The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 07, 1900, PART 1, Image 4

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: i
The Weekly Ghroniele.
Al.rtiiu( Kalaa.
Per iwA.
Oielt.ehor less tn Dally. $1 60
O er two inctK-a under feur Inches 1 i
(;er lour iurliv.-t KiiJ uniir twelve ludica. . "5
Ofcr twulve iiu'li. So
OuehiPh or less, iwr inch 12
Over one Inch a, id u:eler lniir inches 2 00
tit lour inches u 1 un. ter twelve inches. . 1 f
Avcrtwelveiiii'liea 1 00
illYEl' TO .1 TUXX.
"VV J. I'.ryan's dodging policy
Uuinj lLo presont campaign has
brought down on li is Lead a shower
of cmbarrasricg questions from time
to tine. Almost every republican
orator has attempted to pin him
down, but he has skipped lightly
away and given noserious or straight
forward answers to the questions
hurled at him. On bis return to
New York the other clay after a
campaigning tour, U. 8. Senator
Frye decided to prepare a review of
the salient issues of the campaign in
the form of an open letter to Mr.
Bryan, in which be said In part:
"You have constantly criticised
the course of he president in sup
pressing the insurrection id the Phil
ippines, yet yo.i know that the in
surrection had been actually begun
when the tieaty with Spain was rati
fied by democratic votes which were
cast for it by your advice, and that
by that very act you aided in placing
this responsibility on his shoulders.
"You criticise the size of the army.
Yet you know that conditions in the
Philippines were critical, and the
lives of our troops there in great
danger when a temporary increase
was asked by the president; and you
lso know that the act, which wa9
supported by democrats and repub
licans alike, is but a temporary one,
and itself provides that the additions
to the force shall terminate on July
1st of next year.
"You talk of buying the Filipinos
and of exteuding government over
new territory without the consent of
the governed, when you know that
every foot of territory west of the
Mississippi wns acquired by your
own part' in precisely the same way
and the people temporarily governed
by precisely the same methods, and
that the opportunities for local self
government, which have been offered
the Porto Kicans, are vasilj' better
than were given the inhabitants of
the Louisiana territoiy, Florida and
the territory obtained from Mexico.
"You talk about governing people
without their consent, yet you know
that your own patty is governing
millions of people in the .Southern
states without permitting them, a
voice in their local or national gov
ernment which the constitution and
laws guarantee them; and when the
matter is brought to your attention
3-ou have not one word of condemns
tion for it, but meet the issue with
evasion worthy only of the merest
Senator htye then shows up the
shallowness of Bryan's arguments on
the Sulu treaty and has this to say:
"You are constantly talking about
the so-called trusts as contributors
to the republican campaign fund,
when you know that the sworn testi
mony suVmitted to congress shows
that the sugar trust was a heavy
contributor to the democratic cam
paign fund and that the chairman of
your own national committee is the
head of the most complete monopoly
in the United States, the round cot
ton bale tiust, while Mr. Croker and
other leading democratic managers,
' who nie now supplying your party
with runfls, cngariizeil the most op
pressive ti list known to eople, the
Tammany ice trust.
"You su'd in M. Louis that under
the trust system the traveling men
will not l.o needed, yet yuu know
that investigations by the department
i,t lalior show the so-called
triuts have incretsed instead of de
creased the r.i! timer of traveling men
and other employes, and that they
have incicaxtl and not reduced the
wages c f their workingmeii or sales
men; and you know from your con
stant traveling on the railroads that
(Lie number or traveling men now
employed, in wLat you consider an
era of trusts, is greater than ever
lefore, and that this is shown by (ho
.records of the tailways and their
sales of the class of tickets used by
traveling salesmen.
"At Indianapolis you complained
that a republican president could
send a telegram of condolence when
a king dies, but when two republics
expire no republican sheds a tear,
referring of course to the South
Africal republics; yet you know that
the United Mates government did
more than any other nation on earth
to bring about a cessation of hostili
ties in South Africa; that it was the
only government to tender its good
offices as mediator, and that it was
impossible, under articles of The
Hague peace convention, for it to
do more. The telegram of condo
lence on the death of the Italian
king, to which you sneeringly allude,
requires no defense or explanation,
as you must know that international
courtesies of this kind are always
observed, and that the failure to
observe them would justly have sub
jected this nation to criticism."
Ilryan's assertion that so-called
trusts have advance ! prices is denied
by quotations from Bradsti eel's.
