The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 03, 1900, PART 2, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
OfFlClAL I'Al tK OF WA8CO (Win,
Published in two porfi, on Wtdnetdayt
md Saturday.
Mnwaumm rates.
t mail, rom-.s i-amrtiD, is advahci.
one jmr x 11 so
lx motsa 7
Tare moathl , 40
Advert'.aicg raw reaaouaule, and nude know a
on application.
A idreaa all oommunlcatloua lo"TUK i'HR'JN
;i LE." The Dallea, Oregon.
Wedneada) r' bally.
Dr. Sunders, rooaie 1 and 2, Chapman
jock. tf
Artemas Ward, of White Salmon, ami
Mat tie Wateon, of this county, were
united in marriage yesterday afternoon
by Kev. U. F. Hawk.
(ienera! George H. Williams, of Port
land, has consented to address t tie peo
pie of The Dalles on the political issues
of the day at the Baldwin opera house
next Monday evening, November 5th.
In view of the fact that a large num
ber of the troops in (he Philippine, w i 1
soon return to the states and be rnus
tereii out, Portland's chamber of com
merce is making a determined iffnit to
induce the war department to land at
least a portion of the troops in Portland.
A Baltimore dispatch says the Irish
Historical Society will celebrate 'tonight
the Gaelic feast of 'Edsidchee Shamma,"
from which the feast of Hallowe'en is
eaid to have originattd. Gaelic prunks
will be played and old Irish custems re
vived. Irish ballads w ill be song, and
the dishes which were eaten in Ireland
in the dajs of anc:ent le.sts will he
served to the gueets in the quaint style
of bygone centurieH.
The love of animals is deeply planted
in the heart of every tight); constituted
human being, and when to nature
scienlitic training has been added, the
Saturday's Special.
"Mother's Friend"
Waists for Boys...
There is a splendid variety here for all
sorts of boys, made from Flannels, Flannelettes
ami Permits. No wonder that mothers are de
lighted with them, and the boys are proud to
w-ar them.
Pease & Mays.
All goods marked in plain figures.
One that in every wa meets vour idea of what it correct ;
then call and see our exhlhitiou of new Fall style. It's a "sure
thing" that you'll tind just the stvle von want.
If you are looking for a neat, nice, fashion). !e
and inexpensive Suit of STRICTLY ALL WOOL,
see our line at
It s bound to give you satisfaction; because, in the start, it's
made of good material; it's well put together: good seam, kood
lininee, and cut to tit, in the very latest style sack coat.
Our $10.00 Overcoat
of strictly all wool, in b:ue, black and oxford gray, cut in long
box stvle with velvet collar, nicely lined and well made through
Our $1.50
It you want a thoroughbred hat the top-notch of hat ex
cellence yon most buy one of these. We show them in all the
latest colors, and we guarantee them equal to any $'J.OO hat told
in Oregon.
The 3 Things
Mo.-t important in Shoes are
1st. A perfect tit that means comfort.
:M. Style am; graceful design that means
beaut v r
First-claos material and construction
that means service.
Queen Quality
Shoes for Women
Furnish absolute ease, fashionable elegance
and plendid service. No matter for what
purpose a woman desires shoes, f-he will
And bet wanN supplied in the Queen Qual
ity line. Many styles to select from.
All goods marked in plain figures.
of Bryanisui than the following an- and see Hudson A Brownhill ; they are
nouncement of Dick Croker, the boss of the men that can accommodate you. i
interest in the trained intelligence of j the most corrupt political institution on j We have a few very desirable proper-
earin, anu me man tnrougn wnom t,e8 for 6ae and ,ent in the cilv if y0
Bryan expects to carry New York. The , are looking for anythihg along" this line
statement was made by Crocker no j jt wjl pav T0 to call on Hudson &
longer ago than last Monday. "My ' Brownhill.
t he patient, obedient anil lovable mute
is many times multiplied and our
eympathy with and affection for them
correspondingly increased. Professor
Barnes' superior trained dogs and ponies
will he at the Vogt opera house Monday,
Nov. 5th.
