THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1900. STrrm rj mm i, i The Kind You Have Always iu use for over 30 years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but . Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants nnd Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cortoria is a harmless substitute for Costor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It oontuins neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worn and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation And Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S7 Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use FoV Over 30 Years. TH mul COMMNV, TT MOKaAV THCKT. HIW VOW OITV. PEOl'tK COMING ASH GOINO. Mrs. J. B. Croitten, of Portland, is visiting friends in the city. J. L. Gordon, of flood River, i in the city, tbe guest of tho UniHtilla House, J. D. Whitten, of Kinsley, . in town last night the guest of the Umatilla House. Mrs. C. F. Stephens, grand chief of honor, returned home last night from an official visit to the Portland lodges. Mies Molly Klindt, who has been living in Seattle for the past four years, returned home yesterday and will piob ably remain permanently. J.Harvey Smith came up today from St. Martin's Springs and left on the de layed train for his hoirre in Grass Valley. His sojourn at the springs has entirely relieved him of his rheumatic troubles. John II. Cradlebangh and his son, Rudy, arrived here from Biker county on this morning's train. Mr. Cradle baagh speaks enthusiastically of the Golden Eagle mine, which is owned by himself and a number of Dalles capital ists. He says they are at present taking oat ore that will rnn from $1500 to $7000 a ton. CASTQRIA For InLnts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Drying preparations simply devel op ury catarrh j they dry np the secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom- pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. ing inhalants, fumes, smoke and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 0c. iize. Ely Brothers, GO Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Btilin you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. The Dalles Street Fair has conic and gone-, but Tho Fair Store has come to stay. AVe are saving the people money on Men's Clothing, Underwear, Hats and Shoes, as well as Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery. You will find in our Storo lots of bargains. We have the best lino of up-to-date Jackets and Capes for Ladies' and Misses', and about one-third less in price than other stores. Come and see us and we will be pleased to show you our goods. We are agents for Millers All -Wool Clothing. THE FAIR. 3 Bought nnd which has been has borne the elprnatnre of ami has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Signature of PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. An up-to-date junk dealer in James (street hang's: out this sijjn: "1 Am a Buy Metulist." -Town Topics. An I'li-to-Dute Breakdown. "Yet, they eloped in an automobile." "That was nice." "Oh, I don't know. They came buck in n hayrack, driir;i"K' the nuto after them." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Seeing nnd Henrinj,'. A boarder "down enst," accustomed to the noise of a city square, writes back that "The stillness is ko great at night you can hear it. The also is visible." Boston Trunseript. Ifow It Worked. Mrs. Ilix "1 don't believe in these faith cures brought about by the laying on of hands." Mrs. Dix "Well, I do. I cured my lit tle boy of the cigarette habit in that way." Pearson's Weekly. Urgent. A WinHeld lawyer received n letter from u, client the other day urging him to hasten a certain collec tion. "I am hard up," concluded the writer, "and need the money bad. Hoping this will find you the same, I am yours," etc. Kansas City Jour nal. "Stop." she cried, ns he attempted to kiss her. "You must!" He. having had hut little experience in this sort of thing, was inclined to take her nt !ier word. She noticed it and hastened to repeat: "Stop! You mussed my hair." Then he resumed, hut more carefully .