The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 31, 1900, PART 1, Image 4

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The Weekly Gbronicle.
Tilt ItllLKS, ... - - OKKOON
'M''i.icf in ta o-fiurM, vu Wtdnetdayt
ft id S tl'trdiiut.
Northwest, bet which inee the com
pletion of the locks has become as staid
and sober as church yard, had a
romance the other day that" broke the
dull monotony of the place. The star
actors were a pretty but lone anJ de
fenseless girl from Bridal Veil and a
ouple of Portland drummers who n
seined the role of knights-errant and
carried eff the girl while she was under
the spell of her cruel master, an itinerant
BY HAIL. roeTACi rajifiiD. IK advasci.
Ou.yiar 11 " I hrnnnliil anil nnosi Vi' v. Ri the hv DDOtiSt
x n.oiitv. "o I r ' ' " . ...
?t io..;.iiii. W subsequently claimed, under the addi-
i'n rr.ea reuaonaMe. anI known tional SDell of Cascades beer. The lady's
A lveri
Oil Mlililicull'tn.
iiHrn. Hi) conmnnlcationi to "Tilt' CHRON
K Lt," 1 ae iiailc, o.vgou.
rescuers conveyed her to the railway
station, but unfortunately for theru
selve?, took her trunk along, and at
this point the romance ended, for the
hypnotist, under the claim that the
trunk contained sundry articles of wear,
ing apparel belonging to bis wifo, had
the knights arrested and indicted for
larcoy before the local justice. The
wind-up was a fane in which the justice
I t ..!.-.! ..... ... t'tnn
Mitchell has taken ", l,uu l" -y.
; Irom Ms Accoraing to me
hypnotist' own story he subsequently
j redeemed himself by takii.g the girl
home to her parents.
J Monday a Vvi'.y.
A uiarrhige license was iss;ied to.'ay to
Wir.zl Borde and Louise Wellenbrook,
of Camas Prairie, Wa;h.
Saturday a liaily.
Dr. Sanders, rooms 1 and 2, Chapman
b.oeic. tf
The ladies of the Christian church !
will serve lunch on election night. Fur-i
t her particulars later,
Senator John H
the stump for McKinley and Ifoosevelt,
and will w in I up the cimpaiga at Hepp
ner November 5th.
A mn in F jiso offera to wa.'er 2 to 1
:;nd $'JvX on each of the following i ropo-1
sUions: That Cryan will not carry Lis j
own precinct, city, county, stat'i or
United States, and ean pet no takers of!
the bet. ' j Remember the Co-operative Brothpr-
W. C. Hal! and Delia McCoy were'bood Juvenile Band Thurs Jay evening
united in marriage this forenoon. Octo- j at the Baldwin opera house,
ber 27th, at the residence of the bride's j i,jn Charles B Moores will speak in
mother, this city, Rev. U. F. Hawk cfii tl)e interest D McKinley Hi:d Roosevelt
ciating. The young couple li ft thin af-1 at vmic Friday, November 21, at 7 p.
tsrnoon on a wedding trip to Portland, j IU
Rev. Ray Palmer, of Portland, will ( Win. Cramer and May Wolfe, of this
epeak in the interest of the prohibition : citV( were united in marriage Satnrdav
party at the court house Friday evening, j t.venine. Oct. 27th. bv Justice Timothy
advertently and unintentionally done to j
Attorney F. V. Wilson, as the wording I
of the paragraph could without violence
be construed to mean that he was re.
sponsible for the error. The truth is,
Mr. Wilson was not called in the cae
till the question of error had been raised
in the court, and then, after reading the
notice, be advised the petitioners that
the objection of the opposing counsel
was well taken.
Dave B. Levis' big production, "Uncle
Joah Spruceby," will be the offering at
the- Vogt on Saturday evening, Nov. 3J.
The Chiciga Daily Journal comments as
fo'lows: "The comedy drama, 'Uncle
Josh .Spruceby,' drew two immense
crowds jesterdav to the Bljju, and the
standing room only sign had to be dis
played. 'Undo Josh' keeps the audi-j
enre smiling throughout the perform
ance, and the company ot tiiiriy-nve
people is excellent. Up-to-date special
ties aad pretty musical numbers are in
troduced during the action of the play.
The cast is a capable one. This is the
fourth time this popular production has
been seen at the Bij u, and if the ap
proval of the audience is any indication
It will be seen here many more times."