Deputy Sheriff Wood, of Mosier,
brought up from that place last night a
tough who gave his name as C. I! Pal
mer, who had in his possession a valua
ble gold ling, bearing the initials "B.
K." ami a lot of gold-rimmed spectacles
that had evidently been stolen. Palmer
w as trying to dispose of the ring when
arrested and could give no reasonable
account of where he got it or the gold
spectacles. As no evidence could he ob
tained to justify his retention, the fellow
was turned loose this morning.
The Mitchell News, puhlished by Roy
C. Irvine, has suspended publication.
The plant is the one used by K. M. Sbutt
at lone, Haidman and Twickenham,
und is popularly supposed to be "on
wheels." When the News suspended
two weeks ago, the plant went on Shutl's
hands again. Mitchell has been a haid
field for newspapers. No less than four
publishers have tried it, from time to
time, ami quit. It is rumored that an
ell ort is being made to resuscitate the
paper, with Postmaster Adainson as
editor. Fossil Journal.
The officinl announcement of the total
population of the United States for 1900
is 7G.2-J5.220, of which 74,027,907 are
contained in the forty-five states repre
senting approximately the population to
he used for apportionment put poses.
There is a total of 134,158 Indians not
taxed. The total population lo 1890,
with which the aggregate population of
the prerent census should be compared
was 03,009,756. Taking the 1890 popu
lation as a basis, there has been a gain
in population of 113,225,404 during the
last ten years, representing an increase
of nearly twenty-one per cent.
Thieves broke into the store of W. A.
Johnston last night and got away with
shout $.'00 worth, as near as can be
estimated, of knives, rnzirs and re
volvers. The robliers effected an entrance j
by breaking in a wind iw at the back of
the store. This is the second time Mr.
Johnston lias been robbed since last
February, both in the same manner and
o' the same g .oil. It Is the fourth
robbery of the same class of goods that
lias been committed in the city since
'hat lime, the other two being the stores
o' J. T. IVtera and Mays & Crowe.
There is no clew to the tbiovis, but the
prevailing impression Is that they don't
live very far awav.
Indian George, a full blooded Siwash
who years ago followed sheep herding
Iftlhli ounty and now owns a stock
ranch of hi own somewhere on the
John Day, applied esterday to Deputy
Werk Bolton for a llcanie to marry a
white woman, giving the woman's age
at 38 and his own at 50. The license
was refused a. ,, ,t of the Oregon
legislature, pasted in 1800, declares that
marriages between a white person and
M lii'li.wi of more than half blood are
advice to democratic voters the country
over is to congregate about the polling
plac j8 on the evening of election day,
count noses and then if the election re
turns for Bryan don't tally with their
count, to go into the polling places and
throw the fellow in charge of the returns
into the street." In the presence of
such an incitement to riot and mob rule,
coming from a leader of a numerically
great party, and from one who is in
The receipts at the county clerk's
office from "sundry clerk's fees" lor the
month of October amounted to $309,
or about $100 more than the expense of
the office.
men and women to inconvenience, we
shall not be a bit sorry to hear that they
have been found out and puniehed as
they deserve.
The Actorian says a consignment of
pumpkins that was remarkable in many
respects arrived down on the Bailey
Gatzert last evening for Ross, Higgins '
periutendent Atkeimin regarding the
meeting of the State Teachers' Associa
tion, which is announced to be held at
Albany on December 20th to 29th inclu
sive. Professor Gilbert is secretary of
the department of superintendence.
