The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 10, 1900, PART 2, Image 1

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r k - r V
NO. 45
More ITIecioral Vutre than Four Year
Ari-- Cnngreae la Safe Ka- '
puiiiieaua Curry New York by '
1SO.OOO Majority,
Electoral Vote; Popular Pluralities.
3 I
Arkanta ..
California. . .
J l,flfiO
10, too
2:1, ouo:
. U'lO.OuO
no, nor 10.
SO, l)i 10
Kansas 10
Mar) land
.Massai hilsetta
N evarla
New Hampshire . . .
New Jersey
New Yoik
North Carolina
North iiukota
( rei?on
jihoilc. Island
outh Carolina . . .
South pakota
Wash 'nirtoti
"est Virginia
10, IM)
SO ,001)
ft, 000
1421 .HUHssV 00
Itererenil llrown III.
New Vohk, Nov. 0. The Rev, Dr
John Wesley Brown, the rector of St.
Thomas' Protestant Episcopal church in
this city, and one of tho best-known cler
gymen in this diocese, is dangerously ill
but his family in unwilling to'speak free
ly concerning liig condition. Dr. Brown's
church, which is in Fifth avenue, is a
very largo one, and is noted for the
number of its wealthy and fashionable
Dr. Brown is 03 years old. lie was a
civil engineer, hnt became a Methodist
minister in lHiVtl, and later joined the
Kpiecopal church. He had a church at
Middleton, Del., and went thence to
Trinity ' church, Philadelphia; Christ
church, Detroit; Trinity church, Cleve
land, O., and St. Paul's Cathedral,
liuffalo, where he staved for six years
and nearly trebled tho income of the
Many fashionable weddings have taken
place at St. Thomas since lie has been
rtctor, includied those of Miss Cousnelo
Vanderbiltand the Dukeof Marlborough ;
Miss Pauline Whitney and Almeric II.
Pg:t, and Miss Clarke, daughter of
Senator W. A. Clark, and Dr. Morris.
hangra Ilia Plan or Campaign.
New Youk, Nov. IS. Secretary Root
found it necessary some days ago to is
m special instructions lo MayoM ieneral
M icArthur, governor-general of the Phil
Ippims, regarding the conduct of the
campaign in Luzon, says a Washington
dispatch to the Herald. These instrnc
tions were due to dissatisfaction over the
successful operations of the Filipino?.
General MacArthur's policy wai to scatter
the troops over n wide range of territory,
carrying out in this way the policy
initiated by General Oils.- Filipinos as
enihlol In sufficiently largo numbers to
rriiikH vigorous assaults upon American
Harrisons, who In some instances sut
ure I distinct reverses.
The war department is understood to
l,ve directed General MacArthur to pre
v,,'t further successful operations by
colliding his troops In sufficient fores to
'leBiroy any bands with which they r-iay
c" ne in conflict. No important Insur
gent operation have occurred for tome
uy", and it is believed the execution ot
'he dopartmi nl's inotructicm is ie
ponsihle for this.
'niral MacArlhnr's friends say he is
"andictpped by the absence of troops in
t'hina, but the fourteenth Infuntsy lelt
Tkn on Saturday for Manila. Other
"KMiients will follow and General Mac
Ar'hur will have about 70,000 men with
hoin to Inaugurate a campaign against
th insurgents.
""'ill!, ami jal. May Vote In Canada.
Vaxcouvkh, U. 0., Nov. (!. Five
thousand Japanese and Chinese who
'vebeii, natnrai:!ji during the past
year may vote at the Dominion election
in British. Colu-iibia en December 7lb. j
Trie Conservatives of Vancouver have'
obtained legal opinion tjat Japanese!
are all entitled to Tote j'jst as soon as
their naturalization papers are made
A telegra.n received from David Mill",
Canadian minister of justice, admits the
general contention that the Japanese
may vote, but nicest, that the election
returning cihetr in each case take
competent legal advice in their own
localities and act npon it.
Portland Gave y Col.
"Elected Representative
3500 Vote Far Under
By Over
McKinley, rep 9,893
Bryan, dem 4,434
Wooliey, pro 475
Barker, pop 46
Debs, eoc-Jein 354
McKinley's plnralty over Bryan. . .5,459
McKiuley's majority over all 4,.r)84
McCraken, rep 7,635
Jefi'ery, dem 4. 180
Cox, pro 984
Simmons, ct'.-dem-union 880
Hans, soc-dem 341
Thompson, soc-labor 235
McCraken's plurality over Jeffery.. 3,499
McCraken's majority over all 1,053
President McKinley carried Mult
nomah county yesterday by approximate
ly 5000 plurality over Bryan, and more
than 4000 majority over Bryan, Wooliey,
Barker and Debs. Returns from 70 of
the 80 precincts in the county give him
5459 plurality, of which the city of Port
land contributed 4839. The precincts
yet to be heard from are expected to
increase the plurality to 5500, with votes
to spare. .
