The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 07, 1900, PART 1, Image 3

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The Weekly Ghroniele. iSf;lL:X";:m
1ALLK4. - -
have an opportunity to listen to on of
the most logical and popular speakers of
the day Judge George H. Williams.
So great has been'th pressure of busi-
('Mitfud i tteo Wtdnodayt ness at police headquarters the past fei
iJ iturdav.
iY aiii- rcnibj raaru, m advasc!.
one year II 50
-:x njonthi 75
iar moiitbs bC
A Jvcrti.-uiii rates rauonable, and made known
aa mi i;iu-tiu.
Uiirw all commnnlfaUoui U"THF fHKOJJ
C Lt." The l)aile, Oregon.
anders, rooms 1 and 2, Chapman
Sittti rd y lilr.
Thursday William Holder was
pointed pastmaeter at Shaniko.
Mr. Mas Luedde.nana is now sole
proprietor of the Antelope Herald. Mr.
Goodwin, the retiring partner, will turn
his attention to the sheep bueiness.
There are still some reminders of the
recent carnival which shonld be removed
at once. We refer to the debris which
was raked together at the elte of the
grounds and is still awaitiug the garbage
wagon, which cometh not.
A number of the V. M. C. A. boys
met last night and have determined to
form a delisting and literary society,
under the above organization, and have
requested the president of the Y. M. C.
A. to call a meeting of the board of di
rectors in the near future.
The Sampler Miner eaya '.here are
five or six inches of snow at that place,
and at the mines near there there have
been eighteen inches. Antelope had a
a snow storm during the carlv part of
this week, but the nearest we come to it
was to get a whiff of it in the air
Never in the history of the office has a
more thriving business been carried on
in the matrimonial line than is at pres
ent going on in the clerk's office, every
Jay witnessing the iesuing of at least
one license and more often two. Today
we find that a license was granted to
V. C. Vanderpool and Edith Sawyer, of
The dancing season will be opened in
a fitting manner next Friday evening
when the society young Indies have de
cided to give a complimentary party to
their gentlemen friends at the Baldwin
Oj that evening the first of a series of
club parties wag to have been given, but
the young men graciously resigned in
faviir of the ladies.
Alter hve weeks spent in receiving
treatment at Good Samaritan hospital
in Portland, Mies Elizabeth Schooling
leturned home on yesterday afternoon's
delayed train, greatly improved and we
hope will soon be able to be about our
streets again. Miss Schooling has had
a severe Biege of four months, and her
friends are gratified to hear of her re
civery. We have fur sale a neat little home on
jiinrteentli ana fentland street, con
fining of nicely arranged house; good
t, 50x100; sina1! chicken house, yard,
ftc; small orchard, city water, and near
:gli school. Parties are going E.iBt and
vill sill for $300 if taken within thirty
tl.ltrfl. Tliia la a rvraaf manriftna anil arill
V) quick. For particulars call on or ad
dress Hudeon & Brownhill, The Dalles.
A tax liet is not generally considered a
eaeant document to look upon, partic-
t'arly to those whose names appear
"on, and 'tis usually those who are
'Qspicuous by their absence, that are
:nious to view its columns o'er. In
-her years both the sheriff and the
"wspaper have been petitioned by
ny for a copy of the list, and to in
irs all who desire the list now being
'Wished, at the request of the sheriff",
iii Ciihonici.k today mails a paper to
eir address.
Mr. J. P. Lucas left on the midnieht
'in last night for Baker City, Thither
' bore the remains of bis wife for
'rial, the funeral to take place In that
7 tomorrow. He was accompanied
her mother, Mrs. SturgHI, who ar
ed here just after Mrs. Lucas' death
;t(Tday morning; a brother, who has
"" attending school liPre, and Mr.
Mrs. V. II. Wilson. At Arlington
7 will be j lined by II. N. Frazier,
"tv clerk of Gilliam county, and
Fraier, who are intimate friends
Mr- Lucas.