Yesterday evening an unknown Indian
stole the saddle from Charley Snines'
ix o., ana otner oi trie local merchants, i horse while the animal was tied iu the
The pumpkins were from Mr. Gillehan, J shed back of Louis Rorden's store. The
at Sauvie s Island end the largest one Indian turned the horse loose and pack- B une fren over 9Utemet alleged to
tit, ,1 11 if I'... . ..... ... ..... . I. ....... 1 III. . .( . ... ..... J
...,.... nu (juumub, nuiu iiig inu saiiuie co tne r.ast r.nd soul it to
Wa'k llanna with those words in it."
"I have it up at .he house," eaid the
"judge." "Bring it down then," said
the man from Onarga, "and here's your
money." But the judge didn't bring it
down, neither then nor since, although
the Onarga man is sti 1 in the neighbor
hood of the hotel by the south bank of
the Columbia.
Bryanites are working themselves into
which had two live chickens in ita pos
session. The chickens were unharmed
and were given their liberty.
FlflVD IiubD nidila Ij.I muulr I . ,r m.nln.
Two men of Albany, while bunting i seeu anu on one vine were raised too j a boy lor $2 W, Mr. Snipes recovered ' Scott of We8t Virginia in a speech
for game last Friday, killed a large hawk j,mmen8e B"loun' of 1200 pounds of the saddle and horse this morning. I made in New York at a dinner given in
pump. us. mis beats Kansas, where M. P. Isenberg, of Hood River, has honor of Theodore Roosevelt, to the
he vines are said to grow so rap-.dly I ,)oen campaigning for some time iu i effect that trusts are a good thing, the
f"'pa'" Klickitat county. He spoke last night !
il L' f I 1MI IU ' t Til i It..'. ( a .a
,.l V. li,la. t i Afttaw f . . . . . 1 - incl immi W
UlUBU I'Mirn w.wi iuc gwiulUBM umt . uiuhh tuo nuuunc rii piaiiRo u nic BuOUt KHIlSftS lfl not VOUOhtfU IOf
kids on the bluff was the stealing of Mr. , but the shipment from BanvSa'a rBln,l
is authentic and they are certainly won-
party, all talk of "imperialism" and
"militarism" fades into nothingness. Carnaby's delivery wagon from the
In Bryanism ami Crockeriem the i stable on Tenth street and
country is up against the only destrnc- j beyond
tive force that threatens the stability of ' where it was found this morning.
our institutions, ti this republic ever The receipts at the Philippine treae
perishes it will fall not through "im- j ury for the month of August, 1900, were
perialism" or "militarism" but through ; !)34,05r. The treasury receipts for the
eoch mob violence as this hellish chief corresponding month of 1899 were 525,-
I.yle, and
will speak at Lyle tonight. He and W.
T. Darch, republican candidate for
county attorney, and A. K. Coley.candi
fenth street and conveying it der, and at cent a quarter a Pou nd the ! date for alitor, Cm. up from
the Hogan place west of town, Krowel. win make a handsome thing out ,.vle tt,,;9 moning on t,e UMa r..
ii oil i . l i i t I f b i mnrninrt 1
of Tammany is trying to foment ami in
The state circuit court .'or Multnomah : wit1' 18!,!'. of N09.J68.
county has a singular case on its hands, ' Mr. and Mrs. James Kelley, of Kinge
the first of the kind, we believe, in the j ley, having sold their ranch on Tygh
history of the state. To avoid the pay- j Ridge to John Hix, arrived here today
ment of a just proportion of the state . with their household goods and will
I tax, es many believe, the Multnomah make The Dalles their future home.
delegation at the lat,' session of the i They have rented a house on Kighth
legislature succeeded in abolishing the street, a block or so west of Union,
state board of equalization. The board's' Who would live on the Congo? Ac
only offense, so far aa Multnomah I cording t0 one 0fRev . Agar's stories, a
county was concerned, consisted in in- j ljUe jlg(fer getg nder a toe nai Rnd in
creasing the county assessment, po as to three d(ty9 you ejtner have to have the
make it uniform with that of other toe cul off or log your )ife The result
counties. The following year the asses-1 jg a good niany peope si,0rt of toea.