-The Spokesman-Review has said
that the surface indications point to
the re election of Piesideut McKin
ley. This will appear the more
clearly upon consideration of- the
electoral vote. The states of Ohio,
New Yoik, Connecticut, Illinois,
Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island and Vermont arc
reasonably counted in advance 'by
the republicans. It would bo a sur
prise if either of them went for
Bryan. They have a combined
electoral vote of 171, or 53 short of
the required 224.
Into a doubtful column place Cul
ifornia, Delaware, Indiana, Kansas
Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Min
nesota, New Jersey, North Dakota
Washington, West Virginia and Wis
consin, with a combined electoral
vote of 111. Of this number 03
would elect McKinley, and it would
bo a political surprise if Bryan should
carry a majority of these states.
in other words, me chances seem
against Bryan's breaking into the
first column, and also against his
carrying a majority of the votes in
the second column. His one chance,
as has been said before, lies in the
possibility that the republican defee
tion in republican sirongbouia may
be greater than the republicans an
ticipale, and may extend also into
the doubtful states and states carried
four years ago by Bryan, but now
claimed by the republicans.
John McDonald, a Kansas journal
ist who is touiing Scotland, snja in a
letter to one of the papers of the
Sunflower state that he iccently went
into a store in a little Highland town
and inspected the goods displayed
for 8ale, finding among them the fol
lowing American products: Corn
flour, canned beef, canned peaches,
canned apricots, canned pcais, soap,
rolled oats, washboards, churns,
cheese, bams, flour, salmon, apples,
forks, hoes, axes, hammers, saws,
joiners' tools, braces and bits. "This
partial list of things used in a Scotch
mountain village," says Mr. McDon
ald, "will give some idea of the im
mense trade between the United
States and Great Britain."
Lincoln Man's Interesting Letter to Mr.
Hiyan Sug;csts That He Be
Practical Says He Has Xever
Done Anythioj for Labor and
Denies Prosperity When It is
Senator Tillman he of the pitch
ioik anci enoigun tor houtiiern ne
groes who attempt to vote the
republican ticket says that the dem
ocratic senators were bribed to role
for the ratification of the Paris
treaty. As Biyan was busy lobby
ing for the ratification of that instru
ment, the charge suggests a host of
speculations, says the Salem Stales-man.
Three years ago this month the- Ne
braska Statu Journal (cave spate in its
editorial columns to a letter written bv
J. W. Johnson, of Lincoln, to V. J.
liryau. It was republished in the Ore
guuiau, arwl a copy of it preserved by
Annuel Dinieison, of this city. Tbe
letter is full of meat, and was in part a
follows :
To W. J. Bryan Dear Sir : You are
touring this state as a pretended friend
of Nebraska and cf Nebraska people. If
yon really desire the prosperity of Ne
braska p-jople, why do you deny the
prosperity that bus already come to them ?
Why do you seek to take away the new
hope that has come, and to turn back
the tide of confidence which is rising in
Ibe public niinj?
Tho business energy of the people is
awakened, and they are moving forward
in all lines of industry. Why do you
straddle yourself over the way and seek
to turn the procession back? If you had
been elected president instead of McKin
by, and if uuiler your administration a
general ttdvance iu farm prices and a
lenewal of industry had set in, and
these battered conditions bad been
especially conspicuous in Ohio as they
are today iu Nebraska, do yon think Mc
Kiuley would today be chasing from
town to town through the state tf Ohia
trvina to ditconraee the people and
organize them into opposition and dis
Can you consistently pose as a states
man and a patriot while acting in the
capacity of sn obstructionist, dogging
the heels of industry like a bushwhacker
who hanzs on the flank of an advancing
army? In "The Pilgrim's Progrees," by
John liunyan, there is a character whose
mission was similar to yours. He would
lurk by the wayeide where the pilgrims
were passing on their' way from the
City of Destruction, and, falling into
conversation with tbem, would seek to
turn them back. He would point out
that just ahead was tho Slough or
Despond, into whose mire they were
likely to sink. Beyond this slough wss
a mountain that was liable to fall upon
them. Beyond the mountain was a hill
of difficulty, and at the top was a narrow
pass, where hungry lions waited to
devour them. Beyond the lions was a
roaring dragon, from whose belly poured
out fire and smoke. . There was a ulant
waiting at the uonth of bis cave, there
was a dark valley where hobgoblins and
evil spirits hissed and fluttered, and if
any pilgrim, by dint of extraordinary
courage, succeeded in escaping all these
evils, still there was a deep, dark river
at the very end ol the way which never
could be crossed.