Ii Midway, which most Dalles peo
'"re perfectly familiar wi.h since our
'"I carnival, it seems is not winter
,fl'i but must needs hibernate during
extreme cold weather, and has
eo winter quarters six miles sunth
mrtland at a small station called
However, very few of the per-
"0r8 rest ilnrinir Unit unanil and
8 scattered t. various parts of the
'"i awaiting the lima w hen the ac
ifnn will txvin. which will be on
1. l'-UI.
:i" Halles no doubt has a "kick com-
r clin has certai'ily been slighted
"pu'nican sneaker i nrinrf the en-
U cimia'un. Four years ag we
I'eaki rs galore, and good ones too,
"yly times ensued. This year the
""Hon no doubt came lot.'.acon-
f10" that their mission was not to call
" "Khteons, but tinners to repent-
' arnl tliereforo struck greener
!. lly ay, however, of making
n,, tor Its apparent "snub," we are
days that tbe officers have scarcely bad
leisure in which to devour the surplus of
mushrooms w hich the recorder had pre
viously collected. Last eight the jail
was well filled with drunks, among them
Jim Busche, a half-breed, who repent
antly promised to touch not, taste not,
handle not until New Year's, and was
therefore discharged. Others were Lee
Gordon and John Keipton, who were
fined 3 each this morning; Joe Dje,
w bo was discharged on promise of good
behavior, and still there are two or three
left in durance vile on account of non
payment of "dues."
If any have not sufficient interest in
the result of the election nfxt Tuesday
or imagines his vote is not worth re
cording, it might be well to remember
that one man saved the honor of Crook
county four years ago, that county being
carried for McKinley by the vote of a
village schoolmaster, How ard Isenberg.
Since that time tho young man has
served his country nobly in the Philip
pines and upon returning with the
volunteers entered upon his previous
vocation and was sent by Superintend
ent Gilbert back to his former school at
Cross Keys. - A few days since he wrote
Mr. Gilbert that Crook county bids fair
to again decide lor the right side, but
this time by a much greater majority
than a single vole.
Is it possible after repeated doses of
"Si Perkins," "Josh Whitcomb," and
like performances, perfectly devoid of a
semblance of merit and permeated with
a strong flavor of "chestnuts," that the
Voyt was crowded with an audience
composed of the beet people of the city
at last night's performance of "Uncle
Josh Spruoeby," the name of which was
a sufficient indicator of what the play
would be? Just why such shows (which
added to their already meritlesa nature,
persist in slighting audiences In small
places) are always certain of the bett
houses, while other deserving compan
ies are slighted, is beyond our ken, and
yet such, we reluctantly acknowledge,
Is invariably the case In The Dalles, and
in this instance there was positively no
room for doubt as to the merit of the
play, as everyone was conversant with
its nature. Some may, however, cen
sure home newspapors, claiming that
notices preceding were flattering. True;
but it will always be observed that such
comments are taken from other papers
and published as advertisements, for
which, as in other cases, we do not hold
ourselves responsible.
Monday s Daily.
Bids for the construction of theGentle
men's Driving Association half-mile
track, will be opened Wednesday at 8
o'clock at C. J. Crandall's office.
The ladies of the Mefhodist church
ive in preparation a novel entertaiu-
ot his age, folly capable of performing
tb duty imposed noon him. While. hi
frienJs in Tfce Dalles regret see him to j Th c,h""" ." ,h r '
leave they are at the same t ine pleased
at hearing of hU good luck in securing! Sunday was a dav that w ill long be
such an appointment. I remembered with pleasure by the pas-
Professor Barnes' dog and pony show ' ,or "J members of the Catholic church
was on parade at noon today, and j idg-! ' this city. It was the twenty-fifth an
ing from the showing they made, ttieir i niversary of the pastor' consecration to
performance at the Vogt tonight will be ; lt priesthooJ, and the male members
yery creditable. They have quite ' congregation determined to corn
number cf ponies, several monkevs. a meu'rate the event bv rreseniim?
Al .Nk and John MrYry Killed Hy
login Vtrdjr Morotng-.
At 3 o'clock yesterday kSunday) morn
ing Al Nah, yard-master of the O. li. A
nient thereon, was re'erred to the Jail-,
ciary committee.