sor, being under no restraint but that of , Tne mi9ji0naries once a day have an ex-
of it
Dick Crocker reiterates his declara
tion that he advises that all over the
country democratic voters congregate
about the polling places on theeveninii
193, showing an increase in favor of the j of paction day, count noses, and then,
month of August, 1900, as compared ; i( the election returns for Bryan don't
the county board, reduced the assess
ment some eleven odd million dollars
and this year, tumor has it, that the
reduction will be maintained and prob
ably increaeed. Under the Portland city
cbarte' the city is authorized to levy a
tax for general municipal purposes not
. . 1 o til. . I. .111...- . . f Iha I
loeicee.m mint " or to have the
taxable property returned by the county
aeseesor. Under the reduced assess
ment this amount is wholly inadequate
to meet the city's necessities and
unless the assessment of last year is in
creased at least $10,000,000, the police
..i.l tiru (li'riartini'nt and likthts and
streets cannot be maintained. The city,
therefore, has sued out a writ
i I . - i I ,. ,. .itrit r ua.
, ,. . . Moro. e are sorry to lose the doctor,
sessor to ruin pel bun to make his! . .
' ., . ....... I as he has made many warm friend
assessment of taxable properly a a sum ,
2 ' ' . , there. Our MM It MoTO I gain, and wo
not less than $40,000,000. In the rity's i "u u"
. . . i Jean heartily recommend bun to the
complaint the allegation is made j peoplo of that city aa a good physician
the assessor is about to return anas- ,) a P,i!endiil cili.en.
pert go over their feet hunting for jig
The opening of the bids for the con
struction of the race track has been ,
I postponed till some time next week.
1' i it- postponement has been made neces- j
sary through the inability of the survey-1
cross-sectioning done as
soon as expected. When the time is i
fixed for opening of the bids due an-'
nouncement will be made in Tun Cue.. s
turned this afternoon.
Captain Fred H. Sherman, who is
well known in tl is city as formerly the
captain of one of the D. P. & A. N.
steamers, was united in marriage at
Portland October 24th to Miss Lois Ad
nab Helm, vounirest dauehter of Mr.
tally with their count, go into the poll- bjad Mrs. W. 9. Helm, formerly of
ing places and throw those fellows in j chicken Springs, this countv. Miss
charge of the returns into the street, and i Bala will be remembered bv the teach-
Chairman Jones says he doesn't see any-ler9 o( this county as nn exceptionally
thing wrong in the suggestion. On the j capab!e instructor.
contrary he approves a suggestion at-' , , ,
.... . . . Gne of our Bryan exchanges comes
tributed to D. B. Hill that a base ba!i . , . , , , ..
. . . ,, , . I out In bold-fnce tvpe saying: "vote
bat is a peculiarly appropriate nistru- , , , , . ' ' . .
. . for Mckinley and 39 cnt wheat. Our
merit for obtaining justii-e from a cor- . , . . , .,
. , . . , ,. , farmer friends will remember the time
rupi election juuge, aiiuiug, we nave
won the fight ami by heaven we shall
not be defrauded out of our victory."
This, men of America, is Bryanism un
masked. Krlil.'i)' Daily.
A marriage license was issued today
to E. M. Stone and S. F. Line.
The health officer of Walla Walla re
ports twenty-five cases of scarlet fever
and one of diphtheria.
Gustaf Newman, a former subject of
the Car of Russia, was admitted today
tofull Citltnablp belore Judge Bradshaw.
The Shackelford store building, on
Second street, formerly occupied by C.
L. Schmidt, has been rented by Bob
Teague, who will occupy it with a stock
The Shaniko Leader pays the follow
ing handsome compliment to our young
friend Dr. Ray Logan, son ot Dr. Ilutih
Logan of this city : Dr. R. W. tflfM
bun ilwnleil to nerman'entlv locate in I morning which delayed the
of groceries in the near future.
