The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 07, 1900, PART 1, Image 5

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tarn 'n and Eltaabrth Cum-
Uivet corner v
. Tj r .J -l U f",l nor-h
r od 3 rods. 8w-. 19. T. 2
v k ii b.: eoMMMlnc port hw at
n e'r SE. ft. sotlth 4 rods. wl
. ."i,, north 4 rods. eava rods.
L 4' T 2 X K : K
J Klward C.-B. W. b
Id H. lou S Hi Mock
,. -non. W. a ft. W NW. Vi ftrc.
1 S.. K. 13 K; 1 acrew In
R,,ers C H.-Bt5lnnln- at a stake
-."chains. S3 link eat of corner
- . - 27. . 3S. '' north 1. rods 13
to tenter 1 f a Urje lock, east
;a link.- t" .1 -ini about i
- II linkj north if northwest
; ..: : re- M'.M lot. south ab.iut
t rl. I1 link, east 1 chain to a
.e south to lnterH'ttoii of sec-
line between Sees. 17. J4. to
. of besinning. 8ee. 37, T. 1 N..
n 10 K : oi-mmenslna; northwwt
r KW ft, east 45 roils. eouth
Is west 15 roils, north 3 rod.,
i, ,1 5) roils, north 15 rods to be
m Bee it. T. 3 X.. R. r E ;
j; T I X. K. 19 E S
,. ! rt U. Add. Ant., Ii t 3,
bf-cT: i
, Alex. Estate rndlviueil
c, r-fifths interest 8. S NW. ft
t 11 I T S.. R. IT ft: undlvl.l
it.'rest Stcs. 21. 29. 26. 35. 27.
T 7 8. R. 1" E. : undivided four
nfh interest ' V-E. t, SE. '4
5. a T. 7 S.. R. 17 E. : until vtd
,". ..ur-.iftlM Interest. NW. ft Sec.
. t - g R. 17 E. ; undivided f our
. Interest W. WW. 4 W. ft
SW NW. SW. , 8. H SE. V
. :tf T. 7 S.. R. 17 E. ; undivided
fiftha Interest. S 4 NW.
u T 7 8.. R. 17 E : undivided
fifths Sec. 3, T. S 3.. R. 17 E.. 24.1 :
,.,il E. U-N. J4 BW. ft NW ft
I T. 1 N.. R. 10 lv.; K. & W.
; 1 . 1 I. c '.. lots 47. IS block
" t- i.i.f n c lots 7 to r
ii',. iislvc, block 4 3
,, , Mice H. H. R. Park, lot 20,
block 1
!,, , - Sophia H. R. Purk. lot U.
bl-ck 1 ;
Rorlck, J. T. Thump. Add. D. f..
lot 1. block 17 3
!.... -.thai. I. -NIC. U Sec. 27. T. 1
' u 1 E
Row Kni..rv-W. U XW. V NE. -V,
. u XW. SW. t, See. 6. T.
i .s.. R. 10 E 8
,. .: J. II .-SE. U 8E. M Sim. 26.
Til n. BE 2
ii.,.. Mis. Mary E. & W. 1st A.I.I.
H. R . lots . block
i.,-, nblenlh, Herman-E. & W. 1st
Add H R-. lots ll 2. block 1
Roth ' J. M.-NW. X- H SW i
Bee lti T 3 &, R. 14 B. ; 6. H Sec.
i; T I B . R. 14 K. : N S .. 12.
V s R. a E.: SE S XK. A
i T :: S.. R. 13 K. ; SE. '4
Beci 10. I. I S., R. 13 E 94
Rowe, H. S.-fMscade iAJckn. all un
s,,l.i lots and blocks a
Aowe Mrs. H. K.-E. Bl. Add. D.
C iots 5, . blwk 8 w
corse W.. Estate IUK
A?id. D. C, lot . block s Ii
i,,wland R-.lih-4?omm?ncnd north
. -, cuter of W. H. Hons' lot.
west feet, north 76 feet, east X2
f.-et. south 7" feet 1
Pun- . 111 Mnrv A. HeitlnnliiB on the
V :,.,.... ... 1- & . w.,K..n roi.
..I' inicrscction of east line or bind
..,;.! 1.. W.iseo Woolen Manufac
turlng Company! thence east on
1 ,,-ih l r side mad .u ti-l.
north al rlKht angles to the south
Hi of land sold by Victor Trevitt
in It IVnlland. west on side Routh
In,,, t., east line of Wnsco Woolen
Manufacturlnn Compiny'a land,
south to iK-KlnnlnK '
Runyon. Cleorire W. W. T.allVi'
I , 1,. C. No. 4(i. T. I N.. R.
13 K Mil. Add. 1. C lots . H.
I blmk 34: Mil. Add. I). '.. lots
A D C 1). E, P, block SI; Mil.
Add I. C. lots O. H, I, J. K. it.
: MIL Add. P. '.. lots Ii.
II 1 block 84: Mil. Add. D. C. lots
B C I. I. J. K. U block 100:
Mi! Add. D. C. lots A. B. C. D.
B, 101 P
Russell, J. W.-NE. U Sec. 4. T. 3
S, It. M E.: X. S Sec. S, T. 3 8
14' See. M, T. J 8., R. 13 B S3
l: 11 .I..lm-J.ot 2, E. N XW. V4 Sec.
JO, T. 1 N.. R. 14 E 20
Rvan, J. H.-SW. H SB. V NW. '.i
S. c 16, T. 4 8.. R. 9 E 9
Sand.r.. Emit? J.-E. ,i XW. 4 . less
I 11. res in XE. corner Sec. 22, r.
1 X., R. 13 E 41
hundors, l.lllle SB. M Sec. 18, T. 1
X.. R. B '
sandman. Mrs. Alice- S. V4 8. V4 SE.
1. a. e t 1 ir It. m K 3
S,i Iman, i).-8W. ' SW. tj Sec. 28,
T. 1 X.. R. 10 17 2
anford, A. C.-HW. U Sec. 7, T. 5
8., R. 13 E 8
Sivare, Dora W E. W. Flrgt
Add. H. If , rots , 30, 31, 32, block
a it L). C., lot Mi block 1.. 29
!.:.!!... Matthow B. SB. V4 See.
I I ri . it. 12 E. ; XE. , M- 'i
ft , T 4 S.. R. 12 B.: NW. 14
XW. 3.-C. 28. T. 4 3.. R. 12 B 13
Bchaetile, John XW. 14 SE. 4 NE.