The claims against the city, whica
were then lead an I allowed, will ba
published tomorrow.
ey, !
count v
Mrs. J
host of dogs, a team of goats, a trained
mountain lion and a mule, and with
this aggregation they should be able to
thoroughly amuse everyone. The pa
rade was followed through the streets
by more youngsters than one would
suppose The Dalles was the proud pos
sessor of, and if their hopes are realized
for this day, the opera bouse will be
filled with a joyful throng tonight.
Charles McAllister, the sheep king of
Croy, Ofgon, was registered at the Ho
tel Condon this week. Mr. McAllister
is in search of from 0000 to 4000 ewe
Iambs, but could find none for sale in
this neighborhood and explained that
he would in all probability have to go
to The Dalles in order to have bis want
supplied. He incidentally mentioned
that he had disposed of his ewes and
lambs recently for fG andl respectively,
the whole baud averaging over fo per
head. This is, we understand, the high
est price ever paid for graded ewes and
lambs and says much for the ability of
Mr. McAllister as a breeder of sheep.
A certain individual in Condon will
have bats to sell as the result of wagers
made several months ago in regard to
the piice of sheep this fall. Condon
Times. I
father I.ronsgeest with a well-filled
Hirse, while ?a ladies fixed on a ban
quet at the Umatilla House as the form
throcgh w hich thev would express their
respect for the eveut.
A solemn high mass was celebrated at
l0:lWa. m. by the jubilarian, Kev Win.
Hogan, cf St. Mar' cathedral, Port
land, being master of ceremonies and
Kev.;L. Verhaag, of Baker City, Kev. O.
Mueller, of fifteen Mile mission, and
Very Rev. A. Odermatt.O. S. B., prior
of Mount Angel, acting as deacons. Rev
Hogan preached an eloquent and 1m
pressive sermon, speaking mainly of the
dignity cf the priesthood and congratu
lating in fit and elegaut language the ju
bilarian. The choir sustained its well
earned reputation in a number of very
sweetly-rendered selections.
After high mass the congregation ad
journed to the reception room of St.
Mary's academy. Here the pastor re
ceived the personal congratulations of
the members of his flock and the pie
sentatloii was made. Mr. H. Herbring,
chairman of the committee, in present
ing o purse to Father Brousgeest said :
Rk'v. Dear Fathkk: A few months
ago vour esteemed friend, Rev. L. Ver
haag, who happened to stop oil' for a day
o ..ll...l v..ul:
N. at this place, and John M
swKcnman, were run over and kuled by
switch engine No. i'h Aa inoueet was
held at 10 o'clock w hich brought out the
following facts:
ire'ght train in from the! Mi. M r.,in. v .
east and ran in en the side track known th?' X vi," iUJW
as Xo. 1, while the switch engine at-1 Ruest of her cousin, Mrs. L. E. Crowe.
lacnea io a caboose was in the var.U I Vr v
from an
SuturUny'ii lily.
Mrs. Frank Cram is iu Union. Union
visiting her parents, Mr. and
L. Storv.
1. X. L. Itestauriint Kobbed.
nient, "The Temple of Fame," which
will be given about the first of December.
A petition for the incorporation of the
city of Shaniko has been filed with the
county clerk. The petition is signed by
seventy-five qualified electors, residents
of Shaniko.
The complete election returns will be
received at the Umatilla House tomor
row night, beginning at 6 o'clock and
continuing until the question of who
shall be the successful candidate is de
Ray Logan has given up his practice
at Shaniko and is now located perma
nently at Moro. Doc made many friends
in this vicinity during his residence at
Shaniko and he will be greatly missed.
Antelope Herald.
William Henrv, formerly in the em
ploy of Blakeley & Houghton of this city,
and later with the Shaniko Drug Co,
left for Pendleton today. He states that
it is the intention of the latter company
to rebuild their store in the near future. '
The Sin Jose Mercury says a Santa
Clara farmer got a wife through a mar
riage bureau. He also got a law suit, a
divorce, a set of foreclosed mortgages
and a baby he knows nothing about and
has prospects of more things to come.