Colonel John McCraken, the republi
can candidate for representative to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of A.
J. Knott, ran 200 behind McKinley,
but he easily distanced Jeffery, his demo
cratic opponent, and had a handsome
majority. His plurality will exceed 3500.
Jeflerv did not get the full Bryan vote
by 250.
The vote was t uprisingly light for a
presidential election and weather that
was springlike. Little interest was
manifested by either republicans or
democrats, ami it was appaient early in
the day that the poll would fall far under
the spring registration. In Portland the
vote was about 3000 less than the regis
tration, and in the entire county about
3500 lees. The total vote of tho county
is over 3000 votes less than the poll for
president in 18. Comparad with 1S90,
McKinley's vote is 1931 less this year
and Bryan's is 2019 less. Final returns
will slightly reduce these shortages.
Notwithstanding the republican de
crease, McKinley s plurality la auout
5500 this year, against 5371 iu 1890.
The prohibition, regular populist and
social democratic vote was comparative
ly light. All told, it will not begin to
touch Bryan's vole in Multnomah county
iu 1890, which was 0453.
Keduced Wheat Acreage.
Oiieoon City, Nov. 5 Farmers have
not sown as much fall wheat as usual,
for the reason that the continued dry
weather did not put the ground in fit
condition for plowing, and the recent
heavy rains have further interfered
with the work. Many of the farmers in
the vicinity of Molalla and Liberal are
sowing clover on the grain stubble, with
a view to enriching the soil by a chang"
of crops.
Much of the land 111 this section has
been continaouily p'anted in grain for
many years without summer fallowing j
or uiving the ground a rest. Clover
makoi excellent hay, producing two
crops a year, and its roots, when plowed
under, tend to enrich tho soil.
Have Agreed to A r nitration.
New Yokk, Nov. O.A dispatch to the
Herald fiotn Valparaiso says: Signifi
cant announcement is made in view of
11, a rei.ortel Hgrtement of five South
Americui republics to apply arbitration
in the leMlement of their disputes that
Chile U abnit to reduce hor navy. The
government will sell one thiid-class
cruiser to Kcu idor an 1 another to Peru
and two torpedo hoat dcstioyeru to Japan.
1 he fact that one of the wanhlps will
hi sol I to Pery, w hich is one of Chile'
opponent in the Tarnft-Arici dlsilte,
give additional weight to the declaration
that a settlement of the controversy will
be effected soon.
Rogers for Governor Democratic Candi
date Appears to He Elected His
Plurality is About 2m.
PouTi.Asn, Nov. 8 McKinley his
carried the state of Washington by
plurality approaching 10,000, and it may
possibly exceed that figure. The task
of obtaining accurate returns from the
from the state has been attended with
nunsual difficulties, and from many
counties it has been 'passible to obtain
only statements of majorities, actual or
estimated. Tho western Washington
counties, except King, have as a rule
given unprecedented republican plurali
ties. Clark gives 000, Lewis 500, Cowlitz
545, and Pierce rolls np more than 2000.
Walla Walla, on the east side, give9 050,
and Spokane 350. The congressional
ticket runs well along with the president
ial, and both Cnshman and Jones are
elected by large majorities, at least 8000.
Cnshman' home countv. Tierce, gave
him 2750.
Frink has been slashed in t-very county
of the state. lie loses King, Pierce and
Spokane counties, and his pluralities
come only from the smaller counties.
Rome of the-southweslern counties have
given him very handsome pluralities,
and it looked foi a time last night as if
he might overcome the Rogere lead, but
at midnight returns from eastern
Washington and from hie own county of
King seemed to inak.0 it clear that he
had loft the election. It is still possible
that the final retuins may so reduce the
Rogers pluralities as to count him in
but it does not Bee 111 at all likely thet
it cn be done.
No returns are available as to the leg
islu ure, but it is undoubtedly republi
Child U aa ('mailed to Iientli.
J'okti.axi), Pov. . through an un
fortunate accident, little Master Raymond
Oliver Miller, 4 years old, lost his life
last evening. He was thrown in front
of a log, which his father was about to
start down hill for the amusement of the
children, and crushed to death.
F. A. Miller, the lather, has charge ol
the Lidd farm, three miles and a half
out on the lanyon road. Last evening
about 5 o'clock, he started out in the
field, accompanied by his two sons.