-Catholic Standard. Deficiency in the Attic. "I nm a self-made man," said the proud indi vidual. "Well, you are all right, ex cept as to your jiead," commented the other part of the conversation. "How is that?" "The part you talk with is out of proportion with the part you think with." Baltimore American Druggists' Prices. Druggist "Peo ple think they are very funny when they talk about the exorbitant prices dyked by apothecaries." Customer "So there is nothing in it, eh?" Drug gist "So, indeed. I consider my prices quite reasonable. I never risk for an article anywhere near as much ns I should like to." Boston Transcript. THE FH R The Place to Save Money on all kinds of Merchandies. 133 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. CHINA'S FIRST LADY. The Empress Dowager Said to Have English Blood. , HrwarkahU latellert mmd Vtoidri. fal t haracleriatice ol the Wstm- B ttti Kalra-tbc Dratl- Ira of thrtbiaeae. Few people are aware that the em press dowiiger is credibly believed by w 11-iiif'irined people in China,. Japan and India to have lij-itish blood in her veins! There is no doubt that her mother was a European, though whether British, Port nguee or Kus sian deponent i-aitii not, says the Lon don Sketch. Though close on 70 years of age, she Is still u good artist, and is said by those familiar with the Chinese language to be u tine poet. Some IU years ago she solemnly pre sented u long poem of her own com iiosition to the llanlin college. Trans lotion of rtiose articles dealing wi' Chinese affairs appearing in leadir Koropcan newsiuipers are carefully read by her, so she is quite aware of the jealousy and suspicion which animate the nowers the moment the Chinese nrobleni comes under (lis- cussion. Yerv. verv few of the millions whom she rules with nn iron ban have ever seen the empress dowager, As reuarils all outward forms and ceremonies, she is intensely conserv; tive, and it is said that she even dis cusses high affairs of state through a door and through a curtain. The Purnle Forbidden City in other words, the imperial palace, at I'e kiiiff is n huge human- rabbit-war ren, for there must dwell nil tho connected with the court, with the nominal emperor, his harem, and the thousand eunuchs who wait on the imperial family, anil who ti'nl the em press dowager in bringing on her en eiiiii-s the mysterious disease, "pressed in anger of the inside." which has re moved so many unpleasant people from her oath, including, it is said, two empress consorts. Ts.e-llsi enjoys wonderful .health and nowhere is her remarkable intel lect more shown than in the matter of doctors and hygiene. She early grasped the fact that European worn en owed their strength of bydy and mind to their habit of taking a great deal of exercise. Accordingly, she learned to wrestle, nnd each morning takes it out of herself in this, for a Chinese lady, astounding fashion Then, atrain, she is a great believer iu the efficacy of cold water, nnd she has a horror of doctors nnd of sorcerers indeed, she sends for one only when she requires the loan of peculiarly deadly nnd potent drug. It is believed that the empress' own life has been attempted no fewer than 0 times, but, thanks to her wonder fully well-organized detective system and also, it is hut fair to add, to the real affection, and even, respect, she inspires in her own faithful band of eunuchs, she has never been serious ly injured. Yery characteristic Is he intense interest in nil that concerns Queen Yictoria. Pictures cut, from London papers and representing the more notable, events of the great sov ereign's life have been framed and hung up in her inner chambers. The empress dowager, ns her name and, indeed, early career prove, was once n very noted beaut v. She has remained much interested in the art of beauty, .nnd' dresses with extraor dinary mngnificence. On the other hand she remains faithful to the Chi nese custom of wearing no precious stones, only very finely wrought gold en ornaments and splendidly carved jade. Nothing makes her more con temptuotisly angry than to see a Chi nese woman in European dress or aping any of the ways of a "lady for eign devil." (Strayed. Strayed from my place on the Muff, a 2-year-o:d Jersey