The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 07, 1900, PART 1, Image 6

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McKinley Elected by Larger Vote
than in 1896.
Carries Every State He Carried
Four Years Ago, and
Some More.
Electoral Vote May Exceed 300
! Ear! Li Proposes to Double tbe Maritime
Customs of China, Thus Making
(he Powers Themselves Pay the
Amount They Demand.
riorLi COM! NO AND coiso.
The election returns up to 1 o'clock this morning, when
the local telegraph oflico closed for the night, make it abso
lutely certain that McKinley is elected by a larger electoral
vote than he got four year3 ago. Ever' state that went re
publican four years ago, with the possible exception of Ken
tuck', which is in doubt, has gone republican with increased
or' decreased majorities. The following telegram, which is
in harmony with all the reports of last night, sums up the
situation as it was at midnight:
Xkw York, 12:30 a. m. National Committeemen
Manley, Bliss and Gibbs held a conference, at the conclu
sion of which the following statement was given out: "On
returns received at republican headquarters up (o this hour,
the Republican National Committee claim that McKinley
has received 284 electoral votes, and possibly 21 votes in ad
dition, making a total of 305. These votes consist of 13 in
Kentucky and 8 in Nebraska."
The report received at local republican headquarters in
dicate that Oregon has given McKinley a majority of about
Wasco county's majority for McKinley will bo over
500. Wheeler county gives a republican majority of 226;
one precinct, Shoe Fly, gave 77 votes for McKinley and
only 2 for Bryan. Clatsop county reports a republican ma
jority of G50 and Umatilla county 300. The city of Pen
dleton gave a republican majority of 220 and The
Dalles 183.
The following are the returns from all the precincts of
this county save three:
Antelope McKinley
Bakeoven "
- Boyd
East Hood River ..
East Dalles
Eight Mile
Oak Grove
South Hood River
Trevitt :
Vie n to
West Hood River..
West Dalles
96 1
Bryan 29
" 11
" 29
" 75
" 2G
" 15
" 44
" 75
" 96
" 22
" 31
" 00
" 50
New York, Nov.". While trie power
are discming tbe amount of indemnity
they hll demand, of China, says t,
Washington special to Ilia Herald, the
imperial government is threwdly pre
senting siiimpstions, the adoption of
which wl l moan thai the western
nations will themselves pjy the amount
Li ll'intf Chanx and hiscolieanes have
proposed thai the maritime i tp-toms be
doubled in order that China may raise
money to pay the indemnity. The mari
time fii'toiiii are at present pjeded to
Kuesia, Germany and England, as a
Security for loan;. Vie amount of likin
or internal revenue raised would prob
ably be enough to make periodical pay
ments if it could be turned into the im
perial treasury without having first to
piss through the rapuciuns hands of offi
cial. The Chinese commissioners ap
preciate this an 1 profess to think the
indemnity can best be paid by increasing
the maritime customs.
It is unlikely that the United States
and other powers will accept any such
proposition. A diplomat al Washington
asserts that the best way to obtain the
indemnity will be to demand the con
fiscation of tbe estates of those who
were responsible for tho outrages and to
require the rich men of China to con
tribute a proportionate amount.
It seems to be generally admitted in
administration circles that the empress
dowager and the emperor will not re
turn to 1'ekin until the former learns
the intentions to the powers respecting
her. The'powersseeni practically agreed
the empress dowager must not further
participate in the affairs of the empire,
and must be removed to a point where
she will exercise no influence upon the
government. Tills amounts to virtual
exile. Because of the importance of the
emperor in the eyes of the world, the
empress dowager will probably hold him
practically as a hostage.
IIong Kong, Nov. 5. Reports from
Canton say the East River rebels have
moved up the river, and boats are now
running from Pak Lo to llu Chan. It is
considered probable that the rebellion
wi!I shortly die off. The reformers ad
mit that the rising was piemature, and
that they had not sufficient supply of
arms. As the French demand the i
execution of the leaders in the Slick
Lung riots placards have been posted
throughout the town urging the people
toslaughter the foreigners if the demands
are pressed.
It Happened In a Diug Store.
