The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 10, 1900, PART 2, Image 3

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The Weekly Ghroniele. !
The 3 Things
What weight tlo
you 'require for
comfort during the
colli weather?
Must you have
the thick, soft and
fleecy kind or are
the lighter, thin
ner, yet still warm
grades preferred
all wool, or silk and wool, or silk and cotton.
This Underwear Department has all the many
grades and styles, and none but thoroughly de
pendable goods. A. visit to the store will surely
be helpful to you.
Examine our Fleecy Garment at
Various Weights.
' MISSES' and
toe 1 lays.
AU goods marked in plain figures.
In all the latest styles.
In all the newest colors,
Not necessary to pay more.
You can give your friend an order for the
Best Hat in the World
if you get him a "ROELOFS." We are sole
Most important in Shoes are
1st. A perfect tit that means comfort.
L'd. Style and graceful design that means
3d. First-class material and construction
that means service.
Queen Quality
Shoes for Women
Furnish absolute ease, fashionable elegance
and splendid service. No matter for what
purpose a woman desires shoes, she will
tind her wants supplied in the (Jueen Qual
ity lino. Many styles to select from.
ease & Mays.
All goods marked in plain figures.
" p,btt.fhtd in two partt, un Wtdntxiayt 1
aml SMurdtiv. !
t aiiLi roerieK runic, m adtahci. j
One rear II SO ,
4ii mouths 75 ,
jnree months K
AJvertiting rates reasonable, and made known I
a awltratiou.
A.lJrecs all communications o"TIH DBKOM-!
CLE." The lialles, Oregon. I
tVednetday's Dally.
Dr. Sanders, rooms 1 snd 2, Chapman
block, tf j
A marriage license was issued yesler- j
day to P. E. Temple and E. Caotrell, of
D. S. Crapper, ol Hood River, was la
tt ma last night tbe guest of the Umatilla
Yesterday a marriage license was
issued to Charles Mcintosh and Annie
Ria ton, of this city.
A private dispatch from Morrow
county says it has gone for republican
prosperity by about 400 majority.
The ladies of the Lutheran church will
have a pie and cake sale at I. C. Nickel
sen's etore previous to Thanksgiving.
Win. Bruiie, of Grand Dalles, spent
last night in the city in order to get the
election returns at the earliest posbible
moment. ,
The iadies Good Intent 'society has
decidt-d to have a sale of pastry on the
day before Thanksgiving. The place of
sale will be announced later.
Even tbe school children have caught
tl,e MeKinley inftctlon and caught it
had. In one ot the looms yesterday the
teacher voted the little folks and found
34 tor MeKinley as against 17 for Bryan.
A private dispatch from Grant county
gives MeKinley a majority of 235 in
seven precincts. Tbe republicans ex
pect to carry the county by a majority
of 350 to 500. Grant cnnty used to be
very strongly democratic.
Mr. Charles Mcintosh, of Three Mile,
was united in marriage this forenoon,
November 7lh, to Miss Annie Rawson,
of this city. Tbe marriage ceremony
took place at the residence of Mrs.
Waters, the bride's mother, Rev. D. V.
Puling officiating. The young couple
left on tbe afternoon train for Portland.
From private dispatches received to
day by Representative Moody we learn
that Wallowa county has gone republi
can by about 100 majority. Four years
ago Wallowa gave Bryan a majority of
261. Harney county's majority for
Bryan four years ago was 251. This
year it will he from 25 to 50.
The latest returns from Washington
state indicate that MeKinley has carried
the state by from 5000 to 6000 majority.
The republicans concede the defeat of
Frink, republican candidate for governor,
by probably 5000 votes. Klickitat county,
across the river from here, has elected
ever? candidate on the icpublican ticket
by an average majority of over 400.
Coyotes are said to be feasting on
lambs along the line of march taken by
Heppner sheep when returning from
the mountains, tells the Gazette. When
separated from their mothers, as thous
ands of lambs have recently beeii, they
drop out of their bands in bunches of
fifty to two hundred and straggle around
by themselves. Some of them get into
other bands, but many of them get into
A number of creameries in Oregon are
now paying 25 cents per pound for but
ter fat. At tb same time Oregon is
now making more butter than ever be
fore at this time of the year, says the
Medfo.-d Rural World. The state has
been exporting good deal of butter
this year. Coos county creameries have
always sent tbe bulk of their product to
San Francisco, and there has been
strong demand in California all sum
mer and fall for Oregon store butter. A
good deal of Oregon's choicest creamery
butter goes to Washington cities.