heifer; dehorned; ear mark on both ears ; brauded bar Z on both hips. Liberal reward paid for her return. olO-itw Bert Bagley. THE FAIR. 3 For three dav and nigut I lutTered Hony untold from an attack of cho?era morboi brought on by eating cucum bers," tay. M. E. Lowther, clerk of the district court, Centervilie, Iowa. "I thought I ihouJJ surely d'e, and tried a dozn different medicine but ail of no purpose." I ent for a bottla of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three doses relieved me entirely." This remedy for sale by BUkeley, the dtrjfgUt. - - M'jki Tea positively cures S:rlf Head ache, indirection and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Remove aii eruptions of the ikin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cfs. andoOcte. Elskeley, the drugjUt. Acker's English Remedy will stops couifh at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hour, or money refuuded. 2o cte. and 50 ct. Biakeley the diugimt. Wanted. or girl -to A woman or girl -to take care of a child, five months old. Apply to P. He.vnisgsos, o313t M osier, Or. T. A. Hinsos. Notary hublic. Timothy Brows hill. Attorney at I. aw. Real Estate, Insurance, Loans, Conveyancing and Abstracting. We represent some of the largest fire insurance companies in the world. We have a large list of prorerty, both city and country, for alo and rent. We have monev to loan on real estate security at reasonable rates of interest. We do all kinds of conveyancing, and are the exclusive owners for Rice's eya tern of abstracting, w hich precludes the possibility of mistakes iu looking up titles to real estate. Any one having nropertv for sale or rent will find it to their advantage to leave it in oar bands. Collections and all legal business left In our rare w ill receive prompt atten tion. Will practice in all the courts of the itnte. Correspondence promptly answered. Offices: Washinjton French & Co.'s street, next to NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice In herebr given tbnt tho undersigned fans duly filed with the county ccrk of Wasco county. uregon, his final account and report at executor of the estate of Lhoebe J. Haight, de ceased; and that the honorable county court has fixed Monday, the 5th day of November, 1:H)0, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day as the tine, and the county court room in the county com t house In Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, as the place for bcartuK said tlnal account and repo.t. All persons Interested in said estate are here by notified toapricamt said time and place and show cause, ii any there be, why said report should not be approved nnd said executor dis charge!. uuicu mis znn any 01 serteinoer, i n. FRANK MKNEFKE, Kxceritor of the estate of Phoebe J. llnleht. deceased. octa NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offu at The funis. Or., ( October, t-t, l'.mo, ( N'otico is hereby given that the fotlowiiiK- namrd settler has filed notice ot his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that, said proof ill be made beloro the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, ou Wednes day, December 5, HKW, vii.: Henry C. McKamey, of The Dalle, Oregon, H. K. No. 5H.9, for the SYM tiee. at, 12 N, K 12 E, M. no numea tne following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence- uoon and cultivation of said land, viz. : flank Ijipler. James R. Steele. Krle (irnnhmd. Albert Davidson, all of The Dalles, Oregon. ocUT JAY P. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Office at Tin Pallhs. Orkook,! October luoO: ( Notice Is berebv riven that the fillnii.s named settler has tiled notice of her intention to mate nnai proof in support of ber claim, and that said proof wilt be made before the H.-i.utr and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes day, December, 5, MOO, viz: Hattle L. Knndy, of The Dalles, Oregon, If. E. Nc, KM, for file 8W'i Secil, YiN, K Isi K. W. M. . Khe names toe following witnesses tonrnvehsr continuous residence upon and cultivation of ihiiu moil, viz, Frank Lapier. of The Dalles, Oregon, Albert (1. McKamev. of ML Hood. Orirnt llunrv un. Kamey ni.d Eric Cranlund.o: The Dalles, dr. c7 JAY r. M'CAH, Register. T. A. Van Norden Keen constontle on hnii - r , '"!' " ; 1 heat l w.SS:" Jewelry . locks, H:reotiic!es. H.,i r;i.i. un. .'