THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 31, 1900. noblmton. John and!,i,u( northwest corner N . W. m?oh ia rod. J rods, north W,od t V r.tds.Src. 19. T. 1 iy j, ji E. ; commencing northeast, .rnea- Kt o.h rods. wt ' Si Vud north 49 rods, t-st rods. 4 6ti 29 7 S2 Ajd. ' Ridrnan. ., - . T 1 - o- " - iwilviH Roger - L 27 "4- """ 17 rodadJ JinjJ to center f a U.ri? to -k. at '" j. 9 links to u. i.lnt about 3 l.i 10 lln"s "orth of northwest .i er of the Mill lot. wtuih about 1 i n d 1 1 tl'Jn -iske 'south to Intersection of see- m lime ll-n Seca. 27. 34. to XVoMMlnnln.. 27. T 3 N u w E i-omim-iuflng northit-st ;rner NW. i- te ro,1'- sou'" .Tki wtwt 1- ro.1. north 3 roils, r . ' , .) rods, north 1"j rod to be Jinnlnlf Sec. . T. 3 X.. It. 10 K.: i'nii, NW. H SW. NW. V See. li ?. 2 N- K- w E ' . nrtH Add. Ant., lot 5. S 10 t II Rngvrs. block .Rstate Cndivlded RoUT!'-.,. ,"., a l WW I. ;d interest j.aj.,, Ifih. liitlt r- ': VB. U SB. H P T 1 S.. R. 17 E. : undlvid 5?i four-fifths interest. XVV. i4 Sec. T 7 S RI" K. : undivided fmir M.hs interest XV. H NW. U W. Ji aw i NW 't SW. H a. Mi S'-M T. 7 S.. K. 17 undivided ?.ir-nft!ia Interest. S NVV. i fr-flhh. Sec. 3. T. k S.. R. 17 B.. 213 id o 17 26 2fi 3 05 12 IS 8 75 2 0j 29 29 Rood. K. 3 'i- V SrtAdu. b. C. lots 4fi, 47. block & W. Add. U C. loU, 7 to 12. Inclusive, block 4 .ii u II n Park lot 20. block 1 "'J.""","yZ' . . . . 1. 1 ir r Pupte. lot 21. Rope. dii'"' ' block r, lot 1. DIOCK ii Rosenthal. JjrNE. H Stto. 27. T. 1 . M " . a V Irt V. T 3 S.. K. U nn'. Mm. Ury-E. & W. lt Add. R . lots 2!.. 30. block 9 V7' 3 S R 13 K - 'SHl N R Tec f 'T 3 8.. R- 1 ?! V S- iV V 2 S.. R. 13 B 94 53 23 CO 35 50 17 75 1 7S vwe H S. Cascade IxK-ks. all tin Hold' lotB and blocks Rowland, Ralhommvnc:nK north wost corner of W.,H. HuttH lot. wwt Sa feet, north 7u feet, cast fwt south 7D feet Runvnn, Mary A.-Boglnnlng on the n rth line of D. & 8. waKon r. of intersection of east line of h.n.1 LolA to Wasco Woolen Mamifac trinfr Company: thence east on ,'or h line or s4de road SO feet north at right anles to the soulh u of landnold by VUHor Trevil t to R. Pentland, west on aide south line to east line of Niasco W ooten Mtinufacturint? C(imijny ltind. south to beginning Runvon. George W.-W. V4 Talbot l.-e D. U . Np. 4( , T. 1 IV.. H n K.i Mil. Add. I. '. lots f H. block 34: Mil. Add 1. .. Ms A BOD. ti. F bloc.k 33; Mil. a!m. D. C lots i! H. I. J.K. J block 42: iMII. Add. U. C lots t. hVi block 84: Mil., Add. 1 .. lots A B f. 1. I. J. K. U block 1X; Mil. Add. D. C. lots A. 1. C. D, B, block 101 Resell, J. W.-XR. U Src. 4. T . 3 a R 13 E.; N, i Sec. 3, T. 3 8., r.' u e ; w. "4 w. v. si, v. w. V, Sec. M.T. 2 8., R. 13E Ryan, John-l-ot 2. K. V4 NW. 14 Sec. 17 75 42 14 53 13 20 49 t 20 44 62 7 3(1 3 15 2 75 8 97 3d, i. 1 !., it. l r Rvan. J. H.-SH' Vt SB. NW. 14 Bee. 16, T. 4 8.. R. B Aindem. Emily J.-K. N W. less 4 acres in NB. corner Sec. 22. 1. IN., R. 13 B Saunders. 1,1111c BE. Sec. 18, T. 1 N., R. 9 K landman, Mrs. Alice S. H 8. 14 SE. H Stc. 28, T. 1 N R. 10 B iimlman, D.-SW. 14 SW, 14 Sec. 2s, T. 1 Jt. iu rj Gilford. A. C.SW. li Svc. 7, T. 5 ., U. 13 K Sivrnse, Iora W. E. & W. First Add. II. R., lots 29, 3", 31, Si. oioi s. tn 29 29 40 avBRe, Otis D. C, lot 10, block 1.. hailile, Matthew K. '4 Sr. Vt ep. w. m . c t. , t. . Vt.' 1 Vt". I. . 29. T. 4 8.. H. 13 K : NW. 1 XVV l. 9) T 4 S. R. 12 B 13 08 7 20 HH 1 19 55 2 08 2 28 Sohaelile. John XW. U SB. 14 NB. 1 1 n ,a ni V IJ 1ft t.1. hmldt. Ons E. V, Sec. 3i. T. 10 n. ; nr,. on-, j, i . i it Jt K.; W. ',4 K. 44 Sec. o, i. i R. 17 K I Ifiviiu Heights. lutu 1. 4, block' 4 :.h-.vnthcr, (). F. Lot 1, Sec 1, T. IN., It. 9 B -ott. David Ant., lot 4, Mock 3.... am, Anna S. w, H vt . A Sec. 7, T. 2 N., &. 11 B 4 G5 3 S3 lfi 91 5 26 2 72 U 45 15 50 5 33 30 96 ar, Wm.-N. 14 NR. 14 SB. 14 M '4 Sec. 3.1, T. 2 X., It. 10 B link, M. C X. NB. ! SB. 14 VI.' 1 VI.' 1 CL' 1. u... Ifl T 1 ..... 7. 1 74 wr . " v . - nwal, James 8 B. 14 NB. 14 NB. HK. Vi Sec. 8. T. 2 S., R. 13 B... ni.l r ... . a.. DO 'P "i"i, niTniHin nr.. m-v. . R. B.t W. Vs W. U lj- 14 NVV'. V. Sec. 21, T. 1 N., R. 12 B my, Troy H. rJW. 14 Ir.. W. ', Sec. Sii, T. 2 NA it. 10 K.; ' SW. i 8.-C. 25, T. 2 N., 11. 'l K I'.ir.l. N. B.