One day last winter a lady came to
my drug etore and aeked for a brand ol
couch medicine that I did not have in
steck," says Mr. C. R. Grandin, the
popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She
was disappointed and wanted to know
what cough preparation I could recom
mead. I said to her that I cou Id freely rec
ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and that she could take a bottle ol the
remedy and after giving it a fair trial if
she did not find it worth the money to
bring back the bottle and I would refund
the price paid, In the course of a day
or two the lady came back in company
with a friend in need of a cough medicine
and advised her to buy a bottle of Cham
berlain'a Cough Remedy. I consider
that a very good recommendation for
the remedy." It is for sale by G. C.
Blakeley, tbe druggist.
Rot.i. Jcitian was a visitor in the city
Irouj Grass Valley yesterday.
Geo. T. Pratlier, of Iljud River, was
transacting bnsiuess in the city jetter
day. , Miss Rote Perry was a passenger on
this morning's boat for her home at
White Salmon.
MeersG. T. Parr and EI Sharp left
on the noon trair: today cc a business
trip to Sherman county.
Mrs. M. E. Ii'ixter, an enthusiastic
advocate of the rescue home work ar
rived here from Portland today.
Miss Patience Cooper, who has spent
the past few week with relatives in the
city, returned to tier home Independence
Hon. E. L. Smith, who wan in the
eitv to attend tho political rpeaking last
night, returned to tiis flood River liome
on the boat this morning.
Mis. L. E. Crowe and herconsio, .Miss
McCartney, of Chicago, are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Root. Mats at Antelope and
mil return home tomorrow.
J. P. Lucas returned on the t.onn train
today from Baker City, ace unearned bv
his mother, who attended the funeral
of Mrs. Lucas at that place.
Mrs. (irace Gordon, who has been a
guest of the family of her brother, Ed
Sharp, fur a short time, returned to her
home in Portland yesterday.
Mr?. C. W. Nottingham, who ha
spent a few days with her daughter, M iss
Ethel, and son, Irvinjr, returned t her
home in Portland on the noon tram to
Hugh Gourlay returned home on the
noon train todav, having delivered his
republican inessege at Goldenrlnle last
eight. He will resume his duties on
The tomorrow.
Chares L. Campbell, oneof The Dalles
boys, who is a credit to any community,
lias returned t Eugene to again take tip
his studies at the university. Charles
has chosen civil engineering as bis
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
A woman or girl to take care of a
child, five months old. Apply to
P. Hknxixgso.v,
o313t Mojier, Or.
For Sale,
A few choice Hereford bull calves eli
gible for registration. Inquire of
nl 4(dw J. L. Kki.i.y, The Dalles.
T. A. HrnvoN.
Notary fubllc.
Timothy Buownhili.,
Attorney at Law.
Football riayer lis a Broken Neck,
N'bw Yohk, Nov. 5. John Mcuade,
clerk in the war department, is lying
in the Emergency hospital, his life in
the balance, says a Washington special
to the World. The doctor say there is
an even chance that he may live.
McQuade, who is 19 years old was
formerly a student at Georgetown Uni
versity. He enlisted aa a volunteer at
tbe outbreak of the Spanish war, and
. when he returned home accepted posi
tion in the war department. He was an
enthusiastic football player. Sunday,
some of the young men in the neighbor
hood organized two scrub elevens and
tarted a gamp. A number of skilled
players were engaged, and the sport soon
became very fast. On fumble Mc
Quadd caught the ball and started for
the opposite goal. He was tackled hard
and came directly down on his had.
Several flayers fell on him, and when
be was lifted from the ground hia head
fell back upon bil shoulders, hia neck bar
ing been broken.
The doctors at the hospital are taking
a great interest in the case, and if Mc
Quad baa strength enough to stand the
operation! they are contemplating there
it hope that be will live.
Robbed lb Olave.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, ia narrated by him as follows:
"I was in a most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eves snnken.
tongue coated, pain Continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had given me up. Fortonately, a
trlend advised 'Electric Bitters'; and to
my great Joy and surprise, the first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of another !
victim." No one shonld fail to try them.
Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley 'a drair
store. 5
Body of a Man Kouud In the, Columbia.
Astoria, Noy. 5. The body of a man
waa fonnd by the Point Adams Life
Saving crew floating- in the river near
New Astoria this evening. The remain!
are supposed to be those of Harry Stein-
dorff, ol Napa, Cal., who fell overboard
from the steamer Bailey Gatzert on
October 30. Coroner Pool left this even
ing to take charge of the body. .
Clarke A Falk have on aale a full line
of paint and artiet'a brusnee.
