The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 31, 1900, PART 1, Image 6

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Thursday, November 29, Designated as
the Day On W hich a Nation Shall
Give Thanks for Cod's Goodness
and Eat Turkey.
wu not laid that tbe clerks bad stolen
anything or that they contemplated any
wrongdoing, but the Information ii to
tbe effect that tbe officere of tbe bank
deemed it best to get rid of them.
Treachery of the Kuan.
London, Oet, '.'9. The war effbe has
the following from Roberta, dated Pre-
I toria, October 23 :
"Knox successfully engaged Dewet
(X-tober 27. During tbe Boer retreat
Knox caught Dewet iu the Relishing
Washington, Oct. 29. The state de-pirtui-iu
today Issued tbe following:
By the President of tbe United States
of America: A proclamation :
"It has pleased the Almighty God to
bring our Nation in safely and honor
through another year. The works of
religion and charity have everywhere
been manifest. Our country, through
all its extent, has been blessed with
abundant harvests. Labor and tbe
great industries of tbe people havn pros
pered beyond all precedent. Our com
merce has spread over the world. Our
power and influence in tbe cause of
freedom and enlightenment have ex
tended over distant seas and lands. Th
lives of our official representatives an
m&ay of our people in China have bee
ruaryelously preserved. We have been
generally exempt from pestilence and
other great calamities, and even th
tragic visitation which overwhelmed the
city of Galveston made evident the senti
rnents of sympathy and Christian charity
by virtue of which we are one united
"Now, therefore, I. William McKinley
president of the United Slates, do here'
by appoint and set apart Thursday, th
29th of November next, to be observed
by all the people of tbe United States, a
home or abroad, as a day of Thanks
giving and praise to Him who holds th
Nations in the hollow of His band. I
recommend that thev gather in their
several places of worship and devout!
give Him thanks for the prosperity
wherewitli He has endowed us, for seed
time and harvest, for the valor, devotion
nd humanity of our armies and navies
and for all His benefits to ns as in
dividnals'and as a nation ; and that they
humbly pray for the continuance of His
divine favor, forconcoid and amity with
other nations, and for righteousness an
peice in all our ways,
"In witness whereof I have hereunto
eet my band and caused the seal of the
United States to be affixed.
piutne, while "Shakespere" was bis
name, an evident change from "Shakes
pear." In each of the two speWlngs last
given are ten letters foor vowls and
six cxiionaots. Combine these tao
figures and we have the number 4t, the
key to the mystery. Turning to the I'kb
psalm in the revired versioo, It is found
that tha psalm is divided into three por
tions, each one en-Hi.K with "evlali..'
Remember the number C'ountinj
forty-six wjrds from the beginning of.
I tbe isalin, one reads the wotl "eliake
Vogt Opera House,
F. J. Clarke, ManaGer.
FRIDAY, Nov. 2d
Ambitious of Uermaoy.
New ork, Oct. 9. Any attempt on
the part of Germany to establish a coal
in 2 station in territory of Venezuela will
be opposed by tbe United States, says
Washington special to tbe Herald. Such
action would be in violation of the prin
Ciples of the Monroe doctrine. A cable
diepttch from Port au Spain has been
received conveying a rumor that the
Venezuelan government is considering
the advisability of leasing to Germany a
port on the island of Margarita, and it
has attracted much attention.
Germany is anxious to acquire sites
for coaling stations in the western hemi
sphere. It has been frequently reported
that she was endeavorir g to establish a
coaling station on the Brazilian coast,
bat no negotiations have been entered
into. Naval officers say that Germany
could have only one object in establish
ing a naval station in tbe western hemi
sphere to prepare for hostilities against
the United States. The United States is
the only power whose competition the
Berlin government fears. When this
government would not permit the acqui
rsitiou of the Danish West Indies by any
European state, reports were circulated
that Germany was endeavoring to
eetablisb a coaling station at Santa
Catbarina, Brazil. These reports were
not confirmed.
Cored of Chronic Diarrhoea After Thirty
Years of Buffering.
"Suffered for thirty years with diar
rboea and thought I was past being
cared," says John S. Halloway, of
French Camp, Miss. "I had spent so
much time and money and suffered so
much that I had given up all hopes of
recovery. I was so feeble from the
' effects of the diarrhoea that I could do
no kind of labor, could not even travel,
but by accident I was permitted to find
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after taking
several bottles 1 am entirely cured of
that trouble. I am so pleased with the
result tbat I am anxious that it be in
reach of all those who suffer as I have."
