 E AVoodworth, O. D. Commencing 84 riHN W. center Sec. 34, S. 100 rods, W. 24 rods, X. loo rods. E. 24 rods, Sec. 31, T. 3 N, R. 10 E.; S. 1, SW. 4 XW. 4 Sec. 24, T. 2 X., It. 10 E. ; NE. V4 XE. Vi See. 21. T. 2 N.. R. 9 E. : undivided Vi interest lots 5. 6. 7, 8. Sec. 30, T. 1 X., R. 9 B.; H. R., lots 1, 2, 7, 8, block 8 Wright. AV. J. Dufur Fourth Add., all block 19 AVright, Beatrice H. R. Park, lot 23, block 1 Wright, Z. T. II. R. I'ark, lot 47, block 3 Wright, A. R. H. R. Park, lot 46. block 3 Yming, B. T. 8. Va SE. Vi SE. li Sec. 22. T. 2 X., R. 10 E. ; blocks 13 to 23, inclusive: block 24, H. R. Park.. Young. S. L. X. la X. 14 NW. Ii SW. Vi, Sec. 19, T. 2 N R. 11 B Zachery, Albert-8. 14 NE. Vi XE. Vi SB. Vi Sec. 7, T. 6 8., R. 19 B Zachery, D. L. AA 14 SW. Ii Sw. 22, T. 1 X., R. 13 B. ; SE. V SE. Vi Sec. 21, T. 1 X., R. 13 E Zyback, John Thomp. Add. D. C, lot 5, block 2 248 12 11 65 26 26 26 4 06 2 55 5 14 12 54 4 05 HIierlfTii Asuesmiient, Tunny, J. D. L. Add. Ant., lot 11, block 1 Sutherland, James That part of 5 acres deedeil George T. Prather to Buck X. of state road. Sec. 27, T. 3 N., R. 10 B Vorhees, Charles Commencing 21.69 chains AV. of li cornr between Sees. 6, 7, S. 43 rods 19i links, E. 88 rods 6 links. X. 1 rod 23'i links northerly to beginning, Sec. 7, T. 2 N., R. U E Burger, J.. and Rowland, G. AV. Commencing SW. corner SW. SB. i Sec. 33, T. 2 N., R. 13 B., ' E. 490 feet, X. 12 degrees, B. 1100 feet to Intersection S. line lot 9, AV. to SW. corner lot 9. 3. to begin ning, all in Methodist Mission claim Stanfels, Maurice Idlewilde. lots 3, 4, 5, li, 19 to 24, Inclusive, block 2.. Harlan. Thomas-S. 14 SW. H SW. 14 SK. 14 Sec. 2. T. 2 X., R. 11 E... 30 22 29 3 72 10 Xesson. l'eter W. 14 SVV. li Sec. 30, T. 2 X., K. 10 B T. 2 X., R. 10 B. Akin, Doc L. A. block 5 XW. Vi Sec. 31, Al. C, lot 10, Ttylor. F. P. W. 14 SW. li Sec. 7, T. 1 N.. R. 14 E. R. dlgan, Patrick XW. V, NAV Vi SW. 14 Se-. 36, T. 8 3., R. 17 B. . Underbill, James, Heirs Lots 4, B, 8, 7, Sec. 6, T. 2 S It. 15 B. Jones, Amanda J. Ixils 1, 2, 3, SE. V4 NE. Vi Sec. 1. T. 2 S., It. 14 B.... Shultz. Sanford S. 14 SE. 14 SB. li SIW. Vi Sec. 31, T. 8 S., It. 15 B I.vle, Wm.-SE. i NE. '', XE. Vi SE. Vi. lots 1, 2, 5. Sec. 32. T. 7 S., R. 11 B Fainter, August Mil. Add. D. C lots C, D, block 41 Reno. Pauline SE. 'i XE. Vi NE. 14 SK. V4 Sec. Hi. T. 2 X.. R. 12 E. : Mil. Add. I. C, lots K. L, block 103... Ulrlch, Mrs. K. Bellevue Add. D. C, lots 3, 4, 5, block 2 MeCormack Catr-s '4 interest commencing XE. corner lot now owned by John fates on 8. line Al vord avenue southerly to alley, J. ' D. U C northerly to 8. line of Al vord avenue, westerly to beginning Kinney, Peter AV. V4 XE. 14 E. 14 NW. 14 Sec. 28. T. 1 S., R. Ji E Shackelford. AVm. Trev. Add. D. C, point off block 9; Mil. Add. D. C, lots A, II. C, D. E. bliH-k 25: lots A. P.. K, L, block So; all blocks 31, r.5, 5ii; lots A, 11, C, 1, E, F, block 71: lots A. B. C, 1. B. F, block 82; lots A, B, block 72 Shackelford, Mrs. R. S. Mil. Add. I). C, all blocks 43. 44: lots G, H, I, J, K, L, block 71; D. C, lot 3, block 6. Sharp. E. F.-SW. Vi W. 'a NW. 'i SK. '4 NW. Vi Sec. IS, T. 1 It. H E.: lllg IM. Add. D. C., lots 10, 11, 17, block 8 Sharp. B. F.-E. 14 SK. 'i XW. '4 E. H SW. '4 Sec. 13, T. 1 X., R. 13 B. Sharp. Mrs. E. F. Big Add. D. C, lot 1, block S 37 46 31 05 10 IS 9 63 74 53 Sharp. F. H. Fractional NW, '4 See. 12, T. 1 X., it. 1,1 vj Sharp, 1". T. 1 X., T E. '. X W. 'i Sec It. H E 19, Stephens, Charles-Tack Add. D. C. lots II. 12, 13, black 4.. Vatise, Florence Gates Add. I. C, part lots 1. 2. 3. block 12 56 80 Want. Samuel P. X. '.. XW. U X. 