November 21, at 8 o'clock. A number
of appropriate musical selections by the
best local talent U part of tho program
of tho evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Teaaue, lute of this
city, are now located on the Little
Klickitat, a couple of miles below Gold-!
endale, where Mr. Teague U making
preparations to co extensively into
chicken rsising. Mr. Tefitfue thinks he
can mike money in the business by
A special meeting of the common
council will be hell tonight to take
steps to maintain a more rigid quaran
tine against icarlet fever.
i Arthur (J. Pierce anil tna Davis were
united in marriage yesterday at tho res
idues of the bride's mother on Fourth
street, Kev. W. Clifton officiating.
The silk quilt that ha? been on exbi-
shipping his chickens to The Dilles ; j bition ir. the window of Judge Blake
ttiat is to say, as long as they command j ley's ding store for some time will be
anywhere near the price they hava done ! rafilad off tonight, Oct. 29th, at S o'clock,
for years in this market. j Mr aD(, Mr(J w L Vanderpool, of
Two tramps, who give their names as j Dufur, were in town today on their way
William Donovan and William White, : home from a two-weeks visit with Mr.
were arrested yesterday by Marshal Vanderpool's brother-in-law, Mr. G. W.
Driver nn the charge of having stolen a
bundle of blankets belonging to John I
Dickinson, a stock buyer, from the rear j
end of a catoo;e in the yards at the East '
End. The blankets were found beside
the men as they eat at a camp fire in the j
Carey, of North Yakima.
While working on the Brown wood-
bottom north of the Wasco warehouse.
The men claim the blankets were
brought to the place where-tbe marshal
found them by another man. Up to
press time Dickinson had rot appeared
to prosecute or claim the blanket!, so
the men will probably ba turned loo-e.
The entertainment given by Miss Jen
kins las. n:ght at the Baldwin under the
auepioce ot the ladies of St. Paula
church, and assisted by local talent, wag
very greatly enjoyed by an unusually
larg9 and appreciative audience. The
previous appearance of Miss Jenkins be
fore a Dalies audience had caused ex
pectation to 'un high, and it was more
than gratified. All who were present
agree that a more delightful evening hag
seldom been spent in The Dalles.
Hon. A. S. Roberts has sold his home
band of 1200 head of Merino stock sheep
to Bogart & Beckley, of Lane county,
and the lot will be shipped by boat to
Portland In the morning. Times have
greatly changed since nearly all the
4 aheep in the Inland Empire came from
the Willamette valley, now that valley
ebeepmen come here to stock np. The
price received by Mr. Roberts wag $3.25
for ewes and yfarling wethers and $2.10
f or lambs.
A prominent physician of this city
asks The Ciibomclb to call attention to
a fact admitted by every physician of
any standing in the world, namely, that
ecarletina and scarlet fever are one and
the same disease, the only difference
being one of degree. The importance of
this suggestion will be admitted when
it is said that, according to common
report, unrestricted egress is bad, by
children and otheis, to housea in this
city that are quarantined for scark'l
fever, under the pretensa that the ail
ment is "only ecarletina," and therefore
not contagious.
Tho plea of a child for more animal
stories has induced Rndyard Kipling to
add to his seiies of funny "Jnt So"
talcs which have appeared in The Ladies'
Home Journal. Aflerthe famous author
had published tho last of that series
there was a fl jod cf It-tiers came to the
J jurnal asking f ir more. One arnorg
these was addressed to Mr. Kipling
peronaliy , an 1 was forwarded to him 1
in England. It proved to he a lttr!
from i child who pleaded with the j
author to "give n some mote stories 1
saw lastSaturday the left hand of George
Rose came in contact with the saw,
which badly lacerated all the fingers and
nearly eevered the middle finger frou
the band. The injured band was at
tended to by Drs. Geisendorffer and
Logan, who hope to save ail the fingers
with the possible exception of the mid
dle one.
Martin, the 10-year-old eon of Rev. O.
D. Taylor, had the misfortune this
morning to break his leg below the knee.
The lad was coming to school on borse-
; back, and while passing under the flume
at the garrison the animal stepped on a
slippery 'plank and fell with the boy's
leg underneath. He was taken to Mr.
White's near by, where his Injury was
attended to by Dr. Lgan.