A land slide occurred last night below
.Mosier which delayed the night trains
several hours. Another occurred this
sessment of less than $30,000,000.
tkMUt0't Dally
Collection day lias been set for next
i Monday, Nov. 5.
Final citizen papers were issued yes-
terday by Judge Blakeley to
Peter iobMMMi of this city.
No one objects to healthy, good-natured
fun. H i the contrary, the msj r
ity of people enjoy it, even when it is
indulged in at their expense. This re
mark applies especially to Hallowe'en
fasten ' time. The hoys must have had lots of
! fun laul bight, if the number of lost and
The ladifs of the Catholic church will I delapidated gales are to be taken as an
nkei at Maier .t : imncauon. nui im-ir mn uiuiu nun
one instance lacKeil discrimination, n
is not lun, but a genuine ciiencn inai
have a sale of pics and
Bentcn'H store n xt Salurdm
The Arlington Record, after careful ,MerT1 pt,njthment, to steal the gate
Inquiry and computation, estimates ine
atkawtvltM nl (iilliam county, this year
absolutely null and void." The same ' , -- .,. i,uhelK.
W denies legal sanction to white per- t b Snanjkll , .,,,1,'r is informed that
'is contracting marriages with Karak- . . . h ( at that place has
Chinese or Negroes of more than '' "p n uK ,,.... throuirh-
1'iarter bloo.1 i been leased and new lurnlture Ibrougn
,.,it ordered from the r.ast.
Niiltttriiv run..l .,. nlnarlv ,1 I.
. 1 .. ., , lltnllllt' I
uf I lo yuil wani to norrov. wmj
a fair rate of interest.' It you no, can
Urate the danger o' the snpremai y
frniii the grounds of a lone and unpro
tected woman or aged person. It is
never fun to injure or destroy property
of any kind, and both of these offences
were committed last.night, in-cording to
romi lalnts that have reached this office.
If the boys who, under pretense of hav
ing fun, had no more sense than to de
stroy property or put unprotected old
arriving here at 12 : 15 about as long.
Poland & Heisler have opened a very
neat meat and vegetable market in the
building recently erected by K. W. L.
Skibbe between the Skibbe Hotel and
the Obarr House. It will undoubtedly
prove a great convenience lo residents in
! the K tst Kml of tow n.
Next week C. J. Stnbling will move
; his wholesale stock of liquors to the
brick warehouse immediately back of
bis new retail venture, known as the
Bank Cafe. The change is made in
order that Mr. Stubling's en'ire busi
ness may be more conveniently under
his personal supervision.
The Glacier saya A. A. Ronney has
bought the whole of the property be- i
longing to his ton, Clyde, at Mood Liver
and will continue the business at the
old stand. The father and son have
changed 'places, Clyde going to Tvgh to
manage the farm, w hile the father has
moved h's family to Hood River.
Protessor C. L. Oilbert !ft 1or Salem ,
this afternoon to cjnfer with State Su-i
when some of theBe same people were j
upholding a democratic president and !
25-cent wheat. We admit both prices j
are ridiculously small, but then Mr. Mc
kinley is yet paying fourteen centB
more per bushel than your democratic
president did, and the difference in two
bushels will buy an awfully good meal
Shaniko Leader.
Last spring Judge Mays sold a bunch
of sheep to an old German farmer
named Guetave Stine from Clackamas '
county, Mr. Mava accepted the
........ I ...... f I .. t a
oiMini uutc ui iir, muio ill jrnymruL nnu ' J$rown Raj ff h A
it was drawn for eight hundred odd dol- ! Bates, Mrs Bert "
lars, payable October 10th. Several Bissell, Fred J
times since Mr. Mavs heard from the Kundel, Mrs Geo
old man an.) once be ran across him in cttUbaV, Mr7j
Portland, and ever and always Mr. ' Carv Miss Alice
Si me said he was doing well with the Denne, Mr
! sheep and would be on time whn the
note was due. About Um first of Ooto
; ber Mr. Stine had Ktwd the money and
I he left his wife and sou on the ranch to
; come to The Dalles to settle his note.