Little Raymond wanted his papa to roll
a log down hill -to see it roll. Mr. Miller,
in order to amuse him, got a good-sized
log in place all ready to roll. The little
fellow was to start it. In eome way or
other his clothes were caught upon the
log, w hich thiew him over it and directly
in its path. Iti-a IWtsh, even before the
horrified father could speak, the log had
pansed, leaving behind the crushed re
mains of the little boy. Death was al
most instantaneous.
Coroner Baud was notified, but did
not sea any occasion for holding an
.McKinley and the Cuban,.
Havana, Nov. 0. The Cuban consti
tutional convention reassembled this af
ternoon and adopted resolutions to send
t j President McKinley the following tele
gram :
"Ths Cuban constitutional convention
baa the honor and satisfaction to respect
fully salute the president and congress
of the United States and to express its
sentiments of gratitude to the American
General Maximo Gomz, in a letter to
Havana papers, says he will not accept
Office under the Cuban republic.
"As a revolutionist." he declares, "I
have always understood that from (he
moment the revolution was over, my
mission will be terminated. What re
mains to be done to attain the felicity of
the hind is not a matter to be decided by
cavalry charges. The problems pressing
for solution must bo solved with pru
dence and calmness tnd without ardent
patriotism that might lie necessary at
other times.
Iloth llunaea are Mare.
Wasiiinutox, Nov. 7. The next sen
ate, assuming that the state legislatures
will fulfill their duty and chooso sen
ators to represent their states, will stand,
' on the bafi-i of yesterday's election, 49
democrats and 0 inde
pendents, with the legislatures in doubt
in three state, with the privilege of
electing four senator at this time. The
legislature in doubt are Delaware and
Nebraska, in each of which state", two
senator are to be clioten, and Idaho,
with one senatorial chair to bo filled.
Among thosie classified in the Independ
ent column are Senators Stewart of
Nevada and Kyle of South Dakota, who
in the last congress acted with the re
publicans on all party matters; Turner
of Washington and Harris of Kansas,
who acted with the dtimcrats, and
We l'ngton of Maryland.
Body of a Man r ound In the C'olnmhla.
Asroiii.t, Nov. 5. The binly of a man
was found by the Toint Ad.ims Lift
Saving crew floating in the river near
New Astoria this evening. The remain
are supposed to be those of Harrv Stein.'
doiir, ol Napa, Cal., who fell overboard
fr 111 the steamer Bailey GtU?rt on
October 30. Coroner Pohl left this even
ing to take charge of the body.
Against Him
209 Precincts
Grows And
Are I'nre-
lesterday e addition to the returns
of the Oregon election slightly increased
the republican plurality in the state
from 14,105 to 14,225. These figure are
yet tuhject to material change, however
for they are baaed on unofficial reports
from only fiiiO of the 709 precinct In the
state, tho results in the other precincts
being estimated. The 500 precincts rs
port votes as follows:
McKinley 40,52;
Bryan 2X.1S0
Woooley , 1,340
Debs 85 J
Barker 128
Total . . . 70,935
McKinley's plurality 12,347
It is estimated that the unreported
precincts will add 1808 to the republican
plurality The precincts from which no
return has yet been received are the
smaller and remoter ones. Probablv
the total vote of the state will not reach
85,000. In the precincts that have been
reported there hag been little attention
to giving the votes of the three minor
parties, and the official figures will
surely show a material increase for them
above the totals given this morning.
Hcalp Itounty Fund.
Sai.em, Nov. 7. State Treasurer Moore
received today from Malheur county
t937.8J,to be credited to the scalp bounty
fund. This amount is about one-tenth
of the Bum already received from that
fund by Malheur county. Ono of the
peculiar things about this scalp bounty
fund is that the counties which receive
the largest amounts therefrom are as
tardy as those who receive almost noth
ing, in collecting and forwarding their
share of it. Almost all the big sheep
counties have so far failed to send in the
amounts levied against them. It must
be that they are not anxious to have the
law continued or they would shown
willingness to contribute their share to
make it operative.
Mbw York Market.
CmcAiiO, Nov. 7. Wheat opened
higher this morning on better cables,
Liverpool being up JU1, 0 1.3'.
New Yotk opened at 79:,4'i December,
and had frequent and rapid fluctuations
between 797 and 78V, closing at the
bottom. Some of the heavy operators
were free sellers on the advance. Stock
were very strong a a result of the elec
Close yesterday, 70311.
Open today,
Range today, 7S,4' to "97.
Close today, 78J4'.
To Klglit Again, t Agulnaldo.