For sale by Blakeley druggist.
Banks Weeding-oat tbe "porty Ktnployea
Nw York, Oct. 29. Since the an
noancementof the embezzlement of Note
Teller Alvord, of the First National Bank,
there have been many stories of new and
rigid espionage by banking-houses over
their clerks. One of these stories con
cerns tbe German Savings bank. It
was reported last night tbat five of the
e'erks of that institution have been dis
charged, because detectives discovered
tbat they were associates of gamblers.
Three of them are said to have had an
interest in a bookmaking firm tbat does
business at the local race tracks.
Tbe story recites tbat detectives were
placed cn the trail of all of the clerks in
the bank, and tbat the five in question
were tbe enly ones about whom any-
drift The Boers lost considerably and iQ the nrgl potion, d counting forty
lelt two guns auu three wagons in ruiox s
hands. Another ammunition wagon
was blown op by a shell. The British
casualties were nil."
Referring to the Jacobsdal affair, Lord
Roberts says it was due to tbe treachery
of the inhabitants, who admitted tbe
Boers to their houses at night. The
opened fire at daybreak. Fourteen men
were killed and thirteen were wounded,.
mostly Cane Highlanders. Troops dis
patched from the Modder river drove off
the Boers. Tbe houses of the treacherous I
inhabitants were destroyed. Command
ant Bosman was killed.
Lord Roberts calls altenion to the "in
creasing inclination of tbe better class of
Boers to co-operate with the British to
secure peace," since they find that gueril
la warfare is "visited with heavy pun
ishment." " .
Exclusion Law Mud Be Kintvo In 100 a
Nbw Yohk, Oct. 29. "The Chinese
exclusion act will expire in 1902. Unless
we are on the alert, Chinamen will pour
in among as and tbe country will be
filled with cheap Chinese labor."
Chairman James Maguire, of the
Central Labor Union, made this an
nouncement before a. meeting of that
body. His remarks created a sensation.
''I wish to give this timely warning,"
continued tbe chairman, "so that-laboring
men and woiiiien " throughout tbe
United States shall take measures to
have another exclusion bill passed. Visit
your congressman and see bow he stands
on the question. Put him on record."
The meeting resolved to call the at
tention of all trades to tbe exclusion act.
Chamberlain's Cough Itemed; G't
The soothing afld healing properties
of this remedy, its pleasant and prompt
and permainent cures have made it a
great favorite with people everywhere.
It is especially prized by mothers of
small children for colds, croup and
whooping couph, as it always affords
quick relief, and as it contains no opium
or other harmful drug, it may be given
as confidentially to a baby as to an
adult. For sale by Blakeley druggist.
. Alvord Arrested In Boston.
Boston, Oct. 29. Cornelius J. Alvord,
Jr., the embezzling note teller of tiie
First National Bank, New York, was ar
rested at the South End today. Alvord
took his arrest quietly. He arrived in
Boston last week and went to the Hotel
Touraine, but did not register. On
Wedneeday he engaged a back room on
the second floor of a lodging-house on
Huntington avenue, near West Newton
street, where he went under the name
of Mr. Smith, of New York.
Olorlon 3iews.
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes:
Four bottles of Electric Bitters has
cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had
caused her great suffering for years.
Terrible sores would break out on her
bead and face, and the best doctors
could give no help; but her cure is com
plete and her health is excellent." This
shows what thousands have proved,
that Electric Bitters is the best blood
purifier known. It's the supreme
remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum,
ulcers, boils and ranting sores. It
stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels,
excels poisons, helps digestion and
builds up the strength. Only 60 cents.
Sold by Blakeley Druggist. Guaran-1
teed. 4
six word from tbe end cf the psalm one
reaches the word "spear." There is
"Shukeepeat" as plainly as letters can
make it.
During the last two o.- three nights a
numlier uf drouken Indians have been
making night hideous la th neighbor
hood of their camp at the bead cf the
old brewery grade. Night before last
they kept their Urnnken origies op after
midnight, and their yells and wheops
would have waked the dead tiad there
been anv in tbe neighborhood. At twi
light yesterday a drunken buck, frenzied
with alcohol, cleaned out the Indian
camp and drove the rquaws and pap
pooses to the shelter of the rocks. Whiu
the drunken savage had spent bis fury
lie. returned tocainp and full in :he fire,
where be lay helpless till pulled ont by
some of the Indians. Who sells these
savages tbe liqnor that makes them a
tjrror? Is there no way of ridding a
quiet and respectable community of
their presence?