He was seen in Portland on the 3 l of Oc
tober at the stand of a boot block bavin,:
his IkioIs shine.), and from I tint day to
this all trace of him has been lost.
.Indue Mays has absolute faith in the
old man's honesty, and greatly fears he
has met with foul play.
"Only think of the impmlenc of that
man Hanna," said a Bryanite camp fol-
Standard Oil trust among the rest. Now
what if he did make this statement? It
is beyond question too sweeping, for
some so-called tru9ts have used their
power too arbitrarily, but it is infinitely
nearer the truth than anything Bryan
ism has ever uttered on tne subject.
! Investigations by the Department of
Labor show that the so-called trusts
have increased and not reduced the
wages of their employes and have in
creaeed and not reduced the number of
workingmen or even traveling salesmen,
as lias been alleged. Nor have the
prices of trusts made goods, with pos
sibly n few exceptions, increased beyond
what was natural and legitimate as the
result of increased demand, increased
cost of raw material and increased wages
of employee. Said an intelligent rail
road employe to the writer the other
day, whose political predelections are
sufficiently indicated when it is said that
he was an ardent supporter of Judge
Bennett last June, "I have given a good
deal of attention to this trust question,
and for the life of me I cannot tell
wherein the trusts are injuring me as a
wage-earner; can you?" No; the
Cfikomci.k man couldn't tell him nor
can anybody else.
Advertlaect l.ettera.
I-oilowing is the list of letters remain
ing In the posloffice at The Dalles un
called for November 2, 1900. Persons
callinir for the hriiis will ctiva tlnlo nn
Per I aaktah !...,- ..,.. ailaartlaail -
M vers, Chas
Martin, Mrs F C
McCaulev, F U
Merton, Ed W
Moore, Frank W
Myers. Miss kitty
Norman, Fred
Powell, J W
Remington, Miss N
Steel, Clarencu
Toinlin, F.d
Ward, Henry
Walters, Susan
Weleri, MrB Kuima
Wilson Harrv
liurnie Mr John R
I Howland, Miss K
; Had ley, W O
Huglen, Mr
Hvncs, Mr H
kellv, Mrs A ij
kalanquin, Far!,
Zliin, Mrs A
CsaBMaaawMfa' Court.
lower as be addressed a number of
gu?sts seated around the stove of a hotel
in a little town not a thousand miles
At the regular monthly of the water
commissi. ners held last night the fol
lowing claims were allowed in addition
to the salaries of the regular tmployes
i f the board :
II Curl, labor $t 80
.1 Man, labor 18 00
hi 00
10 00
17 40
12 40
I 30
4 80
Mays A Crowe, mdse 9 70
r H (tunning, repairs.
Mat Shoren, repairs
I' J Hockman, repairs.
David Stroud, lalior
Win Morganlield, labor..
i .1 Busch. labor
from the south bank of the Colombia ' tr 3.irk lab ir
river. " hv, Hanna had the nil lac ty
the other day to stand I efore an audi
ence of American citistM and say:
'How dare Bryan attack t ie character of
a man of my financial standing. How
dare be' " "Hold on, judge, " piped
i a little man from t'narga, Illinois, who
had hitherto taken no part in the con
versation, "Where did you see that
speech?" "I saw it in a newspaper,"
answered the "jude." "I'll give you
$."ii for a paper that contain a ipeech of
Maier Benton, mdse.
The treasurer reported :
Oct 1 Bal cash on hand.
Cash, W A Miller for city
Water rent
(M ;;l Warrant!
4 21
$I3o2 16
54 i
.1177 2".
$2594 01
. $ 012 72
N .v. 1 Bal cash on band. .. .$1981 iW
"'ie of the foices that are at the back