.... . .1' ?' V,!R? hat defy competition. ' Mall orders at-' ,r. . 1 . " 'r"n,Pihe ana dispatch graving neatly done. .. Kn- augj r. mcoss. JOIIK OAVI 3I00RE & GAVIN, A I IOKXEY9 AT LAW Rooms 3 and 40, over U. s. Land Oltlc WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington St. All ordert tttcnrled tn promptly. Long uuimuta puooe 3d. LiOcal, 102. Hudson & BrOWDQili SUMMONS. In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco t' The Oregon JUIlroad 4 Navigation Co., I'laiotirT, vs. John If. Kobese and tinma K-.berg, hl wife: barks ii. Graham: John l' ad Kii-hurd line, hue name are unknown. Defendants. To John H. Koberar, Emma Kobeig, bis wife: ( harles It. itrahaui: John Doe and Kic.iard Koe, whose names are unknowa, i.'!eud&nU: In the none of the State of Oregon : You. and each of yon. are hereby notified that the onuou Uailroad i Nurigatlon Company bus filed a coni.iiiLt ajiiiu.t Tuu in the circuit lourt of the tlote ol Oreguii for the County of Wareu, and you are hereby required tc appear and answer ssid coin plaint on or before tbe last day of the time pretcribed by the order it pub lication, thut is to say on or before Saturday, the loth dav ol November, I'.Mf. You are further notiried that if you tail to apiar and answer tl.e ermplaint. or plead thereto, at aaid time, the plalntili' will can your default to bCeo tered and w ill apply to the court fr the relief pravid for iu the -mplaint : lliKt is to say that su assessment of the aaimiges which will remit from the appropriation by the plaintiff' of the six tracts of land lirst hcrcinaft-r described, and also from the appropriation by the plalntiU'of the riifht to borrow earth, atone, gravel and other material from the tive tracts of land here inafter described he had, and that on payment of the dimtiges so assessed into the hands of the clerk of this court by the plaintiff, j jdgment he given appropriating salu progeny, una an oi it, to Ibe plaintiff. The six tracts of land which are songht to be appropriated herein and which are above re ferred to, are particularly b-juuded and de scriljcd us follows, to-wit: Tract One Beginning at point in the easter ly oriiinal right of wnv line of the railroad," bicb p. -lot is 101. feet north aud 2M feet east from the nunrter corner between sections thirty one (it) and thirty-two (:!.'). township three '3) north, range eleven (Ii) east Willamette Meridian, and M) ftet distant from and measured at right angles to the rtvi.-ed center line; thence south easterly ol a cm ve to the left, having a radius of H feet a dintance of :i!7 feet to a point which Is "at feet distant from and mtasurtd at right tingles to the revisd center lino, thence parallel Willi sard revised center line and .'0 feet distant northerly therefrom and on a course bearing south fit) degrees 61 minutes east a distance of feet to a point in tbe south line of said lot four (I): thence west along said Bouth line a di.-tnce of Mi feet to a point which is .VI leet distant from and measured at riht angles to the revised center line; thence north IX) degrees 51 minutes west a distance of U feet to a point; thence on a curve to the right, having a radius of tfsfc! feet a distance of feet to a point in the original light of way line of the railroad, which point is SO feet distant from and measured at right angles to tire revised center line; thence northwesterly along said original right of way line a distance of 2-'iii feet to the place of begin ning, containing .H3 acres. Tract two Beginning at a point 1SJ0 feet east and 87(1 fett north from the quarter corner be tween said sections thirty-one and thirty two (3..'), township three (:n north, range eleven (11) cast Willamette Meridian, which point ia -V.) feet distant trom and measured at right angles to the revlstd center line of the railroao; thence on a course Irearicg soitth im degress 51 niiuutcs east, para'l l with and W feet distant southerly from said revised center line a distance of bx feet to a point; thence on a curve to the right having