The faithfulness of a dumb brute was
never better illustrated than bv an inci
dent observed by many people Sunday,
says an Olympian paper. Early that
morning a man went into Bettman's
store and taking off his rubbers bought
a new pair. Tbe old ones be threw
down near the front door of tbe store
and wore tbe new ones away. He was
accompanied by a handsome water
spaniel thaUiemained at all times near
bis master. Shortly alter the dog and
tbe man left the store the dog came
back, having evidently lost his master,
Spying the rubbers on the floor the dog
stretched himself beside them. When
it came time to'close the store the dog
could not be coaxed away from the rub
bers, and it was necessary to put tbem
outside the door to get the spaniel out.
Tbis was about noon, and from that
time until 7 o'clock yesterday morning
the faithful animal lay alongside the
rubbers, the cold rain beating upon him
The clerks in the store endeavored to
coax the dog away to feed him, but it
was useless, tie would not leave what he
supposed bis owner' would return for.
It is thought when he did leave, it was
onlv when his master came for him.
1 Big"
Grand Operatic Orchestra
Carload Special Scenery
Novel Mechanical Effects
The Great Sawmill Scene
All New Specialties.
Watch for the Big Parade.
Note the price Entire house, 50c.
E. E. Savage was in town today from
Hood River.
Mr. Willie and Dan Perry left on this
afternoon's boat for their home at White
Hon. F. N. Jones is registered at the
Umatilla House from the Ranch near
Sberar's Bridge.
Joe Bannon, a prosperous Wheeler
county sheepman, is registered at the
Umatilla House
Judge Thomas. O'Day, of Portland,
arrived here on the neon train and will
speak tonight at the Baldwin in the
interest of Bryan and Steveneon.
Sunday, October 2Sth, to Mr.
Mrs. J. B. Mann, of this city, a son.
Entertainment at Hosier.
T. A. Hfpsox.
Notary Public.
Timothy Browshill,
Attorney at Law.
leal Estate,
Insurance, Loans,
Conveyancing and
We represent some of the largest fire
insurance companies in the world.
We have a large list of property, both
city and country, for sale and rent.
We have money to loan on real estate
security at reasonable rates of interest.
We do all kinds of conveyancing, and
are the exclusive owners for Kice s svs
tern of abstracting, which precludes the
possibility of mistakes in looking up
titles to real estate.
Any one having property for sale or
rent will find it to their advantage to
leave it In our hands.
Collections and all legal business left
in our care will receive protviDt atten
tion. Will practice in all the courts of
the ttate. Correspondence promptly
Offices: Washington street,
French & Co.'s
next to
For I'lassa Visitors.
A suitable refreshment to offer to
the vixitora who are glad to rest on
the piazza from the journey out of
town is iced tea or lemonade or a
saucer of tit raw berries. If you pro
vide strawberries, remember to leave
he hulls on. It ia considered desir
able to serve them that way, because
t indicates that the fruit has not re
ceived any unnecessary handling. I'se
he hull of the strawberry ns n little
mndle by which to lift it from the
saucer and dip it in the pile of soft
white sugar heaped in one corner of
the plate. I'se the pulverized fruit
ug-ar, a mere powder, for the straw
berries. Have a plate of lady fingers
or rice flour plunkets ready to offer
with the fruit. Detroit Free Tress.
A Lire And Death Fight.
Mr. VV. A. Hines of Manchester, la.,
riting of his almost miraculous escape
from death, says : "Exposure after meas
les induced serious lung trouble, which
ended in Consumption. I had frequent
hemorrhages and coughed night and day.
All uy doctors said I must soon die.
Then I began to use Dr. King's New
Discovery lor Consumption, which com
pletely cared me. I would not be without
it even if it cost l-VOO a bottle. Hundreds
have nsed it on my recommendation and
all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest
and Lung troubles." Regular siza 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley
Drag Store. 4
In Shakespeare's name lies the key to
wnnrfitrftll rrvnlnffrim. Tha iru.)l!n
thing luicicioai could be learned. It j "Shakespeare" was the poet's nom de
Mosieb, Oct. 28, 1900.