New York, Nov. 0. A Washington
dispatch to the Herald says that Adju-tant-.leneral
Corbin has received from
Judge Taff, -ptesident of the Philippine
commission, a dispatch forwarding a
message from Senor Buencamino, form
erly secretary of foreign affairs in Aguin-
aldo's cabinet. It is understood that
Senor Buencamino, besides unreseived
ly accepting American sovereignty, sub
mils a proposition to organize a force of
Filipinos to make war npon the sup
porters of his former chief.
Ilryan Ferl Kailly.
Lincoln, Nov. 7. Tiryan cannot con
ceal his feelings. He looks disappoint
ed and acts that part. He breakfasted
at 9 o'clock and stated he had onjovd
a full night's rest. He promised a pub
lic statement as soon as he analyzed the
vote. He is cut to the quick over the
negative position of his town's people.
It is predicted he will not remain long
in Lincoln.
Fell In Hruah PI re.
Sai.em, Nov. 7. Tho 8 year-old (laugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mark, who
live near Stayton, fell into a brush fire
on Monday afternoon and was terribly
burned before she was rescued.
The father and mother of the child
wero digging potatoes near the house
and the littlo ono was only a short dis
tance from them when the accident oc
curred. Sho is In a serious condition.
Filipinos to Be Forced Into Absolute
Submission An Ajjs;rcssive Policy
England Must Suppress the
llonj Kong Junta at Once.
New Yokk, Nov. S A special to the
World from Washington savs : Great
Britain will be requested by the govern
ment to suppress the Filipino junta at
Hong Kong. The administration has
had this in contemplation for some time.
I and now that no political obstac-ia tr.
8ent itself, the actiou is to be taken
without delay.
Secretary Hay has already Wen ad
vised of the administration' wishes in
the matter. He will direct Ambassadcr
Choate to represent to the Bi itish govern
ment that the Filipinos are maintaining
at Hong Hong for the purpose ot aiding
Filipinos in their rebellion against the
authority of the United States in the
Philippines, and that they are practically
making Hong Kong a base of supplies
for the insurrectionists. Objection will
be be based on the ground of a violation
of the laws of neutrality.
Great Britain is expected to promptly
comply with the request, lo this Bati.e
connection it may be said that Lopez.
the representative of Lgoncillo, who re
recently came to to the United States
from Kurope, will be closely watched
and if excuse be found by reason of his
conduct he will not be permitted tore-
main within the borders of the United
States. The suppression of the junta at
Hong Kong is in accord with the policy
now to lie pursued with respect to the
insurrection in the Philippines.
Accepting the result of the election as
unqualified indorsement of the presi
dent' Philippine policy and giving as
surance that the American people have
ex pressed approval of tho attem pted sub
jugation of tho natives, military opera
tions will now be carried on in the Philip
pines with greater vigor. The rainy
season is now near the end, as soon as
troops can be moved freely about the
islands the most strenuous efforts will be
made to suppress the insurrection and
force the Filipinos into absolute sub
miesion. Instructions sent to General
MacArthur several days ago were in con
templation of this programme. He was
directed to assemble his trooo into
larger commands that they mUtit be able
to inflict severe punishment on a:y
bands of Filipinos enoiintered.
With the return to Manila of troops
sent to China, General MacArthur will
be able to inaugurate a campaign which
it is hoped in official circles hero will ac
complish the deeired object. It is aleo
counted upon here that the rn ling of
rainy senson will permit of the return to
the-ranks of a large percentage of the
soldiers from die hospitals, incapituted
by the diceases brought on by tho rains
and excessive heat prevailing during tho
summer and fall months.
Two Freight Trains Meet Head On and
Tear Facli Other to Pieces Two
Men Instantly Killed, Two Fatally
and a Third Badly Injured.
!! sEiirmi, Nov. 8. The worst wreck
ever known on this division occurred
al. . ut daylight this morning two miles
8u h of Rooeburg. Two ireuhts, the
regular N . 2-5 southbound, ami a long
ixtr cmiing north, met on a curve in a
heavy t-yg and literally telescoped each
o' h-r.
Kngiri'-.r Sim Hendricks, of No. 225,
r.d Ki-eman Willielm, of the extra, were
c.!0tii Ueiiea'h the wrnk and ul most
I11-M11M; k lle.l. Firerpan l'.l. Rid. He,
F. vinet r Wall Drenn.tti ami Head Brake
.! Ch:irV Ci.innl'ell, ere all bad y
inj 1 !, I 1 la'ii-r lo d ii'illtis fata'iy.