BW. Sec. 12, T. ! N R. 10 E.. 1
chmldt. Qua E. U See. 36. T. 8 S.
If. K E. ; NE. J4 1. T, 1 ft, K-
It E ; W. '., B. V S:. 6. T. . 8.,
U. 17 E 104
Schmidt. C. L,. EeavenH HelghtK,
lot - I. 4. block 4 19 I
a.. 1. .. . .1.. r if li I Him- L T.
IN., R. it E. .'. 2
8... it David Ant., lot 4, block 3.... 2
Slur-. Anna S. 14 8W- v NW- j
Sec. 7, T. 3 N., R. 11 E
Sears. Wm.-N. Vj, NE. 14 SB. V4 NE.
Sec. 3f. T. 2 N., R. 10 E
1 Mr N. 14 XE. 'A BE. t
NE. NE. 14 SE. 14 Se". 36. T. I
8.. R. 14 E u
Bm 1. It JIM 1 14 NE. 4 NE. .
. SE U Hec 8 T. 2 S.. R. 13 E... 5
haul, ilerinaln SE. 14 Bee. 23. T.
I N It. 12 ; IT. aV. j4 H ,
NW. ft ... IV T. 1 N.. R. 12 E 22
Bhellv. Troy B. 14 SW. 14 NB. 14
NA i, Sec. 3H, T. 2 X . R. IO lv:
SK SW. ' Sec. 25. T. 2 K.. R.
IV E 11
ktfMi I, N. B.-W. 14 SW. 14 Bee-
W. T. I Mm R. 10 K lo
Sherlock. Samuel Commi nclng- 30
tei 1 E, from SW. corner lot 12.
LI k I K 27 fe.t. N. 120 feet.
W 'i feet. N. to beKinnltilt: 1. . .
pan of lot 12, block 1 5
Shi rrleb, P. C NE. 14. lens 10 acres
1 I 10 II. II. Halley, Sec. , I .
J .V. R. 10 K 0
Sew, 1, 1, l.oren -OommeneliiK
rod X. SE. comer NW. 14, N.
23.1U rod. W. 84.6 rods, 8. 23.10
1 I I i. si I! rods. See. 2. T. 2 V.
R. lo E. ; II. R lot 4, W. M 3,
bl ,. It :
tnrrlll Mnrv E., Heirs B. 14 S. 14
R-e :: T. 1 8.. R. ii B 8
boemakar, B. P. NW. M NW. 14
N i: 1 NW. 1. less 13 acres to .1
Al si , n:,ker. Sec. 9. T. 2 N.. It.
10 E 1"
Sinn . Er. ,erlek fommencInK on
in- of S.c. 2.", dm X of NE.
earner lot 2, Wlnsns Add. 11. n.. t;.
I"1 r. . t. W. 30 feet, S. la" feel. E.
feet, Sec. 25. T. 3 N.. R. 10 E...
Mull. I.!K. Add. D. lot 8.
I, 1 " v lllif. Add. I). C. lots 1.2.
II. 12, block 3 m
John A. II.- HI. A.M. I. C..
"I I. block 7: l!l(. Add. I. C. B.
' 1 2, W. U lot 3. block A; Mil.
Add. It c., lot I. block
"bill h, K. W Ant., lots 4. L
, ' ' 11. block 3: Ant., lot 3, block :
Imi.Kon, Aluia I". Ileitlniilnit 3n feH
f.-et 8. from HE. corm r of
1 mil formerly owned by l. f). Sfe-
itherlv lH IMt, c-i, rl
-" ' northerly U4 f. t. . Karly
"ii line of Eighth street ."J feet to
' - ' ' inn . al o !I00 feet Jolnlnif
hlocll 3. N. A O. Aihi l C..
7 '' el on Alvord avi nin- b no fe, 1
;'" I X U. Add. . t?., lot t.
bl k 1 ! 33
'" I. 17 ' SE. ', Hie XI. T.
1 N, R. 10 K. .7. 9
F w t, L a. l. C, lot
' E 'j 3. block II 113
J... nisi, ptm. III. Add. l. c .
1 .. 8. block 2 U
s: r M y -Bt (Innli k 1 39 , hall -W
. bits chilna S. of XE. corner.
S - chains, v t . haln, N
8.10 chains. E. S.70 chains to be
Mk Sec. 2. T. 2 X . R. 10 E. .
Stnar:. H. C Mil. Add. U. C. lot
J. block
Smith. Ella A. -Mil. Add. D. t. lot
E. block 31 lots A. B. C. I' E
C J. K. 1- block 48: I ds A. B. C,
1. P. H. K. L. block 32: lot J.
K. U block S3.
Smith. Jasper N. BW. XE.
SE . NW. NE. 14 SW .
4 NW. i4 SE. lr.-s la acres sold
lo John ami Eliiatieth R.bir.on.
In SE. , NW , S. c. : T. 1 N..
R. 13 E
Smiih. Mrs. B L H. R.. all block
12: H. K all block E: undivided
H lot 14 feet W. side i(, block D..
Smith. E. ..-XW. , SE. 4 NE. ,
SW .-w . NE. '.. 1. 21 (.ve
in SE. V, XW. V See. 14. T. 3 N.,
H. 10 E W 4 V , NE. 8-c.
23. T. 2 N. R. 10 P.: XK. SW.
' SW. 1, SW. , S V XW
V, SW Sec. 2fi. T 2 X . R. 10 E
E U Sec. 23. T. 1 X.. R. 9 E. :
Pleasant View, lots 1. 2: H. R..
lot! 5. . 8. 9: II. R.. undlvUhMi 1,
lot 7. block
Smith. C. D.-E. H W. S W. XE.
U Sec. 13. T. 2 N.. R. 10 E
Smith. S I'.-SW. 1. SE. Bee. 27.
T. 3 N.. R. 10 E
22 12
93 M
71 76
2 33
12 60
1 16
U 93
Smith. E. I... Trust.-, S. U S. . SE.
1 CX- 1 -! T .V I 111 I .'
Smith J M. 1 ml E. M. -I. t 4. XK.
4 SE. SW i, SW. ' Sec. 9. T.
1 X., R. 13 B
Smith. Lyman NW. ' SW lot 6:
also commenclnic XK. corner .