An entertainment was given last
Thursday evening in school district No.
8 by Miss Mabel Riddel I, teacher, for
the benefit of the library fund. The
house was filled by an appreciative au
dience, who enjoyed tbe following well
rendered program :
Song- Song of the Roses School
Dialogue Love tn a Cottage
Nora Kont, Leo Root, Elsie Middleswart,
Elmer Root, Edward Dun-more.
80 I Will Be Your Bwettbeart Edna Root
Recitation LI ttlo Blossom Agnes Philips
Dialogue The Bridal Wine Cep
Bessie Middle wart, George Chamberlain,
Mr. J. Wclberg and others.
Violin Holo Zephyrs of the South
Mr. K. F. Middleswart
Pantomime Oat Pie
Mr. J. Welbcrg, Mr. L. Knot, Willie
Marsh, kdward I hinsmorc.
SoDg Woman's Rights Chorus
The Appetite of Goat
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and liver are out of order. All
such should know that Dr. King's New
Life Pills, tbe wonderful stomach and
liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health and
great energy. Only 25 cents at any
drug store. 4
Strayed from my place on the bluff,
a 2-year-old Jersey heifer; dehorned;
ear mark on both ears ; branded bar Z on
both hips. Liberal reward paid for her
o!0-4tw Bkrt
Land Omca at The Dalles, Or.,
October. 2:1. 'K. 1
Notice is hereby given that the following.
uaiuv-i semer nas men nouee 01 nis intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said iroof will be made before the refute
ana receiver at i ne Dalles, Oregon, on W cdnes
day, December."), 11KK), viz.:
Heurj C. McKamey,
of The Dalle, Oregon, H. K. No. Mitt, for the
oi.i nei:. 1, 1 i is, n ii t, M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence unon ami ctiltiv.tfni.
of said land, viz. :
Frank Lapier. James R. Steele, Eric Urnnluiul,
Aiueri uaviuson, ail 01 tne Dalies, Oregon.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Lahd Ornca at Thx Palmes. Ortrcox,
October 2:i, pmo. J
Notice Is hereliv riven that th CoILium,...
named settler has filed notleenf her intention to
mase tinai prooi in support ol her claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Roister
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes
day, December, 6, l'.n), viz :
Hattle L. Handy,
of The Dalles, Oregon, It. E. Nc, 5VW, for the
8Wi4' Sec 21, Til N. K 13 K, W. M. .
She names the following witness to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
ssid land, viz:
Frank l-apier. of The Dalles, Oregon, Albert (i.
McKamey, of Mt. Hood, Oregon, Henry C Sic
Kainejrai.d Eric .ranhind, of The Dalles, Or.
oeW JAY I LUCAS, Register
or girl to
a woman or gin to take care
child, five months old. Apply to
P. Hknsixonos,
o31w3t M osier, Or
Notice l hereby given that the undersigned
has duly filed with the eotintv clerk i ..
comity, Oregon, tils final account and report as
executor of the entate of fhoebe J. Ilalght, de
ceased; and that the honorable eon utv h.
fixed Monday, the 5th day of November, 1!), at
loo clock a. in. of said dav as Hi lime ih.
county court room in the countv com t house t
Dalles City, Wawo county, Oregon, as the place
lilt hM.Inu B.iil Hnal a. .a....... J . '
.... . mini ai-cillllll )U TCpO, t.
All persons interested In said estate are here
by notilled to appear at said time and place and
show cause, if any there be, why said report
should not lie approved and said executor dls
Cbsrged. Dated this 'JUth day of Her.tmbir, l!0.
Executor of the estate of Phoebe J. Jlaight,
deceased. ..;
In the Circuit ( unit of the State uf Oiegon for
Wsmx County.
Tbe Oregon Railroad i Navigation Co..
I John U. Koberr and Emma Kobcrg. hi w ife:
( harlos H. uraham: John liw uiid Richard
Roe, h (fee names are uu know n .
. Defendants.