Recorder Gates had occasion to make
a trip up "Mill creek this morning, and
before going he tacked to the door of his
office a type-written card announcing
the fact and stating the hour when he
would return. Some' wag interlined the
card in pencil so that it read : "Gone
op Mill creek to gather mushrooms.
Leave your orders for them with J. II.
Jackson." The Chronicle has the honor
of applying for the first gallon, but is
not dead certain if it will ever get them.
Glenn Allen, son of Andy Allen, who
has been for the past year in the employ
of C. L. Phillips, has accepted a position
in one of the leading merchantile estab
lishments of Moro and will leave for
that place tomorrow. Glenn is a ycung
roan who is deservedly well thought of
by a 1 who know him here, and he goes
to his new home with the best wishes of
a host of Dalles friends and acquaint
ances. We have had fresh strawberries In
The Dalles market in limited quantities
with very little intercession for the past
two months and John Dalrymple
brought to town this morning, from the
Floyd place, samples of a second crop of
apples taken from a tree in the Floyd
orchard. They are of the Red June
vaiiety and are about the e!z3 of bantam
eggs. Mr. Dalrymple says there are
about a hundred of them on the tree.
"How about scarlet fever in the city?"
was Rked of a prominent physician this
morning. "It is increasing," was the
answer. "Why shouldn't It? Children
are allowed to attend the public schools
whilo they are scaling off, the most
dangerous period of the disease, so far
as contagion is concerned. It is never
safe to allow Ecarlet fever patients to
come in contact with others till from
thirty to forty days after the attack.
The physicians are in no sense to blame
for this laxitv. It is notorious that in'
many cases of members of families
in which there are ecarlet fever patients
make no hesitation cf going about their
business and mixing with other people.
In some cases the exempt children of
families in which there are well-defined
cases cf scarlet fever attend the public
schools as usual and no one seems to
care. If any objection is made the
answer is, 'Oh, well, it's only scarlatina
and won't hurt anybody.' In one case
I asked the pareuts of a patient why a
red Hag had not been put out as ordered.
The answer was, 'We have no red ma
terial to make cne with and the city, it
seems, is too poor to furnish it.' "
Frank Tyler, an employe of The Dalles
scouring mill, is the author of one of
the most powerful arguments that the
pending campaign has evolved on the
reasons why a free American should vote
for Bryan. Of the twenty hands em
ployed in the mill eighteen are repub
licans and two Bryanites. Frank is a
republican and, in that respect, as the
profane would say, a hot number. It
can be readily inferred that among a
lot of workmen w hose wages depend to
a large extent on the continuance of
SIcKinley prosperity political contro
versy should, once in a while, run high.
The other day Frank pinned tho two
democrats to one of the walls of the
mill and propounded the question:
"Come now, epeak out like men and tell
us why you are democrats?" "Because,"
said one of them, "because the demo
cratic platform becaose the democratic
platform because the democratic "
and there he stopped. "Just so," said
Tyler. "You are in favor of the demo
cratic platform because yea are in favor
of Bryan, and you are in favor of Bryan
because yon are in favor of the demo
cratic platform." If any Oregon Eryan
ite can give a better reason for the faith
that is in him The Chronicle would
like to hear it.
("This country has a hundred thous
and soldiers walking around In idle.
nees." W. J. Bryac.)
Walkinc uruniid In iJieness.
v herever Ifto : :
M.t tt;, the It.- with an i.:e might
'I hut never jet fcuve lautd.
I.jtvti.n. aii.l Liacuii). and irgji), Umi
iMpnm the lit i Nine
i-nt to tlit-ir dialli in ''i.llene!,"
AuJ ttu-ir "ialvurtu " i iriuGg.
Grant ari l Sherman and Sheridan
U hy fhouUl we call the rull :
T!n-r idlnl aar in the Mle tat
In nhu that tiiej the unl.
"waiting around in i'lien& '
Hravi:i4 the leadi-n bail:
Yt lial i.i th Klow of a nation a pride'.'
1 tiiut Lutau idle talc?
"Wlkin around in idleness,"
Over the lvain roaU:
SocrcLt-d and worn br the galling tun,
l.u1.::; ati tale hal.
Kitfliii'iK Willi IJIe eergr,
1 htvriaf Willi idle breath
Tin " k .iiy. witli i.i ie love, of borne,
And dying an idle death.