Mr. Bryan, you pose as a friend of
labor. Did any wordingman ever gut a
dollar of your monev? Did you ever
evolve a practical plan that gave any
laboringman employment? Labor wants
a practical friend, who can evolve a
practical plan, and then put it into
execution. Bncketaff thought of a brick
yard. He carried the thought into action,
and for many years gave employment to
labor in making brick. . 1,-jok down O
street, and you can see Bucketaff's brick,
bat what have you done for this city?
Where is your murk in this town?
You, Mr. Bryan, have gathered in the
last few months over 1100,000 from those
whom you designate as the "down
trodden and toiling masses," Not a
dollar of this money has found Us way
back into any poor man's pocket, and
not a cent of it is risked in any labor
employment industry. Ti.e result of yonr
connection will) the down-trodden masses
ls$l0J,000 out of their pockets into yours,
but not a dollar ont of vours into theirs.
.lapa In ( KUH'l.'t Want to Vote.
Vaxcocvkb.B.C, Nov. 2. A Japanese
named Tomini bin demanded to he
placed on the voters' lists here, threaten
ing appeal to the courts as a naturalized
i uritirn citizen. II reinsert, ho wnl ask
for a declaration that the British Colum
bian law excluding Chineseand Japanese !
from voters' rights is unconstitutional.
The question is most important, as the
Japanese would hold I ho babance of pow
er in several constituencies if allowed to
Acker's Kngiish liemely will stop a
ougli at any time, and will cure the
worst colli in twelve hours, or money
refunded. cte. and 60 els. Blakclejr
the drugfjsts.
The anvils are ringing at Havelock,
and the men in full force are working
overtime: but yon deuy it. At Plat ts-
mouth ami at Omaha tho labor pay-roll
is double what it was a year ago; but
you deny it. At McCook, where the
pay-roll was $14,000 a month last year it
is $28,000 now; but you deny it. At
Nebraska City, where the Burlington's
shipping business was $11,000 a month
last year, It is now $3.!,000 a month ; bat
you deny it. The railroad engineer
whose monthly pay cheek was f73 a
month last ) ear, is f 125 a month now;
but you deny it.
Yon stand on th track waving your
danger signal, warning the engineer that
the prosperity track aud the McKinley
bridge are unsafe.
When wheat wan 10 cent", you said it
ought lo be SO. When it had advanced
to 80 cents, you s.tid it ought to bo l.
No one begrudges yon, Mr. Bryan , the
fortune you have gathered in tho lat
year; hut Nebraska people would be
prouder of you if ha 1 made it in some
legitimato enti rpria") that would have
helced others as well as yourself. They
would be obliged to you now if Obstinate
would ttep aside and let the pilgrims
pass. J. W. Johnson,
Powers Will Probably Insist That Here
after the Euidi ess Dowager Havei
Nothing to Do With the Govern
meni of tbe Chinese Empire.
Washington, Nov. 1. It was itaUd
, . . ,i 1 : L . :
today in quariers wen verseu in iuujric
affairs, that outside of the questions ol
indemnity, punishments, etc., now under
negotiations at Pekin, there are three
vital and far-reaching questions to be
determined, viz:
First, the removal of the Empress
Dowager, personally and through the in
fluence of her advisers, from all partici
pation of the Chinese government.
Second, the creation of an indemnity
fund by the increase of China's customs
revenue, either by tbe payment of the
duties in gold instead of depreciated
silver, as at present, or else doubling the
present silver duties from 5 per cent to
10 per cent ad valorem, and
Third, the establishment of a minister
of foreign affairs, In place of the old and
cumbersome system of the Tsung li
The demand for the retirement of the
Empress Dowager is said to result from
the conclusion now generally accepted
that the imperial government of China
was responsible for the Boxer uprising.
As the Empress Dowager was the ruling
authority of the imperial government
daring the uprising, this responsibility
is brought home directly to her. There
is understood to be no puipose, however,
to vieit upon her any personal punish'
ment or indignity, but merely (o so form
the reconstructed government as to ex
clude! her from all participation iu it. It
is deemed advisable for that reason that
she should remain permanently away
from Pekin, and that her advisers al
should be kept awav from the seat of
The plan of doubling China's customs
duties has risen from the need of rinding
a source to pay war indemnities, which
the various powers demand. It appears
however, that the increase of the dutieB
has heretofore been brought to the at
tention of the United States government
by Li Hung Chang. This was during his
vieit to Washington a few years ago
when it was represented that the 5 per
cent was fixed in 1858 by tho treaties
with the United States and other
countries, and was payablo in silver, at
which time silver was worth almost as
much as gold. But, with the changed
value between silver and gold, Id Hung
Chang pointed out that i;!nna s a per
cent duty in silver actually netted onlv
about 2'..' per cent, judged by tho pie
fading gold standard. The matter was
not pressed at that time.