Vi SW. ',. N. 17. S3 cholns. B. 2.13
chains. S. 17. s:t cha.os. W. 2.43
chains to be;lnnint. See. 35, T. 3
N., R. 10 E. : Wtnani Add. II. R..
lot 2. 3. 4, block 8
Smith, H. E. and E. Moigan E. '
HE. 1, K, 1, SE. 14 Sc. IS, T. 8
S.. R. IS E.: SE. NW. , N.
SW. '4 Sxc. 19. T. 8 8.. R. 15 E
Smith. ;orfff-Big Bl. Add. D. C.
lot f. hi. ck 22
28 50
S9 5S
3 7S
15 10
10 93
Smith. Emma-Mil. Add. 1. t'.. Iota
A, B, & 1. block 57
Smith. 1). 1..U. H. Park, lot 17,
block 4
Sm dura.-s. J. P.-3. SW. V, NW.
', SW. Sec. 27. r. I B., R. 11 K. .
Snow. y. A. NW. it SE. 4 Sec. 33,
T. 3 N.. R. 10 B
Snvder. Susan NW. U NW. 'i Sc.
2, T. 1 N.. R. 12 E
Summi-ivlUe. W. G. CommencitiK
NE. coiner of NW. NW. W
37 chains. S. ' chain-. E. I '7
chali.s. N. 1;1 . chains to bcKlnntng.
Sec. 3. T. 2 K.i R. '0 E
S.. nes & Button All Sei. 10, T. 1
N . R. '.1 E. : all Sec. 16. T. 1 N..
It. 11 E. ; SW . i, NE. ',.
NE. NW. ',. S',2 NW. ',. NW.
1, S vV. ,, SE. SW. ',. N. SE.
(2 s. c :2. T. 1 N.. R. I' P.: W. '..
SE. 1,. ft '2 SW. U Sec. IL T. 1 X .
If E.: i: ' SE. 1,. NW. SE.
14 Sec. 32. I. 1 N.. H. I E. : W. IJ
NW. ',. NE. 4 SW. '4, lots 1. 2.
Sec. 10. T. 1 K.i R. 8 E
Bcdcenaer, Mlchatl-fc. W. Sec.
20, T. 1 N.. R. 13 E
Spencer, J. J. Lots 1, 5, 6, 7, Sec. 16,
T. 1 N. R. N E
purrlaT, W. E. l.ots 3, 4, 5, block
Ii SW. ' SE. V4. platted as Belle-
vlew Add. D. i'.. less block 1, Sec.
18. T. 1 K R. 13 E
3 4s
70 27
12 90
5 87
6 50
1 37
Slaats, J. O., Estate-N.
NW. '
Sec. s. r. ' s.. k. t:-, r
Bternfels, Mam Ice-NE. '4 SE. ',.
Sec. ::!, T. 3 N., R. 10 E 6 90
Strain. Jefferson E. 14 W. 1, N. 14
1.' 1 ww- 1. vie 1. vu 1.
k!'i, lots 21. 25. I'll, 27. See. 31, 'I
4 S.. R. 14 E
Slelnfr, I'aullne 14. R. Park, lot :
29 !!
block 1
26 49
20 21
12 18
7 10
2 30
5 63
14 95
8 40
2 60
3 68
6 66
37 06
2 63
3 38
21 21
Stegman. John-NW. 14. W. 14 BW .
'4 See, 22. T. 1 N R. 12 E. : E. !j
SW W. -j SE. U Sec. 13, T. I
TJ., R. 12 E
Sterling. George W.-AV. K
B. ij NW. V.. NW. Ii NW NW.
I, SE. 4. NE. M SW. I4 Sec. 7, T.
1 N., R: 13 E
Sterling, E. H. Lots 2, 3. 4. Sec. 7.
T. 1 N.. R. 13 E
Stevens. Harriet N. Big Add. TJ.
C lot 9. block 24
Stewart. L. O. 3 acres out of Mc-
Cormack & Mundy tract, Set's. 6,
7, T. 2 N., R. 10 B
Stewart. Wm.-SW. ' SE. '4 See.
14, T. 2 N., R. 1" P.. Winans' Add.
H. R., lots 3. 4. block 7
Stewart. Jeanette P. Lots 3, 4. SE.
'4 SW. V4 Sec. 3t, T. 1 ft., R. U E. ;
XW NW '4. See. 31, T. 1 N ..
H. 13 E
Stewart. l)anlel-SW. 'i Sec. 23, T. 1
N., R. 12 B
Stlnson. Albert-E. & W Is, Add.
II. R., lots 27 , 28. 29. 30, block I...,
BtillwW, lJheliss & Scttl. meler Lot
1 sec. 16, T. 2 N. H. 13 B
Story Lnerelia SE. NW 'i XIV,
4 BE. S Sec. 30. T. 2 N.. R. 12 E...
Stranahan. Mrs. A A. Waucofftfa,
lots 9, 10, block 3
Straiitthan. O. L - Lots 1. 2. 3. 4, Sec.
35, T, 3 N.. R. 10
Stianahan, Oeo.-E. ', SW. i SE.
, Sec. 9. T. 2 N.. R. M E
Stranahan. Oias.-E Ii W. Ii BE.
4 SW. Sec. '.I, T. 2 X. R. 1" L...
Stranahan. C. H.7X)V .14 SW. I4.
W SW . 1, SE. '. E. SE i
SSV ' 8. 1 i SW. 14 ec. 9. T. 2
N., R. M
Stranahan. A. K. Waucoma. lots
11, 12. block 3
Stranahan, James A. I 'ommencing
8W. cornel. SB. '4 SW 'i. E
rod- X 8ii rods. W. 22 nsls. S, 80
rods. Sec. . T. 2 X.. R. M
Stiaflnhan J. hn L W. ' K SE
SW. , Sic. 9. T. 2 X. R. M M. .
Stroud. Samuel ''ommencing' 180
rods 10 feet 8., 120 rods- 20 feet B,
NW. corner O. L. Sims, No. ., E
10 rods X. 9.3 rods, W . 10 rods. S.
;i :: rods to beginning. T. 1 N.. R.
13 E "
Slnriresi II A S. 1 NW. 'i. W.
kw. U i 4a 12. TT1 X., R 11 E.
Snmmeis. W. 1st Add.
H. R-. lols 21. 22. Heal 6
Sw lifter, W'm A 15 a. ie- In E. '
S W '4 S W . . See. , T. 1 M. H
3 42
1 91
I 63
14 91
3 07
Swift. Mary J.-N. 'a 8 . 'a Be. 9. ' T.
i vi it 1.1 y. .: i, acre In I'lattvllle IS 1.