! To John H. Kobvrg, Emma Kobcig, his wife;
Charles JI. (rraham: John Dim and Klc tard
Roe, whose names are unknown, DefeuJauts:
) In tbe nsme of the State of Oregon:
You, and t-ach of you, are hereby notifhd that
the Oicgon Railroad & Navigation Company
has tiled a cornp.aint against vou in Ihe circuit
; ( ourt of the blatrtJ ol Oregon for the County of
asco, aDd you are hereby required to appear
' and auh w-r snid complaint on or before the lat
d iv of the time pie-enbed by the order t f pub
lication, that Is t say on or U'fore Saturday,
' tlie 10th dav of November, pKtO. Vou are further
notllied that if you fail to appear and answer
' the complaint, or plead thereto, at said time,
' the plaintiff will cause your default to been
tered and will apply t the court for the relief
uravid for in the complaint: that is to any that
an aesincnt of tbe damages which will result
from the appropriation by the pluintitt'of the
MX tracts ol land kr-t iiertiua:tr aoerinea, and
also from the appropriation by the plalntllt of
the right to borrow earth, stone, gravel and
other material from the five tracts of laud here
innfter de-cribed he had! and that on payment
of the dimages so aMet.-ed Into the hands of the
clerk of this court by the plalntih", j ldguieut be
given appropriating said property, and ail uf it,
to the plaiutin".
The bit tracts of laDd which are sought to be
appropiintei heteiu and which are above re
ferred to. are particularly bounded and de
scribed as follows, tivit:
Tract One Beginning at a point in the easter
ly original rigntnf way Uueoi tn railroad. which
p lint is ltils. feet north and feet east from
the iiarer corner between sections thirty one
(i!) bimI thirty-tw j (SJ). township thrco north,
range eleven (11) east Willamette Meridian, and
k feet distant from and measured at right
angles to the revised center line: thence South
easterly ou a curve t the left, huviug a radius
of .tltl feet a distance of feet to a pii!t which
is ."41 feet distant from und measurtd at right
unities to the re.vid center line, thence parallel
with stud revised c?nter line and feet distant
northerly therefrom and on a course bearing
south M degrees ol minutes east a distance of
J&i feet to a point in the south line of said lot
four (1); thence west along said south line a
distance of 1M6 feet Pi a laiint which is ." feet
distant from and measured ut right angles to
the revised center line; thence noun ui degrees
SI minutes west a distance of tio feet to a point;
thence on a curve to tbe right, having a radius
of v:!2 feet a instance of Uri feet to a point iu the
original light of way line of the railroad, which
point Is ft) feet distant from and measured at
right angles to the revised center line; thence
northwesterly al:ng said original riaht of way
line a distance of feet to the place of begin
ning, containing .S3 acres.
Tract two Beginning at a point 1.520 feet east
and 870 f w t north from the quarter corner bo-,
tween said sections thirty-ono (31) and thirty
two (.!), township three (H) north, range eleven
(11) east Willamette Meridian, which point is 51
feet distant Irom and measured at right angles
to the revised center line of tbe railmao; thence
on a course bearing sou'h i'iO degress 51 ruinates
east, parail 1 with and 50 feet distant southerly
from said rovlsed center line a distance, of 6Ni
feet to a point; thence on a enrve to the right
having a radius of ltisi feet a distance of smo feet
to a point on tbt southerly original right of way
line of the railroad: thence norihwesurly along
saiii original right of way line a distance of loo:)
feet to a point on the west line of lot three t,
section thirty-two ;; theuce south 10 feet to
the place of beginning, containing 1.2 acres
Trnet three Bt ginning at a point on the orlg
lunl right of way line of the railroad, which
noint is 2-U feet fast from the ( natter o rner
between Heel Ions thirtv-onc and thirty-two (;S2),
township three :il north, rango eleven 111 east
Willamette Jleiiuian, thence east along the
sou tn niicoi lotinree section thlrty-twn :U
a distance of S feet to a point which' is 50 leet
distant from and measured itt riht angles to
the revised Center line; the cc on a course bear
ing n no 41 degrees 10 mlnutt s west a distance
of 220 feet to a point in the origins! right of way
line of the railroad; theuce southeasterly along
said original right of way line- a distance of 1!ih