-W. H SiV. 14 Sic. i. T V i. i.t i.r 'rl"ek, Samuel (iimmenclng 20 E. from SW. corner lot 12, " " 1, I". l II'I'T, iX. li" IIT,, 'aifeet. N. to bcRliiulng; I). V., of lt 12. block 1 ffieb, V. c-xn t.. Icms 10 acres "If! lo li. II. Halley, Sec. , T. .N.. It in i.. vjrd. I.onn Commencing WI30 "1 .V. SB. corner NW. 14. N. li roiU w m u a 10 l. K. M. riiils,' S-. 2,' T. 2 N-. !".r" II. It., lot Vt. . k t ; , rrlI Mnry B., Heirs S. la 8. i 'I'. 1 9.. R. J I B '"laker. It. F.-NW. NW. 1' l; VU' I I tn .......... i.. I 21 ft! 8 51 loeinaki r.' See. 9 T. 2 N., It. 'Jf. I'ri di rlck -,ommenclng on 18 28 in- or r dn. N. of N K. '"r l"t 2, Wlnnns Add. II. H.. N. ,'" u. M r,.t. S. 100 feet. ''t. Hce. 2.1. T. 3 N.. H. 10 B... "' D-lllg. Add. ). I'., lot . i? i;,,!i,;- Add. D. C. lots I, 2. "li, IK 3 t' J"lin A. II 1 1t.r Ail.l l. ('.. lot! 50 4S 82 '; J1"?- ; nix. Add. n. I1.. i:. l ,- S i"i 3, block A: Mil. ' u- .. lot I, block 28 I'oi.lh K W.-Aiit., lots 4. S. ' 'I. Mock 3; Am., lot 3. til.s k i Alna C- lu ulnning M ( I 38 96 1 . irniii r. i-A corner oi 'formerly owned liv 1). I. We ""II In Tly U-0 f,.;.ti wcMli-llV '. nortbi-rly f,..t. e.iiteiiv '-IKIilll utr.el to feet to i i. , "ls" "six Hsi f-et joliilntt 1 Alvord nveuii.. liv too f.-el I,' f- f ti. A. III. 1. ., lot 1. 35 50 9 18 1 13 78 15 10 1 1. 1 It. In ..?.,.'.,.' 8,-c. ::l, T. 1' . v I . I). l. loll !TZ 'J1 '' Ai',,1. I. C. n, oloi-k t - I IV li , Slotier, M. F.-IVginning 1 chain W .. 14 chins 3. of XE. romrr. S. . chains, V. .7o chain. N. linirn. K. chains to ba gmning, tsve. 2. T. 2 N., R. lo E... Smart. H. C Mil. AJd. D. C. lot J, block Smith. Ella A. Mil. Add. D. C. lot E. bl.Hk 51: lots A. H. O. I. E. 1. J. K. L bl.s k 4s: lots A. B. C. l. E. H. K, U block i2; lots J. K. block 53. Smith. Jasper X. 8W. i XE. SB. . X W. i XE. i. 8W. U XW. i SE. ,. leu.- li acres sold to John ami Elisabeth Robinson, in SB. XW. V Sec. 9, T. 1 X.. R. 13 E. .' Smith. Mm. E. L.-H. R., all block 12; H. R., all bl.x-k E: undivided. H lot 3, 14 feet W. side , block D.. Smith, E. I.. XW. 1 SE. U XE. . SW. SW. XE. . less 21 aorea In SE. 1 XW. Sec. 14. T. 2 X.. R. 1 B. : W. , SW. i, XE. V, Sec. 23. T. 2 X.. R. 10 E. : XE. 1 SW. SW. H SW. . S. . NW. SW. S. Sec. 29. T. 2 N., R. 10 E. : B. , Sec. 23. T. I X.. R. E. ; Pleasant View, lots 1, : H. R lots 5. J. 8. s: H. R undivided lot 7. blis k 9 Smith. C. D.-E. S W. i, W. , XB. . Sec. 15, T. 2 X.. R. 10 E.. Smith. S. C SW. U SB. K Sec. 27. T. 3 X.. IL 10 E. Smith, E. I... Trustee S. I, S. v SB. 14 SW. 'i Sec. 22, T. 1 X.. R. 10 E.. Smith. J. M. ind E. M". Ut 4. XB. 1 SB. i SW. 4 sV. V, Sec. 9, T. 1 X., it. 18 E Smith, Lyman XW. , SW. Vi kit 6; also commencing XE. corner SW. SW. i4. N. 17.83 chains, E. t chains, 8. 17.83 chains, W. 2.43 chains to beginning. Sec. 35, T. 3 N., it. 10 E. ; Winans Add. H. R lots 2. 3, 4. block 8 Smith, H. E. and E. Morgan B. NB. V. N. 1, SB. ! Sec. Is, T. 3 S.. R. 15 B.: SB. V. NW. 1, X. I-. SW. li Sec. 19, T. 8 S.. R. 15 E Smith. Oorge Big ill. Add. V. C. lot 3, block 22 Smith. Emma Mil. Aid. D. I'., lots A, U, C, 1, block 57 Smith, 1. L. H. R. Hark, lot 17, bfock 4 SnodgrHs!, J. P. S. i SW. H Jirw. li SW. , Sec. 27. T. 4 S., R. 14 B. . Snow. V. A. XW. Vi SB. H Sec. 33, T. 3 X., R. 10 B Snyder, Susan X W. V4 X W. Vi Sec. 2, T. 1 N.. R. 12 B Summ'ervllle. W. O. Commencing XB. corner of XW. li NW. V. W. :si chains. 8. 6" chains, B. 3il7 chains, X. 6'j chains to beginning. Sec. 3, T. 2 X.. R. 10 E Sunes & Hut ton All Sec. 10, T. 1 X., R. 9 B. ; all Sec. 16. T. 1 N., It. 9 E. : SW. V, (SB. l, N'B. li, NB. 'i NW. Vi. S'-j NW. Vi. NW. li W. Vi. SB. SW. Vi N. Vi SB. U Sec. 32, T. 1 N., R. 9 h.; W. Vj B. li. S. 14 SW. Vi Sec. 31. T. 1 N., . 9 B.: B. V SB. Vi. N W. li SB. li Sec. 32, T. 1 N.. R. 8 B. ; W. vi NW. li. NB. i SW. 4, Ion 1, 2, Sec. 10, T. 1 X, R. 8 E Sricenger, Michael B. Vj W. V4 Sec. 3'v T. 1 N.. R. 13 E Spencer, J. J. Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, Sec. 16, T. 1 X. R. 10 K Spurrier, W. E. Ixts 3. 4. 5. block 2: SW. '4 SE. li, tdatted as Uelle vlew Add. 1. C, less block 1, Sec. 18, T. 1 X., 11. 13 E Staats. J. O., Estate X. 14 NW. li Sec. 8. T. 2 .. R. 13 K Sternfels. Mauilce XE. li SB. 1., Sec. 36. T. 3 N.. R. 10 E Strain, Jefferson E. 14 W. V4. N. 14 XB. Vi. SW. V4 XE. 14. NW. ' SB. V. lots 24, 25, 26, 27, Sec. 31, T. 4 S.. R. 14 E Stelner, Paullne-H. R. Park, lot 3, block 1 Stegman, John NW. 14, W. 14 S'W. 4 Sec. 22. T. 1 X, R. 13 E. E. 14 SW. Vi. W. 14 SB. li Sec. lo. T. I N., R. 12 V Sterling. George W. IW. 14 NB. Vi, E. 14 NW. Vi. NW. V4 NW. Vi. NW. V SB. Vi, NB. Vi SW. Vi Sec. 7, T. 1 N., R. 13 B Sterling, E. H. Lots 2, 3. 