Wasco county gave the prohibition
candidate for president 78 votes, dis
tributed among the precincts as follows:
Uiglow, 11 ; Baldwin, 2; Boyd, 3; Col
uinhia, 4; Dufur, 10; Etst Hood River,
3 Fast Dalles, 5; Falls, 1; Mosier, lj
Mountain, 2; South Hood River, 4;
Irpvitt, 3 ; Wamic, 5; West Hood River,
8; West Dulles, 4 : Ramsey, 2. Debbs,
the candidate of the social democrats, got
:fivotes,distributel as follows: Big'ow.i ;
"fr, 1;. Kaft Dalles, 12; Falls, 8;
Mosier, 4; Trevltt, 3; Wmt Dalles, 4.
The Middle-of-the-road populists polled
eight votes distributed as ful'ows: Bake
"W, 1; Est Hood River, 1; Kant
l'alles, 1 ; Falls, lj Smith Hood River,
West Hood River, 3. West Hood
Kiver, it may be observed, is the home
f one of the middle-of-the-road candi
dates for presidential elector. The thrre
Vr'tes id that precinct show how much
'tea pop cuts in his own precinct in
thee piping days of MeKinley pros.
Thiimrtiiy'ai Daily.
'"X rents at the posiollice will he
lowered one-half, beginning next quarter.
fienrgo fV.rter and Alic Frazier were
united in marriage today hy Rtv. U. F.
"'k, at the Umatilla House.
Jniiies Stewart, Murdock McKay and
Alexander McCartney took out full citi
zens' papers before Judge Blakeley yes
terday. J.T. Mt-Grath and Cora Bell Conly
were united in marriage yesterday by
Rov. W. B. Clifton, at the lalter's resi
dence in this city.
The returns from all the precincts in
the countv have been received and they
place MeKinley ahead of Bryan by 532
votes. Nansene's vote is 20 for Bryan,
1 1 for McKin'ey. Oak Grove is 35 for
MeKinley and 15 for Bryau.
D. Crelghton, of Three Mile, yester
day consigned to a Portland commission
house ten boxes of Newton Pippin ap
ples to form part of a shipment of fruit
to China as an experiment of what it
may be possible to do in that line of
W. H. Butts today sold to a man
from Pleasant Home the Martin Wing
house and lot on the bluff near the
Tack man greenhouses. The considera
tion was $500 caeb. Mr. Wing intends
to move back to his ranch in the Wamic
Five families recently arrived from
the Middle West have bought'farms and
settled in Morrow county, northwest of
Heppner. They say that they are mak
ing money by the move, as they sold
their old farms at $60 an acre and havo
bought just as good soil at $10 an acre,
with a much better climate.
Money-lenders are doing a land office
business these days, so they say, and in
nearly every instance the loans are so
licited by farmers for the purpose of
buying more lands. The brokers say it
is a very rare thing to find a farmer ask
ing a loan in order to pay an old debt,
but when he does the loan is only for a
short time, and is solicited because the
farmer refuses to sell bis wheat at the
prevailing price.
A man named Lindley, who claims to
have been working on the railroad near
Mosier, while attempting to cross tbe
track in the neighborhood of the Wasco
warehouse last night, was struck by cars
and driven against the platform of the
waiehonse, sustaining a broken collar
bone, a broken rib and severe bruises
on the left hip. He was brought to the
city jail, where his injuries were attend
ed to this forenoon by Drs. Logan and
News from the middle fork of the
John Day river tells of considerable
excitement there over the discovery of
sylvanite mixed mine, which is owned
by D. B. Stalter, of Heppner. This is
sad to be the first sylvanite discovered
on the Pacific coast, and the ground all
around the Mayflower has been located.
Old miners say it is a second Cripple
Creek. Snow is already accumulating
in that locality and Interfering with
At the suit of Superintendent Gardner,
of the Portland Boys' and Girls Aid
Society, Mrs. I. Brown was summoned
before Judge Blakeley this afternoon to
show cause why she should not surren
der to the society her three minor chil
dren aged 10.5 and 2 respectively, on
the ground of having grossly abused her
maternal authority over them by gross
and criminal neglect ami of being unfit
tn havo them In her care or custody.