Private Smith, with an idie groan.
Cone to a home above;
Acd Idle tint mark the idle woe
And the idle niother'a love.
"vVH:kliif around in idleness,"
.awlh and 1 iM.uin, too;
lj-giona more will come idly when
'1 here aie idle dt.-da to do.
Baltimore American.
Fraley being alone secured his horse,
which he found feeding near by, and
with painful efforts succeeded In mount
ing hira and reaching home. On lues
day Mr. Frajev came to Djfur, when
Dr. Did Is set the broken limb and
made hla as comfortable as possible.
federal tiiautl Jury tiuater.
6tereoitlron View Will be Shown
ItufTalo and Thronthout the Kant.
Saturday' Daily.
Coroner W. H. Butts went to Portland
on the morning train.
Joe Leiter, of Bridal Veil, is registered
at the Umatilla House.
P. F. Walsh, of Antelope, is in town
the guest of the Umatilla House.
T. M. B. Chastain is registered at the
Umatilla House from Hood River.
Deputy Sheriff E. B. Wood and Jeff
Mosier, of Mosier, were in town today.
Henry Zweidler, of Tygh, wag in town
todav and made the ottice a pleasant
Uncle Billy Ke'siy came in yestprday
from his ranch near Shnniko and re
turned home on the noon train.
To an area of SCOUO rquare miles Ore
gon has a country population of 225,000
souls, or an average of little more than
two persons for every CIO acres, exclu
sive of cities. She has vas-t forests, that
cannot be depleted in hundreds of years;
extensive ranges for all kinds of stock;
rich mines that have virtually just been
opened; fertile valleys waiting for a
thousand homes; unlimited water
power for milh and factories; scenery'as
grand ai.d majestic as any ia the world
for daily contemplation ; a mild and de
lightful climate, free from sudden
changes and severe storms. In fact she
offers wealth, comfort and pleasure
through life to noble old age for all who
come to her adoption, and yet the in
troductory figures do not lie. As a com
monwealth we ne,ed capital, energy, en
terprise, an infusion of new and vigorous
blood into our citizenship to secure for
our state the development she merits.
Samples of our products exhibited at
various expositions compel attention
and favorable comment; but to turn
hither the ever-moving tide of immigra
tion, ( Oregon muet be presented as a
whole to those seeking homes and op
portunities. Encouraged by the approval and as
sistance of men ho know, there is being
projected for this purpose tn Oregon
free etereopticon lecture couree to repre
sent us at the Pan American (Buffalo)
exposition and subsequently to tour th?
East. A fine, comprehensive set of eter
eopticon views, supplemented by an
able lecture, will depict the state in all
its phases. This superb entertainment
will be given free of admission, but a
small revenue is intended to be raised
from the eale of Oregon scenic photos
and stereoscopic sets, as well as from an
artistic bto'xlet souvenir containing a
brief sketch of the lecture and various
Funds for developing this enterprise
will be raised by subscription, adjertis
ing and probably elate aid.
The improvement of a state secures
greater benefits for all within her bor
tiers. Therefore from selfish, if not
from patriotic motives, everyone should
assist this exhibit. Among its sup
porters are: Mrs. J. T. Dolph, Oregon
Com. to Paris; Hon. A. C. Marsters,
senator, Rosehurg; Hon. E. D.Strat
ford, U. S. Com., Roseburg; Hon. B. F.
Mnlkey, senator, Monmouth; P. L.
Campbell, president O. S. N. S., Mon
mouth; L.J. Hicks, commercial pho
tographer, Portland, and many others.
Trusting for the approval and mate
rial aid of citizens of The Dalles when
this matter is presented, I am
For the commonwealth,
Miss M. L. Scttox.
In behalf of the Oiegon free etereopti
con lecture exhibit.
The first grand jury list for the exclu
sive use of the United States circuit
court has been selected, and on it ate
the names of 1000 taxpayer of the state
of Oregon, who may be called upon some
time to act as jarors. The list is ex
pected to last several years and it may
be gome time bsf.ire the j-irars' rameg
who ay; tar will be drawn for the j'iry
box. Tn jjrors selected frxrtn Waco
county are: M. J. Anderson, black
smith; A. !5!!inger, capitalist; John
Bjnn, capitalist; Lean Ba.'gess, dairy
man; C. W. Die;zl, speculator; W, H.