Scntt'a Mmderar Caught.
Noktii Yakima, Wash., Nov. 5.
Sheriff Tucker has received a dispatch
announcing the arrest of the murderer
of W. W. Scott, the Kiontt merchant, at
La Grande, Or. The man has been posi
tively identified by two citizens of Kiona.
Scott was shot through, the heart at
Prosser about a month ago by one of a
gang of hobos whom he was trying to
arrest. Since the murder. Sheriff Tucker
has been indefatigable in pursuing the
criminal. He says he w ill be able to
show that he is one'of the desperadoes
who held up and robbed John Cleman
and Fied Brooker, of this city, on a
freight train between here and Ellen.
burg, last spring.
A Thousand tongues
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 112-3 Howard at., Phil
adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
bad completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years ha 1 made
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors conld give her no help, but she
ays of this Royal Cure "It soon re
moved the pain in tny chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who' trie
Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble
of the-throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
and It. Trial bottle free at Blakeley'a
drug store ; every bottle guaranteed. 0
For apraina, swellings and lameness
there Is nothing to good as Chamberlain's
rain Balm. Try It. For tale by Blake
ley, tba drugjlst.
Huosoii & BrownDiii
Real Estate",
Insurance, Loans,
Conveyancing and
We represent come of the largest fire
insurance companies la the world.
We have a laree list of property, both
city anu country, tor sale and rent.
We have inor.ey to loan on real estate
security at reasonable rates of interest.
We do oil kinds of conveyancing, and
are the exclusive owners fur Rice's svs.
tern cf abstracting, which precludes the
possibility of mistakes in looking op tu real euiaie.
Any one having property for sale or
rent will find it to their advantage to
leave u in our nanus.
Collections and all legal business left
in our care will receive prompt atten
tion. Will practice in all the eonrta of
the ttate. Correspondence promptly
Offices: Washington
French & Co. 'a
street, next to
A. Y. MARSH will give a
turkey shoot on the beach
Three Days m.
Nov. 27th, 28th and 29th
There will also be pigeon
ffaD spooling at the same
time and place.
In the Circuit Court of tbe State ol Oiegon for
Waseo County.
Tbe Oregon Kullroad A Navigation To.,
John It. Kober nd Emma Ruber, hi"- wife:
Charles 11. liiabum; John i-oe and kitbard
Roe, a !iose names are untiiown.
To John 1). Kober, Emma Kobuig, bin wife:
Charlie II. I.ruhaiu ; John Duo and Hie lard
Hoe, ithiM oaine are unknown, Defendunts:
Id tbe nsnie of the (State o( Oregon: s
You. and each of yon, are hereby noilfUd thut
the 'rerun lii.irrosd & NhvIkhIIi.ii Company
i,u riled a coinn.air.t airainst ruu in the circuit
court of Ihe sti.te ot Oregon 'or the County of
Wasco, and you are hereby required to arpear
ami answer a iil coui)aiiit ou or before the lust
day ol the time piecribed by the order cf pub
lication, that ia In aay on or Lefore Saturday,
the loth day of November, 10. You are further
notltitd that if you fall to appear and ai'twer
the complaint, or plead thereto, at aaid time,
the plnintitf Hill cau-e your default to been
tcred mi l ill appiy to the court for the relief
pruved for In tl-c complaint: that N to ay thnt
an aes'-incrit of the dauitigca which will retult
from the appropriation uy the ptaintirt'of the
mx tracts of land Kr.t hertinaft-r described, and
alsofrom the approprlitiou by the plaiutllt of
the litfSit to borrow earth, stone, gravel and
other iiiateital Irom the live tracts of land here
lr.aiter deicrilx'd he had. und that on payment
of the d.mni;e so seMK! into the hand of tiie
chr if this court cy the plaintiff, j jdtcmeiic be
given appropriating fcaid pioj erty, and all of it,
to Ihe I'laintili'.