4, Sec. 7, T. 1 N., R. 13 E Stevens. Harriet N. Big Add. V. C, lot 9, block 24 Stewart, L. O. 6 acres out of Mc- Cormack & Mundy tract, Sees. 6, 7. T. 2 N., R. 10 E Stewnrt. Wm. 8VV. 14 SE. Vi Sec. 14 T 2 N., R. 10 B.. WlnanB' Add. II. R., lots 3, 4, block 7 Stewart, Jeanette F. Lots 3, 4. SB. V. SW. Vi ec. 30, T. 1 X., R. 13 E. ; XW. NW. Vi, Sec. 31, T. 1 N., It. 13 E Stewart. Daniel-SW. 14 Sec. 25, T. 1 N., R. 12 E Stlnson. Albert K. & W. 1st Add. H. it., lots 27, 28, 29, 30, block 1.... eiillwell, Pheliw & Sefllemeier Lot 1 sec. 16, T. 2 N. R. 15 B Story Lucietia-SB. Vi NW. Vi. NW. Vi SB. V Sec. 36. T. 2 N., R. 12 L... Stranahan. Mrs. A. A. Wnucoma, lots 9, 10, block 3 Stranahan. O. L.-Lnts 1, 2, 3, 4, Sec. 35, T. 3 'N.. R. 10 B Stranahan, (3eo. E. Vi 8W. Vi SB. 1 Sec. 9, T. 2 N., R. 10 E Stranahan, Chas. B. Vi W. '4 SB. 1 SW. 14 Sec. 9, T. 2 N.. R. 10 B... Stranahan. C. iL-NW. Vi SW. '. W. S W. Vi B. 14. B. Vi SB. Vi SW. Vi. . Vi tSW. li Sec. 9, T. i N., R. 10 K Stranahah. A. K. Waucoma, lots II, 12. blixk 3..: Stranahan. James A.-rommencing 8W. corner, SK. U fl . '-J. B. j" rods X. 80 tods. . 22 rods S. 80 rods. Sec. 9. T. 2 N., R. 10 B Stranahan. J' hn L. W. '4 E. 14 SB. Vi SW. It Sec. 9, T. 2 N. R. 10 fc... Stroud, amuel Commencing- IW rods 10 fert 8., 120 rods 20 feet K. NW. corner t. L. Sims, No. 39, h. 10 rods X. 9.3 rods. W. 10 rods, 8. 9 3 rods to beginning. T. 1 N.. R. 13 B 96 X 42 23 43 93 10 71 7 2 M 13 60 1 16 IS S3 28 59 S9 58 1 78 15 10 26 10 93 3 48 2 76 2 90 70 27 12 90 5 87 6 50 4 37 $ 90 29 94 26 26 49 20 24 12 18 7 10 2 30 5 63 14 95 8 40 29 2 3 68 6 66 37 06 2 63 3 58 24 21 3 42 1 91 2 C3 3 55 Sttirpess. I). A.-S. 14 N'W. '4.W. Vi, SW. Vi See. 12. T. 2 N., R. U B. Summers. Robt.-E. W. 1st Add. II. it., lots 21, 22, block b 8ngger, Win. A - 15 acres In E. 4 W. Vi SW. li Sec. 6. T. 1 N., R. 13 B Swift. Mary J.-N. Vs B. V4 Sec 9 J. 4 S., R. 13 B.i Vi cre in Ptattville Svrl. Helle M.. N h NW. li Sec. 11, T. 2 N., H. 11 '' Tail, W. E.-NW. Vt See. 27. T. 2 X.. R. 9 K Talbot, (leo. B.-B. W. 1st Add. 11. it., lots 33, 34. block 2 Tavl..r, J. W.K. ". NW. li Sec. ::ii. T. 2 N., R. 10 B Tavlor. Eunice I.. Mil. Ad 1. -'.. lot J block 3 1.. See.' is! T. 1 N., H. K B ; los 4 5 6 7. 8: fraclioniil lots 1, 2, .1: 8. U K. '1 Sec. 8. T. 1 N.. R. I I 14 91 29 3 07 18 17 4 32 12 00 29 3 00 4 43 1.. . 1.' 1.. i' , nr '. 1. 1. A-i ..161 86 l:t H Tavlor. n.-C'-mrnenclii!? 76 45 rods E and i4 4-2(. rods 8. of l. (" No 8 16 mhIs, B. ID rods. n" lii'rinK W, 10 roiiH to begln r 1 N . It. 13 E.; liuins Add.' II. It-, '"t S. block 7.. 4 13 4 31 7 58 Tivlnr. J. 8 - B. 14 B. SB. Vi SB. .,81. -.6. T. 1 8.. It. 13 B Tavlor J. M.-MII Add. I . C, lots li ae.d II, block 2) Taylor Z.nk-NW. li W. 32. 1. 4 It' 17 E.: Improvements on . urovi nieiiis on L. Is ' r K 8.. It. 1. 103 41 10 89 21 70 37 85 9 53 Ti ,lir,ie. J. 1I.- 8B. 'i Fee. 4, T. 1 8., it. 1: ;:'"',',' Tl. II..0.I River Trailing ' , r,,.Hnal lots 1. 2, 1. 8. block A lining " Iw'S-n:uV: 1 '.tmmini Inir NK. H 252 feel. W. I' feet. N. ' t" ,. 10 feet. 8. 3" feel. K. I -". t- . , m , .sims 1. L. .. I. 1 --v. I' in c.l Thomrson. J. P. X. S 8W. , Sef. 34. T. 2 X.. R. 10 E : Mil. AJd. D. C lots , H. block 53 Thompson A Faiche L. A. D. C. lot 1. 2. block 21 Th..mps.-n. Oorg T. U RL Add. D. C. lot 7. block 5 Tiiiiraini.ii, Emma F A W. 1st Add. 11. R.. lots 1. 2. 3. 4. blmk 3.. Thompson. Wm. SW. V Sec. 2. T. 1 N, R. 10 E. Thurston. B. .H Hig Bl. Adj. l. C. lots 1, S, bliK-k 13 t Tihbetts. HvnryH. R. Park, lot 43, block 3 .7! .19 20 51 K 17 87 : 9 8 75 26 3 X 30 (5 75 14 20 7 59 1 90 4 42 Tti-man. A. H. Itts 14. 1.1. Sec. 1, I T. 1 N., R. ! E. : W. , NE. v4. X. SE. v X W. iv 8. 2 XE. V XW. 4 Sec. 22. T. 1 X., R. 10 E Ti mlin, n, H. H SE. V, Sec. 2. T. I X.. R. W E Troup. J. W. Commencing 8.W. corner of Rannell a lot. 8. 170 feet 10 alley, E. along allew 142 feet. X. lTO feet. W. 12 feet to begin ning. Ttev. Ad. U. C Turner. Alva I Beginning SW. corner SW. 4 along 8. side Sec. . E. 19.30 chain. X. 4 mile. W. 18.7s chains. S. to beginning. 