8yrl. Belle M.. X ft XW. Sec. 11.
T. 2 X.. R. 11 .
Tail. W. E.-NW. 14 Sec. 27. T. 2 N,
Talbot. (!oo."e. E. A W 1st Add.
II It., lots :. 34. block 2
Taylor. J- W.-SE. NW. , Sec.
:tii r. 2 x., R. l" E
Ttyler, Eunice L, Mil. Ad D. C, lot
l" I. lock :t
4 32
12 00
3 06
4 15
Tave.r. Sarah K.-W. 'a. N. 'a E.
s. c I. T. 1 N., R. 13 E. : E. E-
s..' is T. I N . R 13 E. ; lots
I -, i; 7, v. ii ictb.nal lots I. 2. ...
1 U si: Me. I T. i X-. K. u
TaOnr. '). " fomin-nilng 76 4-33
,?, b E and ' 1-275 : S. of
I c X,, S 16 iols. E. 1" rods.
" ic 'rods. W. 1" rods to bejin-
nlna T. 1 " "t
Ad.l. H. B., lot 8, block 7
Taylor. J S lv ' SK
i s. c ii, T. 1 S . R. 13 1
Ta,lo: ... ,7.
1 13
4 34
7 58
Tin I, ,' Za'. k XW. See 33. T 7
g It 17 E. imiomerccnis on W
, .; t ,. .- i: i. R lm-
);ryT"n i7 I
Ti agoe. .1 ll.-SB. 14 See. 4. T. , 1 : ft.
tiVW" hiA 2.70
The Aineri. an M ."'',' "L!,',"K T
SE XI. : W ; tr-'i -'su'
! JwKi Hcc ii T.VX .' R II R '"
I I,. mm; Jam.- 'ommencing N E
r trad known as bib k ;
M SS f. .1 W. M fi ' I X. .W feej.
E M' ... S 50 fed. E n. fe. .
ill In Slrni.' O. l -. T- 1 No R.
13 i.
: Thompson. J P -X '. SW". U S. e
24. T. 2 X.. R. 10 E : Mil Add. V C.
I lots O. H. block 53 19 30
Thomison A Falgtue L. A. D C.
lots 3. block 31 31 S6 j
Th. mi- t. "ieorgc T I Bl. Add.
. D. Cm lots 7, 8. bkv k 5 17 H
, Thompson. Emma E. A W. 1st
I Add. H. R lots 1. X 3. 4 block 3.. (Ml
Thompson. Wm SW. Sec. 2Si T.
1 X., R. 10 E. t 73
Thurston. R H Big Bl Add. D.
C. lots 1, i, block 13 24 3C i
Tlbbet-s Henry H. H. Park, lot 43.
' block 3
Tieman. A. II. Lots 14. 13, Sec. 13.
T. 1 14. , K. 10 E. ; X E '4. N.
-. si' n w. S .Sr , S w
4 Sec. IT. I S . H W E 00 45
T. ml.ns. n. H. H.SE. Se .: T.
1 X.. R. 10 B. 75
Troup. J. V. Commencing S W.
corner of Bunnell's lot. 8. 170 feet
to alby. K. along alley 142 feel.
X. 17" f. et. W . 142 feet to begin
ning. Tiev. Ad. I). C It 20
Turner. Alva L Beginning SW.
corner SW. , along S. side Sec.
6. E. 19.30 chains. N. 4 mile. W.
IS. 78 chains. 8. to beginning. Sec.
6, T. 1 N.. R 13 E 7 39
Turner. Geo. Mil. Add I), ft, lots
G. 11. block 70 1 90 1
I'dell. E. W.-Bewlnning 7 chains
west of southeast isrner IV I.. t
No. 38. south 10 chains. .-r 2
chains, north 1 chains, cast 2
chains to beginning. Sec. j. T. 3
N.. R. 10 E 4 42
I'ren. t P. SW. XE. it See. 31,
T. 7 8.. R. 15 E. : XW. 1, XW, U
See. ;y T. S S.. It. 14 E. : SE. I4
SE. 1. S.M-. 15. T. 8 8.. R. 14 BL;
SW. U SW. '4 Sec. 14, T. 8 8.. R.
14 E 131 97
Pniuhart. Andrew -Mil. Add. D. C.
lots I J. block 39 2 t-7
Van Ariiam. Jane B. SE. '4 SE. '4
Sec. 12. T. 2 R. 10 B 3 10
Valguth, Mhiie W. U SE. 14 SW.
4 NB. NE. SW. '4 Sec. 4.
T. 1 S., R. H E 11 20
Voogt. George W.- E. A W. 1st Add.
H. R., lots 37. 38, 41, 42. block 1ft... B
Waldo. (Tara H.. Heirs NW. i4 SW.
'4 Sec. 23. T. 2 X K 14 E. . SE. ,
NE. XE. SE. i, Sec. 26. T.
2 N.. R. 14 B 10 20
W .ilk.-r. Mary ft X. A W. 1st Add.
If. It., lota 21, 22. block 2 29
Walker. W. H. One lot In I'ratt
vllle. Sec. 14, T. 4 S.. R. 12 B 3 60
Wallace, Kl S. F. Ant., lot L
blo.!k 2 26 00
Wallace, N. W. B. Add. An... lobs
I '. bloi-.Lr I 1 kl
also, tnomas-. .n. 1 rec. ..
T. 2 .V.. R. 13 E. : 8. K NE. t X.
'., SE. 1, Sc. 20. T. 2 N.. Ii. 15 E. :
W. SW. '4 See. 21. T. I N., R.
15 E X S3
W. lsh. John B. 14 SB. f SW.
SE. NE. U SW. 1, S.e. :. T.
4 8., It. 13 B S 40
Walton. Margaret A XE. V4 Sec. 8,
T. 1 ft, R. 15 B 11 50
Ward. W. L.. Bstate-S. 4 SB. 14
NE. 4 SE. 4 Si c. 5. T. 1 8.. It. 11
E. ; X 'a XE. , Sec s. T. 1 S
R. 14 E 16 SO
Walsh. J. W.- SW. ft Sec. 34, T.
IN., R. 13 E 23 00
Ward. J. W. SW. 'i Sec. 12. T. I
ft. It. 12 B. : N. .4 Sec. 17, T. 5 S..