'a XK. S Sec. 1.".. T. 2 8., R. 11 K : E. 1., SW. 1, S. -, SK. ', Sec. pi, T. 2 8.. It 11 E. : S. '. SW. '4 S. Va SK. '4 Sec. II. T. 2 8.. II. 11 E. : commencing point 21 chains B. of XW. coiner of Ii. Bolton's I". L. C. Xo. 37. T. I S.. It. 14 K-. X. 6.n2 chains. W. 7 chains to corner Sees. 2. 4. P. P). E. 12 chains. S. 0 ,le gie s 1". minutes -lo chains. W. 11 chains s links 0 degrees 21 min utes, W. in chains. In ginning Win re the I-:, line between Sees. :1. 4 crosses W. line I'. Bolton's I . L. ('.. sit Id point l-elng 4.9 feet X. SW. corntr of said S c. 3. K. along X. line said claim lo.'i) f. et. X. i f. ft. W. 4.'0 feet. X. C'l lie minutes, W ,.l feet to St e 1 1 ,111 Un 3, I, S. 2V feet to be bet ween Si . ginning .. W.-nd, O. W KW. ',. SW S , R. II E : 31 13 -Lot 1. 8. 4 XE. ,. I ns I. 2. 3. In 1. L. XW. i, -. I, T. 1 . XW. ' ,. 2. in res Sec 9 T. 1 3.. It 11 I". ; 8W . si;.' sk. sw. ',. s .-. T. 2 S. It. 12 E.: NE. '4. XW. lot 1. See. 7; N E, 'i HI-'. ',, Sec. NW. SK. '1. W. NW. 't. Ho Pi. T. 2 S , It. 11 E. : 1 infill s 4i Adilltlou; all bloi k 12 Ward. F. II -All 1. I.. 1- x.i .ft W. of S-. line running between Sees. 3 4. 9. la, T. 1 S.. R. u E : S. ' , R. 14 E. : lot. j. 4, .s 1 xw . 1. NB. '4- X. i, SB. v,. S.c. 8. T I s'. s.c. u: S. XW. ,. N. I, SW. '.. NW. 14. 8k. 1,. See. 11. T. 1 S. It. 11 K. : H:g 111. A.!. I. I. C. : lots 7. -V bl.K-k 27 , W lrg. Mariin-Ta. k Ad. I. I. C. lots S. T. X. 4 , ;i, block !.' 72 is 10 (5 LOCAL HUKVI1IE9. TucmNv Paily. (ieoro McManeujey wj adiuittetl to full citizenship before Jude liiaJstiaw tody. Attorney A. A. Jnyne lias Inniflit the J-uit rancii of Henry liruwn on I tie tast eide of II Kiver. A find t.ue lictween The Oailei ami lioltieii lale teams hsf lieen arrange,! to coitie 1 ff al tit Memlale next Salurtl.iy. Chr!ey Flank lias eoltt Ins saloon on First street to Charles Withon. The place was turned over to Mr. Withoff yesterday. The ladies of the Catholic church ill give n cDlertaiiiineiit anil boM a sale of fancy work, suitable for Christmas preseuis, on Thursday, lWeinler 20th, at the I'ulil Ain opera house. The sale of the steamer Frederick K Billings has been postpmeJ indefinite ly. She was Xo hive been given under the hammer to the highest bidder last Wednesday, but for various reasons no deal was consummated. The otliciul count of Klickitat county gives MeKinley 403 vote's over Bryan for president, Fiink 300 over lingers for governor, Cushman 407 over Ronald for congressman, Jones 405 over Robinson lor conuressinnu and xesbitt 002 over Darland for representative. Four years ago McKiuley'a plurality over Bryan was 232. An Astoria corn doctor who made some election wajers of treat ment of pedal excrescences nuainst tmu9 of money equal lo what the professional services would cost if phi! for, has not been reen since the election, and one or two Auto rlans are impatiently awaiting his re turn to the city. When he does arrive he will be kept busy trimming corns gratuitously for a few days, says the News. GU4 Miller was arrested last night by Officer Like for going to sleep on the sidewalk In the neighborhood of Croas's grocery store. He was booked on the charge of drunkenness, but in considera tion that since his arrival here Saturday from Gilliam county, where be had been working as a farm band, he had blown In all bis money save few nickels, His Honor, Judge Gates, discharged him this morning without fine. Say, do you know a good thing when you see it? If you do, call around and let us show you that most desirable four roomed cottage and barn, orchard and lot on Thirteenth street. It is a beauty, and we are going to sell it. . If we can't get what it is worth, we are going to sell it any way. Try us and see. We have a new supply of money to loan since the election. If you want to get a good loan at reasonable rates of interest, call and see us. Hudson & Brownhill. The 0. E. & N. steamer, Modoc, Is now making regular trips to Salem and Independence, stopping at all way land im;8. She leaves Portland on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 a. m., ar riving at Salem at 4 p. m. and Inde pendence about 6 on the same days. Returning boat leaves Independence at oa. ro. and Salem at 6 a. in. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving at Portland about 3 p. tn. same days. Last year at this time unusual Interest was manifested in the much-heralded approach of the Leonid shower, winch, however, did not take place owing prob ably to the perturbation of the Leonids by the planets Jupiter and Saturn, There is a slight shower of meteors every year, but the heavy stream appears to us only in an average of 33.2-3 years, and it is this fiery shower which we expect this year, on tomorrow vW., November 14, 13th hour, aslronouiick! time, or November 15, civil time, from about midnight until dawn. The Telegram tells of a Portland min ister who married a young couple the other day and was handed a nickel by the grooin in payment for bis services. We know of a Dalles minister who got lesi than that for a similar service. Alter performing the ceremony tho groom Inquired the lee. ' Just what you plenBe," was the answer. "Then, I thank yon very much," replied the groom as he took the arm of his wife and walked c(T. The Portland grooin came back when he discovered he had given the minister a nickel instead ol a five-dollar gold piece, but the Dalles groom never came back. KUer I. L. Ilaratler, whose reputation for truth and veracity has never been blemished, reports an interesting study in nature at his home on the west eii'u of town, says the Payette Independence. "A few days ago an old cit drifted into his possession from the adjicent brushy lands that lie to the south of his or chard, bringing with her a family of four kittens, Ai outlhii there is noth ing Strang-', but when it is asscrte I that these kittens are half rtlibit and half cat, the fore quitters being that of the kitten, while the him! n'lartcri Is that of the rabbit ; Unit they havo Ibe bunty cotton lail of the ralbll and jump in stead of walking, our fusion friends will receive n great shock in the fear that the m-rL)iiii trust win ueeuoy itie ; value of ti.e jick-r il bit aj a eubititute for biefeteak in the event of a demo cratic administration of national afTuIrj. But teriouily ther is no joke about tL strar.e family at Klder RaraderV Tim inot.grels are worth seeing." I. S. Davis has returned to The Dallea after spending the summer huuting fos sils in the regions of the John Day and Crooked river. Till towards the end of July Mr. Davis was with a party from j the 1'iiiversitv of California, under the j direction of Professor Mrrriam. Snce then he was aecjiiip.uiUd by a Berke ley sradnato named Vane D:nont. j The search was very successful, especial ly the latter paitof it. All told they secured some thirty-seven large boxes of fossil remains, many of which are coneidered of gnat value. Mr. Davit shiped seven boxes to Muuch, but the lion's share of the find will go to Berke ley. Colonel Dutch advises prune grower holding Italian prunes not to be scared by reports from Salem. He says that offers of 6'4' cents have been refused, in spite of the leport that no more than 6 cents can be obtained, and that the growers may consider themselves lucky to obtain that price. He taya that jrowers can easily get 7 centt for the Italian prunes. Furthermore, be