Matrimony on the bureau plan has pos
sibilities of acquisition beyond the ex
pectation of the ordinary venturer.
li. 11. Grunt, the enterprising cigar
merchant, will organize in a few days a
profit sharing association, in which he
proposes to givfl away during the next
month a valuable collection of clocks,
camera?, silk umbrellas, match boxes,
pipes and other articles. Cupnns wi'l
be given with each cash purchase, and
those having th most cupnns will be
the ones who carry away the pri. 'S.
Business men on Second street, be
tween Federal and Langhlin, have b"gun
to consider their places of business as a
target for all sorts and conditions of
burglars, and well they may for almost
every week they are called upon to con
tribute to the fund which keeps these
rascals afloat.
Friday night the I. X. L. restaurant,
kept by John BurgrafT, was the ecene of
their depredations. Upon returning
from the theater with his family, Mr.
Burgraff was about to unlock the back
door when ho discovered that someone
bad kindly left it unlocked for him, and
upon going into the front room found
that bis till had been broken open and
$16, most of which was kept in a purse
and canvas bag, was missing. The rob
ber, however, deciding not to leave biro
entirely btoke, left $2 In silver in the
till. Nothing further had beeu dis
turbed in the dining room, but in the
kitchen a wire screen had been removed
from a side window. What this had
been done for could not be discovered as
it was evident the fellow had neither
entered nor departed by that route.
Stranger still, but presumably to cover
up .the 'act that he bad a key, the lock
on the door had been broken; but in
the meantime he overlooked the fact
that he had forgotten to again turn the
lock on, giving his motive away.
There ia little doubt in Mr. Buraraff's
mind w ho his visitor was, and before
long he expects to return the call, in
company w ith officers.
It is high time some of these thieves
were captured, and to accomplish this
it seems evident our officers will not be
compelled to go far from The Dalles.
"When Knighthood was lu Flo-.Tr
"Say, Cbimmy, wot s dis, a troop
"Naw, you'ee don't .know nothin,'
dat's a new soap ad."
Two street Arabs with a bundle of
evening papers under their arms were
standing before a poster on a dead wall
in San Francisco. There was a picture
of a Hindoo pointing with two fingers of
his right hand at two large "O's" near
his feet. The fact that there were no
words of explanation to the edd design
gave 'rise to the above question and
answer, which caused a reporter to
pause in the covert hope that a scrap
niigm oeveiop. At i .30
"Uays notlin to u, cnimmy, uey a conBreiia,i on and other friend s sat down
nnttintoit.see? You'se link cos your j l0 an elegant ,anqaet at the Umatilla
mudderkeepsa pig dat you'ee knows j HouePi Tlie banquet was the ladies'
more'n me, see?" contribution to the treasures of the oc-
at The Dalles, called some Catholic gen
tlemen together and informed them that
the time was approaching when yen
would celebrate the silver jubilee of your
ordination to the priesthood, lour rev
erned friend, who presided at the meet
ing,. proposed that some sort of a cele
bration oaght to take place on that oc
casion and suggested as a substantia!
proof of our gratitude to you the raising
of a purse, etc. A committee (you see
the gentlemen present here) was ap
pointed for that purpose, and I am
pleased to say that nearly all upon
whom we could call cheerfully gave their
mite for it. The committee is especially
thankful to the missions of Kingsley,
Cascades and Hood River for their gen
erous contributions.
Rev Father, you have now been a mis
sionary priest for twenty-five years and
have labored here in The Dalles for over
twenty years. We all know how bard
and unceasingly you have labored in
this mission. You were always ready to
assist the poor and the needy ; always
ready to answer sick calls and adminis
ter the sacrament of the holy Catholic
church to the sick and to the dying no
matter how far you had to travel in the
vast region of Eastern Oregon. This I
mention only f pasmnt, but it is proper
for me to say here today that the erec
tion of the new bt. Peter's church is the
crowning work of your pastoral labors
among us. Although, in your modesty
ana wnsellisliness, you would not give
permission to have your name engraved
in the corner stone, still I venture to say
that future generations will thankfully
remember In their prayers the builder
or one ot the handsomest churches in
Oregon; a church which is erected to
the glory of God and in honor of St
Peter, the prince of the apoBtles.