R . 12 E 24 46
Washington, thinlel-S. ,a SE. "4
Sec. 12, T. 1 N.. R. Ill 8 80
Waters A Rawson-S. SE. W Sec.
22, T. 1 N., R. 13 E 17 94
Watson. Jane A. Lots 15 to 20. In
clusive', 33. 31. 43. 44. 45, 46, block
l! lots 41, 42. block 2; lots 5. 6, 23.
24. 27 to M Inclusive. 43 10 48 In
clusive, block 3: lots 10 to 21 Inclus
ive. 37 to 48 Inclusive, block 4: lots
1 to 20 Inclusive. 25 to 48 Inclusive,
block 5; lots 11 to 18, 39 to 44 in
clusive, block 6: lots 1, 2, 7 to 16.
33, 36, 37, 38, block 7: lots 1 to 22
27 to 48 Inclusive, block 8; lots 1 to
22. 33 to 41 Inclusive, 43 to 46 in
clusive, block 89: lots 3 to 12 In
clusive. 4n, 46, B. & W. 1st Add. 11.
R., block 10 20 59
Watson. J, W. E, A W. 2d Add. II.
R.. lots II, 12. block 1: B A W.
Add. H. R.. lots 1. 2, 3. 4. 5, 6,
block 4: B. A W. 2d Vl.l. If. R.,
lots 1. 2, 13 to 44 Incluaive, Mock
:,; E. A W. 2d Add. II. R , all block
7: E. A W. 2.1 Add. II. R.. lots I to
8, 42 to 48. block 8 8 70
Watson, .Mrs. Esther S. Waucoma.
lot 1. block D 96
Watson . May O. Commencing
northwest corner D. La & No. 3i,
asi fe. t, south 30.85 feet south
erly along south line O. R. A N.
track 1930.3. feet, south 190Vi feet
to north line of Waucoma. west to
west line Waucoma. south to stale
road, westerly along state road to
west line I). ... '. No. 37, north to
piece .d beginning. Sec. 3 X., R.
10 E 95 00
W aits. BrmMdla-fi R. Park, lot 4s,
block I 36
Watts, Mis. Jess!. II. R.. lots L 2,
block 21 20 90
Watts, Lewis W. H. R. Bark, lot
45. block 1 26
Wan lie, Marie H. R. Park, lot 4,
block 3 26
Weberg. Annie E. SE. NR. "i
Sec 6. T. 1 N R. 13 B 2 30
Wells. Warren- NW NE. '.. X.
j 8W. V4 NE. 14. Sec- 7, T. 2 N..
ft. 11 E. 4 10
Wheal.lwn. N. -W. ft SE. 14. 8. '-j
SW . 4 Bee. 34. T. 1 N., ft. 10 B. . 9 10
Wh.Mldon Luclnda W N. A i.
Add. I). '.. commencing 60 feet S
NW. corner lot 1. block 6, W. 200
feet. S 7" feet, W. lo E. line Mil.
Add. I). ".. southerly 76 feet .0 N.
line of lot purchased by O. D.
Taylor from Korten estate, south
erly 43 feet to W. line of N. A G.
A. id. I). ".. N. 130 feet to begin
ning, block 11 23 50
Wli.-iler. C. 8. W. of that Kilni .".
acres dee. led bv I'rather to Buck.
W of state road, See. 27. T. 3 N,
R. 10 E 1 02
Wheeler. M. O.-SW Sec. 31. T. 2
N.. H. M 1 9 18
Wheeler. J. L.-E. A W. 2d Add. H.
R.. lot 45. block I
Whltcomb. ieo. !'. 11. R. Bark.
lots 28, block 4: H. R. Bark, lot 42,
block 3
Whltcomb. Bertie and Belle II. R.
Bark, lot 39. block 3 26
Whltcomb. M. J. Lot 1, Sec. 36, T.
3 N... R. 11 E 1 3a
White. James-Mil Add. I ' . l"is
B. 0, block 'I 32
Wb kei.s. T. I SW SR. V4. less
i :i, 'ics d.sded b It. J. Ellis kl
ai res J. O. Eastman. Sec. 33. T. 3
N. H. 10 E 8 83
Wicks. Isabel-W. '3 NW, '4 Sec. 27.
T. 1 X . R. 12 E SE. 1. XE. ',.
B. ' ' SE. NW. SE. . Sis'.
28 T. 1 N.. ft. 12 E B 1
W l. kliam. R. F.-N. 14 WW. 14. BW.
L. NW ',. XW. SW. U.Si'e. 8.
r I 8 It. 12 E . XE. SE Sec
7, T. 1 S , R. 12 R 13 23
Wlckhim. Jaspei V. ',, NR. '4 Bee .
T. 2 X . It. 10 R 7 88
Wtdnsr Mary ft, ft. Bark, lot 31.
blo-k 1 2,1
Wldner. C. P. H. R. Bark, lot M,
bl.a-k 1 2(5
Wiley. E C, an t 17. ft I'lark NW.
.4 SW . M S. c. .. T. I N . It. 10 E. 17 10
Willi:''.. Geo. B.-ftE. 14 Bee. 6. T .2
S . It. 15 E. SE. See. ;,. T. 2 8 .
R. 15 E I ft
W illis M Cemmenclrg XW. . or-
,,. r NW Sc . ,s. to l. 8.
wagon road. E. along said lead 10
11 point midway betw .n E A V.
boundary line of X w . W SW . ',.
X to X. line of BW. ',. W . to be
ginning: also, beginning Is rods N.
of K I i XW, SW ',. on V
line of slat.' road. W along said
roil I IH rod". X in ril. E 16 reds.
S 10 rod, all In Sec. 36. T. 3 ft.,
It. 10 E '"
W llll on. W. A. R. A. W. l-t Add.
II It I n 3. block 6; E A W 1st
Add. II. It., lo s :!7 lo 12 bio. k .... 18
Williams, w tt Mil. Add i. '..
i,,t 1 block UB: Mil. Add. 1. C,
lot i , block 123 1
WlllluniH. George Common. Ing cen-1,-r
aaotlon north to county mad.
southwest to Inter sect. nk line be
tween NW. '4 BW. "i to beginning.