8ec. S. T. 1 X.. R. 13 E Turrver. Oeo. Mil. Add. D. C, lots 1, H. block ,t I'dell. E. W. Beginning T chains west of southeast cunuT D. L. C No. 3i, south W chains, west 3 chains, north 10 chains', east 1 chains to beginning. Sec. X, T. 3 X.. R. 10 E I'ren. C P. SAW i NK. Vi Sec. 31. T. 7 S.. R. 15 E.: NW. v. XW. li 8e. 3. T. 8 S.. R. 14 E. : SB. l4 SB. Vi S.-C. 15. T. 8 8.. R. 14 E. ; SW t. SW. V. 8ec 14. T. 8 S.. R. 14 B 7 131 97 2 67 3 10 11 20 &8 I'rquhart. Andrew Mil. Add. D. C. lots i J, block 39 Van Arnam. Jane E. SB. Vi SE. V4 Sec. 13, T. 2 X.. R. 10 B Valguth. Mtarie W. SE. Vi SW. 1j NK. I NB. Vi SW. Vi Sec. 4. T. 1 3.. R. 10 E. Voogt. George W. E. & W. 1st Add. H. R.. lots 37, 38. 41. 4J, block 10.... Waldo, Clara H.. Helrs-XW. M SW. li Sw. 7. 3 N.. R. 14 E. : SB. NB. Vi NE. 'i SB. V, Sec. 26.1. 2 N R. 11 E Walker. Mary E E. & W. 1st Add. H. R., lots 21. 22. block 2 Walker. W. H. One lot In Pratt- ville. Sec. 14, T. 4 3., R. 12 E Wallace. Mrs. S. F. Ant., lot 1. block 2 Wallace, N. W. B. Add. Ant., lota I, 2, block 3 1 Walsh. Thomas N. 14 N. 14 Sec. 29. T. 2 X.. R. 15 K. : S. 14 NB. Vi X. Vj SB. Vi Sec. 20. T. 2 N.. R. 15 B. ; W. Vj SW. li Stc. a. T. 2 N.. R. 15 E Walsh. John-E. li SR. v, SW. Vi 8F.. Vi N V- Vi SW. Vi Sec. 33, T. 4 8., R. 13 E Walton. Margaret A NE. Vi Sec. 8, T. 1 S.. R, 15 E Ward. W. L.. Estate 8. H SB. H NK. li SB. Vi Sec. 0, T. IS., R. 14 E. ; N. 14 NB. Vi Sec. 8, T. I S., R. 14 E Walsh, J. W. SW. Vi Sec. 34. T. 1 N R. 13 E Ward. J. W. SW. Vi Sec. 12. T. 5 9., R. 12 B.; N. V4 Sec. 17. T. 5 ., R. 12 E Washington. Daniel 8. 14 SB. li Sec. 12. T. 1 N.. R. 13 B Waters & Rawson-S. V4 SB. li Sec. 22, T. 1 N., K. 13 E Watson. Jane A. Lota 15 to 20. In clusive, 33, 34. 43, 44, 4.1, 46, block 1: lots 41, 42, block 2; lots 5. 6, 23, 24, 27 to 32 Inclusive. 43 to 48 in clusive, block 3: lots 10 to 21 Inclus ive, 37 to 48 Inclusive. BTock 4: lots 1 to 20 inclusive, 25 to 48 Inclusive, block a; lots 11 to 18. 39 to 44 In clusive, block 6; lots 1, 2, 7 to 16. .15. 36. 37, 38, block 7; lots 1 to 22 27 to 48 Inclusive, block 8; lots 1 to 22. 33 to 41 Inclusive. 43 to 46 In clusive, block 89: lots 3 to 12 In clusive, 40. 46, E. & W. 1st Add. H. R block 10 Watson, J. W. E. & W. 2d Add. H. R., lots 11, 12. block 1; E. & W. Add. 'H. R., lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 0, 6. block 4; E. & W. 2d Add. H. R.. lots 1. 2. 13 to 44 Inclusive, block 5; B. & W". 2d Add. If. R.. all block 7: B. & W. 2d Add. H. R., lots 1 to 8, 42 to 48, block 8 Watson. Mrs. Esther S. Waucomti, lot 1, block D Watson . May O. Commencing northwest corner D. Ia C No. 37, cast KM feet, south 30.85 feet south erly along south line O. R. & N. track 1930.S feet, south 190'4 feet to north line of Waucoma. west to west line Waucoma'. south to state road, westerly along state road to west lino D. L. (.'. No. 37, north to place of beginning. Sec. 3 X., R. 10 E Watts'. Ermildla-iH. R. Park, lot 48, block 1 Watts. Mrs. Jessie-H. R., lots 1, 2, block 21 Watts, Lewis W. H. R. Park, lot 45, block 1 Wanlle, Marie H. R. Park, lot 4, block 3 Weberg. Annie E. SB. 14 XE. Vi Sec. 6. T. 1 X.. R. 13 E Wells. Warren NW. Vi XB. li, X. 14 SW. Vi NB. Vi. 8h 7. T. 2 N., Whealdon, N.--W. V4 8U. V4. 8. SW. li Sec. 34, T. 1 N., R. 10 E... Wheitdon Luclnda W. X. & O-. Add. D. t, commencing 60 feet 8. XW, corner lot 1. block 6. W. 2m) feet. 8. 70 feet, W. to B. line Mil. Add. 1). C, southerly 76 feet to N. line of lot purchased by O. D. Tavlor from Korten estate, southerly- 43 feet to W. line of N. & O. Add. D. C. N. 130 feet to begin ning, block 14 Wheeler, t'. 8. W. of that point 5 acres deeded by Prather to Duck. W. of state road, Sec. 27. T. b X., R. 10 E Wheeler. M. O.-SW. li Sec. 31. T. 2 N., R. 10 B Wheeler. J. L. E. & W. 2d Add. it. It., lot 4.1, block 5 Whltcomb, Oeo. F. H. R. Park, I'm 28, block 4; H. R. Park, lot 42, block 3 Whltcomb. Rertie nnd Belle H. R. Park, lot 39. blin k 3 Whltcomb. 'St. J.-Lot 1, Sec. 36, J T. 3 X., R. 11 B White, James-Mil. Add. I). C. lots It, C, block Wl. kens. T. B.-SW. li SB. ,. leas 414 acres d led by R. J. Lllls lit acres J. . Eastman, Sec. 33, T. 3 X. R. 10 B Wleks. Isabel W. 4 XW. ', 81 c. 27, T. 1 N.. K. 12 B.: SB. XF. i. B 8B. i. N'W. I4 SB. li 8w. 25. ' T. 1 X.. It. 12 E Wlekhnm. R. F.-N. li XW. '. SW. 1. NW. .. XW. SW. ', See. 8. 'f IS.. It 1? B. : NB. 'i SB. 1 See. 7. T. IS.. !'.. 