Some members of our congregation
seem to have lorgotten the tact, or per
haps do not know it, that you are th
largest subscriber for this church, and
if I would sum up all the extra bills
you paid out of your own pocket and
from your privite means, your contri
tuitions would reach the large sum ot
$-000. (As financial secretary I know
of what I sneak.)
In view of this fact alone, it Is not
more than proper and right that your
friends should give yon, on this joyful
occasion, a sign of their esteem and grat
itude, and therefore tbey offer you this
little purse and beg you to accept it
And now I'extend to you, in the name
of all those whose signatures you will
find upon these papers, the most hearty
congratulations on your silver jubilee
and hope that we all may live long
enough to celebrate your golden jubilee.
Father Bionsgeest, in a few earnest
and impressive words, thanked his
friends for their kindness. The other
priests, after having made short con
gratulatory speeches, manifested their
good will ih an appropriate present of
their own.
about sixty membeis of the
was iti
running east on the main line
John McVey, Al Nash, the two
that were killed, and T. Ja ksuii
other switchman riding on (he
board iu front of the engine which was
traveling about six miles an hour. The
freight train had on forty cars and when
nearicg the western junction of the side
track with the main line, the engineer
was stopped aud was iu the act of back
ing his engine to have it uncoupled from
the train when the switch engine ap
proached. The driver of the switch
engine supposed everything was safe,
as the man on the head of his engine
K. t-vlvester has returned
extended vi-iit ith hr
daughter, Mis. M. B. Murchie, at North
Mies Tibbels, a cousin of the
Misses Gleun, came up from Portland
Thursday an t will visit in the city for a
few weeks.
Stanly Whitney, advance agent for the
"Hindoo Hoodoo" compan w hich is to
play at the Vogt next Saturday, was io
the city yesterday.
After attending the ministerial con
vention in this city during the week,
Mrs. Win, Hickenbothem returned yes
terday to her home at Columbus.
Dr. A. P. Stowell was in the city yes
terday on 1 is way from Goldendale to
gave turn tlieeignal to come ahead, but ', Vancouver, where he goes to cast his
the freight engine was not dear cf,!ll
main track and the engines collided
turowiug Mcey and Nash under the
moving engino who, unfortunately, were
on the side between tho two locomotives
wiuie oauenman jacason, who was
standing on the opposite side of the foot
board, escaped unhurt
McVey was run over across the loins
and Nas'u had his right leg crushed
so that the fractured bones protruded
ins left I and foot were badly cut
hi8 abdomen fatally bruised and his
fnce cut and bruised. IS th men were
pinned under the heavy locomotive ond
it was with difficulty that their mashed
limbs could be arranged so the engine
could be backed without ii.fPc ting more
injury. The cries of the poor fel'ow
for opiates to relievo their Intense sudor
ing were pitiful in the extreme. Drs
Loan and Geifendorll'er, the company'
physicians, soon arrived and amputated
NaBh's right leg, but he died in about
four hours, w hile McVey died soon after
the accident
Al Nash was about 40 years old and
bad been in the employ of the O. R
N. Co. as yard-master about eight
months, coining here from Salem where
he resided for a long time previously
He leaves a wife and one child. John
McVey's home was in Colorado. He
was about 25 years of ega and unmar
ried. .
The inquest yesterday laBted from 10
a. tu. till 8 p. in. The verdict of the
jury is as follows:
We, the undersigned, the jury, sum
moned by W. II. Butts, coroner of
Waeco county, Oregon, to inquire into
tlie cause ol the death of the body now
oeiore us, alter hearing the evidence in
the case, find the following facts
That the name of the deceased is Al
Nash, whose age is about iS years, and
wno resided in the Lialles and was an
employe of the O. R. & N. Co. in the
capacity of vard-masterof said company
That on the 4th day of November,
1900, at the hour of 3 o'clock a. m. of
said day, in said yards, iu said city,
county and state, and while in the em
ploy of said company as said vard
master, being on the foot board on the
front of engine No. 49, when said engine
vj collided with engine No. 10G, of train
No. 21, which engine No. 100 was on
side track No. 1, in said yards, and part'
ly overlapping on tne main line, npon
which was traveling said engino No. 49,
and by reason of which overlapping of
said engine and the approach of said
engine iNo. 4!, said collission occurred,
the said Al NaBh then and there being,
was injured by being thrown off engine
No. 49 and under the wheels thereof,
and was injured about his head, his
right leg being cut off and bis left leg
and foot being incised, and his abdomen
being bruised, and from which injuries
the said Al Nash died, about the hour
of 7 o'clock, Nov. 4, 1900, in eaid Dalles
That the said deceased came to his
death through and by reason of the care
lessness of some person or persons, but
whom this jury is unable to determine.