H. Dufur, farmer; Wm. Frizzell, farm
er; J. E. Barnett, liveryman; S. F.
Blythe, editor; A. A. Bonney, dairy
man; Truman Butler, banker; Mike
Doyle, farmer; J. C. Egbert, farmer;
Harry Gilpin, farmer; E. A. Griffin,
sheepman; R. H. Guthrie, capitalist ;
L. Henry, former; J. L. Kelly, capital
ist; G. A. Liebe, capitalist; W. E.
Campbell, surveyor; Charles Green,
farmer; J. A. Gu'liford, capitalist ; C.
W. Haight, capitalist; R. B. Hood,
merchant; J. H. Johnston, merchant;
Frank Gebel, sheepman.
It is worthy of remark that among
the 1000 names there is only one editor,
S. F, Blythe, of the Hood River Glacier.
How he got there is a mystery, as edit
ors know too much to make good jurors,
as jarors go, and are raicly asked to
serve. What is almost as remarkable is
tlat there is onlv one Snith in the lot.
Senator Haana Had a Big Audience ig
Chicaso Everj Braoch of Mana
facturin? in the Country Would Be
Paralyzed byBrjaa' Election.
Ilenled 1 hat Hla Kroiher Murdered Mini,
Chicago, Ojt. 26. His "knll crushed,
bis tongue paralyzed an 1 his life ebbing
away as tho result of a blow on the head,
Frank Marshall insisted to the last that
he had fallen on the sidewalk arid that
bis brother John was not responsible for
his death. He died at St. Elizabeth
Hospital, conscious to the last.
1 For hours, Detective Schulz labored to
get an occonnt of the fight. He placed
paper and pencil in the dying man's
hands and asked him to describe the
cause of big wounds. But the Injured
man pushed them away and would only
say that he had fallen. He did not know
that his brother made a confession.
John Marshall, now accused ef murder,
is a stloon keeper. His brother Frank
came into the saloon and complained
that the bartender was wiping the
counter with an unclean towel. John,
the proprietor, interfered and told Frank
to mind his own business. Then the
brothers fought. George Joyco and two
others separated them. Joyce and his
iriemis men lett, out returning soon
afterward they found Frank Marshall
lying upon the floor with a bad wound
in his head. They took him to the
hospital. The police have a statement
from the'bartender, which charges John
Marshall with having struck Frank over
the head with a mopstick. The coroner's
jury said that It was from this wound
he died.
Later John Marshall made a full con
fession, but claimed that Frank had
struck the first blow.
From the Dufur Ilifteh,
Hoera I.nve Captured .lacubadal.
Caps Tows, Oct. SO. The Boers have
Jacobsdal, southwest of Kimberley, after
a ftubborn resistance upon the part of
the garrison, which consisted of a de
tachment of Cape- Town highlanderg.
The latter suffered severely, losing thirty
four out of fiftv-two.
A little commotion occurred Saturday
night at the Farmers' feed yard, when a
. 1 1... .. . ! .. ,1 r I
Bii'.-epuiAii hy iui wee uiu in uje leu
MiKi neighborhood, was found missing,
with every evidence that he had blen
stolen, lhe animal w as found yester
day on the range near his old home, and
about animals ; we enj yed your others t the owner ctn only account for his dia
very much. There is not much written ' appearance from the stable on the sup
that we little folks can enjoy, so please, j position that the boy who eold him,
dear Mr. Kipling, write something about rattier than hoof it home afoot, made
my pussy." The earnestness and sin
c;rity of the child apt eiled very strong
ly to Mr. Kipl n?, who is exceedingly
fond of litt'e folk, and he writes to'
the Journal saying that he is (.oing to
Paris, C.:l. 20. Dr. Leyds, Transveal
agent,' was questioned today with refer-
Preeident Km-
ge.r. Ho said :
"Most of the stories published on the
subject are Imaginary. Mr. Kruger will
land at Marseilles, and I f-hall go to
meet him.' It is not true that I have
seen M. Delcasje, French minister of
foreiitn affairs, or that I am in any way
arranging a riception, which will be
entirely in the hands cf the French
themselves. Nothing has been definite-
free t tdk? him from the stable when
I i - j I ! r 11
no one was .oomng, anu ..aving rmuen , ,IecMll(i a, ,0 t, ,ieUji. of Krugsr'g
him home, turned him out on the road. . T-llriiri r..t M. v. ., .