The alx tracts of land which tiro sought to be
appropiiatod heein und uhicli are above ro
KTrcd to, are particularly bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Tr.iet One Beginning at a point In the easter
ly orUiniil riicht of way lineof ti e ruilruud.n hicn
p lot ii lull ieet north and i"iU feet east from
the quarter corner between aeetinna Ihirty one
(..Dniiil thirty-two (:i;). township three ') north,
range eleven (II) east Willamette Meridian, and
-0 feet distant from and measured tit right
angle to the revised center line: tnenoj south
easterly 01 a curve b the left, having a radius
of J.'4J feet distance of .t7 fe t to a point which
is "au fett distant from and measured at tight
nitlcs to the center line, tlienco parallel
tti'h said revised center line and M feet diatant
hortheily therefrom and ou a course bearing
south tM degreen 51 minutes eust a diatunce of
:.': feet to a point In the south line of nuld lot
it ur (-1): thence west along fiaid anuth line a
distance of -jtYj feet to a point which is .V) leet
distant from and measured at rUht angles to
the revised center line: thence north i0 degrees
61 minutes west a distance of liO feet to a point;
thence on a curve to the right, having a rudiua
of '2'M2 feet a distance of 94i feet to a point in the
original light of way line of the railroad, which
point is ou leet distant from and measured at
riicht angles to the rcvisid center line; thence
northwesterly along said original riKhl of way
line a distance of 2.V feet to tho place of begu
iling, containing ,M acres.
Tract two beginning at a point ll.'O feet cast
and 070 fext north from the qumter comer be
tween said sections thirty-one (ill) and thirty
two (:), township three (3) norlh, range eleven
(11) east Willamette .Meridian, which point is AO
feet distant from und measured at right angles
to the revised center line of the rallroao: thence
on a course hcatfrg south 110 depress 51 ir.lnutcs
east, pnra'l 1 with and 60 feet distant nouthtoly
irom suia rev.seii cenier line a distance ol
feet to a point; thence on a curve to the right
having a radius of l:NJ feel a distnnce. of :wu feet
to a point on Iht southerly original right of w ay
lineof the railroad: thence norihweatirly along
Haiti original right of way line a distance of 1I 0;I
feet to a point on the west line of lot three Ml.
section thirty-tao (:: thence south 10 feet to
me place ot beginning, containing ia acres
Tract three Beginning at it point on the orfir
lnal right of way line of the railroud. which
point la MJ feet last from thequaiterc rner
between section thlrtv-oucund thlrtv-two IMi'l.
township three norlh, range, eleven 111 eust
Willntnetto Meiioian, thence east along the
south line of lot three :',. section thirty-two :ij
a dislanco of feel to a point which Is ;,() leet
I'istaiit from and measured kt tisht angles to
the revised centei line; the ce on a course hear
ing ti' rtn 41 degrees 40 minutes west a distance
of JJU feet to a point in the original right of wup
lineof the mi! mud: thence southeastern- alomr
mid original light of way lino a distuuee of l'is
ieet to tuo place ol b ginning, containing .1)0
Tract four-Beeinniinrnt a nofr.t on the onV.
lnal right of way line r,f Ihe railroad, which
point is '.LVt feel west and I'.ilo feet north from
the southeast corner of sa.d section thlrtv-two
OK), township three (:i) north, range eleven (II)
eust Witlainctto Meridian; thence onacourse
bearing north SSdegiees '25 inliiutes west n dis
tance of i!iu feet toa point; thence on a curve to
the light having a radius of 3.''! (n't a distnnce
of AM feet to a point which is SO feet distant
from und measured nt right angles to the re-
viseu center line: thence norlheilv nt riihr an.
gles to the icvIsmI center line a distance of 10
feet to a point which Is W leet distant from and
measured at light angles to the revised center
line; thence on a curve to the right having a
radius of ls.,0 feet a distance of 77H feet to a
point; thence southwesterly at right angles Ui
the itvlsed center line a distance of 10 feet to a
point which Is .V) feet distant from and meas
ured at tight tingles to the revised center line;
Ihence on a curve to the rleht haviinr a -aiiina
of lm'fl fret a distance of ;no feet toa point on
the westerly line of lot two l shIiI ,e,il,.i.
thirty-two OH), which point is : feet distant
irom unu mcimurui at ngni atig'es to the le
vised center lino of tho reilroad; thence due
south ti() feet to a iolot ill the original right of
way lineof the railroad; thence soul beast along
saidoiiginal right of way line a distance of Mr,
feet to tho place of beginning, containing 1.01
JtHiclal Dliiris, ... st
and dated Be.temt.-,;,7),B u,w
. .1. M ll,,v
"eysf,,, f ,t.
lu the Circuit Cou-tof is. t. .
Wusoo County: e state of
lua E:l-blnger, Plaintiff
Henry Sn-ichiuger, Defendant.