W. E. Svi.VKSTgR,
CuAKi.Ea Pavettk,
A. M. Ai.i.kN,
Geo. T. Parr,
Nki H. Gateh.
"Say, you'se, I ain't no pig." Saying
which Chimmy smote tho larger boy a
mighty swat upon the nose, whereupon
the larger boy promptly took to his heels
leaving Chimmy in undisputed posses
sion of tho field. All of w hich goes to
show bow little it takes to start a "rough
" Hindoo Hoodoo" at the Vogt, Satur
day, Nov. !0th.
If yon intend to take o trip East, ask
your ticket iigeni io route you via ii.e
Great Wabatdi, a modern and up to-date
mdvig, the writ known and j railroad in every particular.
caeion, and it cime to Father Erons
geest in the form cf a surprise, for he
was not aware of the ladies' Intention
till a few hours before the banquet took
place. After ample justice had been
ilnnu tntlipirnnil thintr rirnviilfrl. F.ltifr
Verhaag, acting as toastmaster, ma, ' ' '
A Few Important Slattern C'ouataereil
t the I.nxt Meeting.
The regular monthly meeting of the
council was held in the city hall
Saturday evening, with '.he following
members present: F. W. Wilson, F. S.
Roosevelt next
vote for McKinley and
George II. Himes Is a visitor iu the
city today from Portland. Mr. Mimesis
an enthusiastic worker in the interests
of the Oregon Historical Society and is
here for the purpose of collecting relics,
etc., for the society.
Monday's Pally.
Henrv Menefee, editor mi 1 proprietor
of the Dufur Dispatch, is visiting Dalles
f i lends.
A. A. ISonney and wife who at present
reside at Hood River spent Sunday with
Dalles fi lends.
Mrs. Frank C. Bakerj wife of the ex
state printer , is visiting the family of
B. H. Giant of this city.
Rev. Adelhelm OJermatt, prior of the
Mt. Angel Monastery, returned home cn
the morning train todav.
J. M. Berry, the popular traveling
representative of Armour k Co of South
Omaha, spent Sunday in The Dalles.
Hugh Gonrlay, of Tim Ciikoniclk left
at noon today for Goldendale to speak
at the republican rally to be held at that
place tonight.
William J. Lauder, of Salt Springs, is
a guest at the Umatilla House having
been hero for the purpose of delivering a
bunch of lambs which he sold tc Colorado
Reverend Father Hogan returned to
his home iu Portland on the noon train.
be having been iu attendance at th
celebration of the silver jubilee of Rev.
tamer uronsgeest.
At the residence of Rev. W. B. Cliftort-
in this city, Friday evening, Nov. 2d,
E. M. Mone and Mrs. S. T. Lane, both
of this city, Rev. Clifton performing the
A Thousand Tongue
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 112-3 Howard St., Phil-
adelpl ia, Pa., when bhe found that Dr
King's New Discovery for Consumption
bad completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years had made
lile a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Royal Core "It soon re
moved the pain in my chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
andfl. Trial bottle free at Blakeley'r
drug store ; every bottle guaranteed. 5
popular ilar.clng tcach'-r, will organize
hit elites on Wednesday evening at
o'clock. Lant winter Prof. Sandvig had
a largo and successful clasp, and this w ill
bo good news to those desiring to learn.
All fchould be present at tbU meeting as
It is essential for beginners to learn the
first rudiments and it is expected that a
large class will be organizid.