feet to the place of b ginning, containing .ot
Tract four Beginning at a point on the orig
inal iii;iii fi way line oi me ra:iroa(, willcn
point is 958 feet west and 1015 feet north from
the southeast corner of said section thlrtv-two
(.,2), townsnip three (:t) north, range eleven (11)
east Willamette Meridian; thence on a course
Hearing norm a degrees minutes west a tils
tance of 210 feet toa point; thence on a curve to
the light having a radius of 3221 feet a distance
of 61:1 feet to a point which is 50 feet distant
irom ana measured at right angles to the re
vised center line; thence northerly at right an-
Klc to the revised center Hue a distance of 10
leet to a point which is 00 leet distant from and
measured at light angles to the revised center
line; thence on curve to the right having a
radius of 1850 feet a distance of 770 feet to a
point; thence westerly at right angles to
ine rcviseti center line a distance ol in feet to
point which is 50 feet distant from And men
irred at right angles to tbe revised center line:
thence on a curve to the right having a radius
oi mru jeer, a aistauce or :nu leet to a point on
the westerly line of lot two i said Htv! lot,
thirty-two (:), which point Is 50 feet distant
irom arm measure i at rigni angles to the re
vised center line of the railroad; theuce due
sou in no leeiiou point in me original rig it of
way line of the railroad : thence .,, o
iiiuiiiciiioi riKoioi way line a instance oi isi-
iucs in me piaccoi Deanming, containing 1.01
Tract five-Beginning at a nolnt Afl f ho
Inal right of way line of the railriuid, which
point Is 21S feet west and um feet north from
'he southeast corner of said seetlon thlrtv two
( t), township three ( I) north, range eleven (II)
east Willamette .Meridian, and 50 feet distant
from and measured at right angles to the re
vised center line: thence on a curve to the left
having a radius of l is:! feet i,nrull..l n'llh . ...I -ji
feet distant from said revised center line a dis
tance of 77s feet to a notnt on the oi lul
erly right of way line of the railroad; thence
easterly and southeasterly along said original
right of way line a distance of HJ feet to the
place of beginning, contain! jg .ss acres.
Jullnial nut-. -
nd dated September liZ?" eke,,
Attorneys lor f;
in met ircuit Couitof the u. a
Wasco County: -mteuj
Ji.a rpcivbiuger, Flaiutiir,
Henry Spcichinger, Defendant,
In the name or the State of fire-.1n.
loll am herel.w h.... . . ,r'u.
I'twar isa ..
C .". "'before the lt ""
ibed in the order f. rhj ? s.
illlotis. Ls.wit...n ... U. e t""i."'.: .
weess from the iNtl, dVr "H ' -
th day of s,.;.
me conip.aint med sgitinst
"iintwi uiv on or ue
lime preacii
r.f tl.I. ...
w. ..... v-wit,n or bei
lltfvM a Ir . u .- ' WI
lHO. Which said
the date of the first publ. c.o'V. -
noons, to-wlt: lo t are rmutrwi i. Ul,"tt
answer said complaint on ,., be, ' .I,
of November, law), which .T : '
vember, lsasj. is the last
scribed in tbe order for th, IS."?
summons, and if vnn f-.i .. . ...
thereof plaintiff will . ."yVwKT
court for tte relief pre'ye.1 for inlw.?:?
...... cmu ,,,, e.isi rigt,-twenii
defendant be dissolved and be Idfo? ?
plaiutilt ami defendant be in all r
voreed from each other,
name be changed to her m.M.,7 !..''.
Ina Dole. and for ich other and fu',,L',r"
as to tbe cotut may seem i i,t ., 1
This summons is served u,, 'ulTr
Bpelehinger, the shove nJn 'd deta-
publli-nti.m ll,.e.,f in The SxLL.Ti'1-'
chronic-.-, for six consecutive Si. hu
of Hon. W. I., ltradsh-w, i' iIk 2
entilled court, whieh order was
bsars date of September 27, 1 mo. wt""s'
NEli If. r.irr.
AtPiruey ir rUu,a
Notice is herev given that the n4m.
has been duly appointed by Ihe ownfc"
the state of Oregon, for W asco countv u
trator of the estate of Elizabeth A
deceased. All persons having cl-lraTlh'
tne estate of said deceased ore herebV i!f
tr present the same, with the proper r,2
therefor, to me at my oltlce In Bnrl 2"
within six months from the date herai
Dated (September 24, 11M). m-
Notice la hereby given that the ttntonfr
have tiled with the Clerk of the county I
the otateof Oregon for Wasco countr di-lrh
actouutai executors of the last will' si
ment of Henry Barnum, deceased, tm
Monday, the sth day oj November. Mil ut
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has been tliei Zt
i UTiiiEV I oi i n fair Main j.......... ...... ' -
: ' . .... ....... ....Mm., siii-mm,.