In thaname of thesuteoi n,
..Vr'1'-'""1 nld alexins V un
entitled suit on or bef,,-. ,i "f u tti7
time presciibed in the o ,e"r . "t .
of this summons, lo.wit,,,n ,';r. J
uuts weeks irom the gin, ,( ;ltt
lisM, which Mid .-,th day 2,My.0,
Ihe data of the first pub ctmen'.bCT' ' j
nion., lo-wit: Y , Z rwooVl'.".
answer aald .-oni plaint ,, &r ' "PPe., ,
of .November, lo, which "
erlbed in the onlr fr the pwi Uoe "
summon., and if v., a fail . ,1 , "'1D C,
thereof Wsiutitr wni ippiyS0'. br,
Plaint, to-wlt: That the b,u"i.,'u,,,'UB''
heretof , .re and now ex 1st i !le b -i tiV.J ? ' si
defendant be dis..lvd and helo pU"nilf'S4
plaintiff and defendant L in 'il0""'-M
vorced from each oilier, sn'i ti ."""i
name be rlnuigeil to her maiden ' 'Wi
Ina D-yle, and for s ich other .? ?"0'e' ")',
as to the court may seem J.t . d "
This summons is serve I m".T""l,l'
Sneichlnger, the above n,
publication thereof i The J ''U. k,
hkonici. for six consecnilveult
of lion. W. I.. Mtadsh.w i?"hnw
! entitled court, which order vi J'"
beurs date of Septei ber J7, l'n m"d,!',iy
Attorney fur fUim
Kolice is hfrchv iv.n .v-i1.tii 'i"-
named wilier has filel notice ol h", S"
W make hual proof in support of hiso . '
that said proof will be made before thll
Mid receiver of the U. H. land ofnSST
Dulles, Or , on guturduy, Nov. 1,1, i' Tl
I'eter 'toller, Jr , '
of The Dulles, Or., II. E. No. .',137, forrtstu
N Mir and SE qr S W Stc u,1 p ; K, Rg
He iinmea the following wIIdmkm i
his continuous residence i,,,n., ....7? r
of said land, vij:: r luiuiam,
John fiulrymple, Fred Wlcliman, C. C En,
lishf J. k., Johtison, all of The dalles, Or ''
M1 '--i-l-CAS Hegister.
In the County Court of the . St te of I'reion In,
the County of Wus o. m "
III the mutter ol theetuteof Uiii,9.kt
bncher, deceased. Notice Is hereby aiicn ih,,
the uiideislgiiiit bus been duly appointed id
ttlltllutrjt,,. (.Ilk ...Ot I.I"''"1"1W.
.no ni uiuie.xeu, 01 this.
tate of Jxiuis schwabacner. i1.,.,iki m
sons having claims aicnlnst the eststc. f mu
deceased ure hereby notilled to present thnt
duly verified, to the undersigned tit hia oDtv in
tt e stoie-room of Flelsehner, llaier ft (w
paoy, in tbe City of Fordsnd, oayon, lthi
tlx months from the dale hereof.
Iiuted this 17th diy of October, two
SiL'JMOS Hiascil, AUinlnist:.tof
Cotton, Tkal A Mixoa,
Attorneys for Administrator,
Oct?) it
October 23, laui.
Notice ts bcrchy given thnt the follouinf.
named settler has II led notice of her intention to
make Bnul proof In support of her claim, mil
thut said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver at The Dulles, Oregon, on Wedum
day, December, fi, lyoo, viz:
llattlo L. liuntly,
of The Dalles, Oregon, H. E. Sr, &5S3, furthe
B!i fee 21, I 2 N, K 12 E. W. M.
Bint names tne following wit l lews to prove to
continuous residence uk)u and cultivation of
Suld land, vl.:
Frank Ijipler, of The Dalles, Oregon, Albert ti.
McKamey, of .Mt. Hood, Oregon, Henry C. nt
Kumey ui.ti Eric (iranlund.o: The Dnlles, Ur.
oct27 JAY r. l.rt Af, Register.
GGnralMIII Work.
Hansen & Thomsen
Manufactiin rs and Henlcrs in
Sash and Doors, Rustic, Flooring,
Pine Lumber, Mouldings, Etc.
of All Kinds
Thin! Street. The Dalle. Orpgon.