S 17. T 2 N R :.. K . Mil
l. R. lots G. H. block 31
Williams. Pred SB.' NE. V E. S
WUftuam Mrs. Violet- PajMllllnl
.ne-rtfth int. NW V, Sec. K T. 1
R. 1.1 K
W-tllock. E. L.-H. R. Bark, lot
block 4
W ilson Mrs. R. J.-Utg Bl. A.ld
IX C. lot 7. block 7
Wilson. Norm in Mil. Add. I. C.
17 10
4 45
1 33
1 101s j. iv. u. block 13
W mans. Andutan Lot ! XE NT:
Is 'i '',rl I'iatted and sold See.
X, T. 3 N . R. 10 E
2 '
1 64
a 93
9 50
WTnans. E. T.- N. U N. , ftaa 13 T
IN.. R. f ft.: 8. i SW. t NW 4
Oil. -4 SW. I. j it. M K
W In ins, w A SE 1 , Ss- 11 T 1
ML, ft J ft; SE. 't SW. See. 18.
T. 1 N. B lo ft: 3. Waucoma. lot
5, tlock A
Winans. Mrs. E-Winans' Add. H.
R.. block 1
Winans. W. R SE. XE. '4 SVc
1. T. 1 X.. R. 9 E : E. ' . SE
SW , SE. 4 S.c. 36, T. 2 X.. K
7 38
4 73
Wlnann. I..-8W. '4 Sec. 13. T. 1 N
R. 9 B
Wlnchell. Virgil - E. ' . NE. NW.
j NE. U NE.', NW. 1 4 Sec 19.
I 2 X'.. K 11 E : SW. V, BW. K, S.
nr.. ., s . .4 ec. is 1 2 X
R. 11 E .7.
Wlshart. G. M.- NW. Sec. 32, T.
1 N., R. 10 E
Wih.rt. J -sw S.S-. ::t. r 1 x .
R. 10 E
Wishirt. Ii. NB. '4 Sec. 32, T. 1 N
R. 10 E
Wolfran. Irani II. R. Bark, lot 9,
block 2
Wood. Raehael r -Mil. Add. 1. r .
lot 9. block 40
Wood. Thomaa J. E. A W. First
Add. H. ft., iots 23. 21. block ....
W.vid. Alfred SW. Sec. 22, T. 2
N.. R. 10 B
W ood Hear) -Date Fourth 444,
all block 18
Woodcock. H. P. SW. 14 NW. Vi
SR. Ii Ire, 16. T. 4 8.. R. 12 B. :
E. ',. SE. '4 S. ' XE. Sec. 17.
T. 4 ft, B. 12 E., J. A. Prurtvllle. .
Woodford. Joseph A Son NW. '4
Sec. 14. T. 2 S., R. 12 E
WVod Worth, G. D. 4 "ommencing 84
r.nls W. c uter Sec. 34, 8. 100 rods,
VV. 24 rods. X. 1011 rods. E 24 rods,
Se. 31, T : X . II. 111 E ; S. SW
', XW 1, See. 24. T. 2 N.. R. 10
E : XE. 14 NE. U Sec. 21. T. I N.,
R. 9 B. : undivided Inlerest lols
5. 6, 7, 8. Sec. 30. T. 1 N.. It. 9 E. ;
If. R., lots 1, 2, 7. 8, block 8
17 43
9 To
9 73
13 13
1 78
13 12
10 63
42 9S
17 68
218 12
11 G3
4 06
Wright, W. J - Dufur Pouith Add.,
all block 19
Wright, Beatrice II. B. Bark, lot 23,
block 1
Wright. Z. T. R. R. Bark, lot 47,
block 3
Wright. A. R.-H. R. Park, lot 46,
block 3
Voung, B. T. 8. 14 SE. V4 SE, 14 Sec.
22. T. 2 X , B in E. ; blocks 13 to
22. Inclusive; block 24. II. R. Park..
Voung, 8. L X. N. V4 NW. V4 SW.
It, Sec. 19, T. I ft., ft. 11 B
Zarhery. Albert 8. 'j NB. ft NE.
'4 S17. Sec. 7. T. 6 8.. It. 19 E
Zachery, D. L. W. SW. ft Sec.
22, T. 1 N.. R. 13 B.i SE. '4 &E.
V4 Sei'. 21, T. 1 N R. 13 E
Sfback, John Thomp. Add. D. C,
lot 5, block 2
2 35
3 14
12 34
4 05
Sheriff AHncHMinent.
Tunny, J. D. U Add. Ant., lot liT
block 1
Sutherland, James That part of 5
acres deeded Oeorae T. Prather to
Buck N. of state road. Sec. 27. T.
:i 22
r 3 n it. 10 e
Vorhee.i, I'harle.1 I'ommenclnir 21.69
chalna W. of corner betw.-eu
Sees. 6, 7, 8. 43 rods 194 links, ft
SN rods 6 links. N. 1 rial tjjft links
northerly to beginning, Sec. 7, T. 2
N R. 11 E
Hurser, J.. and Rowland, O. W.
3 72
1 ommencinK 8H. corner W . '4
SB. 4 Sec. S3, T. 2 N R. II ft.
B. 490 feet, X. 12 iletri'.-es, E. IIKI
feet to lntersctlon 8. line lot 9,
W. to SW. corner lot 9, 8. to begin
ning;, all in Methodist Mission
Stanfels, Maurice Idlewlldie, lots 3,
4. 3, 6. Ill to 24, inclusive, block 2..
Harlan. Thomas- S. '.. SW. SW'.
14 SE. 14 Sfc. 2, T. 2 N., R. 11 E. . .
Nsaaqn, l'eter W. 4 SW. 4 Sec. 30,
T. 2 X. R. bl E. : NW. '4 Sk-c. 31,
T. 2 N.. R. 10 E
Akin, Doe I.. A. Al. C, lot 10.
block 5
Tivlor. y. P.-W. M SW. M Sec. 7,
T. 1 N., R. 14 B
R-adltran, Patrick NW. '4 N"W. 4
SW. ',4 See. 38, T. 8 S., R. 17 E...
t'nderhlll. James, Helra T.ota 4, 3,
6, 7, Sec. 6, T. 2 8., R. 15 B.
Jones, Amanda J, Ixits L 2, 3, SE.
'i NE. ', Sec. I, T. 2 S., R. 14 B. . . .
Shultz. San ford 8. U SE. '4 SB Vi
3W. 14 Sec. 34. T. 8 S.. R. 13 E
I.yle, Wm SE. NE. NE. '4 SE.