tays, tho world's supply does not cut any figure in the marketing of the Italian prunes. This variety has a demand asi.le and independent of the demand for any other prune. In other wcrds, the Italian prune is not a fleeted by the demand or supply of other classes of prunes, because it stands upon an inde pendent basis of its own. When John Wilson, alias Howard, who is accused of breaking into W. A. Johnston's store a few weeks ago, wat taken to the circuit court room yester day for arraignment, a search was made of his cell that resulted in finding a jack knife, a case knife, a peculiar looking large screw and a large wire nail. The case knile was hacked In the tde to that it could be used as saw. Where Wilson concealed these things the sheriff would like to know. He wat searched the first thing on his arrival an i nothing was found on him. It is possible tho articles may have been handed him through the bar of the back door by a pal on the outside. Wil son is evidently a tough one. He bad utilized the big screw In the attempt to make a hole through the cement floor of bit cell and thus escape, but found the job a vain one and abandoned it. The Wheat Markat. Wheat advanced two cents a bushel in this market yesterday and now stands at 47. Of the Portland market today's Oregonian says: Abetter wheat market at borne and abroad was the most interesting features of the trade situation yesterday, although the improvement was not sufficiently pronounced to start a very free selling movement. The holders who were will ing to tell when the price got back above 55 cents again have now decided to bold on until the price goes a few centt per bushel higher. Most of the exporters were quoting around 55 centt yesterday, although tome of them expressed in difference about doing business at that figufo. Others apparently more in need of the cereal were quoting np to 55.' cents. There was nothing doing in blue- stem, and Valley, at usual, was out of the market from an export point of view. Freights have a weaker tone, and unless the market should improve so as to start wheat to moving they will un doubtedly recede. The Sao Francisco Weekly Maiket Report oi the 10th instant is inclined to tbink that prices will Improve in the near future. Two of the largest operators are very much disposed to "take bold" of wheat and if freights continue to weaken the market will undoubtedly anvance. Ships are offering rates con siderably lower than those that prevailed, ten dayt ago. School ICeport. Following is the report of school dis trict No. 7 for the month ending Novem ber 0, 1900: No. of days Utight, 20. No. of days attendance, lij.'i. No. of pupils unrolled, 57. The following pupils were neither ab sent nor tardy: LUzlo Mohr, Rufus Ordway, Utymond Orday, Carl Mohr, Mike Mohr. Marion Sproat, Leonard Nickelson, Julia Nickelson, Hugo Paasb, Roy Van Allen, Lena Van Allen, Hesttr Harbison, Alphonse Mohr, Gertie Cros by, Marie Mohr, Anna Nickelson, Fred Nickelson, Nellie Wishart, Myron Wish art, George Wiuchell, Ruth llarbiton. Klilh, Rosa Wishart, Daniel Prathar, Kdrrard Lage, Annie Mohr, Carrie Boardman, Elmer Hoard m an ar.d Warren Wells. T. M. B. Chahtain, Teacher. Circuit Court t'roreerilng. Iii the circuit court yesterday a ilecice of divorce w as granted to I la M. Pawn from her husband, Frank Brown. This morning a decree of divorce was granted in the rase of Celiu K. Houston vs. John M. Houston. The followinit indictments have latn found: John Wilson, for larre .y fn m r store; W. Kelly, larceny from a stcre Mead Itiltthcp, assault with a t! weapon; H. C, Bateliam, assault. F.x'ra gold values at the New Vork, Cash Store. 7, 8, block 2