a mil ills of l::-3 feel a distance of ;iku feet to a point on the southerly original right of way line of the railroad; thence nonhwesttrly along said original right of way line a distance of ldu:! feet to a point on the west line of lot three :!, section thirty-two : thence south 10 feet to the place of beginning, containing I -J acres Tract three Beginning at a point on the orlg trial right of way lino of the railroad, which point is 2."4)i feet ast from the quarter c. rrrer between sections thirty-one and thirty-two :!.'), township three :J. north, rango eleven 11 east Willamette Meiiiiian, thence east along the south line of lot three fS, section thirty-two :S ') a distance oi '4 feel to a point which is 'A) leet distant from and measured Kt right angles to the revised center line; the ce on a course benr- mg rif rtn 41 degrees 10 minutes west a dlsiunce of '.'JO leet to a point In the original right of war line of the railrcaid: thence southeasterly along said original right of way line a distance of I'm feet tu the place of b. ginning, containing .Ml acres. Tract four- Beginning nt a point on the oiig irml right of way Hire of the railroad, which point is teei west anil I'JI-t feet north from the southeast corner of said section thirty-two (:l.), township three (:'.) north, range eleven (II) east Willamette Meridian; thence onncouise bearing north t degrees minutes west a dis tance of J40 feet to a point: thence on a curve to lire light naving a ramus oi ssu leet r distance of ol;; feet to a point which is .".0 l-ct distant from and measured Rt right angles to tho re vised center line; thence northerly at right an kIcs to the revised center Hire a distance of 10 feet to a point which Is W leet distant from nnd measured at light angles to the revised center lirre; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of Is-'iO feet a distance of 77ii feet to a point: thence southwesterly at right angles to tbe revised center line a distance of in feet to s point which is -') feet distant from and meas ured at right angles to the revised center line tnence on n curve to the right having a ,-od ins ot iniiu leet a distance ol :uo leet to a point ou the westerly line of lot two (.') said socllon thirty-two (:), which point is -VI feet distant trom ana measure at right ang'cs to the re vised center line of tho railroad: theme due south U) feet to k point in the orlninul right of wiry linen! the railroad: thence southeiuit along said oilgiual right of way line a distance of IM leet to the place ot beglmiHig, containing 1.U4 .-rea. Tract Ave-Beginning at a point on the nri- lual right of way line of the railroad, which point la 218 feet west and li nt feet north from the southeast corner of said section thirty two lownsnip mree -i north, range eleven (I I) rnn. ii iiiniiieiie .-tie riuiiin, auu mi leeiaisiant from and measured at right angle to the re vised center line: thence on a curve to Ilw' having a radius of l:xs icet parallel with and .XI leeiaisMut trom said revised center line a dls tnnceof 778 feet to a rmfut on the orlelim! south. erly right of way line of the railroad: thence, easterly and southeasterly along said original right of way line a distarree of nun feet to the place of beginning, contain! jg .aK acres. Tract six Beginning at a nolntnn n, . line of saW section thirty-two (:li), w hich point wewiiri iu iron, ine snnineaat corner of said section thirty-two. (:), township three (i) north, range eleven (II) east V Iriamette Meri dian, and . feet distant from and measured at right angles to the revised center line; tnence on a course tx-aring north .7 degree as minutes west a distance of ttf feet to a point In the orlar iiihi nghtof way line of the ral!raad; thence northwesterly along said original right of way line a distance of V2 feet to a point which U ! 0 feet d istaut from and measured at right angles to the revised center line; thence on a course bearing south .'