the county court nmm In Dulles it, ,
place for hearing of objections to mid Ban,
count and the settlement of the same
ePls Eieculm
Laud Ornca at Th Dauxs Ot i
v- .i , , , Dct, 8, WD. 'i
Notice la hereby given that the fniim
named settler has tiled notice of Ml ln!ev
to make final proof In support of bis clatsi.i
that said proof will be made before theiw:.
and receiver of tho U. H. land ofliceitlt
Dulles, Or , on Suturday, Nov. 10, l'Jut), vis:
Peter "toller, Jr ,
of The Dalles. Or., H. K. No. 5437, fortbet
NW l(r and BE qr NV ir .Sec 4,Ipi!K,Kli
W. M.
Ilo names the following rltnessi tnt..
his continuous residence upon and cultivsut
oj saiu lanu, vix;
John Dalrynrple, Fred Wlekman, C. Ct
Dsn, J. E, Johnson, all of The Dalles, Or.
twttl JAY I'. Ll'CAs, Kegiitft.
T. A. Van Norden
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orderi atten led ti promptly, Lonr
distance phone 413. Local, 102.
I ract Six llesillllfriir Mt m SAlnl nn fi, .
linen! said section thirty-two (:I2), which tail nt
Is I feet north from the snnlheMBt aii.ii... ..I
said section thirty-two, (:12), township throe i
north, rango eleven (11) east W iilauiette Meri
dian, and 50 feet distant from and measured at
right angles to the revised centir linn- tr,,,,.
on a course bearing north 57 degrees :ij minutes
" instance oi u icet to a point In the orig
inal right of way line of the railroad; thence
northwesterly along said original right of way
line a distance of l!i fr tn tw.i u.i.l.1. i-
feet d Istsnt from and measured at right ancles
to tho revised center Una- th,.,.A ....
w-oring south 57 degrees;) minutes east Paral
lel with and 50 feet distant from ..oi ..I, i.-i
center line a distance of U',7 feet to the east II ne
of said lot one (I): thence south p.i) feet to the
place of beginning, containing .g-, aores.
The live tracts of land which are above re
ferred to and the right to excavate anu borrow
earth, stone and gravel and other material from
which s sought to be appropriated herein are
particularly dcfcrlbcd as follows, to-wlt:
Tract 1-From that trait lying southerly from
tract number one above mentioned and be
tween the right of way therein described and
the original right of way line of the railroad and
between Wtstlon UK) plus K, of the revised ccn
SL "J'1' ,h,ersllroad, and the south line of
said lot four (I), containing .OH acres.
TATf". ""-" from that tract 25 feet in
width lying- southerly from tract number two
and contiguous to the right of way therein de
Z'l. "J", b'WPn "tatlon l:tM oo and Htatlon
l.l-K) oo of the revised center line of the railroad.
Tract three Also from th.r r. ul l.-r..a In 1 ....
two (2) and three (;t) contiguous to and north
easterly from the right of" way described In
tract- ntimtercd t h-ec and four and ia-tween
i i , '."""""l. .''lng a triangular pl.-ce 225 feet
In the County Court of the tit le of Orefonb
tne county oi v, asco.
In the matter ot the estate of UuIiSfkn
bachcr, deceased. Notice Is hereby giien lb:
the undersigned baa been duly appulnttdS
ministrator, with the will annexed, of lbr
tate of luls .Schwabacher, deceased. All sr
sons having claims against the estate I s:
deceased are hereby notilled to preent Un
duly verified, to the undersigned at tilnoJK ;
tr-e store-room of Flelschner, Mayer 4 Coir
paiiy, in tbe City of Portland, Oregon, wilt
six months from the dale hereof.
Dated this 17th dayof October, 19".
- K li.OMON IIIKSi H,Admlnltritt
Cotton, Tkal at Minok,
Attorneys for Administrator.
Lamd Offici at Thb Pauw, "..!
iept 2ti, lw. '
Notice Is hereby given that the follow!'!
named settler baa tiled notice nl hit Intciti '
tiou to make II mil proof In support oliw
clulm, and that said proof will be nl tr
fore tba register and receiver st Th Balle.
Oregon, ou battirday, November W, vu:
Calvin ,f. Iliinakln,
of Mosler, Or., II. K. No, 5121, for the 8E qt, Bf
SI, T 2 N, K 12 E, W. M.
He names tne following witnesses tnproyr
continuous residence upon, ana cuiursuw"
said land viz: n.