The eate is under hearing as we go to
Sheriff Kelly has succcdd in hiviiw (
capture I at Portland one of tho thieves)
that a slmrt time tr broke into the of W. A. Johnston and ttole tt lot
of cuttlerv. The thief, who gives hisj
name as Wilson here but went by the
name of Howard In Portland, was ar
rested by the Portland chief of police in
responso to a telegram sent him by the
sheriff of Waso county. Some of the
stolen property was fonnd on his person
and has been identified by Mr. Johnston.
Sheriff Kelly brought him here to
answer for his crime.
Discoveries of pearls in the upper
Mississippi river has caused a tremend
ous rush to the clam beds. Boats ate
cro Jing.the river, and more than 1000
pereons are encimped along the river
banks. The finding of a few thousand
dollars' worth of pearls started the raid.
One of the pearls recently found weighed
100 grains, and is said to be the largest
pearl yet taken from the river. It was
sold for 3000.
The board of officers detailed by the
war department to find, if possible, an
emergency ration that will meet all the
requirements of troops engaged in active
warfare, while away from their base of
supplies and in a hostile country, where
provisions are scarce, left Reno, O. T.,
with a detachment of twenty-five men
from Troop A, Eighth cavalry, for ex
perimental purposes. The men will ob
serve the same routine as tf they were
engaged in an active campaign against
an enemy.
Complete returns from 24, and incom
plete returns from one of Wasco county's
25 precincts, indicate McKinley's plural
ity to be 532, which is a gain of 56 per
cent over the plurality given in 1896,
and shows an advance of lG'.j per cent
over the republican plurality of last
June, based on tbe vote cast for dairy
and food commissioner. All but three
precincts in the county show a repub
lican gain upon tbe vote in June, the
total of which was practically the same
as at yesterday's election, both being
about 500 lees) than the registration.
The practically complete vote of Wasco
county gives MeKinley 1552, Bryan 1020,
Wooley 80, Barker 8, Debs 37. The vote
polled for Debs, Barker, Wooley and
Bryan combined is 222 less than the
Bryan vote cast in 18.
Those of our people who enjoy the
best of music and thoroughly appreciate
the best work by the best artists will
remember with pleasure the visit of Mr.
Elmore Rice, the violinist, to our city
about a year ago, w hen a recital was
given in the K. of P. hall. Mr. Rice is
again in The Dalles making arrange
ments to give a recital on the 2nd of
January, when he will be accompanied
by a talented piunict. The Methodist
church has been secured fur the occa
sion, nnd those who have placed their
names on the li-t of patrons,, as well as
others who will te given an opportunity
to do in, may look forward to a genuine
treut in the mmical line.
Friday's Dull)-.
J. A. Knox, Hans Logs and C. R.
Bone, directors ol the Fast Fork Irri
gating Company, of Hood River, have
filed an amendment to the com pany 'a
articles of Incorporation, increasing the
amount of the capital stock to $50,000.
Klickitat county, Wash., has elected
as usual, every man on the republican
ti'-kct. Colev, republican nominee for
clerk, uccording to a report received
here at noon today, heats Smith, the
democratic nominee, hy a majority of
seventy votes.
In the county court today the petition
of W. B. Rodman for the vacation of
part of a c unity rond in the Wamic
country was denied. The petition of
If. IT. Patterson and others for a new
couDly road in the Mosier precinct was
granted and G. R. Wood, C. A. Cramer
and S. D, Fisher appointed viewers.
A good-sized audience greeted Rev.
Chris Nickelsen last night at the M. E.
church. His theme was "Luke Warm
Christians," and he handled it in his
usually able and interesting manner.
Mr. Nickelsen preaches again this
evening and a cordial invitation is ex
tended to everybody to be present.
There will be no service Saturday even
ing. The program of services for Sun
day will be announced in tomorrow's
Cheomclk. t
The state association of county judges,
commissioners and assessors will meet
in Portland Tuesday, November 20th,
As In years past, the purpose of the an
nual session will be discussions of the
questions of taxation, and how to make
reasonable levies en property through
out the state. It is expected that more
than one-half of the county judges will
attend the meeting and special atten
tion will be given to the preparation of
various recommendations to be present
ed to (the next legislature looking to
greater uniformity in the county assess
ments. The auction sales of crow n claims of
the Klondike, which began on October
2nd, reopened on Nov. 5th, in Dawson.