.... , . . 'tolier, s.i, I'ni,
Notice Is hereby kIVc lhat tfte following,
named settler has tiled notice ol bis Intention
to make llnal pr.aif In support ol his rlalm, and
that aald proof will be maile lalore the r. alster
day, December .., l'.wo, viz.i
Tract five-n. glnning st n point on the orig
inal right of way lineof Iho railroad, which
point la 218 feet west and luw feet north from
the southeast corner of suhl section thirty two
OK), township three (f) north, range eleven (II)
eust Wlllamutte. Merldinn, and 50 feet distant
from and measured at right aiutlca to the re
vised center Hue: thence Ou a curve to the lert
having a radius of 1:iv) ieet parallel with and 50
loot distant from suld revised center linn a dis
tance of 77K feet toa point on the original south
erly right of way line of the railroad; thence
easterly and southeasterly along suld original
rlirht of way line a distance of 2i feet to ihe
place of beginning, containing .K)i acres.
Tract slx-Iloglnnlng at a point on theVMst
line of said section Ihlrty two ( lc), which point
is una feet north from the southeast corner of
said section thirty-two, (.)'.'), township ihrce (i)
dlnit, and M feet distant from and incniiircH t
right angles to the revised center llu.- ,,,...
on a conise beailng north ..7 Oegws :;' ml notes
west a distance of 62 fis t to a point In the orlg
lmil rightof way line of the rallroml; thence
northwestcrlv a onir said f.rtuiai rini. ...
line a distance of I'J.' fret to a Hdnt which Is f.o
feet d istinit from and measured at right alleles
H the rev sed center hi, tl ..A ...
. .,.1 v I,,, n course
bearing south .'..degrees minutes east paral
lel Willi and .Ml feel rilst.t.c I...... ...i.i
center line a distance of H.7 feel o th t line
,1". i to"en,; thence south 1:1) feet to the
i s t"s. eoiiiuiuing .a acres,
f.Jr'.'Ji '.LV "i"".1, "f, ,Hn" whlrh "re """ re
1.7 ? ? 'll,,rlt" to excavate aii.1 borrow
h i h"f"" "'I!1 THVK """'r "'.ilerlul (roin
which s sought to be appropriated herein are
particularly described as follow,, to wli:
t,lTlrF"m '' lyli'K southerly from
"I,b:'r, olietve mentlomsl ,,n, u
. ,rlR'',t "'. dev'tlhetl ami
he original ruchtof way lineof the railroad ad
between Htallou lr-.l!) , k-I of tho revlVl ".'n.
,,,, uuiiiHiiiiug .on acres.
iT.r.rti ,.W-A'" from that tract a Uvt In
r. c .. ,', ."""".'r'S' . -' ni.mlJer two
a.., I., i.',C.:"L V'.l ?" ." rJr herlll tic
iavj . i ::. . "" Htti.m
. .. cenier line oi tne railroad
Land Ofkick at Vancouvkb, Wsh. I
October lid, 19:0. I
Notlco Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inteutim
to make final proof in support of his elnim, iml
that said proof will be made before iV. B. I Tec
hy, 1'. 8. commissioner for the DMrlrt ol
Washington, at Onldcudule, Wash., on Mondar,
December lo, l'JOO, viz.:
George II. fit. Lawrence,
of I.yle P. O., Wash., w ho made H. E. No, 10,(01,
for the WU HElA and E'j att'Ji tec 21, Tp 3N,K
12 K, W. M.
llu panics tho following witnesseit to prove
his continuous residence upon and oultirallon
of said land, vis. :
1'homtis J. Vhltcomb, (Jeorge Rorensoi). ceo.
Hratlfonl and ;Vllllum Lemon, all ot LyleP.0,
Wiishlugtoii. '
olll W. K. DfNI)AR Rmlster.
Notice Is hcre'vy given that Ihe unrteriiinftl
has been duly appointed by Ihe enunty couttol
the state of Oregon, for W asco ronnty, sdiuinls
trator of the estate of Elisabeth A. Southern,
deceased. All persons having claims M"1!1"
tne estate of said deceased are hereby Tiutilsfl
to present the same, with the proier vouetam
therefor. P me at my othce in II )!, Oregon,
within six mouths from Ihedute hereof.
Dated September 21, l'.sW.
so 26 Adinlnlstrsl'ir.