Michael Doyle. R. E. Doyle, The mil".
James M. Brown and t arl J. t. I'ltura,"
te',Or. .... Iliri4
j i r. lie '
S2! iB
La no Ornca at Van'oiivrh, 'Ii.
.(.,K..r'A. 1J0.
N.rtlco Is hereby given thst the fpllw;
named settler has filed notice nl Iris
to make tlnal unaif in support of
...... .. I l, , ,1s ImflM W. I "
lull, -Bill fllWI Will U: . ,
bv. I'. 8. commissioner for the W"'' J
Washington, at Goldcnilale, Wsh.,onw
December 10, looo, vl.:
Oeorge It. Ht. Lawreoee,
of I.yle P. O.. W ash., w ho made H. K.
for the WH HEti and E', a;4 fee B,lt
12 E, W. M. .. ,
He iiamea the following witness ,
his contiuiiotis residence uiu and cum"1
in saiu lanu, viz.; .nn
Thomas J. W hltconib, t ienrge Sore n"'
Bradford and ;Wllllam laliui
h aaiiiugion,
all of LylcF.
W. R. Dl'NBAI RetW.
.... . . . . t .i. . .!. iindrnH"
nonce is nereov given i
has duly filed with the Coiipty l ler"
Countv. Oregon, his flus) account : a" r .
administrator of the estate
. I.Tlnh Aald1"
in ' -vn
dweased, and that the Honorable.
una nseil milliinj , ., . tini H1
at 10 o cha-k a. m. ol said day s the
.. ... - ... ,.f ttirt I I1H1H7
tne uouniy t our " -
house In Dallest.lty, W asco Coiinl).
the place for hearing said ririjl r
wrt. AH persons Interested In
l,.r.,l.. .....Ill.wl ,. .noearst Sillll time""'
e, It any there be. why
should not be approved and aio
and show cause,
Drtted I
this 5th day ol October, J0rPir.
ilstraUir ol the estate of Adolpk I'J
Keeps constoiitly on hand a large and varied
line of all that fs boat in W,.el,e,, Jn v' lrv
locks, Mpectaclc, Field (ilasses, Hilverware Ac'
at iirlces that defy nompetltlon. Mall orders at-'
tended tn with promplnesa and dispatch. K.
graving neatly done.
J. t. acoat.
Room- a-j and j, over U. .1. Land Office
i .i . , .'""Kuiar piis-e 2r leet
1 Z I h..".,"" ",,,t"""n :. "nd converging to
oi.l' o""' ',.,"r,,,'""n tl.eorllnal rfght
of way line at Htatlon lm, containing I.&J
7iu,.f.P"'i" ct-""-- ' railroad, I
,..Ti.K , ,,lr-A'' from that tract ffl fwt In
? w C .V" "'"'n-'lv from tract nu.nlier ft
r,.!.P'i""K!"J'"' "Kl'tof way therein de-
talnlioF u-. I " ""nnros.i.coii-
thlHi JVAI ''" tlmt tract Ivlng iMdwcen
the right of way diwrlrasl In tract number six
H e .1 .h? . n'1''' '. lim. "' U' '"Vised center
iecM. . ?.".l.Lr:,?'J "ml ".' Uneof sald
""'';, eoinaining ,n,i aerea
All of said premises are sltunteil In lots I
"''I'im"'''""" "i'"hli north, rani
ast Willamette Meridian. 1
The date of
the nrst tii,t.tlr..i..n o.i.
mi",,,; "XW-v ' :i.-na";
mtn'rta. i ! h" l"l,,l","tln Hstu day. II.;
shall rlnilhflli 'i'' ""' '"
aid Xl "" MHt,lr,l" "I eeh week for
This s ii in luoiia Is
lion. w. ,(
fmhllMb,. t l.w a..i.. .. iu.
Mradshaw, Judge of (he Kevcnth
Qictai Lice
Carbolineura : Avenarius
Th most efTlelent ',T:(,inM
Paint slsna Kadlcal He " M
Chicken Lin-. "W'1 "w 1111'
side wslls of l-.ultry ''"LTi ii
manently extei rnlnsle "l"',. 4
.ults-h-Iillliv chid..-"".
eggs. rite forelrculars ana I"
Mention tills plcr.
Jos.T. Peters
... nll l.II, OKKOOS-
rhysician am! Surseon,
Bpeclal attention given - Rooms 21 ai .