.7 degrees :v minutes east paral lel with and "iO feet distant ftom said revised center line a distance of It;- feet to the eiat line of said lot one (II; thence south Ui feet to the piace of beginning, containing antes. The tive tracts of land which are above re ferred to nnd the right to excavate anil borrow earth, stone and gravel aud other material from wnicn in sought to be appropriated herein are particularly deerlbed aa follows, to wlt: Tract I -From that trart lying southerly from tract number one above mentioned and be tween the right of way thetelu deserilx-d aud the original right of wnv line of rl,or-,i.-,i . ...i between Hlntlon l::u plus s.i of the revised oen ter line of the railroad, nnd the south line of said lot four (I), contiilnlng .cs acres. Tract two Also from that tract M feet In width lying southerly from tract number two and contiguous to the right of way th-ndn de "r";'n''1''etwcPHtl7oii U-, 1.) and Station 1 11.) (10 of the revised center line of the railroad. f-Tf ""T'n1"" ,mm lhn ract lylrrg In lot two U) and three (:') contiguous to and north CHsterly from the right of way descrllx-d In trae s nunrlercd three and four aud tretween Stations l;MVi anil I:i70of the n-vls.1 e"nt. r iDi" I'i,iM",.'.lM",n,t ""'ii"rpicc,. r,u-t In width at sad star on im-o..,h .";.'. a .lnt .t in., i... .i' ' " .'" . ... ,,, treonyinai rigtit 'ry "he at Station l.i.;,, containing J. M Tir.'!r,t 'r"rA'"? ,rom ,hnt cl W feet In width lying southerly from tract number live scrlrdairdbetwesnHiatiorisnsttaod ... p,is uud,:.;r.:.Ve..,""""r ",,e ' u, thln-i Jv-A1, '"'' ht tract lying between sect). ml Kn(t th " 'd ser tion thirty two Mv, containing .0.'. acre. All of said rirsmivi .o,...ui i. , ... . - mo,,? i, k.f fl.?t rnhllcatlnn of Ihls sum- a d or 'i"T,l ,e 'V H-l'temtier, mthdavni sr 'V '"''" iHstuldav.iha in. dl lni hMlh"'."""': '"''.. laid I pTrCi-L "" Ml""r"" '"h l" hIu'w1 T"u" P,lhll"h"' V order of the "ou. W. Brndsh.w, judge of the Hcvcnth JullClal ntntrlMft r.1 r andd.t, .A.J.:'L,1'.OB."akde .. ... lifljy HOiii -J? JlLruinti,. Summons. In the Circuit Comtof ths Bute of n Vtasej County: 0n'?ii.t lad fcpeiMiinger, Plaintiff vs. ' Henry Speiclunger, Defendant. In the name of the 8Utev.f Oree .n- You ara hereby required to tbe comprint tiled' JZ "u?S ' entitled suit on or beir lhe time presc.lbed in the order for the ' of this summons, to-wtt..m or hi fj ,01lrt,ii utlve wees, froin ,ne " 1J, which said -Nth day of &,Lt"n. the date o the first pu'hlicau'u mons, lo-wlt: Vo l are required , "" answer said complaint on or belorj M?" ej of NovemlK-r, l'joo, which said wi " ? vember is tho lust day of ,?T "f So- -ribedintlieor.l,-rfor tfau ptibl!cr . summons, and if you fail to uui , 01 1 thereof plHintitf will ap,,iv to th -ZZcJ"' court for the relief prayed for Id iSTr"1' pla.nt. to wit: That the'of 5 if '' heretofore and now existing b-tiveen.,1 ? ,m'mt defendant be di, solved and held fKn?"M plaintirf and defendant be i n i" hI vorced from each other, and tuLt ,V 1:' name be changed to her maiden name L" ' lira Dole, and for sjeh other and I ',TJ' U":'- as w the coint may seem just and e.n i-.'ki '' This sumrnoi). is .rvi ' J,"" "-bit opficnmKer, i publinttti'iii t! 1 HKONICLS fu of Hon. W. L SpeiehiriKer, prrblicatiort the above named """I 1 H konicls for lx consecutive weet.k "1 of Hon. W. L. Bradshsw, j'nige ol th6'?11" entitled court, which order w, Zi,"' bear dute of September 27, pum " .t,. " -S'K" it. n.urs 'J Attorney for I'huiiiij NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the undemi.J have tiled with ti e Clerk of the count! S the State of Oregon for Wasco courm 'the ' aw omit us executors ot the last will . a ,!"' merit of Henry IUriin,n .. "'J1 Monday, tho 4th duv o iv.T '', . hour of- lOo'eloek a. . h. rii:'""-. County Court for Bald county asthetimV'i the county court room in Dalles iti i, ,k place for hearing of objections to slid final .mint u,wl fltu ujitf rn..w.n ..r .1 llul W- .uu... ...w nv.,ib,iicni i,i me same. J. v . FKKXcn F. V. MAYS. Executors, sepi KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office atThe I)LLis,()r.l( Notice Is hereby given that 'the' 'foltowL named settler has llled iro'ice of his Intmi,,! to make tirral proof in support of his claim md that said proof will be made before trie ruin,, and receiver of the II. H. land oilice t ih Dalles, Or , on Saturday, Nov. 10, lsmo, via; leter etoller, Jr , of Tho DhIIos, Or., H. K. No. M37, fortheWhi NVqr and SK qr N W qr Sec M, Tp a N, H u i, Ho names the following witi esscs to rmt bia continuous reaidence upou aud ciiltlv.iim of said land, viz: John Diilryiuple, Fred Wlckman, C. C Em Hsb, J. E, Johnson, all of The Dulles, (Ir. octli JAY V. LL'CAS, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the County Court of the St to of Oregon for , the County of Wasco. In the mutter ol the estate of Lruis Schwa b'icber, deceased. Notice Is hereby giien that the undersigned ha lieen duly appointed ad mlnistrator, with the will annexed, oi tl es tate of Louis -Sohwiibacher, deceased. All pa son having claim against the estutei f mi deceased are hereby notiried to present then, duly verified, to the undersigned at his orace In t .e itore-rooin of Fleischner, Mayer it Com pany, In the City of Portland, Oregon, within six months from the da e hereof, Dated this 17th day of October, ltH. SOLOMON HIKSCH, Administrator. Cotton, Tkal A Minok, Attorneys for Administrator. Oct; NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given th it the underslmol has duly (Tied with the County clerk of ttups County, Oregon, hi final account and report u administrator of the estate of Adolph Agidiiu, decenseii, and that rhe Honorable County Court has llxed Monday , the. it h day ol November, I'M nt 10 o'clia-k a. in. of said day as the time, soil the County Court room ol the County court bouse In Dalies City, Wasco County, Oregon, i the place for hearing said llnnl account and n- Krt. Alt persons interested in said eslste Are lereby notilied toapearnt said time snil place and show cause, ii any there be, why stud report should not be approved and said aumliiiilnlor discharged, Dated this oth day of October, 1 WO. J. P. A( Administrator of the estate of Adnlph Agidius, deceand. or" NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Optics at Tin, 0m., sept , vm. i Notice Is hereby given that the followlnr named settler ha tiled notice of his intention tion to make llnnl proor in support of bis clxlm, nud that aald proof will be mailt be fore tbe regl.ter and receiver at The l)ll, Oregon, on Saturday, November 10, law, vli: Cnlvlii .1. Ilunaxln, of M osier. Or.. II. K. No. 5121. for the SK qr, S 31, Ta N, K 12 K, W. M. lie names toe following wltneses topmy hi continuous reaidence upon, and cultivation said land viz: Michael Doyle. It. K. Dovle, The Dulles. or., Jaine M. Brown and t arl . K. Carlton, ol Mo kU'r0r' . .. JAY !'. l.l" n29 .-KeiHM NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND Office at Vanhouvfk, j October lM. Notico la hereby given that the following- named settler hss filed notice of his luteiiiion to make final proof 111 support of his claim. that said proof will be made before . n- by, I'. S. commissioner for the DUtrlct Washington, at lioldendnle, Wah., on ilotaUfi iieceirner 10, jihjo, vix.: Oaorga B. fit. Lawrence. of l.yle I'. ()., Wash., who made II. K. No, Pj lor the W' 8K nud K'i s i tec -12K.W. M. li ....... r..iin..-lii(. wlrtiessfis to print his rontiuiiou residence nioii and cultivation of said land, viz.; ,. Tbomaa J. Whltcomb, (ieorge son'nsi u, Bradford and ;Wllliara inunr, all o ; l.ylc r.u, Washington. D ..,, c:(l w, it. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereSv given thnt the iinilcrs'riet hiibHtidulvapHiluted by the county c011"'" the state of Oregon, for asco e y. trator of tbe estrrlo of Kllzabelh A. biHithMD. deoeased. All person having claims sgsi" tne estate of faid deceased are hereby ni" to present the Mine, with tbe proper vjn therefor, to me at my office Iu H id. OW"' within six months from the date hereof. DaM riepteml)er 2-U 1'.- J( gorl HKBj, soi2ii ' ' Adinlnls'"1"'- CUctai Lice ConpcreJ. USE- Carbolineum : Avenarius. The most efficient Wood rrcerTl'' I'aliit. also Badleal lteinly "K" Chicken Lie. II application o M side walls of poultry house' will per manently exterminate """';. tilts healthy chickens, I' ''"' ea-gs. Vt tltn for circulars aud pilces. Mention this paper. Jos.T. Peters & Co., till KA11.H. tlltlfl" i DR. UKISKNOORrrER Physician and Surareon, Special attention flven to.iimcrr. el. i Room 21 and . Voft