China a present customs revenue are
eaid to be already pledged to meet tho
interest snd principal of Chinese loans
so that it will require some entitely new
source to meet the indemnities. I:i case
the enlarged dutiesnre determined upon,
it is understood that their collection will
be placed under the snnervision ot the
powers, nt least until the indemnities
are paid.
any question about New lork, and it it
evident that Maryland and Delaware
will be carried by small pluralities.
Bryan's two days in Chicago bave
caused some uneasiness among repub
licans as to the result in that city, be- i
cause be lias met there, as be did iu the ;
East, large and enthusiastic crowds, j
At the same time it is believed that the j
Bryan excitement will subside in thej
two days between now and election, and j
republicans are working every way to
counteract the icfiuence of Bryan's visit.
Indiana is considered the most doubtful j
state, owing to the conflicting reports!
and claims. At the same tune, the
evidences point to its going for McKin
ley. Some startling figures weie presented
to Croker in New York last night, when
a poll ly Tammany leader showed that
Greater New York, including everything
beluw the Bronx, was not likely to give
Bryan more than '.'0,000. This is less
than republicans have been claiming,
but the tendency of the voters has been
toward tho republicans. The republi
cans do not fear landslides, roorbacks or
any other form of political manipulation,
and are coiifiifent of success Tuesday.
Catarrd lanuut lis Vurtil.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach tbo seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in ord(.r to enre it you mint take inter
nal remedies. Hull's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a ouack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for yee-s. and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
General Blacksmith
and Horseshoer.
All kinds of blictsmitMnj, wil' .
prompt aitenticn and will ' :,
in first-class shape. (iiVe 'XV
- Richardson's Old stand,
'pi : if.
Ainru .t., near federal, The D.i;,
pipe Jaiioriprt
n cumjjieie line 01 rail and ffint.
Suitings, Pantinitsand Overeoatin. .
on display. 100 different variel L J
fwi't lr..m w
Suits, $20 ar?d up.
Call and
Be here.
& C'owe's.
examine trnmU 1 . .
elseaneie. Second street ,,, c'
"t p. jjt
The undersigned has taken poseestim
of R. A. Spivey paint Bhup, next door to
tne ogt opera house, tvnd his pnr.
cnaseu the tools and bidders. Hs hu
what produces such wonderful results in I good me-chanici working for him, and
curing Catanh. riend for testimonials, i in in ,r.intR all work to give eauW
! trot),
, J, CiiessY & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold bv drrngglsts, price 7."c. I
Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. 12
ricared Her to Heath.
Boc iixhtku, N. Y., Nov. 2 The au
thorities of Allegheny county are looking
for the persons who manufactuied a
skeleton out of animal bones which
frightened Mary Oldfield, of Karrdale,
to death Wednesday night. Mary Old
field, accompanied by two frien Is, wasl
returning from a Halloween party.
where they had listened to. gruesome
stories until their hair stood on end.
When about to euter the woods a
rattling of bones was heard overhead,
and looking npthe trio were overcome
with horror at seeing a skeleton of
gigantic proportions sweeping down on
them f ro n above. With a cry of terror
Mary dropped dead.
A searching party found a wire leading
from the gronnd to a tree top to which
was attached a skeleton by a pulley.
Ntw York' Kx-Myur Dead,
'kw Yoiik, Nov. 2. William L.
Strong, last mayor of the old city of New
York, died suddenly at 3 a. m., at his
residence in this city. Mr. Strong had
not been at ids place of business for
several days, but no one suspected that
his condition was alarming. Mr. Strong
took an active part in the present cum
paigu, and it is said that his political In
born, combined with his attemjits to re
tain 'Supervision over his business affairs
iu the faro of impaired health, brought
about the illness that resulted in bi
Canton, O, Nov. 2. News uf the
death of ex-Mayor Strong, of New York,
was received with feelings of threat
sorrow at tho McKinley homo. The
deceased was esteemed ana personal
friend of long standing. Immediately
upon receipt of lr;o news the pre-idt nt
sent a teli-gritm of condoli-Ms to the
bereaved family.