12 B wickh am. Jnsper-W. !j XB. U Sec. 20, T. 2 X.. R. 10 B MaryIf. It. Park, lot 31. block 1 Wlitner, C. F. II. K. Park. lot 31, block 1 1-11.... 1,' f nnd B II. Clark NW. 10 20 29 S 60 26 60 1 90 36 83 8 40 11 50 16 80 23 00 24 46 8 80 17 94 20 59 8 70 90 95 00 26 20 90 26 26 2 30 4 10 9 10 35 50 1 02 9 IS 29 26 26 1 35 11 32 8 8:1 17 16 13 23 I 7 Ss 26 26 1, Sl. 'i Sec. ,:il. T. 3 X.. R. 10 B. Wlllard. Ieo. 8 -SB. 4 S.-c. 6. T. 2 8 , It. 11 E.: SB. 1 Sec. 5, T. 2 8.. It. 13 E 17 l'l 37 43 Willis .M 1 omm.enelrg XW. cor ner XW. 'i 8"C. ni, B. 10 l'. v o. .wagon road. B. along said road to a point midway between B. & . boundary llr.u of NW. 3 . X to N. Il of SW. !. . to bn glnnlng; also, beginning 18 rods N. of B. line of NW. U HW. 'i. on N. line of slale road. W. nlong said r. apt 16 rods. N. 10 rods. E. 16 rods. 8 in rods, all la Sec. 26, T. 3 .V, It. 10 B 6 96 58 71 WlllWon. W. A.-B. & W. 1st Add. It It. lot .-I, llloi K 11; l'.. v i. mi Add. II. H.. lots ;i to 42. block 6 Williams. W. I.-MI1. Add I. C.. lot I. block 1:1:: AIM. .nun. i'. .. lot t block 123 Williams. George Corrmenclng cen ter Mciion norm 10 cooiu.v nmn, smilhwest to In'erscctlng line be tween NW. V 8W. V, to beginning. Sec. 17. T. t N . R. 16 r.. . Mil. Add. D. C. l.. ii. It. block 51 4 46 William. Fred SE. XE. i K. , SB. 1. E. , W. , SB. V, Sc. 36. T. 1 X. Ii. 13 E IT 10 Williams. Mm. Violet Ctidivldeil oiio-ritih Int. XW. i S-. 24, T. 1 X.. R. IS E (65 WllliHk. K. U-H. K. Park, lot . block 4 26 Wilson. Mrs. R. J. Big HI. Add. L C. lot J. block 7 3 ii Wilson. Xorman-tMII. Add. P. C. lots J. K. L, block 13 i 25 Winans. Andutan Lot 1. XE. l NE. ' less part plattisl and old. 8'. b, T. 3 X.. m W E I 90 Winans. E. T.-X. 14 X. , Sec. 13. T 1 N.. R. E. : S. 1, SW. i4 N'W. SW. i Sec. 26. T. 2 N.. R. 9 E ... 16 64 Winans. W. A.-SE. i Sv-. 11. T. 1 X.. R. E. : SE. '4 SW. l Sec. liv T. I N. R. 10 E. ; 3. Waucoma. U 5, tlock A 21 95 Winans. Mrs. I Winans' Add. it. R.. block 1 50 Winans. W. It. SB. i XE. i4 Bee. 1, T. 1 X., .R. 9 E. : E. V SB. SW. Vi Sd. i Sec. 36, T. S X.. R. E 7 36 Winans. L. SW. 4 Sec. 13. T. 1 X.. R. 9 El t 75 Wlnthell. Vlrgll-B. 14 NE. U Nnv. U NB. 14 NB.i4 NW. 4 Sec. 19. TI X.. It. 11 E.: SW. t, SW, ii S. 4 SE. i4 SW. I Sec. IS. T. S XI, R. 11 E 17 43 Wlshart. G. M.-XW. Vi Sec. 32, T. 1 X., R. 10 E 9 75 Wlshart, J.-SW. li Sec, 33, T. 1 X., R. 10 E 73 Wlshrt, D. XE. 14 Sec. 32, T. 1 X., R. 10 E 13 13 Wolfran. Fram II. R. Park, lot 9, block 2 26 Wood, Rachael C Mil. Add. D. C. lot 9, block 40 1 78 Wood. Thomas J. E. A W. First Add. H. It., lots 23. 24, block 9.... 29 Wood. Alfred- SW. i Sec. 22. T. 2 X.,- R. 10 E 12 12 Wood. Henry Dufur Fourth Add., all block IS 10 65 Woodcock, II. F.-SW. Vi XW. l4 SB. Vi Sec. 16. T. 4 8.. R. 12 E. ; B. i SE. Vi 8. Vi X B. ii Sec. 17, T. 4 8.. H. 12 B.. J. A. PittttvUle.. 42 9S Woodford. Joseph A Son XW. Vi Sec. 14, T. 2 8., R. 12 E 17 68 Woodworth, G. I. Commencing 84 rod W. center Sec. 34, 8. 100 rods, W. 24 pule, X. li rods, E. 24 rods. Sec. 34, T. 3 X., R. 10 E. ; 8. V4 SW. 14 XW. Vi Sec. 24. T. 2 X.. R. 10 E. ; NB. Vi NB. l See. 21, T. 2 N.. R. 9 B. : undivided V interest lots 5. 6. 7, 8. Sec. 30. T. 1 N., R. 9 E.; H. R., lots It 2. 7. 8. block 8 248 12 Wright. W. J.-Dufur Fourth Add., all block 19 , 11 63 Wright, Beatrice H. R. Park, lot 23, block 1 26 Wright. Z. T. H. R. Park, lot 47, block 3 26 Wright, A. R. II. R. ParR, lot 46. block 3 ( 26 Young, B. T. 8. Vj SB. 14 SB. Vi Sec. 2-', T. 2 N., R. fo E. ; blocks 13 to 22. Inclusive: block 24, It. R. Park.. 4 06 Young. S. L. N. V4 N. Vi NW. li SW. li, Sec. 19, T. 2 N., R. HE., 2 55 Zachery, Albert-S. 14 NB. 14 NE. 14 SB. 14 Sec. 7. T. 6 S., It. 19 E 5 14 Zacherv. D. L W. '4 SW. 14 8 22, T. 1 N., R. 13 E. : SB. Ii SB. V4 Sec. 21, T. 1 N.. R, 13 E 12 54 Zyback, John-Thomi). Add. V. C, lot 5. block 2 4 05 Sheriff's Assrssment. Tunnv, J. D. L. Add. Ant., lot 11. block 1 30 22 Sutherland. James That part of 5 acres deeded! George T. Prather to Buck N. of state roud, Sec. 27, T. 3 N., R. 10 E 29 Vorhees, Charles Commencing 21.69 chains W. of li corner between Sees. 6, 7, S. 43 rods 19 links, E. 88 rods 6 links, N. 1 rod 23'4 links northerly to beginning. Sec. 7, T. 2 X., R. 11 E 3 72 Burger. J., and Rowlnnd, O. W. Commencing SW. corner 8'W. li SB. Vi Sec. 33. T. 2 X.. R. 13 E.. E. 490 feet, N. 12 degrees. E. 1M0 feet to Intersection 8. line lot 9, W. to SW. corner lot 9. S. to liegin . ninir. all in Methodist Mission claim 7 10 Stanfels, Maurice Iillewtlde, lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 19 to 24, Inclusive, blink 2.. 