This lias created a great stir among the
hardy miners, who have been industri
ously scouting about the field' looking
up the prize properties the queen has
for sale. No one knows just what claims
to be offered are blanks or which contain
the hidden prizes. The claims embrace
all that have lapsed to tbe government
from failure in representation and other
causes, and all that have been reserved
as alternate properties.
Einil Heckler, a Waplnitia sheepman,
was kicked by a horse in tbe side yes
terday afternoon and had three of his
ribs fractured. He had brought to town
a four-horse load of hogs and when he
arrived in the neighborhood of the
Columbia brewery the lead horses be
came entangled and as Mr. Heckler
descended from the wagon to straighten
them out, one of the wheel horses kicked
him witii the above result. He was
taken to the Umatilla Hojse and had
his injuries attended to by Dr. Logan.
Mr Heckler's injuries are very painful
but it Is not yet certain how much lie is
Injured internally.
The contract has not yet hoen let for
the construction of the race track, but it
will he, in all probability, within the
next day or so. The Gentlemen's Driv
ing Association has all the money need
ed to finish the work. The surplus of
about 1550 remaining in the hands of
the treasurer of the street fair has been
donated to the association on the under
standing that the lilatrict fair will he
held here next fall instead of at Ante
lope. It is not thought that there will
he any trou'ole in getting the fair back.
As a matter of fact it ought never to
have been allowed to loave here, and 1
would not have left if tho peoplo of The
Dalles had taken the interest in it they
shoul 1. It Is notorious that many of
them never thought it worth while to
attend, ami it was impossible to get the
business nun sufficiently Interested to
iiiulio exhibits. Things are different
now. The street fair has demonstrated
a. hat can he done when tho hu-dnesj
men put their shoulders to the wheel.
Latest election returns assure Me
Kinley 2!"2 votes in the electoral college
against 155 for Bryan. Kentucky with
only 13 voles is in doubt. McKinley's
vote in 1890 was 271 to 176 for Bryan
MeKinley carries Nebraska by at least
2000 and the republicans count on a safe
majority in the legislature. MeKinley
carries Indiana by about 32,000. Idaho
goes for Bryan by a small majority.
North Dakota gives a republican major
ity of over 12,000, or about 4 to 1 of the
vote cast. McKinley's plurality in Illi
nois is over 95,000. Delaware gives Me
Kinley a plurality ot over 4000. Ohio's
plurality for MeKinley will te 73,000
and Iowa's 99,072. McKinley's major
ity in Washington will be between 11,
000 and 12,000. "Rogers, -democratic
nominee for governor, beats Frink, re
publican nominee, by about 1300. Cali
fornia gives MeKinley the enormous
plurality of40.000. Oregon's plurality
for MeKinley is io the neighborhood of
14.000. .
Oregon apples will be worth $1.00 per
box inside of three v-eeks. Colonel H.