Professor Albert T. Baldwin, of this
city, lias accepted a position as teacher
of music in the Mt. Angel college and
will I ave for tho scene of his labors in a
few days. Mr. Baldwin Is a graduate in
music from that institution and is tt re
markably fine musician for a young man j
Through trains from Chicago, Ktnsas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
anil New Mngland poinlc. All trains
run via Nlngar Falls and every through
train has free reclining chair cars, sleep
ing and dining cars.
Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
agara Fails. Ros C. Clink,
Pacific ('oast Pass. Agt,.
Los Argeles, Calif.
C. S. CiiANK, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
Ileal l-nlnte for Kale.
Twenty-three lots, located from Sev
enth street to Twelfth, for (ale at from
$')0 up. Inquire at the Columbia
Hotel. aLU-tf
neat little speech that put everybody in
good humor, proposed the health of the
jubilarian. Father Bronetieest respond
ed in feeling terms and earnestly thanked
j those present for this lust and crowning
evidence of their kindness towards him.
In respon'e to numerous toasts short
impromptu speeches were made by the
clergy, Messrs. N. J. Sinnott, M. T.
Nolan, If. J. Maier, H. Herbring, F. W.
L. Skibbee, Hugh Gourlay, Mrs. M. T.
Nolan and Miss Lizzie Bonn, while Miss
M. Pnrcell contributed to the pleasure
of the occasion in a characteristic Irish
At vespers Very Rev. A. O.lormatt
preached a powerful sermon that was
highly appreciated. And thus closed a
day tiiat will long he remembered with
pleasure by the pastor and congregation
of St. Peter's church.
A very stylish lailiea' waist, made ol
French flannel and nicely trimmed, in
the latest colors, only f- 21 at tho New
York Cash, Store.
Mayor Dufur was out of tow n, F. W,
Wilson presided.
After the reading and approval of the
minutes of tho lu t meeting, the report
of Marshal Driver, Treasurer Crandal!
and Recorder Gates were read and approved.
, u, .ouv.uum.1 ,mv to ,.lke Try (hemi (IlIv o- r(,nt(1
culvert be constructed acros China j Money back if not cure. Sold by
creek, Mr. T. J. Seufert agreeing that he Blakeley, the druggist. o
would furnish scrapers, horses and men I
for the construction of the same and w ill
. , , , ,, ., . . Came to mv place Rhiut a month ago
I n red iininlev cow, w ith white hind feet,
up the beach to Three Milo. branded on" lett hip with thr lines
I he claims of the (..nlnmbni r eed 1 ard
Died In Foot house.
New Yohk, Nov. 2. George Washing
ton Freeman Horner Green, a former
negro slave, died in the Alms Hospital,
at Hempstead, L. I., yesterday, at the
reputed age of 123 years. Green is (aid
to have been born on a farm near Eliza
beth port, N. J., on January 1, 177 7. Ha
was sold to a Virginia pi inter named
Horner, by whom, it is said, he was sold
to General Washington. In 1812 he was
made a free man, and then came north
and was employed by George Gr;en, a
ong Island farmer, with whom he re-
ained for forty years.
Green's faculties remained unimpaired
until fifteen years ago, when his sight
and hearing began to fail, and he entered
the poorhouse, where he had lived ever
since. He used both whiekey and tobacco,
but Is said never to have shown and bad
effects from either. He was married
several times, and is said to have been
the father of thirty-seven children, most
of whom aro dead.
Hint TlirolibliiK Headache
Would qn'ckly loiivj you, if you ucd
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matclileja
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They imiko pure blood and strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
and Charles Payette, which were re
ferred to the finance committee at the
previous meeting, were cut down one
half and allowed.
A petition of Charles Miller praying
that a deeil to lots H ai d 4, block 4:!,
Gates addition to Dalles City, be issued
to him by the city, since he has pur
chased tho same and completed his pay-
t tray otU-e.
Came to mv place abiut a month
meeting at a point, under-crop off right
er. Owner can have her ! paying
charges. I'fiku iohhikv,
Tho Dalles.
Oct 11, 1900. M w-ivy
Wo olfVr for a limited period tho
twice-a-week Ciikhnu i.e, price $1.50,
and the Weekly Oregoniatl, price $1.50,
both papers for $J a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance, tf