4 75 Harlan. Thomas-H. V4 SW. Vi SW. Vi SB. Vi Sec. 2, T. 2 X., R. U E... 9 70 Xesson, Peter W. k SW. Vi Spc. 30. T. 2 N., H. 10 B. : XW. Vi Sec. 31, T. 2 X., R. 10 B 16 CO Akin, Doc L. A. Al. - C lot 10. block 5 13 33 Tiylor, F. P. W. 14 SW. Vi Sec. 7. T. 1 X., it. 14 is liU Rinllgan, Patrick XW, li XW. Vi SW. Vi Ree. 36, T. 8 8., R. 17 E... 14 30 Underbill, James. Heirs Lots 4, 5. 6. 7. Sec. 6, T. 2 8.. R. 13 E. 9 14 Jones, Amunda J. Lots 1, 2, 3, SE. 14 XE. Vi Sec. 1. T. 2 8.. R. 14 E.... 7 36 ShnltE. Sanford 8. 14 SB. 14 SR. Ii SW. V, Sec. 34, T. 8 S., R. 15 E 8 13 Lylc. Wm.-SB. Ii NB. H NB. v4 SB. 14, lots 1, 2, -3. Sec. 22, T. 7 8., R. 11 K 16 67 Falmer. August Mil. Aid. D. C, lots C. I. block 41 7 10 Reno, Pauline SB. Vi NB. li NE. , 8B. V, Sec. 16, T. 2 X.. R. 12 E. : Mil. Add. 1. C, lots K, L, block lot... 8 03 t'lrlch. Mrs. K. Bellevue Add. 1). C, lots 3. 4, 3, block 2 do Mt-Cormack A Catis '4 Interest commencing NB. coiner lot now owned by John Cates 011 8. line Al vord avenue southerly to alley, I,. D. L. ('., northerly to 8. line of Al vord avenue, westerly to beginning Kinney, Peter W. 14 XB, 'i E. Is NW. Ii Sec. 28, T. 4 S. R. 12 E Shackelford. Wm. Trev. Add. D. C.. point off block 9: Mil. Add. D. C. lots A, II. C, 1, B. block 23: lots A, H. K. L. block So: nil blocks 31, 53. S6; lots A, V.. C, 1. B. F, block 71: lots A. II. C. 1 1. E. F, block 82; lots A, U. block 72 1 77 8 82 68 24 Shackelford, Mrs. R. 8. Mil. Add. D. (., all blocks 4.1. 44: lots 1, 11. I, J. K, L, block 71: D. C, lot 3. block 6. 62 13 Sharp. E. F.-8W. , W. v XW. 'i SB. it NW. 'i 81c. IS, T. 1 N., H. 14 !:.; I Mar III. Add. l. C. lots 1", 11. K, block 8 Sharp. B. F. E. 14 SB. '4 XW. H. 'j SW. Vi Sec. 13, T. 1 X.. R. 13 B Sharp. Mrs. I'. F.-BIg Add. I). C, lot I. block 8 Sharp. F. 1 1. Fractional XW. 'i Sec. 12, T. 1 N It. 13 B Sharp. P. T B. v. XW. '4 Sec. 19, T. 1 X.. It. II lf. ' 46 33 20 31 ' 10 IS 9 63 71 33 Stephens, V'liarles T.lf-k Add. 1. C, lots 11. 12. 13, block 4 Vatise, Klmetice Gates Add. D. C, part Ids 1. 2. 3. block 12 Ward. Samuel I'.-N. '? X W. X. 56 SO j NB. ! Sec. 1.1, T. 2 s.. it. 11 1:.: I. SW. ' 8. ' E. Sec. in. T. 2'S., It. 11 B.:"S. '., SW. ', 8. i3 SIC. U S c. 11. T. 2 8., R. 11 I-:.: commencing p ilot "1 chains B. of NW. corner of D. Bolton's Ii. I.. C No. :!7. T. 1 S. I!. It E.. N. 6.'iJ chains. W. 7 chains to corner Sees. 2, 4. 9, M. B. 1-' chains. 8. 0 d gn.'i 15 minutes 40 ciiains, W. 11 chains " links 0 decrees St ni I ti nt e-.", W. 40 chains, lieirinning where the E. line between Si es. 3. 4 crosses W. line It. Helton's I . L. V.. P'tld point being t.Mi feet N. 8W. coriit r of said S. c. 3. B. alonsr N. line said rl.iiin liC'l t- i t. N. isi feel, W. 4-0 f-sl. X l'.ii degrei'S .12 mliullis, W. :a feet to seclion line iifiwii-n Si'cs. 3, 4. 8. 20 feet to be ginning "1 1" Ward, C.. W. Lot 4. .7. 'j XW. WV. SW. U NB. , Fee. 4. T. 1 8., It. 14 B : lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 7. XW. i4. 27 aires in P. I.. C. No. a;. See. 9. T. 1 8., R. It i:.: SW. 4 HE. !. SB. vt s. ,. 8ec. , T. 2 8.. It. 12 E. : NB. ',. XW. lot 1, Sec. 7; NB 4 SB. 'i. Sec. 5: N'W. i SB. i., W. Si NW. ',. See. 16, T. 2 8., 1!. 11 E. ; Dufui 's 4th Addition; ijl blm k 12 117 7,1 Want. F. W.-All D. I.. C. No. 39 W. of Set', line running between Sii's. I. 4, . Hi, T 1 8., R 14 r. : S. li R. 14 E.: lots 3. J. 8. U NW. V,! N H. I. X. 4 SE. . 8c. 8 T 1 Si 8w. 5; S. i. XW. i,. X. 4 SW. i.. NW. .. sk i. 8,,.. 