E. Dosch, secretary of the state board of
horticulture, who c'osely follows the
market, bases such an assertion upon
tbe big jump of prices of apples in the
New York market. Baldwin apples
have advanced from $1.50 to $2.50 per
barrel ; Kings, from the same price to
2.50 and f.'l a barrel; York Imperials,
from $1.50 to $4 a barrel. Red table
apples will bring in New York over
these prices an advance of 25 to 50 cents
a barrel. As soon as these facts become
known, Oregon, apples will naturally
raise a notch in prices, because the local
market is sympathetically effected by
tbe New York quotations. Colonel
Dosch advises growers not to he in too
big hurry to sell. The growing favor
of the better class of Oregon apples for
the export trade, taken together with
the failure of the apple crop in the main
Eastern belts, is a good indication the
prices will hit the lop notch. Quite a
number of apples have been placed hy
dealers upon cold storage for Christmas
trade, which helps to strengthen the
market. Telegram,
"The Hottest Coon in Dixie," which
comes to the Vogt next Tuesday night,
is the leading colored attraction ot this
country this season both in the number
and prominence of its members, Won
derful progress has been made in the
caliber and popularity of exclusive col
ored shows during the past five years,
until they now take rank with our lead
ing amusement attractions, and the
doors of many of the leading theaters
of the big canter n cities are being opened
to them and a marvelous business in
most instances has been the result. In
its costuming, selection'-, com
edy, etc., this newest bidder for public
favor will compare favorably with any
of the pretentious white face comedy or
ganizations on the road, having fully
double the number of people, and In its
singing, at least, far surpassing anything
outside of the big operatic companies,
the manager is positive Im has secured a
treat for Ida patrons who love good sing
ing ami pure, wholesome fun. The fa
mous "Clorindy" chorni of sixteen sing
ers, now with tiie "Hottest Coon In
Dixie," was for sixteen consecutive
weeks the rage at the New York casino
roof garden. They were also seen for
eight consecutive weeks in Chicago, and
appeared in all of the principal cities of
the country between New York ami San
A very stylish ladies' waist, made ot
French Manuel and nicely trimmed, in
the latest colors, only $'.'.C3 at the New
York Canh Store.
Mrs. Johnson Entertains at Mosier.
Mosixb, Nov, 5, 1900,
On last Wednesday evening the young
people of this vicinity were invited to
spend the evening with Miss Mabel Rid
dell at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Johnson. It being Halloween the
young people were first greeted by grin
ning jtck-o'lanterns from gate posts and
house tops. The evening was enjoyably
spent in cracking Jokes as well as nai
and playing Halloween tricks and games.
The merriment was kept rife until a
late hour, when, after each bad tried
his or her fortuue, ihey all went home
well satisfied with tho evening, although
those whose fortunes consigned them to
single blessedness had a determined
look on their countenances which de
fied fate itself.
Among those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Johnson, Mrs. French, Misses
Ltllie Johnson, Mabel Riddell, Bessie
Middleswart, Klsie Middleawart, Nora
Root, Kdna Root, Dollie Graham, Anna
Dunsmore, Lurean Dunsmore, Hester
Kent, Hulda Granlnnd, Adeline Sellin
ger, Daisie French, Messrs. John Well
burg, Geo. Chamberlain, Win. Rowland,
Price Hunter, John Davenport, Chas.
Davenpor, Bennard Sellluger, Frank
Middleswart, Leo Root, Elmer Root,
Gordie Graham, Win, Graham, Edward
Dunsmore, Harry Davis, Clarence Duns
more, Willie Marsh.
Southern Calirurola.
Notable among the pleasures afforded
by the Shasta Route is the winter trip
to Southern California and Arizona.
Renewed acquaintance with this section
will ever develop fresh points of interest
added sources of enjoyment, under its
sunny skies, in the variety of its indus
tries, in its prolific vegetation and among;
its numberless "resorts of mountain,
shore, valley and plain.
The two daily Shasta trains from
Portland to California have been re
cently equipped with the most approved
pattern of standard and tourist sleeping
cars, but the low rates of fare will still
continue In effect.
Illustrated guides to the winter resorts
of California and . Arizona may be had
cn application to
C. H. Mahkium, G. P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
The Italics Markets.
Wheat No. 1, 45 cents,.
Barley $11 a ton.
Oats $1.15 cental.
Wheat hay $8 loose; $9 to $10 Paled.
Timothy $10 haled.
Alfalfa Loose $7.50; baled H.C0.
Potatoes 50 cents a sack.
Flour Diamond mills, $3.50 hhl ; Du
fur mills, $3.00
Eggs 30 cents a dozen.
Butter Creamery, 65 cents; dairy,
55 cents.
Coickens $3.50 a dozen ; spring $2.50
to $3.
Apples Table, 6) to 75 cents.
fcslray Notice.
Came to my place about a month ago)
a red inooley cow, with white hind feet,
branded on left hip with three line!
meeting at a point, nnder-crop off right
ear. Owner can have her by paying
charges. I'm Kit ( ,
The Dalles.
Oi l 3, 1900. oil- i
Feelings of safety pervade the house
hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure,
the only harmless remedy that produiea
immediate rem'ts. ft is infallible for
coughs, colds, croup and all throat ami
lung tr uhles. It will prevent consump
t ion. Sold by Clarke A Falk.