In a short paragraph in Saturday's , old man and not accustomed to co'd
' ruunvin f rennitlmr lhe rei-clion bv ! climate, so it is like! v he w ill Sojourn in
gran-that chil l' request even if he hag ,he conn,y cojrt cf tw0 potions for the neighbornood of Nice for tho winter,
to disappoint a'l his other friends. j ,.quor UcenM fronl ,he Mosier f)rccin(:t I have no reason to believe there is auy
The little town of Catcide Ixickg that ! oo the ground of a technical error in the J ground for the statement that Krnger
vtitl to be the liveliest rpoi in the 1 published notice?, an injustice was in-1 intendi to visit President McKinley."
Diad At Victor last Tuesday, Oct. 23,
Mr. E. B. Martin. Mr. J.J ar tin came to
Victor eleven or twelve years ago, and
was well liked and respected by all who
knew him. He leaves two daughters,
one son and several grand-children to
mourn his loss. His remains were fol
lowed to their last resting place in the
Victor cemetery by a large concouree ol
neighbors and friends.
F. W. Silvertooth, of Antelope, was in
town one day this week. Mr. Silver
tooth was in search of a couple of
"ehovera of the queer," w ho belonged to
a gang uf six counterfeiters who infested
Antelope during the fair last week and
succeeded in passing about $'00 in that
place. Four of the gang were arrested
before they could gi:t oway, the other
two were traced to Kingsley by Mr.
Silvertooth, where all traces of them
were lost. The spurious coin were of
the denomination of silver halves and
dollars and twenty dollur gold pi'cs.
A. V. Fraley met with a snrious reel
dent last Sunday. While going from
Kingsley to bis home, near that place,
bis horse I'll with him, throwing I.i in
so violently to the ground as to render
him unconscious for more than half an
hour. After coming to anil taking
stock of bis Injuries, he found that be
side several severe hrnires and contu
sions about the head and face, that his
leg was broken above the ankle. Mr.
Miner Oo to Work Monday,
Scranton, Pa., Oct. 20. There is great
rejoicing today all through Scranton and
the Lackawanna valley at the calling off
of the anthracite miners' strike. The
order has had the effect of stimulating
the companies which had not already
posted notices agreeing to advance wages
10 per cent to do go, and today the
Pennsylvania Coal bouopany sent out its
official notice to its miners at Dunmore ,
Avoca and Pittston. Liks action was
also taken by the Moosic Coal company,
and this evening will find the notice up
at every mine in the valley from Forest
City to Pittston. Fifty-three thousand
men and boys between these points will
therefore resume work on Monday.
Today the mining companies have
forces engaged getting the mines in shape
for resumption on Monday. At the minis
all the sidings are filled with cars and
the shipments of coal are certain to be
large before another week ends.
Olorlona Nwa.
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes:
"Four bottles of Electric Bitters has
cured Mrs. Brewerof tcnftila, which had
caused her great suffering for years.
Terrible sores would break out on her
head and face, and the beet doctors
could givo no help; but her cure is com
plete and her health is excdlont." This
shows what thoinands Imvu proved,
that Electric Bitters is the best blood
purifier known. It's the supreme
remedy for etzjma, tetter, salt rheum,
ulcers, boils and sores. It
stimulates liver, kidneys nnd- bowels,
exoels poisons, helps digestion nnd
builds up the strength. Only 50 cenls.
Sold by Blakeley Duggia. Giiaran-
Chicaoo. O.-t. 20.-The Auditorium
was filled tonight with an immense audi,
enre brought together to hear Senator
Hanna and Senator Barrows, of Michi
gan, nnder;the auspices of the republi
can railroad employes of Chicago. The
audience was to a large extent corn
posed of railroad men, and the chairman
of the meeting was L a Brown, a;ent of
tho Chicago, Burlington !t Quincy raiU.
road. Unbounded enthusiasm was main.
Bested thronthout tho speeches, nd
large crowd unable to find room in th
Auditorium was entertained by local
orators on the lake front. An elaborat.
display of fireworks followed the clo-eof
the meetings.
After making a3.briefspeech in the
open air, Senator Hanna entered tba
Auditorium near the close of Mr.