11. T. 1 Si R. 11 E. ; Big ill. A.I.I. D. C; lot 7. s. bbn k 27 Wing. Martin-Tack Add. 1. C. lot . i. N. !tU block 12 72 1 10 65 PROSPERITY WILL H7.V. While it may be true that some of the big capitalists have prospere-i more than the masses of the people, which is unavoMablc under any ad ministration, it is apparent even lo the most caetml observer that the masses, ttio toilers, Hie working class es generally are lo proj?rou, re markably so as compared mith XS'JO; and it is certain that whatever the causes of this change, these prosper ous masses of all sorts of eople arc not going to vote next week for a change of administration, says the Evening Telegram. Many, perhaps mofct of llietp, really believe that the administration of McKinley has been the very fountain from which pros perity flowed forth in all directions over the thirsty and suffering but now smiling and contented land; and many others, whose faith will not carry them quite so far, are never theless content with present condi tions, and fear what might happen under a new and radically different administration. How can democrats have the assurance to talk of crmying Illinois, for example and what has happened there has happened throughout the country when the report of tho state" factory inspector, according to a Chicago piper, will show the fol lowing facts? Number of factories in operation in Illinois iu 1S93, one year after Cleveland became president... 2,'!G2 Number of factories in operation in Illinois in 1900, about three years after McKinley became president 17,845 Increase in number of factories in Illinois from 1893 to 1900. . . 15,483 Number of persons employed In the factories of Illinois In 1893 76,244 Number of persons employed in the factories of Illinois in i:O0.. 449,3 17 Increase in the number of per, sons employed in the factories of Illinois in 1900 over 1893. . . .373,073 Another comparison, between 1837 and 1900, is as follows: Number of factories in operation in Illinois in 1897 11,703 Number of factories in operation in Illinois in 1900 , 17,845 Increase in the number nf fac tories in operation in Illinois during the three years (sbotit) of McKinley 's administration.. 0,142 Number of perrons employed in factories of Illinois in 1897 270,271 Number of persons employed in factories of Illinois in 1900 449,317 Increase in number of persons employed under the McKinley administration 179,040 It is such ft record as this, seen and acknowledged everywhere, that even more than the power of the trusts and corporations and capital ists, will re-elect McKinley. Some of these have been too prosperous, perhaps, for the ultimate welfare of the countrj', but the "working class es" don't care much about that, so long as they are prosperous, too. Speaking to the Twentieth Century Club in New York, Bird t. Coler said : "Our government is not going to be converted into an empire. Looking into the horizon of our political future, there is no danger more remote than tic- possibility that the people will surrender their rights and powers into the bands of one man. We may, in time, create an empire of liberty, equality and prosperity ttiat will reach around the world, but while American manhood and love of freedom and Justice endure, it will remain an empire where every citizen is an emperor." Strikes occur under all administra tions, but under republican adminis trations the strikes are for higher wages and tho men generally get the increase demanded, l.tit under dem ocratic administrations the strikes are against reduction of wages, and the woiking men usually have to ac cent the reduction. Dog anil Pony Hhow. Prof. Barnes' famous doj? and pony show will be in The Dalles, at the Vogt opera boiipe, Monday November Clh. It is the best and most refined enter tainment fif its kirn!. It has twenty five Hireriur dogs and fifteen superb ponies, all of which perform en the etape; a!eo a trained lion and monkeys, which sd.t greatly lo tho pleasure of the entertainment, mskltig this show one that cannot fail to please. It is Inter sperred a't) with some clever feats in juggling by a Jar an-ee irlht. Clara A Falk's dm slock is new, resh and complete. LOCAL BREVITIES. TufMlijr Dmlr. Miis Lena Morrow, of Chicago, will be present at the Vogt opera houaa Thursday evening, Not. lit, and give a talk on the principles which the Co. Operative Juvenile Band represents. Those who hare joined or Intend to ally themselves with the football organi sation are requested to be to attendance at the armory on tomorrow (Wednesday) evening. Business of importance will be transacted. Word was received here today that . Rev. Robert Warner, presiding elder of this district, is sick at Lone Rock, Gilliam county, and unable to attend the "Forward Movement" convention that meets here tomorrow. A number ol farmers about G'enwood aregoin? Into the sheep industry. J. II. Hadley and son, Rove, have pur chased 300 fine ewes and will winter them on clover