7 10
4 75
9 70
16 00
13 35
7 60
14 30
9 14
7 36
5 15
16 67
7 10
8 03
1.4. lots 1. 2, ... Sec. 52. 1. 1 H., K.
',. lots 1, z, a.
14 I
Palmer. Angus- Mil A 1.1. I. ,
Iota C l, block 41
Reno. Pauline MO, '4 NE. '4 NE. 14
SE ', Sec 16. T. 2 N.. It. 12 E. : Mil.
Add. . C, lots K, I., block 103...
Ulrich, Mrs. K. Bellevue Add. V.
C. lots 3, 4, 3, block 2
Mct'ormack & Catew 14 Interest
commencing NE. iinner lot now
owned by John fates on S. line Al
vord avenue southerly to alley, I..
D. U '.. northerly to S. line of Al
vord avenue, westerly to beginning
Kinney, Peter W. NB. Ml E. ',4
NW. Vi Sec. 28, T. 4 8,. R. 12 B
Shackelford. W m. Trev. Add. D. C,
point off block 9; Mil. Add. IX C,
iots A, 11. '. I. B. blm k 25: lots
A, H, K. It, bl.a k 30: all blocks
31. 55, 56: lots A, H, I-, I. E, P.
block 71: lots A. ft '. V, E, P,
block 82: lots A. R, block 72
Shackelford, Mrs. R. 8.-MII. Add. D.
c . hi bi,., i. n. 11 lots !, 11. 1. J,
K, U blia-k 71; D. C., lot 3, block 6.
Sharp. E. P. SW. ', W 4 NW. '4
SK U NW. 14 Sec. IS. T. 1 N.. It. 11
E: Ski (ft Add. D. C lots 10, II.
17, block 8 1
Sharp. B. P.-B. 4 SE. NW. '4
E '.. SW. , Sec. 13, T. 1 N., R.
13 B
Sharp Mrs. ft K Big Add. D. C,
lot I, block 8
Sharp P. H. -Pm.'tlonal NW ft S.c
12. T. 1 N.. R. 13 1
Sharp. P. T.-E. V4 NW. V4 Sec. 19.
T. 1 ft., It. U E.
Slephens. I'h.ules Tack Add. IV I'..
lots 11. 12. 13. block 4
Vause, Klorenee-i lotos Add. D. C,
part lots L 2. 3. block 12
Want. Bnmuel P.-N. 4 NW. 14 N.
U NE V4 Sec. 15. T. 2 8., It. 11 E. :
E. it SW. 8. '. SE Bsc. 10.
T. 2 8., H II E. S 1 . SW 8
1, SE. .4 See. 11. T. 2 8.. R. 11 E. :
commencing point 24 chains E of
NW. corner of .1. Bolton's D, L
('. No. 37. T I 8.. It II 17. X 6 :2
chains. W. 7 chains to corner Sees
2. 4. 9. 10. 17. 12 chains, 8. I de
gns s 15 minutes 40 chains. W 11
i halns vs link-- " .1, sr. . 21 mln
ni.s. W. 40 chains, beginning
where the E. line between Sees. 3.
4 crosses W Hue D. Ilolton's l.
I, . sold point tiolng (.','" fi i I X
rtW". .one r ..1 1 aid See. :i. E. along
N. line said claim !"'' feet. N. 66
feet W. 4.11 feet. X 116 degr.s 5J
minutes. W. 65-1 feet to section line
hot .- 11 S. cs. ::. I. S 2o f, 1,1 be-
Ward, ii W Lot I S '.. SW. ',
HW. SW NE. ',. P c. I. T. 1
8 . It II E : lots 1. 2. ?,. I. 7. v. X w
i,. 2; or. 111 1 1 I 1 ' No :..
s. c .... r 1 ft, it. t. e sw .
SE. ',. BE ', SW '. S. 6.
T. 2 S . It 12 K NE. "4. NW. 'i
lot I, Sec. 7: XE . BE. '.. Bee
NW 1. BE W '-. NW. '. Sc
1 77
S 12
;v 24
62 13 j
37 46
35 20
31 5
10 18
9 63
74 53
.Mi J
P.I 13
16 T 2 S . ft. II E l.ilfni s till
Addition: ill block 12
w ird I" 11. -All U. U
XE 1, X
i 1 3. s
Sec. 8. T 1 S..
N SW i,
11. t. 3 a.
.DC: lots 7.
-Tack Add. I.
9, bl.H-k 12
A tew years ago during the hard
.1 ,
nines brought on ly detuotratic
Kiliciw there was a commonweal
MftJ marching across the I'nited
Slates to the national capital to ap-
pear In fare congress and dem.ind
that hbor be provided for the wo.k-1 hr,ff' ''
ingmen ..f Auu iua. ) vou tcmciu-L The """" "'' lttery ease .wainst
. . ..... , . , Tom Ilnttain, which cstue up for heat
her lhal .- .Many of these men had ... ., , ....
log in Justice BstJWtHUil 1 court rester-
families in this slate and they were ; day. was continued until It) o'etoak to
compelled to go cast in the hope of morrow morning.
securing the opportunity to earn a We learn today that James Line, the
few crusts of bread, and while thev ! expressman who recently jmrc!iaed the
were away their families were left to I bu,ineM M "-"'-
the tender mercies of the free soup
hoiues and the organized charily
societies. Do you that?
These men marched and stole rides
on the railroads and fought the
deputy marshals the democratic
ma.shul, too, by the way in their
detei mined effort to convince the
democratic president that the people
were siarving and were tillable to
get work. Do yon retiicuiber tint ?
The man who was al the head of
that commonweal nrniy was liilBtd
Coxey. Do you remember him?
Have you heard of him commanding
commonweal armies uctoss the I'nited
States since McKinlcy was elected?
Have you I. card of hi in Bgttfttlftg the
nation in ;he interest of the working
mat.? The I'uion knows tbftl you
have not. !). you know where
Commander Coxey is at work? In
the litllo city of Mt. Vernon, Ohio,
where the editor of the I'nion was
born, the erstwhile commander-in-chief
of the commonweal army is
establishing big steel works; he is
putting Ifl a plant that will employ
a large number of men, and he is on
the high road to prosperity. Do vou
know what that means? Merely that
the good times brought on by the
Mi Kinley administration have been
beneficial to the rich and poor alike;
to the laboring man and the em
ployer of capital, and that under his
wise administration the poor man
can become the rich man if he is
endowed with the brains and the
busiuess capacity. Did you ever
think of that before? V. W. I'nion.