Notlco la hereby given Ih it Ihf undersinieJ
has duly filed with the County Clerk of
t:otiiity, On gnu, his final account and reinn
administrator of theestatei of Ailolpli Aiilamt.
deceased, and that the Honorable County taun
has fixed Moudav.theoth day of November,
at 10 o'clock a. in. of saltl day as the time, M
the County Court room of the County lonn
house In DullesClty, Wasco County, Ornmi.
the place for bearing said llnal accounlsim
port. Ail iiersons Interested In said ml"l4,'
hereby untitled to apsnr at said time sml I"'""
and shtiw cause, II any there be. why Mid "I"' '
should not be approved and said .imiuitrjKJr
Dated this 5th-day of October, y,,,,,!-,!,
Administrator of the estatcof Adolpli AI'
dt'eascd. w
Land Office at Th riAix f'"" '!
jerllM am, between HtaiTon miSS
" " ,JS itiwii rniuT line of tli ri
Tcsn 1 I. - a I
"re"-ai"o irom thst tract lying In lots
eisieri from tho right of wav desotlhod In
tracts nnmlercd t),fee ,d four between
h ration, I .i and l:0of the revlsetl "enter IH.!
"n llhHM,:,'il! " 'I'""'"'" Hi-., if A feet
in wititii at suld relation lilTOand cni.v.nri.,. ,.
is.iiic ai ine iitt..psitf,ti,.n ... . r :
of wav ii... .i w,. ,' niMtii right
Tract four-
cjiituiuing l.ftft
Alan Imim . . ...
width m, so. .I .. . I.. " : ' . "vt ln
and eiii.ii,,,,.... ... ' . .V" V" 1 111 ' hv
.crlbed and bin hu, Ion K "l"",'
thlXht owA.1rf,',n,.!h"., .,r,"',
seetloll,ns . " '""" ""
"' . .. wiunining ,u.
it. in saui prer
antl 1. s.,...
east Wlh.w.ottc Median
mm?.' .""Ha'turtVa; "iho ""I'tb'-d"""', "a,'"" ",,n-
The,e.refon!,"", "" " ' "
wuv JAY V. LUCAS, Register. Hon, V, ",, ZlCu.'' "T"1 bY or ,"r
I w. i.. llradshaw, jil((B u , Hevu,ah
llaorjr C. McKamey,
II tl 11 Mm I'M IhA I . a.
5f"a'lTlndmr'lV:'"''k',,,;''U,K'n cul"v,,0
Nnlicn la herrl.v alien that III" loll""
named settler has filed notice of his nil''""1."
tion to make llnal pr.sif In ),r",,?; L
claim, and Hint said prsf will t "
fore tbe register ami receiver M '
Oregon, on Huturduy, Noreinber lo, iwi, '
of Mnslnr, Or., H. E. No, M2I. for Hie h 1r'
HI. T 2 N, K 12 K, W. M.
ultivatlDii ol
12 K. W. .H. . . hi.
Ho names tne following witnesses ro r"
All of said premises ate sltuat.l In i o
;..7.T"'I,'.:."' "wnsbln a north. ranKii
roiitluiious resilience upon, and
aid land via: , .. or.,
Michael Doyle, It. K. Doyle, The Wlf'.',
James M. Drown and I arl . K. I ailwin.
lt,r',,r- ,.Y P I-t l AS.
NoricK"oiT fin al 71k r h.em ext.
Notice Is hereby given lhat H n',AT
has duly flletl with the county w'k."'rt M
county, Oregon, his llnal account "nM,T'n,.ce.
esecnlorol theesfnte of I'h.s'he I. 0
ceasetl ; and that the honorahle counj) ettu
Used Monday, Ihe ,1lh day ol N""1" i1Hl te
10 o'l'luek a. in. of said .lay as the tlr.e, , s si
c.ninty court r..m In the couulv coin 1 1
Dallea City, Wasco county, ..r.-. -. - -
for hearing sahl llnal account '"' " ' here
All iH-rMins lntercte.1 In sold .tu ". ,a
br iiollllecl to appear at sal. "'"!"' ..porl
show cause, If any thein bo, "'lU die
should not be approved and said ""
iMtcd this 2tith day of r.J'o'i.NKFKI!'
Kxecntcr of the cstaU of riiocba J. M
deceased, '
Osteopalli. 10 and II, Cbnpman Bhs li, Th JJjj'JJ'