hay. William McGralh. has bought 300 and will wioter them at Mr. Chllder's plsce, near Columbus. Alva and Paul Kuhnhausen hare also purchased some sheep. The ministerial convention of the 'Twentieth Century Forward Move ment" of the M. K. church will hold its opening session in the M. E. church of tais city tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. The convention will hold over till Thurs day, Nor. 1st. Three sessions will be held daily, at 9 a. m., 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. There will be preaching at thu afternoon session tomorrow by Kev. G. R. Archer, of Fossil. A victim of the scarlet fever epidemic, -who maintained a strict quarantine till all danger of giving the disease to other was over, and who had plenty of time to look up the authorities on this dis ease, culls our attention to the fa:t that Webster, in harmony with all the med ical authorities In the world, knows no difference between scarlatina and scarlet fever. Webster defines scarlatina as the new Latin for scarlet fever, the French word for which is scarlatine. At a special meeting of the common council held last night the recorder was instructed to draft an ordinance provid ing for a rigid enforcement of quarantine against all bouses and theit occupants where scarlet fever is known to exist. The ordinance will fix a time during which scarlet fever patients must con fine themselves within the quarantinsd premises while convalescing, to as to prevent, if possible, tbe danger of conta gion at the very time when the danger is greatest. No qualified voter should fail to cast his ballot November Ath. Those who . have not registered may vote by secur ing six freeholders who will make tbe necessary affidavits as to the voter's qualifications, and tbe affidavits will be taken w ithout cost at the office of Hud son A Brownhlll, where the unregis tered voter will also find all the neces sary blanks. Affidavits may betaken at any time during office hours, and if left with the judges of election at tbe polls will be considered as proof of the bearer's qualifications as a voter. It is said that the editor of an es teemed Bryanite contemporary was complaining at the breakfast table the other morning about the lack of enthu siasm among his party in the present campaign, when the good wife looked up and asked ber spouse: "What's the matter with them, any way?" "Apa thy," replied the discouraged molder of public opinion; whereupon a bright little son, who was playing near by, anx- ously piped up: "Papa, will we have to be vaccinated again 7" The editor gazed despondently toward tbe floor, and an expression of deep gloom over shadowed ins face as lie replied : "No, my son, its too late; they've all got it." Reformation and mission festival at Ziou Lutheran church tomorrow evening at 7 :30. Rev. E. Mever, of Oregon City, will preach on "Missions," and the pastor of the church on the "Lutheran Church." This Is the second of a series- of sermons on the church of the reforma tion, and the object of the pastor in delivering these sermons is to acquaint his people better with tbe origin. strength and growth of the church to which they belong. If you wish to know what the Lutheran church really is, what relation she sustains to other I'roteetunt denominations and what doctrines she holds, attend tho services tomorrow night. We cordially invite everyone to come. W.Brenner, pastor. It will be of interest to a large num ber of Dalles people who own summer residences at North Beach and Ocean Park to learn that at a recent meeting of the new board of directors of tbe I. R. & N. Co., hold at the headquarters of the company at Ilwaco, preliminary arrange ments were nude for the booming of the beach fjt next summer. With the O. R. it N. Co. back of it, the beach will be widely advertised next year and weekly excursions eiven from points In Oregon, Washington, Idaho and oilier (tales on its line at redncnl rates. This means improved transportation facilities, cheap fares, and shorter time in tmkin! tbe. beach from inland points. Heretofore North Beach has depended principally on Portland for p-.itionnjte. Under tbe new order of things It will ta; theentire Col u ml la river basin and other sections beyond it. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke A Falk. ll E.