A president has not been re
elected since 1872. For twenty eight
years the popular verdict has swung
with unfailing regularity from party
to party. lu 1872, Grant was re
elected. In 187G, Tilden carried
the country by a popular majority of
more than 250,000, and to this day
perhaps a majority of the voters be
lieve that he was counted out and
ought to have been president. In
1880, the republicans carried j the
country, but in 1881 Cleveland was
elected. In 1888 Cleveland railed
of re-election, and was defeated by
Harrison. In 18'.I2 Harrison failed
of election and was defeated in turn
by Cleveland. In 189C the democ
racy went out of power and McKin
lcy was elected.
Here is evidence of a deep-seated
disposition on the part of the ma
jority of the American voters to play
one party against 1 he other.
It is true that the surface Indica
tions point strongly to the re-election
of McKinlcy. Hut there are depths
of public sentiment which can not be
sounded until the ballots are cast and
counted. Undercurrents are swirl
ing which may upset all surface
calculations and hind Bryan 1.1 the
White House. A big surprise may
be in store for the country. It may
be the re-election of President Mc
Kinlcy by unexpected majorities or
it may be a landslide fur Hryan.
Thorn ft a niiint vntn. running into!
the millions, which refuses to be
canvassed by the party workers of
either party. Spokesman-He view.
When you cannot sleep for coughing,
it is hardly necessary ttiat any one should
1 tell you that you net, I a few doses of
Chamberlain's Cough Keme.Iv to allay
M irritation of the throat, and make
sleep possible. ItftfMtla Try it. For
sale by Blakeley, the driiggNt,
A vrry ftyiish ladies' waist, made ol
French flannel and nicely trimmed, 111
the latest colors, onti f 2 2 ! at the New
j York Cash Store.
t or tl.
TueMlay Pally.
Dr. San lerr , rootui I anJ I, CI .iptuan
block. if
J. M Huntington baa bean confined
to his home for the past week, and bit
condition ii worse today than previously
Kev.and Mr. V. F. Hawk have moved
Lnl?,"' Ile" ",iJ,llM J"" by
F. H W akefield on the lot just Lick o(
,i, t., . . , .
tlie Methodist church.
Tomorrow the Construction Com
pany's Has) ajar, BUiing. steteh was
wreikeil s.l.ic months since M the
upper river, will tie disposed of at
' S very uaiigrrousiv III at ins none just
across Mili creek bii-lge.
An extreme pressure of dental work
has mailt- it necessary for Dr. H. A.
Stnnlevant to secure assistance 111 Ml
office, and yesterday at noon Dr. A. M.
Ahrsms arrired from PnrtltnJ and ac
cepted a PMftfcM with him.
A representative of Povey Bros., of
Portland, was in the city yesterday, and
we understand t he ladies of tl.o Kpisco
palian church placed an order with hiui
for some veiy pretty windows for the
new addition to their church.
The I ody of Al Nash, one of the men
who were killed hern Sunday morning
on the railroad, was shipped that night
to Salem, his former home, aocompanitd
by his a lit, who reached heie at noon
Sunday. The remains of MeVey were
shipped to his parcn's In Oakland, Cat.,
last ftlgfct,
The children had their innings at tl.e
dog and pony show last night at the
Vogt, un I it goes ithotit saying that
the dumb brutes played to an apprecia
tive audience, and a large one too. The
"children ot an older growth" also were
greatly entertained by the wonderful
antic of the clever little actors.
Hudson A Brownhill have a number
of splendid bargains in real estate which
they would gladly tell you about if busi
ness was not so rushing; hut the amount
of extra work caused by the registration
headquarters lieing located at their office
has precluded all opportunity for adver
tising. Call and find out for yourself.
The preliminary hearing of John Wil
son, who was arrested in Portland Sun
day charged with the robbery of John
ston's store a few weeks since, and
brought to this city by Sheriff Kelly,
was continued tiiis morning and 2 o'clock
tomorrow was set for the hour of trial.
Attorney Sain Stark will appear for the
defense, and District Attorney Menefee
for the Btate.
The Women of Woodcraft will give a
"street fair and carnival" at Fraternity
Hall on Friday evening, Nov. ftifa, The
Old Curiosity Shop, with Little Nell and
her grandfather in attendance; a Ger
man village, where a Dutch lunch will
be terveil ; an Indian village w Hb its ac
companiments ; a circus filled with wild
animals and ireaks will he among the
attractions at the carnival. Admission,
li) cents.
Certainly the artist who designs the
YouiIib' Companion calendars reached
the zenith of his artistic ability when he
designed the 19ul calendar, which
we received yesterday. F.ach year has
excelled the other in the beauty of
design and 1)101 has capped the climax
and strewn our months with roses, the
fairest one of which is the Puritan rose
which adorns the upper part of the
calendar. It is a lit ornament for any
parlor in the laud.
Judge Williams was last of the politi
c tl speakers at The Dalles, hut by no
means least, for, as was expected, lid
gave one of the most convincing ad
dresses last night at the Baldwin a
Dalles audience has ever listened to.
The judge does not soar into the heav
ens and draw his conclusions from the
stars, hut confines himself to the logical
side of the ipiestion and keeps within
the understanding of the most unlearned
of voters and thereby does a great w ork
for his party and the principles he
stands for. His audience was large and
most attentive, and no douht the influ
ence of his speech will bo far reaching.
The breathless stillness of the day
seems to he in keeping with the import
ance of the verdict w hieh is to be re
corded liter on in the midnight watches.
Kven the heavens seem to be preparing
to weep Willi the Dem. the losing
side, or tl-e to give 'em thunder.
Tbere ni ty have been a hot time in New
York to lay, hut it W4sn't even warm
here. Save for the presence of knots of
men on the street corners and about the
polling: places, one would MTM have
imagined it was election day. Voting;
has been going 011 tteadilv, however,
and from the number reeor.led a; noon
it is evi lent no citi.e-i in'.-iels to sligftl
his privilege as an An.ei o-.wi c:t:xsn.
At diff rent places throughout the city
returns will he received during the niglif,
and many patriotic oltlatM expict to
keep Vfgfl until the result is assr.i- I.
Wanted A second-hand in.- . roof
1 safe. Must In in c md euiulil ion and not
too large. Apply at the Cmhomcl
II tl