Outlook I. Urlfclil.
Washington, Nov. X Tho campaign,
practically e'esing tonight, givis every
indication from reports received I ere
that MeKinley will have morn e'ettoral
votes than f ur years sgo. tit the stfs
c'aitned in the Kwt, there is no longer
Hill be 1'ut to Ieath,
P.o Ff, Fridav, Oct. id. The
commission of inquiry into the outrages
on missionaries here has sentenced to
death Tien Yang, the provincial judge;
Wang Hung Oa the military command
ant ; General Kiu and two other officials.
German and French troops will garrison
PaoTing Fu for the w inter. The prepara
tions are complete for destroying October
27 the most venerated temple in the city.
It llajicDil In Diug (Store.
"One day last w inter a lady came to
my drug store snd asked for a brand of
cough medicine that I did not have iu
steck," says Mr. C. It. Grandin, the
popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She
was disappointed and wanted to know
what cough preparation I could recom
mend. I said to her that I could freely rec
ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
aud that ehe could take a bottle of the
remedy and afier giving it a fair trial if
she did not find it worth the money to
bring back the bottle and I would refund
the price paid. In the course of a day
or two tho ludy came hack in company
with a friend in ru ed of a cough medicine
and advised her to buy a bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Ilemady. I consider
that a very go( d recommendation for
the remedy." It is for silo by G. C.
Blakeley, the druggist.
rrotectliiK Hie Trrra.
A brffinuinjr Ims I. made with
forestry in the I nitcd Sfntea. New
York has hi, opted i tsurex to protect
the headwaters of the Hudson. In the
Adirondack p irk :.;;i),n,;n acres lire re.
served, of which l,(Mill,(;n(l js owned bv
the (-lull ns much more is in priealV
frame pre.sen anil the remainder in
the hands of ihr.e who will sell the
state when Cie can tf.-t t Iit-ii- mien
Cornell and Yule conduct oraet !:!
schools of foi cstrv. Little Chi-onl,.!..
t orn I'lidillna;.
To a pint ,f com pulp add a pint of
milk, stir in the well-beaten yolka of
four Ctfffs, a teaspoonful of alt, pep
per to taste.. Mix thoroughly, lastly
add the stiffened whiten and bake In
n moderate oven in a fjrensed dish for
one hour. A delicious aeromnnniinent
to roast meat. Washington Star.
Carbolineum : Avenr.rius.
The most efficient Wood Pre'ctvlnir
l'niiit. also a KuiIIchI II r.lvui..,
t hicken Liee. It Bi.plleiition to In
niilo walls ol poultry houses will i!'
mniieiitly exterminate all Hex. Re
sults healthy chlckiiiH, i entv ol
eeH. VV lite for circulars and pilccn.
Mention this ptqier.
Jos. T. Peters & Co.,
Y)11' ciKisENDou rrni
Physician and Surgeon,
Special attention given lonurcrf.
el. &!S Room 21 ana Vo,n Bloit
TV A. Van Norden
Ketjis eonstoutly on hand a lnnrc anil virlel
lino of all that is bent in Hutcncx, Jeirtirr.
Clocks, HiiertNekn, Klelil (iliissci, Silverware, f,
at prices mat flcry ciMiiiietltiun. .Man oraerti
tenih-ii lo with TroniitiiesM and illhMti'h. Kn-
graviug neatly done. , aogt
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orden attended to promptly. Utf
distance phone 43.'). Local, 102.
. r. mcob. joint "
Rooms XJ and V), over U. s. Land Oulw
For tho
next thirtv ili i ii u nm ..u,, ii, n ercatest I1"'
ItairiS In Grinding Machinery ever oltere,! in II, Kin. I f iri-UMii. We v,r;,
farmer to have a Htar Kee l Mill, becaiiPH it w ill hel; to pav your tux''"; ,l " '
mv yon lime; it will mak.. voiir old borne fatter; it will plennc ynr
cracked (Train for tier chicken; and thia ia a nru way of K"itmtf ' f"7.Z 7
for we are pomtively omu' to close out the inilla. now on hand at ACTlJAb
A charge In the I nuinc-a romoeN tin to do I hit, and now in thn ti"B f,Jf 3
reap the benefit. For further prlleul,vra inquire or write Ij
HUDSON BROWNHILL. The Dalles, Oregon.