Burrows' address. He was given a
generous rotmdiapplause, and when
he rose to epeak tbej.'audieuce cheered
for eevrral moments.
"This is the greatest object-lesson in
coercion," said Senator Hanna, "that I
have ever seen, I am in sympathy with
the men gathered here, even if they are
here ooderjorders, as has been charged
by the opposition. But I think the only
coercion they have had is the coercion of
their own consciences. I saw the presi
dent and told him about this meeting to.
night, and he eends greetings to the
loyal railroadjmen of Illinois.
"Now imperialism and other coiiateral
issues in this carnpaignVire only designed
to bewilder and mitilead the voters. It
iaau insult to the intelligence of the
people to think that they do not know
and understand the'questions hich af
ter t them so directly as those which are
paramount issues in this campaign. In
sheer desperation Bryan has abandoned
the real issues and has descended to the
low planeof a demagogue, and is making
his apptal on the issue of class against
class. This ia an admission of defeat.
"If the business men thought there
was a possibility of Mr. Bryan being
elected, you wouldjsee such a paralysis of
business as was never known.
"As to the question of truats, Bryn
does not know what a trust ie, and has
advanced no arguments as to the proper
way to suppress them. Bryan claims
that every manufacturing institution in
the United States that controls large
interests is a trust. He says his remedy
will be to put upon the free list every
product cf every Industry in a trust, if
he has the power to do this, except ia
the case of tho ice tru-tt and the cotton-
hale trust. If this was done, every
branch of manufacturing in the United
States would be paralyzjd. The reeult
would be no revenue to the government,
and therefore direct taxation would be
the only method of raising the expeouei
of the government.
On Itoad to Itecovery,
Ai.uaxv, Oct. 28. Miss Lulu Jones,
who was assaulted at Jefferson by Clyde
Vaughn, is improving, and the doctors
think she will recover. This afternoon
she was fully conscious, und wanted to
sit up, but was not (permitted to do to.
Both of her eyes are swelled shut, and
the danger is from the inflammation, Dr.
Hawk, wno Is constantly by her bedside,
thinks that she will recover.
Hawmi!l;Shott or Laborer!.
.Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 26,-The mill
and factory inspector of this city ejs
that wages in tba gawm.lla of the state
are from 10 to 12 per cent higher than
they were at the time of his last report,
and that in other Industries wuces are
also higher. The scarcity of loborersis
well Indicated by the failure of the hop
growers to secure enough men to harvest
their crop. They were c impelled to on
an nnuiually largo number of women
and children, nnd Jape were taken into
yard for the first time, 'the fawmm
have appealed, through anSHaetern rail
road, for moro men, guaranteeing woik
for the entire year.
The Aetlia or !nat
Is envied hy all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and liver are out of order. All
such should know that Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the wnnder.'ul stomach and
liver remedy, gives a siilond'.d mnuiiu At the tounlar miMm ry
sound dig. stion and a regular bodily 1 Campbell A Wilson can be found
iiaimtiiai insures perfect health and
Kidi energy. wy i ci ntg Bt
drug store.
Ktrurk a Tenrlier., Oct. 20 A young I1(ii'B
named Samuel Jackson, a pupil ' i
Salem Indian Trniniiitf School, at die-
mawa, wag arreet-d and brought before
Justice O'Donald yesterday on a charge l
of Uriking Mis E. M. Kuaeop, hedl
teacher at the echool. H? was rt firfj
I iv. hut Uteri
iilt-lillL'ti I vj j(cni mit -.- .i
changed his mind, pleaded
.... I T,i iti'faUlt 01
wan nncu f-u aim i'"'" .1
the m n y o liqu dat,', he will scive HI
time In the county j til.
The fuels are that Miss H(un corl
tV - m
j reeled the vou ik ma.i for some m-
" ....
in the school, which madfl him "' ' 'l
- i!.. i.. i...... i... r.,!i.iuiil her 111
inni n iiuiu lait-i ii" ,
.i u I, or In the I""
nuuuiri lu 'in, nmii . i
. i. - i . i . i. i i- r .i u .,1 k i nc ,e I 1 1
me ntnu miLii in" in'i "
i.i rlort I
, ... . i ....... i nu irinin
ill a . .
uiarxe raik have n ea,e a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
laloar. tl.lnua in itreet Ir.W,
hats, children's school hats, and
n oc t
Clark A Falk'g drug
teih arid complete.