Ridd!e !" a foot iind n.l'ered brok, n
left arm. Campbell' bead w badly
huit, bis right leg cnis'io.l. his left arm
broken, and it is feared his hack Mas
broken. Drennan received a cm 1!. rough
the skull over the left eye three inches
in length, which exposed the brain. Hi
leg was broken and he sustained many
bad cuts and bruises.
One of the trainmen ran to town with
the news, and an engine and c aldose
were eentott after the three injured
men, who wero cared for by three
physicians on arriving in Hie city. Some
time was required to get Hendricks and
Willielm from the wreck. The latter was
pinned dowu in l'ie cab, the coals from
the firebox burning iff loth hi legs to.
the knees. The bodies were bronght to.
the un lru'ei'. iiu i e liitley.
The ii I parents of Her drick sr al
most dist ne ed from their awful grief..
Campteli bom is in Albany, where he
has a mother ami tistrr. He U the man
who gained fame in Alaska by making?
record-breaking trip with a dog team
from Daweon City to Skagway iom
time ago.
It is stated the wreik was due to
misinterpretation of orders on the part
of Kngineer Drenuan of the extra.
Superintendent L. R. Fields happened
to be in the city, and Is looking after the
dead and wounded men.
Corouer Twitchell has summoned a
jary and will ,o!d an inquest tomorrow
on the remains of Willielm anj
Bryans State Will Give McKinley 5000
Plurality Bryan Congratulates
Washington, Nov. 8. Assistant Secre
tary of War Meikhjohn today tele
graphed here as follows:
"Fullerton, Neb., Nov. 8. Nebraekir
is redeemed. McKinley has carried th
Btate by not less than 5000. The legii
lature is republican, both houses."
Chicago, Nov. 8. Vice-Chairman.
Henry Payne, of the republican national
committee, today itceived a telegram
from the chairman of the etaie committee
of Nebraska stating that the republicans'
carried the state by a Bafo mnjnrity j also
that they hare the state senate and in all
prol ability will be atile to organi,3 the
Ledie Coombs, chairman of the re
publican stale committee, telegraphed
Mr. Payne that an official count will be
necessary to de'ermine the electoral
vote of Kentucky. The telegram states:
"Three thousand legal republicans re
main uncounted in tho ballot boxes.
Other frauds will cost us 5000 votes."
Lincoln, Neb.. Nov. 8. William J.
Bryan sent the following telegram at
noon today to President McKinley:
"Hon. Williarj McKinley, I'resident
of the United S ates, Washington, D.
C. : At the c'ose of ano'her piesidential
camptign it is my lot to congratulate
you upon a 1:0ml vicioiy.
William J. Bryan."
Hoar Cause la Not Honeleia,
Chicago, Nov. 8. Louter Weseels, a
former officer in the Beer ainiv and a
brother to one of the Boer envoy to this
country, H ldresed an audience last even
ing on f (fairs in South Africa and the
condition of his countryn en. He as
serted that the Boer ivause ie far from
hopeless and that it is in as favorable a
condition a three inontl ago.
An tffort will be made to Becure
thousands of ii;nntures to peiiiions that
will be presented to congress asking the
intervention of the American nation.
shut run or iiuie,."
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 7." To have
been shot full of hides" is the way
Bryan's closest friends refer to yester
day's election. The crushing defeat cf
the Nebraskan has cast a deep gloom
over the populist national headquarters.
Bryan's cherished hope was for a plu
rality of the popular vote, whether h
was successful or defeated, and the blow
delivered has staggnred him. The grunt
republican gains in Lincoln and the state
of Nebrafk were the least expected I y
Woman aeh a ttliutg-un.
Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. 0. A shotgun In
the hands of woman ended the career
of Ventura Paco, a Mi xlcin robber, in
sensational manner last night. Mrs.
Bena Petersen heard a noise in the cat
tle corral, in the rear cf the house. T.ik
ing shotgun, she ent to investigate,
nd saw a man Irving to eteal a calf.
She fire I bo:h barrels into his body.
k lling til in instant y.
r. iigiishmen I'leaaed.
London, Nov. 7. the morning and
afternoon papers here ihclnio lhat fix
teen to en ha ben forever killed by
Rryan's defeat ami are juhiUnt in con
sequence, thus expressing the pleasure
of a great maj irity of Kng idiiiien at the)
result of the election in ths United
Dog lilt a I Iu ll
Siikiiiimn', Nov. 7. Frsnkie, the 3-year-old
sou of R. Mendenhall, mi
bitten and his face wai lacerated by a
ivage dog- The dog was promptly shot
The New York Cash Store is the sol.j
gent for Hamilton Brown ihoe.